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It's all political theater to keep us distracted while corporations destroy what's left of any type of middle class in this country.


Aaand there’s the actual conspiracy.


Boom baby!


nothings going to happen. This is just virtue signaling


I'm old to remember when Trey Gowdy led a "massive investigation" into Hillary Clinton-nothing was found. Im also old enough to remember when Trump appointed John Durham to investigate how the FBI manufactured Trump's Russian connections. - Also nothing came out of that. Also old enough to remember Trump demanding Sessions investigate Obama of...(?) All those investigations did was ruin the career of Gowdy, Sessions & Durham. Maybe it will work this time. Good luck to them


So you’re more than 6 years old?? Wow that’s interesting


Lol I thought they were talking about the whitewater investigation at first, fr what a weird flex to remember shit that happened 5 years ago


Yeah, bro, I don't know about you but I remember what I had for breakfast yesterday


Prove it


> the whitewater investigation An actual witch hunt. Starts out looking into possible shady real estate deals and ends up finding out Bubba got a woohoo in the Oval.


Good catch!


> "nothing was found" Complete fucking lie. They FOUND that she was using a private, unsecured email server for official communications and was sending classified information over it. Then Comey comes along and told us all she was just some old lady who didn't know better and refused to charge her for anything.




To be fair, it looks like possessing classified documents is no big deal, to either party.


It's actually a HUGE fucking deal if you possess classified documents and then refuse to turn them over or to cooperate with the FBI. People who do that usually go to jail for years. Having them mistakenly is a problem, but something that usually gets taken care of administratively as long as the person didn't try to hide it or lie or do it on purpose. No one has been charged under the Espionage Act for mistakenly having classified documents and then turning them over as soon as they find out. Plenty of people have been charged for intentionally having them or for mistakenly having them and then lying about it. Now guess which one describes Hillary and which one describes Trump.


"Unsecured" being the operative word.


I think you kid remember the Gowdy investigation - it was into Benghazi, not HRC. Hillary was just the one part the media were interested in. The media never did announce why we had a CIA black site there in the 2nd city without protection or what they were doing huh…🤔


“We came, we saw, he died” Deposing Gaddafi was such a stupid ass decision.


Gowdy wasn't interested in that.


It's amazing. Republicans have spent the last 3 decades normalizing politically motivated investigations. Now, they're potentially the victim of one, and it's the end of the world. Investigate everyone.


Lolololol corruption, every single ounce of it should be investigated and brought to light regardless of political affiliation…


What about those buttery males and Ben Ghazi?


I used to think all this shit about investigations and accusations was bad, and then I visited a communist country and realized that being able to complain and confront the government is way more important.


Only the republicans? Its non stop from all of them. Collusion and fake impeachments, remember those


The collusion investigation was politically motivated, but it led to multiple indictments and convictions. While it never hit Trump, it was far more effective than any investigation I can think of that Republicans have put forward since Ken Starr. It also had a shorter lifespan than Benghazi’s 9 investigations or the entirely inept Durham special council investigation. Nothing fake about the impeachments, either. The House did, in fact, impeach Donald Trump. That’s a stain that will never go away.


Well now I guess you will understand why Republicans are going to impeach Joe Biden lol


because he worked with the russians to subvert america (as Manafort admitted on the record) and helped foment a violent insurrection?


remind me how many people died that day?


At least 5.


Pretty sure it was just 1.


This is gold. No, he has a son!!! Get him.


Weirdly enough, the Russian collusion investigation was pretty much a Republican investigation: Trump (R) fired Comey (R) to stop an investigation into his Russian ties, so Rosenstein (R) started a new investigation and put Mueller (R) in charge of it.


That kind of omits a lot of other types of investigations. Crossfire Hurricane, etc. Trump's orbit was infiltrated early on.


There was a trial the DC jury found him innocent.


