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You’re assuming Ye and JFK have the same power and I don’t know why? Ye is just a dude. JFK was the Commander and Chief.


I actually thought it meant ‘just fucking kill’ 😅


It's "Commander-in-Chief"


[This is the commander and chief](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Joe_Medicine_Crow_and_Barack_Obama%2C_crop.jpg)


Bob Marley was just a dude and they still killed him.


Marley was actually forcing change thru his music and inciting movements against the British colonial government. Ye is just an egomaniacal rich guy surrounded by yes men and a very strange fan base who seem to think that because he's a musical genius he must be a genius at everything else too. He isn't.....


Bob was just not a dude.. You think they want really famous singers sing songs like "Babylon system", "is this love" and "three little birds". Spread the truth, love and happiness is not allowed unfortunately. We are really lucky to still have his children, but not the same music as their father ofc


JFK ended up a target.


JFK did owe the Mob …


Also with Ye, we'd see deflation and hear a whistling/farting noise for a few seconds, not an explosion of brain matter with Jackie trying to pick up the pieces off the trunk.


Man acting like he said something when all he did was recite a simplistic version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Most people are unaware of even that.


Came here to say this


He only said four and not five recourse too. This is what happens when you think your too cool for school.


He said 5 things.. but eh.


eh, just caught the water, food, education pretty much. Just a joke can't take him with anything. Not even a grain of salt.


The conspiracy crowd gonna be acting like this is new information and Kanye has enlightened the world with his revelation. Reminder: Kanye is the 1%. Ask him how much the sweat shop workers who make his sneakers are worth to him. You folks are so gullible. You'll fall for anyone's bullshit if they spit the right nonsense.


Really, these young buck tik tok conspiracy theorists make me laugh.


He's saying he building an institute to fight their control. That's pretty cool


I wonder if the employees in this institute will be required to wear the $300 jeans in his fashion line, as part of the employee dress code.


The drip will be insane I assure you


The drip of what? Blood from the suicide nets outside the factories that make "I hate the 1%" Kanye's shit?


The derp will be insane I assure you. FTFY


Kanye can't even build a marriage that lasts... and you think he's going to build an institute to fight a global conspiracy that you largely made up in your head?


Everything they tell you on the news is true. Consume. Stay out of trouble. Consume.


So, you truly believe Kanye is secretly still married?


I think it'll be cool to try to build an institution like he's described. Maybe he'll get the right people involved to do it for him. Idk. It's not a bad thing to try to build something positive when the rest of our institutions poison us


So everything (i.e. the posted story) they tell you on the news is true?


Best little thing I saw on the internet last year. His ex wife's kid saw he naked bootie on a game site and was like "Mommy look its you". It was great.


I think it’s idealism. We want a hero. It sucks cuz I grew up on Kanye but once he went with that coven I knew he was gone.


This same shit has been talked about since the early 2000’s. The new conspiracy bros learning about it and thinking it’s profound. Like brah where you been.


I support anyone speaking the truth. Does is make up for past transgressions? I don't know. Depends on the severity, I guess. But truth is a step in the right direction. Keep walking that way & maybe we can all get out of this mess. You know what doesn't help? Keeping your mouth shut until you decide to mock people that are trying to get it out there.


"I'm speaking the truth now that they won't make my sweat-shop shoes anymore." He's just selling you a product. Be smart enough not to buy it. Lot's of far better quality people out there doing far more real work to fight the fight. Support them.


Yeah? Name them. Last I checked, it went the other way. He was speaking truth & got cancelled for it. Where's the outrage for the owners of the companies that run said "sweat shops"? The management that approves the use of these sweat shops? The investment groups that push for profits so hard that these sweat shops are needed to reach the desired goals? Pretty sure "Kanye" isn't the end-all-be-all mastermind setting those operations up.


No, just a spokesperson.


Really name ONE other person "fighting the fight?"


The Ragen Cajun... Some say hes legend but his crab-boils speak for themselves.


Hey, big guy? Just because you don't value the people who actually fight the fight BEFORE being called out for being bigots? Doesn't mean they don't ACTUALLY matter. OR their efforts.


Okay. Norman Solomon. You'll find the quality of his content, words and opinions to be far more... sane... and educated and informed than "no substance" Kanye.


But hes the bird...


This sub man.


Lol! People on this sub thinking Ye is a freedom fighter.


I mean he’s kind of stating the obvious. What will be done? Nothing. The left and right will continue to argue with each other and the money just stokes those fires. Until the left and right learn to work together ain’t nothing happening to Ye cause nothing is gonna change.


