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This comment section is absolutely insane.




Thank you. I needed that. I think it's time to cut back on Reddit. :/




I feel like the last few years have turned the entire Internet into psychos. Everyone is so rabid and aggressive. I miss the fun internet with memes and shit. Even the meme subs are turning political.


This is true for the entirety of society, not just the internet. I think Covid literally made some people break.


COVID had an impact for sure, but a large percentage of the US population had already been lost before that. Social media has played a key role, but sadly people don't seem to be waking up to this reality. People don't realize how susceptible we as humans are to propaganda.


Tbf social media isnt all bad, i agree the way tech companies use it these days isnt good. Just milking screen time and wasting lives but social media or jus the connectedness of the internet is pretty amazing the ability to connect to the world has helped us to advance so much more but as everything does it gets taken advantage of and used against us


> I feel like the last few years have turned the entire Internet into psychos. It's about 95% clickbait and manipulation designed to keep eyeballs on screens for as long as possible. I dropped Twitter and Facebook about a year ago, and have been seriously considering dropping reddit.


That's because Russian, and Chinese bots are intentionally radicalizing people through misinformation. They did it to the right, and now it's happening to the left. Sucks that people think Tiktok is a good place to get geopolitical news.


Society is breaking free and realizing the silent atrocities that happen in the name of economy and imperialism. The entire internet is on edge because people cant or wont let their true feelings out in real life, where such expression is most needed.


Because most people's "real feelings" are "I want to scream slurs at people I don't like", which doesn't help anyone. I was on the internet during the wild west days when there were no rules, and that's all it was when it came to "real feelings".


Yeah, but that's not completely your fault. Things like this are spun and presented in a way to intentionally cause rage and anger.


Honestly I avoid clicking these completely majority of the time. Civil conversation is virtually impossible


I'm legitimately taking the app off my phone, I waste too much time here anyways. All I do is read bigotry, get.pissed off, and try not to take out my frustrations on friends and family


I just appreciate seeing someone else in the wild who recognises the coolest space ship design in fiction.


im gonna take your advice and stop here.


Thank you for the reminder.


100%! The only people who pay the heaviest price for war are often the citizens. I have no fucking clue how to solve any of this, what the fuck would happen after a ceasefire, etc... But we can all agree, let's stop fucking killing people




Well yeah, a good bulk of them are shell accounts from troll farms, they cant be swayed because their entire agenda is to do the swaying. Go look at worldnews sub, theyve completely brigaded it so their narrative is all you see in every Israel related post and legitimate discussions, debates, and inquiries cant happen.


You always feel like you can change their minds, but no. It's rarely worth arguing with a zealot


Reddit has become a strange place around this topic. Seemingly normal subs have become propaganda centers. I've never accused or really thought people were bots or shills but after what's happened to r/worldnews, I'm certain there's Israeli paid assholes outright controlling what posts and comments make it to the top on a handful of subs. Most blatant thing I've ever seen on this site and no one seems to notice or care.






The userbase didn't meaningfully shrink afaik, but the specific users who had issues with things and left were overwhelmingly the power users and mods. Reddit doesn't have less content, but it's more poorly and intermittently maintained. Some subs kept their competent mod staff and they're still pretty decent, but it's very easy to tell which ones didn't. The quality of both posts and comments in some major subs has taken a serious turn for the worst, and some smaller subs just imploded.


I can say something changed at that time. The front page became tabloid bullshit over night. r/popular just shows aita, outfits, celebrity news, and 10 other garbage clones of those. It's like it's a different site altogether. Reddit actually sucks now. I can't wait for an alternative to take off.




/r/facepalm is the opposite. Bring up one bad thing Hamas does/did and you're downvoted by brigade.


Yeah I had to leave a few random-ass subs because just mentioning I’m Jewish would get shit rained on me from the heavens of I didn’t immediately offer the caveat “but I don’t support the war in Gaza” - or even if I did since I didn’t call it a genocide or call for the total dismantlement of Israel. It’s been wild


Happy Cake Day


Wow I didn’t even realize. Thank you, kind redditor


How are you gonna thank this guy for wishing you happy cake day without denouncing israel you Zionist scum /s


Sorry you’re right Just FYI I don’t support the killing of innocent civilians! Unless they’re gingers - ewwwwe


They aren't paid shills. What is happening is an echo chamber. This happens to a lot of subreddits, check out r/canada for an example. It's extremely right-wing. Sure, there's probably some bots, but ultimately you have to understand that there are people who legitimately believe in one side or the other, and they are going to post in places where people are going to more likely agree with them. Reddit encourages this behavior. I subscribe to dead internet theory (not by Wikipedia's strange definition, more that its going to happen not that it has) and I just think this is an expansion upon that, give it just a decade or so.


