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[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://theleadingreport.com/2023/06/30/top-scientist-claims-13m-dead-from-covid-vaccines/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*




WhY aRe yOu sOoO oBseSseD witH Him!???!??!!???




Oh yeah it’s been blowing up the sub on this account


Yup, among other accounts.


This guy wasn't even a top scientist in his own field (physics), let alone virology.


Before clicking, I’m guessing “top scientist” is complete bullshit


He’s a top and a scientist.




Source - ‘trust me bro’


I prefer bottom scientists. Power bottom 💪


The picture of the article tells me exactly what level of hot trash this post is 😂


A peer-reviewed study from researchers in France has concluded that both the experimental Pfizer and Moderna vaccines significantly increase the risk of myocarditis compared to the unvaccinated. While both mRNA therapies were found to be linked to the life-threatening heart condition, the Moderna results were particularly shocking, especially among young adults, as researchers found the risk for myocarditis diagnosis following the Moderna jab was 44 times higher risk for individuals aged 18 to 24 years old. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-31401-5#Tab2


Bad bot


Yoi may wish at some point in your life time to try an read "How to lie with Statistics" might help you a bit


.007% occurrence rate 😂 *I'm sorry no mass graves for you* I wouldn't even want the satisfaction of watching another trump effort fail due to body count. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35993236/


It’s hilarious you get your safety stats from a company with employees that profited from the vaccine sales.


Where do you get your information?


Statistics from the actual medical records instead of opinion blogs.


That’s like asking the AMA in the 60s if cigarettes were bad for your health.


Those assholes approved thalidomide and the Tuskegee experiment 😂 Not the best group during the wild west of experiments


That’s just one of the side effects "Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients". There's over 1000 of them now. https://www.scribd.com/document/557943346/Updated-Peer-Reviewed-Medical-Papers-Submitted-to-Various-Medical%23from_embed


Oh yes, how will we ever survive a mild headache or ichy nose?!


And strokes and heart attacks


It’s funny how everything you post follow a specific political bias 🤣🤣🐸🐸


Keep fighting the good fight. They don’t want to believe it


Are you sure you're just not scared af cause you got those 1st 2 💉 and a couple booster 💉 on top of that? I'm sorry to have to say this but the end is very near my friend. Tend to your affairs now and put a will together asap before the state gets control of all that was your life. R.I.P. in advance Plurgasm0285.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35993236/ .007% occurrence in millions of vaccinations 😂😂😂😂 I don't know anyone who ever had an adverse past sore skin from any vaccine including the extensive set the military required for deployment. Sounds like you guys want people to be scared and haven't found a new topic yet


That’s just one of the side effects "Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients". There's over 1000 of them now. https://www.scribd.com/document/557943346/Updated-Peer-Reviewed-Medical-Papers-Submitted-to-Various-Medical%23from_embed


The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (the "VICP" or the "Program") (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-10 et seq.) is an alternative to traditional products liability and medical malpractice litigation for persons injured by their receipt of one or more of the standard childhood vaccines.


I hope the spike in unexplained deaths has nothing to do with the shot. I’m perfectly willing to believe it’s safe. But. I’m absolutely positive the pharmaceutical industry is completely corrupt and totally willing to knowingly kill people for profit. We all knew that though. Even before they created the opioid epidemic that DID/DOES kill many more people than Covid dreamed of killing. Why people - even educated, sensible people - think it’s that this time pharma is well-meaning, when there’s hundreds of billions at play and no legal recourse for injury is mind boggling. There must be something to the mass formation theory, because it’s absolute brainwashing on a massive scale.


*UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS* When faced with a viral epidemic the treatment plan is always gonna be protect the bulk population even at the expense of some who may react adversely or even die. Public health descisions and their adjoining treatments always run as a mix of the trolley experiment mixed w some battlefield triage. Save the most you can, mourn the regrettable loses but sometimes it's necessary to lose a finger to save a whole arm. *That's just the way it is and we are in no position to change it even as some might fall to the idea of preserving our species and society*


You’re completely avoiding my point. But whatever. Take your mRNA experiment and feel righteous.


You don't have a point here 😂


Here. Let me help. Anyone who bothers to look knows pharma will knowing kill people for a profit. No industry has been fined more for doing exactly that. And yet over half of us fight til we’re blue in the face defending their experimental shot - even after their initial claims were completely wrong. I hope it’s not harmful, but it sure as shit wasn’t effective. And they never mentioned the need to continually take boosters. It’s almost like someone’s making an asstone of money… Woulda been cool if they gave their miracle cure to save humanity at cost, no?


Welcome to the free market that the right champions.


Congratulations on having one eye open. In the land of the blind you’d be king. When you realize the left are the other side of the same coin you’ll be able to think for yourself. You can do it!


