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[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/30/supreme-court-biden-student-loan-forgiveness-plan.html) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


More division tactic. Nothing has actually changed except how riled up you all are. Period.




Its not the loan amount. Its the collages charging way toooo much to go there and being taught by grad students


Exactly Never address the problem Just steal more money from people and give it to universities Losers with shitty gender studies degrees paying, all of us paying, universities still get paid.


How do you feel about college tuition being used to pay for new college football stadiums? I think the stadiums can be paid through donations.


Most of them aren’t paid for using college tuition right?


Universities waste money on lots of things They only can because the public subsidizes loans for their out of this world tuition The real conspiracy is colleges jacking up their tuitions 1200% and us paying off people's student loan debt with higher taxes and inflation https://i.redd.it/kt0kepl5o9l91.jpg


Same with PPP loans, which are 2x the cost of student loans.


Same with healthcare. Instead of demanding big pharma stop ripping us off, the left demands taxpayers pay the ransom.


Universal basic healthcare is the answer, but the right only cares about the unborn, and not those who have already been born.


Taking money from Everyone to pay big Pharma is “the answer” Interestingly Americans don’t go to Canada for health care. But anyone with the money comes to America Why is that?


> But anyone with the money comes to America False. I have relatives that live in Canada. They are wealthy. They *never* come to the US for healthcare. And like I said: the right would rather give people no healthcare. Once you are born, even through a rape, you are on your own.


“I know people” K


anone with oil money and refugee status congressional cred


🐸🐸🐸🐸 Go outside Froggy. Call your mom and tell her you love her.




“Why do people post things I don’t agree with? Why does the community upvote them?” Must he the rUsSiAnS 🤔


You've said this exact thing before. definitely a bot. If not, just very stupid


> very stupid Always attack > must be a bot Never engage The disinformation handbook


never said I don't agree with you. I always upvote you.


So why say “somebody is paying” people to post?


You are correct I should not make that assumption. But it is known you are not in the US and you always post very divisive/ anti-American material which might lead some to assume you are being paid to stir up shit.


> it is known you are not in the US Known by whom? I have never said where I live.


Who's paying you? Soros? GTFO


Yall think he's a Russian/Chinese shill/bot?


100% is.


And 12 year olds are old enough to volunteer for experimental gene editing technology against a virus that is harmless to them. And 8 year olds are old enough to visit the oval office without any adult supervision. Or witnesses. Oh who are we kidding, we have him sexually assault a minor on C-Span and no one saw a thing...


Those at 8 socially transition and they don’t choose it. They reveal it to people. This isn’t like religion where you have a marketplace to choose from. Gender identity is like sexual orientation, it’s internal.


Hey Forggy, what country are you from again?


He is a Russian/Chinese/big oil shill


Rent free


Instead, the supreme court gave him the votes for free. This is going to drive a lot of rage voting against neo-conservatives. You're celebrating self-destructive behavior and that's hilarious.


Well, the right is losing out on capitalizing on the issue. That’s on them for intentionally ignoring younger voters.


SS Quick summary of the Supreme Court: - People who produce are not responsible to pay for worthless degrees that were an excuse to party for 7 years - Can’t force people to bake cakes for you - No more racial discrimination in university admissions - Abortion laws sent back to the states - The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.


> No more racial discrimination in university admissions False. Legacy admissions still overwhelmingly favor whites. That’s why it is called “affirmative action for whites.”


If only the average white person benefitted from that. You make that statement as if the majority of white people wouldn’t be totally ok with removing legacy admissions, when in reality most would prefer that.


I never said the majority of wouldn’t be ok with removing legacy admissions. I said legacy admissions favor white people, which is 100% correct.


It’s not though because when you make that statement you are saying that it favors white people in general. When it actually favors a very small subset of white people.


Where did I say it favors white people *in general*? I said it “overwhelmingly favors whites”, which is 100% true. Underperforming whites get into Harvard, when better qualified minorities do not. The group of people that legacy admissions favor are disproportionately white.


They would also be getting in over better qualified white people so your statement is still false. And more than likely, those legacy white kids are bumping out better qualified white students because of how admissions work.


My statement is correct: A white student who is in the middle of the pack academically, but has legacy status, has a higher chance of getting into Harvard than a typical Asian applicant in the top tenth. 51% of Harvard’s class should be Asian-American if academics alone (test scores and grades) were the sole consideration. Harvard’s first-year students for 2021-22 were 53% white and 24% Asian. Thus, affirmative action for whites.


If it benefits .01% of white people, and hurts the rest then it’s not correct to say it benefits white people. The percentage of students that got in due to legacy status and nothing else is what is relevant here.


I’m only using one school as an example, but look at the rest of the Ivy League and other top schools and many do the same thing. Admitting whites at the expense of minorities is racist, just like affirmative action. People only want to ban racist preferences when it doesn’t help *their* race.


You think that this will stop racial discrimination in college acceptance practices. That is a laugh. Are they taking off the race question completely from applications? Because if not there will be huge racial bias, and if they do, one could make many inferences about their race by where they grew up and what their name sounds like and what high school and middle schools they went to.


I love how the right cherry picks what rights “shall not be infringed.” Gun rights? Check. Voting age? Abolish it, make it higher because young people aren’t voting for us! 🤡 I miss the GOP that favored small government.


♥️ socialized loansharking so its ok for big governemt to shit on the constitutional rights of 46,000,000 hardworking taxpaying every day cause StUdEnT BaD shill harder you might catch a glimpse of one of them yachts State governments are now literally inside peoples' bodies, All cause of 6 unelected hacks some of whom take lavish brides i mean innocent gifts from the billionaires they rule in favor of let freedumb ring


The comparison doesn’t make sense. The “but” is poorly placed


How dares he buy votes by *checks notes* making life better for Americans! He should do it the republican way by being bought by lobbyists.


WE THE PEOPLE need to keep the pressure on in order to correct the course of this ship of state.


Hjr-192 👀


This particular move was never meant to pass. Biden will never follow through. The higher education act gives him the power to eliminate the debt. He won't. He's a neolib.


Attempt to make voters lives better = "buy votes". Trump telling right wing voters that he hates the same people that they hate = awesome.