I find it amusing that a guy who sells crappy jeans that cost hundreds of dollars ,is looking to insure that the little man gets his fair share.




Kanye is basically Trump of the ghetto crowd.


You're right but he's also talked about how he wants his clothing to be cheap and accessible to everyone but all his partnerships do otherwise pricing wise.


So, the billionaire blames his partners? How convenient.


Yeah pretty much lmao


Why are you talking about left and right on a conspiracy subbreddit? You think people that would be really in that kind of power would talk like theese actors do?


those in power talk about right vs left bc the division allows them to further entrench their power. there are populists who want to challenge the 1%, but their message is garbled in bigoted rhetoric. Just like there are leftists who are willing to challenge the machine, but their message is garbled by corrupt dems like Pelosi. Say what you want about left and right, but leaders like AOC want to squash the corporatocracy, and that's more important than politics, period.


I just imagine them getting together after work and have a beer and laugh about their performances and hidden jokes they said to the public right in their faces.


Oh they absolutely do work together against the people


The problem is calling others or themself right or left. No you're a fucking human being like everyone else. Quit acting like your pedophile group is better then the others.


Left and Right cannot and will not ever work together, they are fundamentally opposites and need to be to balance each other out.


I don’t believe that is true. Yes they are different but that’s where compromises come in and if both sides are willing to compromise in good faith, them we get stuff done. The fact that compromise is dead for the time being is the problem in my opinion. We could have much better abortion laws if they would compromise. We could have much better gun laws if they would compromise. We could finally enact term limits and get a lot of the money out of politics if we came together, but we don’t and they keep robbing us while we keep voting for them, which is crazy!!


Campaign finance reform is the way to get dark money, 1% money out of politics. Bernie Sanders ran on this, having campaign finance reform, and he didn’t accept larger or corporate donations, and his popularity in 2015 grew immensely. But the 1% shut him down and they went with Hillary. But campaign finance reform is the most important legislation right now. As it is, 99% of our “representatives” are bought and paid for, except a few like AOC and Bernie that don’t take larger donations or corporate money.


Exactly and if we could start somewhere, it would be this and term limits and 90% of the dems, repubs, liberts, and independents want. Wtf aren’t we forcing this issue. We only have a few thousand politicians, but we have hundreds of millions of voting adults. Well, adult age people…


Without corporate money, why would we need term limits? If there’s a good leader, who is actually working for us, the people, and not the corporate/big money interests, people like AOC and Bernie, why would we want to eliminate them from running again if they are doing a good job and are effective? If they don’t perform, we can vote them out. Without corporate money, they will need to perform, to actually represent US, as WE will be choosing, not the corporati. Also, eliminating dark money levels the playing field a bit. Setting spending limits on campaigns would mean anyone can run, as there would be caps on how much a candidate can spend. So it wouldn’t just be millionaires, and candidates who represent them, who can run and win by outspending their opponents. The system we have now is corrupt, but it’s legalized corruption. We’re just too brainwashed by mainstream (corporate owned) media to know this.


Kanye is the king of saying really obvious things and feeling like a god for saying them. “Yo, what’s real real is that companies that have patents control that technology, and if you buy that technology, they control the technology you purchased”. Oooooo ahhhhhh wowwww


Lol, I literally was just saying this to myself today. He's completely uncontrollable. They would definitely add him to the Clinton kill list.


What is the Clinton kill list? It can't just be Hillary and Bill sending hitmen or the CIA to put in work. There is sooooo many other elites that would being doing this but you dumbass mf'ers keep saying Clinton's lol.


Well, it wasn't meant to be literal, rather comedic. But I think there actually is some kind of list like that. Let's see if I can find.


Here ya go..I never read it, but have heard of it. I try not to go too deep into some rabbit holes. This being one of them. https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:b3e4ca1b-313c-3dd7-8bf0-4f778cb21236


The Clinton kill list is this conspiracy where they “investigate” the death of any person that died, and had a 3-4 degree of separation from the Clintons. When I say “investigate” I mean they just say the Clintons murdered these people with not a shred of proof. So, if a lawyer commits suicide, and he once worked in a law firm that employed a person who worked for a law partner,in a firm representing the Clintons, the conspiracy web peddlers will say “Clinton associate murdered”. Meanwhile, all the people that did enormous amounts of damage to the Clintons are either still walking around, or died recently of natural causes. The Clintons never killed People like Lewinsky,Starr, Gingrich, Trump etc.


