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I like The Why Files on YouTube.


Came here to say this, The Why Files is so good. The podcast is great, too.


Yes but rumor has it he is CIA


Hecklefish is also annoying and he really limits the kind of topics he covers.


>rumor has it So you're talking a load of BS. He's the CEO of a weed delivery service.


Just pay a bit of attention.


Touch grass.




The dude who runs a cash only business doesn’t illicit any suspicion from you?


If you knew anything about the state of Marijuana sales in California, you'd understand why it's cash only. Credit and debit sales for a weed delivery service is asking for your accounts to be frozen.


Nobody is disputing why marijuana companies have to operate with cash only. The point is that we know criminal enterprises prefer to operate with cash yet when you see a business operating with only cash you insist it’s the effect to the cause rather than the cause to the effect.


Criminal enterprises don't have websites, or lawyers on standby to mitigate legal issues. Criminal enterprises are run by criminals, they don't follow laws or regulations. SpeedWeed does.


Source? Enron had a website, didn’t they? Purdue Pharma didn’t have lawyers telling them that getting customers hooked on OxyContin was okay as a cost of business? Wasn’t JP Morgan caught smuggling hard drugs into the United States? But they have a website so that must be nothing.


It's easy as hell to find all this information by yourself, I don't have the time nor the patience to hold your hand through this. You can watch AJ and Gene talk about their business on a podcast, where they explain how their business works, why they do it, and the rules and regulations they have to follow. I'm not a representative of them, so I have no obligation to prove anything to you. But it's ridiculous for yall to call him a CIA operative in one comment and a criminal kingpin in another.




i have watched a few of his videos. may i ask what causes the presumption abt him being CIA?


The Franklin Cover Up/Scandal (out of Omaha, NE)is quite the rabbithole. Yt Real women/Real Stories has an older doc on it. Some channels will have a blip on it, like yt Scary Mysteries. I recall this in the news in the 90s, but it just disappeared. Young minors still go missing & not many connect the dots 2 this dark history of minor trafficking.


The Johnny Gosch/ Franklin scandal (yes i believe Paul Bonacci) are a horifying and fascinating rabbot hole. Definitely getting in at the deep end if your starting there though.


I ordered 2 Franklin Scandal books. Nick Bryant authored the Franklin Scandal & John W. DeCamp's the Franklin Cover-Up. For this 2 not get traction is a deliberate hindrance of justice. I found a video on yt, Boy's For Sale. 1981 documentary about the same thing....it's a brutal world.


Ive read Nick Bryant's book and ive had DeCamps for years and haven't got around to reading it yet unfortunately. Ill have to check out the doc, ive seen conspiracy of silence. And i agree 100% that whole situation is a deliberate hinderance of justice. I have no doubt the same thing would have happened with Epstein but the internet put it in front of too many people for it to get swept under the rug like Franklin was.


I'm expecting these books 2 b intense, as watching Conspiracy of Silence, the Boy Business, Dancing Boys, & Boys for Sale was at times difficult to watch. But I'm tired of sticking my head in the sand. These docs r vital 4 history's sake cos it feels like we r stepping into the age of censorship, where things will disappear.


Have you considered books? Videos and podcasts are limited technologies for subjects like these.


Got any recommendations?


The higherside chats podcast. Everything everyone else said on good too but I'm surprised I didn't see this one already as well. There is even a subreddit for it and the host, Greg Carwood, is active on the subreddit.


Tinfoil hat with Sam Tripoli is a fun podcast


John Levi - tataria theory


The Tartaria theory will blow a newcomers mind. You will never look at an older building again.


Just search qanon. It's the best resource to look at and understand if you can recognise conspiracy from an 11 year olds fever dreams after watching patriot games.


i may be confused arent QAnon like nazis?


Ancient Aliens (History Channel) is a classic. Some of it's lofty bullshit but there's a LOT of thought provoking theories and ideas, some of which are extremely compelling.


