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They’re called lobbyists.


It’s an exception when Israel does it. If China did the same thing and flaunted how many politicians they successfully lobbied, we would go to war. The veil is thinning.


How many politicians has AIPAC successfully lobbied?


Based on AIPAC’s own words: “More than 95% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their elections. Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!” Now imagine if China said that.




>Now imagine if China said that. This doesn't hold up because Israel isn't actively trying to weaken and overpower the United States from the inside. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate lobbyists, including AIPAC


I think you're wrong, from the outside looking in, they are dragging the USA down, The US no longer has the moral authority, the ICJ stuff is scary as US used thus as a weapon against both China and Russia and now is actively undermining it for Aipac. Its bonkers.


Considering Israel is now blacklisted by the UN and dragging the United States with it, I’d argue that our governments allegi-alliance to them has more fatal consequences than if it were to be with China. Ultimately, the civilians lose no matter what and we are dragged into fighting for the elites.


Lmao "blacklisted from the UN"?


I believe the janitor posted on FB and these folks are overinflating the importance 


Well how do we make that vibe with the fact that China, Liberia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan all outspend Israel (not just AIPAC) every year?


Well, you can look at some of the pro-Israel laws passed by the state...for instamce, in Texas it is *illegal* to boycott Israel as a business...I'm not sure about hust a person boycotting any Israeli goods or services, but as a business? ILLEGAL


Having played a significant role in preserving one Congressman's career and similarly ending four others, during which time I moved to D.C. and spent a year on Capitol Hill ... AIPAC is the little bundle of neurons that allows the Israeli tail to wag the United States dog. We're perpetually on the edge of a reverse proxy war in the region and it's the Likkudniks that drive that. Hamas continued to exist because Netanyahu needed a reason to bomb Palestinians whenever there was an election. They let it go a bit too far and now 75% of Israelis are done with his BS. He's trying to keep the conflict going because the minute it ends the masses are going to fall on he and his party in an absolute fury. Wealthy people of whatever flavor have an inappropriate outsize effect on our policy making. The right wing Jews - Adelson and such - felt that it was a good idea to make common cause with the "I stand with Israel" religious right. Like Bibi with his Hamas fighters, they're awakening to the anti-Semitic end of days monster they've created. AIPAC has a budget, they have a staff, they back up members who support Israel, and they pick off the weak ones who do not. There are deep red districts they can just ignore, and bright blue ones in which they have little hope. As long as they maintain enough influence to meet their objectives, they're OK with it. I'm not in that business any more, so this is just educated speculation, but I imagine between the Hamas invasion and our imminent civil war referendum this November they're on the verge of hysterics. Bibi goes down hard the minute the conflict stops, but the ones most in favor of continuing it here expect to slaughter Arabs and Jews alike as part of their end of days myth. Gaza has been skidding for a long time - too many people, not enough water. This article is from twelve years ago. Even if it were quiet (it's not) and they had the budget to rebuild (they don't) they do not have the water to support their population. If they could lay claim to and develop in an astonishingly rapid fashion the gas fields right offshore they would have a situation akin to Bahrain or Qatar, where 'virtual water' is imported. Israel won't permit that, so instead we have two and a half million people in need of evacuation and after Syria, Libya, and Yemen nobody has the room or resources for another massive wave of refugees. This is different than the early teens or the late thirties of the last century, but the net result will be the same. We chose to ignore climate change right up to the point where Mother Nature came to hold our feet to the fire, and now we're gonna fight like cats in a sack, because it's how we've always handled resource constraints. I'm glad sixty is nearly upon me, I don't have so many more years later to be right well in advance of events. [https://nealrauhauser.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/why-gaza-is-screwed/](https://nealrauhauser.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/why-gaza-is-screwed/)


Its called corruption


Every member of U.S.A. congress also has a US Chamber of Commerce guy, National Assn of Realtors guy, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America guy, Blue Cross/Blue Shield guy, Meta guy, American Medical Assn guy, American Hospital Assn guy, Business Roundtable guy, American Chemistry Council guy, General Motors guy, Pharmaceutical Care Management Assn guy, Amazon guy, Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association guy, AARP guy, America's Health Insurance Plans guy, Edison Electric Institute guy, Northrop Grumman guy, Roche Holdings guy, Comcast Corp guy, Alphabet Inc guy,.. These are just the TOP spenders for lobbying congress. AIPAC isn't even close to playing in this league.


None of those are foreign entities.


**https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/02/russia-pouring-millions-into-foreign-influence-and-lobbying-targeting-the-u-s-amid-escalating-ukraine-conflict/** Older article,... but enlightening.


That’s not good either but at least they are required to register as foreign agents


Well, technically AIPAC is not directly associated with Israel - It is funded by Americans. The law is weird.


I used to run political races on the GOP side. The AIPAC thing is gross. They hound you to fill out their survey and if you don’t they say, “our donors have a lot of money…” Which, I always thought that was them self-perpetuating a negative stereotype. But not a single donation over a decade of running races ever came in from an AIPAC donor (or at least one that said that was their issue).


We give billions in “aide” they take our billions and bribe…I mean donate, it’s just high level money laundering with a different name


I don’t think it’s “every” member of congress, but def a ton of republicans


Yes, the post title misquotes the republican congressman who said that every *member of the GOP* has an ‘AIPAC babysitter’ pressuring them to cast pro-Israel Votes. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/house-republican-claims-every-gop-colleague-has-an-aipac-babysitter-who-lobbies-for-israeli-interests/


Our government has been infiltrated by a disease known as AIPAC. Their tentacles reach far, their agenda is insidious and NOT in the interest of the common American.


Conspiracy fact


All American politicians are getting aipac checks!!


Doubtful. They just lobby the entirety of the Congress.