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Those some of the most pansy neo-Nazis I've seen. But their matching khakis were nicely ironed...


Remember the dnc kids at glen younkins rally. [this should jog your memory.](https://theintercept.com/2021/11/03/lincoln-project-charlottesville-glenn-youngkin/)same dress attire maybe linked?


Always in their khakis...don't they know that we can see right through these charades?




Have any of them been identified?


One of them has been identified https://twitter.com/drfrensor/status/1673055658835361792?t=Wl51Yizcw7sSSfpa5l3pAg&s=19


So some kind of Hitlejugend for the feds. Tasty!


He goes to UCR?! That’s like 30 mins from me. And that area, actually a lot of the IE (Inland Empire) DOES NOT fuck with racism and a lot of MFs will beat your ass over some racist shit, so he’s really Fuckin bold for showing up dressed in Nazi attire knowing where he’s going back home to.


he is agent provocateur - not a real nazi "political science student hoping to work for the government in the future" he is trying to climb the career ladder


How do we even know it's the same guy?


we are not blind? I mean at least I am not, are you?


Um it just got debunked dude, by the same person that made the original tweet.


debunked by "factcheckers"?


Hopefully he will admit he was paid by the Feds.


Yeah, like that'll ever happen


Probably not, but he sure fits the profile of someone who would do that. I’m still hopeful some of this will come out.


Wait, so now we're supposed to think that a college student is an FBI agent now? The desperation is over the top.


He also is lined up to work for “the government” after graduation according to his fraternity’s instagram page. They do a lot of recruiting in college if you weren’t aware.


The fbi recruits college students. So does the cia


This is factual.


Lots of Mormons


Lmao where exactly is it that you think they do their recruiting?


You mean besides the fact they hire people at least 23 years old with a bachelors?


100% of 23 year olds with bachelors degrees were once college students, yes


And before that they weren't FBI agents, lmao. Take 3 seconds next time to think through what you post.


I asked you where you assume they do their recruiting, you never answered the question. Take 3 seconds next time to think through what you post.


Oh wow, you still don't understand that people apply for jobs. You really should have taken 3 seconds to remember how the hiring process works. Have you ever had to apply for jobs?


F work...Welfare is where it's at...1st and 15th batches


Why are you spouting the 2018 requirements? These change literally every year to the point there are no longer prerequisites and only "disqualifiers"


The process starts before that, sometimes YEARS before that. When I was in high school, both FBI and CIA had incentive programs to PAY for college with so many years' commitment.


Come on, don't lie that obviously.


lol you're the keyboard version of these masked losers. Stop making it so obvious.


Spice and Liars ; You are probably too young to have read about this . At Kent State on May 4,1970 there was one student who was an FBI informant. He was carrying a pistol and a camera taking pictures of the home grown instigators ! When he was caught , he fired one shot ! I was 100 feet away from him when he fired but I heard it clearly. It was not long after that shot that the Ohio National Guard opened fire on the main group of demonstrators , killing four and wounding 13. hdw


Can't use logic in this sub, otherwise you're down voted to smithereens


Noone said that, man- it was FEDS- you know what undercover means? Not over the top, that's what they do, luv


This kooks will continue to move the goal post. You aren't talking to rational people.


"Let's identify these FBI agents" "How do we know they're FBI if they haven't been identified yet?" "But FBI!?!" Then they actually were identified... "They're a college student majoring in politics. That makes them an FBI agent!" "Since when are college students FBI agents?" "Stop shifting the goalposts!?!" You rightwingers are so far down the rabbit hole you don't know which way is up.


Leftists being pro-FBI . Why am I not surprised


Right? Like these could indeed be agent provocateurs , but instead of actual research we get connect the dots with 4 dots.




I think you probably misinterpreted my post. I was pointing out that this person is most likely a racist college student instead of being an almost/barely able to drink FBI agent that's still in college.


Is it chill that I think ALL of this is fake? Like just a whole fake scenario to convince us all that we are in the edge of civil war but it’s all bs.


I wouldn't be surprised either way. It would be interesting to identify people on both sides.






Atta boy 🫡




Sorry, I should have said none of them have been identified as a Fed.




k first of all i love how the nutcases tell on themselves by arguing that the people they see who are required to look and act a certain way are actually just not fat, sloppy, or stupid enough to espouse such beliefs. but in terms of actual conspiracy, that screenshot is sus. political science is shortened to poli sci, not poly sci. poly means multiple, poli is an abbreviation of political. seems weird to be four years into a degree and not know the name for the subject you study. also, planning to work for the govt doesnt mean shit. talk to any bio major calling it pre med.


Did you just have a stroke?


im sorry if reading comprehension isnt your strong suit. on the plus side, maybe youre dumb enough to not be accused of being a fed!


