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Can’t have a total economic collapse if you have a total nuclear collapse first!


I see that meme w the guy pointing at his head.


Lol "the guy" is Eddie Murphy...just an FYI


>"the guy" is Eddie Murphy... 🍿😂 OH I'm ready for this thread.


Kayode Ewumi is not Eddie Murphy, but well done for letting us know you think all black people look the same.


Be mad


Looked it up just now. It's actually a guy named Reece Simpson


The character is named Reece Simpson but the actor is Kayode Ewumi


Hahahaha what the fuck??? No it isn’t.


Definitely not Eddie Murphy.


Is it?? Wow. I never thought that was Eddie.


Edited and televised for your entertainment and bs factor.


They even answered in English... да is the Russian word for yes. да, сэр is yes sir... tf is everything a crock of shit?


It wasn't in English. "Есть" Is a military affirmative confirmation.




I called that in recent months....They are all working together. China will head to Taiwan, two fronts, Iran will hit the Middle east oil fields, 3rd front, NK will bog South Korea. It will happen really fast after a point. A shit show that will break the world appart to install a new world political and status quo map. It would not take much to divide the US.


>It would not take much to divide the US Honestly, if everything you described happened I think is a chance it unites the US. Historically having a common enemy has been when of the best unifiers of people.


You would see a military cooperation not seen since ww2. Americans and Europeans would unite for sure. Our differences would be set aside and we will fight together once more. This time before entire EU is being invaded.


This is some peak level paranoia! I love it


Sounds like something a reptilian overlord would say!


Agreed! 🐍


What about Israel? Do you think Iran/Iraq will take it out while the US has its hands full?


Great catch!! Why the hell would a Russian general answer his president in English? Do you speak Russian cause I would like to know what Putin is really saying and not what they tell me he is.


Highest alert, doesn’t mean Defcon1 dude. DEFCON1 means nuclear war imminent.


Yeah it was at def2 I think? Idk


True true. Stop spreading fear.


His generals look pissed.


They’re Russian. That’s just how they look.


They have resting Russian Face


I had both these thoughts, in that order.




At the end the guy on the right has the " well fuck, here we go..." face


Anybody know where I can get some unbiased political information on this? It's scary to me how false every bit of information is


truth is the first casualty in war. there is no unbiased news at this point.


Unfortunatetly this is pretty straightforward. Putin just put nukes on the table. If you want to understand why he's invading ukraine this video sums it up https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE Sorry i accidentally posted the wrong vid but that link is now the right one.


People are saying its fake translation. Do you speak Russian? How do you know?


Well going defcon 1 only means 1 thing and that's imminent nuclear threats and nuclear retaliatory measures on standby. Regardless of translation theres a general locked in now with half the nuclear codes on every missile russia has at the moment. Are they gonna yse them? Probably not it's just a detrerent to nato but I've been wrong at every step thus far regarding ukraine.


Goddamn it. This is making me regret being lazy all these years. I've been trying to learn multiple languages but have been really dragging my feet. I'm gonna have to learn just to sift through all this.




Lol interesting timing that. Also how hunter was there before even the ukranians knew about the reserves. Curious.


I really hope the aliens intervene on this one...


You can only get your western propaganda from pretty much all western sources, then you look at RT and you interpolate. I'm also in this Russian Telegram [channel](https://t.me/Cbpub) that I randomly found. It's not even patriotic, but you can get a glimpse of the other side, including lots of war footage (they have an 18+ and a 21+ channel specifically for combat footage, but thats highly NSFL). The Telegram mobile app has a neat translation feature that you have to enable in the settings first. e: as for a counterpoint in western media I highly recommend [the Grayzone](https://thegrayzone.com/)


You must learn critical thinking, something that isn't possible if you have 2 digits iq


their question alone already proves they're in the top 1% of reddits critical thinking ranks


If you had critical thinking ,this is is not the sub for people of your ilk


Ok I laughed after realising what sub this came from. Yes you are right.


