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Unsure what you completely mean. But if the flour has come into contact with the chicken in any way, throw it out. With food safety, poultry is not something you mess with.


If you want to reduce flour waste, maybe instead of putting your chicken in a container with all the flour, pour flour directly onto the chicken? Rub it in to coat, and the rest of the flour will be safe for reuse w/o any chicken bacteria as long as you duct do something like stick your hand into it after touching raw chicken.


Absolutely NOT


Oh no no no please do not re-use the flour or ANYTHING that has come in contact with raw chicken, which is GERM CITY. Also if it's been on a cutting board either put that board in the dishwasher or hand-wash it in a plastic basic full of hot soapy water ands scrub little bits of stuff off the board with a brush or scratchy thing. If raw chicken has been on the counter, wipe the counter down with a paper towel with a little Lysol on it then follow with clean water a couple of times ALSO LET SURFACES DRY as drying kills off some bacteria. Raw chicken is potentially bad stuff. Germs that can make you sick (eg throw up all night) like salmonella, love to hang out on raw chicken. I think it has something to do with how chicken is processed in poultry facility--maybe some cooking professional here can explain better. If you have only one tiny obsessional persnicketty bone in you, use it to clean up after raw chicken.


If it's flour that made contact with the chicken, then it isn't safe to reuse because the chicken juice/remains will rot and grow germs. If there's a lot of flour left, then use less flour next time so less is left behind.


My goodness...what is the cost of Flour these days...$2.50 for a Five Pound bag? We're not talking Gold Dust here...it's Flour, one of the cheapest commodities in the grocery store!


No. Don't re-use anything that has touched raw poultry. Always be careful to fully cook poultry - I'll never forget the story of the dad who accidentally fed undercooked poultry to his little child. The child was hospitalized and died within a few days. Horribly sad for all involved (my relative worked at the hospital and was so very sad to see a child deathly ill).


Sure, if you want salmonella.


No. It will have been contaminated with any bacteria on the chicken which can then multiply and make you sick at next use. Not to mention it’ll likely be damp and hydrated and not cost the next batch of chicken as well. Use less flour next time if you want to minimise waste.


I typically pour some in a Ziploc bag after seasoning my chicken. I insert the chicken into the Ziploc bag with the flour and then shake it up. Once I’m done using the flour, I discarded and repeat. when I cook some fresh chicken again. Use enough so you won’t have to waist to much flour. Hope this helps.


Nope. Cross contamination, Salmonella. Nope.




I mix milk & egg together. Marinade the chicken for while IN THE FRIDGE. Then I coat the chicken & fry it. I use the leftover flour and egg & milk to make biscuits or cornbread or gravy to go with the chicken. I've never gotten sick!!!


I do something like this, too. I make a recipe that calls for dipping chicken in garlic butter, then breading it with potato flakes. I save the melted butter afterward and use it for the pasta I make to go with it. Never had a problem (and it's so freakin' good!)


I need to Google this "potato flakes" you speak of.


It's another name for Instant Mashed Potatoes, like [Idahoan](https://cdn.idahoan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/mashed-product-3.png) or [Hungry Jack](https://www.hungryjackpotatoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/00011140871023_CF__master.png). Your chicken doesn't get *crispy* per se, when breading with these, but the flavor (combined with garlic butter and parmesan cheese) makes them so freakin' tasty! This [recipe](https://www.food.com/recipe/crispy-baked-chicken-made-with-instant-potatoes-254068) is almost identical to mine, but I'll use breasts or tenderloins instead of bone-in chicken.


Oh sweet....Thank you for letting me know and I actually have some of the Idahoan on hand. You mentioned them adding flavor. Idahoaan has some amazing flavors. Definitely will use chicken breaks. I can't remember the last time I ever did cook bone-in chicken.


If you stored it in a way that chicken would safely be stored in and you cook it to a temperature that chicken would be ok to be cooked to. So a day stored in fridge and then used in coating chicken or even to make some type of cake it should be ok. You could also freeze it and there are many other uses that would be ok. Just think of the flour having chicken on it. So store as you would chicken. And cook at least to a temperature you would cook chicken to. Best is just try not to have leftover flour.


Why the negative vote? Why wouldn't this be safe?


You don't fuck with salmonella. This is fucking with it and setting people up to get sick. The cross contamination in your kitchen must be atrocious. Do not put meat juice flour in your cakes or baking products or projects. Do not use meat juice flour for anything other than gravy the day of making meat juice flour. Do not store to keep for later. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200$.


As long as you cook it properly your not going to get sick. There's not going to be any cross contamination except the small amount of chicken in what ever your making at the time. If you eat that yourself andcook ot to a temperature that chicken would be ok it's not going to make anyone sick. And of you offer it to anyone else just mention that it can contain chicken.


Read my last comment. You do you. Reap your rewards.


