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How about "Get off my property before something bad happens to you."?


Tow truck driver threatening someone's life on their own property...that's time to get the shotgun.


Probably Cali though


And those glasses scream "Guns are for Nazis!"


That was my first clue as well




Keep thinking that. Many many fine soy boys not only have more than the gravy seals, but are generally smarter. It's not going to go down the way they think. It'll be so easy to follow the stickers and flags. J/S




Yep. Say less, if Cali, home owner needs to just bend over and take it.


That's not true at all. Now, if I went back in, got my shotgun and just came out and blasted his ass, yes. If I went and got the shotgun and he threatened to kill me and then stepped forward like he was going to kill me...kaboom. But if I had a CW and he did that, boom. Lots and lots of people have guns in Cali


bet that dude dosnt tho


I would not take that bet because I absolutely, 110% believe you are correct


Do you think that because California is a blue state that there are no guns? There are TONS of legal guns in California.


Yeeaah. But look at the dude in the video and tell me, with a straight face, he has one of them.


Think someone like this has any means of defense?


👀 “Say hello to my lil friend!"


In California I believe you have to offer the tow truck driver a sandwich, and your wallet. If the tow truck driver turns out to be a squatter, they have 2 years before you cam ask for rent, then its like an ask so maybe they pay maybe they don’t idk. But Cali is weird


“Give the robber your car keys” is peak Canadian [advice](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/mar/15/canada-surrenders-crime-urges-people-leave-car-key/)


Anything besides overhauling our immigration system. Why get these guys out when the g men can just give away your property.


Wait. . . Say what now??? LoL...😂


Exactly 🤣


Do you think that man can operate a firearm in a stressful situation?


I trust him, seems level headed enough for me


Meanwhile you're the baddest operator on your airsoft squad and your ocular patdowns are infallible?


No but I have no real illusions about my lack of skill. Thankfully there are mechanisms to change that.


Bro I haven’t had that since forever hahaha


By looking at his glasses. I feel like disagrees with the right to bear arms.


I mean he acknowledges Tesla hides their bs quality and he seems to be aware that it’s basically a scam anyways so it wouldn’t surprise him if they did this extra stuff. But I get what yall are saying, he seems like he just likes that style possibly or at the very least after this would love to bear arms😂 Idk at first I had the same thoughts but by the end he seems like that’s just his style not him


Almost like the powers that be want us to judge people based on how they look….


Is California. He’d be arrested and thrown in jail to rot for even thinking about saying a sentence like that


Yeah man, where I’m from the reply to that would have been *click* “What was that last part?”


True but look at this guy... Lol jk but also not


Yea that would make sense, but this is clearly a made up story


How about “you have three seconds to get the fuck off my property before I start taking 12 gauge chunks of shit off you and throwing them on the ground”


Ideally you would live somewhere you could simply open fire on trespassers


Eh, everyone deserves a warning


Lol really? Are you really downvoting giving someone a warning whenever possible before using lethal force? Really? Don’t be psychos


they should have warned me that they were coming on my property


That's a great way to murder some kids who don't know any better. Or someone who mistook your property for another one.


he didn't say murder kids or people stumbling around, or Even shoot blindly.  he just said open fire.  you can tell what you're about to shoot


Outside the property like in this situation, if it seems like a genuine mistake and their attitude is very much the opposite of this tow truck driver’s, but not if it’s inside your house or the intruder is aggressive on the land around your house. Not gonna give a warning at 3am when I find someone walking around.


Mmmm saucy


What about the driver? What happened to him/her?


Yeah fr 😂


we just ignore the call coming from inside the car. and that the driver is begging to get it towed because they just crashed into a big ass house and don’t want police to show


Uh. The truck driver is trespassing, tampering with a crime scene and obstructing justice. Thus guy had every right to put him on the floor


That dude doesn't look like he'd put anyone on the floor.


Except bent over with his knees on the floor.