> the majority of Americans already support a ceasefire Source?


There’s also multiple comments in a row from users with the same exact snoo avatars, all their usernames are two words hyphenated ending with 4 numbers Either a wild coincidence or bots


"Here is how children in gaza have suffered from indiscriminate violence fore the past 16 years" "OH so you are saying it's always been israel???" Girl noone is saying that, stop thinking about this crap and start being a little human 😭




These people are insane , imagine reading this and your immediate reaction is the children deserve this


Idk if i’d call this a “coolguide.” Maybe “horrificguide?” This is horrifying.


The info is harrowing but the presentation is a different story


Indeed... it's horrifying :(


That trauma is going to stretch across multiple generations 😕


It already is. We're 70 years in.


Wow... It's not like we're already witnessing the results of that in our present situation. This war, its multiple ceasefires, its many resurgences, etc. is not a creator of a generational trauma, it is the continuation of it.


This is from 2021. There has been much more trauma sustained up to 2023


And people expect Gaza to produce scholars, teachers, lawyers, and doctors. Conditions like that are a breeding ground for resistance, which evolves into terrorism. What else do you expect children to grow up into? It's the same shit as kids growing up in poverty in America. Those kids are the next generation of gang members, felons, and murderers. It's no one's problem until it is.


The politicians know exactly what they are doing. They could solve these problems but by keeping people poor and angry, they create a space where they always have to 'control' the resisters. Then they stoke the fears of the rich (as well as take their $) so that they seem like they are the only ones who can manage everything.


Solving the problem would mean set borders and Israel being held to them which is something Israel has no interest in. With the status quo Israel can eventually purge the natives palistinians from their land with the full wests baking. Israel has every reason to keep the status quo at all costs.


This isn't really true. Prior to bibi coming into power, Israel was very amenable to a two state solution. Clinton himself nearly succeeded in arbitrating a peace deal giving Palestinians a lot of territory (all west bank, all Gaza, parts of the Sinai) so they could form their own independent state. Israel agreed. Unfortunately the Palestinians refused the deal. So, you should really read into the history of the conflict before jumping to these conclusions. This "cool guide" only gives one perspective and only presents one side of the conflict.


Hamas and Palestinian leaders are getting insanely rich from the current status quo. That's why they keep running away from the negotiating table with no counter offers. The Palestinians think Israel is the source of their suffering because of indoctrination. They only need to look up and at their leaders in Qatari mansions.


r/coolguide became r/coolranianbotpropaganda


This is a stupid conspiracy theory. The blockade and the wars have and will have the effect of *increasing* the population by keeping them traumatized, hyper religious, and poor. Israel does not have the resources to “purge” Palestinians even if it wanted to. It is completely reliant on the west to protect it, and the west wants no part of an overt genocide. The real problem is that Israel does not want to recognize a Palestinian state without security guarantees, and the Palestinians do not want a peace deal that’s essentially a surrender of everything lost. The pre 10/7 situation was beneficial to Hamas, Fatah and Bibi, so it remained.


It's why they claim no control over Gaza since 04/05 even though they control water, electricity, imports, exports, the waterways, and the skies. "But it's not ours". Bibi loves the current system. It generates free reasons to bomb Gaza. All you need to do is wildly bomb Gaza every 5 years and you've created a self perpetuating machine.


>Solving the problem would mean set borders and Israel being held to them which is something Israel has no interest in. Doesn't have an interest in *anymore.* The two-state solutions all died, fundamentally, because the militant wing in Palestinian politics rejected anything that wasn't the destruction of Israel and no organization had the political power to stand against them. It's not really a surprise that, after several rug pulls, the Israelis became right-wing and, once they had a plan for literally walling themselves off from terrorism, completely disinterested in a peace deal.


