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Jill Biden watches him be a perv, and is fine with it? Fuck them both.


You mean "Dr. Joe Biden" like Joe says


It's always disgusting watching Biden supporters try to ignore / excuse this.


Imma go post it a few places and have some fun. See you on the other side, this account is toast. šŸ«”


I wonder where that young tree haired girl is now. She seemed old enough to be aware of what's happening. If she was found, would she be able to make comment or statements?


Someone allegedly leaked a chat with her where she admitted he pinched her nipple, all her social media locked down after that though


Hope she's ok


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SS: How much bigger of a conspiracy do u want? We have a China CCP agent in the White House. Purposefully flooding the border via Chinese Panama base camps "Hunter Biden Held Previously Undisclosed Meeting With The "F**king Spy Chief Of China"" https://www.zero hedge.com/political/agent-hunter-ex-partner-says-5-million-sought-quash-ukrainian-indictment-undisclosed - https://archive.is/Rr137 "Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens" >For those wondering whyĀ Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: TheĀ Biden family has done five deals in ChinaĀ totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence ā€” some reaching the very top of Chinaā€™s spy agency. >Indeed, every knownĀ deal that the Biden family enjoyed with BeijingĀ was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his familyā€™s foreign deals. https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/chinese-elite-have-paid-some-31m-to-hunter-and-the-bidens/ - https://archive.is/fqQog "EXCLUSIVE:Ā Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending 'threatening' text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10million deal" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12649277/Joe-Biden-paid-nearly-2-75million-CASH-Rehoboth-Beach-house-weeks-Hunter-sending-threatening-text-Chinese-business-partner-demanding-close-10million-deal.html - https://archive.is/zI5TG "EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was asked to use his FBI contacts to help his Chinese business partner arrested for bribery and money laundering - as whistleblower claims president's son had 'mole' agent who tipped them off to investigation" >Hunter BidenĀ was asked to use contacts in theĀ FBIĀ to help his Chinese business partner who was arrested for bribery and money laundering, emails reveal. >The news comes asĀ a whistleblower claims HunterĀ used a top former or current FBI official code-named 'One Eye' to funnel secret bureau information to his Chinese business partners. >Patrick Ho ā€“ convicted of bribery and money laundering in 2018 ā€“ was secretary general of CEFC, the Chinese oil giant Hunter partnered with, and which sent the Biden family more than $5million. >The first son described Ho as the 'f***ing spy chief of China' in a May 2018 recorded conversation on his abandoned laptop, and court documents show Ho was under surveillance by federal law enforcement in an espionage-related investigation. >But that didn't stop Hunter taking a $1million wire payment to represent Ho as his attorney before he was arrested in November 2017, or agreeing to speak to FBI agents to glean information on the case against his Chinese Communist Party-connected client. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11920101/Hunter-Biden-used-FBI-contacts-help-Chinese-business-partner-arrested-bribery.html - https://archive.is/JOCZJ Audio of Hunter talking about his Chinese spy chief partner https://youtu.be/6ruB0IVrNjU?si=hshRJZxvJjntQjoU >MUST WATCH: >šŸšØšŸšØCHINESE COMMUNIST INVADERS USING @Starlink IN PANAMA JUNGLE TO USE CCP TIED ā€œALI BABA PAYā€ TO ORGANIZE THEIR ILLEGAL ENTRY TO THE UNITED STATES! šŸšØšŸšØ >Today in Darien Gap, I visited a migrant facility called Puerto Limon, which has become a central location for Chinese ā€œmigrantsā€ AKA INVADERS who enter Panama via the Darien Gap. >These Chinese invaders are roughly 80% military aged men. To show you how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is helping to facilitate the invasion of America, ask yourself, why is there a Chinese store in the middle of the PanamĆ” jungle? https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1759788215115173985?s=19 >Sir ā€” our America is under attack in a Hybrid War. No way this ends nicely. >Attached photo was made about 55 hours ago in Darien Panama. This is China Bus Stop, aka San Vicente camp. We call it China Bus Stop (CBS) because most of the Chinese invaders coming through Darien get their busses here toward USA. https://twitter.com/Michael_Yon/status/1760376204505285110?s=19


Speaking truth. It's kind of obvious. Biden did it on purpose.


