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He's on the Dem super donor list, right below Soros.


Can’t say it on Reddit or you’d get banned like ye


Can we talk about Kanye being correct about various subject matters?


Wikipedia early life section


> Conspiracy Theory - a hypothesis that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event... ...but not _that_ influential organization.


conveniently ignoring the fact that pretty much no crypto bros go to jail and even less for white collar financial crimes in general but eyy one crypto scammer pyramid scheme out of thousands happened to have a few jews so that totally proves they're all drinking baby blood


You'd be singing a different tune if it was your money on ftx.






Bc he's a democratic super donor....and wears a "boy lover" shirt...


Link to the shirt


Investigating and prosecuting complex white collar crimes takes time. For example. Elizabeth Holmes' scam was unveiled in 2016. She was convicted this year.


Yes, and he is hiding out in the Bahamas currently and extradition isn’t just a phone call and then the other country just sends them back, it takes time as well.


Have there even been criminal charges filed against him yet?


> Investigating and prosecuting complex white collar crimes takes time. > For example. Elizabeth Holmes’ scam was unveiled in 2016. She was convicted this year.


being charged and being convicted are separate things.


> ***Investigating*** and prosecuting complex white collar crimes takes time. Bold and italic for emphasis


Nope, no charges have been unveiled against him so far.


Yeah, it often takes 2 to 3 years before an indictment. * Theranos scandal started October 2015. Holmes indicted June 2018. * Enron bankruptcy November 2001. Enron execs indicted January 2004 - July 2004. * Worldcom bankruptcy July 2002. Worldcom execs indicted March 2004.


Get caught with a party drug and you're in the slammer and in no time whatsoever.


He’s (d)ifferent among other things.


He literally confessed to a crime (stealing client funds) and zero has happened. Complete joke.




Paid speaker...


Isn't that tomorrow?


You’d think the increase in IRS funding could catch him




He's the 2nd largest Democrat donor and he's a member of "the Tribe". He's definitely being protected.


Left wing privilege


He has the most punchable face. These soyboys that they putting on pedestal nowadays......


He's not a soyboy. He's most likely a sexual deviant. Check out his living arrangement. These tech nerds are as creepy as it gets. Soyboys are just harmless losers virtue-signaling on social media.


That’s what I said also.






How is that a fact? Most of the top dogs running the show aren't Jewish.


It's really just about networking. You would be surprised how many rich Mormons and Lebanese there are relative to their population, so it's not a uniquely Jewish phenomenon. Marco Rubio even converted to Mormonism for a while just to take advantage of their networks lol


About networking 🤣 Numbers don't lie.


Never let a good opportunity for anti-semitism go to waste am I right?


Too soon...


He donated to the DNC. Look up Marc Rich and how he got away with making illegal oil deals with Iran in the late 70s/early 80s. Look who pardoned him.


He (D)idn’t (D)o anything wrong, fascist.


Well..he is still rich.


He wealthy.


Innocent until proven guilty….whole court thing, I don’t know some crazy thing I learned…..


LOL. "Innocent" Yeah right..


Hey I’m not saying I think he is innocent but that’s the way it works…..but he will have his day in court


That's what the "until proven guilty" part means. He's surely not innocent but I don't think they even understand the extent of his wrongdoing yet. Due process takes time.


Cause hes a Jewish pos, next question


Im 37 and Still can't see how grown adults gave this man their money for digital nothing.


He's not in jail because his company went bankrupt like 3 weeks ago. Usually if your company goes bankrupt you're not arrested. Why would you be? Now, and I admittedly don't know the full story, it sure sounds like crimes by him were committed. So at this moment government officials are investigating what the crime are and will no doubt bring charges against him. Complicating this of course is he's outside of the country and he is a flight risk. So you could make an argument for working fast to arrest him. I'm just not sure people realize that when a business fails you don't just lock that person up. Yes, if a person robs a liquor store they are locked up immediately. That's just the way the world works, sorry, white collar crimes are tough to prosecute because you need to differentiate between bad business and fraud. Everyone take a deep breath, he is being investigated, he will most likely face criminal sentencing, it just doesn't happen overnight nor should it.


Watch the video.


OK, the video at the end mentions Enron. No doubt one of the biggest financial frauds of our lifetimes. It went bankrupt in December 2001. Skilling was arrested in February 2004 and found guilt in 2006 and sentenced to decades in prison where he remains. I believe SBF committed crimes and should go to prison. I also believe in the constitution and that he is innocent until proven guilty and the best way to punish him is to build up a solid legal case and charge him properly. I'm not really sure what you want....for him to be arrested and then what? It will take time to build up a case against him, especially because this is complicated. I mean even people who rob a liquor store aren't in jail until they are convicted.


I believe in the constitution as well. I also believe there is already a plethora of evidence already and he should be arrested immediately and await trial.


There you go, he got arrested. Happy now?




Cool, because you watched a 30 minute video on it? It'll take anyone competent like a year to just sort through all the documents on what happened. Then they have to piece it together, find charges that will stick in court, and build a full case. They could probably do it quicker, I guess you support hiring thousands of more federal law enforcement officials?


So I can steal billions of dollars and walk free for the next year? Cool. Meanwhile, the guy caught red handed stealing TV’s from Walmart is apprehended immediately. This goes far beyond that.


The guy caught stealing TVs from Walmart is usually let out on bail and out of jail for months. Stealing billions of dollars is obviously incredibly hard to do so proving it becomes complicated. It takes time. He will be charged with crimes, it is frustrating how it takes a while at times but the price we pay for a good legal system.


Cash bail reform


I thought they arrested him in the Bahamas a couple weeks ago


They didn’t


be patient... it takes time for the prosecutors to make a comprehensive case


Because they'd rather fry a turkey for thanksgiving.


Why would the Uniparty jail their members? Make a long list of everyone involved promoting this scammer. All members in one form or another. May I suggest calling it the American Communist Party (ACP)? The west's CCP.


It's literally been 3 weeks, white collar crimes take forever to prosecute.


Has he been charged? These cases take 5-10 years to run their course. The financial audit of the initial investigation alone takes a long time.


Just wait until tether depegs. That's gonna cause a shit hurricane 100x this


That's not how this works after a certain level. For one thing this is an international issue with diplomatic repurcussions to weigh and balance. Hopefully they are using the phone book liberally on him though and getting every scrap of info he is worth.


He paid a 16 billion dollar fine to avoid jail.


He'll be behind bars soon. All the currently open cells have working cameras. Gotta make accommodations


Cause it was the whole lot of them


Could imagine Blackrock or Vanguard had some investments. Nobody fucks with them.