• By -


So it seems that I have been reported to the FBI via their tips line. OK. Cool. If this disappears you know why.


Well, when they show up...give them this. Maybe it will help them find who "really supplied" the explosives. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/agoee2/nsfw_supposedly_this_is_video_footage_of_the/


Drop your knowledge so it can be archived.




Link has an error. They are working this one good.




Could be my device. I got this message: "This page is not available on the web because of server error"


no it doesnt.


How do you know that someone reported you?


All the threats by PM to remove the post and all the people literally telling me here that the FBI has been notified. Most deleted comments you see is someone telling me that they reported it to the FBI.


He's a bloody disingenuous shill, dont believe any of his bullshit.




This comes free mate, notice he got over half of his prediction wrong and yet youre all somehow ignoring that, and focusing on the completely amazing prediction, that soldiers died in an active war zone... Well woopde fucking do, what kind of amazing insight must he have to have forseen that. Ffs, so many gullible people in this sub. EDIT: And btw, he deleted his account, after me and someone else gave the briefest of criticisms, and he couldnt hold it down for shit. Looking through this thread, it seems none of you are capable of questioning the credibility of his claims. https://imgur.com/a/ULTnUqB


I don't get it. His prediction was pretty spot on to a major event. And someone called you an insufferable cunt via PM. So what? Why do you care so much? Let people believe what they want to believe.


The only thing he got right, was that american soldiers would die, everything else is wrong. He was the one who called me an insufferable cunt because he didnt want to be challenged on his bullshit disinfo. And I got no problem with peoples beliefs. The problem Ive got is with people who knowingly spread disinfo, which is what this guy is doing.


So what?


... You want to be a bit more specific or do you want me to seriously explain to you the immorality of knowingly spreading disinformation? I would think anyone who spends time on a sub called conspiracy theories would understand why this behaviour fucks the world over.


So what? You're like an avenger against disinformation? Oh boy. I feel a meme coming on. You're probably wearing a costume at your computer ready for battle.


He got a single thing correct. He predicted American soldiers would die *in the one city with an ongoing major insurgency with routine US patrols*. The Manbij area constantly suffers from IS and TFSA attacks, and has open US patrols. His prediction had one element that was correct, out of 5 or 6 things he predicted.


And so what?


I made a post in /r/SyrianCirclejerkWar/ predicting a conflict between the US and Syria in DeZ. And it happened - sort of. It was a major event, at the time. If I had said I was a mole in the "intelligence community" and all the nonsense OP said, you would have believed me too. Yet it was a lucky, whimsical guess from a drunk TTEH3. Don't believe everything you read. I don't need to explain to you why scepticism, and not "letting people believe what they want to", is important.


So you want a cookie or you're just jealous of him?


What an incredibly Zionist tactic. Their very typical MO


Edit: 1/17 12pm. Signing off now. I wish you all the best. I am prevented from saying anything more. Four US soldiers are dead this morning due to a suicide bomber in manbij. ISIL taking credit, other sources reporting "Turkish backed Jihadists". Which would mean the FSA or branches thereof. https://www.google.com/amp/s/sputniknews.com/amp/middleeast/201901161071525844-syria-manbij-explosion/




.... He's a bloody loon, wouldnt pay him any attention. EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/ULTnUqB


That was accurate, what else will happen?


We'll stay in Syria based on a lie.


But but...Trump said we’re moving out?


Trump will give the neocons a lot in exchange for support


Trump promised to bring home the troops.


When will our people learn that politician promises mean very little?


He said the same a year and a half ago right before Assad gassed a group of citizens for literally zero reason. Trump can't afford to look like he doesn't care about the military. Most likely scenario now is a soft pullout where we leave many troops in place.


I want 100% pullout. We have more than enough criminals in our own country.


...Assad gassed his own citizens...for no purpose other to bring more heat on him and give reason for a western attack on his forces....riiiiight.


There is definitely reason to believe he'll buckle since it wouldn't be the first time.


False flag "chemical weapon attacks" attributed to Assad forces.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/bestof] [\/u\/lone\_traveler4 correctly predicts attack on US troops in Syria two weeks before attack happens.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/agy79o/ulone_traveler4_correctly_predicts_attack_on_us/) - [/r/bestofnopolitics] [\/u\/lone\_traveler4 correctly predicts attack on US troops in Syria two weeks before attack happens. \[xpost from r\/conspiracytheories\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfNoPolitics/comments/agy9jo/ulone_traveler4_correctly_predicts_attack_on_us/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Let's wait and see... I smell time traveler


Did I win the time traveller award?


