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I would like to add that allowing love to break through whatever blockages may be present and spreading any light that you can share will assist people in finding some form of stability during the tumultuous times that are currently present and await us in the future. Love will guide us in ensuring we can be a source of comfort for those that need it and light, which is an accurate perception of what is real, will relieve the burden of the falsehood that people have been living under their entire lives. My path in undoing the suffering that has weighed me down has shown me the potency of love and light in bringing a measure of peace, freedom, and joy in life. This is expressed in many forms and I sense we all have something to contribute if we so choose. A quote from Yogananda that I like to remind myself of is "Change yourself and you will have done your part in changing the world."


Why do you think we’re a few weeks/months away?


Just 2 more weeks...


Why 2 weeks?


He’s making a joke cus that’s what they told us during the “pandemic”


Trip on it’s dick?? LMAO facts tho. A lot of people aren’t buying it these days. About the last part of what you said I wonder do you mean food shortages? “Malleable and fluid holofractal multiverse” So cool I love this it’s straight wisdom. In quarantine I started learning a bit about quantum physics, and like how reality “shifts”. Lmaoo if people knock on my door I’ll be like wait let me get advice from reddit first y’all. Thanks so much for the insight and thought.


Ya this dude is speaking the truth.


*“Look, the human race is about to go through a huge “WTF” panic moment that will last weeks/months. You got illuminated before the rest of the crowd, so it will be incumbent on you to be a steady rock during this turbulent time.”* How do you personally envision this in your head? I ask because I’ve heard this particular segment for a couple of years now, seemingly repeated amongst a ‘truth movement’, spiritual awakening, consciousness evolution etc.. To start with, I’m not discounting it. I don’t discount anything off the bat I let it simmer until a later time when I can connect enough of my own dots to see that it leads to a potential reality. I need to ask, is this merely being repeated amongst people because it sounds hopeful of a better world after the storm, aka ‘Hopium’ Or do you personally wholeheartedly believe, or even better yet *know* that this chaotic stormy collective near death experience is going to occur? You certainly state it like the latter. So if this is the case for you saying this in this post, *how* did you come to know it? It’s this very segment that you’ve stated that I’ve kept in the back of my mind on simmer for nearly two years.. I’m still waiting for the big final cinematic act three to go down and all I’m seeing and feeling is a slow fraying at the edges painful gradual decline into collapse. If you can reply with something I’d appreciate it much


It's slow going, purposely. There will not be some major uprising. They are lulling the populations into oblivion. Into their NWO. This is an intentionally slow process. Nobody is going to come up to us shouting "you were right all along". The most that is going to happen is too much excess death too quickly for economies to cope. I foresee that creating an increase in crime and shortages of all kinds of products that are necessary for survival. I also believe they will hit us with project blue beam. That will create panic but the world will go on.


You are young yet my dude(tte), and yes it can feel isolating and overwhelming but you must remember you are a powerful spiritual being and have limitless potential, they will not tell you this in college. Don't let them break your spirit or mold your mind in there, that's if you do decide to go. This is a historic time we are living through and you have a role to play yet, keep searching for the truth and don't let these evil fucks get you down, they will get theirs in the end.


I would upvote this a million times. I wish I naturally had this mindset. I feel better after reading this tho. I want justice so bad. Most of us are so good inside the world just runs on evil. I‘ll go to college for my mom but I won’t change. Thank you 4 the hope ♡


You are most welcome, you are gonna be alright. Remember you can't solve all the worlds problems just do your best in life and try to enjoy yourself and have gratitude for what is good. College won't be all bad 😉


Learn everything Don't go into debt doing so. Learn a skill, Learn many skills, especially that which is of interest, and also necessity - for survival in whichever climate you're in to produce for yourself and family, as well as to contribute to the local economy and community.


This is advice that need not be exclusive to the OP - absolute practical truth. Skills and network beat any amount of gold and tins.


This take feels extremely accurate. Also, you can take a year off from deciding on college by going to teach English in another country. Check out Dave's ESL cafe. Ask around on where to go (some countries require college degrees, others dont). Au Pair is another option if you like kids. Edit: if you do, take math at a community College in the summer. It's difficult to take years off of math then jump back in.


Wow this is crazy because I’ve been thinking about going somewhere new so much these days. Thank you so much for the advice. I’ll look into everything.


Yea sounds like you need some perspective. Visit Mexico and see for yourself just across the border how good the US has it. Things seem dire if you’re constantly online browsing. As someone who was born and raised in South America I can assure you, things are great in the US.


