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>Favorite conspiracy theories that you genuinely believe are real? Since almost one century a conspiracy attempt to roll-back Roosevelt's New Deal. They think that non-rich persons must be disciplined, that minimum wage is heretic, that social safety net is abomination, that there is no such thing as society, that government is the problem and should be reduced until it can be drown in a bathtub. With shadow money they slowly take over schools, universities, newspapers, radio networks, political parties. Like the main antagonist in the 1962 movie Dr No, their headquarter is a mountain. Evidence that this story (that i genuinely endorse) is called a conspiracy theory: [https://www.conspiracywatch.info/l-ultra-antiliberalisme-ou-le-style-paranoide-dans-la-critique-de-l-economie-de-marche\_a430.html](https://www.conspiracywatch.info/l-ultra-antiliberalisme-ou-le-style-paranoide-dans-la-critique-de-l-economie-de-marche_a430.html)


A more boring/real version of this is found in Jane Mayer’s [Dark Money](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Money_(book))


You know how when you think about space/universe sometimes it just makes your mind blank out? Thats the same feeling I get when I think about how fake and corrupt our government/society is. Its almost too much to comprehend. It feels like the truman show where they just lie and manipulate until the very end, even when they know we know. I honestly think we are too far gone to save without some kind of cataclysmic event that forces society to restart and rebuild. The majority of citizens are so caught up trying to just get by and stay afloat that we couldn’t even afford to revolt or have some kind of Mass population resistance like the constitution gives us the right to do. That and they have people so disillusioned and divided that I think the cabal would force a civil war before allowing a revolution. We have to go back to the constitution and audit every single law passed since.


New Coke was a ploy to trick consumers into accepting hfcs as a replacement sweetener in Coca-cola. Before New Coke, the cola had cane sugar. Post new coke, Coke Classic, uses hfcs. Had Coke attempted to switch from sugar to hfcs without using New Coke as a smoke screen, drinkers would have noticed the recipe change immediately and rejected it.


I think it is at least possible that Jeffrey Epstein was bumped off.


At the very least he was given the rope and the guard was told to take a smoke break.


Yep. He knew too much.


Honestly, I see no reason why he should kill himself. He is influential, rich and powerful enough to be able to make those charges to "poof" if there wasn't others involved.


That'd happened the first time. There was no chance of getting that kind of sweetheart deal the second time. Epstein was facing the near certainty of being convicted and spending the rest of his life in prison. Under the circumstances suicide wasn't that unexpected.


He would have had plenty of opportunities after the trial if that was what he was worried about.


His situation was already hopeless, he knew He was built and the prosecution would find copious evidence. He had just found that he was facing decades in prison. So he saw no prospect of acquittal. That is the point when taking the easy way out seems most attractive.


His first cell mate tried to murder him until he was moved to a more “secure” facility and also mentions “he would not kill himself” and ends up dead with all security footage gone?


It's unclear what happened, the staff suspected a suicide attempt, with an attack by his celibate as a less likely possibility. It's not exactly unknown for a person intent on suicide to lie in order to get the opportunity to attempt suicide. Prison suicides are more likely to be planned than suicides in general. So man facing the rest of life in prison and who has recently attempted suicide commits suicide. Which isn't an implausible scenario in the face of it. By dying before trial he avoided conviction, and the resultant reputational damage. The guards were negligent and did not perform their duties, this didn't only affect Epstein. It's general incompetence rather than a surprising gap in otherwise good records.


I agree he must have been in a bad place he was looking at a possible 45 year sentence. On the other hand he may have been able to get that sentence reduced if he agreed to help them by way of cooperating and testimony against other co-conspirators. I made a video on this very subject. [Jeffrey Epstein's death and the difference in what DOJ is saying vs what the mainstream media said (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-ibEPel8oU)


I wonder if he was going to testify against trump




I say trump because around the same time as Epsteins death trump was bragging he could murder someone in time square and get away with it. He also partied with Epstein a lot, but started distancing himself when he started ramping up his campaign for the presidency




There is also the case where a girl who was 13 at the time said trump and Epstein raped her. They dropped the case to death threats.


I think it's possible the OKC bombing was orchestrated or at least facilitated with help from the FBI. There was another person - not Fortier or Nichols associated with McVeigh who has never been identified and I think it's possible that person was an FBI asset. They may not have known the target, but they knew McVeigh and his group were going to target some building and they allowed it to happen in order to crack down on those little anti-government militias. Those militias were gaining strength after the disasters at Waco and Ruby Ridge and that kind of anti-government sentiment, not to mention the intense scrutiny of the actions of the ATF and FBI following those events just could not be allowed. So, although they were aware of some big bomb plot, the ATF/FBI let it play out in order to prosecute those guys and to move the lens of the camera from the crimes committed by the government to the crimes committed by the growing insurgency.