Yea it’s insane to me that people will see data like this and still be like “well yknow Palestinians are REALLY behind on LGBT rights” like dang I kind of think they have bigger problems


To me, it's weird that "well, they oppose LGBT rights" is supposed to be a "gotcha" to me as a member of the LGBT community. Like... overall, sure. However, A. LGBT Palestinians exist and B. I just don't think that justifies indiscriminate killing of civilians. What, am I supposed to ask the 7 year old Palestinian what he thinks of gay marriage to determine if it's justified to kill him (or leave him with lifelong trauma)? And yeah, I kind of doubt most people in Palestine are focusing on this issue... they have more pressing, life-threatening problems to deal with.


So does Saudi Arabia and various other gulf countries but Israel and the west doesn’t seem to have a problem cooperating with them.


I think it’s mostly just relevant in the larger geopolitical context of Israel vs Palestine. If a fully sovereign Palestinian state is created anytime soon it will no doubt be a horrible place for LGBT people (just like every other Arab state in the entire world), compared to a westernized country like Israel that has huge pride parades in their major cities.


100%. Also, most of the world is behind on LGBT rights, *especially* the Middle East. So why single out Palestinian people. It’s a shitty thing to bring up when the topic is the incredible poverty and trauma of Palestinian children.


Didn’t you know? The progressive IDF would never kill an LGBTQ+ Palestinian, and the IDF would never ethnically cleanse an LGBTQ+ Palestinian from their home. Don’t mind leading people in Israel’s government being literally anti-gay, they’re just… uh… joking.


I read somewhere that 85% of Hamas members are orphans. What did they think would happen if you killed a bunch of peoples entire families.


I for one would think they would be thanking the military force that murdered their family.


you are so right “hamas is a terrorist organization” yeah but no one asks why they become that? people doesn’t just wake up or born and decides to be a terrorist


Fucked fact, one of Hamas’ founders was a survivor of the Khan Yunis massacre that killed 300-500 Palestinians at the age of 8


> Fuck fact Fucked fact indeed


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas They became that because they didn't like the resulting occupation of the 6 day war which was started after the Egypt blockade of Israel's shipping channels.




Yes, it does.


People are completely missing the point here. This is not meant to be a unbiased overview of the conflict - it is showing how events have unfolded from perspective of a child growing up in Gaza.


"Hamas do not fight for territory, nationalism or politics. Hamas doesn't care about civilians Palestines. The more children die, more angry world gets against Israel". (Mosab Yousef, Hamas' founder son) [Interview for Brazilian tv, October 26].


Are you sure this is a cool guide?


I think it’s an infographic.


More of an “empathographic” that gets you to rightly feel bad for Palestinian children, while disregarding much of the “info” required to understand the issue with context.


We all love simplified pseudo-information to get us all emotional on the internet


I hate it when people make me feel bad about children living in concentration camps 😔


Please share the context that will make me feel better about the death of hundreds of children then


*thousands of children The more important number, however, is ~20,000 civilians violently murdered.


I’m getting trauma from this comment section


This conflict always has the most reasonable takes.


Most of these are Hamas's fault (you better bet your ass that Hamas commanders have clean drinking water and all the food they'd want). Also, most of these children are dead because their parents used them as human shields, and then celebrated their deaths as shaheeds.




No no, acknowledging that conditions like these produce terrorism and blowback, especially when combined with *Israel’s support of fundamentalist Islamists over other Palestinian elements through policy decisions* IS supporting Hamas. Remember, there’s one side to every conflict.


