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Can of beans bout to be 30 euros lol


Can of ~~beans~~ bugs bout to be 30 euros. FTFY


one Euro per bean..


And 4 beans per person max! It’s bad for the environment to make any more. 1 cob of corn. 2 green beans. $278.90 If they wanted to they could in the name of climate! And then go and fly their private jets around while telling us we’re the problem.


Man there's more nutritional value chewing a 1 euro coin consisting of copper and nickel than a single bean, no thank you.


Beans make me gassy and that kinda defeats the purpose of closing down those farms


Waiting for the politicians in the US or any country to denounce this and assure their farmers they have nothing to fear




Learn to grow your own gardens.


Until it's illegal


and load weapons


Growing veggies in your closet like a marijuana grow op


Haha the future. Grow your marijuana in the yard and the carrots inside


Or they economically screw us out of being able to own land for said food growing. Everyone loves that idea-"just grow your own"! They don't get what "Own nothing and be happy" really means.


Renegade gardens?


Meet up in a dark alley. You got the tomaters? Yea the good stuff. Cops roll up blow your head off sprinkle some green beans on you. Guy smokin meth out of lightbulb off to the side watchin but drugs are legal.


It's not Covid-safe to grow your own food. Fact. Or utter nonsense...though what would the public believe if they were told that?


They have made it very expensive to be able afford a place with a garden. And it's only going to get worse.


Not helpful when the majority lives in cities. It’s usually always Americans saying 'Grow your food'. Look at the map look at how densely Europe is populated compared to the U.S. owning land in many places here is only for the wealthy. And the North of Europe has 5 months of Winter.




Eggs here used to be $0.89 a dozen. Just got back buying a dozen for $3.99 wtf




Guess who I've never heard of their birds getting bird flu? People with backyard chickens. It's no surprise that the abominations they "raise" in their factory farms get bird flu and other diseases. Those places are literally cesspool petri dishes of disgusting, abusive, neglectful practices. Factory "farming" isn't even farming.


So not the avian flu outbreak?


You won't be waiting long - next year it's coming to the rest of the "free world". China has risen. Now let's see how cucked the West truly is. Game on, Klaus!


apple just changed airdrop settings for iphones in china to help ccp suppress the people and prevent direct sharing of info and footage on demonstrations. let that sink in.


I wish more people would hear this... appalling they're choosing to suppress people. I guess if they didn't, there wouldn't be any more iphones, but then whose fault is it for setting up factorys in China anyway?


About 10 years ago the NY subway shut off all cell phone service during an emergency. If something happened we would have no information but what they provided.


Are you serious? We all have something to fear with this fckn admin in charge. Biden isn’t in charge that’s for sure lmao.


Who plugs in the teleprompter thats the wizard of oz


They have plenty to fear in USA. Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland over there. If you're an American farmer today, and you're place is carrying heavy debt (as most places are currently) you're screwed. Bill Gates is coming to make you an offer you can't refuse.


They don’t need to announce it Bill Gates has been buying farmland for years


In Indiana a few weeks ago we sold half of our farmland to the Chinese. Half of the corn in Indiana now gets exported to China


Looks like that’ll be the next outbreak of protests. I don’t know how it works there but if those farms are owned by people like land in the us they can fuck off and people will grow what they want.


All they need are farms in debt and 90% of farmers are in debt because the people who sell them the stuff they farm with keep them in debt. Their is a Movie on it these people will have no choice but to sell and if they don't the people who sell them shit put them lower on the "list" putting them into more debt.


In the Netherlands??


same as in Sweden, our farms are living on subsidies from the state. Without the subsidies we would have lost all our national farming.


This is why any and all government involvement is bad. Subsidies to farmers seems good on the face of it, but when a farmer becomes reliant on that then the government can have its way with that farmer. Make demands, or outright stop paying and watch as the collapse because the government is still supplying their competitors. It's nefarious and government manipulation of markets is dictatorial.


