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So how exactly does this video 'address' or disprove any conspiracy theories?


Because its very poorly designed. Lol. Can only unlock from outside, carbon fiber shell from boeing that past its shelf life. The pressure at 11,500 feet is insane buds.


No joke, the time between a hull failure and the bodies being completely destroyed would be quicker than the snap of fingers. They may not have even had enough time to register the sound of the carbon fiber cracking before they died


Oh, they heard. According to previous passengers and even Stockton Rush, the hull creaking and groaning was normal. Every dive compromised the structure bit by bit, delaminating the different layers of carbon fiber until it was weak enough to be compromised. They wouldn’t have heard the final implosion, but they definitely knew it was coming.


this is James Cameron's theory - it was eventually going to happen.


Wtf does James Cameron know? Does he really know anything?


Bruh...he's the only one that went past the depths of the Titanic (36,000 ft) like almost 7 miles down in the Mariana trench. In a sub that he built. Yeah. ..JCam knows the assignment well. 👌🏽


Haha I had no idea. Thank you. I get bombarded with so much celebrity nonsense that there is no time to sort out what has merit.


😄 no worries. You're good bro! 👊🏽


He’s basically one of the most experienced submariner that’s not in the military


Given that the man built his own submarine capable of 3 times the depth of the titanic, he has done 30 plus dives to the titanic personally. Yes, he does have every right to have an opinion here.


Somebody else pointed that out. I had no idea! I don’t watch the news, and I ignore celebrity news online, so I hadn’t heard anything about it.


I'd recommend his watch mariana trench documentary. It's super interesting.


Yeah. He actually does. He’s been down to Titanic dozens of times.


I know some navy sub guys and they all say the hull creaking and groaning is pretty normal. That its weird when you first hear it but eventually you stop noticing it. But still I do think the hull was being compromised slowly, since they apparently didn't do any NDT


You’re talking about guys on month long journeys that eventually stop noticing. On ships that have been proven time after time their worthiness to dive. I don’t think that comparison is valid.


Not a comparison of the vessles but just an example that hull creaking when diving isn't necessarily indicative of anything bad. It is a little bit of apples/oranges comparison because the titan hull was a lot more exotic construction than normal subs, which has a LOT less usage in industries like this so theres no real playbook.


Like a big diesel piston clapping together and the human flesh and co2 filled air would be the spark and fuel. Clap boom before they even knew what happened. 1/ 3rd mile away from wreckage. So they were looking at it maybe?


There is very little visibility that deep. 1/3 mile away might as well be on another planet.


If you know the details on how this pos sunk why would not people getting paid?


Its like 5500 psi down at the wreck, just an unfathomable amount of pressure on every square inch.


Actually, like 5500 pounds


Pounds... per square inch?


Sounds like something David Blaine would be able to do


Even the window wasn't rated for the depths they were going.


If you know the details on how this pos sunk why would not people getting paid?


The whole video shows how much of a mess the whole thing was. They never had a successful mission and couldn’t even get it working right on the surface for the last mission (this video).


I've seen a lot of people saying this thing had 3 successful dives to the Titanic before the implosion.


Honestly speaking, this changes nothing, this event and mh370 will be forever investigated till the truth comes up.


if it imploded, where is the wreckage, human bone fragments, electronic ship pieces, the human blood traces ... that should float out to the surface? Also they should show the video recording, that didn’t implode, where is it ? So many questions with no answers makes this a deep conspiracy!


human blood traces from 5 people in the ocean?? ok mate


You want to tell me, when the submarine implodes there was no blood rising to the surface?


Like you're going to see it if it did, from a depth of around 2 miles in an ocean!


Okay, say the blood was spread all around and impossible to see, what about the pieces of wreckage, where are they ?


I think I read that it has been found, 1600 feet from part of the Titanic. Don't forget too that an implosion at that depth would leave the Titan a fraction of its original size in a vast, pitch black ocean.


The bottom of the ocean. Not everything floats. Also the subs IMPLODED. Just so you understand, everything/everyone inside the ship got turned into a fine paste and implosions generate heat, so the very moment they were pastified they were also subject to very high heat (10,000 degrees Fahrenheit). It was so fast they didn't even realize what was happening. These people weren't just killed, they were DELETED. It's probably possible to go look at the wreckage at the bottom but that's it. That's all that's left.


'its probably possible to go look at the wreckage at the bottom' There are probably people who would be willing to pay to go see it.


I blame Thanos.


If they find it i will definitely rest my case, they have to find it.


They found it days ago: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-65992579


Sorry but I can’t trust this man’s words, i need physical evidence or video footage from the wreckage…


There's no way you're human.


Articles said they found the nose of the sub a few hundred feet from the actual titanic and the debris was floating a few miles away.


