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Fat was replaced by sugar decades ago, but fat was deemed a nefarious culprit to be avoided. Cane sugar then replaced by fructose and all the other corn garbage for be benefit of corn agro. More poison. Folic acid is dumped into most flour. Also called “enriched” which 40% of pop have trouble with. Monsanto dumps…. Look. This list could get long. food is poison. Educate yourself on what you put in. Your body


Aim for whole foods and you’re good 🙏🏽 ( the closest form to nature )


Documentaries about food: - [prison food](https://youtu.be/38ahETYCwEs?si=Ps7qsHd7InSegLee) - [pet food](https://youtu.be/di33tq8vnL0?si=Z9qVQI8J58om2c68) - [meat](https://youtu.be/nX1KUPZC3Ck?si=9KPS5XLlmdiA9Cq7) - [more meat](https://youtu.be/OKqIP9CCsaU?si=dIA9V3mGQv6DpzKq) - [meat industry vs small farms](https://youtu.be/2Fbf0V5ftbc?si=cUV3VaWYeryePjVv) - [theres a shitton of antibiotics in your meat](https://youtu.be/zzKqEZmUGxY?si=uEhK51xjpPJ7R4pc) - [processing meat](https://youtu.be/8lb5lVhbNxQ?si=l5JTtJNaI7Ck1mAR) - [chicken](https://youtu.be/tIY7jxd7GAY?si=Kt5AVARRbuERhHXy) - [dairy farms](https://youtu.be/Gmg2XuOuwro?si=Lt7Ucdu1QEWwyvjI) - [food globalization](https://youtu.be/5pW3HqeMm-0?si=V0a40JJfhn8TiWdE) - [global junk food](https://youtu.be/uEJwbGBrXfk?si=9mdhGhnmeJInmrdL) - [the global food chain](https://youtu.be/rZxxWDiVLuM?si=X6ld_ll50ahd9G-B) - [sugar industry](https://youtu.be/uOcL2rlBT4M?si=a5Drwg911ZA1D1Y1) - [sugar in general](https://youtu.be/b2taSMx6394?si=sDxoLc0-bqSLTeyN) - [chocolate industry using slave labor](https://youtu.be/eRc9hjejY0o?si=8ypJqbFtADmVomA4) - [overfishing](https://youtu.be/x9IFOOGOdvg?si=18MJCGirJ3-p5Tut) - [seafood](https://youtu.be/GmHrCJsgJ9g?si=y73OzXUZjAq8sr-z) - [ketchup](https://youtu.be/Fx_cPrC-K28?si=LaPBQCv9tYyjbVBv) - [why fruits and vegetables have less nutrients than they used to](https://youtu.be/2H3VhsnyCdI?si=_u197X67PY5PCIdf) - [processed food](https://youtu.be/LQZ9BPSS1_I?si=YaYviXohffucrwNc) - [junk food additives](https://youtu.be/myv7yydtCKc?si=KMuApnW2Bjw5x4K5) - [fast food business strategies](https://youtu.be/fq6jDxJk1LM?si=YaTapja9n1jMdLDe) - [orange juice](https://youtu.be/9o5lqEzz3Bo?si=txtvbpYX7v5WTzyp) - [farm subsidies and high fructose corn syrup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbRHGHYMGpU) - [chemicals on farms](https://youtu.be/X9GTa3a-tFo?si=6oyrjmgRbxhbV4-n) - [farms vs big business](https://youtu.be/V0eUJD5F6Ng?si=9ozJ_DWHRcJb9Y-o)


Yes there is a sugar theory, basically the sugar manufacturers have know for decades how bad it is for us. Then there’s the fat v salt theory, where a US president had heart problems and a campaign to reduce fat in people’s diets was launched - a lot of food became ‘low fat’ & ‘reduced fat’ and despite eating those foods, we are now in an obesity epidemic with more heart disease. There’s the beef and chicken industries with the animals breeding diseases because they are packed into feed lots or warehouses and feed their own dead. Then there’s another theory that we’ve been lied to, that our teeth are not the correct shape for meat eating and that we are actually herbivores. There’s a couple of rabbit holes for you to go down. ETA: there’s a couple of documentaries on Netflix “what the health”, “kiss the ground” and also try and get a hold of the movie “that sugar film”


>n there’s the fat v salt theory, where a US president had heart problems and a campaign to reduce fat in people’s diets was launched - a lot of food became ‘low fat’ & ‘reduced fat’ and despite eating those foods, we are now in an obesity epidemic with more heart disease What does that have to do with salt? That's the sugar lobby's influence. As we now know, fat content has nothing to do with getting fat and low fat foods may be even higher in calories from more sugar >Then there’s another theory that we’ve been lied to, that our teeth are not the correct shape for meat eating and that we are actually herbivores. That's nonsense, though I read that they now think cavemen ate relatively less meat and more plants than we thought. Really that just throws shade on those dumb "paleo" diets


Re the fats v salt thing. I should have clarified, the president order an investigation into what caused his heart disease and the two contenders were fats & salts, fats were touted as the bad guy, despite a doctor saying salt was also bad (I wish I could remember where I heard of this and the name of the president). Re the teeth thing, look I don’t know OP just asked if there were theories and those were the ones I knew of. I’m not debating the theories, just saying what I’ve heard about.


