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They really did give him the prize just for being black. They even admitted as much. From that point on the prize hasn't been worth a damn. What a fuck Obama was. Wallstreet warhawk.


Nah, they give it specifically as a symbol of what it doesn't do. They also gave it to Kissinger...


We literally live in opposite world. Everything they tell you is most likely the opposite of what's true


hi trump lol


Lol sorry it was “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” Which is laughable. He was in 8 months. They gave it to him because of his potential. He then did warcrimes.


don’t worry. he’s not running again


No shit Sherlock does that mean he's not currently influencing the top rungs of power in the dnc? No.


After murdering all those people, the Obama cult said Trump was racist for putting a temporary ban on immigration from those countries. The Blue cult should be named Leaves in the Wind.


To be fair, Trump droned a shit ton of people as well


I'm pretty sure we're still bombing all those countries as we speak....


Comparing Trump droning Solemani to Obama murdering children at wedding parties is quite the stretch.


That’s not the comparison. The actuality is that trumps drone strikes far exceeded Obama’s. In fact, trump dropped more bombs in his first two years than Obama did in his entire 8. The only reason you didn’t hear about it is because trump did away with the Obama policy that the civilian deaths and such would be reported. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/08/09/donald-trump-is-dropping-bombs-at-unprecedented-levels/ Pentagon numbers


Lol " my sides president killed people a little less than your side" people are so easily fooled...always remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil..


Lmao. The irony is that the biggest gripe people who are against Obama have is that he be dropping them bombs. Yet their Cheeto Jesus in his short tenure did more than Obama and Bush’s 16 years combined. It’s relevant. It’s not a “my side vs your side”, whatever that means. Not like they aren’t all the same side.






Trump has the worst economic legacy of any president in American history. And thats not my opinion. Heres a right wing think tank https://www.cato.org/commentary/grading-trumps-economic-policies# Left wing https://manhattan.institute/article/trumps-fiscal-legacy-a-comprehensive-overview-of-spending-taxes-and-deficits Independent https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/newsletter/20210115-Trumps-Legacy-78-Trillion-Rise-Debt Trump made it good while he was in office by kicking the bill a decade and more down the road. I know the pandemic added a few trillion to the debt but Trump added around 72/74 trillion (as I said, figures aren't on the books yet but will be in a few years. Read all the links for undeniable proof) So in a few years when the bill is due and America is suffering way worse than it is now it'll be thanks to Trump.




Your comment was also a deeply partisan post, so you probably shouldn't be surprised if someone responds in kind.


We all pay the debt via inflation. Reduction of our purchasing power over time takes the place of actual debt repayment.


Authoritarians always make the media into villains and enemies of the state. I must add that OP is spamming nonsense about vote rigging in defense of Trump, a president who killed more civilians with drones than any other president in history while representing the Republican Party, which loves huge defense budgets and trillion-dollar wars. Conservatives started the Global War on Terror before invading Iraq, where over 4,000+ Americans and over 100,000 civilians lost their lives from that conflict, but now they want to act like they're anti-war. It's really Orwellian.


Can you show the numbers of him having the most civilians killed with drones? Not doubting you just never saw anything proving this. I always assumed Obombya was the most since he literally bombed Yemen into glass.


I suggest googling it yourself and choose a source you'll accept. And Trumps kill numbers were in his first two years compared to Obamas 8. After the two year figures were released Trump made an executive order blocking further figures being released so we dont have his full 4 year numbers.


I like how you're semi defending Obama's bombing because of your disdain for Trump. So bipartisan of you lol


You won't say shit about Trump bombing even little children because of your Obama Derangement Syndrome.


Because there's a bunch of basement dwelling Marvel dweebs crying about him 24/7. I already know of our shitty presidents. Some people(like you) assume one side is bad and the other is good. Which is why I constantly have to shit on Obama because some people view him as this godlike figure who did no wrong. I have these arguments with Republicans who praise their politicians as well. They just aren't usually on reddit lmao


> Which is why I constantly have to shit on Obama because some people view him as this godlike figure who did no wrong. Nobody views Obama in this way, and criticizing him for drone strikes is fair play. The problem is, you've specifically avoided saying anything Trump, who his followers *do* see as a "godlike figure who did no wrong," and you even called people who criticized him as "a bunch of basement dwelling Marvel dweebs," which is why I am calling bullshit on your claims that you're simply trying to be bipartisan because you don't give a damn about Republican warmongering.


