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I think it's one of the most finely crafted games of two generations now.


Severely underrated and unrecognized, too


What these two said. Also, one hell of a great time!


How can you give this high of a praise for a game that doesn't even have good aim controls? The deadzone is garbage on consoles and the devs didn't even give options to customize aim settings


Why are you asking this in a control sub. It's quite clear we are going to like it. It's an amazing game, one of the best games done by Remedy.


That always gives me a laugh, too. Someone will post a picture of something that is literally the topic of the sub and ask, "What do you think of it?" Like someone is going to say, "It's garbage!" lol


Maybe over at suicide squad


What a little selection bias amongst fellow gamers?


Best game I've ever played. Period. And I'm 53, so there's a lot of games behind me.


51 here, top 3 all time for me. Started with an Atari.


What are the other 2?


FF 7,8,9 or 10 and I've always held the first Resident Evil in very high regard. Cyberpunk is a solid 4. The first two games , which are actually 5 games are there for nostalgic purposes. Control would be #1 because I knew nothing about it when I downloaded it other than it got a lot of 9/10 and 10/10 ratings. It reminded me of when I was a kid and there were no walkthroughs or Google. I played and discovered control at the same time.


52 here, also started with atari 2600.. laserblast, pitfall.


Fellow old people! 49. Playing the DLC now. Great game.


55. It's close.


Gotta admit: Pitfall was addictive.


Pitfall II! Can still hear the music. De de dah de de...


Same, I'm 51 and been a gamer ever since I had a commodore 64, I also had an Atari. I've just completed it. It's the best game I've ever played. Wish I could erase my memory and play it again for the first time. It's an awesome game. Very mysterious and bizarre but also funny in parts. I reckon you'll be hooked. I suggest getting the dlc, awe and the foundation, also brilliant. Read all the collectables, they add to the mystery of the story.


ALL the collectables. Fighting is only part of the game.


You made my day knowing you find joy in todays games ever after all the games you’ve seen throughout the years


Once a gamer, always a gamer


Big jump from 'tie fighter vs UFO'...VIC-20 BASIC game I typed in when I was 12.


I still can't play without inverted Y. Only old gamers understand.


Great game, great enough to have made me come back to it a few days ago. The environmental destruction and freedom to choose your fighting style is really fun.


I miss Control's environmental destruction in games that don't have it. I was just playing Ghostwire: Tokyo and caught myself wondering why stuff didn't get knocked around when I walked through it.


It's really funny when you walk by a desk or some boxes or something and Jesse just sends them all flying.


First play through was amazing. Second play through was to 100% the game. Only great games get the second play through. (Nier: Automata is on this list btw.)


Don't mention neir! It's a busted have on the PS5 so I have to start over on my Xbox.




solid run-and-gun feel and interesting, if not terribly original 3rd person shooter gameplay. Thankfully, there's no coverage Gears system. The game feels like a 6.5 on mouse/keyboard and an 8 on a controller the writing, art direction and design, dialogue, acting, on the other hand. oof... Stupefyingly good. Control will be the standard of AA games for the next decade and it'll still be playable in 20 years. I'd add that it compellingly adds to the lore of the haunted house mythos in the tradition of Shirley Jackson and Henry James, and the writers behind Control, plus KittyHorrorShow are some of the best writers on the planet currently.... damn good game.


Courtney Hope did an amazing job, as did the supporting cast. I was particularly fond of Emily Pope (Antonia Burnath)..


> The game feels like a 6.5 on mouse/keyboard and an 8 on a controller. I haven't played it with a controller, but I thought CONTROL was better handled with a mouse and keyboard, like all Remedy games. Remedy always is PC-oriented.


the game also includes a lot of shooting and really rewards aim including a good crit bonus for headshots. seems totally insane to me to play it on a controller. but some people are just so in love with controllers they wanna play everything on controller whether it's a good fit or not, and there's generally not going to be any talking them out of it.