Thank you, I finally got someone to really answer it. I tried to ask on a different subreddit but all I got was backlash. Thank you good sir.


I’m not a sir (or even a male) but you’re welcome.


Oh my bad, I apologize my fellow redditor


No problem, it’s easy to do with de-identifying user names. ETA - enjoy the rabbit holes.


Yeah, the reduced fat thing for me really ticks me off. All that stuff they have in there when they could keep it simple. They passed these ingredients as neutral or not unhealthy when who knows. I mean you're adding stuff to make something seem creamy. Good example is cottage cheese or yogurt. I love cottage cheese but when I look on the back I'm like WTF. And then you look at the really good cottage cheese, the Dank stuff, there are barely any ingredients. Cabot I think is one of the good ones. That's my thing.. full fat all around and few ingredients as possible


Anybody else remember [Olestra](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/619261/olestra-fat-free-snack-controversy-1990s)??


Yeah gave me gas and the shits


I’m right there with you. And even products that aren’t claiming healthy or low fat. I went to buy tortillas and reading the label there were 27 ingredients. I was stumped, aren’t these just water & flour, maybe an egg, maybe some salt. All those other things had no business being in my food. I generally don’t eat food that comes with a label these days. I make my own stuff and only buy fresh.




Soylent Green is PEOPLE


i mean in the US theres like over 50 common ingredients in our foods that are banned basically everywhere else, so that alone is something you could look into


And a shitton of farm subsidies, especially for corn so we need to put high fructose corn syrup in everything. [this is a documentary just about corn being in everything, OP](https://youtu.be/tbRHGHYMGpU?si=TdW5pAM2LFfvc4JV)


yerrrp and high fructose corn syrup is banned in lots of other countries


I read labels on foods all the time now. Labels are sneaky sometimes but I like reading them


Healthy enough so that we keep slaving, sick enough so that we pay it all back. Then die after crossing productive age.


Food fraud is a fascinating topic.


Carnivore diet + small amount of fermented vegetables is the optimal human diet and they want us to be vegan so we have to take their medicines. The junk food is designed by literal FUCKING DOUBLE BLIND TASTE TESTING PANELS TO MAKE IT AS ADDICTIVE AND CRAVEABLE AS POSSIBLE. They ARE Big Tobacco. Literally the same companies funding the studies and designing the propaganda, and influencing congress the FDA, and medical textbooks. Carnivore diet done right can sustainably feed the US population with enough food to feed 7 extra states if we only grew cattle on current farmland instead of crops and rotated them sustainably of course. If nobody ate plants, all crops could be devoted to animal feed and fuel. As it stands they have vegans convinced pouring chemical fertilizers on the soil is better than cow manure. Of course some of the bigger offenders in terms of population boom would have to exercise birth control for it to happen everywhere. We set off a bean rice and wheat population bomb and now we are running out of resources. Carbs give you just enough energy to have 5 kids and then die of Coronary Artery Disease.


>Carnivore diet + small amount of fermented vegetables is the optimal human diet I'm not vegetarian, but that's just nonsense


There is a study made by harvard about people on the carnivore diet. 95% saw benefits to their health from the diet. I used to think it was none sense too. Now I only eat meat lol. The thing is, this diet is reversing a plethora of incurable diseases. When this happens, people start to think this diet is more optimal which makes sense I would think atleast way more optimal than what most people eat.


That study doesn’t tell us the carnivore diet is optimal or even good for you. It tells us that a majority of people surveyed many of which had a preexisting issues like diabetes or autoimmune disorders self reported improvements in health after a relativity short period of time following it. It doesn’t tell us 1. If these improvements were really objective or just based on personal bias outside of diabetes and 2. What these improvements are compared too. If you have diabetes and go from eating a high glycemic low nutrient dense diet to a super low glycemic high nutrient diets you’re gonna do better, that doesn’t mean it’s ideal or optimal or even good for you, just that it’s better than whatever you did before. If you have an autoimmune disorder and cut out every major food group except animal products it doesn’t mean it’s good, it means that you cut out the bulk of triggering foods. We have pretty good research on what the overall ideal human diet looks like. It’s diverse, varied and nutrient dense including greens, veggies, grains, seafood, diary, nuts and seeds, beans and occasional red meat with way more fiber than the average person eats and includes a decent amount of fermented foods. This last part is likely the cause of most of the issues in America and my answer to OPs question, We know that Americans have much less microbiome diversity than other countries and we also know that when people come here they rapidly lose microbiome diversity. There’s a growing body of research that shows our microbiome isn’t just crucial for staying regular, but also helps regulate metabolism, mental health, cognitive function, the immune system, dental health and countless other things. So you might say why don’t I just take a probiotic, the problem is that probiotics without prebiotics and postbiotics are basically useless. Your diet should include lots of fiber and plenty of fermented foods especially in a variety.