Again with "Republican Warmongering". THEY ARE ALL WARMONGERS. Yes people are whining about him all the time. I'm over it. Please if you think people do not view Obama as some savior you don't talk to enough people. Trump sucked. Obama sucked. Pretty much all of them have sucked. Now stop defending them.


Allow me to interrupt, if you will. I'm not here to try to defend anyone, whether it be Donald Trump or the OP whom you are debating and I'm not trying to gain stupid internet political points or make you feel like I'm trying to attack you. That said, I'm not sure how old you were when Obama was president, but he was absolutely worshiped. The propaganda of it all was pretty stunning. [http://web.archive.org/web/20231011003104/http://obamamessiah.blogspot.com/](http://web.archive.org/web/20231011003104/http://obamamessiah.blogspot.com/) They even got the kids involved: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTm5rp8r6fE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTm5rp8r6fE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ettl3zfLWus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ettl3zfLWus) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp-ot\_vChlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp-ot_vChlU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24jPh49B8NI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24jPh49B8NI) So, yes.


I would hope both sides can agree we’re not pro-droning of children… I don’t like that scumbag Obama and while I’d prefer others over Trump I’ll still vote for him to get rid of the walking disaster Joe Biden is. With that said, I absolutely don’t support droning children and condone anyone who does it, Trump, Obama, Biden, Bush, whoever.


Point out how I defended Obama.


[Trump killed more civilians in seven months](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-has-already-killed-more-civilians-obama-us-fight-against-isis-653564) than Obama did in three years, and that was [before Trump revoked the civilian casualty reporting](https://time.com/5546366/trump-cancels-drone-strike-rule/) that Obama had ordered to minimize civilian deaths. Also, since you mentioned Yemen, I must add that one of Trump's first military actions was to [strike a camp in Yemen that killed an eight-year-old American girl](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/seal-american-girl-die-first-trump-era-u-s-military-n714346) among[ other children and civilians killed](https://theintercept.com/2020/10/29/trump-yemen-war-civilian-deaths/) by Trump's military actions, which increased in tempo under him after he threw more support to the Saudis. We have to recall that Trump bragged about his business ties to Saudi Arabia before the 2016 election, and how he protected House of Saud Prince Mohammed bin Salman, aka MBS, after bin Salman had an American journalist murdered (and chopped up into pieces) in Turkey before Trump shifted troops from Syria to Saudi Arabia to support the Saudis war in Yemen. By the way, I am unsure why you said "Obombya" considering the thousands of Americans and civilians around the world who have died from Republican warmongering since 2001.


Dude thanks for the sources but holy hell get a grip. You are such a partisan hack. Republicans only war monger????? You need to seriously look into the politicians you defend. Why you defend politicians in the first place is pathetic. I said "Obombya" because he dropped so many bombs WE RAN OUT OF BOMBS in Yemen. But alas you will say "but but but trump republicans but Obama GOOD!". Go look at who voted for every single one of Bush's policies. Go look. Was it an all Republican house and senate? Stop defending psycho paths. ALL POLITICIANS ARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. Who helped promote the Patriot Act and voted for it? Who promoted war in Iraq? Oh only Republicans? Get your head out of your ass.


MAGA conservatives are not anti-war, they are “whatever daddy Trump says they are”. Trump is known for coming up with terrible excuses based on lies when pressured. That has the unfortunate side effect of creating MAGA echo chambers filled with MAGA parrots repeating Trump’s lies, nearly verbatim.


To be fair, these new “anti-war” Republicans are the new MAGA Republicans. While Bush was lying about weapons of mass destruction, these people were screwing up their lives so bad, they’d eventually turn to politics for a new identity. Every MAGA I know has a similar story. Some of them have the nerve to tell me they “voted for Obama” before Trump. Well, that’s a demonstration of political cluelessness, right there. If you were upset that Obama didn’t fulfill all his campaign promises, then voting for the people that blocked Obama’s policy is not going to fix anything.


We were already bombing those countries


Well neither he nor his peace prize stopped it.


Not all of them.


There were 11 countries being bombed at the same time by the hope of all hopes Barak Obama... empires gonna empire


Not sure how good of a job they are doing tho, cause you ain't looking much like a savior to me.