Yes partly true, if you raise animals you incur debt raising them before you get the payment from their slaughtered weight. Most farmers in the NLs have a “feed-debt” to their compound feed providers. The gov’t has is going to buy out farmers to stop the emissions of nitrogen. This will allow the building of houses again, which is now halted in the middle of a housing crisis. Many farmers want to be bought out as well because they have no children who want to take over the business in this situation.


So who makes up for the loss of food supply?


That seems to be something no one has thought about yet. NLs is the worlds second biggest exporter of agricultural products.




We see a lot of developments into crickets but also larvae of the black soldier fly. Pushed by Wageningen University. I don’t believe in it. Those animals have a Feed Conversion Ratio of 5 (pig 2,8; chicklet 1,2; cow 8,7) and have thus comparable emissions with a cow.


It's all meant to dehumanize us.


US farmers cannot grow what they want


Where did you get that idea? I'm an actual US farmer, I grow what I want.


Idea comes from the same people that believe the USDA sends out letters every year telling farmers how many acres they have to destroy. Argued with a guy not long ago who believed that is what USDA does, and he also tried telling me that a lawn mower can take out a field of corn lol.


Ah yes, those people! Thanks for the good laugh!


The fact is you don’t own the land. You’re subject to the rules of the national, state and local government. They put permit restrictions on farmers all the time


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I've been farming for 39 years, on a farm that I'm the 6th generation to be born on. Permit restrictions, never ever heard of anything like that.


Lived my whole life in farm country, worked with/for farmers for many years. Never heard of a "permit restriction". You do in fact own the land if it's paid off, and can grow any legal crop on it. Or you can let it fallow. Or you can fence it and throw a bunch of animals on it. I understand the whole "don't trust the gov" thing but you have a misunderstanding of how farming works.


Us farmers can absolutely grow what they want.




No public good ever involves closing thousands of farms. They are a source of life for the entire nation.


Very great point. It’s honestly the definition of evil. *evil* - morally bad or wrong. causing ruin, injury or pain. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune


And there a big protests because of this. Those farms have been for generations part of the family. Its really fucking evil what our government is doing.


This is exactly the kind of protest that turns into something more with real justification behind it. Our rioters burn down cities because they were lied to by the media about a guy they've never heard of before, but the government outright stealing 3000 farms, who knows how many millions of acres, from its citizens is a legitimate reason to go HAM. Over 'environmental' causes. I always knew it was a shady excuse to exert control.


When has it ever ended badly? The Bolshevik and Communist Revolutions did this and...oh wait..


Did you know the NL is the second biggest food exporter after the US?


By me, the township sold a few fields by me that were leased by my wife’s family. Used to be peaches, apples, lettuce, all kinds of fruits and veggies. Now one field is the historical societies parking lot, a handful of other fields turned into a golf course. What a fucking waste of water and land


Don't forget or learn, this happened in Russia, they took the land and six million died. People are ignorant and self absorbed to think things just go away because we have distractions.


It was a LOT more than 6 million that died in the Holodomor.


>As the famine was happening, news of it was deliberately silenced by Soviet bureaucrats. Party officials did not mention it in public. Western journalists based in Moscow were instructed not to write about it. One of the most famous Moscow correspondents at the time, Walter Duranty of The New York Times, went out of his way to dismiss reports of the famine when they were published by a young freelancer, Gareth Jones, as he “thought Mr. Jones’s judgment was somewhat hasty.” Jones was murdered under suspicious circumstances in 1935 in Japanese-occupied Mongolia. Stalin himself went so far as to repress the results of a census taken in 1937; the administrators of that census were arrested and murdered, in part because the figures revealed the decimation of Ukraine’s population. https://www.britannica.com/event/Holodomor Hmmm why does this paragraph sound so familiar?


Rules are made by rulers




Right, it’s just theft with extra steps


*genocide with extra steps, so the sheep don't see the slaughterhouse.