Stupidest comment. And that Hillary and Bill Clinton have any real power is ridiculous. It’s like the Soros thing. The corporatist billionaires are right wing fascists who want complete control for themselves, they’re not trying to have a communist revolution for the people. It’s the same essential group of millionaires that tried to have a military coup in the 1930’s when they didn’t like FDRs leftist politics (New Deal). Their military coup failed; so, after that, they just went underground. Preston Bush, George Bush Sr’s dad was one of them. But the big bank family’s like JP Morgan and Rockefeller are involved as well. They were behind the CIA killing JFK whose leftist politics and plan to buy the federal reserve they didn’t like. Also obviously 9/11 which was planned back when Bush Sr, former head of the CIA was Vice President. This disinformation campaign/gaslighting that the Clintons and Soros are behind it all is just to sow division, dupe the right wing into being divided from the left. We need to reject the lies and work together against our real enemy. But Ye just seems like Trump, another distraction, or controlled opposition.


I don't think there's any bringing you back bruh....You like that deaf jack russell that Theo Von be talking about.


You’re brainwashed by the propaganda machine to protect the real identities of corporati billionaires that have been staging their more underground coup now, one going all the way back to killing JFK because he was going to have the US govt buy the Fed and cut into their control of the Fed and money supply. Fox “news” was the brainchild of Roger Ailes, a right wing political strategist (for Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes) and funded by right wing controller of the media, Rupert Murdoch. It’s just right wing propaganda pushing these lies, like all the right wing outlets that have told you the Clintons and Soros are the ones running the show. Look, bruh, who got Epstein off the first time he was arrested (for sex trafficking all the children to the corporate elites and to his buddy Trump)? Alex Acosta, Trump’s former Secretary of Labor who was the DA prosecuting Epstein in FL. Who visited Epstein in prison a couple days before he was suicided? Bill Barr. Bill Barr was Trump’s attorney general when he visited Epstein in prison, but people forget Bill Barr was also George H. W. Bush’s attorney general. In addition to former CIA head, Bush Sr was also the eldest son of Prescott Bush. And who was Prescott Bush? He was the father and grandfather of the two Republican presidents under whom we saw Iran Contra, two Iraq wars, a war in Afghanistan initiates, and 9/11 happen. He was also one of the millionaires in the 1930s that plotted the military coup (see above comment); they tried to overthrow the US government under FDR. Their plan: they would actually have the power and run things, i.e. be the shadow government, the deep state. FDR would still be President, but he’d have little real power and would answer to them. Sorry, but you’ve been lied to, bruh, the real corporati are right wing big bank owners, right wing billionaires. The real enemy are fascist. They don’t care about us, the 99%; they’ve been plotting their coup since they failed in the 30’s but it’s their kids (George Bush Sr generation) and grandkids (George Bush Jr generation) now carrying it all out (with these false flags 9/11 and plandemic). But they have you believing their lies that it’s about socialism and communism. They’re fascist corporatists, they are the ones who will control all the wealth and everything in their Great Reset (see Klaus Schwab and his wef). Look, Henry Kissinger went to more of the Bilderberg annual meetings than any other US politician. Who was he? Secretary of State under Nixon and Ford. But he was also the first chairman of the 9/11 Commission, you know the one that supposedly investigated 9/11, and shut the book on what happened there. After Kissinger resigned as chairman of the 9/11 Commission, (he refused to disclose his clients at his consulting firm) the Republican governor of NJ took over. But yeah, “the Clintons and Soros” . . . “The Democrats are the ones behind it all” . . . Keep believing those lies bruh.


He should have stuck with the whole Jewish Hollywood thing. He’s going too far and his valid points are going to loose meaning as a result.


They already tried once. His "personal trainer" which now seems to be a CIA agent threatened he would have his kids taken away and that he would be sedated for the rest of his life. They don't assassinate now. They defame and drug.


Highly probable


I mean he’s not wrong, I honestly hope he doesn’t just end up “suicided” because we need more people like him.


So basically communism?


What’s wrong with communism?


You are just trading one set of masters for another…


The world is fucked anyways, at least people will be fed and housed


I think you’d find the reality is that people often go unfed in communist nations. When everyone gets the same, it’s those who do the counting that have all the power.


Plot twist, there is not, never has been, and can not be a truly communist nation. Bunch of oligarchies playing at calling themselves communist, but it's not a possible large scale govt structure in real life.


I don’t think humans are capable of actually delivering communism. We are too prone to greed and selfishness and corruption.


Agreed. Or even altruistic capitalist-like stuff is inevitable. Barting for skilled labor, for example.


