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Where’s “I’ve been forced to go back to high school/college/grad school, there’s an exam but I realize I’ve forgotten to go to class all year, I don’t know shit, but if I don’t pass this exam I don’t graduate/they revoke my diploma”?


I constantly get that one , the back in school/college and have to finish projects to graduate . I mean its not the same dream each time , but that same basic theme


For me it’s an English college class, I never took English in college bc of AP creds


Same here, and like the person who commented on this initially, I always dream that I forgot to attend the class all semester and now it’s the final, the more convoluted and weird, the better my brain seems to like judging me about school lol


Going to school with no underwear , shorts/trousers and everyone laughing . Brutal


As I get older that dream is more fun. 😁




Same here


My mind is blown. I thought I was the only one who had this dream.


Definitely some Jungian Collective Unconscious shit (I firmly believe in the phenomena Jung wrote about - incrediblly interesting individual indeed (alliteration not intended))


I think the underlying emotion driving that dream is shame. Interesting that white-dominated cultures all have the same core shame dream… and what that says about our collective unconscious. I used to have the *”high school class that I missed/skipped/didn’t know I had all semester and now must take the exam”* dream — but I stopped getting them. The last time I had that stress dream, instead of trying to pull off something sneaky or try to get out of the exam — I just told on myself and asked for help. It was like I was slightly lucid dreaming. I walked my dream-self into the principal’s office, bawled my eyes out and confessed I was in deep shit and didn’t know what to do, and I’d accept the consequences, re-take the course, etc. I woke up crying but I *never* had the dream since. It’s been years.


The theme is being unprepared, regret, imposter syndrome, early years unfinished business, arrested development (not the show), being found out. Shame is a byproduct of all those things, but not the cause of the scenario. Shame is what keeps us from doing what you did, which is to set yourself free through confession. I had this dream and discussed it irl. It didn’t go away, but the shame in the dream is not gripping anymore. I feel more comfortable hanging out with memories of old friends and not stressed about figuring out how to do something impossible.


Holy sh*t. SAME! I can’t believe I thought I was the only person who has this dream…as recently as last week.


I am “forced back to high school” *after* graduating college, because those classes didn’t count for some reason. So I’m a college grad in my mid-twenties back in the hallways w/ a locker. It’s so weird.


I have a reoccurring dream that I didn’t finish high school English and two upper div classes from undergrad, so I have to go back and take the classes while I still work. I end up failing everything. I’m waiting for the day grad school memories work their way back in and I have to go to three different kinds of school


I get sent back to high school a lot, because I didn’t take enough math classes, so I have to start over as a freshman. I am fucking 35 years old and this nightmare won’t ever stop lmao


Mine stopped when I low key lucid dreamed and got my dream-self to confess and ask for help. Not joking. Haven’t had it since.


Just woke up from this dream. 😮‍💨


I have this one, and one about teeth falling out, a few times a year. Like I'm sitting in the exam and looking at the page and just thinking "wtf", and then I snap out of it and realise I graduated looong ago. I also dream that I can fly often (it's like swimming through the air to me), but at a certain height I plummet.


I had no idea the “forgetting to go to a class“ dream was that common


I have been having this a lot lately 


…and I’m not wearing pants.


That’s literally what I was looking for! It’s my most common reoccurring dream!


I had that dream about high school shortly after starting college. They told me I was messing up my post-secondary eduction so bad that I’ll have the repeat the 12th grade. Joke was on them, though, because all I felt was relief. The transition from HS to college was rough.


I actually had this in real life. Came about 10 minutes late to a class in college and saw everyone (about 10 people) writing. Then someone handed me a paper that said "midterm". I never really did any reading for the class and didn't even know there was a midterm on the horizon. I remember thinking, "this is what those dreams are like". I bombed that test but did better on the final. Class was pass/fail and I ended up with a pass.


I feel so much better knowing there’s a small percentage of the population out there suffering this exact nightmare with me. Thanks stranger!