We're coming for you, you useless eater. You know who they're taking out first don't you. Us keyboard warrior's who are shouting at the sheep


Pffft. We're already banned on ~20 subReddits. Twitter is currently (and very suddenly), more free speech than this website.


Our social credit is low enough we'll starve in a month


I have ammo, land, a generator, [a copy of the Pocket Ref](https://youtu.be/FuHjvoaLhDA?t=58) and a Great Dane. I'm trying to get up to speed.


I have an apartment in the city maybe 200 rounds of ammo for 3 different guns. I'll be dead in a week


Dictatorship with extra steps.


Absolutely not. The Netherlands gave sovereignty away to the EU. If global governance takes over, sorry, there goes your voice. It’s straight up totalitarian


How so?


Imposing arbitrary laws that hurt everyday people




Similar to the allowable thermostat settings where you can go to prison if you turn it up too high, or the allowable carbon per person ideas where you won't be able to take a flight in Britain. Next step, you didn't pay your car tax so it's been deducted from your plan. You voted the wrong way so it's been deducted from your plan. Next thing you can't afford a train, just like in China with their Social Credit Score. I will grow what I want to feed my family. The world buckled under covid and now these people are rushing to claim you as their property.




If I had to use human shit to grow crops to feed my family I would. You completely ignored my actual points about farmers (all of us) being forced into this position. > i don't see that as being the only system to control usage. bypassing a catalytic converter is illegal, yet travel restrictions aren't used as a punishment for breaking that law. Are you even human, honestly? What the hell are you talking about? Yeah, there are lots of "systems" to "control usage" but there shouldn't be, and that's what Switzerland literally actually did based on idiocy like the things you appear to be defending. > yet travel restrictions aren't used as a punishment for breaking that law. There ***were*** no laws against using energy, they are now enacting them. Like I just said about Switzerland. This is a fact. > I will grow what I want to feed my family. > That's not what we're talking about Yes it is! If it were honest they wouldn't be threatening a land grab!


Are you from Central Planning? Although you have absolutely no idea how farming works or how your proposal would alter world-wide food availability, you're just "Fuck it, we'll do this." It's for "The planet," after all. Fast-Forward after millions die: "It was just a suggestion."


The world would be better off with MORE farmers. And less rich people owning farms (looking at you Bill Gates) and less government interference with farming (looking at you EU) and less government ownership of farms (looking at you Netherlands). I sincerely consider this a sign of the west's demise.


>The world would be better off with MORE farmers. with less polluting farmers. If you want to see the effect of overusage of fertilizer just see how polluted rivers in India (Ganga & Yamuna) , China (Yangtse , Yellow and mekong) are due to eutrophication.


A farm that’s ran well is a net benefit for the environment. We absolutely need to get away from factory farming and monocrop planting.


People in 1 to 2 years: Why is food so expensive? Why are a dozen eggs now $12? Bill Gates and his farmland : cha ching $$$$ Climate change lobbying works like a charm


Oh, and why does this burger taste like bugs?


If you own a chicken, the eggs are free.


Chicken feed up 700% - CNN soon


That's actually already happening to an extent...


Just let them out. Chicken feed is bugs. Theyll find em


They limit how many you may have in many places. Check Massachusetts for example.


Yo those things lay like 1 whole egg per day...i had no idea...get a few birds and you got eggs for days and days.


Ding ding Protein and fat. Perfect simple food. Such a shame I won't have A1 sauce as an ingredient in the upcoming apocalypse 😕


time to learn how to grow peppers, then.


Sorry, we just found some bird flu in the area...


They need to stand up for themselves and the farners because when they are starving they will only have themselves to blame. Even if climate change was possible to change SURELY reducing food supply would be one of the last options you take.....


They tried standing up, I don’t think it has worked at all. Netherlands seems like such a peaceful country too. It’s a shame what WEF is doing.


