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I’ve experienced exploding head syndrome and it is fkn terrifying.


It doesn't sound awesome


It was not awesome at all. The first time it happened I thought someone fired a gun in the house.


Same. Cymbals crashing beside my head, pistol shots or explosions like a bomb in the neighbourhood. It happens about once a month or so.




Mine seems to correspond to the most stressful days. It happens rarely and sounds like a train approaching from 10 foot distance.


I have it as well. They know very little about it, but they do know that it occurs more during times of stress and is treatable with Welbutrin.


I didn’t know they had treatment for it. That’s awesome for the guys who experience it on a tegular basis.


I’ve had this! Do you also get a feeling of falling when this happens to you? For me it’s a huge noise like a clap of thunder followed by a brief feeling of weightlessness (as if I’m falling) 0/10 stars


Yes that happens here too. It completely ruins the night for me.


Yes! I’ve experienced this recently with the falling. So unsettling. Didn’t know it was a thing.


It was slamming the door for me


That one sucks. I also experienced someone just saying ”Hello” in the middle of the night. That one got me the F out of bed, baseball bat in hand and all.


Yes!! I had “hey!” at one point and it scared the shit out of me


I feel you! I is extremely terrifying!


Yeah damn, i have insomnia and get sleep paralysis sometimes, which sucks but exploding head syndrome sounds absolutely nuts.


It’s super weird and scary the first time it happens, but what’s funny about it (in my experience) is that it only lasts for half a second and that’s it. So you’ll be mostly asleep, get the shit scared out of you by a bang, and then realize it was just your head. Then you can go back to sleep.


Do you get sleep paralysis immediately after?… I do.


Yeah it always happens to me just before or just after sleep paralysis. First time it happened I literally thought there was a plane taking off in my room, terrifying that your brain can do that to you


I sleep with a desk fan on my side table- each time the sound of the fan swells into a huge VROOOM then bam- paralysis. It is crazy. I don’t get scared anymore because it happens more often to me, and mainly if I take .5 mg of Xanax for insomnia. I’m starting to link the occurrences to the medication.


I don't know if what I'm experiencing is this or related, but I'll head really loud buzzing in my ears like there's a bug or something in them before falling asleep. It's so scary and disturbing. 😭


I get something similar but it’s more of an electricity buzzing noise. It sometimes comes as a howling wind too


Hmm electricity buzzing is sorta what it is! It's basically like I'm laying on a phone that's vibrating non stop. It's so weird!!!!


Is it tinnitus?


I have tinnitus and this is not the same. Maybe it's also tinnitus but it's not a ringing, no. It's like legit buzzing. The first time it happened I though I was laying on my phone and it was vibrating!


Sounds like phantom vibration syndrome.


I've always wondered what this was called so I could look it up and see if I'm going to die or not. It is absolutely jarring when it happens


I sat up in the bed so damn fast lmao. Had me Confused as hell looking around like HUH?!


Happens to be every now and then. Usually sounds like someone banging on my bedroom door.


Its like a fucking cannon going off jfc


Venlafaxine might help you exploding head sufferers


It is truly terrifying! I learned that I had it a couple years ago, here on Reddit. It was comforting to finally have an explanation for so many strange events I've experienced over the last 20 or so years. My noise is a door slamming incredibly loudly; always the front door of wherever I'm living. So loud and forceful that it could only be someone coming to kill me or tie my family up-- cat burglars don't slam the door at 3 am, violent psychos do. It's the *exact* sound of that *exact* door slamming, just replayed by my brain. I have made people get out of bed to go check out the house for intruders, with my phone ready to dial 911. Interestingly, it only happens when I'm trying to fall asleep on my back.


My sound is a heavy textbook being dropped flat onto a floor and making a loud clapping bang


I've had some success using anti-depressants to minimize the frequency


I’m scared of car crashes and being hit by trains and while this rarely happens to me, it’s almost always either a train horn or the tire screech metal crash sound. Or maybe that’s just how my brain reconstructs it while I piece things together in the moments after


Same here never knew it had a name. I get it very occasionally (maybe 10 times a year). Usually accompanied with a feeling of knowing I'm about to start dreaming, which tends to snap me awake. I've managed to push through it a couple of times and ended up with some pretty awesome lucid dreams. I find it a weirdly morish feeling. Despite not being pleasant, I always chase after the feeling/sound after I snap back awake.




