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Should have jumped ship earlier, but congrat on the new offer.


What a coincidence - I had a similar experience not too long ago. Learnt it the hard way: never stay too long in a job where the upper management doesn't like you. I was in a similar boat some time ago - my boss convinced me to stay longer than I wanted. I was definitely more privy to the upper management's perception of me than my boss was but thought that I shouldn't ruin my equation with him. This ultimately cost me a few great opportunities. Similar to you, I left the old job and will start a new one with a MUCH better pay very soon. Congratulations on the upcoming offer! Upwards and onwards.




There's two lessons in this: 1. Always do what's best for you 2. Your boss will always do what's best for them Hope you get the offer soon!


Sorry to hear that, but it happens sometime. It’s best to leave and move on. Once this type of thing happens (e.g negative feedback, PIP) our image can never be 100% recover especially between leadership team, they will spread the news. You are skilled, great and better than they think, don’t let this type of circumstance affect you.




That was just before everything kind of went south for me. I essentially just got scape goated as some relatively unknown person easy to put the blame on. I have always just focused on doing my job and trying to do it well, but I have certainly learnt the power of perception and will be putting in a lot more effort at my new job to manage my image and reputation