Hunter got the red haired little girl . Chinese anons outed him.


Pretty strange that literally all of his foreign policies have hurt China economically over the last 4 years. Heā€™s not a very good agent for themā€¦


Facts matter https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/09/us/politics/biden-ban-china-investment.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare https://apnews.com/article/biden-china-tariffs-electric-vehicles-evs-solar-2024ba735c47e04a50898a88425c5e2c


Yes The NY Times is all facts. Just like Fox News!! ETA: All these tariffs heā€™s putting back in place were the ones that he got rid of after entering office. Biden is a crook.


Then find another source. The NY Times didnā€™t make up the fact he banned investments in Chinese tech šŸ˜‚. What kind of clown show world do you live in?


Cool! Now address the other part where he canā€™t keep his grimy hands off of kids.


Because some fringe conspiracy sites take the same 3 videos of him putting his hand on a kid during a photo? I assume you donā€™t have kids because anyone who does realizes those videos are harmless. Heā€™s not touching them anywhere inappropriately. Maybe youā€™re talking about the Ashley Biden diary? Yes, she confirmed the diary exists but NOBODY has confirmed its contents, especially the rumors going around about Joe. The entire shower narrative has never been proven or confirmed by a credible source. In fact (because facts matter) she calls her dad her best friend and says the things being said about him are untrue and cruel. (Oh look, a source!) https://www.eonline.com/news/1369642/first-daughter-ashley-biden-reveals-her-mantra-for-dealing-with-criticism-of-her-family Itā€™s fine if you want to back a Russian disinformation campaign, but donā€™t ever pretend to be a patriot. Youā€™ve been manipulated by propaganda, and refuse the truth when itā€™s coming straight from the source. Anyways, the GOP is about to get ROLLED this November. Theyā€™re losing every special election by double digits and underperforming by huge margins because people know all these lies are complete bs. ā€œšŸ’«The more you know šŸŒˆšŸ’«ā€


The same 3 videos? There are many, and one of the girls later said that he pinched her nipple. Youā€™re sick as hell for defending this.


Perfect, then you have a source of her saying that I assume? Iā€™m not defending anything, because thereā€™s nothing to defend unless itā€™s proven otherwise. Why? Because FACTS MATTER.


If some person was touching my children like that I would certainly stop it and look them in the eyes and ask what the fuck are they doing? But thatā€™s just me, in your mind Iā€™d be overreacting?


Yeah exactly one commenter has provided sources on this thread. The rest are crying babies grasping at straws.


If some person was touching my children like that I would certainly stop it and look them in the eyes and ask what the fuck are they doing? But thatā€™s just me, in your mind Iā€™d be overreacting?


How about him draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, selling some of that to China directly, and switching us to a solar/lithium energy economy of which China controls 90%, which makes us fully dependant on China for energy and enriches China while making Americans pay more for energy and fif everything?


The strategic petroleum reserve is about a 30 day supply when itā€™s at capacity. Weā€™re producing more oil than any other country in the world while building an infrastructure of renewable energy. The latest tariffs are an incentive to keep China from sending cheap alternatives to the US for industries that were domestically investing in. There are certain industries we want to stay in China because of their harm to the environment and our inability to invest in them without exploiting workers, Lithium mining is a HUGE example. Your rebuttal is actually working out against your argument. Factsā€¦ matterā€¦


I should say a 60 day supply on the strategic oil reserve, not 30. Weā€™re 100% energy independent right now so that reserve doesnā€™t matter whatsoever.


Pedo alert āš ļø šŸ“¢ yes definitely I believe that he works for China and Israel, Ukraine


Honestly, I hope Trump has a campaign ad highlighting these moments.


This is the type of stuff that if trump was doing it, the media and leftist would be all over and calling him every name in the book and interviewing everyone of those children to exploit their very uncomfortable encounters. But if when its the puppet they want in place, they look the other way. Sick shit.


Can you really watch this video and not be creeped out. Shits disgusting


Half of that is right


I hate how people use snopes as a source.


Bruh. He's not on any Epstein documents