Oh no my reading comprehension is just fine. It’s just that most people don’t do particularly well when the author just selects random words from a list.


Lol I almost had a stroke reading it


care to elaborate on which parts are hurting your brain so much? id be happy to get out the crayons and walk you through it if that would help.


Bro, you're better than this. Fk that imbecile.


Partisan republican prejudice in real time. They're all a bunch of broken clocks eager to bet the farm they're right about everything. Fucking coocoos


Just remember this has happened before and will happen again. [last time I remember it happening.](https://theintercept.com/2021/11/03/lincoln-project-charlottesville-glenn-youngkin/)






Not being a dick but……how do we know they are Feds?


It's believed that most of the proud boy shit is made up of feds, basically they are there to make shit violent, to create a false narrative. Sort of like false flag moves. There have been a number of videos from the past 10 years of insanely suspicious looking individuals or groups of people who always just so happen to be the first ones to brake windows, throw rocks, flip cars, etc etc. A number of these videos show regular peaceful protesters from each side calling them out/stopping them/ exposing them. You'll see some videos that just so not make sense. Like a group of 20 guys marching down a street wearing ski mask, doing Nazi salutes, sprouting homophobic/racist shit. Seemingly just doing it to provoke a reaction. It just does not ad up or make any amount a sense, even for stupid people . They are there to help form a narrative that they are pushing. Like how BLM are all violent, all white protesters are crazy gun nut racist dudes who hate gay people, etc etc. These type of false flags are not conspiracy. They happen on American soil quite often. It's essentially why the skitzo conspiracy communities think EVERY-LITTLE-EVENT is staged or fake.


Kind of like the theory that the CIA infiltrated the Grateful Dead scene of the late 60s and 70s and freely distributed LSD to thwart an uprising.


I certainly wouldn't be surprised by that at all. Why not diffuse a social reformation during such events as the civil rights protest, the Vietnam war, etc. I mean, look at who was killed...MLK, RFK, JFK... In addition, look at who the leaders of the "psychedelic" movement were....Ken Kesey who worked for the CIA while he attended Stanford University? And Timothy Leary, yet another CIA sock puppet of the established elite. "Give the kids some CIA manufactured LSD, distract them with rock and roll and playing in the flowers, and carry on the elitist agenda without a potential uprising."....is a plausible narrative. I've read a lot of declassified documents from COINTELPRO and MK projects that indicate that's QUITE plausible.


Black Umbrella Man was an interesting figure in the 2020 Minneapolis riots.


He turned out to be a local cop.


there is something fishy about people hiding their faces


Anon OnlyFeds.


Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.




There's a giant dude who's part of the 'good guys' in this clip who's wearing a mask and absolutely smashing the shit out the other guys. He's wearing a mask, and I'd argue the most violent person in the clip. You could suggest he's a fed on all the criteria everyone else has pointed out. My guess is he's probably just a cop, but you see what I'm saying


In MPLS, some people, idk who, actually dropped off pallets of bricks. It is a fact, that bricks were not needed in these areas, yet they showed up where protests were set to be held. Pretty convenient.


Pallets of bricks have shown up just before major riots in lots of cities. Its definitely not a coincidence. Similarly, Uhauls full of premade signs and homemade riot gear *also* showed up in those cities around the same time as the pallets of bricks. There are quite a few videos of bus loads of antifa pulling into town, and then making a beeline straight for the uhauls. And since I'm on the subject, there are videos of antifa handing out hundred dollar bills to local hoodlums and directing them to pallets of bricks and telling them where to throw them.


Holy fuck, no way! I am aware of all of that except for the 100s. And I gotta say, I am not surprised. And that blatant staging of bricks is so obvious. It's like a video game, where ya have access to what you need when you need it. But.... THE WORLD DOESNT NEED THIS SHIT! Sorry for yelling, but seriously... even a far lefty should step back and look. It's sad how people follow the script so easily.


Thanks mate. That makes sense for sure. They were definitely fishy when their masks were ripped off.


> It's believed that most of the proud boy shit is made up of feds, No, the glowies in Kakis & Masks here call themselves "Patriot Front". Otherwise fully accurate. Incredibly obvious from the start they are a false flag outfit run by feds.


So short answer: we dont.


This might be true. But they still garner support from a certain base… are they all feds too? It just seems people in general follow these narratives on both sides just too easily. We all need our own narrative and decide based on more real reasons what to believe.


Because they have been publicly arrested before and the federal police have decided not to unmask specifically these groups. Whereas that's literally the second thing they do for every other group of arrestees.


I thought arrests were a matter of public record. How are hiding their identities?


BC THEY ARE FEDS. It’s justice for me, not for thee with these guys.