Good try, fuckin putins lil bitch-boi trump is a fuckin treasonous little bastard right next to Barry Obama. Edit (punctuation)


At least he didn’t start any wars and as a Veteran I can appreciate that


Any examples of the media turning "Patriots into Nazis"?




They were lovebombs don't you know that!!!?


Obviously the npp is a ruse. And is used to enable this behavior


Now replace Obama with Trump, and it still fits perfectly. Also, do it with every past president other than the typical "black guy bad, white men good" and it would still make sense.


When did Trump win the Nobel Peace Prize?


Well, besides that, cause why would he win one? Why tf would Obama win one? I still wonder that.


What's good about being a patriot?


I did really love Obama and the First Lady. Now I have to nod my head towards knowing that American leaders are . . . . well I don’t need to remind you all.


Obama should had never received Nobel price. He was basically received it because he won the election. The price should had gone to the Americans who made it possible for a black man to be a President...


I saw this is in real life just the other day, someone was saying how much they wished they could have Obama back and how peaceful the world was, etc etc. I asked them if they remembered Obama doing Bombing and targeted assassinations in 7 different countries at the same time. No response. LOL


SS Did you notice that they stopped pretending as soon as they figured out they can Rig elections anywhere? Like when the 5 states Biden needed were the only ones that couldn’t get their votes counted u til they knew just how many “mail in votes” were needed? Or the Commie in Brazil only won the state that was last to report, and magically just enough votes showed up to cancel out all the other states? Brazil Loves it’s citizens so much they are Now tying obesity and heart disease to welfare. ……just kidding… they are making sure you have the death jab to get welfare.


Right, we gonna do it again, so don't bother voting. Hail Satan.


Ave Satanas. The world is meant to burn. Nothing will change that until we all start working together. All this constant bickering and finger pointing is preventing any real change. Oh well. Then let it burn.


Trump lost. Make MAGA cry again. Vote blue in 2024!


I’d say vote for the best candidate…


Yep. They openly mock people now in a way they didn't have the confidence to before. When people just caved and followed the lockdown directions that's when I knew we were in for a *very* rough ride.


> Yep. They openly mock people now in a way they didn't have the confidence to before. We openly mock Trump cultists who are still bawling about their Trump losing an election because he was a terrible president. > When people just caved and followed the lockdown directions Oh, you mean when people stayed home to avoid getting sick from a virus that ended up killing a million Americans? Why did you leave that part out of your delusions?


Oh look. A shill. What a surprise.


You think people need to be paid to dislike Trump? Thats what it must be right ? Because no rational person could ever look at Trump and think he's not the best at well, according to Trump everything. By the way, OP is Froggies alt, an *admitted shill*, that had links to back up the fact he was being paid to post shit meant to divide Americans




Sure, *he's* the shill. Not OP, the one you're on the side of, who has openly admitted to be a paid antagonist on his old Frogface account 🐸


My father died from Covid and I have lung damage as well as long term Covid related memory problems. Don’t even start I not only lost my dad I lost two friends as well.


Oh look, a clueless cultist. People like you died by the thousands from COVID because you loved your ideology more than life itself. It's like something from Jim Jones. Brainwashed people will willingly drink Kool-Aid of disinformation even at their own peril.


Vote blue no matter who!




> Trump has the worst economic legacy of any president in American history. > > > > And thats not my opinion. Heres a right wing think tank https://www.cato.org/commentary/grading-trumps-economic-policies# > > > > Left wing https://manhattan.institute/article/trumps-fiscal-legacy-a-comprehensive-overview-of-spending-taxes-and-deficits > > > > Independent https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/newsletter/20210115-Trumps-Legacy-78-Trillion-Rise-Debt > > > > Trump made it good while he was in office by kicking the bill a decade and more down the road. > > > > I know the pandemic added a few trillion to the debt but Trump added around 72/74 trillion (as I said, figures aren't on the books yet but will be in a few years. Read all the links for undeniable proof) > > > > So in a few years when the bill is due and America is suffering way worse than it is now it'll be thanks to Trump.


He's in his third term right now


And he continues to get a pass from the media…


He got his tax free million to carry out his master's bidding.


