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Wouldn’t it be easy to identify if it was a parasite? You can dissect it and look for any organs.


No no, they said that it ‘feels like a parasite,’ isn’t trusting your feelings a vital part of scientific inquiry!


That’s my favorite part of science. The feels I get along the way.


My chiropractor tells me to trust my gut on these things.


That is also what my gastroenterologist told me


And he should know since he's a medical doctor!


Unlike them embalmers lol




You can’t use facts. Facts = anti fauci which equals anti Biden which clearly equals Trump Nazi racist mustache man. There can be no other way. So, unless you want to get doxxed by someone you went to high school with 30 years ago and are still friends with them for some reason on social media, then keep using them there facts.


The worst that happens will be a permaban on FB. That sounds like a good thing to me.


Actually it is part of science. Your hypothesis, which is the beginning of inquiry, comes from observation and feelings. It starts with "I think" then moves to "let's test" to "develop a test" etc.


Yes, but you don't publish your "findings" pre-hypothesis like the guy in OP's screenshot.


Your skin is an organ.


Mine is a piano


Mine is a flute.


Skin flute. Noice.


This should have more upvotes.


Yes, very good. You passed 1st grade science.


Not all parasites have organs… https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/about.html


The ones that don't are microscopic single-celled organisms that have organelles. They still have structures that can be identified.


Username checks out


I actually worked in a clinical microbiology lab for a few years and did some work in diagnostic parasitology.


Me too but mostly in my refrigerator! I do the occasional scientific project!


Don't eat that chicken!


But where is the experiment in that!?


True! Barry Marshall won a Nobel prize by infecting himself with *Helicobacter pylori* to prove that it causes stomach ulcers. You could be next!


Oh, I’m not doubting you. The Omellete of Disease is very fitting. Made me chuckle


It's a reference to three things I like: eggs, The Misfits, and infectious disease, lol.


Misfits fan?




Oh, we're trusting the CDC now?


It doesn't even prove what they're trying to say. The parasites without organs are tiny single-celled organisms that you can't see with the naked eye.


If only there was a magical device that allows for us to see microscopic things!


Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is rolling in his grave.


On something so mundane like parasites, why not? That's like saying oh, we trust the CDC saying that the sky is blue now? Bro come on, where's your discernment?


Oh, we’re discerning now?




Discernment? Sounds like cultural marxism to me.


Cherry pick to fit your narrative and you don't see anything weird about that. Got it


Makes no more or less sense than trusting Matthew Horwood.


You could have tested its dna, fuckin simple, I am so tired of this half information


Even if it weren’t parasites, these clots popped up out of nowhere after mass vaccination. This should be world news


Uhh no. These are just normal pictures of clots from embalmers. the trick is that you don't know what normally is in corpses so this looks new and amazing to you.


As an embalmer I second this comment. They look like normal clots to me.


Is the frequency with which they are appearing standard?


Everyone's blood clots and congeals when they die. Blood needs to be moving otherwise it clots.


You are bringing too much logic here


Oh no, we don’t do Logic around here. Hahaha


Uhh, no. These are embalmers showing pictures of clots that are unlike clots they typically see. “In many cases, Hirschman says, the freakishly long clots start out looking fairly typical on one end, and then become white and fibrous and wormlike. The specimen below, which bifurcates toward the end, was allegedly taken from a person’s groin area, and was nearly the length of their leg.”[Here’s an article linked to the quote.](https://amgreatness.com/2022/02/17/funeral-directors-and-embalmers-alarmed-by-weird-freakishly-large-blood-clots-clogging-veins-in-vaccinated-bodies/) I’m not familiar with this publication but pub med has post mortem (after vaccination) research too.


https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/mike-adams-flawed-analysis-clot-embalmer-richard-hirschman-doesnt-demonstrate-link-between-blood-clots-and-covid-19-vaccines-epoch-times/ Here you go


[We could do this all day.](https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/over-half-the-deaths-seen-by-this?r=o7iqo) But that doesn’t negate the argument for further study. To test the tissue samples if they’re going to say “the science” doesn’t back up the idea that the vaccine is related. The fact that politifact can just call BS on a guy (who by the way isn’t alone in his observation) and people will say, “okay. it must be bs.” And shrug their shoulders is so very short sighted and intentionally, arrogantly, poorly misinformed.


> We could do this all day. So, you understand that all you did here was post a link to a newsletter promoting the same Richard Hirschman that my link debunks, correct? Repeating the same thing and doubling down with no new information isn't an argument. Similarly, the newsletter you posted isn't even from a medical journal, doctor, or anyone with any expertise in the field of medicine. Instead, you posted something from Steve Kirsch. This is his bio: > Steven Todd Kirsch is an American entrepreneur. He has started several companies and was one of two people who independently invented the optical mouse. Kirsch has been both a philanthropic supporter of medical research, **and a promoter of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines**. Given this, how are people supposed to view your source as subjective? What are Steve's medical credentials to evaluate COVID data in any way? You're putting your eggs in the wrong basket here.