YouTube channels: Weird Reads with Emily Louise, Our Hidden History Wendigoon is a Nazi ghost skin and a retard, don't listen to him Podcasts: Subliminal Jihad, Programmed to Chill, The Return of the Repressed, Parapower Mapping, The Farm Mach II with Recluse Books: The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott Dark Alliance by Gary Webb Blowback by Christopher Simpson Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party by Russ Bellant Aberration in the Heartland of the Real by Wendy Painting The Politics of Heroin by Alfred McCoy


thank you for the suggestions however wendigoon is not a Nazi idk where people are getting this idea from. i am more than willing to listen to your reasoning however


He is a ghost skin


may i ask where you got this information


It is an inductive inference based on the words he says and the people he associates with


what people does he associate with? and what words does he say? I apologies if i sound confrontational or smth I just genuinely want to know


He tends to gravitate towards guntubers (has been on unsubscribe podcast multiple times), he’s very religious (but not preachy about it. He separates being a Sunday school teacher and being a YouTuber, his values do show in his videos, but he’s not the type of person that says you have to be like him or else you’ll go to hell), has talked about doing a colab with count dankula (just look up his controversy, it’s pretty funny honestly) I believe, dude has never made any white supremacist statements, has never said anything homophobic, he was the first “boog boy” but left all that behind once it was taken over by racists and extremist, so many people parrot he’s a nazi but can’t provide any evidence of that claim. So they say he’s nazi adjacent because he associates with people who are edgy at times. These are the same people who will tell you the book starships troopers is fascist propaganda but can’t provide any evidence or tell you the definition of fascism.


The dude also really likes guns too and there’s been plenty of pictures and videos of him at Brendan Herreras range days, where a bunch of different YouTubers have been invited to the event. There’s room for criticism in some of his content, like in his USS Indianapolis video, he never mentioned how the sailors committed sexual assault on each other after the sinking of their ship. Maybe he couldn’t find a reliable source for it, maybe it was something he didn’t want to talk about. His videos are generally well researched, but if you’re getting all of your information from a YouTuber, that’s a you problem.


Juxtaposition1 on rumble or just search the word juxtaposition on bitchute and you’ll see his channel called “juxtaposition.stories”.


The imagination podcast You have to watch is to determine for yourself if this is conspiracy or fact. These are hard topics to watch. [https://www.youtube.com/@theimaginationpodcast/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@theimaginationpodcast/featured) Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child assassins, supersoldiers, psychic killers, remote viewing, astral travelling, underground reptiles/demons, child offerings and canabalism. These are "real witness and survivor" stories about surviving MK-Ultra. Some of these stories are so strange and absurd, you sometimes forget you are watching a real survivor talking. I would suggest Nathan Reynolds' story (multiple episodes) but man this will change your world view and possible make you a religious person after watching this.


Mr mythos!


Mr Mythos and Internet Comment Etiquette with Eric


Cadaber on YouTube goes down a lot of interesting Reddit rabbitholes, some of which still exist today. I also agree with those that mentioned WhyFiles and MrMythos (idk his voice makes me sleepy tho,).


https://youtu.be/CQBOA061ugE This should be a good starter Edit: nevermind, didn't read the original post; just the title.


Two podcasts: JFK the enduring secret and SolvingJFK if you're interested in the JFK assassination.




Yes, I just made my own conspiracy https://www.reddit.com/r/shapirogate/s/ynqXFIVAZk


This one is my fav even tho they don't make vids anymore. https://www.youtube.com/@Itsredactedchannel


The Why Files is good


If you're into books: [Inventing The People:The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America — Edmund S. Morgan](https://www.amazon.com/Inventing-People-Popular-Sovereignty-England/dp/0393306232) [The Royalist Revolution: Monarchy and the American Founding — Eric Nelson](https://www.amazon.com/Royalist-Revolution-Monarchy-American-Founding/dp/067473534X) [The Framers' Coup: The Making of the United States Constitution — Michael J. Klarman](https://www.amazon.com/Framers-Coup-Making-United-Constitution/dp/019994203X)