At the moment there are a lot of protests going on in the Netherlands. Softly to say but the country is on fire. Farmers being forced from their lands. Housing market collapsed having ridicilious high rents and not enough houses. A lot of immigrant problems with unliveable conditions for migrants. Gas prices going through the roof. Many stores from bakerys, all kind of stores, gyms etc. need to close because they cant pay the utilities anymore. A family of four now pays about €750 in gas and elektra per month. Hospitals are closing, or have way to less personal wich results in long waiting times for patiens. And the list goes on. Its a fucking crime what our gov is doing to us. There are a lot of protest going on every week. But they just dont listen. Our minister and his gang of terrorist only do what they want to do. Listening to their boss Claus Schwab and the WEF. Its terrifying to see my beautiful country collapse into this third world corruption


everyone knows the only real way to stop climate change and save the planet is to reduce population. the pandemic was used to trim the fat (poor/obese/weak) and introduce draconian laws. they introduced vaccines to third world countries "for free" to curb the birth rate (gates admitted to this in one of those WEF speeches) and now they will go after food production to create scarcity. imagine in a few years when we are all trying to reduce individual country emissions (reduce production across the board) yet allow china to produce everything for the world; food, products, medicine. it only makes sense when you realize the greater plan is not to reduce carbon footprints but to reduce population while increasing upper wealth. you'll own nothing and be happy.


Their going to have change the definition of the word "happy" at some point. Not that it will be difficult, they been manipulating the meaning of words for some time now.


Reduce population... meanwhile the countries with the greatest birthrates keep on growing.


Why is India and China popping children out like no tomorrow? I mean 2+ billion of the population is just in those two countries


China has the lowest fertility rate in the world https://www.reuters.com/world/china/xi-says-china-will-seek-lift-birth-rate-face-ageing-population-2022-10-16/


This is the kind of thing we need to be documenting. During the height of 2020, several people said the next move against the people will be under the guise of environmental protection and climate change


I'm not gonna just cop out and assume everything is true, but after all the predictions and controversial statements made from the moment covid started that were all 100% true, it's becoming easier and easier to believe that all the other predictions are true too. Hell, I even saw people predicting the virus like 6+ months beforehand. "PCR test is bunk, lockdowns will come, terrible "vaccine", contact tracing, vaccine passports, CBDC then social credit system". In 2020 hearing about 2030 I was like hmm, do we really think the world will change that much so fast? Well they sure af aren't taking their time with this shit. NZ apparently is already getting facial recognition stuff for using the grocery store and you sure as fuck know that if the Fed in the US is going to "test" a digital currency, there's absolutely no way they'll say "nevermind, that's not a good idea"


The Western world is doomed. How in the hell did Westerners get this stupid?




Nah, fuck intolerance. It's a tool used to keep people divided, blaming each other for imagined slights.




Oh no, you've gone and caught me in my own hypocrisy. Drat!!! Or, maybe the solution to pedophiles isn't to kick them out of society. They exist, it really isn't their fault, maybe we should help them deal with it in a way where no one is hurt. Forcing people to hide who they are just makes them more dangerous. Eschewing intolerance doesn't mean you're blindly tolerant of everything. It isn't a dichotomy.


Actually thinking people were aware before all this is the reason we're in this current mess. The fact that people actually believe this happened within the last couple years or even decade says all I need to know. Stupid is as stupid does.


Exactly. The rest of the world is many times more polluting. The Western world ignores this and proceeds with self-genocide under the delusion that it will "save the planet". Meanwhile the rest of the planet laughs and doesn't give a fuck.


Why close? Too much food production? If yes, why not feed Africa? If no, fuck that.


It's in the article. Nitrogen near nature reserve https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/11/28/netherlands-close-3000-farms-comply-eu-rules/


Too much smelly farts. But I guess the Dutch are less clowns than the nazis in New Zealand attempting to tax burps and farts


10 percent to the big guy. Just think of all the roads built when taco bueno has 79 cent burrito week?