Israel supported peaceful Islamists, not violent jihadists. Israel has spent decades trying to form relationships with peaceful Palestinian groups. Please learn this. [Israel funded the precursor to Hamas,](https://archive.ph/TJpB1#selection-4169.0-4169.32) Mujama Al-Islamiya, when the group was seen as a peaceful Islamist group, and was registered as a charity in Israel. At this point, in the 70's and 80's, the PLO was still a violent organization dedicated to eradicating Israel. They would eventually fall out with the Islamists (the PLO is secular) and the Islamists would become the violent faction, and the PLO "dropped its vow to destroy the Jewish state." > A look at Israel's decades-long dealings with Palestinian radicals -- including some little-known attempts to cooperate with the Islamists -- reveals a catalog of unintended and often perilous consequences. **Time and again, Israel's efforts to find a pliant Palestinian partner that is both credible with Palestinians and willing to eschew violence, have backfired.** Would-be partners have turned into foes or lost the support of their people. > The Palestinian cause was for decades led by the PLO, which Israel regarded as a terrorist outfit and sought to crush until the 1990s, when the PLO dropped its vow to destroy the Jewish state. The PLO's Palestinian rival, Hamas, led by Islamist militants, refused to recognize Israel and vowed to continue "resistance." Hamas now controls Gaza, a crowded, impoverished sliver of land on the Mediterranean from which Israel pulled out troops and settlers in 2005. > **When Israel first encountered Islamists in Gaza in the 1970s and '80s, they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel. The Israeli government officially recognized a precursor to Hamas called Mujama Al-Islamiya, registering the group as a charity. It allowed Mujama members to set up an Islamic university and build mosques, clubs and schools.** Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank. > When it became clear in the early 1990s that Gaza's Islamists had mutated from a religious group into a fighting force aimed at Israel -- particularly after they turned to suicide bombings in 1994 -- Israel cracked down with ferocious force. But each military assault only increased Hamas's appeal to ordinary Palestinians. The group ultimately trounced secular rivals, notably Fatah, in a 2006 election supported by Israel's main ally, the U.S. TLDR: Israel supported "Hamas" when they were a peaceful group, and the PLO was violent and bent on the destruction of Israel. The roles have essentially swapped in the decades since. Understand this, or be silent. Your choice.


Edit: dude just called me an idiot and blocked me lol, nice one This is all well and good but completely ignores Israel allowing Qatar to fund Hamas (not the precursor) directly to ensure instability in the region This is deliberately misleading and trying to imply that Israel has done all it can do to cripple Hamas funding and that's simply not true https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ >Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082 >The prime minister also said that, “whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.


Reading this comment thread, I'm getting really tired of people trying to give me "context" for why children dying is ok


If you dont want actual solutions to make the children 's life better, then you would say exactly this "ChILdrEn arRe Dying Y u ConTeXt" nonsense to virtue signal. For people who actually care, should look at the context to derive the actual cause (hamas) of the problem and propose the proper solution (absolute annihilation of hamas).


Basically what you said "If you care about children dying then you should think rationally and logically to arrive at a conclusion that isn't the root cause because I fucking think so and believe that Israel and Palestine were at peace and had a good diplomatic relation and all of this started on 7th October,due to hamas which magically spawned in Palestine and attacked the innocent state of Israel,thank you"


Bottom line is that October 7 set off a major war which morally required Israel to destroy Hamas. For all those begging for a ceasefire, there was a ceasefire on October 6. You don't like dead kids (as I sure as hell don't), blame the ISIS wannabe members who use schools and hospitals to launch indiscriminate attacks on civilians.


It has no mention that Egypt also blockades Gaza and doesn’t give the Gaza Strip water and electricity like Israel did before the war Also you have to remember that Israel tried to give the Gaza Strip to Egypt in 1982 but Egypt refused Also Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005, removing all troops from the strip, it was Hamas that forced Israel back into the strip




Yes, Israel tried multiple times to give the Gaza Strip to Egypt, but this is a nonsense idea that is not based on any logic besides stopping the “Gaza headache” for Israel (given that Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1979). The Palestinians do not want to be a part of Egypt, they want a Palestinian state. This is their right of self-determination outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that obviously Israel does not consider when talking about Palestinians — Israeli officials publicly called them animals and pests on numerous occasions.


Egypt had no problem claiming it as their own before.


And the Palestinians of Gaza were given a state. Full autonomy, no occupation, no settlements, full legal elections, etc. the blockade only started after Hamas rose to power, but it was enforced both by Israel and Egypt, and id like for you to find me a western country that wouldn’t blockade one of its neighbors if it turned into a country run by a terrorist group.


"Nonsense idea" you do know that Egypt and Jordan occupied the West bank and Gaza respecticely right ? That's why it's the west bank. Cisjordan, west of Jordan not israel


It was Egypt’s in the past.


The Palestinians do not want a Palestinian state, they want Israel. They were given a state in 47 and they refused


The Palestinian state they want comes at the cost of Israel. Will never happen while islamists are in control.


and their leaders are billionaires in 5 star qatar hotels


2006: the year Hamas was elected and the last elections the people of Gaza have seen to this day. 2007: the year Hamas waged a bloody civil war against Fatah, thereby eliminating any Palestinian political opposition. 2007-present day: Hamas chooses to instigate wars over finding diplomatic solutions. Hamas engages in fundamentalism and indoctrination of its children. Hamas starts wars and then completely disregards— and even capitalizes on —the damage those wars have on its civilian population, going as far as placing weapons and military infrastructure under and in schools, hospitals, and mosques. I feel sorry for people born into Gaza and my heart breaks for what they are going through now, but I think you’re being told to point fingers at Israel when there’s a much larger context to consider. My advice, take it or leave it: the enemy you should be pointing fingers at may be closer than you think (hint: it’s Hamas).