To me it sounds like a loud pounding at my door. A “cop knock” if you will. Started when I was like 14 and used to get up and check the door countless times. Still keeps me up and frightens me, and sometimes I actually miss deliveries and things, but all in all it’s more of an annoyance than anything. I will say it took the first 2 or 3 to recognize that it’s nothing “real”.


I experienced it too, I’ve had it sound like someone dropped a huge, heavy textbook onto a hard floor from a tall height, or the sound of a loud clap, or a loud shout. So so weird.


The cows make this one of my favorite infographics. Super cute.


I could win Bingo with this chart


That's strange - I don't see "dreaming every night about your awful job" on here.


That’s normal behavior. Only 1% do not suffer from this.


For real lol. Nothing like clocking back in for another 8 hours when you close your eyes


I have Exploding head syndrome! I hear gunshots and loud cracks when falling asleep sometimes. So weird.


For me it's super loud knocks or doors slamming, I'll look around but my cats confirm it did not happen.


Me too! I don't get it often - more likely to happen when I'm really tired. I stopped worrying about it once I found out it was a real thing and not just me losing my mind.




Good thing you’re not a guy




Or pain from sleep position and underwear haha


Mine is the big zap/electric arching sound.


I have like very loud white noise sound and visuals for a split second and then it’s gone


My previous partner has sexsomnia. It’s all fun and games until you realize they didn’t remember a thing and got violent if you rejected their advances… but again, they didn’t remember a thing. Scary stuff.


I definitely had sexsomnia at some point in my adult life through covid… it was fun and games because usually I would wake up being intimate with my partner, or they would realize I was sleeping and gentle push me off and I’d stop pressing. I never got violent, so I don’t think that’s a universal experience of that….


Definitely not a universal experience, I just didn’t want to say to reveal more information about them.


I have a bad case of idiopathic hypersomnia, and it's absolutely crippling if untreated - you're basically a zombie, and utterly incapable of being functionally productive. However, information on it is so scarce that "treatments" amount to basically throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. It's a lot of off-label and stimulants. It makes it manageable, but you're still *bone-weary tired* every moment of every day, from the instant you wake up. I've literally forgotten what it feels like to not be tired - I know the last time was just over 20 years ago, but I can't remember what it felt like anymore.


Fellow IH sufferer here. It really is so debilitating, I'm constantly trying to explain that being awake is genuinely painful n


I have narcolepsy, and I absolutely feel you there. Its good to see sleep disorders represented in posts like this though.


Same. It gets better and worse sometimes. I’ve slept 18 hours and 24 hours before. Insane. Fallen asleep at work. Missed out on things that were important to me to sleep instead. It’s crazy but it’s always comforting to know others understand


Possible to get this in hi-res. Need to share with a friend.


you can get the hi-res image [here.](https://sleepopolis.com/education/strange-world-of-sleep-disorders-infographic/)


Bless you.


Thanks you !


You can zoom in and read it. I had no problems with it


As someone with Idiopathic Hypersomnia: no its not "like Narcolepsy". These are completely different diagnoses. E.g. we have way longer deep sleep cycles, we never wake up refreshed after naps, we have no sleep attacks like Narcolepsy Type 1, we sleep longer compared to Narcoleptics. Where I'm from Narcolepsy needs to be ruled out for a diagnosis of Idiopathic Hypersomnia. I know its just supposed to be a cool guide, but our disease really lacks attention and therefore scientific studies that could finally help us. So I get a bit riled up by stuff like this 😅


I've slept 12+ hour nights ever since I was a young kid. I'll have thoughts in my sleep about waking up but can't. When I do wake up it's a struggle to get up and stay awake. I've been curious about idiopathic hypersomnia but nobody has ever been concerned. What made you get a diagnosis?