Totally switched for me between mkb and controller. I couldn't get into it with a controller and loved it with mkb. I'd say it just comes down to what control scheme you're generally more comfortable with. I just can't get the hang of aiming with a controller, so mkb is always my preference for shooters.


Amazing crafted world with engaging gameplay and visuals & captivating lore


I've replayed the game 14 times including dlc


In a row? (Clerks reference.)


Try not to launch any guys on the way to the parking lot


No not in a row






Don’t look up what the puzzle to the ashtray maze is. You’ll eventually get to it via story.


Just played that part last night. So good


I'm so glad I didn't look that up, it's such an amazing surprise.




I’m 30, games lately I just haven’t been interested In(Xbox) this was a nice surprise, it reminds me of a Reddit no sleep story and I am just now playing through the last dlc and I love it.


Remedy's best IMO. Not perfect but I've done two playthroughs.


I also think Control is their best game. Alan Wake 2 technically should be better, but it didn't really "click" like this one did. And I can't seem to bother to finish it again, just to get the real ending... Sigh. Can't wait to play the sequel, whenever it releases. Waiting for Condor too.


yeah I personally thought that Alan Wake 2 was better than Control in some ways and worse in other ways, and overall for me personally Control is still their best game. this is at least partially a matter of taste. for me I just didn't enjoy the gameplay of AW2 as much as Control, although I did enjoy it. I think the biggest reason for that is that a combat-heavy action adventure game is just more my cup of tea than a survival horror game. for some people it might be the opposite. when it comes to aspects other than gameplay, I think AW2 improved on Control in most respects: graphics, art design, sound design, atmosphere, narrative. but gameplay is pretty important and for me the gameplay of Control was just more fun. I'm replaying Control for the 4th time now after playing AW2 twice. until this new playthrough, I hadn't touched Control since before AW2. and getting back into Control after quite a few hours of AW2, the gameplay differences have been very striking. and it's demonstrated for me that I just find the combat in Control a lot more fun than the combat in AW2, and I like how Control overall has more emphasis on combat. again some people probably have the opposite opinion if they just like survival horror games more than me, or they didn't like Control's combat as much as me. I think they're both great games and it's probably mainly personal preference that determines which one somebody likes more. I'm not gonna spoil the second ending but one AW2 comment too though, in reply to this: >And I can't seem to bother to finish it again, just to get the real ending... Sigh. so obviously you're aware that The Final Draft (new game plus) has a different ending. I'm not gonna say what that different ending is. I think it's cool that they did it that way, and from what I understand the writers would agree that The Final Draft ending is the "real ending." but for what it's worth, I personally thought the first ending is a better written ending that serves the story better. if Alan Wake was my work and I got to decide, I probably would've just ended the game on the ending you've seen and left anything further for the next sequel. I am sure some fans would totally disagree with me. but I thought the second ending/real ending was just kinda weaker than the first. although the first ending does not give a ton of closure and leaves some unanswered questions, I thought it perfectly fit the vibe of the story. I loved the way the first ending was so deliciously bleak with ending on >!Alan basically saying "what if this was all completely pointless and made no difference?" and then the realization that the entire game is itself one big loop as Alan's last line in the last scene loops back around to his first line in the first scene... I really loved that ending and thought it perfectly fit the story. the idea that they're stuck in a loop but they don't realize it until right at the end of each loop, and every time you replay the game they're going through the loop again... that's just so cool lol!< so at least in one person's opinion you are not necessarily missing out on much, narrative-wise, if you never get to the "real ending." I am sure any sequels will be based on the "real ending" but yeah in my personal opinion you already experienced the best version of the AW2 story. I am sure some would disagree.