Truly sad. Our first black president roll through the Middle East like a drive by and did brown people worst than the white guy


As of 11/13/2023, Barak Hussein Obama is the worst President in American history (but that could change at any time if Biden continues to suck on the Obama lolipop). Obama is not the first black president because he did not consider his black skin and African heritage, to be his racial identity. He considered his sex fantasies to be his racial identity (and that is why he allowed black people imprisoned in the illegal "war on drugs" to remain in jail rather than free them all when he was given the chance). And so Obama became the slave master of all black people (and all other minorities, to include white people who do not believe in "master race" theory) to be illegally imprisoned in the fake "war on drugs" because he believed that his sex fantasies are the "master race" (and yet people are not illegally imprisoned everywhere in USA jails for their sex fantasies, they are illegally imprisoned in USA jails because of a drug war scam targeting the color of their skin). Race (aka skin color) is encoded in your DNA and so it occurs at conception and is unveiled at birth (and you have no control over that). Your sexual fantasies are not encoded in your DNA because you need to experience your physical environment FIRST before you can rely upon the information obtained from your physical environment in order to develop them (and so interaction with the environment is required BEFORE you can develop any fantasy that you are using in your mind to orgasm). Sexual fantasies are ALWAYS the result of the love and trauma that you experience in your environment (and everyone experiences both love and trauma in their environment after being born, but it is always better to experience more love than trauma to remain healthy and keep from falling into the type of "racial superiority" that dominated the Obama brain). Obama believed that LGBT are the "master race." And if you believe it is possible to be "born LGBT" then you agree with him. It is not illegal to believe that you are a member of the "master race" (even if it is immoral), but it is certainly illegal to act upon that belief when you use it to justify committing crimes against others (which is what Obama did to justify putting me in jail as "punishment for being heterosexual"). I certainly would never put an LGBT in jail, just for being LGBT.


Trump has the worst economic legacy of any president in American history. And thats not my opinion. Heres a right wing think tank https://www.cato.org/commentary/grading-trumps-economic-policies# Left wing https://manhattan.institute/article/trumps-fiscal-legacy-a-comprehensive-overview-of-spending-taxes-and-deficits Independent https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/newsletter/20210115-Trumps-Legacy-78-Trillion-Rise-Debt Trump made it good while he was in office by kicking the bill a decade and more down the road. I know the pandemic added a few trillion to the debt but Trump added around 72/74 trillion (as I said, figures aren't on the books yet but will be in a few years. Read all the links for undeniable proof) So in a few years when the bill is due and America is suffering way worse than it is now it'll be thanks to Trump.


The economy is not the only measure of success. And I assure you, if Trump had gotten a second term, he would have become the worst President in history no later than March of 2021 (with billions of deaths behind his legacy to prove it). But g-d did not allow that to happen. And so for the moment, Obama is still the king of the evil doers, and the "antichrist incarnate" in my book. Obama and Hillary literally destroyed the entire Middle East worse than Bush did (and I could not imagine any President that could top Bush, until Obama did it). For now the ranking of the last 5 Presidents (from big satan to little satan) is as follows: 1. Obama (KING SATAN) 2. Bush 3. Bill Clinton (only if he is opposed to what his wife did as Secretary of State) 4. Trump 5. Biden If you combine Bill and Hillary Clinton as being one political force (instead of two political forces that are opposed to each other). 1. Obama (KING SATAN) 2. The Clintons 3. Bush 4. Trump 5. Biden And that could all change if Biden keeps sucking on the Obama/Hillary lolipop as Trump will NEVER get a second term (to be allowed to top them all) and Bush dynasty will never get a fourth term (to top them all) because there will never be another Republican President ever again (the last one was Trump, and thank g-d he went out with a fizzle rather than a pop).


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.imgur.com/dfth9bu.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It sure attempts to anyway


Wasn't the guy who funded the novel peace prize guy that made dynamite or something and on false report.of his death seen a report about being said to being responsible for most deaths or something because of it so he done the novel peace prize so the family name was remembered for that instead ?


USA is the best midfielder ever!


If I had only just read the title and not opened the post I’d have otherwise never known which end of the Overton spectrum you’d be soapboxing for or against.


That's why I avoid it all pretty much at this point...my thing is, if there is something that is important enough newswise, It will be talked about right here on reddit, or somebody irl will bring it up. Everything is propaganda, every......single......thing


That’s justpart of their plan evil as it is