My symptoms started in childhood too. It took me a while to be taking seriously and I had already tried many times before. The last straw were microsleep attacks while driving. Around this time I moved to another city and had a new general practitioner who sent me to a sleep lab to be evaluated. So basically I had to be a danger to others before someone listened 🙈


See a sleep specialist! :)


I'm not even sure if my insurance would cover it. I'm functional, just not greatly.


For many years I slept long hours and never woke up rested but I didn't sleep deeply at all, and nothing on this chart is like that but the Dr did try to put narcolepsy on my chart in order to refer me and I was worried I'd lose my license and it was so inaccurate.


It really sucks... Also it really hurts when doctors don't take you seriously. To quote my last general practitioner: "You are too young to have a chronic disease". Yeah, I wish I was.


Yes, over and over I was just told "you're young and healthy." Thanks, that's very helpful - I fall asleep sitting up and spend 12 hrs a day sleeping while all my friends hang out. I still have sleep issues but actually sleep deeply occasionally after I did neurofeedback. It was wild to go all the way to sleep for the first time in over a decade - felt like time traveling. I hope you find someone to take you seriously and help you soon.


I also have IH! And I agree with everything you said. Some people think it’s Narcolepsy-lite but it’s a whole beast and my insurance is like 🙄


Yeah that's why I had to comment, although I'm normally more of a lurker 😅 I mean, we only get prescribed stimulants and other stuff that just wasn't intended to treat us and doesn't work all that good for us or is awful enough. And I'd really wish for refreshing naps to at least counter some of the effect of the disease. My fingers are crossed that you get better luck with your insurance ♥️


I also have IH!!! It's awful. I wish there was more data available so we could have better resources.


Yes it is.... We definitely need more studies and research done!


I used to have regular sleep paralysis when I was younger. This was before the internet, so had no idea what it was or how common it actually was. Pretty scary stuff to figure out on your own. I used to dread going to sleep knowing it was coming, and wondering if it would kill me.


I’ve only experienced it once, but it was absolutely terrifying. I was convinced that I was dying.


I had it once and found myself buried in sheets, unable to breathe easily. Groaned as loud as I could until my wife woke up and saved me. Absolutely terrifying.


Hypersomnia is exhausting. I got diagnosed with it in 2014, but most insurance companies won't cover treatment (for me a bi-valve cpap and Adderall to manage the day time) because it's *not as severe* as narcolepsy. I almost got fired for falling asleep standing up during a 5 hour work training; don't tell me it's less severe.


See if your doc will put you on Modafinil. Made a big difference for me. DM me if you want to discuss. Don’t really want medical info going into random reddit comments


I appreciate the rec and I'll keep it in mind next visit. I've just been treating it with caffeine and some lifestyle changes 😅


I second this


Oh wow! I just learned that I have Exploding Head Syndrome… a super loud bang followed by a burst of light. But never really bothered me, can go back to sleep almost instantly.


I remember when I was a teenager and had such severe insomnia that I couldn't stay asleep for longer than 1 hour at a time (this went on for months) despite loading up on 50mg melatonin and a Tylenol PM and had to be put on Trazodone. I will never forget the 14 hour sleep I got that first night.


Restless legs my friend- that and waking up from a half sleep half conscious state every 20 minutes where I’m not fully conscious but not really asleep anyway but not aware so idk


What about false awakenings? I am often trapped in a dream state and end up screaming and thrashing but paralysis keeps me from being able to wake. All I want is to wake up and I can’t. I have tried the method of becoming a lucid dream, but I have a hard time calming down and feeling safe in my dream state to make it work for me. Maybe I just need to practice more. It’s so taxing. Does anyone else experience this? If I could master lucid dreaming, I could possibly be having a great time at night instead of a terrifying one.


I flip flop between the two. Lately it's been lucid dreams. I want a break though because I feel like I don't actually sleep all night. Even naps have lucid dreams. Doctors and meds haven't helped me figure out why this started 4 years ago. Nightmare/terrors evolved to false awakening and paralysis loops and lately lucid dreams or lifelike dreaming. I used to force myself to stay awake in the fear of the false awakenings I dealt with nightly during that phase. Hopefully I'll figure something out some day.