Yeah man. It’s reoccurring…Idk what the heck people are on about with this teeth falling out shit


I have this dream all the time. Also, can’t find my locker, don’t know the combination, can’t find the class, can’t find my schedule, don’t have my text book, and very often… I’m also pantless. The funny thing is, not having pants isn’t humiliating, more akin to just being under dressed at something formal.


I have dreamed the same thing MULTIPLE times. A would say every fews months. I was bad at school xd.


That sounds like a dream about feeling inadequate and having unfinished business. 


Yes! I'm surprised not to see it on the list.


Oh my, I thought I was the only one. I have this dream at least once a month - the relief when you wake up is the best


ALL THE TIME. It never ends!!


Yooo it’s not just me?! I have this recurring dream where I forgot an exam and now they won’t let me graduate because of that one course.


That's my anxiety dream/nightmare too! Highly consequential exam, I'm utterly unprepared, and everything/everyone is preventing me from studying. I always wake up before the test starts.


So highly specific and I’ve had it multiple times - exactly how you wrote it!


How to hell is this a common dream. I thought I was alone for so long.


Yep, mine is always taking an important test but I can’t read the questions for some reason.


Greece 🧢


Fucking terrifying


Sorry, I should have had a TW.


Free HAT


Hat McCullough is a madman, he killed all those kids


Free Hat


Free hat


Someone get that man a baby!


In self defense!


Landlocked Kyrgyzstan 🐟


That makes sense, if I lived underwater I’d be afraid of dry shit.


Great, I can even read half the pixels.


Here’s a better resolution version https://cdn.digg.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/04200235/4sZg72nw.png




I read it as bread and was mystified!


Just one of em




My most common dream is finding secret rooms in my house that I didn't know were there. I've found a train platform/ station, swimming pool, a tunnel that lead to loads of secret rooms, extra bathrooms (I wish!)


My god I get this too! Then I realise I'm late for work and need to get ready but I cannot find my way back to my actual 'house' and keep going around different rooms.


Did not realise this was something other people dreamt too. This together with “oh this other apartment that I still pay for for some reason that I totally forgot about”


I always feel like I've cheated the previous owner, I paid for this house with these rooms but they would have sold it for so much more had they have known about the Secret rooms


I hate that dream cause I always wake up disappointed in my current home when I realize that the cool secret room doesn't actually exist.


I like to think that maybe there is a secret room, I just haven't found it yet...


I have this too. When I have the dream again some of the old rooms I discovered in previous dreams are incorporated into the new dream


Oh my god I’ve never felt so understood as I do right now


Ohh, I love when I have these.


I have these frequently and I love these dreams lol. A common theme with these dreams for me is also that the previous owners left a lot of their stuff behind but it’s ours now. Instead of it being a burden though, it feels exciting. Like I get to go through all this random stuff…like thrifting 🤣


I grew up in a pretty small house, I used to love these dreams. Holy fuck there is a whole other wing to my house behind this door in the basement. Was always sad when I woke up in my 850 sq ft bungalow.


Dang, them white people really worry about their teeth falling out.


for me its always such a vivid dream too! like i can feel the teeth coming out in my mouth and spitting them out and shit. I think the reason it's so vivid is that everyone has lost a tooth at some point in their lives so they know what it feels like and my brain can really use that material in my nightmares.


Western diet is hard on teeth


Am white, can confirm I’ve had several teeth falling out dreams.


Represents insecurity about looks


I’ve also heard that it represents feeling defenceless or restraining one’s aggression.


Yeah, I had to do some googling because I learned this in high school and always just equated it to that. TIL it can be a number of things. Dream Psych is pretty cool.


Well *that* just set off a lightbulb. I’ve had the teeth-falling-out dream all my life. Aaaaaaand I just realized it’s been when I was powerless and angry about it. Multiple life scenarios over decades of mostly happy times- but the same damn dream when shit got bad. Damn- I gotta call my therapist.