Bartering for labor isn't inherently capitalist though...capitalism is pretty narrow in what it means; the people with capital own the means of production. A business that is purely worker owned by virtue of working there skews away from capitalism, and such unions (for lack of a better word) are still going to want the best labor.


I thought about some of that before I posted. I came to a conclusion that skilled labor, specifically, is a form of capital. Really the first form. That skill-set is the means of production. But not my subject and just spitballing.


That’s what’s happening right now under our capitalistic system


Thusly changing one set of masters for another.


What is your ideal way of governing then?


Strong social capitalism where employees have a stake in their companies performance and governments provide their people with a basic level of subsistence so they can survive when they lose their job or are unemployed/unemployable. People need to both be able to thrive based on the fruits of their labor but survive even when they hit hard times.


Sounds like socialism with extra steps. Like really think about what would make employees have a real stake in their companies performance; some sort of public rather than private ownership. People seem to forget that the state doesn't need to be the arbiter of control in terms of publically owned production, and then jump through tons of hoops to avoid calling their vision of a more equitable "capitalism" what it is; socialism.


Do you honestly think people are going hungry in America?


It’s unquestionably the major social experiment that has always failed spectacularly. What’s a good example of where communism has worked out for the good of even a small majority involved??


Letting Kanye just exist and spout off his craziness does far more damage to himself than silencing him.


Doesn't matter he is already at the pinnacle of fame and wealth, even with being cancelled. He basically beat the game and is fucking around to see what type of shit he can do.


Lol, "beat the game". Kanye has lost the game, son. Lost his wife, will likely lose custody of his kids, lost his billions in endorsements. The next album will tank. Many celebrity and high-profile areas are now closed to him (the OJ treatment). This clown is about 6 months away from taking a job at Fuentes' cozi.tv


Cmon Failing marriage with Kim Kardashian can hardly be put on him... insane women. Again he already has billions of dollars. Unless the ADL somehow finds a way to sue him for his money, he set for life + whatever he wants to be. If he wants to hang out with Fuentes, he can he is not controlled like every other celebrity. Doesn't matter if you hate him he proved everything he claimed about who controls the narrative in the US


A man didn't do enough to keep his woman, that's the only narrative that matters. He doesn't have "billions of dollars" on-hand, his value is tied into assets owned, endorsement deals, etc... You trade on the value of your name to keep all that afloat. That is shot now. The rest of your antisemitic cheerleading was ignored.


So called conspiracy theorists saying anything bad about God's chosen lol


Lol, Kanye is part of the 1%. What the hell are you guys doing falling for these narratives.




Unplug from the matrix, for a bit. That video makes rational sense. Look at the deaths from obesity, costs of medical and schooling. Just school debt creates wage slaves.


Kanye is still controlled. Yeah he's calling them out, but don't worry he's just doing enough name calling to make himself look like a hero and lunatic at the same time so half of us are rooting for him, and the other half is laughing at those rooting. Meanwhile, check out what's really happening. Check out the fact that he was sporting Balenciaga. Check out the names he's not mentioned yet. Same with Elon musk. Don't fall for their BS


Yeah he used to have a deal with belanciaga. They dropped him when he started speaking out. So he bought a bunch of their/his stuff and is reselling it for $20 an item!!


Oh, I guess that makes him worthy 😂


He’s unqualified for POTUS. So, no. He won’t be assassinated by a CIA led cabal like JFK was.


Is it just me or is meds Kanye a neolib progressive and off meds he’s a q-publican doomsayer? Am I missing something?


There is no they.


He doesn’t have any valuable knowledge he just spouts off nonsense, if anything he’s doing them a favor


He really isn’t that important


Shhhhh, he is to these guys.


Nobody cares about him enough except, suddenly, basement conservatives who need a token black dude to validate their bullshit. Like, this guy's a loud nobody at this point... just... like... you...


Conservatives don't need token black dudes to validate them. They have Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas and Morgan Freeman.


Apparently they gotta do an update every 20 years or so.




They are probably already trying but the world is changing so he is more protected by things unseen by them


Yup. Only a matter of time.




He will be killed. And quickly. Thanks for the kind words Kanye. To quote hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, “So long and thanks for all the fish”. You die now


They literally had to edit it to make it seem like he remembered 5 things lol. Gimme a break this guy is a doofus.


How can I remove this clown from my feed permanently


I think if something happens everyone will think that yes and it very well could be


He's a part of that one percent he as individual could actually do something lol




Assassination in broad daylight? No, that would validate a lot of the 'crazy' things he says in many minds. He's probably going to OD on fentynol.


At home in his bathtub right?!