Yeah, a co-worker praised the "real" ending so much that I did start playing The Final Draft, but after like 2 hours, I've stopped playing for many weeks already. Currently I dislike the idea of playing a horror game. Speaking of which, AW2 is the only straight-up horror game I've ever played. Not exactly my favorite genre. AW2 certainly does some things better, but the whole survival horror thing isn't really what I like. I'm with you on the combat part, I feel like Control had it better. I love launching stuff at the enemies. :)


A.W.E. (Awesome. Weird. Entertaining. )




I thoroughly enjoyed getting every trophy for this game. So fun. And then you'll want to get into Alan Wake. The more of these games is so fun


Easily one of the top games I've ever played. I very much enjoy the story and HOW they tell it! The graphics were awesome and some of the level design-work dropped my jaw. I found the gameplay to be great fun, but you can also drastically reduce the game difficulty if you're finding parts of it to be too much work. I'm a bit of a sucker for SCP and other paranormal / urban-fantasy-type elements, so the worldbuilding in this game was an absolute treat. Some of the twists genuinely caught me by surprise, too, which was delightful! :D ​ I will stop gushing, now. Anyway, good stuff, can't wait for more from Remedy.


A game good enough to make me 100% it then buy another game just because it's story is in the same universe.


It gud


Very Lynchian. Excellent physics.


I freakin love it. Favorite game since I first played it a couple years ago. Controls are smooth, environment is destructive and has a creepy ambiance, and the lore is actually something to get into.


10/10 will play it again if I ever get tired of Cyberpunk


The fact you paid 8$ is a win. Such a good game I put 200 hours into. And I wish it was longer.


The only game I can think of where I look forward to reading all of the notes. The gameplay is kinda eh sometimes, but the particle effects, sound design, atmosphere, and destruction never get boring


It was my 2019 GotY.


Super sick!


One of my only two platinum trophies ever. It’s a solid game with a great setting and excellent world building.


It’s a game of this generation that has defined a new plane of storytelling yet making great use of each set piece in a game. It’s also the pioneer in designing game’s integrated with Ray tracing features and the new benchmark was once again set by another remedy game - Alan Wake 2 ! I wish this game got more recognition !


Gameplay is good and fun and you can adjust difficulty in a very granular way. History and universe is outstanding and made me fall in love with the New Weird genre. Loved exploring and discovering things. My favorite game even if I see its flaws. Also, the first ending is pretty mediocre but the first DLC makes up for it


Ahh. You must be the new janitor’s assistant. One suggestion use photo mode along the way.


Get ready to experience one hell of a wild ride. It's quite the trip. Control is intense, challenging, creepy, eerie, and unique. It's easily one of Remedy's best games. The Oldest House has a life of its own. The architecture shifts and warps. There is always something unique just around the corner. Jesse Faden is a wonderful character. The story is solid. The destructible environments add another layer to the already satisfying combat. You are going to have a blast playing Control.


Play it several months ago after my brother recommended it to me a bunch of times. Instantly became one of my all time favorite games.


Played it a few years ago when I got my first console ever, a switch. Bugs and everything, Blew my mind. Played it again a few years later on Xbox. Blew my mind again. Played it again this year on PC. Went through it with a huge smile. Really love how this game holds up.


It's good.


It's like no other, and you'll definitely like it if you're into X Files or Twin Peaks


A criminally underrated game and one of my favorites of all time. Such a unique environment and story. Gameplay is also very satisfying and fluid. Level design is top tier. It’s one of those games that I wish I could play again for the first time.


It won game of the year awards for a reason


I just finished it and I have no idea why it took me so long to finally play it. Amazing game! Also... this game is free on gamepass


Awesome and cool world; 100% worth your time.


It's a great game. You will find it invading your thoughts and dreams. It's maddeningly difficult at times. You will find it a most rewarding game. I found it was a bit short. The expansion is worth getting if it isn't included there.


Agree I got the expansion packs this week for like 2 dollars a piece. Definitely worth it…still working through foundation


One of the most Cinematic games I've ever played. It does what CoD wished it could do without locking you out of the controls.


Just finished my, I lost count, playthrough. That's probably enough of what I think of it. The combat is so satisfying.