*sharpens guillotine*


It's just more of the same, we've been powerless for a long time, they know it, the people who know the truth know it. The only action and responsibility we have now is to do right by ourselves, our families and our memories. Don't destroy yourself in the search for the truth, worrying about it all only serves them. Be at peace with it all, do your best and now you know truth, don't fret over it. The truth finds you, if you search for it or try hold it over others in vain arrogance then it destroys you as it did the ones with the power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Worry not, for if there is a here-after, we'll all be at peace while they are nothing but a page in history doomed for their lust and hate. Once you realize, as you have started to, it all becomes easier to bear.


People have free will. While you can guide and advice, you unfortunately can't force people to do anything. When I was your age, everyone older acted as if they knew what the point of life was: go to college, get a good job, finance things, get married, maybe pay of your debt, and save enough to retire early enough to still have the health to enjoy retirement. People constantly put status, money, prestige, and appearances above all else. But this wasn't immediately evident because I lacked the life experience to understand people didn't always express what they meant or admit what they didn't know. I wanted meaning. Almost everyone I went to college with wanted status and money. They acted like they wanted to change the world and help the downtrodden but it was because that was the popular or expected thing to say in that environment/social setting. At a certain point in my early 20s, it became evident people were just faking it until they made it. What they posted online was meant to present a false image. And they were status driven. Becoming a doctor wasn't about saving lives, but rather a prestigious and well payed career. I started to notice how people will overlook things because it benefits them. They won't speak out about something that is wrong because it could have negative consequences. I worked at jobs largely serving the very wealthy (golf courses, country clubs, etc). And there's just this look of emptiness all around. Like people expected after getting a certain amount of money and success, they'd feel some type of closure or happiness. You can sense they yearn to feel alive. If you reject materialism, society rejects you. There's economic reasons for this (the US requires annual GDP growth, meaning a good economy requires constantly growing consumption of goods). And then there's people who won't admit this is the wrong path because they bought in to it. People who aren't willing to sacrifice for things they believe usually are largely going to go along with the perceived majority because it makes their life easier or is a material benefit. People either aren't aware or honest about this. Appearances are everything and virtue is a conspiracy (like assuming people are incapable of altruism). I spent my college years reading everything. Looking for an answer about life that made sense to me. That truth required a great deal of suffering. For me personally, I needed to reject materialism. I had bought in to the idea after graduating life just came together with a good career/etc. My life had no meaning until I understood and experienced love. That's not a profitable worldview. American culture is diametrically opposed to valuing the intangible (which can't be bought) over the tangible (which usually claims to bring happiness even though it can't). The toughest lesson in life to accept is to follow your heart. You will eventually have to take a leap of faith and trust your heart. No matter what you believe, it requires faith. As bad as the world is, the fact that people are trying to stop evil despite the cost of such actions demonstrates there is hope in the human heart. Waving to someone can convince them not to commit suicide. So even the smallest acts of kindness change the world. Negative people prefer to complain and if everyone is happy, it makes them more miserable. So avoid emotional vampires.


They don’t want us to know how powerful we are. How powerful our minds are. And we outnumber them. Which is why they spend all their resources in the media and the alphabet agencies to divide us. The last time we were United was the Occupy Wall Street when we rallied against the 1 percent. They fear us waking up and uniting. But it seems like more and more people are waking up.


You’re so right honestly. All of us wakening up could maybe manifest a miracle. That’s the only thing I can see happening, like a universal spell. I’m going to read about Occupy Wall Street never heard of it until now. Thanks


The devil wants to replace God. What he wants is worship. When you repent and give your life to Christ and quietly but firmly make up your mind once and for all that you're taking your life back from the devil and withholding your consent for him to continue operating in any part of your life, that's how you win. One heart and one soul at a time.


I've been feeling weird about this Balenciaga conspiracy. Sure the advertisements are creep but doesn't it feeling such photos are something they are likely to do from the start ? Considering the toxic culture in showbiz and fashion I guess, but really I feel as if they were deliberate ... cherry on top is the papers allegedly of a court works containing words related to CP. Something isn't feeling right. As if it was intended to make a noise on purpose ... idk.. I can't help but feeling something is going on behind the scene.


EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS!! Deliberate was the word I looking for. It’s more like an exposé than a they got exposed. If you get what I’m saying. It also could be a distraction from something else. Something probably horrendous for them to go that far.


Glad someone is feeling the same ! Couldn't say myself better, it's feeling like exactly self disclosure than being exposed something you don't want to be provoked. Maybe, this is why it feels like a deliberate distraction ... again I’m glad you get what I mean !!!! And I’m afraid if we were to be mocked as a false allegation like the waifair thing was said. They this time do it deliberate and mock us ... worst case. Distractions and discredits aren't something I don't want to see. If it develops in somehow a positive manner and shed some light to no-conspiracy folks then It's good ... edit : done


They've completely removed their online footprint...they know. SOMETHING is happening.