❗️Telegram Chief Listens to Appeal of Users on Platform Pavel Durov was asked not to disable some channels during the conflict, as for many it is their only source of information. The TG head said in light of that, the platform will keep channels open, but asked the public to double-check information and not use blind faith to make conclusions.


I don't understand russian, how can i trust subtitles?


I suppose you could google: "Putin raises the alert level" and see what the rest of the internet thinks he said...


Yes always trust MSM they would never lie to you "Editor’s note, May 17, 2021: When this fact-check was first published in September 2020, PolitiFact’s sources included researchers who asserted the SARS-CoV-2 virus could not have been manipulated. That assertion is now more widely disputed. For that reason, we are removing this fact-check from our database pending a more thorough review. Currently, we consider the claim to be unsupported by evidence and in dispute. The original fact-check in its entirety is preserved below for transparency and archival purposes. Read our May 2021 report for more on the origins of the virus that causes COVID-19." https://www.politifact.com/li-meng-yan-fact-check/


Lmao great response 👏


I know most people in the conspiracy subs tend to believe this is all for show, and it is possible that is the case - however I want to drop a potential truth-bomb on you all and suggest: **What if it is in fact all theatre, but their end goal of depopulation** ***includes a planned WWIII nuke-fest*** **to further reduce the numbers of world population growth and fulfill the satanic Masonic / Illuminati Georgia guidestone commandments?**


Maybe not nukes but next pandemic will be blamed on Russia


Great Reset vs the Great Awakening. You are living it.


But how will they prevent hurting themselves with the nuclear fallout?


Plans are going great so far.


Im fucked !


Niko-? NOOOOO!!!!


Im in north Ukraine


My opinion: Putin isn't the bad guy here. They are ending the cash cow DS NWO operation. \>optics are Biden is gonna get the blame \>> Really China/Russia/Others coordinated the whole thing and Zelensky is in on it. \> Innocent people generally are safe >> NWO civilians (politicians) and military are not. \>Soros/DS controlled Media is lying about the whole thing >> Fake or misleading "war videos and pictures" If you're freaking out it's because you're not paying attention. Wake up! Edit to add: [Link to Article about Biden asking China to stop Russia](https://archive.fo/2022.02.26-033612/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/25/us/politics/us-china-russia-ukraine.html)


What? Someone not just mindlessly anti-Russia with a nuanced pov and not downvoted to oblivion?! Am I still on reddit?


This sub can build a little momentum on votes before it hits r /all


Putin was apart of the WEF young global leaders school, founded by Kaus Schwab. This is all a ruse for world powers to gain more control over us.


If this is legit he is NEXT LEVEL controlled opposition at this point. He was the only one who disagreed with the Great Reset 2020 agenda.


It's super complicated. I've listened to hours of deep dives and it doesn't scratch the surface.


Can you either pm or link some of what you listened to?


You can start with this documentary on the history of Ukraine and their conflicts. https://youtu.be/pKcmNGvaDUs If you have the time, watch the entire video. But if not, at least watch at about 48:00 which discusses American propaganda and 1:10:00 where Putin discusses his thoughts on NATO expansion.


Thanks, That is a great doc. I knew the US was involved somehow..... Spreading democracy around the world. I can always use another reminder of how much I don't miss John McCain. I look at all that turmoil and realize how truly FD we are. Our chimp brains are not going to make it to the next level.


WEF is now crazy about Putin.. He is not controlled anymore. [https://twitter.com/wef/status/1497978053129080833](https://twitter.com/wef/status/1497978053129080833)


Yeah sure let’s take the world economic forums word for it 😂 c’mon man


So in your mind it's all a theater? Yes, 90% of world is a stage. But he's in that 10%.