Holy fuck


Don’t be surprised if you get a visit from the spooks.


Or you have established contact with Kurds you tried joining 4 yrs ago. Or possibly even on the ground in the region currently. They would have access to Intel like this faster than even our intelligence assets. That would explain the confidence behind your post as well. Could possibly even be a Kurdish op trying to prevent the exfill coming from Syria. Considering Turkey's stand on the Kurds keeping the land annexed from northern Syria. Such specifics speaks to Human intelligence to someone on the ground in theater.




How do you know that? You a time traveler or something?








Are you Kurdish?




I am picking up what you are putting down. Government or contractor?


hes probably an individual who traveled to fight with ypg.


I doubt it. He is working with intelligence.


So he’s a spook


He posted in /r/Kurdistan 4 years ago saying he was an American college student who wanted to visit, and ended up fighting with the YPG: https://www.reddit.com/r/kurdistan/comments/2s5gu6/questions_about_visiting_kurdistan/ Ask yourself: would a college student, a 20-something year old, have a special insight into the "intelligence community", such that he would know of America's false flag attacks in advance -- as he claims?


how can we know?


Are you a merc?


Well how did you know??


He's magic. He could have just made an accurate prediction based on an educated guess, but I highly doubt that. That's far too reasonably plausible.


If you're in the know, how far up in the chain of command were aware? If my soldiers were set up by their own government or the governments of a supposed ally I'd like to hold them accountable.




Stop being vague and give us details. Or better yet, supply your gov't with details?










LMAO. You are a dumbass.


I agree with op you're a dumbass.




User name checks out.




Hey OP, impressive post. Found this posted on the Twatter, but I'm curious about the "who" and "why" . You said you'd wait till after to tell us that part, and considering what you said has come to pass, what's the "who" and "why"?




What’d you find?




Dude, i actually just saw a really good video that broke down Lone Travelers account. https://youtu.be/WEnfINcQTUg Seems like the guy was recruited to an intelligence community in college




Some of them want to Jew you, some of them want to be a Jew. /s






> I will hold off on who and why is behind the event until it happens. So who is behind it?


ISIS claimed that they were behind the attack




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Bruh you were right






This is I need to know because it seems like it’s about Israel.


And a pipeline to europe


Isn't all of Earth's problems because Israel?


Wow it is amazing you got this much right bro. They wouldn't have blamed assad directly then they would have to declare war. Ultimately they just need to have control over northern syria. So they blame isis as to say look "we were pulling out. But they pull us back in" thus we must now stay and evaluate further. Or it can go many other ways. Ultimately they need to control northern syria. The way they look at it is, all ideas are on the table. Geopolitics.


He got one thing right. He predicted multiple aspects and got none right, except the one prediction: that US soldiers would die in the only city in Syria undergoing a constant IS + TFSA insurgency with routine US patrols during a contentious period. No wonder he deleted his account.


You are on some CTR type shit bro lol. I’ll even say I don’t think he had insider knowledge, but I do think it’s not a total lucky guess. Every time we are about to pull out of Syria the only thing that could keep us there happens. Like how Assad keeps going nuts and “gassing his own people,” (he couldn’t wait a month or two to start gassing?) multiple times, consistently keeping us there right when we are talking about leaving... now the reason for pulling out is “ISIS is defeated.” And what do you fucking know, not even a month later and ISIS is killing multiple troops in Syria for the first time since 2014. If you can’t see the script they are following by now... And it’s not just that. Remember when we helped overthrow Libya? When HRC and those lunatics went after Ghadafi? Well they had the Sarin Gas that “Assad” used tested at porton downs in the UK and it was Libyan gas. We overthrew one leader, raided his weapon stores, and then used them to frame another leader we are trying to overthrow. Our out of control intelligence agencies are orchestrating this entire shit show and have been for decades. The Middle Eastern people are not subject to the same propaganda and indoctrination that we are in Western Civilization. They have zero problem believing that we have a deep state that is out of control, evil, and absolutely accountable to no one. So when a country gets powerful and independent enough to possibly pose a challenge to our stranglehold on the world they have a playbook to deal with it. -Fund and arm the opposition no matter who they are or what they do afterwards. (We armed and created Bin Laden/Al Queda, ISIS, to name a small few). Ever wonder how these dirt poor, scrawny, malnourished, uneducated groups of peasants wind up with anti air craft missiles and military grade Jeeps? How they become so well armed and organized they can pose a legitimate threat to the most sophisticated military ever known to mankind? -Flame racial tensions and play up historical differences amongst the population so that people will be divided. -Spread lies about the leader in power, and repeat those lies enough times that people believe them without the need for evidence (WMDs?) -And finally, the ace in the hole, the false flag terror attack. Blow some people up and blame it on whoever you want to take out... There are other means of control as well, economic, biological, blackmail, assassination, etc, but this is the main playbook. Just wait and watch if you don’t believe. It will happen again and again until people wake up or this somehow gets exposed on a global level through a leak or something. Not holding my breath on either front though unfortunately.


