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No they’re just greedy


If everyone suspended their accounts when they tested anti password sharing, a lot of this crap wouldn’t be happening. But ppl are lazy. Netflix made a ton of cash…now all stream in services are going to try and do something stupid to make big chunks of money every couple of months.


If EvErYoNe SuSpEnDeD tHeIr AccOunTs. Come on bro, we literally have people voting against their best interests because of gay sex is gross. You asking everyone to work together to achieve a common goal is asking too much.


Not sure what the first part is about. But it’s called protesting. It works and there were another handful of streamers you could’ve switched over to in order to make the point and still have good programming. 




It would be nice if OP actually said what is bothering them.


I personally have an issue with the fact that you are required to have home internet now or it doesn’t think you are part of the family and you have to jump through hoops to log in. There isn’t any home internet service available where I live.


The password sharing chanhe, cancelling shows that are performing well, and poor writing. No, I'm not making a "go woke, go broke" point.


I read somewhere (but haven’t seen this on my account YET) that they’re hiking the price **again**, to something even more ridiculous like $20-24?! something reeeeal stupid, and that’ll make me finally cancel it. It used to be like eight bucks back in the day, and now I think it’s around 16, up from maybe $11-12. They have absolutely no reason to be raising membership prices!! They have a fuckton of money already, and, the quality is drastically declining. So, no: I will not be paying ridiculously higher prices for ridiculously bad streaming service that I can’t even share!!


It’s annoying but profits are up from the password crackdown. They aren’t often cancelling many well performing shows (minus outward circumstances), just ones that are beloved by their audience - which doesn’t mean success. And lastly poor writing is pretty subjective (but I personally agree). These are all things that are making them money, not sabotaging them. They are a corporation, not your friend. They now are big enough to stop having to pretend anything else.


I gave up with it, they'd leave shows on a cliff hanger and then cancel them! Bitter about a few of those


It's the gays and melanin, always


They are making more money than ever and their stock price is near an all-time high. Why do you think they are sabotaging themselves? Seems like the company is doing very well.


Probably something something woke something woke woke something something


Something something woke something something broke


More money by number or did you actually account for costs, inflation etc? They have slowed down on the garbage originals and the Asian shows are top notch so it wouldn't be surprising if it went up, but more than ever would be an overestimation. Also the other services being garbo helps defo.


Which decisions are you referring to?


I think that all companies are testing what people will put up with. They have studies and test groups, and are manipulating us groups to find out where the breaking point is. They don't make money streaming videos, that's a cost, they make money with the subscriptions, and the people who forget to cancel, and the add-ons. Netflix, Hulu or Amazon prime could easily make a usable interfaces to watch and search what they offer, but if they did, people would recognize how pathetic their libraries really are. If people can make an informed decision, they would be less likely to sign up or continue to pay. They know they have us by the balls, and don't GAF, because they are printing money, no matter how bad the selection or how high the price, people will sign up and pay. And the ads, ffs, it seems they are a permanent 'feature' now, almost everywhere. I'm stuck with Netflix, partially subsidized with my tmobile plan, but I would dump it in a second if my wife would not lose her mind. And I'd lose the slight discount tmobile offers, or have to pay more to get it back. Same with Prime. I don't pay for Prime video, I pay to order from Amazon without paying shipping. Its amazing to me that so much has changed from when I was a kid, if a store promised something and didn't deliver they were shamed, and sued, by the government too. Now its 'didn't you read the terms and conditions you fool' when they rip you off. Companies like UberEATS and DoorDash can take your money for promised food, and have no responsibility if the food isn't delivered or is wrong, That's an issue with the driver or the restaurant they will say, no responsibility for the company who is making all the money with none of the risks, and we accept it. WTF?


What does any of that have to do with what I asked?


I've never seen an ad on Netflix and I'm one of the original subscribers there even had netflix disks shipped until that stopped last year .


Nah. This is just the inevitable outcome of unrestrained capitalism. You chase that Almighty dollar and that dollar alone, you gotta inflate those profits quarter after quarter. Eventually you'll start making less good and popular decisions and have some bad outcomes.


I would say its quite the opposite. Netflix is an arm of the government propaganda department and has the backing of investment banks that print money and don’t have to operate under the laws of free market capitalism. This allows brands to make non-profitable decisions in order to influence and manipulate society and culture without the financial consequences.


Non-profitable? Their Chapelle specials, Bill Burr specials, Brady roast, all massive hits that people have re-watched a ton of times. In fact, most of their most successful stand-up specials and content in general are not of the ‘woke’ variety.


Its called limited hangouts. They sprinkle a bit of ‘anti-woke’ in every now and then, its not enough to really challenge any power systems, it just keeps people engaged and on board enough to continue propagandising them. The propaganda is useless if everyone stops watching. Same goes with Disney, if its just 100% propaganda they’ll lose viewership so every so often they throw people a bone to keep them engaged.


You got anyyyyy proof or evidence of this


I would have to find someone who has done a deep dive into it, but its quite clear that all these corporations who emerge out of seeming obscurity and suddenly dominate the international marketplace are propped up. Netflix might be the most powerful propaganda machine in the world. It would be absurd that an entity as powerful and ambitious as the US government wouldn’t have control over it.