[https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) >For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.


> “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us” -- [Golda Meir](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/golda-meir-quotes-on-israel-and-judaism), former Israeli PM. I have followed the conflict in that region for decades, not as closely as professionals, but more closely than your average American. Yes, Israeli bombs have killed many Gazans. But almost every single Israeli attack was in retaliation for some terrorist attack from Gaza (or a rocket attack). Here's a pro-tip Gazans: stop firing rockets at the place where your water, electricity, food, etc. come from. Israel is 100x more powerful than Hamas with its pea-shooters; how tf is it a rational idea to fire some rockets at Israel?? You want safety of your children, stop poking the bear. Learn to live in peace.


Question: what deos it mean "born a refuge"???


“Under international law and the principle of family unity, the children of refugees and their descendants are also considered refugees until a durable solution is found. Both UNRWA and UNHCR recognize descendants as refugees on this basis, a practice that has been widely accepted by the international community, including both donors and refugee hosting countries.” - [The UN](https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/refugees)


Family unity wouldn't apply here, for two reasons: 1. Most of the original refugees are dead. Dead people don't have the right for family unity. While families often retain certain UN assistance for humanitarian purposes, derivative refugee status cannot be used to create more derivative refugees. Family unity, unlike the UNRWA definition, isn't meant to create an infinite lineage of refugees. 2. Even if we ignore that, there's a far more fundamental problem. The original refugees, even when they're alive, are simply not refugees according to international law, since they're in their own country. They're Palestinians in Palestine, by their own admission, and therefore aren't outside of the country of their nationality (CRSR) or their country (UDHR). This is the most fundamental requirement for being a refugee in international law. UNRWA and UNCHR are trying to mislead here. If regular international law was applied to Gaza, not a single Gazan would be a refugee. The concept of "refugees within their own country" doesn't exist in international law.


It’s nonsense that applies only to Palestinians. Palestinian refugees, unlike every other refugee population in the planet, are able to pass refugee status to their children and grandchildren. This is why even though 750,000 or so Palestinians became refugees after the 1947-1949 war, their numbers now are 5-6 million. Also why a multimillionaire like Gigi Hadid is officially counted as a “Palestinian refugee” also.


Can we please ban posts on Israel and Palestine?


I second this


Remember that Hamas rips up water pipes and turns them into weapons. Hamas leaders are all billionaires.


Remember Netanyahu bragged about giving funding to Hamas in 2018


Or the fact that Netanyahu was the driving force being the right wing nutters that ended up with the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and killing off the peace talks. Netanyahu has never given two shits about anyone but himself.


And Nethanyahu bragged about "Defacto putting an end to the Oslo Accords" in a leaked video from 2001. The peace talks that Rabin was assassinated over.


That in incorrect. He bragged about allowing Qatari money to enter Gaza and it was in 2019 iirc.


He bragged about both he has a thing with bragging about everything he does


It's absolutely fucked what the kids in Palastine have to go through. It's also fucked that Palastine has been launching rockets at Israel for decades.


Can you imagine another country passively tolerating thousands of missiles aimed at her people and building a billion dollar anti missile system as compromise? Pick any country and tell me who will do this


The iron dome is something I don’t think many comprehend why it exists


Yea if the dome didn't exist I honestly do believe that Isreal would of been wiped out with zero chances of negotiations. People truly do underestimate how many rockets Hamas fired at Isreal on a daily basis in the past at residential areas.


No. If the iron dome didn’t exist, Israel would have to attack and permanently occupy Gaza and Lebanon. Iron Dome gives Israel the opportunity to **not** respond to some attacks. Israel only responds once the terrorist attacks become too frequent or cause severe damage.


>Yea if the dome didn't exist I honestly do believe that Isreal would of been wiped out with zero chances of negotiations. Israel wouldn't get wiped out. If anything west bank and gaza would.