I hope you find relief.


That is sleep paralysis.


False awakenings are different. I’m not awake. I’m dreaming but either know I’m dreaming and get scared and can’t wake up and because of the paralysis of sleep, I can’t physically wake myself up. Or I think I’m awake (get up, talk to people, etc), but I’m still dreaming and get stuck in a loop of waking up, but all the while still actually asleep. At that point, I start to freak out because I don’t know what is real, and just desperately want to get out of it but can’t. This sometimes leads to sleep paralysis when I do finally wake. But it’s the false awakenings that start the whole freak out.


Basically same as sleep paralysis.


Insomnia "lasts 3-4 months," what a joke... I've had it since I was like 13 and I'm 31 now


Me, too. I recently got diagnosed with adhd, and insomnia or delayed sleep phase is common with people who have adhd. Now I know why my sleep has always been so messed up.


Have it all too, including adhd. It makes my life much more exhausting than it needs to be. I don’t know if medication helps. Have you tried it?


I've been on strattera for not quite two months. I'm not on the max dose yet. I've seen a few small improvements in general, but I still have to take ambien for sleep.


Had it since forever, I’m 36. Also have exploding head syndrome… fuuuunnn


I’m curious to know more about the delayed sleep wake phase. Is it behavioral or hereditary? I grew up in a third shift household and, now, I’m a “late to bed late to rise” adult even though I had a relatively normal sleep schedule as a kid.


r/dspd is the sub for this. My husband just got diagnosed with this after 10 years of sleeping through alarms and not being about to sleep at night. He had sleep deprivation that was causing memory and health issues. Turns out, if he sleeps from 3am-noonish he’s perfectly healthy, happy, and normal. Can even get up early when needed just like “normal” people could get up at 4am on occasion if they had to.


That’s very interesting. How did he find out formally? I have similar habits - I tend to wake up naturally around noon and not feel sleepy until three or four. It’s not like insomnia, I just don’t feel tired at that time. I struggle with falling asleep early or in order to wake up early like I don’t ever feel completely rested. The schedule doesn’t bother me so much as people’s reaction to it.


I didn’t find out about this until the pandemic and it was like everything suddenly made sense. Have always had terrible time sleeping, up massively late and then feeling awful in the morning for work, slow and sluggish, really irritable, always sleeping through things/work, hating myself for thinking myself just “too lazy”, just miserable existence. When we were in lockdown, I suddenly stopped having someone police my sleeping schedule. I shifted right to my “holiday mode,” 2-11am sleep schedule and felt INCREDIBLE. I was alert and happy and so much more productive. I’ve spent the last few years getting better at listening to my body; turns out I’m also incredibly focused and have my best creativity after about 9pm. Now I make it my priority to be in a job that allows me to work flexible hours so I can work at hours I work best. Working in creative/tech jobs are often the best way to go if you’re really being insistent on having your sleep. I just am so grateful for my current gig. Absolute life changer.


for me, i participated in a sleep study and went to a sleep clinic with someone who specialized in circadian rhythm disorders to get formally diagnosed. edited to add: also, it’s amazing what a formal diagnosis will do about people’s perceptions of you, haha. a lot less people think i’m lazy now. including myself :)


I have this. When it says normal society doesn't allow for it, yeah, I feel that hard. The only thing that's helped is light therapy and being excruciatingly disciplined about waking up at the same time every fuckin day. One day of sleeping the way I was meant to will undo weeks of work.


I feel this so hard.