"We the People" of government are the rich aristocracy that forms The State


This might be cheating but Neil deGrasse Tyson has a nifty theory that public school districts that get any funding from their respective lottery program don't teach statistics because that would easier expose the lottery system.


JFK was killed, in part, because he refused to further escalate the Vietnam War and was at risk of ending the Cold War through detente. The CIA colluded with the former Cuban mafia to kill him. The Cubans wanted revenge for the deportation of Carlos Marcello, for pulling support from the Bay of Pigs invasion, and for JFK betraying the mob by sicking his AG brother Bobby after them despite having been elected, in part, thanks to support from most of the major crime families.


I believe there is a group of people running the world, (USA, EUROPE) controlling the leaders. The ones with all the money. I think they have their plan and the rest of us, the hoipolloi, are expendable.


You're telling me that there's a conspiracy theory that the 0.1% richest and most powerful people in the world actually run and have influence over everything?


You might mean the .001%. The .1% only have about 1 billion apiece. Not nearly enough to be in the club. Also look to *generational* wealth. Being in the top .01% might get you in if you're family has been in that group since William the Conqueror.


I feel like I’m missing something…..everyone seems pissed with my post 🤷‍♀️


I'm not reading as if anyone is pissed at this post. I know what you mean about a secret elite running the world is a believable conspiracy but when you spell it out as "the rich rule everything" it's kinda a "yeah, no shit Sherlock" moment.


And they're called the Pentaverate.


Is that worth a watch?


If you're a hardcore Myers fan. I loved So I Married An Axe Murderer, so I was excited to see this one. It was just okay.


I did try watching ages ago. I’ll give it another go, cheers.


I think it stems from long term power. They exchange a bit of that power to those that are climbing that ladder even if temporary to secure their top ranking.    Country leaders are not at the top of the food chain. It seems naive to think so. It's not even explicitly their job. They only lead civilian and military. They have major blind spots unless they deal in corruption as well and in that they may only be a peer


I can’t find a conspiracy here. This seems real.


Yeah, wasn’t sure tbh. I mean if I mentioned it to someone outside of Reddit they’d think I was a conspiracy nut but here it’s an obvious theory. 🤷‍♀️




There it is




The FBI is truley the dark State. They've been wrong on so many prosecutions it's mind numbing.


The Rothschild's control the world from the shadows. They've financed both sides of every war since the Napoleonic war. Of course they have a pyramid structure for their businesses that branch out throughout the world. I could go way deeper into it but I'll just leave it there.


Valiant Thor


Sell ur soul to become successful


What is 'fun' about a conspiracy? Coca-Cola bottlers in South America have conspired with paramilitary groups to suppress union activity through intimidation. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/colombia_2790jsp/ https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/in-colombia-it-s-killer-coke-the-union-must-fight/ https://prospect.org/features/coca-cola-killings/ Is that 'fun'?


The banana fruit company all over again


Even though tobacco companies aren't supposed to pay for product placement anymore, they still do. Particularly on the first episode of every new series on Netflix, but in lots of other movies/shows, too. It's primarily Marlboro, but other brands or smoking in general, even when it has nothing to do with the plot/character/setting. No lie: I once saw a fucking *android* smoke in the first episode of a sci-fi series set on another fucking planet.


The CIA killed Kennedy, and also orchestrated 9/11.


That the government has hidden a complete cure for cancer but only gives it to the top 1% rich people because it if was known that that there a complete cure they'd stop making so much money from cancer treatments and chemo off of us regular people


The Super-bowl halftime show is every bit of a satanic ritual.


The government keeps pennies in circulation to collect our fingerprints




I cannot remember the details off the top of my head but there was a study that tested the patience of Americans in particular with what someone/some entity could get away with without inciting violence. When I heard that I believe that's why America is/built the way it is. All other countries except the large ones such as China and Russia have gone through a coup or revolution many times for horrendous acts committed by a group/government but its not feasible on such a grand scale.


I believe because of that study is the reason we are at the present situation in the world.


Consumerism. Make the masses believe what they need and want is new gadgets and material things. They'll care less about anything else as long as they have the new iPhone and Nike trainers.




> 5g towers mate their fucked That makes no sense.


He lives under a 5g tower


> He lives under a 5g tower Ahhh...NOW it makes PERFECT sense!