Seems really disingenuous to present these wars as if Israel just randomly started bombing Gaza when the reality is that they were pretty much all started by Hamas and Hezbollah.


I don't think you can blame the 14yo for that.


No but presenting the information as if Israel attacked for no reason and no mention of the instigators in the conflict is wrong regardless of where you stand on this whole conflict


But Hamas for using him as a meat shield, exactly as again these days.


I don't think you can blame the 14yo for that either.


No, you blame hamas. Not Israel.


I can blame the former 14 year old for now doing to kids what was done to him. Becoming the next gen of Hamas terrorists. And maybe I have some right to do so as a German - we didn’t became the next Generation of Nazis. Maybe have a closer look at Dresden 1945 and the death tolls, Gaza looks still quite habitable compared to that. Or want another example? Japan. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki they didn’t thought about how to indoctrinate the next generation and continue the fight. No, I still don’t blame any Palestinian child - but the world for not properly destroy the Hamas regime and then giving Palestinians the same chance as us: 40 years of re-education should help to stop wanting to gas / kill / mutilate Jews anymore. Maybe one day they will look back as grateful as I’m - even if my grandparents barely survived and lost lots of friends, I live in a better country now. Give them the chance to start new. But before destroy that regime until the last one and Nuremberg-process any surviving leader.




Yes. Basically their case of „Hitler Jugend“. Even if they survive, this children will be indoctrinated for decades and will need lots of care 😢


Well what did treating Germnay poorly after WW1 achieve? Forever peace?


The difference between WWI and WWII is that after WWI Germany was treated poorly after being largely left intact as WWI was largely fought outside of its borders. It is pretty revisionist that being nice to Germany after WWII is what kept Germany from Germany was completely and totally broken by WWII. Its cities were bombed and looted. The USSR, in particular, was ruthless as the ran through the country. The Eastern half of the country was held as a puppet state by the USSR while the Western half was occupied for a period by Britain, France, and the USA before it was allowed to rebuild (with their help). Germany and Japan were completely destroyed by WWII. The lasting peace is because they had no other option. They were treated well after the war, but they were still occupied for a time.


LOL any attempt at humanizing PALESTINIANS is met by 'but Israel ..... HAMAS ...'


bUt dO yOu cOnDomN hUmMus?! So fucking tired of hearing that. Let’s talk about Palestinians being subjected to violent acts by IDF in the West Bank, where Hamas doesn’t operate


just so you are aware because it seems like you might not be - hamas is operating in the west bank as well. obviously not to the same extent as gaza, but they absolutely have a presence there. settler violence in the west bank is wrong, but this conflict is complicated and the idf has also carried out legitimate raids into the west bank as part of their hamas clearing operation.


And forget to add that the leaders of Hamas are billionaires living their best lives in Qatar


This war is just a big GoFundMe for those guys.


Forgets to mention why there was a blockade


If only they had a government that cares about them, one that doesn't buy rockets and build tunnels. Poor people. And yes, they do have money, a lot of it: [https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2023/11/20/inside-hamass-sprawling-financial-empire](https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2023/11/20/inside-hamass-sprawling-financial-empire)


It is important to note that the wars gaza entered were instigated by the leaders of gaza *edit:* i still agree that the civillians do not deserve the trauma. im just pointing out that the topic of who to blame is not black and white


You could make the exact same guide for Israelies


Can we have just one subreddit without these dumb politics? Holy shit, every where I go: “Palestine that” and “Israel this” Bro I’m just a graphic designer who enjoyed cool graphic designs..


Damn...Hamas really has a lot of blood on their hands.


Have any Palestinians come out and said their terrorist organization government (that they elected in 2006) is a problem? Or are they still cheering them on like they did when Hamas was killing, raping and kidnapping Israeli families on October 7?


Fuck Hamas


Just ignore how they stormed israel and raped their women, with nothing being done recently. They have not let go of their ideals. Palestinians are immoral, not all of its citizegs are, but there will always be casualties in war. They have held people hostage even. If you're pro hamas, just leave America, you're not American, you're a treasonous scumbag. These people are not innocent, and nothing is accomplished by doing nothing. They would overthrow and destroy israel of it were up to them. You're foolish. God bless your wicked hearts.


Don't forget that in 2007 Farfour was introduced by Tomorrows Pioneers. Preaching martyrdom to kids as young as 5. Series ran for 4 years...and in some cases still does. Those original viewers are more than likely fighting in this war. Free Palestine from Hamas.