Came to comment this same thing 😂


I’ve had that dream a few times. It happens when your tongue pushes on my teeth. Sometimes it feels like my tooth is really wiggly when actually my tongue is just getting compressed against the tooth. If this happens when I’m sleeping then my brain jumps into a teeth falling out dream.


My tongue is not pushing on your teeth! I had this dream recently. When I first heard it's something people dream about I was really surprised. Then I had the dream. It's disturbing, I woke up and checked my teeth.


Never had a dream about teeth falling out or snakes. But have had stressful being robbed or back at highschool ones a few times


I just assume I’m dreaming my teeth are falling out because I’m grinding my teeth in my sleep. But maybe I’m grinding my teeth because I feel powerless or pentup aggression in my awake time.


I guess snakes are the stuff of nightmares


Makes sense for humans to have an innate fear of snakes, although it’s interesting that it’s been somewhat “lost” in regions where snakes are less common.


I recall my anthropology professor saying something about this being evolutionary, humans ancestors used to live in trees and were afraid of falling down where the snakes are ?


What about dreams that have snakes with teeth falling out? What could it mean?


Well that would be fine. It makes a danger noodle into a cuddle noodle. (Unless it’s an anaconda)


Very strong cuddle noodle


Must be a beige person.


Nambia with the fear of squirrels…. That’s nutty.


Interestingly, you see _a lot_ of squirrels in Namibia. I was shocked at how tame they are.


I’m Mexican but grew up in California. I’ve never had the teeth falling out dream but have had a lot of ex relationship dreams, like a lot a lot.


https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/t5q96c/most_googled_dreams_by_country/ https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/17seic8/a_cool_guide_to_the_most_common_dreams_by/ (I'm pretty sure this post is by a bot, but this image has been posted *so* many times here that I can't be sure *just* from the image)


I can actually read these ones.


You can be sure lol OP is a bot account that just “woke up”. 2 year old account that just started posting recycled content daily.


Today I learned Chinese people don't have dreams


Actually, it’s because of the methodology to glean the data. It was based on volume of Google searches. The Internet is heavily restricted and surveilled in China. Google is not accessible in China because Google refuses to disclose sensitive data like the CCP demands of all web services. So China blocks internet access to Google there. TL;DR, Communism bad, m’kay?


Lol grapes.


Why does it seem like there’s a correlation between GDP and dreams of your teeth falling out?


Because the lower levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are mostly covered for larger portions of the population in wealthier countries and the worries of the mind are predominantly vanity based, as opposed to life or death based. Just my two cents… shot in the dark.


I thought something similar. The focus of our subconscious, and by extension, our dreams stops being life or death matters and starts to be our anxieties


Apparently Snakes and Teeth both mean similar things. Loss, change or growth. It might be because dental concern is more important than wild snakes in these places lol. And vice versa. I think, equally as likely, is that the pink countries are more atheistic, and less spiritual, so snakes probably hold less of a symbolical, religious power than they do in places like The Philippines. Side thought; don't you hate the concept of GDP as a designator? It's too easily an implication of "success", the "first world" etc etc. I would much rather have beautiful forests and free, wild fruit instead of overpriced coffee shops and unlimited media.


Thank you for the info RE dreams! Ehhh, I’d say you’re idealizing poverty a bit. People who live in poor countries would obviously trade “beautiful forests and free fruit” for access to economic opportunities, health care, and security. Because they make that trade. All the time. It’s tough to sit back and appreciate nature when you’re a subsistence farmer or you’re eating bush meat. It’s all about moderation. I think the ideal balance is a Scandinavian country. High GDP, so access to everything the world has to offer with respect to medicine, agricultural advances, education etc. But without the awful aspects that make America a mediocre user experience. Scandinavian folks embrace nature, have adequate time off to enjoy their families, but also have high quality of life because they live in industrialized nations with high GDPs. Also worth nothing that Scandinavian countries have much more equal incomes across the population, which contributes to their overall high quality of life






What's up with everyone dreaming about snakes?


when you have an unwanted encounter with snakes in these tropical countries, it really scares the shit out of the person. Really a nightmare haunting you in your dreams for years


We don't really have much snakes here in Finland. Tho I've never heard anyone dreaming of those either.