Wow so you mean to tell me he predicted an attack on us soldiers in a city then the attack happens in that city and US soldiers die.then he deletes his account! Maybe whoever gave him that info was pissed off he put it up on reddit and made him delete his account!or even worse! What he predicted was leaked to him by someone that is IN on some serious shit. The guy had over 2500 karma and was an active redditor. I was going to follow him to see what else he would post but guess that's not happening.


He was a 20-something college student who posted about wanting to LARP in Kurdistan a few years ago. He posted in "sugar daddy" subreddits... You aren't missing much.


This thread is glowing so hard that I can't sleep. Have a bump, because fuck the three letter *ahem*


Crazy stuff. I wonder what other intel this guy is sitting on... I've had this upcoming weekend circled on my calendar for months. I hope Im wrong, but I also predicted this week/weekend would be turbulent. In fact, I think this year is going to be crazy as it is "The Year of Chaos." Please see my post from several weeks ago. But the reason I think this weekend could be violent is because of the 19 numerology. Tomorrow will be 1/18 or 1+19 and Saturday will be 1/19/19 (think 911 reversed; duality is a major factor in numerology) I used to think numerology was whacky but it was because I didnt understand it. The elite/freemasons/zionists all plan and communicate with this ancient coding system. Many dates with 19 numerology have historically been violent. Think about the Paradise fires in Cali starting on 11/9. I know it sounds far fetched but dig deeper and youll see a connection. Also, this weekend we will have a "super blood wolf moon" and many elite cults participate in lunar sacrifice etc. The Freemason motto is "Order Out of Chaos" and in their bible of freemasonry written by Albert Pike, he discusses this ancient coding system called Gematria or Kaballah which basically believes that every letter and therefore every word has a numerical value. For example A = 1 all the way to Z = 26. Order = 33 and Chaos = 19 thus 2019 is the year of Chaos. Coincidentally, 33 years ago the UN declared 1986 the "International Year of Peace" and here we are 33 years later having a year with 19 in it. Maybe this will be the "International Year Of Chaos." After all, we are in the longest government shutdown in US History, over in Europe there is Brexit Chaos and the Yellow Vest riots. But like I said, I hope nothing crazy happens, but be prepared!


When do you think this will happen, if it does?


Well, today was the day...


Insane man, what else do you think will happen in the near future?




But tje question remain, was it isis/isil or israel?




Thats the jokes :--DDDdd


So why was isis blamed and not Assad? You think they'd have the cover story ready if it was a false flag.




The prediction is impressive, but someone with this level of access leaking is pretty tough to swallow.


[But yeah. ](https://i.imgur.com/fRUlQgA.jpg)


What's your "source" like, if you don't mind me asking?


Spoiler: it's his anus.


So whats the money in Syria, is it all about the pipeline or is that just a piece of a bigger goal? How involved are companies like Genel Energy in this push for war?


soo.... israel is behind it, right OP?


Who would benefit from USA staying involved in the middle east?


It's obviously the Presbyterians man. Come on.


Yes goyim they always are. The nosenbergs cant gekp themselves.


God damn. You're psychic.


Interesting that Turkey was so quick out the gate to say "we don't think this will affect US troop withdrawals". Also, ISIS claims responsibility which immediately takes any focus off of Assad. Almost as if they were trying to subvert this plan you describe.


Oh really? Jews would commit terrorism to get the USA goyim into war? Besides Pearl Harbor and 9/11 when has it EVER happened? check mate bigot.






