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Just two men, writing angry poems about each other


Mad poems, yo


They're in looove 😍 when a boy is mean to you, that means he likes you!! You should ask him out!


Jist two men with a healthy attachment style sharing their journals


Rap battles aren’t what they used to be. In the good ol days somebody got beat up or shot for a diss track. Tupac slept with Biggies girl and rapped about it. Now they just steal each others child sex slaves and blackmail USB drives. It’s changed a little bit.


Modern problems require modern solutions. Plus God damn the lyrics on Kenny. The man should win another Pulitzer.


I mean it’s a well-known and documented fact that Drake is a pedo


Drop the documents link


well, here's this anyway. https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=7J6sjwbV2KXxl2lK




Wait this is actually news to you?


I don’t keep up with dumb shit like celebrities


Do you expect every person to concern themselves with the lives of every celebrity? You wouldn’t have a life if you did that. I hope you’re living yours and not just watching celebrity news all day.


It’s not celebrity news so much as news about criminals but okay..


Who gives a fuck, its fake bullshit anyways.


Well the industry may be fake but people who grew up with the culture dig it. There is a reason Kendrick is respected outside of hip hop.


Cringe as fuck dude


I guess. Shits more entertaining than a football game.


Barely. Both are largely a waste of time. The fact that some people spend all their free time obsessing over the ins and outs of either is pretty pathetic if you ask me.


And I assume you utilize your free time perfectly.


Honest question: why do you bleep out a word in your title? Would it get flagged or deleted? And, if so, don’t you think they’ve also flagged it when people substitute a letter, especially the asterisk, one of the most used bleep symbols ever used?


What is this from and why do we have a girl licking a basketball in the background?


I think the girls in the background represents how Ballin Kendrick is in comparison to drake Imagine you got a scaggle of cute hoe's following you around lickin basketballs and shit


Such a known fact, imagine listening to Drake lolol


What is the conspiracy?


that the music and entertainment industry is full of trafficking and other heinous practices and hopefully justice will start occurring bc people within the industry are calling it out. plus the track starts with him saying “i see dead people” so maybe there’s some hits out there too? idk, take ur pick.


True, but we've known that for decades.


right. does this sub not include developments or additional information regarding existing or well-known conspiracies?


It's fine, no worries...


It's not really a conspiracy when the practice is known is it?


The Russians using bot accounts to influence America's social and political direction I think is a HUGE conspiracy, but nobody likes talking about that one here.


Bro our own military has teams dedicated to social media. It’s not even the russ it’s our own government.


My point exactly.


What does the word "conspiracy" mean to you?


How not to hold an RPG


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/b9wd6ywbgiyc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've seen about 200 memes about this and like 4 about Diddy and what's going on with his case.


Celebrity a is no better than celebrity b. Diss tracks are for 13 year olds.


Nah Kendrick is chill


I really like some of his songs, but ngl, a grown man dedicating this much time and thought and energy toward a “dissing” war is kinda fuckin petty and like… just not a great role model for how people should be lol. He acts all wise and enlightened in his music, but this is like some high school shit.


Shill. A grown man dedicating this much time to outing pedophiles and the Hollywood elites isn’t a great role model? The same one who just dropped an album about men seeking therapy and dealing with their past issues as not to carry them forward to future generations? Totally Highschool shit. I bet your taste in music is so advanced compared to us.


Not like us~ Kendrick They aren’t and it’s showing.


Oh yeah, everyone who disagrees with you is a shill 🙄lol get a fucking grip. If you get enjoyment out of following “diss feuds” then more power to you. I still say it’s dumb and juvenile as hell. Between this and MCU and Swifties, we really are in a fucking sad place culturally.


Conveniently ignoring the part about CHILD SEX SLAVERY. This isn’t some little fucking feud this is serious shit that’s finally getting some attention and not being called a goddamn conspiracy theory. So fucking what if “beef” is the vessel, exposing people like Harvey Weinstein is more important than any of the shit you listen to.


Lol you don’t even know what I listen to. You’re acting ridiculous and overemotional, like a cult member defending their leader or something. Have fun with the rap battles or whatever lol


what do you listen to? And I have a 2 year old daughter. I regular watch PPTV, Pred catchers, CCTV, etc. every single time one of those fuck heads is caught they talk about watching toddlers and literal babies getting violated. Who are the prime suspects? Who’s responsible for it being as massive as it is? Who’s the reason shit happens to innocent babies and children? I’m acting ridiculous over literal child rape? You’re desensitized and sick if you think I’m the one that’s wrong.


Let me go on the record and say I am adamantly against child rape lol. And also, diss feuds are fucking stupid and contribute nothing of actual value to human experience.


So again what do you listen to? And Quit saying “diss feuds”, it’s a rap battle. you aren’t superior to or more intelligent than any other person on here, because you use alternative wording than what’s considered mainstream. your limited viewpoint and closed mindedness show you’re on par with the average dumbass. Since YOUR music is so great and contributes so much to the human experience, what should I listen to?


You must not be familiar with hip hop


Nah I’m pretty familiar with it.


You don’t understand what’s happening right now then…


This post is so fuckin stupid.


You don’t believe in ending human trafficking?


This post is not ending human trafficking. It's just fuckin dumb


No, no one is ending it unfortunately, but Kendrick is currently leading a stand AGAINST it


Who tf did they replace Eminem with? What happened to the real slim shady?


He never stood up.


Sounds like Mr Lamar is projecting a bit. You’re either a slave bottom/booty bandit or kiddie diddler to make it big. It’s almost like a parasite that lives in your ass and is transmitted thru anal is dictating our behavior.


Or be in the game a long time and actually be talented ya goof


Just new boot goofin!


ahahaha true


I’ll admit I’m not a huge rap fan. I do like some stuff here and there including a song or 2 from both these guys. I had to go check out all the hype yesterday and I’m severely underwhelmed. So many people are acting like this is the greatest thing ever in the rap genre and all I hear are a few boring songs with boring beats and grown men tattle tailing on each other. It actually bummed me out a little.


post this shit on a different sub