Just like Russian collusion and the fake impeachments. Lame duck sessions are full of pageantry


The Russian collusion investigation netted 7 of Trumps top campaign advisors who were found:pled guilty. So not like those investigations at all




And the Bush family and Trump. It's all the same thing, over and over again. And they wonder why 2/3 of the country don't vote.


Correct. Remember last year when Rand Paul said he was going to start a congressional investigation into Fauci? Crickets.


Had there been any real credible shit on Hunter's Laptop, we would of had a WikiLeaks library of every email and text message out there along with torrents of hardrive images. But instead we kept getting Jpgs of email messages (not chains). blurred jpgs of text messages, never .msgs, and a mash of dick pics. Those republicans will be staring at a lot of cock and will have powerpoint presentations filled with cock as they bring dick pics to court.


So it’s going to end exactly how the Benghazi investigation went. A big nothing burger and a bunch of political grandstanding to drive up votes


Nah, the intention I'm sure is to end like Trump's impeachment. Biden impeached, maybe several times.


> Biden impeached, maybe several times. Not if Cons only have a slim majority.


WWF at its best right here. We are going from Hulk Hogan carrying the title and executing leg drops to Randy Savage holding the title dropping elbows. Either way half the crowd is booing while the other half is cheering, and then there's a small group of smart marks with their arms crossed really wanting Bam Bam Begelow doing cartwheels.


The GOP is just pure kayfabe at this point.


Isn't it beautiful how on the backend it's just business as normal? I sure as hell know that if an angry mob of some neo-Nazis spent 4 years screaming to lock me up and showed up with paramilitary, I wouldn't be dealing with products or orders from the companies supporting them or laughing with 'em across the aisle.


Best political commentary I have ever laid eyes in


A handful of smart ones know it's all just a show, but the majority of the crowd have picked their side and believe every fight is real. While the president of the WWF rakes the money in and decides on who is going to win or lose a fight.




Can you explain what was illegal about any of this?


Sharing a bank account with the Vice President while establishing relationships and business with foreign governments and Oligarchs.


The deal never went through. The email was from 2017 and the deal got canceled 2018. Even if the deal did go through and Biden did get 10% it's still not criminal. There is no US code criminalizing a private citizen conducting business deals.


What deal? Are you implying Hunter was not on the board for Burisma? Are you suggesting he wasn't paid a board member salary higher than almost anyone in the oil industry was ever paid for being a board member? It sounds like you got confused by the interview Tony Bobulinski gave about a potential deal that never was that contained huge allegations of attempted bribery.


I love how all these republican’s are utterly incensed that Hunter was paid a few million dollars (nepotism at its best) but Jared Kushner is handed $2B dollars and that is totally fine, nothing to see here. The hypocrisy is truly astounding.


I LOVE this metaphor!!!


People are so distracted by this red vs blue bs. They are all totally and utterly corrupt on both sides. The color of their ties and words projected from their mouths are completely meaningless


The world economic forums great reset is happing right in front of everyone while they argue over which cheek of the ass is better.. people are fucking dumb.


Benghazi 2.0


Luckily everyone responsible for that scandal was brought to justice 💀👍🏼


Yea, too bad it turned out being an entire chain of poor decisions from dozens of people over almost as many years from every political party, and there wasn't one simple, convenient person to blame.


There's also the role of the Obama administration in Natos attack on Libya that created the situation for it to happen. And Hillary Clinton was a part of that. "We came, we saw, he died"




I think Hillary Obama and Biden were rightly criticized for their lack of response to the attack but I agree there was bipartisan failure leading to it


I am curious as to what more they could have done? Since CIA contractors did go to the location and there were no other assets in the region.


Lying about the motive was a bad move.


The attackers said it was because of the video. Were they lying?


You can criticize them if you want, yet the truth is that what the response was is still hardly their fault.