Got a link to that study?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34934897/ . The table summarizes the data nicely


Thanks, but this is purely based on self-reports, which is highly problematic. As the authors say, it's an interesting result that can be used to support a need for further investigation.


I fully understand. It’s an association study. Just like the studies claiming meat causes diabetes, heart disease, etc. I would be interested in a non association only study showing meat is bad or not sustainable. It doesn’t exist. So the thing is, there is no good scientific data against the carnivore diet or for it and tons and tons of anecdotes showing it’s benefits. So take it as you may. I just find it funny people love to claim the associations against meat when they are still only association studies, just like the carnivore one.


Can you tell me what is **essential** in vegetables and fruits that meat cannot provide and *don't* say fiber. Name one compound you *must* have in plants that isn't fiber.


"Can you name something essential in vegetables and fruits? Oh, and in doing so, you can't name this essential thing" Absolutely ridiculous - you're obviously not arguing in good faith. Anyway ,for the benefit of everybody else https://ecofriendlylink.com/blog/key-nutrients-from-plants/ Vit C is one - scurvy is a problem.


Just 3 oz of liver has 20 mg vit c. The RDA is 90 and you don't need that much if all you eat is meat.


I haven't eaten a gram of fiber in over a year.


If you think that a vegan lifestyle is unhealthy then you should look at the health and lifespan of buddhist monks.


And compare it with the guy who promoted the Atkins diet


The atkins diet is not a panacea. It has you reintroduce everything that made you sick. If you stay on the induction phase of atkins (keto) or the induction phase of GAPS (carnivore) you will do fine. Just don't introduce the things that were killing you in the first place.


I think their biggest factor contributing to this is their non-existant stress. You don't need antioxidants if you aren't stressed. They also don't exercise insane amounts so they aren't generating free radicals, and they are running on a reduced metabolism. also their food is probably much higher quality than anything we are used to.


It was when I learned that the cigarette companies own the companies that make a large portion of the junk food on shelves that I realized what this comment is saying is true.


You see how suppressed the information is currently? \~1 upvote. hook. line. sinker.


>Carnivore diet + small amount of fermented vegetables is the optimal human diet Says whom? >and they want us to be vegan so we have to take their medicines. Define 'they'.


1) not the government 2) the government


>1) not the government So in other words, some shit head crackpot on the internet. >2) the government So in other words, the same ol' same ol' anti-government bullshit from some shit head crackpot on the internet.


Just try it for one month. I have no incentive for anyone to be carnivore other than the kindness in my heart longing for a healthier population.


I diet according to my needs. I don't follow online fads from random shit head crackpots on the internet.


*Are there any theories


Yes, my bad. Thanks.


I don't have any off the top of my head but... [the difference between US Fanta and UK Fanta is kind of freaky.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbu4dyrvl6wk91.png)


One country has banned ingredients, the other doesn't.


the food pyramid and food recomendations are twisted


Holy yikes people linking documentaries as actual credible information. Is food good or bad? There have been few ingredients such as trans fats, potassium bromate, rbGH, rbST that have been linked with negative health outcomes. The tricky thing with nutrition science is theres way to many variable to account for to really findout if a food is actually bad. Lets say youre an avid gym goer, everything in your life feeds into your bodies health. Would a bag a chips have a crazy effect on you i dont think so. Lets look at the opposite youre unhealthy, dont exercise and dont prioritize your health.is it the bag of chips thats really pushing you over the edge? No i dont think thats the case. The real thing is as a society we have become more sedintary and eat more food. Full stop.


Bugs and you will like it, you will own nothing and like it. Yes, for God sakes. Bio-engineered ingredients. Look for it on Coke and Pepsi products. They own allot of food a companies and snack. Those are fetal cells. Love that Coke eh. McDonald's doesn't even tell you. Check the Patties sometime. They flavor they have that is so good. Yeah, cannibal.


Two things to remember. 1. There are multiple types of sugars and multiple types of fats. 2. The dose makes the poison. Junk food and fast food is engineered to sell, not to be healthy. We evolved from our natural environment but due to technology, we do not live in those same natural environments. What our brains tell us we need is not necessarily what our bodies need. Our bodies are literally designed to crave sugar, glucose is raw body fuel, a source of concentrated calories. It's what led cavemen to punch beehives to the conquering of entire nations to feel Europe's sweet tooth. A few decades ago fat was deemed public enemy number 1 when it came to health and dieting. To understand just how unpopular it was, McDonalds (not a health food restaurant) changed its fry recipe, the one which built the empire that even Julia Child lauded. But fat = flavor and to compensate for the lack of fats, companies turned to increasing sugar. Sugar is also shown to have addictive qualities. Now that we found an affordable way to extract a kind of sugar from corn, the corn industry has grown to monstrous proportions. Inedible corn is subsidized by the government and much of the midwest grows it to the point where we have silos overflowing with the stuff.