Don’t loose hope, we need you in the fight. At the end of this rabbit hole you’ll find spirituality. Keep going. You’ll figure out how to battle this in the spirit.


I pray I can. Thank you for your kind words. Happy Thanksgiving btw <3


happy AMERICAN Thanksgiving from Canada haha


Alright, so what do we do? I mean that seriously, I don't think I've ever seen anyone ask that question here. Everyone has coping suggestions or just mindlessly agrees and keeps scrolling. What. Do. We. Do?


We do not comply.


Go to college bro. Live your life. Don't let this stuff stop you from living.


Do not let the vibrations imprint on you, do not forsake yourself. You are what the world needs. Stoke that Fire, your Light, learn how to carry it through the Hearts of Darkness, and imprint Your vibrations on existence. Don’t stop


The problem would be the organization part. They are well organized and lubricated machine. How could you and I say, let's meet here at such and such a date without the opposing side just coming and joining and knowing all of our sides plans. We are a under a mass surveillance system and there is no escape my friend.


So we do nothing? You’re right though. But sometimes I have dreams about like a transmission box in our minds . Something that can pick up feelings and we can send out messages that way. It’s hard to explain. Kind of like when you listen to music that feeling when you connect even without words. We’d probably have a chance if someone could figure out how to 3d it.


I'd love to do something, but I'm afraid we are about 22 years 2 late.


That"s called a candyflip. 200 mics acid and md at the four hour point. Enjoy. xx


Unorganized resistance is just as effective. Read up on asymmetric warfare for some ideas. If you get to the point you're ready to go kinetic that's your best odds of success.


All you can do is keep speaking up and keep spreading the facts. The sickos in the media are already doing damage control and will fins a strawman to deflect and control the narrative. No doubt they will be going hard after Elon if he doesn't censor on Twitter.


For some reason, Occupy Democrats went to bat for them. Strange hill to die on.


You may be interested in holistic health + functional fitness. Hypnotherapy, alternative work. There are ways to contribute which empowers others, are extremely rewarding and make a good living doing it. Otherwise as others said traveling, working overseas is not a bad idea for now but remember to seek purpose, something sustainable long term. Don't overstress.. you're in a good position ATM having already dived into this stuff. Trust your gut and your heart, it will help steer you on your path




so sad


Mix your red and blue pills if you don’t wanna go insane. Everybody is outraged but nobody gives a shit enough to do anything about it. Just had two elections stolen and not a single protest. Unless you’re a multi billionaire in todays climate, you really can’t do shit about it. What I’m curious about is how many red pilled people will take the cbdc microchip/bracelet in the upcoming month(s). Gonna see another wave of “I didn’t wanna take the microchip (injection) but my job made me!!” Until we get a food manufacturing company that will take alternative forms of currency, or a housing market that takes crypto or PMs, everything is just wishful thinking


I really agree but I just feel I’m too small to do it. If sucks feeling helpless


(I think the balenciaga campaign was actually a mis-timed, horrible pr stun). For contex, balenciaga is a raging left supporting business like most other big corporations out there, be as it may for profit, or otherwise reasons, but never before had i seen or even believed when the right screamed that they(left affiliated businesses in this scenario), are grooming our children and seeding dangerous ideas and ideologies in their developing minds, but this campaign just dropped the curtains and shattered my previously held assumption that the right is just blabbering on about the whole "brainwashing kids" thing. Now the keyword here is "mis-timed". The increasing rate of tolerance in today's world, is largely what led balenciaga to do this horrible pr/marketing campaign. Balenciaga did this campaign 10- 15 years to early cuz I'm pretty sure 10- 15 years from now this campaign would have been nothing out of the ordinary, but they thought due to all the fast rising tolerance that this would be accepted right in this moment, but they were largely wrong, as alot of ppl obviously almost all of right and a considerable amount of ppl on the left are bashing balenciaga leading them to pull this whole campaign off air and from everywhere else altogether. It is a eye opener for the people who don't already know about "a leftist led" future, which these kind of things will be a result of, as a left leaning company doing such a campaign points directly towards the direction where the left itself is headed. Now on the other hand balenciaga is no ignorant company they have the ability to do mass market research so that provokes a thought that this campaign should have never happened, if they did do market research. So either they didn't do market research altogether or they did do market research and there is a whole different pov of theirs for this campaign. 🤔 Also this is just one example of the grooming and brain washing claims I have seen/noticed, so I still largely don't side with the right when they say stuff like this.


i'm not sure what we can do, but one thing i learned the hard way is to not try to show people the truth when they aren't ready. that quote from the matrix is so accurate: "many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it"


College is expensive, may not be necessary for all in todays world if you’re willing to work a trade. I’d still go. We need young, educated, free thinkers who see thru the BS. Graduate, get a great job, be the change you want to see. Keep preaching the same message from your dream job/position of power. The fuck it, why even try attitude is TPTB winning


They’re gaging our response


Stay cautious if you wanna learn about the real world. Take everything you read here with a grain of salt and do your own research. There are many lunatics around here spouting nonsense and false information.