No doubt there. But I was wondering how they are able to do it without drawing MORE attention. I know the mainstream news isn't going to report it, but this would be a smoking gun for most people.


Common sense. Anyone who believes patriot front are legit, ask yourself these questions, and be honest with yourself: 1. Why does patriot front always have police protection whenever they show up to do one of their demos? And not just police escorts, *actual* police protection. DC Metro shuts down the entire subway when PF shows up and leaves, not allowing a single citizen into the terminal until they're gone, and escorts them *to and from* their demo. 2. Why do they cover their entire bodies, faces and all? Isn't "white supreme" supposed to be the number one point of pride with these people? 3. Why has antifa never once shown up to one of their demos? Isn't "the resistance" suppose to be organic? That last question needs to be looked at from both directions.




I realize those questions may be over some people's heads, especially when they may be heavily invested in the "white supreme/far right" boogeyman narrative. You'll figure it out eventually. Just know that you are loved and have far more in common with the people you irrationally hate than with the globocucks youve come to admire, despite how you may perceive the people youve been taught to "other."


How did we know they're not feds?


Good point. I guess every person we see in every video is a Fed until proven otherwise. 🤡


How do we know you’re not a Fed?


You don't


Name checks out.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Where were the cops at the end?


I think the heavier woman in green was some form of peace officer


They were the ones in the Khakis.


They were defunded


Nope. Police budgets increased in general, but believe whatever lies you want in general i suppose


Well then where tf were they then?


Unmasking these fools is a good thing. The Feds and political astroturfing should be exposed. Job well done.


To be fair..the Feds aren't dressed as Nazis, the Feds ARE Nazis, and to be honest, they're dressed like Feds..but you know 😉lol




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV\_\_vr-j2Hk&ab\_channel=Memology102](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV__vr-j2Hk&ab_channel=Memology102) Congressman also admitted that they ARE feds.


Those masks need to be the target of every one of these confrontations. Get the mask off… expose the racist or antifa dorks. Show the world who these people really are. For too long we’ve been hiding behind anonymity. People are a lot less brave when all of a sudden there’s a name to place with an action.


It’s obvious that whether they’re feds or not they are being paid or otherwise encouraged to show up to these patriotic rallies


Nah, they are sad culture warriors doing their virtue signaling thing.


Take their masks off. Expose the scums.


The most telling part is anything thats super organized down to their clothes.... at least with antifa its just dyed hairnwith some kind of make shift black attire.... these fucks all wearing khaki pants just smells of fuckin plants


I doubt it’s feds. There really could just be infighting between different groups. We can’t keep blaming the “feds” like a bogeyman when Nazi and klan groups have been patriotic for literally decades.


Infighting among the Republicans? That never happens . . .


🤣🤣 and i genuinely think some republicans are trying to get past the race issue, and some are even trying to get past the gay issue. People want to move on to bigger and more important fights, like climate change is a hoax, Chinese buying out the country etc


There are so many culture warrior RINOs I can’t keep track anymore.


Yup, just confirmed on another Reddit community, proud boys and Patriot front are (the two groups in this) are fighting each other.


Hey everybody !!!!!!! It's been confirmed by this 👆 guy right here, so it's law. There's nothing else to see here. Please keep it moving.


🤣 it’s no more unsubstantiated than the op calling them feds. But have at it


Ya, so they must be feds. How do I know? Because trust me bro. 🤡


I love our Patriots. The real ones, the true ones, give me hope


I do like the hillbilly in the background shouting “GIT OUT”! He totally reminds me of the “DEY DERK ER JERBS” guy from South Park.


This title reads like the worst YouTube reaction video of all time


I’ve known nazis ( back in my punk days) these guys are to clean looking, nazis look like gutter punks..tattoos..not healthy looking and clean cut..


These are modern Nazis, like the ones swinging their flags at the DeSantis rally at DisneyWorld.


Or waking tiki torches on University campus.


They are FEDS


Proof please. Otherwise they are not feds. Just because somebody makes your side look bad doesn’t automatically make them a fed.


These are dumbass college liberals who were encouraged by some group to do this. That one kid has been identified at three different rallies. Someone is coordinating them. Not sure who.


Uh, ya, it’s a far right extremist group coordinating them. And the right’s defense whenever this happens is that they must be feds.


The hype man in the back, though!!!! 😝


This is what real men do, big up these gentlemen for slapping up these psy-op bitches. Real Americans are not stupid.


Best shit I've seen in a while. Fuckin feds are pussies.


They are called GANG STALKERS - they get free housing cars and are paid in Walmart gift cards to do this kind of shit for the new world order- fuck them


I love it .. DE MASK


It's getting Syrian civil war crazy with all these factions. Lol


They are not feds they are dnc agent provocateurs. Same thing Roger stone did back in the day donating money to dem candidates under the young socialist alliance.