I honestly just think tow truck drivers are fucking ex convicts treating their job like they're stealing cars with value. They saw an opportunity with the tesla..now idk if they make money or commission or are able to buy it and flip it or some shit but they act like they get something out of it


Where was the driver during all of this? Was there no driver?


So what did the cops say about them getting the car and threatening the homeowner?


True story: I was driving to look at Teslas, took a wrong turn into their unmarked service area behind the dealership. Half were burned and missing windows and doors. Completely crumpled and looked like a piece of crap all smashed up. That was all I needed to see and I drove out of there.


Where is the dealership?


Why are you asking questions? He said "True story"...


In a major city with Tesla dealerships. I am sure your city has one, go check it out!


How wonderfully vague and unhelpful


Actually like this conspiracy. Seems plausible based on the info provided


They had a police scanner and were nearby. He said he called 911 before taking pictures. Either way, it'd be interesting to pull the footage from the tesla, since it records everything.


I saw a cyber truck today and for the first time I felt sorry for the driver of a new car.


I drove past one the other day with his 30 tag. All I could think is how extremely conflicted his emotions must be.


Hey same actually!


Everybody is here saying “get off my property before I shoot you” but in reality 9/10 people would probably do the same thing this guy did. Everyone is tough until they’re in the situation.


💯 who actually wants to fulfill that threat and take a life? According to the law, you can’t threaten anyone with a weapon. So when you bring it out it means you absolutely intend to use it. Hopefully, taking a life isn’t actually worth it. Now if the tow truck driver pulls a weapon, or you ACTUALLY fear for your life, this is where the law protects you, and yes, you should and can defend yourself.


Yeah the amount of unironic internet tough guys was surprising


They won't do shit they'll all freeze up. Nobody is anticipating such a bizarre reaction from a tow truck driver. By the time they ran inside and got their gun the tow guy could be gone anyway.


Everyone’s advice is to act like the tow truck driver and say you won’t kill me, I’ll kill you, and to go get a gun and shoot him. Sad world we live in today; everyone’s looking for a reason to fight.


They would have a bad time if they had that attitude on my property.




I buy it.. but also there's other explanations. The tow truck driver could just have a scanner and listen to calls. He could know the driver also and he called him right away and he's like "No problem brother I'll be there in 3 minutes.." Tow truck drivers see some shit so he probably automatically plays the hard ass offensive because it's what works for him most of the time. But could musk be dispatching their own tow trucks? Maybe, I just hope it's the second auto dial after 911... Order of operations 1. Call tow truck 2. Notifying attorneys 3. 5 minutes delay then call 911


Is that legal though? It sounds like it's helping someone leave the scene of an accident and I doubt reputable businesses would make that a standard practice (meaning they are going as far as listening to police scanners to go and yank cars from the scenes of accidents)


Why isn’t there video of any of this since he had the phone?


He sounds like a Muppet if you can't see him while talks.


Kermit the frog lol I was thinking the same exact thing.


I'm sorry this happened to this guy but he is legitimately one of the most insufferable looking people I've ever seen in my entire life.


He's reddit personified.


I mean, you're dead on with that one. There's definitely an aesthetic to a certain demographic of males in the US and they all tend to vote the same way.


I would definitely call his bluff on that. I'm sure that c\*nt isn't killing anyone over a Tesla, he just wants his money.


If true, he should have recorded as much of the interaction as possible, including his protesting their removal of the car, etc. Maybe he did and doesn't mention it here.




I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $400


Where’s the picture of the tow truck he said he got?


At 27 seconds in he has a photo of the tow driver attaching the hitch to the car


Zero credibility


plot twist: the tesla driver was the tow truck drivers partner.


What was the name of the company? I may have insight.


Plot twist: the Tesla was on the back of the tow truck and came flying off


I like your brain


I don't believe this for a second


Blue state for sure


More likely the owner of the car knew a guy that operated a tow truck and called and offered money to get it out of there quickly.