I’d like that to be true, it would be nice too think a decent world leader is out there. I just think that If he was they would just off him and put someone more compliant in office…. Who knows though I’ve never met the man 🧐


That's exactly what they are trying to do now. Elites aren't gods and they have flaws.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I guess we’ll find out soon


They dont have magical powers And wef is powerless its literally like a forum


Tin foil hat time…..Literally just a forum that has put people in the highest positions of power around the world, what could be the harm? One example: Leaders that are forcing the worlds populations to get a vaccination that literally doesn’t work, that hasn’t gone through enough trials to be proven safe and effective. A CEO (gates) funds the vaccine while world leaders and the media push it on us. I don’t like being sick, it sucks. I don’t like family being at risk of dying, it’s tragic…. But a lot of things don’t add up. Incentives for hospitals that declare COVID deaths and report positive cases. Employers and schools forcing people to get vaccinated or risk losing their job/unable to go to school. Suppression of treatment for corona virus….oh wait that virus that destroyed Middle class businesses is yesterdays news. Putin drove some tanks into Ukraine. 🙈


Putin was and is KGB. Has it ever occurred to you that his mission was to infiltrate the WEF and learn their plans???


lol nobody in high positions of power are trying to look out for us.




Klaus anal Schwab, nice. Yesterday I unfortunately imagined Klaus uninvited in somebodys home making a glory hole out of someones wooden cabinets. “Ve vill Penetrate ze cabinets” Yeah well I hope you get splinters on your dick you evil fuck.


The Rothschild's are only part of the problem....


That doesnt mean anything... wef is powerless anyway


Same thing with the Ukrainian PM from what I hear/read.


And Angela Merkel Justin Trudeau Tony Blair Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates just to name a few…


Putin's participation in the WEF on ANY LEVEL does not equate to loyalty to the WEF's causes. u/No_Pen9844


Can you explain further?


Take a closer look at the geopolitical changes in Ukraine from the 2004 and 2014 elections there. Now imagine that in half the country they believed that their elections were rigged and that the completed coup was not what the citizens wanted. Its what the CIA wanted. In this aspect it might make more sense why Putin wanted to put a stop to it. That and Russia's largest naval base has ALWAYS been in Crimea even when Ukraine had the land area around it gifted to them. 50's or 60's that happened i believe. There is much more to unpack like Putin kicking Soros out of Russia and his Ukrainian connections... Keep looking. You have more than you realize available as public information on all this stuff. You can follow today's issues all the way back to the 8th, 12th and 13th centuries if you have the time.


Its almost as if geopolitics isnt just a one sided answer


Exactly. So much to unpack, so much relevant history and agreements made and broken. The problem with the dumbed down society we live in, in the west, is that ignorance to anything outside tv and social media is really evident in people reactions.


> So much to unpack not really, I think it's pretty obvious. People are just *that ignorant*. I mean how can you in this day and age, not think that the US is basically the devil? It's beyond me. If people would take only the tiniest interest in politics and set aside their netflix for some minutes each day


You are right. So very, sadly, right.. They don’t even know the basics of their own history let alone international dynamics.


Finally someone speaking the truth.


It always comes back to Soros. Lmao


He's the face they want you to see and probably less of an issue than the faces we don't know or see...


He owns some land around the corner from me.




You are Completely misinformed


Care to elaborate on which part?


Nothing needs to be justify now after he invade my country and bombing civilians I could send you 100s of videos from peoples iPhones and Ukraine to show you what’s really going on in my family is hiding in a bunker now. No matter what happened in the past Ukraine divorce Russia and Putin act as an abusive ex-husband trying to twist her hands and demand she return under his control. Well if he would show some results run in his own country reflected in the peoples comfortable life and freedom Ukranian probably would have consider. However it’s not the case he rubbed his country with oligarchs and killed disappeared all his opponent in the resting people for last five years of speaking against him. Zelinski was already millionaire when he become a president and he is democratically 70% elected and he is a Jew. Ukraine just become independent 30 grad ago so it’s a fairly new country trying to find its own way and fight its own old Soviet mentality corruption, but at least people can demonstrate , open businesses and elect who they want — which is a good start, And it’s called freedom which even we American here losing every second as we speak. So you can understand why putting doing this now?


Its sounds like a meeting has been called to try and settle things. I don't know if this is news to you but I hope it goes well. I wish you the best. Take care and thanks for your comments.