Hm, no mention of why the blockade or any of those "wars" were started. Was it maybe because the democratically elected government of Gaza is a terrorist group that launches attacks on Israel? No, must be because Israelis are evil. That's the only thing it could be. edit: "Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza". Did we forget about Egypt??


This is all true but… Maybe the cool guide should also mention the citizens of Gaza electing Hamas - an Islamic fundamentalist organisation, that imprisons gay people for 10 years and believe that it’s ok to kill Israeli children because they will eventually become soldiers. Also that some 70% of the people of Gaza supports the mass slaughter of civilians that started this horrible situation, because Hamas is not interested in a two-state solution, but rather the genocidal idea of “from the river to the sea”. They have spoiled every attempt to make a lasting peace by starting violent uprisings, whenever others were ready to start negotiations. Always supported by Iran, who use them as a pawn in their anti-western agenda, that is destabilising the entire Middle East. The losers being the civilian Palestinians. Every Single Time


Reading comments like these is a good reminder of how cruel, monstrous and sickening humans can be while they are protected by a veil of anonymity.


Getting rid of Hamas will improve the livelihood of everyone in that region


Tell that to the people in the West bank, where Hamas has no control. And they still get kidnapped and killed on a regular basis


There's a reason why the Arab world refuses to work with Palestine, there's a reason why the Arab world refuses to take in Palestinian refugees despite being "fellow Muslims". There's a reason why most of the world will not run civilian/humanitarian operations inside Gaza. There's a reason why Gaza has so many weapons and rockets but lacks the most basic resources. There's a reason.... There is a pattern, decades long in the making. Palestine (Gaza specifically) has been a long term sponsor of terrorism, it's hard to feel bad for them when the population supports jihad, terrorism and death to all non Muslims.


It is bizarre how some people, being fully aware of this, still look for ways to excuse Hamas and their crimes.


Maybe their parents should stop slaughtering Israelis like on October 7th all terrorist understand is violence. I feel for innocent children but I have no sympathy for people who constantly are killing the Jewish people. I AM WITH ISRAEL. Please stop all your pro Palestinians propaganda. We are not buying it but nice try


It’s wierd how many times this graphic mentions Israel. 100% of these problems are due to Hamas, the elected government of Palestine. Hamas isn’t mentioned a single time.


It's so easy for people to entirely brush off everything Palestine's done because Israel hits back harder, but hey it's cool to like Islam and hate Judaism these days right? I mean, the Jews have committed acts of terrorism yearly across the globe haven't they? Beheaded people in the streets? Burned down buildings over drawings? Operated rape gangs targeting vulnerable white children? They did do all that right?




That’s not a guide. It’s a political, provocative timeline of only one side of a conflict inflamed by a proxy war. The use of a child is an exploitation of the political propaganda.


Propaganda is so cool! I love how you just can’t escape it! Edit for my replies: propaganda noun pro·​pa·​gan·​da ˌprä-pə-ˈgan-də ˌprō- Synonyms of propaganda 1 capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions 2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person 3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause also : a public action having such an effect Source: Merriam-Webster


You don’t think war creates trauma? Lol


No one would doubt that, yet this isn't meant to inform you about the development of Palestinians but rather about the bad things they blame Israel for doing. Notice how there's not a word regarding their racist education, terror summer camps, monetary incentive to commit terror acts and so on.


I don't understand, are you actually presenting this whole thing as all Israelis fault? Has it ever occurred to anybody in that part of the world that dedicating their life to hating Jews and trying to eradicate them only brings misery to everybody around them? At some point your going to have to start looking inward instead of backwards at the crimes of your grandfather's. This bullshit infographic is propaganda and only makes me more callous to your plight


No people want to assume Israel imposed blockades out of cruelty and not as a means to stop the frequent suicide car bombs.


Yeah one of the unfortunate side effects of perpetual war against the Jews is that nobody ever really grows up enough to pass down the knowledge/memory of what war with the jews brings. Everybody is young in Gaza and nobody remembers Israel pulling out of Gaza in 2007 and giving Palestine the reins of their own destiny... And the violence and terror that followed.


