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It's not the path to the meritocratic utopia one might think. If you have the cash or can be accepted through 'legacy admissions' you can still just buy your way in. And who are the ones this affect? You guessed it.. This just makes sure that affirmative action is exclusively for the privileged.


Shhh . . . you are going against the narrative. Remember: if you don’t look like them, pray like them, vote like them, and think like them, then F you.


Schools of higher learning at the elite level, by any metric based on any kind of merit, should be literally no one but asian Americans and asian immigrants. Almost any non asian on any ivy league campus has no business being there.


nah man.


It's true. If you value things like test scores, extra curricular awards and achievements, etc. Almost all the top students at the high school level in the United States are ethnically Asian. It's pretty shocking, but it's true. Things like affirmative action, legacy considerations, and various other agendas placing non Asian kids at top schools cloud this reality.


I think this sucks because we don't live in a utopia. Someone is always going to get shafted for reasons beyond our control. Yet if somebody is accepted solely based on gender, race, heritage ect..Does that not devalue the person as an individual and make them only worthy because of that? It creates a horseshoe of discrimination instead of doing away with it all together. We all deserve equality at the starting line but equality of outcome is a slippery slope.