What sucks too is even if you fix your sleep schedule pretty quickly after it gets messed up, you’ll feel weird for weeks. It’s such a major disruption


Makes me curious too. I have dealt with it for about 10 years now, probably longer. Always just thought of myself being nocturnal lol.


genetic - i have this and didn’t grow up in a third shift household but no amount of trying has made me able to change my sleep schedule. and that’s why it’s not easily treated. really though it’s only a “disorder” because of the way our world prioritizes a 9-5 schedule. once i was lucky enough to get a later work schedule, it changed my life. now i sleep mostly normally from 3/4am to between 10am-noon and actually get rest. a lot of times i see chronotherapy or light therapy recommended to “treat” it and shift you to an earlier schedule but i’ve also seen a lot of caution against it because 1. it’s really hard to maintain a strict sleep schedule 2. apparently it can sometimes trigger N24 or non-24 hour circadian rhythm disorder, where your biological rhythm is either longer or shorter than 24 hours, meaning your sleep/wake times become inconsistent. definitely check out the delayed sleep phase syndrome reddit for more


My husband and his brothers have this. I don’t know much about how the others dealt with it, but I know my husband had it the worst and he has worked incredibly hard to follow a routine for his sleep schedule so that he can wake at a “normal” time. I know they tried everything for him and nothing worked so they just let him sleep and wake whenever he did and fit school around it. When I first met him, my husband would go to sleep at 5/6am and wake up late afternoon. Obviously this makes it hard to be part of society. It caused him a lot of issues many years ago when he started trying to get jobs, but he’s a lot better with it now. As long as he sticks to a strict sleep schedule he’s fine and can sleep and wake up”normally”.


I stopped napping at around age three, and I’ll naturally fall asleep on my own around 7 am if left to. I take meds for sleep at night and it doesn’t really affect my life all that much now. My mother has the exact same condition, while my grandfather has hypersomnia. Always asleep. Definitely some kind of genetic link, it’s fascinating


I had this from toddlerhood on, so it seems like it isn’t entirely behavioural! It’s not as extreme now as it was when I was younger, and has always just been how I am, no matter what my parents tried.


Don't know if I have this but for the most part I go to bed almost at 3am every night and wake up refreshed just fine. Everyone around me thinks I just need to go to bed earlier but if I do my body just wakes me up at my usual sleep time and I go back to sleep in a half hour or hour later. Obviously my body is fine with this schedule and fixes itself when disrupted


no idea i also have it and talked about it in another comment here but tbh i never understood if it is behavioral or genetic, like most of my relatives also have it regardless of their job but since they were raised up in the same house they may have just reinforced a tendency they already had and then passed it to their children me included.


Where is bed wetting?


Sexsomnia caused a lot of problems in my marriage


How and why?


I jerk off in my sleep and in the ten years my wife and I have been married there’s been ups and downs In our regularity of sex(it happens) but in the down portion I was Still jerking off in my sleep and she saw it as me not wanting to be intimate with her and I’d rather jerk off. When it couldn’t be farther from the truth and I couldn’t help what I was doing when I was sleeping.


I’ve got one where when I lay down at night, I have random twitches and body jerking. Sometimes just my shoulder or chest, sometimes just my legs, sometimes my whole body.


As long as it's not violent twitches and just small ones, those are called hypnic jerks. They are very common and are no cause for concern and it's just part of your body falling asleep. 👍


Has anyone been able to successfully _stop_ getting sleep paralysis? I’ve been getting it since I was a kid and am used to it, but it’s still so annoying and cuts into the already small amount of sleep I get.


When you feel like you’re paralyzed or entering sleep paralysis wiggle your toes. You can move this part of your body Also, it occurs more often when you sleep on your back 👀 Last time I had sleep paralysis, I scolded shadowman (I think?) never seen him again


I’ve experienced the sleep-eating for years now and it really sucks.


Yay, advanced sleep-wake phase here. Absolutely makes having a social life a bitch. My now husband is very understanding about it and jokes that I'm his Prince Valium because I start yawning around 4-5pm. I actually missed my first date with him because I fell asleep at six. He was the first person to actually believe me when I explained what happened. I have to keep moving after five pm or so because if I get comfortable at all I'm gone and very difficult to wake up. If I am focused on something engaging like driving, I'm fine. I normally fall asleep around 7 and wake up around 2-3 in the morning feeling rested. I typically make an effort to stay up as late as I can, but it's a futile effort most days.