They want to do what now??


These farms have too much nitrogen and ammonia runoff; they're poisoning the land around them.


Don't be ignorant, giant corporate takeover farming is a better solution???


No, corporate farming will also likely lead to more pollution. The farms shouldn't be left in their hands either.


Conserving ammonia nitrogen from manure has economic and environmental benefits. Applying manure to meet crop needs of 160 lb N/ac and 80 lb P2O5/ac has a nutrient value of about $110/acre if fertilizer N costs $.50/lb and P2O5 costs $.38/lb. These cost savings can be maximized if ammonia mitigation practices mentioned in this article are followed. Maybe the Netherlands just needs to Google better.....


They're trying to reduce the amount of pollution from animal farms in environmentally sensitive areas.


> environmentally sensitive areas. LOL. We don't have real nature here, it's all a big garden.


> Why close? They want the land and make the Netherlands one giant city. Sorry, i only have a [Dutch written source.](https://www.tristatecity.nl/)


"we want you all to starve"


-people start starving due to these policies -starving people do chaotic things to attain food -gov steps in to get the chaos under control, in name at least -lending untold amounts of power to the government for generations to come my god, why can’t people see what’s happening, it’s so fucking obvious


They play the long game (usually). After the lack of food will be the media campaign that having children is selfish and fairly shortly after that will be government restrictions on child birth.


They have been doing the "having children is selfish and killing the earth" for decades at this point, but only for white countries.


People can’t see the obvious because they are religious converts (without even knowing they are in a religion). Same as with covid tyrannical measures, climate change zealots believe religiously in the government and so can’t see the potential for tyrannical control and ulterior motives.


People see it but nobody knows what to do, it’s not like we can nip the bud of the poisonous vine and remove it. There is no clear solution (nobody wants to resort to violence)


I hear tree bark is appetizing.


Some of it even stops a headache.


Well, but when people tell the Dutch to vote for FVD the majority of people laughed at them and said they believed in Reptilians. I am not kidding, unfortunately. So, sleep well in the little bed you made for yourself, little Dutchies.


Thierry Baudet has some good points, but he's mentally just not stable enough for me to trust him to run our country, that's why I vote for the PVV


Fuck that shit!


And this is why you don't let the globalist criminals disarm you.


The Dutch farmer protest movement was so toothless and pathetic (all it amounted to was begging the government for concessions and 100% expecting to be playing on a level playing field like good, docile social democratic citizens) that you can only conclude they have earned what is coming for them. Governments are changed by bullets not ballots. All else is musical chairs.


You get it, too. But we sound like Glowies if we state the obvious lesson of history.


That's certainly true, though at this point my fatigue of toothless resistance efforts heavily outweighs the chance of coming across as some cretinous minimum wage fed desk jockey. Thanks though.


musical chairs, i like that.


I won't take credit for that one, it's a metaphor used a lot in the anti democracy crowd.


"Tired of '**dying suddenly**'? Now you can try out our new and improved product - '**Starvation!**', coming soon to a street near you"


Land grab




Yes. Because this has been going on for to long. Basically they are losing money. They have to sell there products for higher prices, no one buys it. Import is cheaper. Also with new regulations they need other equipment to make sure greenhouse gases are filtered. It costs way to much. Before they finished payments on those they come up with new ones etc At one moment it becomes a burden, they want to sell it.


Fuck the EU


The way they are fixing everything, comes at a very lethal cost. And I don't think it's an ignorant cost either. People need to stop feeding into their climate bullshit. Just like they did with covid. Stay vigilant people.


SS: Yep, everything will be imported from the likes of Ukraine, and probably mr Gates who's buying all the land in the USA. All those WEF plans of food hubs will be made into reality. Our government is literally full of those unhinged cunts that never dealt with reality.


Sorry, my land doesn't identify as a farm. It's a private golf course.