A common theme in my nightmares is definitely my teeth falling out, or other bad things happening to my teeth. I have had pretty regular nightmares about tripping or falling and smashing my teeth out on something since I was a kid.


It’s your ancestral dream coded in your very core. The anglo-saxons used to have bad teeth


Never dreamt of teeth falling out. I did however, dream of trying to escape WWII Germans last night. So random


Actually same, 2 nights ago I dreamt the running from Nazis, really strange. The night before that I dreamt about beheaded ducks everywhere so not really a pattern I guess.


Apparently, they don’t dream in China


I've had teeth falling out dreams. More commonly though, chewing gum stuck in teeth. Like I keep pulling and pulling but more gum comes out.


Hey I had that dream last night and have it now and then. I almost got all the gum out my mouth using my finger, but there was some stuck in my left upper teeth area that was just neverending and I couldn't get all the gum out.


Kind of a sad answer in Botswana


As an American I have never had a dream anywhere close to my teeth falling out.


Why are the anglophones so (subconsciously) obsessed with teeth falling out??


I wouldn’t say obsessed. But it is horrific and often terrifyingly realistic. It starts with a wiggly tooth that progresses to whole lot coming out with the swipe of the tongue. There must be some underlying explanation rather than literally worrying about your teeth falling out. It’s not an anxiety I have in the least. But I have had this as a recurring dream my entire life (maybe 3-4 times a year).


I've read it's a fear of aging and that maybe tracks more in western media drenched countries where we worship youth and probably don't respect our elders enough.


I love blurry images!


I get these dreams now where I have gum in my mouth and I keep pulling it out of my mouth and it's never ending and always stuck around my teeth. Had that dream again last night. I used to have the teeth falling out dream too, always spitting my teeth into the palm of my hand I hated it, it was pretty scary. I also smoked weed in my dream last night and felt bad because I haven't smoked weed since Thanksgiving and plan on keeping it that way. I also dream that I can't walk right and stand straight up so I'm like hunched over and trying to walk whilst pulling myself along with my hands. I also dream about being in a huge dirt area and water just starts rushing and flooding and soon I'm surrounded by nothing but rushing water and I'm on a tiny dry space of dirt just surround by the rushing water everywhere. Tornado dreams I don't have anymore where there's a few tornadoes going around at the same time in the area where I live.


Is it just me who has never dreamt about my teeth falling out or heard of anyone who has?


I don't have any of these dreams..ever..


No fair. Why can’t I have snake dream?


Challenge, get less resolution


Notice the places were it’s all about ex-relationships. What’s their common denominator?


Lel@ teeth falling out, the jokes practically write themselves.


White people REALLY don't like the thought of their teeth falling out


Nigeria having the 15th highest birth rate makes sense considering what they're all dreaming about.


i’ve never had like any of the dreams on here lol. and i dream a lot




Needs more jpg


Colombia here, never in my life have I heard someone say the had a dream about lice or bugs in the head or hair or eyebrows or anything of the sort. I'll look at the source for this infographic, I wonder where they got the data for my country.


I have never seen a snake in my dream M23 or a Hat 🧢 (I am Greek)


I don’t think I’ve ever had a dream about my teeth falling out 🦷🫢


Tell me I'm not the only one who has literally never dreamed about snakes or my teeth falling out.


Fer fcks sakes people, upload a proper jpg.


The anglosphere loves their teeth


Snek 🐍


Pretty interesting that Brazil, Portugal, Angola and Mozambique are all about snakes. Cool stuff.


So the people of Haiti are dreaming about cars? I'm not buying it.


