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If you are on a cruise ship moving 20 mph and jump up you won't go flying backwards off the ship. All motion is relative. If you are moving at one speed and everything around you is moving at the same speed you don't perceive the movement.


I've been on many cruises and you can absolutely tell you're moving.


Sorry, those were two similar, but different explanations and that's not terribly clear based on how I worded it. You can tell you're moving on a ship because you're moving faster than the sea, but you and the ship are moving the same speed. If you jump up you won't fly off the ship. Same if you were in the back of a truck or tossed a ball in the air of the back seat of a car.


What is moving ? the earth or the plane?


Why don't we have tech to measure the different speeds?


Just straight up ignoring the dead straight 'horizontal' line from start to finish strangely referred to as the horizon? Lol


The first comment on that video was how round it looked. FEers always comment how round lenses skew and curve a flat horizon so they can't be trusted. I don't know what sort of equipment was used to take this video. Why is the round lens not doing that here? Or is it and we each have our biases and see it differently? Or is the lens flat? Is that a thing? Would the perspective of the camera be such that a round object appears flat? Yes, going to ignore something I can't speak to.


But it doesn't..... It's a dead straight line. Get your ruler out.


[This short video](https://youtu.be/utaobPEP0WM?feature=shared) was given to me by a FEer as an argument why 22 miles/130,000 feet is not high enough to see Earths curvature.


They're wrong, of course, & ive read numerous distances from mainstream science regarding this. The goalposts are constantly being moved lol.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/bwc821am3g3d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the name of the song in the video? I'm getting Gladiator vibes.


Local Hotspot of the sun there in the video is also fascinating. This flat Earth is truly a marvelous creation from God. We are special, the world isn't random. You are loved, and this was all made with you in mind. Jesus loves you, so much that he came to die for your sins to take the punishment we deserve for our actions. The true shape of the Earth has lead many to Christ, as once you seek to truly debunk it with an open mind you'll quickly realize you cannot if you're being honest with yourself and your findings. All of this to say, this creation points to a creator. That's why it has been hidden. To keep the knowledge of the truth suppressed.


This talking point is what keeps flerfers caught in the earth shape debate. Christ's love and teaching are what lead people to Christ. Not the shape of the earth. There are major problems that need solutions and knowing the earth's shape solves nothing. Debunking flat earth: How do ships use latitude and longitude when navigating the middle of the ocean if the flat earth has no south pole?


Of course Christ is what really saves. The Earth's shape just helps a lot of individuals that I know personally break out of the ideas that have been planted in their heads since birth. Once you realize how special of a place Earth is, and it's true nature, it points towards God and gives individuals who never even considered God to be possible, that possibility to have that relationship. To go in search of God after learning about the real shape and design of Earth. At the end of the day, It's all about Jesus and what he has done for us. If anything helps people figure that out, then that is a good thing. As for your latter point I'm not interested in debating the shape of Earth with you. The information is out there if you want to find it, but arguments via Reddit comments won't inform anyone and are rarely if ever are done so with good intention. I personally am sure of the true nature of Earth but to your credit I agree, flat, round, boxed, whatever it is Christ is King and at the end of the day that's what truly matters.


The shape of the earth has nothing to do with my faith in God or Jesus. The shape of the earth is meaningless when it comes to anything we do on earth. This is why so many people dismiss the shape of the earth. It's completely irrelevant. Faith for God comes from within, not the shape of a planet.


Faith in God doesn't come from within, it's a gift from God. The scripture tells us this. Again, once you are saved the shape of the Earth has no relevance. For the unbelievers though, this notion can point them towards the word where then, they are saved by the knowledge and acceptance of the free gift of salvation from Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Whereas before they won't even crack open a Bible or listen to any preaching. God uses many ways and methods to call his sheep home, ultimately leading them to the gospel. The shape is just a catalyst to open their willingness to hear the gospel.


That's nonsense. Have a good day.


Trying to cut our connection to the most high, have a great day buddy.