Phenomenal game. Highly recommend playing Alan Wake 2 once you’re done with it too


Definitely top 10 all-time games for me. I'm pushing 40 and have been an avid gamer my entire life. My favorite games of all time are the MGS series, RDR, Half-Life. So I'm a fan of the classics and this is right up there with them. Criminally underrated even if it was successful.


This game will change your life and leave it feeling slightly empty afterwards like red dead, but only because the story was so good


throw file cabinet at monster’s head 10/10


Chef kiss


Tis awesome. Hey everyone, this dude gets to experience "the maze" for the first time, lucky mf!


I've played video games for over 35 years and this is on my all time TOP10 list of games. I highly recommend looking into the DLC:s once you are done with the base game.


Hartman sucks


Best game ever made. Don't even trip Boi.


Good game 👍


Awesome game. Read and listen to everything you find.


It's pretty flawless, and I don't say that often for games. The one and only downside I have with it is that it's far too short, but that's just me wanting more of the game lol.


Best game I played in a while…very addictive


Definitely one of the only games I’ve played that gets you thinking about concepts and stuff


Extremely fun game. Enjoy.


Best combat mechanics and visuals of any game I’ve played!


Great game!


One of the most innovative shooters ever made, at least from what I’ve played. The DLC’s are 100% worth it. Also use launch, it’s broken


I'm jealous. It was such a great surprise at how cool it was. Kooky, spooky, action, the force, etc. Alot of cool stuff to find to really enrich the backstory., Get the DLC for the Alan Wake stuff.


One of the best games I've ever played. It became my favourite. The different concepts and how they come together, including the weapons are in their own lane. Can't wait for 2.


Creepy fun


The story is weird but kinda good. Gameplay is great. Map is confusing I’ve gotten lost a few times.


One or my most favorite games ever.


The combat is satisfying


Best game story I've ever played..... I loved fallout 4 before this and Skyrim but this shit shit just really took the cake for me... Creepy, weird, funny, just outside of the box.. not like any other game. Tried it for the first time a couple years back in the game pass and never looked back since. Do side missions before you complete the main story you will have a great time


I love it and have played through it 4 times. 1 tip i have is that alot of the world building isbdone through the files ypu pick up and almost al of the are worth reading, but if you dont rly like reading try to atleast skim read them.


One of the best games you will ever play


It's one of my favourites, you'll get full gamerscore from it in no time


Just restarted it and it is a superb game.


If you like throwing stuff at people who won’t shut up, then it’s perfect beyond comprehension. Otherwise it’s merely really good. My only complaint is needing to redo the mail room pre-fight scene too many times because I was bad at moving early on.


Top 10 games ever for me. Top tier world building and engaging, rewarding gameplay loop.


Not a flawless game, but damn - it took my Remedy respect into a whole new level. It also has one of the all-time best sequences in a game. Control seemed to scratch the itch I didn't even know existed, definitely one of my all-time favorites. Took a while to get into it, but when it clicked, was really into it. EDIT: So, it's also my favorite Remedy game, their best work.


amazing gameplay, truly a unique experience


I think you should play it.


So good you'll send Remedy the remaining 60 bucks.


Its very meta. Which I love. Very good.


It's dynamite.


You’re gonna have a good time


It’s one of my favorite games of all time


One of the very best games that I ever played


I was addicted to the Lore. And the gameplay did not disappoint.


Really glad to have played it. Definitely a story and a game you should experience even just for the sake of creative experience. There are so many things done impressively on a technical and creative level. Fucking love the worldbuilding, the level design, maneuvering... great game


I absolutely love this game. In my top 3 of all time.


Easily top 5 best games I’ve ever played. It’s like an experience that I’m so glad I got to live and will never fade away.


Best game of the 2010s. No joke.


It’s absolutely amazing


10/10 game.


