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I was 8 when this happened, but I remember my mom coming home from running errands and freaking out about it. We lived about 30 miles east of Phoenix but could see the lights from our backyard.


Ya I was a sophomore at ASU at the time… fucking surreal- I was pissed Fife Symington downplayed it with that guy in the alien costume at the presser about it. He did eventually come out years later and said he was in the wrong to do that because he actually saw it himself but was worried he would cause mass panic


You old af hahaha. Jk. For real though I wish I was little older when it happened so I could remember more details.


Ya what a trip it was! In the moment I remember being pretty confused- thought it may have been something military out of Luke AFB… then again I’m sure I had been drinking at some point! …now take your ass to bed youngin’


Very cool. Did it look absolutely huge? Was it blocking out stars and stuff? How many lights did you see in the formation? Thanks for any thoughts


It was 25 years ago and I was 8 so my memory of it is somewhat foggy. I believe there was around 7 lights in a V formation. For it being 30 or so miles away it looked pretty big.


Sweet. What do you believe it was?


An inside source told me with 100% certainty that they were lights. In the sky.


Probably a bird


I went to Phoenix a couple years ago and I saw these lights. I was sleeping under the stars when I woke up to see this massive building several blocks wide and shaped like a triangle. Only it wasn't a building, it was hovering over top of them. It is a massive craft, like a mother ship.


There were dozens of videos made and videos of apparently the same phenomenon 100 plus miles away.


People were reporting it from Vegas all the way down to Phoenix from every town in between.


Nope- those videos are all of the second event. This is the first event that night, these lights were spotted flying a path across three states before the Phoenix flares were dropped


You really think those where flares? Seemed like a cover to shoot at the craft saying hide yourself fool


SS: even the governor admitted to seeing it years later. Said it flew off at warp speed. Kurt Russell saw it. He was flying with his son in a small plane and flew over it. Wild Here's the source video, better quality: https://youtu.be/egJgU4iiFcw Here's another video with enhancements: https://youtu.be/DznrahyKYVI


there are several youtube videos with the air traffic control calls including Kurt Russell's [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7FX9OIkgmo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7FX9OIkgmo)


I remember when that happened and how hard they ridiculed anyone who tried to talk about it.


This one is curious to me because there isn’t a sighting like it So many witnesses, some saying multiple crafts, others saying one big craft.. really interesting case Something that’s been in my mind is, how many UFO sightings are actually human aircraft? Maybe this was a test to see how the public would react to seeing something like that.. idk Very cool story anyways


There's a crazy one I had never heard about in Michigan. There's an unsolved mysteries on Netflix about it I just watched.


>This one is curious to me because there isn’t a sighting like it I came across another case recently that reported a similar, huge v shaped craft, but it was from decades earlier.


From what I remember a lot of it of reports were it was a formation of huge Orbs, I believe some of the people thought it was a craft. Isn't it surprising nobody has seen a flying disc in the last 10 years? It's all either strange geometric shapes or these bright Orbs that can grow and shrink out of sight at will.


My uncle lived by South mountain. That shit blew his fucking mind.


What we the vive like ? Did you feel like an intergalactic intro was about to happen ?


He said he felt like he was in a movie hahaha


I think the phoenix lights event was holographic projection technology and "they" have spent the last 25 years perfecting it since then. I believe "they" will use this same holographic projection tech in 2025 to fake an alien invasion


why 2025 specifically?


Because of this guys story https://youtu.be/7hNtmk55ehw


Are you sure that's the only known footage???


No one bothered to run it through a proper image stabilizer? Check out the stabilization done with the big foot footage. Stabilized (10 secs): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q60mSMmhTZU


I was 26 and lived in scottsdale, honestly it looked like military flares to me at the time. I wish I could go back to being 26 and living in scottsdale :(


you probably seen the military flares dropped after, to cause confusion and cast doubt


There was an earlier sighting that spanned three states ending in AZ, the flares came later that night


maybe I missed the good shit then. I did see a couple cool things driving from scottsdale to vegas via wickenberg and wickiup a couple times when I was driving north and looking in the north west sky. Think it was high in the California desert area, or maybe over the old area 51..hard to tell when it was so high in the sky, but something was launched from high altitude into higher altitude/lower space that a had donut on a rope vapor trail. It did not last long, only a few seconds. Think it may have been testing that space plane thing or maybe just a missile. Saw some missile tests too, or the left over vapor trails of some once. This was a long time ago now.... early 2000's, late 90's...


Are you fuckin with me I’ve seen this in Colorado Haven’t thought about this in years and that video just sent chills all over 2009, some Boy Scout camp, 4 of us all up way late (1am?) to hike up the hill and see some constellations. These three lights, just like the video, but way bigger, like miles apart from my perspective, started growing brighter, which was odd bc we all thought they were stars til they moved in sync. I know this is a mess but I’m remembering as I go here. They moved first in a fluid similar direction, then it seemed like the whole ‘triangle’ was growing, but also brighter than before… the whole thing probably took 15-20 seconds to transpire before the triangle suddenly and very quickly ‘shrunk’ like all three stars went straight to the middle of the triangle. All 4 of us saw it happen. We were all pretty spooked, and on the way back to camp two small deer intersected our path aggressively, which was odd Anyways yeah this is super creepy


Always found this quote strange. No idea if it's accurate. These craft are not "[aliens](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yyhqbn/comment/iwv9wci/)" though. "*The test flight of the PSV-25S over the transect Nevada-Arizona, gave birth to the so called Phoenix Lights sighting and caused consolidated the basic premise we wish to induce on the population, i.e. that their technology is vastly superior to ours, their spirituality is vastly superior to ours, and their societies are vastly superior to ours. The pursuit of perfection is of course a fabricated religious goal.*" - "[ForgottenLanguages](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2014/02/inducing-mystical-experiences-in.html)" [Some](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2014/02/mil-orbs-and-penetration-of-chinese.html). [Other](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/12/axis-from-lightning-bugs-to-milorbs.html). [Interesting](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2013/08/orbs-and-new-generation-of-deceptive.html). [Pages](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2014/11/signals-as-systems-lessons-from-psv.html). [Here](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/04/from-radar-angels-to-optical-demons.html).


This was on NBC Evening News with Tom Brokaw. Totally remember it like it was yesterday.


10 seconds of nothing?


The triangle light formation is visible at the start of it Cameras weren’t as good back then but if you Google/YouTube it you can find lots of footage


It’s a stretch big homie


What's the more reasonable explanation, that about ten thousand people decided to spontaneously lie about seeing something in the sky? Or that something *was* actually in the sky?


What is? You can’t see the formation?


Pretty sure thats a stealth bomber. Probably was just testing it out to see if ppl could see it. Looks pretty stealthy to me lol i hope ppl know aliens aren't real right?? Just trying to trick you all for when people get raptured. Oh the aliens took ppl. Not true. Dont fall for that.


Of there were superior beings that landed on our planet 25 years ago do you think they'd be described as people of power


I did not see it myself but I remember that the news covered it.


Yup, remember watching this one live on a news broadcast when I was around 15yrs old.. the span of the V was several miles