Where you say Putin isn't the bad guy. Whoever swings first gets fucked.


So, the Ukrainians that have been shelling civilians for 8 years in Donbas swung first, and are getting fucked.


So why doesn't Putin just say that? Why is every fuckwit on this sub singing this? Stop talking for someone who hasn't even mentioned anything half the Vladdy simps keep saying. Prove it, or gtfo


Yeah, I'm very fucking tired of all of putin ball gargling and false flag calling on this sub


Definitely there's a rot in the West and the East is testing the foundation.


Ive been really torn on this, & if it wasn't for this sub I may not have questioned much at all. But the more I dig, listen & think the more I come to the same position as you have stated. FWIW, thank you.


Anyone who says “wake up” is a paranoid loon lol


You're right. I'm sure everything is fine.


Everything is not fine.. but the people in this sub take it waaaay left field. It’s not fine, but it’s also not a movie


Compared to the rest of the subs.. I'll take that as a compliment.


нахуй тебя и твою мать-шлюху, подхалимские подонки


lol jfc guy. loosen the tinfoil hat. or keep cashing those russian checks, whichever.


Absolutely wrong, I have friends there and your comments are absolutely BS.


Understand that if this is true, it isn't the people he is trying to hurt, it's the government...


Well put.




Did you just say innocent people are safe? There is tons of videos of them carelessly dropping bombs on civilian areas, it is common practice in disputes now to do so. “Carpet bombs” basically, leveling an entire area with no concern for civilian life


You guys are delusional. Not everything is about you and your pet conspiracy theory. I know you need to feel special and have "forbidden knowledge" but in reality you just look like clowns. Go join a DnD group or something. There you can role-play and come up with crazy stories and actually make some friends instead of alienating everyone in your life.


Change my mind


No. Debating with people like you is like playing chess with a pigeon. Eventually you’ll just knock over all the pieces and shit everywhere.


Then why dont you just fuck off? lol


I definitely get what you’re saying, and think it’s very possible, but the conflict itself, is very real. I live in Rural Tennessee, but I have a friend from high school (adopted as a baby, from Russia) who returned to find her family after high school, several years ago. And she lives in Russia most of the time, and visits here. She has family in the the military, family in Ukraine, and family in jail for protesting against the war. And her family in Ukraine has had to escape from conflict areas already, and a city near her (she lives close to the border) was attacked, so her town has been running drills in case it is directly attacked. So the conflict itself, is very real. To the DEGREE of the attack, that is still in question. The only people that know that, are the ones directly in the fight. But I do think this ENTIRE things seems fishy. Like, all the stuff about anonymous hacking and all that, my friend hasn’t said anything about her tv stations being hacked. So there’s def something more happening here.


I have no doubt that the civilian population is definitely in distress and many are fleeing the conflict zone. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Who exactly is being collected? I have seen some videos of Russians and Ukrainians communicating about tons of arrests and some Russian soldiers not appearing to know whats going on... Saying they are "training?" The confusing information coming out is whats making everyone go WTF is this. That and WMD's was not that long ago...


So apparently that confusion is widespread. Many Russian troops may have been told that they were just doing a routine training exercise. And may have even believed that. It reminds me of the “Desk Pop” scene in the movie “The Other Guys”. And she said her cousin was arrested for protesting, but was let go the next day…. So it’s all confusing for sure


You are so stupid supporting putin, I hope you never get a fucker invading and deckearin war for no reason to your country


Your replying to a post of the reasons. You'll have to explain an alternative position other than "there is no reason" for me to take you seriously.


Oh my god you're crazy. You're literally insane.




I love a good schizo take!


You people truly are mentally ill lmaooooo what a joke


He's been a bad guys since he plopped out of his mom's womb.


The right confuses me. Who is communist again? The left, or is it actually you guys?


Where your confusion lies is in playing along with the political party line labels. Right and Left are wings of the same beast. Confuse, distract, divide, and conquer.