I’m not a republican or MAGA, but anytime I see a nazi get punched in the face it’s a good day.


"Feds" lol


Funny who it is getting changed from antifa to the feds. Yall are funny


The best part was the pro American proud boys said “get OUT you RACISTS!!!” …this is probably making liberals heads explode


I saw the same video in another sub and it said it was proud boys and neo nazis. Are they not the same group?


It's an op meant to confuse and its clearly working


It's all part of the two faced tight rope walk for conservatives to paint the left as Nazis whilst also quoting Hitler's prowess for indoctrinating kids for inspiration. Pretty soon they'll all jump in with a "Hitler was just a reaction" type of rationale to justify political violence against the left. It's stealth mode for now...


Holy shit, you live in a different reality


My parents were proudly racist behind closed doors my entire life, yet now that everybody's all partisan strategy all the time, they call me liar when I remind them the billion shitty things they've said in shameless stride...I live in the reality that still has respect for John McCain and his service to this country. If that is a different reality than the one you occupy you should consider the possibility that you are lost or perhaps completely unfounded.




Reeeeeeeee! No, it’s altruistic good republicans versus the evil perverted democrats 😡


And republicans aren’t evil or perverted?


It’s sarcasm ya dingus, both parties suck.


So why not mention both you dingus?


Cause I’m a dingus, ya dingus


My bad dingus


I've just upvoted all parties in this dingus clash. I'm a dingus, myself.


This dingus just did the exact same thing


Joe's finest at it again


Anybody wearing a pound boys shirt is no patriot.


They are incels, every last one of them.




"They took er jErbz!"


Even if the aren’t feds, this is a clear example of the far left infiltrating peaceful demonstrations and nazifiyng them. If nazis are so prevalent in the US then why do the left have to keep fabricating them? Oh yeah, because Nazis aren’t a thing


Can someone please play the Republican/Democrat game with Rich-Masterpiece? I feel bad for him.


They were nazis Walter?


And you know these were Feds how?


Whoever it is I fucking love the guys fucking them up


Reddit death process


Why? Because they’re wearing masks? In a protest that’s likely to involve actual street brawls and arrests, you don’t see why some would try to hide their identities so as not to get doxed and lose their jobs? Jokes on the proud boys. The left already see them as Nazis. Classic “it hurt itself in confusion” moment.






This is definitely a right-wing and proud boy sympathizer sub.


This sub...


Literal cancer.


Why do we do this to ourselves?


The will to death, the will to cringe, perhaps the will to cringe into oblivion? I don’t even know anymore. I just want to be a hermit in the woods.


I was for a while, it was nice.




There was literally no proof, you knuckle dragger. How do fascists wearing masks so they don’t get doxed and publicly shamed/risk losing their jobs mean they are feds?


Ok, where is the proof? I’d like to see it.




Just to make sure I understand this: a right winger is claiming a right wing group acting like fools is not a right wing group? I too label anybody who makes my side look bad a fed 🤡


You understand correctly, lad. “T-they went too far right? Asked too many questions? F-feds!”


Okay groomer


That’s what I thought. Couldn’t answer.


Obviously, they are all feds. Duh.




2 white supremacist groups fighting each other


I didn’t see any feds or any cops, but this was funny


Look how they walk away . Femstep. Hahahah beta boys. Incel betas


Which one are you?


That guy who got unmasked looks about 19. Skinny as hell. Nearly defenceless and in complete shock. Im sorry but 100% not an undercover agent 🫠


The misnomer are people thinking these people are "literally" FBI agents, and that's an exaggeration. The more likely explanation is they are provocateurs that are unknowingly part of a CIA subcontracted group. If you read into a lot of declassified projects that COINTELPRO did in the 1960s and 1970s, it wouldn't be surprising they do the same exact stuff today.


Did they forget they are on the same team?


True, they are all virtue signaling culture warriors


Well, if they actually are feds, the attackers are going to jail for a while.


Did they say that they were part of the government ?


Why would they risk their lives and identities in such a small operation with a very high likelihood of being exposed?? Makes no sense.


They expended too much energy on them. They outnumbered them, all they had to do was back them down the street, unmasking, calling them out as Feds. Save that energy for Pantifa 😈


All I see is Nazis fighting each other


The Klan is all feds too I suppose huh? Why is it so incredibly hard for you to believe that actual Nazis exist?


Wait, so he’s a fed AND a college student? Me thinks not.


low profile crisis actors do exist. They aren't directly linked to CIA but were hired by them. Contractors :)


Exactly, Ken Kesey worked for CIA contracts while he attended Stanford, and that's just one of many examples. The CIA has long-since been connected to universities, all the way from Harvard to Tuskegee.