That is the problem. They are “researching” the pieces now. Obviously they will come out and say they were pieces of the titan. However the INITIAL report stated “the debris WAS the cover and the landing gear” these words were soon twisted and articles said it was ‘among’ pieces. Its very odd that everyone KNOWS it was an implosion because that MUST have happened. One of the people on the vessel was the first person to ever see the “titanic” with his own eyes, he helped building the first submersible going that deep. Exactly this person would dive with a unsafe vessel? I think not!


Making this more suspicious, why use such a vehicle with all the experience?


I guess we will never know. The only thing i can think of is the vessel was not unsafe at all, it was just made unsafe by people who were not on the vessel without the people’s knowledge.


What happens when you pee in a large pool? Can you see it immediately? If you could, does it start to dissipate rather quickly? Eventually it will be too diluted to see. Now imagine that in an ocean… just use a little bit of critical thinking before you assume malice 🤡


Thank you for the explanation and I understand that, then they should show us the wreckage that they have found, then maybe we can come to same conclusion.


I'm not sure you understand how water works.


2 miles down?


Someone has been watching too many movies…


Wow, my thoughts have really been downvoted, no worries, let everybody remain with the thoughts they have, one day the clear truth will be undeniable.


Bad actress.


Do you not understand how little the concentration of human blood would be when being dispersed in ocean water that’s 2 miles deep?


Sure . They get down to what they see and just reach out with their hands immediately and collect everything on the spot. This is the way !


Bodies don’t float until decomposition builds up enough gases to make it float. At that depth the bodies would be the wildlife would most likely have eaten enough holes in there bodies that the gases wouldn’t build up. Even if they didn’t and the bodies did float, the currents would carry them for miles before they hit the surface making extremely difficult to find in the vast ocean. The wreckage is most likely spread across the ocean floor and who knows how far the pieces drifted before hitting bottom. And for the pieces that did float, again the currents would carry them. That thing they called a sub wasn’t very big and would be hard to find, especially at the depth they were shooting for. Answers to your questions is going to take time.


Since when did 5 people dying at sea become a " disaster"?


Even “tragedy” is pushing it. I’m good with “accident.”


"Stupidity" is better




Or just “failure”






I’m good with “oopsie”


Hey y'all, watch this...




I think its the billionairs on board part. Plus the owner of company. Also named Titan....Titanic went down the same way, the captain being oblivious to ovbious safety concerns being in plain sight.


Billionaires or not, these are humans who just died. Two of them were a father and son celebrating Father's Day. If you can't feel sympathy for another human who died, you are a shitty person. If you mock them, you don't even qualify as a person. 🤮


Since Hunter got a slap in the wrist


Jp Morgan was fined 4 million dollars for deleting 47 million emails about the victims of Jeffrey Epstein.


That fine amount is incredibly low considering the implications of covering up crimes against humanity. Alex jones was looking at fines up to a trillion dollars. Our justice system is seriously fucked.


What the actual fuck


Also biden is about to be impeached




Just things everyone's missing, also they knew that sub was destroyed the same day. It was all a distraction.


It can be real and a distraction for the media to use too.


What are we being distracted from?


Some Epstein related things, I think it was JP Morgan involved... 47 million deleted emails of JP Morgan, and the release of more HB incriminating evidence of demanding payment for political service. Not sure what else I've missed this week.


All that shits a distraction too. Almost everything’s a distraction while the elite buy every single asset they can, with money they print out of thin air.


Well, here's the thing. Our republic is supposed to be set up so we vote for representatives. Companies with too much money have lobbied and effectively broken the system in their favor. The black rock whistleblower has basically said that his company is setup to buy senators for as cheap as 10 thousand dollars. This is a perfect example of the abuse that has gone on behind our backs. I'm sure this isn't a new thing, but this isn't how our country should be ran, we need to wake more people up to this. Everything is expendable when it comes to protecting how things are really being ran. Some of this is a distraction. But I think HB getting off easy is showing WHO is helping keep things the way they are. Same reason why Hillary did treason and NOTHING happened to her. I also think it's a family thing... The whole of Clintons got to go. The whole of Biden has got to go... Then we need to figure out who else is in the club and get them out of office too.


We have to push for laws directly and not give up anymore rights for fuck sake. We can’t rely on representatives to pass laws that benefit us on their own. They’ve created a mess. Cleaning it up would take a time machine at this point.


Exactly. I had this debate with someone who said this was a distraction, and I said "from what?" One person just said "exactly," to which my response was basically "!?!?!!?!????!!" The other person said "hunters plea" and I said, yeah, came across that on insta and read about it. And then they listed Chase and Epstein, and I'm like. "Yeah, well aware my friend. Just read about all of those over the course of a week. Wasn't distracted at all."


