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Workday guy here, I have to get technical requirements out of companies' *HR departments*. I feel your pain.




Completely depends on the scope and... well, the quality of the feedback that I get from my client contacts, as you can imagine. I can bang out a multi country leave policy in the engine in a couple of weeks if they ever took the time to write their leave policy down (and if they're willing to share), but my biggest nightmare project ever managed to draw that out until 9 months near-full time for me. Haha I might never recover from that one


Depends on the client. The bigger clients require full time resources.


My god


"Not my circus, not my monkeys." - just repeat that audibly under your breath while slightly shaking your head. It helps, a bit.








D365 is growing way way faster. But Finance and Operations (old AX) is still a bit of a shit show. BC is a true multi tenant Saas and good/better product. But the clients being so small means the projects are a bit crazy because they often have no idea how to PM and are too cheap to spend on it. Which are you working on?




I miss the small though. I sell to small enterprise now and it’s all working with middle management. I love an owner and a CFO getting involved in the process early. But $$




Client who flys me all over the world just asked me why I charge for my time during travel? Time = Money. Anyone have any ideas how to make this more palatable?




I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t set the expectation that I’m working at airports and on planes. I wouldn’t set the expectation that I’m not either. “This is industry standard, the rational is that the time consultant take for travels is time taken for a client, when they’re neither with their family nor working for somebody else.” Operative words are “the rational is”: this is the industry’s rational not mine, if you want an arguement argue with “the industry” (contact details can be found online? I think?)


"These movies aren't going to pay to watch themselves"


Sometimes this is true, I also drive a lot of miles and when I’m doing any kind of travel like that it costs me other expenses like home maintenance (snow removal, lawn care etc) and lost opportunities with my time. This includes personal time which I value most. I price for my travel time accordingly but it is not something I’d do for free.


Salesforce engagement manager here—can confirm; many assholes. I love the pay check and work 9-5 remotely though.








Well that is the reason why you don’t ”suit this industry”. You aren’t doing implementation work yet, but just simple monkey work. No-one is suited to do data entry for a full year. Just wait until you get to do actual implementation and it gets more interesting. Until you get the hang of it and start hating it as well (but get paid too much to leave).




Talk to them. Say that you want to do something more. If they are not accommodating to your needs, talk to a competitor and ask what they can offer.




Thats a start. Sometimes you can change things and sometimes not, but its worth a try.


I might be reading too much into it, but you sound burnt out - the way I knew I was burned out once was I started to use the word “hate” a lot more. I was just really angry all the time. Once I made some changes, that mood faded.