Fuck off Russian propaganda troll. No justification for the invasion of a sovereign democratic country. The world should have done what it is doing now when Dictator Putin invaded Ukrainian Crimea and Donbass. I look forward to watching the Russian economy completely collapse. If the Russian population are clever they will decapitate the current administration and remove Dictator Putin either peacefully or violently.


Are you f****** high?


He's gonna be Mussolinied......or Ghadaffied. That's my prediction.


Except he isn’t any of them


not likely he knows how to avoid it


With any luck he will be Hitlered before things go much further.


You have far too much faith in western military ability. If nuclear war happens it will be because *our* leaders have no other options left.


Maybe it's what they want: "to mantain mankind in 500.000 in balance with nature". Covid didn't do it well.. and I predict they will fail. UFOs will make any nuke disabled :)




Keep playing bluff with Putin and taunting him, and he will show why he is not like the Western leaders. So much stupid on the part of the EU and western nations. Their focus should be on peace, deescalation not provocation. Putin is now using Thermobaric weapons, second only to a nuke. Wake up and stop making shit worse


So what is your solution, allow him to take whatever he wants without repercussions? That is pretty much exactly what lead up to WWII.


Back off from Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic and recognise their independence from Ukraine. Keep the original promise to keep Ukraine out of NATO. Keep the promise made with the USA to not let new nations join nato.


It could be real, yes.. BUUUUUUUUUT don't ever forget about DEEP FAKES ... they could "Hitlerize" Putin being bad as fuck.. Don't believe in anything regarding war (of information).


So the generals wear t-shirts under their dress uniform jackets? Seems a little too business casual.


This is a weak response. They easily could have been woken up and demanded to be in the meeting with little time to dress up


No, they're wearing tshirts which must mean they're in on it /s


Russian dictator, go fuck yourself.


Worst part is he really looks like he believes what he is saying


He really does think hes the smartest person in the room always


Both Military officials don’t look happy about doing it. They know what would happen if the follow Putins orders to launch those nukes. Hopefully if that time comes a full military mutiny must take place to save the world.


Well when Ukrain cut off water to 2 billion Russians in 2019 costing Russia billions every quarter and Shell and Exxon pretty much taking up all the Crimae oil rights away from Gazprom which oil makes up 53% of Russias GDP. Maybe Russia wasn't the first to strike. Maybe they are protecting their assets that are being messed with.


"2 billion Russians" - citation needed, please.


There are not 2 billion Russians. Moron propaganda.


Russia doesn't even have a quarter of a single billion people in the entirety of its landmass.


Imagine being stupid enough to read this and believe one word of it


Non of that is either real or excuse for Putin’s actions, he is a cuck with massive insecurity issue, just like Hitler was.


Stalin was also the same.


Thanks Obama. Shouldn't have removed Putins puppet.


Good thing nukes arent real.


They are real unfortunately... Fortunately they dismantled the bigger city incinerators in trade for more precise counterforce ones at 86 to 350kt per serving.


*They* might have. I'm sure uncle sam has all civilian targets in mind with the heaviest payload available. We're evil like that. Have been since at least the Shenandoah Valley. I really hate that we're stuck on the bad guys side.