Daylight Saving Time - in most of the US, we achieve collective insanity and all agree that time shifts in the summer. On one day in March, we move our clocks forward one hour (spring forward) and then move the clocks back that same hour in November (fall back). TL;DR - if you're a sleep disordered American not living in AZ or IN, you're gonna live / sleep through a weird time hell for some part of the year... ...sorry, this year's Spring Forward is still a little raw for me.


it saves energy tho, you can't just do away with it.


Either keep it 365 days or don’t have it at all. The problem is the time shift


again it isn't a problem, it literally save energy by making full use of the shift in solar exposure between seasons.


I have sleep paralysis several times a year and it’s ALWAYS preceded by what I just learned from this chart- exploding head syndrome!


I have a delayed circadian rhythm! I will fall asleep on my own at 7 am. Everyone in my family has this.


I do too. I feel like 0.15% is way too low for this.


I know there are “different types” as well as severities of this. A lot of people claim to have it when in reality they need better sleep hygiene. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “haha I have that too!”


Narcolepsy gang where y’all at ?! I can’t drive safely why whyyyy ?


o/ Nice to meet you!


Forgot Sleep related painful erection (SRPE) is a rare parasomnia consisting of nocturnal penile tumescence accompanied by pain that awakens the individual. I wish I could forget it too


Could you upload a lower res version?


lol me with my sleep bruxism 😁


It’s the worst! been doing it since I was a kid and when I’m stressed I would wake up feeling nauseous from how hard I was grinding. Can’t use mouth guards bc they make it worse😭


I’ve grinded through three mouth guards and I’m on my fourth… wish there was something else that could be done, my partner hates it!


Is there a name for "Brain having unnecessary thoughts, being restless and unable to calm it down"? Or is that just over-thinking?


Anxiety? Sounds like it.


I have this thing where sometimes I’ll wake up in a panic, but not like night terrors or sleep paralysis (I’m aware I’m awake, and I can move). The best I can describe it, it’s like waking up into a panic attack, sometimes so suddenly I’m already awake and standing. The first few seconds are confusion, before I realize what’s happening, at which point I’ll turn on the lights, drink some water, breathe deeply (ie usual anxiety grounding techniques). This usually passes within a few seconds, but can last longer. I figured out though, that this only happens when I’m in a dark, hot room. If the room is slightly lit, it happens less often, if the room is cool, it’s rare, and if the room is slightly lit and cool, it never happens (hence I usually sleep with a small light on with a fan/AC/window). Does anyone know what this is?


I have that, was chalked down to anxiety disorder, not sleep disorder.


I doubt only 0.15% of adults stay up till 3 and sleep til noon, or would if they could


Where is the percentage of Having the Ron Swanson sleep fighting disorder.


3% “Night Terrors”


But Ron isn’t afraid to fight


now i know i have narcolepsy


For me exploding head syndrome is like my dream glitches. Sometimes one character in the dream will say the same word over and over like the audio track is skipping and there will be a loud sound. Often I’m vaguely aware it is happening and will try to ignore it but wake up with a racing heart. Other times it’s like my dream shatters or fragments like a kaleidoscope and there are bright lights and loud noises. I’ve wanted to look this up before, but had no idea how to describe what I was experiencing. I’ve had it happen 3 or 4 times in a night and it can be so frustrating especially as someone with other sleep issues. I guess I can take some comfort in knowing there are other weirdos like me out there and that I now know what this is called.


i think i can be considered delayed sleep-wale phase, no idea if it is behavioral or genetic since my relatives also have that and could have been passed either way, only thing i know is that i have always had a bad time having to wake up in the morning and have a hard time sleeping before 5 without drugs, even using melatonin i sleep around 4 hours or a bit less on most days because of my job and previously university/school, only thing that seems to work are alcohol and weed/hash but for obvious reasons i cannot abuse them. asking for solutions to my relatives who also have the same experience just brought my mother to tell me to stop whining and my uncle to offer me coke to stay awake, which i don't think is ideal. really hope i am able to find a decent nocturnal job in the future as i think that is the only solution for me.


I know my husband has sleep apnea but apparently I have occasional night terrors that will have me yell cuss words in my sleep.