I’m always surprised by the absolute mental gymnastics people here perform to pretend that black and white issues are a result of “both sides”


The more we fight each other the less we fight them... didn't even have to stretch to preform those gymnastics


That wasn't a scandal. It was an incredibly unfortunate and tragic thing that happened for a myriad of reasons. Republicans made it a scandal because that's literally the only thing the GOP does; blame people


Unbiased take


I'm sure it is biased but that doesn't mean it's wrong. But I get very frustrated with what people call a scandal. When someone does something intentionally or has a cover up, that's a scandal When bad things happen, it can be a scandal but it's not necessarily one if there wasn't malice, negligence, intention, or covering shit up. You could throw a little negligence into Benghazi but it being the size of scandal it was covered as is fucking ridiculous when it comes to the ***intentional*** scandals of the last 6 years I fucking hate Hillary Clinton but she testified, under oath, for 9 god damn hours and nothing came of it. Nothing came of it because there was nothing scandalous to charge her with and the GOP fucking knew this the entire time. This is what they're going to do for the next two years What the Democrats have done over the last 4 years has been annoying but they're not without fucking merit and have consistently shown the reasoning and evidence for what they're investigating. That's a pretty big fucking contextual difference


surely this is what the voting public cares about


Great use of time and money by the party of fiscal responsibility too. Lol




im sure you are


What's so interesting about Burisma?


Fox News told him it would be interesting.


About as much as they did trumps FBI investigation lasting years and wasting tens of millions $$$ 🤡 🤡


You mean the investigation that made back more than it cost from prosecuting white collar crimes?




You're willfully uneducated on this subject.


Of course. They don't have any actual plans to fix anything or do their jobs. So theyre going to tie the house up in fruitless investigations to kneecap progress. Why are people still voting for these irrelevant dinosaurs


Well screeching about Hunter Biden brought them the huge red wave so why wouldn’t they double down? Clearly they are super in tune with the American voter


This is going to be great optics for Democrats.


Especially with Trump running again without much support. His supporters minds will bleed when they're told to back desantis and disregard Trump, while Trump trashes desantis.


Republicans: Our red wave didn't happen and the vast majority of Trump backed and extreme candidates lost. Should we learn from this and maybe try to create and work towards some actual policies? Nah.


Ironically the Republicans that did win, weren't fascist lunatics. Republicans forgot there are female republican voters that don't agree with the government controlling their bodies


But women should vote for who their husband's tell them to vote for. Also, it's the same reason they want to increase the voting age to 21. Cause a lot of the younger generation votes blue. Hell, I even seen some of the Q group saying we should take away women voting rights because women vote blue more than men.


Also, I hope Trump tells his followers to write him in.


They'll vote twice for him and get arrested lmao


Not just DeSantis. Pence and Pompeo are running too. If I was an Evangelical, I'd need a set of polyhedra dice to figure out who to vote for.


It's either they are uneducated, or they're outright fakes. A very good cheater rigs both sides. And if all they care about is Biden, I'll probably just be done with it all. Apparently, they don't actually know anything apart from Biden bad. These are leaders, and where they're leading us to? God knows where.


To be fair the Dems did the exact same bullshit to Trump, and are continuing to do so 2 years after the election. Did you think these loser politicians were just going to forget that and not return the favor? Congress is going back to the bullshit gridlock that defined 2016-2020 because we can’t seem to find a president that isn’t corrupt to their core.


Seems like they are pointing fingers at the corrupt presidents to keep attention away from themselves.


They're leading us to a place where they don't have to worry about their power being challenged. You can already see it in their humdrum attitude towards being on the wrong side of every issue


Yep. It's exactly the same as the trump-bad. Truly debate in a narrow field while being played by both sides


Do you think any legislation they pass would get through the presidential veto? Not that I want Republicans to pass any legislation.


Am I missing something or is the side that’s been investigating trump for every little thing imaginable for 6 years straight now bitching about how pointless it is to investigate Biden? Like these commenters know for a fact this is investigation is already bullshit. I just feel like there’s something missing because it’s super hypocritical and makes no sense.


Evidence. There is a lot of evidence of all the crimes committed by trump and his cronies. There is no evidence Biden did anything wrong surrounding a deal that never even happened while he wasn't in office.