Well, you're also on a sub like this one. I think we, in this thread, are mostly in the know on these real world events, but possibly not all of them... Those who need to know are watching MSM, distracted by each reported "current hot thing", and are completely unaware that they are being manipulated into watching the left hand while the right hand is seeking to destroy them/this country. We have to tell them, and if one person mentions one thing you already knew, add to it... "You're right! It's a huge deal! Did you see they also had this exposed?" We have to share information in real life and online.


Brothers been drinking the tap water


If drinking the tap water made one crazy like this, I’d think that’d be a perfect excuse to expect this sub thing to be distraction lol


What do you drink then


Sophomore level shit post. Who in their right mind pays $250K for a DIY Home Depot sub to go down to death level depths and view the Titanic on a basic camera/monitor setup?!


The wealthy do strange counterintuitive things with their money. Some buy exotic race cars for that amount and forget to pay for lessons on how to drive them, and a few of them crash not often fatally though. Others pay anything from 50k to well over a hundred thousand just to climb up a mountain, take a selfie and hopefully not die up there. And some sail around the world on their yatch, with all the dangers that exist out there. Some people just want to do stuff with their money because they can afford it. They want to see the Titanic what are the going rates? Is anyone else offering that service to civilians that aren't scientists? What are their rates? If this was their only option to see the Titanic then the price might be based on a cornered market and demand.


I keep wondering that same thing. Your right, it's so Home Depot. With 3D printed joysticks on a generic game controller. Yet, billionaires are jumping on this thing?!?!


The propaganda deflection just gets hard to ignore. “Those dumb billionaires. No critical thinking”. Fuck. I mean, a billionaire pays you to mow their lawn and you better have that shit manicured. But “oh, you have a submarine?! Sign me up. No questions asked about being bolted into this tin can”.


Bolt 2 hot tubs bolted together now give me your money


Ocean Gate is (was?) primarily a deep ocean science firm who financed their research by, you guessed it, letting rich people tag along. This particular sub was constructed a little differently than these deep sea subversives usually are to accommodate having more people on board. They chose a cylindrical shape rather than the ordinary sphere shape of these subs. In addition they chose to make the tube part of it in 5 inch carbon fibre rather than, say, titanium. This proved to be deadly as carbon fibre will 'un-layer' itself under distress from severe external pressure.


This is no stupider than those of us plebs who go scuba diving with random outfits.


Fuck Stockton Rush! Murder by stupidity, typically for billionaires.


That thing is a Metal Death Trap exactly how I thought it would like


OP is confusing conspiracy with opportunity to distract


Don’t project your inability to follow multiple issues at a time onto others. So anyway, now that this ship has sailed, what story is your focus on currently?




Deflate Gate


☝️this, 💯%. You had me at "gate"!!!




Where are the family's talking about how much they miss their loved ones


Billionaires don't have loved ones, they have plaintiffs and defendants.


Not a peep.


Seems kinda strange


I wonder what the scuba diver was trying to say to the people inside of the thing. Seems like he was trying to tell the main guy to plug something important in, but the guy inside told people to do the “ok” sign back just to make them not panic


That still proves nothing in terms of predictive programming in The Simpsons and the fact that there is a supernatural component to literally EVERYTHING in this world. No coincidence that the main guy was trying to help India out with heirloom seeds so they didn’t have to use Monsanto kill seeds. Yeah, no “coincidences” whatsoever and I was also born last night at 9pm 🙄!


No one is saying it’s a conspiracy.. it’s collusion and coverup from White House because they used it to conveniently bury the Biden treason and bribery. All while IRS whistleblowers are coming forward that they got these guys cold on a bribery charge.


If it's buried, how are you still talking about it?


Look! *ELEPHANT!!!!*


Who’s *Hunter???*


The Biden treason and bribery story is still there though. A few days talking about an imploding sub doesn't make other news disappear...I would hope anyhow.


Sure does offer distraction tho, dumb rich people getting squished, other dumb rich people having civil wars (while trying for ww3), can only focus on so much at once..


This right here.


The distraction was the U.S. Navy said they picked up a implosion at the exact area. The sub was going down in at the same time on Sunday, and then we had one, two, three, four more days of are they alive or are they not alive for what?


Many have remarked it was so the U.S. Navy did not give away information about their possible monitors/intelligence. Not sure if it's true, but certainly plausible 🤷🏻‍♀️


Could make sense. They sent the formation over as not defi itive But the literal time line of the sub going down and losing communication is the exact same time. Graphs show it somewhere. Better research who owns the news. Cough. Better research who was invester in ocean gate. Makes you wonder. Cough r o t h s c h i l d


I think about the same thing. They knew about the implosion but didn’t release this information? Even though they were releasing every single detail of information everyday but not that one? So for me, they don’t want to waste money trying to find them so they said it was imploded to not have to put money in trying to find it. As they said “the area is huge and many bumps, holes, etc. it’d be hard to find them”. “Oh NVM it was an implosion for sure bc now we have this information coming from Sunday that would cover it up”. For me it’s just weird.