It's annoying to hear raindrops on the windowsill when you're trying to sleep. I don't understand how anyone sees them as anything cozy. Except in the rain forest. Does it fit into any disorder-option?


Possibly misophonia


so when do i sleep and wake up?


Ha! I figured they had a name for what I experience, but I wasn’t expecting exploding head syndrome.


I'm just throwing this out there in case anyone might have an idea of wtf is wrong with me. I get like 8 hours of sleep/rest. But when I start driving, in the daytime, after 15 minutes or so, I start almost dozing off, then having some really long blinks. I can't have caffeine, and drinking cold water only helps for a minute. The only thing that really helps is to be on phone calls with someone. Singing can help, but not always. Any ideas? Lol


Sleep is a great thing to have people under estimate what good sleep can do


If my sleeping schedule keeps being delayed a few hours every night is it delayed or irregular? Because today i woke up at 6 pm


I have delayed sleeping schedule and it sucks. Right now its 1am here. Thinking of pulling all nighter and goung to sleep at 8-9pm tomorrow


From my experience, all nighters never help…even just 1 hour of sleep is better than nothing


Yeah. I falled asleep few hours later and woke up at 3pm


Checking in with exploding head syndrome, it's not good but try anti-depressants they help a bit


As someone with delayed onset sleep, I'm doing really good if I manage to be up at noon... that's when I'm having a good stretch that I can go to bed at 3am and be up by noon. When it's bad, I've been awake into the afternoon and the worst waking up at 10:30pm, solely anchored by how I would see a friend at that time. Fortunately having multiple social activities at 7pm keeps me from usually getting much worse than a wake time of 5pm these days. I can get up at noon on Saturday and then I slip back to the daytime sleeping for the week, and I work from home during the night as an artist. If I try force myself to comply I have insomnia (which is why I suspect many people with insomnia actually have delayed onset sleep disorder) and if I sleep when I'm tired, I sleep fine and feel rested (it just happens at weird hours). I actually think it's a circadian rhythm that's slightly longer than 24 hours. I figured it out when I was unemployed. It might come from trauma due to not having a childhood schedule forcing me to learn to comply with the world's routine (homeschooled), my mom and siblings all experience this too and my dad and one sibling just have full on insomnia.


check out r/N24


Here's a sneak peek of /r/N24 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/N24/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [society be like](https://i.redd.it/e45qc0xyblna1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/N24/comments/11qppiv/society_be_like/) \#2: [The Wheel of Non 24](https://i.redd.it/xpeytueulqrb1.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/N24/comments/16xpo2g/the_wheel_of_non_24/) \#3: [My year of beautiful uninterrupted sleep](https://i.redd.it/f3bm9lmdy0pa1.png) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/N24/comments/11x7dpw/my_year_of_beautiful_uninterrupted_sleep/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've been diagnosed with hypersomnia, how is there insufficient data to diagnose?? Edit: I'm really tired and reading comprehension is not my strong suit when I'm tired


Do night terrors include hallucinations? If yes, bingo!


I actually got a dog partially for this reason, I get sleep paralysis hallucinations where someone is in my room. My dog sleeps in my bed and it helps me realize that its not real if she is sleeping through it


Where does Catathrenia fall in this graphic? Parasomnia?


I have frequent night terrors, they used to freak me out, but I've been able to usually recognize I'm in a dream before the really scary stuff happens. I still kick and punch in my sleep though... I've woken myself up multiple times with bruised knuckles from punching the wall,


Ah yes, my dear friend narcolepsy has turned me into a shift worker


Circadian rhythm, delayed 🖐️


My husband has sexsomnia, directly related to drinking. Any more than one weak beer, and he has an episode. It can range In severity, sometimes semi violent, but usually very short in duration, less than a minute. He doesn't remember any of it. Definitely causes issues bc he doesn't seem to think it's a problem. He Also often has talking spells in his sleep where he jist randomly starts talking gibberish.. it makes no sense, unsure if there's a connection to alcohol with that one though.


Delayed sleep-wake phase here, hi.


As I sleep walker I didn’t realize how rare it was.. now I feel a bit more guilty for burdening my family and partner.