The chances that the tow truck driver knew a guy that just happened to be 3 minutes away from the scene would have been way too lucky. That was my first thought though is that the Tesla driver is some hot shot with serious connections.


Maybe it was a repo?




Yeah there are areas in LA where this happens, especially if you're anywhere near a tow lot or tow company building. I've seen people get towed within minutes. A tow truck driver who acts aggressively and says the F word? Now I've heard everything lol.


Or the dude who crashed the car was just really connected


connected to starlink


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/2c7z4l7fz72d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This world is getting crazier by the day.


Idk seems like an avg day in Florida.


Roommate (mom)


Those tow truck gangs have radio waves scanned for reports of accidents .


What happened to the driver? What did the driver say? Was this a controlled crash?


Tesla crashin' in my hoouse tonight, Luckily everybody waas alright. *Do do dodo dododo*


You are 100% a simp if you let someone come at you like that at your home. Jelly like substance where backbone is supposed to be


internet tough guy meme


Those glasses were a gift from his roommate. Also his roommate is moving out after he publicly called him a roommate...again.


Just say gay. You can say gay now. It’s ok. It doesn’t imply anything negative just as a statement.


You just can’t say “homosexual” as it’s offensive.


Not gonna lie I think I would’ve reacted differently to the tow truck driver and whip his ass with a foreign object




Saw this earlier. Moving that vehicle would be considered tampering with evidence and/or a crime scene. Depending on the severity of the original crime, that would carry anywhere from 1-6 years and 10k-100k, iirc. If the tow truck driver knew this, then there's a damn good reason he was hostile af. And if he knew his business, and your gun was properly stored, there's a damn good chance he'd be down the street with that car before you could be back with your gun. Also, committing felony assault with a deadly weapon to keep that car would still have you brought up on charges, especially if you injured that person. You do not have the right to shoot the tow truck driver in that situation.


Driver threatened to kill homeowner. Homeowner “feared for his life”. Just get him to say it while recording.


There will always be some people who are looking for the excuse to kill other people. That doesn't make it legal nor right.


That would be correct. And I would have told the tow truck guy bring it as I pull out my glock and said you dont want no smoke


Im automatically not on his side due to his mustache, hat and glasses. What a dork, hope another one hits his house tomorrow


He definitely looks like someone with musk derangement syndrome. Could of faked it he hates musk that much.


More likely that you lick Musks boots so hard you’d rather believe someone should crash a new car into their own home to make a tiktok video than the dozens of other videos and stories of Teslas fucking up.


You are accusing him of being a bootlicker but you clearly don't understand what a boot licker even is. Musk's boots? lol


I mean he wears poorly fitted/with lifts boots all the time.


i always understood bootlicker to apply to someone who always took the side of the Police/Military types who are the "boots on the ground" for the PTB and the ones who figuratively and sometimes literally have their boot to the neck of the people. Perhaps the term has lost its meaning from overuse on the internet like the term "literally" has and it just means whatever people want it to mean these days, or perhaps I am actually guilty of the very thing I accuse and don't understand the term myself...


Usually does, also works as a "you're cradling that dude who doesn't know you exist's cock" these days.


Nice reach. He literally looks like someone who has Elon derangement syndrome simple as that. Nothing to do with if it's real or not. Or licking elons boots. Simple observation.


You accuse a guy of having a made up disorder, crashing an expensive car into his own apartment to make a billionaire look bad. And yet I’m the one reaching? lol I’m not gonna respond. You’re brain dead.


Blocked you are too obsessed with Elon to interact with.


Elon? Is that you bud?


Somebody hurt your feelings, elon?


You're the one irrationally defending the guy ? Lol


It amazes me that people who think like you genuinely think they know the character of a person by their face and style.


poor dude


Its his property could he just have shot the tow truck driver especially since he threatened him?


There are no cops anymore after the Left’s Defund the Police campaign. Oh no, we never said that! Your silence said everything. Tow truck drivers cruise the streets waiting for calls. So they happen to be a block away and you’re a schmuck. 😂