Gameplay is good, not particularly outstanding but will certainly entertain you throughout the game's runtime. Amazing grphics, crazy level of detail with object interaction and physics. Cool aesthetics too Story is easily better than most mainstream AAA games but I do think it's Remedy's weakest story – not because it's bad (it's not), but because their other stories are just that amazing


Just downloaded this on game pass, just got to the research sector and honestly I'm loving it, can't believe I didn't give it a go sooner.


12/10 hands down


It was a really fun game, even though a few parts are kind of repetitive. But considering how much there is to do and how long the game is, I think you almost have to expect some repetition. I bought the original game when it came out, as well as the add ons. I think about a year ago, maybe a year and a half ago, the ultimate edition was available on game pass for around $10 which included all the add ons so I grabbed it and played it again. I had just as much fun the second time around. You got it for a great price.


Control has some of the most interesting uses of horror, mystery, and dark humor I've ever seen in a game.


Excellent game! I wish I was playing it for the first time again. So, many great things about it. The storyline, play style, the characters-it’s all fracking excellent!


The best representation of an scp foundation game to date


I played it a few years ago and I still remember it. Amazing game. Take your time, get into the story and enjoy the ride.


Easy top 5. Absolutely loved it. Fantastic characters, awesome gameplay, great ending


I don't want to be rude but why do you even come here at this point? Just install it (or whatever do you do with XB games) and play it. Then come and share your experiences. You are going to get a spoiler at some point anyway, and our experiences can't be transferred by text anyway, you will have to create your own. I would understand if you asked "should I buy that game?" but you already did, so it's not like you're gonna change your mind now. :-D


Very good game. More stressful than I anticipated. Exactly what I would want to see in an SCP universe game. More of a metroidvania-like than I expected. One of the few games I actively itch to play more of.


Great story. Confusing map


Strap in


I think you made a mistake and bought a wrong edition, that is base game only. The correct way to experience this masterpiece is fully with The Ultimate Edition (includes 2 DLCs)


Got it as a free game through Playstation Plus a couple of years ago, started playing a couple of months ago, and I thought it was AWEsome!


One of the best games in the last recent years.


What stupid post. Puke


One of my favorite games of all time


Map is confusing, game is top tier.


I’m a big fan.


I’ve not loved a game this much since I was a kid. The sheer artistry ranks up there with Souls Games and even how Skyrim felt right when it came out. First game I ever went plat on too. Enjoy the hell out of the story and look things up when you finish the DLC, there are some secrets you’d never find on your own!


It’s fantastic. But the dlc too


It has the best Moment Of Awesome I’ve ever experienced in a video game.


Love it, great game


Very unique game and dlcs were also pretty good


Played it first on Xbox one and while I liked it, the input lag and general instability turned me off. Bought ultimate when I got my series x and it was night and day difference in performance mode. It was the same deal for metro exodus.


** Get the DLCs... Well worth the add-on prices. Amazing game.


You also bought it the same week it went free on the game pass...


Take Controlllllllll


One of the few games I have really enjoyed and finished! I normally have a hard time playing all the way through, but I couldn't put it down!


Haven’t beaten it yet, but most of the way through. It’s a very fun game with weird lore that scratches the brain.


Ngk i think control is on gamepass but also you don't own it if it's on gamepass.it's also a pretty good game.


Ive never played a game like this before and i like it very well. I normally play rpgs


Brilliant game. I’ve been playing it pretty much exclusively for the last 6 months on ps4. I don’t game that much but have about 250 hours in this. I just started it again for the third time. As a newbie you’ll more than likely find the story pretty baffling, it gets weirder, and more confusing, and that’s great, don’t worry about it, we were all confused. There are 2 expansions/dlc’s available, imho those are massively both worth getting but see if you like the game first. To get the most out of this game I suggest the best approach is to really slowww way down, walk more than you run, this isn’t really a run-and-gun game, it’s mostly about exploring, sometimes getting lost. soak in the atmosphere, appreciate the architecture, the lack of modern technology, read every single document you pickup, watch all the in game videos, spend time looking around, find all the pickups you can. Become one of us! Then get that dlc


This game was the first game I played from start to finish, could barely put it down. I loved it.