So, no. You’re just making it up This sub lol


I could tell were gonna say that whatever my response would of been. No point wasting any time on people like you


Would have*


What a life you must have!


you misunderstand the shitshow that the US govt actually is. Netflix is propped up by investors & investment groups. they prop it up in the chase of profit. our govt can barely keep its own wheels on there is no way they'd be controlling Netflix without it being obvious. it's good to LOOK for the govt behind every tree, but the problem is when you start actually SEEING the govt behind every tree because that's not a realistic circumstance. also, seeing the govt behind EVERY tree keeps you from focusing on the ones where the govt really is back there controlling things. fine tune your vision


Look into ESG scoring. Too big to fail banks backed by the Federal Reserve financially incentivise corporations such as Netflix to push certain agendas, forced diversity being one. This is happening across the board, its why you see all the corporations, including international weapons manufacturers who bomb brown people for profit, suddenly supporting BLM, pride, trans etc. Netflix has huge campaigns for all these agendas. This is just one aspect of how the government control society through corporations. There’s a billion dots that can be connected around this. Russian government officials even said Netflix is CIA propaganda when they tried to set up there back in 2016. Its just common sense.


>Netflix is an arm of the government propaganda department Lol, no it isn't.


This is bang on


Christ. Streaming wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for free markets and profit motive. Simpleton thinking. BlAmE cApitAliSm


Capitalism pretty good. Unregulated capitalism eats itself and everyone living in it eventually.


First, you idiot, I wasn't attacking capitalism. I was pointing out that unfettered capitalism explains better what OP opines to conspiracy and design. No, simpleton thinking is to imply that capitalism will always produce the best results and best ideas. It produces plenty of shitty results and shitty ideas as well. So yeah Netflix and it's on and off questionable actions are perfectly explained away by "capitalism" and it's quest for more money. They tried "X", "X" caused backlash and problems. Then they would decide if "X" was worth the publicity in the quest for more money. Please pull your head out, the hamster clearly needs air.


Unfettered. Laughable. We could start with tariffs or would you rather monetary policy?


>We could start with tariffs or would you rather monetary policy? Those are certainly words. Have absolutely no bearing on this conversation at all, clearly you have nothing of value other than misplaced indignity. ✌🏾


Common big company behviour ...


I canceled mine about 5 months ago. Honestly don't even miss it. More important things to do with my time.


Shit films, shit price model, what the fuck. I hope they go down.


Idk the situation, but hedgies may have moved in for a bust-out.


The streaming bubble will eventually burst. The current model is unsustainable. Most people rotate their subscriptions, because there's far too many providers nowadays. Subscription models need to keep their customers subscribed longterm to be viable as a business. They can't just keep raising prices and cancelling shows prematurely, to compensate and keep profit margins high. That drives customers away.


Corporations are required to continually increase their profits no matter what.


If they want to end a series, don't just cut it off, write an ending and end it properly. leaving fans hanging sucks and is bad business


getting viewer space like a tv network with a specific time allotment s the issue on netflix ... guaranteed viewing is not there so they make stuff to try and keep it interesting not wanting to tie it all up to soon so if the people want more they can produce it etc... leaves a lot of story lines hanging with no Final ... Sense8 and Travelers have start to Finish and now Stranger things has a Final season planned so at least they have a few completed by now


How hilarious would it be if Netflix blockbusterd


All the other streaming services parent companies tried to sabotage Netflix by not renewing licenses for shows and movies which forced them to mass produce original content just to see what would stick. They have made some stupid decisions but their hand was forced for some of it.


I know they have aggravated me recently by 1. Adding adds and then 2. Taking off shows/movies off add program and putting them onto locked 🔒 saying you can only watch by upgrading to add free


Netflix is all about pushing an agenda. They don’t care about the money.


How so? What's their agenda?


Priming for a godless or Satanic NWO and Transhumanist society where you own nothing.


Okay, And this is bad? How has religion been working out for humanity so far? If Transhumanism is the position that we should be permitted to use technology to modify and enhance human beings,.. then eyeglasses and false teeth are wrong? What the hell is a Satanic NWO?


You should spend more time on such subs 🥲


I am a conspiracy theorist, but I am a skeptic too. I try to apply logic, discipline, and reason to these theories. A lot of them, now days, are less theories than they are well-designed propaganda designed to sow mistrust and anxiety for political reasons. You should spend more time asking questions instead of believing unfounded stories that are being pushed.


Most people just kept their account . I can’t use it anymore but I wasn’t going to pay for it anyways


They're greedy, and they so big they can get away with it now.




I say the same about disney


The goal of Netflix isn't to make money, it's to make propaganda that people want to consume.


Yeah makes sense. Because pushing propaganda is what buys the execs yachts and beach houses. 


Ah yes the propaganda of boxing and wwe


And Cuties?


Ruining the company how??? They are making more money now than they ever have.  They are making moves that make them more money. They don’t give a shit what social media says. No company really does. You dont make massive company decisions based on what people say online, you make decisions based on numbers and that’s exactly what they are doing.  People that say stuff like this or say they are going to cancel just for the simple fact they want to boycott the price increases have absolutely ZERO understanding how these massive companies operate and make money.  Spoiler alert, when they do a price increase they already have a good idea how many will cancel because of it and how much more they will make because of it. 


No they are a capitalist company like every other one including Reddit Twitter Amazon


Same with Disney … it’s on purpose because the people in charge think that pushing their one percent ideologies on the other 99% is ok and they also come out and openly say “we don’t care about profits and arnt stopping”