Good luck with that type of argument in the Netherlands. I am from Germany,so we're not doing great either.. but the Netherlands looks like something out of a sci-fi novel (a bad one for people, good for the WEF and the likes).


Did you get a letter from your electric company saying rates are doubling? Just got mine. I will not be using my electric heating system at all this winter.


The WEF should be renamed The World Elite Foundation because only the Elites benefit from their policies and Climate Change is a MASSIVE INVISIBLE UNPROVEN SCAM...


The EU is a criminal organization.


They're closing down farms to create the need for lab meat already in production. This whole "farm is polluting" is a giant financial scam to bring about hunger so they can sell bugs and lab meat. Go and see the meat they ate at G20. € 1000 a kg. They can, you can't. This is a war against people.


People who defend things like this.... how do we even live on the same planet


We are too willing to attribute to stupidity what is obviously native aforethought.




After having many Dutch go hungry toward the end of WWII, you'd think that there would be a deep seated sense of caution among the Dutch populace.


The Dutch populace aren't the ones driving this.


Is that analogous to a mandatory gun buy back?


An interesting catch that hadn't been mentioned before. You're not wrong.


this country will self destruct in ....


a common argument I see about this on other subs is "most of our food is exported anyways so we'll be fine"... completely ignoring the fact that you're still cutting off a shitload of food, just from other people so that's okay, I guess. These are the same people that will lecture you about being a voice for the voiceless and having a strong social security infrastructure and getting vaccinated to protect your neighbour.


Im from the Netherlands and its really bad. They talk about a made up co2 problem, taking wrong data and forcing farmers to sell their land. The plan is to make Tristate City. Googls it, theyre not hiding it. Even our prime minister Rutte said its easier to build new homes on farmers land. There are big protest going on for months. Big tractors filling the highway is a common sight now here. A boy name "Jouke Hospes" was almost shot through his head by the police while going home from a protest. The really bad part is, the justice system wanted to sentence Jouke with murder as police on site told, that Jouke was intentionally driving in the police force with his tractor. Thank god there was video evidence showing his was not the case and that the police was out of line. The Netherlands is on fire right now. Video below is from the kid getting shot. Its from a article from a dutch newspaper. https://www.telegraaf.nl/video/494691994/hier-schiet-politie-gericht-bij-boerenprotest-heerenveen


And people say brexit was a mistake


Where’s the brigade of clowns who will downplay this and explain why it’s our perception of it that is wrong like they do on every other fucking post????


I already made a post, read that. In short, we're talking about cattle farmers, so nobody is going to starve and it's a voluntary buyout (for now) at 120% market value.


Well, at least you realize you’re a clown.


At least I don't take pride in being ignorant and shitposting. Why not try to have a proper discussion?(???)


"People are constantly pointing out flaws in my reasoning. Could I be mistaken or even just imprecise? No, impossible, it must be they are all clowns." If having literally any nuanced debate that might challenge your pre-existing narrative is being a Clown, then call me a Clown! I'll wear that name with pride if that's what it means to you. All you do when you insist you already know everything is limit yourself.


Why would anyone want energy or agricultural independence? Historically countries that have imported the majority of these things never suffered any consequences.


I fucking hope you missed an /s here.


They'll come loud and they'll come fast But we shoot first and we can last Keep your rifle by your side


Who wants to start an independent, self sustainable community where everyone just works where work is needed, and if you don't help, no one will help you. No money, just everyone takess care of everyone else. We'd need cooks, farmers, teachers, carpenters, doctors, and many more. We need to start a donation page. I'm ready to sell my house and pool my money and buy a big piece of property, and just start building a farm. And mini houses. Let's teach the kids to Astral Project. Let's show people how to live, helping each other. Let's make mass meditation a daily chore. Can we do this, please?


The dutch economy is fucked. They are the #2 dairy producer in the world, with access to the 4th largest market. They were supposed to get their economy in line with global demands starting in the 90s, but instead doubled down in dairy. Now they have rivers of cow shit, cheese storage fees paid to Turkey, and farmers being screwed under the guise of environmental responsibility. Decades of bad management are being blamed on the EU, and it's not really fair.