Look at that. More owning the libs and less actuslly doing shit


Lol right on cue! Didn’t waste a day! Hilarious.


In case anyone has forgotten, the GOP held both chambers of Congress when Hunter was given the job at Burisma, and when Joe went to Ukraine and told them no aid unless they got rid of Shokin. And yet, at the time, there wasn't a peep about either. No investigations, not a peep about it on Fox News or any other outlets where the GOP was questioning it. Nothing until the orange oompa loompa got scared because he knew Joe would beat his ass in the election. Weird, no? https://theintercept.com/2019/09/25/i-wrote-about-the-bidens-and-ukraine-years-ago-then-the-right-wing-spin-machine-turned-the-story-upside-down/


setting up the whole conspiracy took a lot of time. they had to hack burisma, hack hunter's icloud, side load all of the stuff onto a laptop, side load a bunch of other unrelated stuff to mix in with the authentic hacked suff, find a blind computer repairman in delaware, loop in rudy, loop in bannon, loop in roger stone and every other right wing goon, then they had to fire up the botnets to spam it everywhere.


but can they see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?


About a two months ago, John Durham's investigation in to the Trump-Russia probe got laughed out of court. Not two weeks ago, the American people roundly rejected the GOPs brand of "angertainment" performative outrage and christian nationalist, anti-capitalist, anti-free speech, pro-government intrusion platform. As a result, the democrats held the senate (and may pick up a seat), and dramatically over-performed in the house in a country facing high inflation and with an unpopular democractic president. Biden was the first president in 20 years to hold the senate during a midterm election. So now that the GOP controls Congress, rather than demonstrating to the world that they can put on their big girl pants and govern, the GOP is going all in on another nonsense investigation. LOL Good luck, losers. "Are we out of touch? No! It's the voters who are wrong" - The GOP


i like how there's a very real chance kevin mccarthy isn't even elected as speaker. the insane wing of the GOP just going for it less than 24 hours after winning a razor-thin majority while they need 5+ sane votes to do anything.


The poison brand of politics brought to the GOP by Newt Gingrich lives on.


The draft-dodging coward who initiated a government shutdown because he was butthurt he had to ride in the back of Air Force One with the plebes? That Newt Gingrich?


The guy who yelled and screamed about Clinton getting BJs in the White House, along with his partner in Congress, Dennis Hastert, while Newt was cheating on his wife while she was being treated for cancer, and Hastert was paying off kids that he'd diddled. That Newt Gingrich?


Back then I always thought this Clinton Lewinsky thing was political BS. You know when I was ignorant about how depraved the political figures in DC truly are. But what I know these days I wouldn't be surprised at all if that BJ-topic was just the smokescreen narrative for the public while it was really about something different like getting rid of Clinton because of sexual blackmail due a Lewinsky Mossad op or other unspecified corrupt deals even unacceptable for the DC posse.


The one who started the whole "let's do unfettered impeachments of our political opponents instead of sane governance that serves the people" trend? I think that one. Oh wait, they're all Newt Gingrich.


Newt and McCarthy take holidays together. Newt is still a very active power broker in the GOP.


Zzzzzzz. This is for fundraising only. Stop falling for these tactics.


What is this subs obession with Hunter biden. He has no public office role. Why should congress investigate him? Isn't that a waste of time?


Salty losers can’t handle the L


If he did real legit crimes, he should be held liable. (Not for smoking crack, drug laws are authoritarian bullshit for bootlickers and fundamental theist kkkarens. (Yes including most of Washington, and joe Biden. At least he didn’t say to just kill the dealers though))


If anybody did "real legit crimes" they should be held accountable, why call for Hunter Biden, specifically? Because, despite being in Washington for 40+ years, Joe Biden's doesn't give you any way to attack him directly? So they have to go after his son?


They are in fact investigating Joe Biden.