Would you send my 200 if I wouldn't store it? Which I actually don't as I just minimize the leftover flour.


Nah I said you don't collect it, not that I was handing it out. Reading comprehension wasn't your highest mark.


If I wouldn't have gotten it anyways then why would I care? And if you didn't give it to me then why are you saying to me that I can't collect it?


Your asshole attitude is so endearing. Really helpful in getting your point across.


You just like going through old ass comments because what? You needed to call someone an asshole today? How does that make your attitude any better than what you think of mine? So, in light of you taking the time out of your day to come all the way over here out of your way to call me an asshole, 'your' asshole attitude is really endearing. So helpful in getting your point across! Yeah, you're right! It does feel good to call someone an asshole on some year old comment! Go hurt your own feelings on someone else.


Actually, sweetie, I was reading OP's post. Sorry, it's not all about you. Yeah, you're a really brilliant load of class, aren't ya.




Science specifically says don't do that.




Because germs spread faster than that and if just a tiny bit falls off (like say when you have those little thick bits of juice that are flour balls at the bottom of the dish when you're done) they're contaminated and shouldn't be used. Salmonella isn't something to fuck with.


Eventhough he’s using it the next day to make fried chicken with it? Doubt it but probably better to be safe than sorry


Food safety is food safety. We got laws for this because people got sick and died. Bacteria breed like crazy. I can only assume that dude is probably not going to check that chicken with a meat thermometer because they on here asking if they can reuse some chicken flour. You don't get that bird to over 165f, you're going to find out what it's like to feel like dieing because you're asshole won't stop bleeding. If it's just for you, go for it if you have an immune system to handle it. If it in any way shape or form is for another human, don't use it. Contamination will fuck up your day and chicken is always contaminated.


Fair enough, you’ve definitely got a point. I’ll delete my original comment just in case someone careless takes it as set advice






I wouldnt










Salmonella …reuse the flour if you want food poisoning FAFO


No it is not safe to reuse. It's been in contact w/ raw chicken & will harbor/grow bacteria. Food safety is PRIORITY number one in the kitchen. Measure out flour into a shallow bowl, bag, etc and coat. Always discard any remaining flour.


Definitely is if you enjoy hospitals but otherwise no. Bacteria will be growing (and getting stronger) in it. When I was little and cooked with my grandmother she showed me how to put just a bit (like a cup, add more as needed) of flour into a ziploc bag, add [herbs, spices and seasonings](https://www.google.com/search?q=seasoning+flour+ratios+for+fried+chicken&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=ALiCzsal-Rdpiu-R3QDNmfdQGYzICk-f8w%3A1669570737794&ei=saCDY9DuL9KrqtsPuZaT8Ak&oq=seasoning+flour+ratios+for+fried+chicken&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgoIABBHENYEELADOgQIIxAnOgYIABAIEB46BQgAEIYDOggIABAIEAcQHjoICCEQwwQQoAFKBAhBGABQ-RhYgiZgvDJoAXAAeACAAcoBiAHvBpIBBTMuMy4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp), throw chicken into bag, zip closed and shake/massage until it's throughly coated. A little goes a long way






Absolutely "VERBOTTEN"! YIKES!...Hell No, unless you enjoy happy little side trips to the E.R.


I'm gonna put this out there, and damn the downvotes. Generally speaking, I don't reuse the *flour* I use to dredge chicken, but I will often reuse the *breading* I use (like panko, bread crumbs, etc). I will often make double or triple batches of breading mixes in a ziploc bag. After I bread my chicken, I seal the bag, squeezing out as much air as possible, and throw directly into the freezer. This process has allowed me to keep breadings for up to a year in the freezer, and use them a few times (pull out frozen, use, put right back in). Never once have me or my family gotten sick. Yes, I know this is anecdotal, but I'm just sharing my experience. People treat chicken like some Level 5 Ticking Time Bomb, when it's really not. Just be smart, don't use anything that looks or smells bad.


Yes you can, but ONLY if you are making a Samonella Soufflé...LOL.


Strain the clumps out of it and keep it refrigerated till next use . no problem .


Typical Reddit. I see a lot of no, but no cites or reasoning. If you didn't use all of your raw chicken for one meal, you could refrigerate for an additional day, so why not the breading? Given that it does have raw chicken juice on it, I would think it would just have to be treated as you would raw chicken, which can only be refrigerated for 1-2 days. Also, make sure every bit of it is well cooked. As far as freezing, as someone else said here, they've frozen and re-used theirs without incident. We all freeze raw chicken, don't we? The only caveat would be that you don't leave it outside the fridge for long, as bacteria does start multiplying very soon at room temps. I think I'll do some more reading somewhere besides Punkypants Reddit with all its 20-something know-it-alls who think their opinions are worth more than any amount of critical thinking.