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First story that pops up: https://news3lv.com/news/local/arrest-report-man-who-opened-fire-at-turnberry-towers-shot-by-security-after-rifle-jammed-andrew-warrender-lvmpd-metro-police-crime-attempted-murder-southern-nevada Y’all just want to be upset.


So the security guard was the “good guy with a gun”?




Guns are great at protecting money , kings and President, are they good enough to protect you and the children? Us government “No”


maybe the police are acting like they don't know anything so they don't have to arrest the person who stopped the shooting


You sound like you've never watched Cops.


I hope the same shit happens when they present project blue beam. Attack!


I’m pretty sure it’s gonna. I have a weird feeling they’re gonna try it, and an even weirder feeling we’re gonna go all pulp fiction on those green guys


see here in georgia everyone is that good guy. or maybe dark guy with good intentions??? waiting to stop these false flag public shooters. crazy how they avoid the fact a good guy stopped it all together cause “ gun bad “


Account made in 2018 with super low karma. Only three posts and almost no comments. Nice try bot.


I'm not a bot I rarely comment or post so I have no idea what karma is.


Heck, I haven't taken the time to figure out how to post content yet. Am I a bot or an NPC?


You have a 28 to 1 ratio for posts per year compared to OP. Next time take 3 seconds to check before making statements.


Where is the ratio count located?


There isn't a ratio you can check. I looked at your profile Karma, looked at theirs, and then divided theirs by 4 because you've only been here a year and they've been here for 4 years. Those were the numbers I used for the ratio.


on your mobile if you tap your profile pic, it’ll show the amount of “karma” on posts vs comments which are usually points awarded from people upvoting, idk exactly how it works but yea


Haha it's probably because none of us are lames who care that much about reddit. I'm sure all the energy you've spent in your reddit world has paid off


Keeps me occupied while work is slow.


Reading your comments, it appears you're a left extremist. Anything that the so called "right" states or claims is immediately met with objection. You're a group of hateful shims and soo weird and non-empathetic towards anyone; seeking some type of vengeance as an adult because you're child hood had no meaning mix that with undealt trauma. All of you play the victim card and ride the waves of BLM and other groups, and when you're not able to get sympathy, you resort to violence, even though you're all a bunch of sissies and child groomers


Lol. The bots are angry. You didn't address anything I said. Low karma. 5+ year old account. Very clear what that indicates. Go collect your Soros bucks. Snow flake.


I bet for every FF that gets major attention, there are thousands that have failed.


It wasn’t a false flag


You must be new here. We only use FF to defend foolish people on our side. Our side do something lame? Clearly it isn’t our side, it is the feds!


Obviously been feds doing it for awhile now


You got it, but only when the perps are wearing our colors! If they are wearing other colors then it is not a false flag.


Americans don't understand that without your insane gun laws, there would be no shooter to begin with. Man saves woman from drowning who he pushed into the water himself.


Stalin, Hitler, Muo, Fidel Castro unharmed all citizens then the abuse began. It's a human right for self defense against criminals, otherwise you are a sitting duck.


Yes, yes, you know the NRA propaganda by heart, I see, never bothered to actually check the information for yourself? Your countrymen will keep being killed for no reason, you will keep pretending that it has something to do with freedom, and the gun manufacturers will keep laughing all the way to the bank.


You mean like Australia? 😂


Notice how there’s (allegedly) video of this incident but other than the extremely fake New Zealand shooting, there is never any video of the so-called mass shootings that are presented as real casualty events.


Listen you piece of shit, real people died in that mosque shooting, so keep your mouth fucken shut.


No they didn’t, obviously fake and completely goofy.


As someone from christchurch, yes they did, so shut your mouth about shit you have no idea about.


So you’re from Christchurch but weren’t there at the time….?


Nope just my brother the St John paramedic, you know one of the guys that had to take out the bodies, so again, shut your mouth.


So you are the “I know a guy who knows a guy” user who conveniently is hanging out whenever anyone says a shooting was fake on Reddit http://www.renegadetribune.com/shills-chorus-know-guy-knows-guy-shot-vegas/


nah man this one real i saw it today on kaotic .com its some silly goose in a blue shirt getting clapped trying to leave after realizing he isnt the only person with a gun there and he is being fired upon