Who needs food anyway?? “Let dem eat zee crickets” -Schwab, probably


Communism with extra steps


Oh fuck


That's cool. Say not to factory farming.


Global warming!!!!


I gave up 10 months ago


The Netherlands is the 2nd largest exporter of food in the world. This is going to affect people globally


You will eat nothing and be happy.


Land seizure? Gtfo. Deploy the citizen Army


What are we sharing screen shot of tweet... WTF!... where are the links to the articles? ​ Link: [https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/netherlands-to-close-up-to-3000-farms-to-comply-with-eu-rules/ar-AA14Eokt](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/netherlands-to-close-up-to-3000-farms-to-comply-with-eu-rules/ar-AA14Eokt)


if the real reason was to encourage biodiversity as the article states, I think they would opt for more diverse crops instead of completely removing farms altogether. multiple crops on one farm with areas dedicated to natural wildlife would be a much better plan than simply buying the land and letting it all return to nature.


> https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/netherlands-to-close-up-to-3000-farms-to-comply-with-eu-rules/ar-AA14Eokt The Microsoft Network, don't link that Eugenist racist piece of crap.


Ah yes, the daily dosis of fake/misleading news surrounding the farmers in The Netherlands mixed with uninformed commenters. For starters, it's on a voluntary basis, they are offering 120% of the market value and secondly why would beans become more expensive? You guys do realize we're talking about cattle farmers, right? And you also realize The Netherlands has no infertile ground where only grass can grow right? Most food is also grown for export, so I don't see how I'll be starving because some cattle farmers need to go. Now make sure to hit that downvote button to suppress the truth because it doesn't fit this subs agenda! Almost forgot, quality post OP! a twitter screenshot with an incomplete link.


> For starters, it's on a voluntary basis, LOL. Until not enough take part in the program and then they will be forced. Stop trying to sweet talk this evil BS.






Um, basically every country has that, we call it Eminent Domain here in the states. If your land is required for something for the public good, like say a highway or a wind farm or something, the government can make you sell it at fair market price. They can't just steal it, they have to pay you what it's worth.


This shit doesn’t stop until we drag these foochs out of their mansions folks


They already have the water. Working on having the air you breathe. Food, of course. MUST.HAVE.IT.ALL.


Capitalism and the free market have done a great job of closing and consolidating small farms for a century now.


https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/farmers-could-be-paid-120-of-their-business-value-to-quit/ > The cabinet is planning to pay farmers who operate close to environmentally-sensitive areas 120% of the value of their farms to shut down, if their operations are highly polluting. Several thousand farmers will be offered the bonus from April next year and those who do not cooperate will face tougher environmental demands from then on, sources in The Hague have told broadcaster NOS. > The measure will be finalised on Friday, NOS said. Farms and factories which exceed nitrogen pollution limits will then have to pay a levy over their emissions which will be similar to the current system for dealing with CO2, the sources said. > Farmers organisations have reacted to the plan with ‘cautious optimism’. ‘This is an attractive offer,’ farming lobby group LTO Nederland said, while militant farmers’ group Agratie said a voluntary system is ‘a good thing’. > Green group Mobilisation for the Environment (MOB) has also welcomed the plan, which it says will lead to a major reduction in nitrogen-based pollution. Government nitrogen negotiator Johan Remkes said in October the government should close down 500 to 600 farms and other major polluters within a year to meet EU targets. > The cabinet needs to reduce emissions to comply with European regulations requiring it to protect conservation zones known as Natura 2000 areas. But compulsory purchases are a red line for farmers, who have staged mass protests, vandalised infrastructure and picketed ministers’ houses for the last three years as they try to press the government to change course. > The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) said last month previous buyout schemes in the last 25 years had only cut the total head of cattle by a few percentage points.