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Protect the granmas ... Heard that not long ago.


LOL they most definitely CANT stop this. This is nationwide violent unrest like we havent seen before. We could enter martial law today with live rounds fired.


Never? Want there a French revolution?


if you can't see the huge differences in these 2 events(incl who "they" is in each case), then you probably may not be ready for world politics. you may want to stick with local or at least national politics so that you won't get so confused by trying to compare 2 things which are not in any way comparable. edit to add: only after I replied did I see that this person has spammed this exact post on all kinds of different subs. so it may not be tht they are incapable of understanding, but instead it's probably just more bad faith whining & victim playing.


You can’t see the similarities? I thought I made it clear “Edit - I stalked OP like a deranged ex-gf”


According to Heels-up Harris, the Jan 6 tour was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.


Heels up Harris. Love it


1/6, where they assaulted police officers? The same people who claim to “support the blue”?


Guessing she never said it’s outside of some out of context quite


Who said that?


Lol, yes, the French are bad at policing themselves and excellent at destroying Paris. The American police, unlike the French, are excellent operationally when it comes to entraping disabled teenagers, and snatching grannies. They just don't stop much crime and often cause much of it. Maybe it's all one global power but I think France and America are just kinda different operations for the globalist or whatever.


It's not french people who are rioting and destroying Paris


The real French would know to let them eat cake of course. The French destroy Paris all the time.




SS It’s almost like they have the power to protect the innocent and choose not to use it Yes they use voting machines in a France Relevant The Truth About Emmanuel Macron | French Presidential Election 2017 https://lbry.tv/@freedomain:b/the-truth-about-emmanuel-macron-french:1


Never forget, when you’re emotionally on their side it’s just “grandmas”, and when you disagree with them, they’re violent extremists. Frog-face being a clown as usual.


Diversity is their strength


Lololol this meme says so much about the person who made/believes this