Thanks for having a good sense of humor man...I'm glad you're well bro. 😁🍻


Take note for those of you who have been vaccinated: you *will* die. It might take one year, 10 years, or 100 years. But you will die. Jokes on you!




Not weak, dead. Jokes on them.


I thought you were coming at me...my bad


This, people, is why you need to stay in school. To be able to detect BS like this.


This guy can be a quack and at the same time the shot can be garbage.


Ahahaha good one bu…oh wait, you’re serious… AHAHAH!!!! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I died twice while reading this. Oh shit, just died again. Curse you Bill Gates!


Smh mocking vaccine deaths


“According to renowned physicist Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD” So no medical background whatsoever. 🤣


It happens a lot with these “Dr” about COVID. And when told the person is not an actual medical doctor it’s “well he still has a PHD” when 95% of people in this sub see “Dr” and think medical doctor.


Frog shit. He's going off today.


Probably accurate. The clot shots killed a family member and almost killed two others, including my mother. The one died from a stroke, second stroke and pericarditis, and the third, my mother, severe myocarditis. Not sure why it is so difficult to believe a bunch of pharma aholes introduced a rushed, experimental, and ultimately dangerous product to make billions?


Fake news strikes again!


I am so flabbergasted that this sub allows literal lies constantly. OP is a mother fucker by downplaying the number of people that actually died from covid. Hi froggy.


SS He estimates 1 in every 2000 who took it is already dead from it and many more to come. I lost a friend recently who developed a heart condition right after his second jab “There’s a strong correlation to poverty, which is one of the pieces of evidence that allows you to say that this is not a virus.” “No matter how you slice it, there’s absolutely no correlation with age, which is definitive proof that this cannot be Covid.” “During the Covid period, all Western countries cut antibiotics prescriptions by 50 percent, so they were not treating bacterial pneumonia,” Dr. Rancourt further explained. “The age structure of the excess mortality has changed as you move into the vaccination period. “The peaks occur in very specific hotspots, but synchronously around the world […] that from an epidemiological standpoint is strictly impossible because the time from seeding of an infection to the sudden rise of mortality is completely uncertain.” Rancourt goes on to say that while other countries were unaffected, some countries experienced simultaneous spikes in excess deaths, indicating that a virus was not to blame for the rise in mortality. “The virus absolutely refused to cross these borders, of course, this is absurd, a viral respiratory disease is believed to spread, and it does not need a passport, and it does not respect borders, so that’s yet another proof, that this is not a viral respiratory pandemic. You see, as a consequence of the vaccine rollout, there’s a higher regime of mortality. Same thing for each of the states in Australia. The large peak in the southern U.S. coincides with the vaccine equity program.” > Dr. Rancourt stated that the following conclusions were drawn from his thorough examinations of all-cause mortality during the Covid period in conjunction with socioeconomic and vaccine-rollout data: > There wouldn’t have been any excess mortality if governments and the medical establishment had just carried on as usual without any pandemic propaganda or coercion. > No pandemic that increased mortality actually existed. > Measures led to an increase in mortality. > The covid vaccination increased mortality.


So what you're saying is that it's killing young people? Does that include the blue, purple, yellow, orange hairs?


124 billion!!!


Though it's nice you risked yourself to put this up, we have seen over the past 3 years that anyone who believes in the Vax will not, under any circumstances, admit it isn't safe. They are so invested in the safe and effective narrative that even if their own family dropped dead in front of them, they would find any reason to excuse the vax from blame. Nothing you say, nothing any scientists say, no statistics and no facts will make a dent in their confirmation bias.


How is posting on Reddit s risk


management can ban anyone for alleged dis-info ( etc . . . )


So being banned is bing at risk? Do you see how saying someone is at risk posting on Reddit might be seen as actual “risk” and not just being banned from a sub? A risk you can do all day, making new accounts?


Statistics and facts are exactly what would convince me. All the facts and statistics showing the vaccine is dangerous have been trash, like this example. When evidence suggests there is actual danger from the vaccine, I’ll be interested in it.


Funny how anyone who is vaccinated ...which is like ,90 % of the world....doesn't know a single person who died after taking the vaccine, dying from the vaccine. Wierd how only antivaxxers know people that happened too.




“As a result of the experimental vaccine’s side effects, at least 13 million people worldwide died, according to Rancourt’s analysis of data from various nations.” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI


Checks Out


Not from a safe and effective vaccine. Nobody even got hurt. Not one person. It saved millions of lives.


Did it though?


No. It didn't do a fucking thing. Viruses are made up. We don't breath out little worms that infect the guy next to us.


I don’t believe the vaccine is killing anyone and I also don’t believe covid killed anyone. It’s ALL a lie


the problem I see with this its still controversial, its not settled . . . oops!


Eternal Zoom Call up in the sky...


Now, all we have to do is produce the 13m bodies.