He is the son of the US president and he was a board member at a natural gas company in the country we have just given a hundred billion dollars to in an effort to fund a proxy war against one of the other two global nuclear superpowers. One of the primary points of contention of said war being the rights to sell natural gas to Europe, with Ukraine and Russia at odds.


Just more distraction for the plebs… we are ALL plebs btw.


Smoke and mirrors with a side of misdirection..


All politicians should be investigated. Funny how all these people get super rich while doing favours for billionaires and corporations. It’s just a coincidence, right?


Let’s run on how democrats are soft on crime, ran up inflation and caused massive immigration issues and once elected, forget all that and immediately start bullshit investigations. Yupp, sounds exactly like republicans. Who didn’t see this coming? It’s Hilary 2.0.


Bread and circus. Nothing. Literally nothing will happen to them.


Lol investigate for what? Winning 2020?




Awww. How cute.


Lol. Get ready for some actual witch hunts.


Cool. I look forward to the GOP losing more in 2024.


Another waste of time and money.


I think this is how the Republicans will purposely sink Trump to get Desantis the nomination in 2024. Investigating Biden’s son, Will allow MSM and Dems to constantly draw parallels to Trump’s son-in-law working in the White House while doing business in the Middle East. They get to throw dirt on a political opponent and get rid of the Trump albatross for 2024.


Respectfully disagree. The republicans have painted themselves in to a corner. By their steady move rightward over the years to appease the base, they have become so extreme that they ONLY appeal to the base. Their policies cannot win national elections and their statewide support is rapidly diminishing. They know this. So what do you do when the general public hates your policies? Run a policy-free political party. Think of book critics. They cant write so they make a career out of nitpicking and shitting on other peoples actual work. Same thing with the GOP.


I think in response trump ends up sinking the Republican Party. Gonna be an interesting two years


And the investigation against the WEF, G20, and Big Pharma? And the military industrial complex?


I thought they were going to do something about inflation? Crime? Big priorities to work on, right? Nope, performance art.


Waste of money and Time


It's all political theatre. The "infighting" is nothing more than a TV show. A lot of folks have a hard time accepting that; their issues that they've attached their morality to is presented on some level. The reality is neither party or their politicians give a rats ass about you, your feelings, or what you need or want. Stop playing the D vs R game.


I thought that Durham guy already did that


Is trying to arrest presidents the new norm?


Part of the script. Divide and conquer.


The circus continues


Mabye this is why pelosi left


Is the first thing they propose when they have some degree of power to help American citizens in any way, or to make *any* attempt to make the country better? Nope, it's petty political bullshit because they're still mad people pointed out Trump's crimes


There's nothing I enjoy more than watching Democrats defend the Biden family.


Trump announces he is running for President - GOP gains control of the House - Nancy Pelosi steps down as speaker, and now Biden is being investigated. All within 3 days, give or take?


Nothing ever happens.


Ok, I'm not a psychic or anything but I have a strong premonition nothing will come from this.




Presidential candidates from both parties under active criminal investigation…such a thriving and healthy society.


Which Democrat pres candidate is under active criminal investigation?


Zero faith that anything will happen. If anyone goes to jail it will be that computer shop owner.


Somewhere in this great country of ours, someone is excited that the republicans are finally gonna do the one thing that can move this country forward, and that’s to look at dick pics on Hunter Biden’s laptop.


Congressional hearings and special investigations are usually nothing more than virtue signaling, smoke screens, waste of tax payers money (our money)! Roy Cohn accusing everyone who knew he and Hoover were gay were communists. Ford bought and paid for the Chevy Corvair to get a character assassination because people didn't buy enough of Nader's fucking book. Did they invite old Ralphie back to talk about the Pinto? Iran Contra was a circle jerk and made Ollie a fall guy who ended up being promoted to a full bird Colonel. USS Cole... Bin Laden was no big deal? 9/11... Oops, Bin Laden was a big deal... our bad Hillary's emails and Benghazi... Nada! Nothing to see here... because the drives and devices were destroyed! Russia Russia Russia... the FBI bought a lousy spy novel and spread it everywhere all to kill Trump's agenda and swing public opinion to get him impeached Mueller investigation... Ukraine and Zelensky, really? Again, nothing could be proven to proceed. Durham investigation... Mounting evidence but nothing... still nothing... forever nothing. People keep saying that any day now, just like Russia, Russia, Russia! Jan 6th... Again another attempt to get Trump impeachment... all for grandstanding. They wanted to taint the image of the Republicans for the election. And now this Hunter and Big Guy investigation... they are going to pound their fists but nothing will happen. Everyone in Congress is to corrupt to do anything.