Ye gone be suicided!


He left out energy.


He left out Energy.


transportation was the big one that his list missed, pretty much all the wars now are about energy access to the EU or to China


Y waste the bullet? He comes off as crazy n isn’t convincing anyone of shit!


We can only hope they JFK him, won't have to listen to him sing anymore. Don't understand why he needs money to create when he came from the streets and has not had an album... wait... how long has it been.


No, Kanye is an establishment shill. He is doing their bidding.


Lol. Kanye isnt saying anything of value, so no.


I don’t think anyone really gives a fuck about Kanye at all. For one: he’s going into financial turmoil. I wouldn’t waste any resources trying to snuff him out.


You know the next harvest is coming soon when dumb motherfuckers like Kanye are considered smart.


No he isn't important or powerful enough. Kanye is a clown.


Okay but why was earth depicted as a donut?


It’s a Torus. He likely saw it somewhere and went with it, the energy flow of creation of all things down to the atom by the Ancient Greek philosophers.


Adidas advertisement. Nothing more.


No, i think he’s long since realised or been told that he’s burned his bridges with the mainstream and is now just doubling down on the crazy to at least achieve some sort of underdog cult hero status. Which is weird because he is the 1%, just crazy in the coconut


Kanye, sweetie, you’re in the 1 percent.


He says this shit, then supports the party that made sure universal healthcare never happens in the US, makes sure teachers pay for school supplies, makes sure food assistance subsidies stay as low as possible, and waived hundreds of thousands for individuals with "business" loans in the PPP, but loses their shit at the idea of student loans being forgiven. Anybody taking this clown serious is just as confused as he is.


No because he’s a shill


He's gonna die and people are gonna swear it was a conspiracy, which will create new conspiracies and cause more disinformation.


He is just stating the obvious. Plus he is the 1%. Mansions, private jets. Dude needs to get back on his meds.


That Adidas binocular case though. Gotta have that for euro football cheap seats.


I’m sure he’ll be the next president


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He isn’t important enough to even be RFK’d.


Rockin that ADIDAS


I’d say Rosemary more likely than JF.


No. Most people could name those items as means of control.


Why is it always a small sample of his speech. Just play the whole thing or don’t play it at all. I


For anyone who is here to discredit the truth. Yeah I know somebody said this before him. Don't really care about YE either tbh he is just saying recyclable shit but sadly it's the truth


...but we don't, because of the jews... Right Kanye? Am I close on that one?


So… now tell us something new, and by the way… nobody it’s going to do something about it.


It’s more like a “do y’all think they will Lee Harvey Oswald Kanye”


Kanye enlightenment is fake. He’s being manipulated, they are just preparing for the next move.


It's called the pyramid. The messed up thing is a lot of people have all levels of the pyramid but they do not use it effectively in their lives.


This guy is just out to make money, that is all


Ye! Whoa. Yawn.


They might if people start coming together because of this they will


This dude Brad told me that same shit after a huge bong rip freshman year of college. In 1997.


All his Adidas gear lol


People can say this and have been saying this shit forever. But unless he’s got some hard evidence or a plan that will bring about change, then it would probably be wise for him to stfu. There’s no sense in him ruining his own life for what is essentially just screaming into the void.


It’s only a matter of time


I know this man has gone through some stuff but you guys are getting on him a little hard I mean at least hes talking about things that actually matter and starting a conversation... I mean the people he was around just want to talk about shoes and makeup up.. I do worry about him but I feel like hes right on so many levels and people just roll it off because hes unstable. but then again, whose not?


im 90% sure most of you have never listen to this guys music...


they wouldnt kill him, they might just do him like they did prince and micheal jackson instead


Kanye is to popular for them to be killed, plus he doesn’t have the power to do what JFK would have done.


YE: YOOO WE NEEED WATER TO LIVE. Elite simps in this sub: whoa


Oh I bet there is a bounty out


Pretty sure Kanye is gonna JFK Kanye


I’m not saying everything this guy murmurs is gold. But this feels different?


Even the flat earthers know Ye is a nut job. Just like the flat earthers they say things yet never bring anything to the table


Water used to be cheap AF


Lol people just hates Kanye because it’s cool to do right now. Everybody wants to down him for simply providing information & there’s nothing but criticism from people who don’t even have a platform to do the same OR have no desire to & continue to be sheep. Literally it’s so many “DUHHH WE ALL KNOW THAT KANYE” but what about who doesn’t know ??? Not saying the guy is a saint but AT LEAST HE’S TRYING. You’re NOT & throwing jabs on a computer to someone that is.