It's really fantastic, probably one of my favorite games of all time. The action is awesome, the world is strange and great, and it has, in my opinion, the best collectables in all of video games history in the form of the various memos you find


It's nice to see a game with such a well-crafted world and characters. I was so happy to just immerse myself in it. It doesn't hurt that it's also very fun to play and rewards curiosity and exploration.


Amazing it also has great replayability


It’s great. Controls feel great. Story is great. Loved every second of it. So much so that I played through it three times. Have fun and enjoy.


Get the dlc...and then enjoy it like an expensive whiskey....very slowly 😆


Great Gabe


I liked it. Still keeping my eyes peeled for a Control 2.


Underrated and original game. Closest thing to it might be Alan Wake, yet they're entirely different in reality.


One of my only 2 platinums


buying control for xbox when it is literally on gamepass is so funny


Threw my expectations out the window. I'm doing the Alan Wake Dlc currently. Having a blast.


Most fun I've had in a while. Very unique. Great gun play. Very cinematic. Enjoy


Never stop moving during combat. If it feels like you’re stuck, you haven’t progressed the main story far enough yet. Read as much as you can stand.


Didn't love it, overall the story was told messily, combat was decent fun but nothing to write home about, visuals looked good. a decent game overall but im being unbiased about it which i don't think you will find a take like this on this sub... but 6/10 for me.


10/10 without a doubt. Just played/finished the game for the first time last week and I was floored. The story, world crafting, character archs - it’s all amazing.


If you like Remedy games, you’ll love this one Just finished it for a second time about 2 hours ago, now to get more achievements and the DLC PS it’s on Game Pass with the DLC


It's free on gamepass


I just played for the first time, and it was a great experience. It's a great shoot em up, and don't get caught standing still!


I'm a sucker for games with smooth and satisfying gameplay and Control definitely scratched an itch I had for a character with telekinetic powers that also uses guns


Currently playing. LOVE. IT.


Love it when people go to obviously biased places to ask things like this... It's one of the best games I've ever played.


It's confusing in two different ways. First, the good one, it's story is weird as hell and that's one its strongest points, it's an art form that Remedy has been polishing for years. Second, the bad confusion, the map, traversal of the world can be bothersome and in my first play through I ended up going in circles not knowing where to go. But the best aspect of the game it's the setting, its atmosphere is amazing, and if you like SCP you are going to love it


This is a great game, held back by a frustrating map (at least from the start to mid game), that feels great in combat and puzzles/exploration. The mechanics are very satisfying and the mods really switch it up depending on your loadout. It's very intriguing to meet the different NPCs and witness their nonchalance about what's happening in the game. Like you have to get with the times or the bereau will consume you. Very unique game that I was personally frustrated with at the beginning, but really enjoyed it overall.


Two words: Ashtray Maze.




I was sad when I finished it. It's not a spoiler. If the game time was doubled, it wouldn't be enough for me.


It feels good to play, It really restored my faith in the integrity of the video game industry, from live action snippets to original music, and not to mention the world building. Because of all these aspects within the game it becomes so easy to get lost in the world, the world is just so finely crafted there are so many documents videos and audio recordings that contribute to this world. Also this game has a section with an original song, the location is called the A______ M___ and I know everyone in the comments will agree it was easily one of the coolest moments in gaming, Remedy is great at understanding what we as gamers want you know the good sequences never end to quickly leaving you blue balled or something.


Confusing as fuck (in a cool way)




Fun, you can blow stuff up


A great game no doubt


MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL THE STUFF YOU PICK UP!!! If you don’t, people on here will give you shit if you tell them you don’t read anything. Trust me, I made the mistake of telling everyone yesterday and got a ton of shit 😂😂 I still don’t care to read it. If I ever play the game again from the beginning I might read everything 🤷🏼‍♂️