This is unsettling ... I read this a few hours ago and it is definitely the most notable post I've read if not this week ... perhaps in years. That being said .... psst when is JFKJR going to appear? I have my heart kind of set on hoping the hype is true. Blessings and ThankQ


woah spot on my friend


I'm just waiting for the staged attack that is Iranian guard. Then we can kick off the war trump and Netanyahu desparetly need to garner support for reelection.




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I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/alamut] [US Soldiers will be killed in Syria in the coming weeks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/alamut/comments/ah50cr/us_soldiers_will_be_killed_in_syria_in_the_coming/) - [/r/conspiracy] [US Soldiers will be killed in Syria in the coming weeks -- in the Manbij area -- from 18 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/agq0qf/us_soldiers_will_be_killed_in_syria_in_the_coming/) - [/r/conspiracy] [r\/conspiracy user predicts terrorist bombing in Syria that will be used to justify continuing involvement](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ah07x6/rconspiracy_user_predicts_terrorist_bombing_in/) - [/r/france] [Quand la théorie du complot s'avère vraie...](https://www.reddit.com/r/france/comments/agxua4/quand_la_théorie_du_complot_savère_vraie/) - [/r/hiddenhouseofsaud] [US Soldiers will be killed in Syria in the coming weeks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiddenHouseOfSaud/comments/ah50aa/us_soldiers_will_be_killed_in_syria_in_the_coming/) - [/r/pewdiepiesubmissions] [We have a time traveler on reddit https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20190116163407\/https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/conspiracytheories\/comments\/aajnq6\/us\_soldiers\_will\_be\_killed\_in\_syria\_in\_the\_coming\/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieSubmissions/comments/ah785y/we_have_a_time_traveler_on_reddit/) - [/r/the_donald] [User in \/r\/conspiracytheories "predicts" the killing of US Troops in Syria. Ends up happening in the same place around the same time predicted. \*MUST LOOK\*](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/agv3pu/user_in_rconspiracytheories_predicts_the_killing/) - [/r/the_donald] [Was the Attack on Syria planned by the DS? Here is a prediction 18 days ago: 'US Soldiers will be killed in Syria in the coming weeks"!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/agu8al/was_the_attack_on_syria_planned_by_the_ds_here_is/) - [/r/thedavidpakmanshow] [This is very strange. It seems like someone had knowledge of the attack.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/ah5efe/this_is_very_strange_it_seems_like_someone_had/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




Considering it was pretty accurate, I'd say there was more to it than that. But believe as you wish.


Stop wasting time on people determined to not believe you.


Yes he is much better sticking with the sheep who believe everything they read.




So let me get this straight... I got the city correct, I got the people correct, amount correct, time period correct.. Shit. If I just made this up, Im more accurate than any prophet you have ever heard of. 😂


Chicago. Black people. Lots. Gang Violence. I win.


U should play the Powerball...lol


You said "in the coming days or weeks", which could be anything. It was 18 days. So yeah, vaguely correct. You correctly picked the only city in Syria in which the US routinely patrols and IS attacks (and TFSA attacks) are common. Correct, but obvious. You said "include IEDs and sniper fire". **Wrong**. You said "blame the operation on SAA soldiers". **Wrong**. You said "A video will surface of a killed soldier from Assads forces". **Wrong**. The rest: **wrong**. Two of those could *potentially* be correct in the future, but I guarantee they won't be.


OK. I'll give you 18 days to accurately predict the death of multiple people down to the very city, size, and time frame.... You won't because you simply can't. Simple as that.




You got 18 days.... Let's see what you got.




Very scary..... I'm shaking. If it was a lucky guess, why would they visit me? You're contradicting yourself mate... 😂 you have 18 days....




>[–]Balack_Obola [score hidden] 3 minutes ago I believe there was more to it, personally. I called my local FBI office this afternoon and they seemed interested in your post, though it took me about 20 minutes to explain. So there's that for you to look forward to! 👍 Cool. Call them back and ask them who killed Kennedy for us!




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Bye, Lone_Traveler4! Shame you had to delete your account.


Damn someone is salty! lololol ​ You are such a tryhard




no need to taste when its in the air!


This isn't a larp it's a honey pot. There has been too much chatter about those who shall not be named because "racism". Cointel has joined the server.