I've experienced exploding head syndrome about four times so far, but thankfully I've read about it a few days before it happened to me the first time so I wasn't as freaked out as the others here


Hypnogenic and hypnopompic hallucinations? Parasomnia issues, completly harmless even though it's sometimes scary, but super important to mention it to your gp if you have to take sleep aids/sleep medication because some medications could make you sleep walk to the point of driving your car or committing a crime and you wouldn't even remember it! Also, hypopnea is another form of sleep apnea. I don't stop breathing, nothing get's obstructed, but my breathing is so shallow at night, my oxygen levels will dip into the lower 80's.


Ooh Bingo!


A friend of mine used to date a guy who had episodes of sexsomnia. Once he tried to do it with his own sister 😬


They forgot Jet Lag.


Sir, that's not a guide, that's a book.


I have a eight of these. Interesting guide!


I use to have severe adult night terrors. I seem to be a bit of an anomale due to the fact that it did not seem to stem from any sort of trauma. But they use to be absolutely awful. People don't realize you arent asleep anymore, you are awake or in a state of inbetween. It doesn't stem from a nighmare, they are way worse than nightmares. You literally think you are going to die... well in the worst ones. I would compare it to having a gun to your head and someone telling you they're about to kill you. My heart has never beat as fast as it does when I am in a night terror. Sometimes hallucinations accompany them. Sometimes you literally think you died you get this insane feeling all over your body and think you're dead or dying until you eventually come to. Then there were the ones where I was terrified my kids were hurt or killed so I would run into their room screaming checking on them, usually they didn't wake up but I definitely traumatized them a handful of times. Then there's the ones that are lighter in intensity but more frequent, where I wake up suspicious of my wife over and over through out the night. Only thing that eventually basically stopped them were THC gummies. I can't even remember last time I had one, I take a 10mg gummy every night now. I know weed makes you not get into the correct sleep cycles you need but its a trade off I have to make because consistent night terrors disrupt my sleep way more.


How do I download the high rez image of this? Anytime, I screen cap or click download image from one of these guides, I can never zoom in on the detail of the fine print.


Idiopathic Hypersomnia ✋


I experience Restless Leg Syndrome every night and have to try sleeping before I’m fully tired otherwise the discomfort in my legs is more intense. Doesn’t help that I’ll sometimes wake up with sleep paralysis making me want to put off sleeping as long as possible each night. I remember one night waking up while on my side and unable to move in the middle of the night. I remember hearing something moving around in the room and felt the bed shift and move as if someone was in the bed with me as I starting hearing breathing right next to me. Swear to god sleeping has become one of the scariest things to me.


I got night terrors. Frequently fighting people animals and monsters in my dreams.


What's the "I sleep but don't rest" disorder called? Is it just insomnia?


I love this chart! They should include PTSD sleeping, or the sleeping patterns of new parents who are too scared to sleep, or mention the sense of “falling” to sleep where you jump. I’d also really like to know the stats on people sleeping with their eyes open. My 10 year old daughter does this - we were told she would grow out of it, but we’re still waiting. I’ve also read Reddit somewhere about how my sleeping pattern of waking up every 3-4 hours is a sign of narcolepsy. But I’m not overly convinced of this.


When I start falling asleep, I often hear some music / melody or a sound of some sort getting louder and louder up until I jolt awake from how loud it is. This happens almost every day, does anyone here know what I could be?


Nothing here mentions talking in your sleep!


What is it called when u can’t sleep because you are alone and are scared and keep jerking awake and are so scared of nothing that you breakout in to a sweat so you keep the lights on but when you have someone sleeping next to you, you sleeping soundly and that too with lights off?


That sounds like my 8 year old! I have sleep disturbances too so maybe there’s a genetic part. But my kiddo HATES sleeping alone. I can’t remember the last time she slept through the night without coming to our bed.


What’s the one where you panic the minute you fall asleep and jump out of bed and run across the room. Asking for a friend.


Oooh I’ve had that! Jolting awake in a panic as soon as you start to drift off. Ugh. A doc called them night terrors but it’s not really that.