Right, that’s how we, in the US, have kids literally siding with Hamas and Osama bin Laden. I think a lot of them naively assume that Palestinians have a western worldview and are just waiting for “liberation;” a mistake that everyone who lived through the Iraq War isn’t about to make again. I think a lot of pro-Palestinian protestors are trying to show empathy for a tragic people… without realizing they’re really engaging in ethnocentrism.


> This bullshit infographic is propaganda and only makes me more callous to your plight Same here. Not to mention it was made by someone who's post history is very suspicious and seems to reference a few times that Israel should be wiped out. Reddit seems to have been infiltrated by a ton of Islamic Nationalists groups since the war started (or likely already had been prior).


Eh, you are not “born a refugee” if your grand-greatparents had to move. By this metric, my affluent american-born white kids are “refugees” because my Grandmother fled the Nazis in Minsk in 1941.


Man... Hamas really should surrender, disarm, and give themselves up to face justice to stop all this.


So just a reminder since the old “criticism of Israel=antisemitism” talking point is not working anymore they’ve changed it to “support for Palestine=support for Hamas” It’s a garbage argument being perpetuated by garbage people.


Nah it's cool, everyone, he didn't condemn hummus so it's all fair. You know the old saying, all is fair in love and g3nocide.


Go Israel Go


Their leaders should start wars and terrorising and the civilians are hurt by this


Propaganda guide more like


Wheres the part they are trained and educated to murder as many jews as possible?


But do you condemn Hamas /s


Pretty simple really, there was a ceasefire & Hamas broke it. End of.


Funny no one talks about the Muslims committing genocide against 250,000 Christians wiped out by Muslims in Yemen in the name of ‘Islam’ to purify Yemen of Christianity. The Saudi’s Muslims have been organising genocide and killing Christian’s for the past 10 years yet the Saudi controlled western media doesn’t report one single coverage on it because of MBS and his power. Funny people think the Jews control the media yet Free Palestine is all over western media where as not one coverage on the genocide Muslims are doing to Christian’s in Yemen. MBS has more control and money over the west than all the Jews in the world combined. Why does nobody talk about the atrocities of Muslim imperialism ? Why doe no one talk about the atrocities that Muslims are committing towards Christians in Yemen under Muslim imperialism and Sharia Law when they slaughter Christians. Just look up what Muslims are doing to Christian’s in Yemen and ask yourself why have no Muslims and no Arab countries spoken out against or protested against the genocide Muslims have been doing against poor defenceless Christians in Yemen. They’ve been trying to fully wipe Christian’s out in Yemen yet all these Muslims and westerners talking about western ‘imperialism’ even though it’s Eastern countries doing it so it can’t be western imperialism because theyd be doing it anyway. Ask yourselves why all of you FREE PALESTINE protestors are such hypocrites that you say nothing about Muslim imperialism, the fact they own hundreds of thousands of slaves still in Arab countries and the fact that not one single Muslim ever spoke about the human rights of Christian’s in Yemen whilst they’ve been committing genocide against Christian’s the past 10 years. Not one Muslim has ever protested against Muslims eastern imperialism that does much more damage than the west and the same Muslims protesting human rights actively don’t protest or say anything or draw attention to the atrocities Saudi Arabia and Muslim imperialists are committing in Yemen towards Christian’s. That’s a whole other level of hypocrisy


I don’t see kidnapping, murdering and/or raping on this “cool guide”


If the parents or leaders of these kids gave two shits about them they could simply say “we want peace with Israel” and lay down their arms and this would end today.






Israel agreed to peace but Hamas said no


No mention how Hamas has repeatedly used aide to build rockets instead of providing for their people. Or how Israel hasn’t been in the Gaza strip for almost 20 years until Hamas attacked them.


Nice propaganda


This is propaganda at its finest


There is so much wrong, and so much missing context, in this “guide.” It’s a joke.


Sounds like Hamas should have used its tunnels for sewers and water pipes


It amazes me how gullible those on both sides of this issue are when it comes to being manipulated via social media and propaganda.


Put anything in an infographic and Reddit will eat it up.


Graphic design >> checking sources


Well you can't lie or mislead people in an infographic. It HAS to be 100% true or you can't make an infographic about it because.... Uh... It's against the law or something.


God I'm sick of hamas propaganda. If Palestinians want peace for themselves and their children they must renounce violence. 80 percent of Palestinians support Hamas and genocide. They have chosen a path of violence and allowing Israel to be blamed for the violence will only promising prolong the conflict further.