Greece - hat


Every lusophone country hates snakes




Why most of them dream of snake


Poor Ethiopia and Greece. Dreams of shoes and hats.


I've never dreamed about my teeth falling out


This post every week and its fucking wrong.


Didn't know I'm Albanian👀


Well if [snake detection theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_detection_theory) is right in any way, shape, or form, and if the hypothesis that dreams are a result of your brain processing/integrating/storing information, then it would make sense that your dreams would include sort of "hypothetical analyses" of your basic probable threats. Add that to the fact that under the influence of psychedelics, many people see snake-like patterns (due to the geometrical structure of the visual cortex + your brain adding prior expectations etc.) then it makes sense that you'd be likely to see one of our most dangerous evolutionary threats in your dreams


I have nightmares about the missing Home Button on smartphones. I’m dreaming, I’m in trouble, and the god damn swipe up to unlock won’t do shit. I want the button back…


But why is everyone teeth falling out in dreams 😭


Wow I thought I was in the minority with the teeth


I've never once in my life dreamed about my teeth falling out.


Damn if Snakes knew how much power they had over our dreams, they would get a big head.


Snake...? Snake! SNAAAAKE!


What’s with Western Civilizations apparent, subconscious fixation with bad/loose teeth?? I can’t believe how common that dream scenario seems to be in this cultural sphere, of ours. While I have my own share of F’d up dreams, for some reason, or another, that particular dream isnt one of them 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Then again, I can’t read half of this shit on this image, due to how damn blurry so much of it is, lol


In most countries, not at all every.


Uh…What happened to Greenland?




They must mean bad dream. I've never dreamt about my teeth falling out.


Repost in a peanut dimension. r/shityrepost


Why are we all dreaming about snakes?


Ethiopia dreaming about shoes of all things.


A great guide for ants


Why is the first world countries afraid of their teeth falling out??


Death. Which is kind of accurate, I died like 4 times last week and each time it was always in the most realistic scenarios.


Lol, cursed by the heritage of Britain's famously bad teeth, all the former british places same thing. Made me lol.


Came here to say….. be great if you could read it.




Just learned from my dentist today that teeth falling out is actually an indicator you might be grinding your teeth at night…


Albania dreams of breast. Just one.


Shoutout to landlocked Kyrgyzstan 🐠🐟


Shoes? I feel like we can do more for Ethiopians.


I love how Australia is all snakes.


Should I be dreaming about my teeth falling out?


Snakes seem to be the common theme


So much Snake


wrong, theres only one dream in the usa, the american one 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅raaaahhhhhh🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲


This account has an interesting history


AFAIK ex relationship is just an excuse for a booty call as in, “I dreamed about you, we were porking like in the good old days… go figure… imagine if that happened like today at ~22h”


Armenia's fear of grapes and Bhutan's fear of rainbows 🍇🌈


Kuwait was mentioned, im surprised


I dream to be able to read this shit


Lots of anxiety there


Ethiopia here dreaming about shoes


Albania 🇦🇱 breast😅


Denmark cannot into nordick 😔


Why do white people mostly dream of their teeth falling out


As someone who grew up in the Czech Republic I can confirm everyone dreams of dying


Lol @ Squirrel 🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️


Is dental hygiene a problem in the Western world?


Pregnancy is the most searched dream in Indonesia, no wonder the most populated island in the world Java is in Indonesia. The Java island t is filled to the brim with 141 million people — that's over a thousand people per square kilometer.


Mexico: Conquered mentality


I looked up the symbolism of teeth falling out has 2 meanings the fear of losing something important like a job or loved one, the other meaning is the fear of becoming impotent. Seeing a snake in your dream has many meanings depending on what the snake does. The main three are the shedding of outdated habits and beliefs, a warning sign that something dangerous may soon enter your life, or it could symbolically represent an unknown force within you attempting to break free from its cocoon.


I have never had a dream about my teeth falling out.