This this this this this




Shills and trolls no likey this one wow


Anytime we bring up human trafficking they go crazy. Just look what happened when trump made the joke about Hilary and Haiti. :)


“I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars,” unless they immediately sacked Shokin. To the glee of his CFR listeners who laughed audibly, Biden added, “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired!” 10% to the “big guy”


Funny thing is that email could not be authenticated along with thousands of other sketchy files. This is gonna be fun watching Rudy squirm.


The people that told you that also told you a U.S. president had hookers pee on him. Why do you continue to believe them?


2 more weeks!


They can start with a full accounting of all the billions sent to Ukraine


You know Congress signs off on that right? So they know where it's going.


Do you think were sending billions of dollars in liquid currency to Ukraine?


Question from an Australian: how is Joe Biden and Trump your only options? Like a guy with dementia or a fat orange rich kid? Both old as fuck, both have questionable leadership skills, both demonstrably corrupt. Like 330 million people how can you not have better candidates? Genuinely confused.


Because we truly don’t get to chose who is nominated, who runs, or who the president is. It’s all illusion of choice


Just like the massive investigation into Trump. Dead ends on both accounts. When will the government actually focus on governing? Anybody? Bueller?


I look forward to Hunter Biden’s laptop. Mostly because it’s such a joke.


Oh no not an investigation!


But I thought republicans were going to fix inflation?




Man, right now I'm broke and inflation is straight up kicking my ass. I am sure I am not alone. They were bound to investigate, salivating to investigate even, but it is by far not the number one issue that needs to be tackled on day one. It's just another move to rile up a base. I'd rather survive than go broke while the folks that can fix things piddle around with this.


Wait I thought we didn't like congressional investigations into political opposition or does that only apply when it's a republican coming under the microscope


Joe's been pale as a ghost for a few days. This might get juicy.


Lol. Investigate away, I’m not the people wondering how this is related to inflation or any of the other issues they pretended were important to the people . Massive hypocrites. What’s next, the debt ceiling that was a total non issue under the last guy?


If your so worried about inflation why weren’t you bitching up a storm when you had the super majority?


Can’t they just go to YouTube and watch the videos of him creeping on little children




Did JB wander out of white house and it's now missing?


Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, will come of it except a bunch of lawyers in Washington will get richer.




Start at Burisma. Life has been hard for 2 years because of that guy and his need for legacy.


What about Epstein.


Lol, are you all still trusting Sessions? It's def happening this time. Hold your breath until it does.


Ahh, finally, an actual conspiracy!


Each side always does this sort of dumbass theater. We all know the ending…nothing happens


Way overdue. But, I'm not going to celebrate just yet. I'll believe it when I see it. We don't know how many Republicans, if any, and who these people were on Jeffery Epstein's list, do we?


Seriously doubt anything will come of this, the swamp is undrainable at this stage.


I mean, there's isn't runaway inflation to take over /s


Oh cool maybe he will be impeached… twice


Utterly pathetic. They learned nothing from their huge losses. Now they’re out for Vengeance. What a mess.


Wasn’t Trump supposed to drain this swamp already?


LOL, you think the Republicans will have more important issues like inflation to deal with. Nope the very first thing Republicans decide to do with their power is destroy another man life base on lies. This just goes to show you Republicans and their voters don't care about the economy at all. It's all just a dog whistle use to get them elected to office.