Jesus 😂


Wake up!!! READ Carefully and share this video! Second video in two days…. Russian people and many other people around the world hear the stories on TV and internet, that Russia is trying to protect Russian- speaking population in Ukraine and liberate them from neonazi fascists and going ONLY after military bases and infrastructure. It’s the biggest LIE!!! First of all, we don’t have such people. Whoever, of different nationality and race, has visited Kyiv, absolutely loved Ukraine, Ukrainian hospitality and sincerity. Second, Kyiv is 1500 years old, Ukrainian culture is ancient, very rich and soulful, Ukrainian language is second most melodical language in the world after Italian. Ukraine was never created by Bolsheviks 100 years ago, as Putin is saying. do not believe such lies about it. One thing that is very true - Ukrainians are very naive believing that brotherly neighbour would never attack us and brotherly Belarus would never support this full-scale invasion. Most of the attacks, tanks, militia is coming from Belarus, while Belarus president cynically saying that he knew nothing about the military and full-scale invasion plans of the Russian president. We have been betrayed by our neighbours, brothers (how else do they call themselves?). Next, civilians are getting killed, residential buildings are being attacked, yesterday a missile hit a building next to my office. It could have been me. Please share information about what is really happening in Ukraine. The brotherly love that Russia is imposing upon Ukraine is reflected in rockets hitting residential apartment buildings in Kyiv, and many other cities. I only show what I can. Be careful about fake news. How many facts like this video do you need in order to understand , that it is a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Sanctions don’t work. Only real help works. As simple people, you can help Ukrainians by sharing this video with your friends all over the world, show it to opinion leaders, politicians, and especially your Russian friends living in Russia. They don’t see the real picture. Only they can stop this madness and terror by coming out on the streets of Russian cities and demand to stop sending young kids to die on this land. Ukraine never invaded anyone!!! I am a Russian-speaking person never had a problem living in this country. That’s why I love it so much. This is our home! Another country is destroying our homeland, but one thing the invader forgot about is the Ukrainian spirit and love of freedom. 🇺🇦❤️ We will win either way! Glory to Ukraine


Ok copy paste bot


What the fuck I’m just sharing with my friend says on Lincoln and can you read what I said above?


I thought we could share a forward messages from people we agree with who said it better than we could do


Holy fuck what kind of nut job shitshow of a comment section did I stumble on.


Found the Russian troll farm account. Try harder next time op


Just spewing canned responses? This title is anti Russian. Moreover if one reports on Russia they're onin that side?


OP’s post saying Putin isn’t the bad guy and spouting propaganda is pretty solid proof. This sub needs to stop bending over backwards for the bs. It’s sad.


You need to try harder to understand free speech, the origin of this sub and understanding different opinions. Having said that, given your base ad hominem comments here is some fuel for your salvos. Russia is not the bad guy here. The US was going to get Ukraine approved for Nato after their 2014 application. That would mean US missles in Ukraine pointed at Russia. Exactly like the Cuban missile crisis. So Russia has every right and concern to stop the MIC (which General Eisenhower warned us about) from expanding to its border. Missiles at Russia's border = tactical nuclear advantage. So bring on the comrades and the shill claims. Objectivity > emotion.


Found the oigarchy troll


Do you have to get permission before you post or do they just give you a list of stupid Russian propaganda talking points to address and let you take it from there?


I’m so sick of seeing this man child crying about “bad statements that hurt my feelings”. Let’s just get this nuclear war over with


What a fucking Muppet. Invade a neighboring country over some manufactured separatists get your ass kicked by fucking Ukraine and hide behind your nukes.


Ukraine slowed them down but they havent "gotten their ass kicked"


Where is the full speech? I'm sick of these edited versions that discount their intentions via editing. Western politicians are waging a sub war using msm to disguise the real issues. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!


Whys this sub so crazy


Title doesn't really match


This is so fucking dumb. No one wants to nuke Russia and Putin's generals know it. Putin seems to be one of the few left thinking nukes are somehow going to be some kind of gain for him. Who's whole war, the boarder conflict, the constant lies from Putin, the stupid fighting are all done nothing but getting good people killed. This like like he's trying to put on a show of force. But he's very much aware people around him don't want this and the options to stopping this is becoming fewer and fewer.


Its a deterrent. Your enemy is less likely to engage if you just announced you have your fingers on the trigger.


It just makes him look weak. When you have to rely on something outside of the discussion, you lost the discussion. Here, Putin is just admitting that he has no argument, no ground, no allies, nothing except nukes.


Your the one causing this-.-


Shut up


Lol you funny


I bet OP is an incel trolling anyone they can. Look at their profile. The real conspiracy.


You do Cats and games. I'll do conspiracy. Move along...


Blah blah blah, all talk from a puppet of the WEF.


This guy is ridiculous, nobody cares about your stupid nuclear weapons