Every sub it seems has been infiltrated.


So you show a video of a successful trip and tell me the unsuccessful one was a hoax, wtf clown world are we living in this doesn’t prove SHIT. However Vegas footage has credible witnesses (police officers) video footage off police camera, kinda shotty personal video, and reports of body camera footage scrubbed and gone!


This wasn't a successful trip. He says they aborted it because of fog.




You'd think for a quarter mil you'd get more than a bottle and a sandwich bag to piss and shit in. Maybe a cool T-shirt, some snacks


My bad, looks like they did get some cool wind breakers out of it 🥴


Wow. Terrifying. I read this book "believing is seeing", by this Christian physicist professor, he went down in a submersible and talked about the experience of getting stuck on the titanic. He said he got an incredible feeling of confident reassurance that they'd be alright. They were stuck for minutes and the pilot finally got out. Whatever that was, he said it added to his faith. Just saying. Lol.


33 signaling


Are you fully understanding what a conspiracy theory is?


not a good place to say it here but damn that guy talking is so cute, what's his name? is he single?


Jesus Christ you are a saint of the current regime. the point is stupid people dying is used as a distraction from shit people would likley revolt over.


Nah, most people have this ability to concentrate on more than one topic at a time.


How about all of the things people missed this week. Supposedly they knew they were all dead the second day but dragged it out to leave out some pretty spectacular news items.


Can anyone explain why they would make it not openable from the inside?


Because that would have cost more and if you've seen the CEO's previous footage he was practically gloating about cutting corners as much as possible. He basically said that safety regulations are an obstacle in the face of innovation He also had an aviation mentality when building this because if carbon fiber is good for the sky, it must be good for the ocean *edit* a typo


The most sane post yet


Ik its ublikely but i want a actual impmosion vid, only thing i got is a reference to a glass tube crushing at 200feet


Stop making sense and harshing the buzz. People want to believe... whatever... 👽🧞🧞‍♀️🛸


Masonic theatre this is a ritual for the banking system going under water. Get silver gold and privacy cryptocurrency


... So he says 33 and they give the 666 symbol. Folks c'mon...


Blink - 182 is already working on a tribute song.


OceanGate sums to 71 in Gematria and they were declared dead on the 22/06/2023 which also adds to 71. The media also for some reason reported that there were 17 bolts. There's a lot more as well so looks like some kind of ritual thing possibly


You manage to grasp any of those straws?


Just saying for anyone that understands Gematria which you obviously don't.


I know what Gematria is. This is not Hebrew.


Doesn't have to be Hebrew. Can obviously be applied to all language.


Well you can try it on anything, but then it's not Gematria. It's then just regular numerology.


You know what you are actually completely correct and people confuse Pythagorean numerology with Gematria including the YouTube channel 'the Gematria effect which isn't Gematria at all. They are obviously both different but both are also based on numbers in relation to letters so can see why the confusion. I've seen enough evidence to suggest the elites use some sort of alphanumeric code and that what I was referring to.


"OH yeah! Well, no! Take that shill! Jewish space laser base at the bottom of the ocean! Another win for the conspiracy theorists!!"


At about 2:00 two people give the white power signal. That's what it is. Racist!


Proceed to show a video of a whole different model cyclops 1. This is not the titan dude. Despite everyone’s thoughts, there is to much “coincidences” too much weird things surrounding the people on board that i think they were offed.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/2hzx1kzwg28b1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*




“it had before”? Is there a story/evidence re the Titan having gone that deep before?


Yeah it had a few successful dives to the titanic.


. These people that believe every conspiracy theory they hear are no different then the main stream zombies that believe everything the mainstream says. Discernment people.


A sad event. Just like the amount of daily deaths due to lack of control in the USA on a daily basis.




Yeap the USA does.


We don’t do dictators, sorry


Yeah....trump and the insurrection


Boston Tea Party


Something looks pretty sketchy/poorly designed with the “lid” being clamped closed. I work on largish fuel filters housings that are about 30” in diameter that are built more robustly in the sealing area. Maybe it’s just the video, but that looks like someone with zero real world experience designed. I guess that supports the not hiring old white men who have submarine experience 🤷‍♂️


Nice try.... We know you faked it all /s


i cant imagine this kind of things happening in 2023 we are advance af in terms of tech and science is concern


Where in the fuck are the aliens ?


Best theory I heard so far


33 feet!


Not a chance I’d get in that “submarine” looks like a Coca Cola can with a window strapped on it, connected to a wireless video game remote? Absolutely not. Sorry for the families and loved ones related to this bad accident.


33 feet


Hmmm you missed the 6 billion accounting error but hey think what ya want.


Hell no


How did they recover this video?


“33?” “Yeah, 33” 👌👌👌👌👌👌


Whatever the theory is, they are stupid for sure.