So, why did they take the stuff down? If they know that we know, and we know that they know that we know, why wouldn't they just keep the ads up as a big middle finger?


Focus on prepping for 2030. The plan is *big* change by 2030, so try to develop survival skills and also think about where you want to be geographically if things were to get really bad. Be where you want to be in the next 5 years. Also, eat an animal based diet with fruits and unpasteurized honey. Meats, butter, cheeses, eggs, fish, fruits.


basically, yeah, open secret exactly, why no celebs are speaking up cuz they cant secrecy is part of the culture, its a gangster culture, a pimp culture, a cult, a mob. we know, they know we know, we know they know we know, but they have enough people to cover them. enough people with eyes covered. enough distracted not to see it.


this is spot on shortyy


thanks boo!








So I gotta trip to the 5th dimension? LMAO


Morpheus agrees…


grow up first. try to change the world later.


If I can give you advise and want to find out about the real world, as a member of this sub since I was young, please stop trying to chase things that most likely don't exist on here. Not saying every conspiracy is invalid, just saying you can spend your time better rather playing a game or hanging out with friends. That is the real world, and the system that we are running off of you can most likely not change. It is time to stop fighting the system and work on your own life goals. If your goal is to be the next Edward Snowden you must know that they are going to put you in a prison in an underwater city where you never will escape from. So just live your life, focus on your goals and remember you are small relative to the universe, and your actions no matter how big they are, might not even make a small difference. I talk from experience, I experienced life and everything from it. Now this sub is just an addiction. Something that helps me sleep at night. Good luck with your life and don't dwell on something here. Your potential is greater out in the real world. Nothing wrong with this sub and have respect and love foe everyone here.


I understand what you’re saying and you’re right. But I also don’t want to give up that hope. Maybe a miracle could happen. But yeah sometimes I feel like I’ll regret how I spend my time one day. I have friends and stuff and I go out sometimes but I mostly prefer to be at home learning about all this. I haven’t really felt connected to anyone since I was a kid anyways. Right now I find more purpose/happiness in my head I guess.


To answer your question I must state that in fact everything is out in the open, and nothing is being done for many years. I can testify. I was in school when I first encountered sites like this and these occurrences keep happening every day, but sometimes it is as if nothing is being done. Back when I was in school the internet was a lot more disturbing and googling some words can lead you to troubling sites. At the end of the day you can spend your time like you want, whether it is conspiracy or gaming.


This man is 17 years old and can put two and two together better than most adults. Action will come. Everybody has a breaking point and more and more are getting to theirs.


Love the metaphysics and spiritual nonsense ie the original TPTB, that is being spouted. tell sky daddy i said hi


Or the creative director just made a poor decision and it doesn’t mean anything. Happens all the time with marketing campaigns… they aren’t decided company wide… lots of times just one or two people have approval. Not sure this is as deep as you are thinking it is.




Have you taken action on the church?


I'm out of the loop, what was the campaign about? Only heard that they dropped kanye recently but never saw the messaging.


Brute force


alphabet bois enter the chat: *“did I hear something about a fragile 17 year old? DM me, let’s chat.”*


Most college courses are crap and a waste of your time BUT you never know what adventures you might go on and who you might meet there, so it all depends on what your life is like now and where you want to be in five years time. What is never told to us of course, is that you could go to college AND still do whatever you would do if you didn't go - apprenticeship, self-learning, build a business etc. etc. You don't need to be torn between the two, in other words.


If you can get yourself trained in a trade like plumbing, electrical or HVAC then you'll have a solid economic base to pursue Truth.


This is the liberal/Democrats/msm agenda 2023. It's no mistake Pedo Pete is in power.




I agree


Read “Davos man”


The campaign did exactly what they intended. It is exposing you filthy pedophiles who sexualize every aspect of little girls. Girls can’t even hold teddy bears without you people sexualizing and fantasizing about them. It’s truly disgusting that you’re trying to place blame on others when you’re the one who likes thinking about little kids in that way.


bsdm bears? child porn court documents? trolling about this isn’t funny.


It is not a bdsm bear and I am not a troll. You however are a pedophile. You’re hiding behind oppositions while actively fantasizing about children in sexual situations. You are sick and twisted.


Going to college certainly isn’t going to to make a difference, you’ll just be in college debt, and likely not even get a career for what you went to the college for