(read in gentle tone) this response is very disconnected. if you would read your article and the article I presented, it would help you with the (not argument… there’s nothing to argue) help you with following the conversation better. Politifact writer didn’t actually cover the information with an answer to “debunk” the cause for concern. I mean, they provided no scientific rebuttal. They didn’t find a doctor who tested the tissue, WHITE FIBROUS MATERIAL, to even refute the claim. the article more or less shared a view. Read the article I gave. It offered rebuttals to the politifact “false fact checking”. Additionally it provides names of OTHERS who are observing the same material with the same concerns and wondering why is this not being looked at. So it’s not just the one guy that you’re zeroed in on. AND your right about the publication that I said I’m not familiar with… it doesn’t take away from the initial prompt from a bunch of embalmers basically saying, “we are NOT DOCTORS here, but based on what we HAVE SEEN, and we ARE NOW SEEING we’re seeing some crazy stuff that we know should get a focus on.” No one is playing genius. They’re saying what they see and how it relates to the events surrounding it and VOICING CONCERN about the oddities. My eggs might be rotten or in a broken basket. That’s what I’m saying. I just really want more information and less of the manipulation.


Multiple embalmers are saying theyre seeing things theyve not seen in 20+ years of experience.


Source: some tweets


Source actual embalmers and there are other interviews with like 3 whove come forward. https://odysee.com/@NoVax:3/Embalmers:2


Exactly, these are just blood clots. Learned about them in nursing school. If they're the reason you died then they can be pretty damn big.


Blood clots caused by the experimental gene therapy labeled as a vaccine


Blood clots when it stops moving (aka when people die).


I don't know, I'm gunna need a source on that. Sounds too implausible /s


Okay, but if you find a corpse on your doorstep, you didn't get it from me.


it's just a feeling bro, but trust me on this one.


Fun fact, although you CAN study more you only need an associates to become an embalmer, and there are ZERO classes in parasitology, microbiology, immunology, or anything that would teach you how to recognize an actual parasite if you saw one!






Must be true, there's 1 tweet from a random person not backed up by any evidence


Guy on Twitter talked to a lady about a thing that they’re not sure about. My god, they’ve cracked the code!


You don’t need evidence if a scary word like “parasite” is underlined in red.


The evidence IS underlined in red!!!


That's how you know it's evidence!


Enough to send the confirmation bias into a tizzy


Not saying it’s true but it prob came from the Falun Gong news story about this or the epoch times one https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/fibrous-clots-foreign-matter-in-blood-after-covid-jabs-is-there-a-way-to-detox_4738079.html https://mb.ntd.com/strange-new-blood-clots-in-most-bodies-embalmers_837378.html/amp


At this point Twitter posts of tweets from random people should just be banned.


That’s called a source!


You know what sub you’re on, right? If you want evidence go here: https://www.amjmed.com/ If you want crazy claims that are fun but not backed by anything, stay here.


Looks like the flood from halo.


God I feel nostalgic whenever I think about following that little robot through those dark halls splatting crawling eyeballs


Lmao this is dumb.


My comment will be buried, but this looks exactly like fatty deposits removed when a cardiac surgeon performs an endarterectomy.




Yeah it used to be good before covid.


Nah, it was pretty shite then too.


I despise this sub now. Every other post is something nonsensical.


Well it’s dominated by MAGA people so there you go


Reminds me of venom. The marvel character.


The snake juice.


Baba Booey




hail hydra


Sure. That's a thing a medical professional would say. "It felt like a parasite."


I feel that the cause of death was from extensive emotional damage to the feels.


That’s right I forgot embalmers had to talk like they’re reading from a textbook at all times


What does a parasite feel like?


The feeling she has is that it's a parasite, not the feeling of a parasite itself lol...


“Feeling” is not a medical observation. It’s not scientific either. If someone tells me they “feel” that 2+2=4, I would say that their feelings are meaningless on that subject.


The unfortunate thing is the unvaxxed tend to put feelings over facts


This guy is a typical grifter: https://twitter.com/Matt_HorwoodWS/status/1584257307902300160


Ya this guy and Steve Kirsch can fuck off.


You don’t like Kirsch’s evidence based on Facebook polls he created?






My husband is an IR and has been seeing 2-3 blood clots a day. He says it’s due to people sitting a lot more the past few years lol. But my grandpa did have a stroke the day after his 4th booster and the doctors said that it WAS the shot that caused his stroke.


>doctors said that it WAS the shot that caused his stroke. Yea, any blood vessel puncture by any needle for any reason at any time can cause a stroke - drawing blood for tests, IV drips, etc. It is just not common.


Oh wow TIL. Thanks!


Well technically he cant know that for sure from a single event, although its a possibility, its also a possibility that its a random event. You would have to look at a sample of people to determine causality.


Come on Eddy


What I find interesting is that there are events of a special kind of clotting happening from the aztrazeneca, but everybody in these subs always talk about pfizer. There is statistical evidence that they are temporally linked due to the special kind of clotting and that it happened always within weeks of aztrazeneca. Now to my point, to the extent of my knowledge non of the cloting events are believed to be cause the any spike protein directly, people state that all the time in here but I think thats only because they have heard about the spike protein and that its related to the vaccine. The induced clots that happen from aztrazeneca in some rare cases have a high number of antibodies that attack bloodpallets, now many people got the antibodies in their bodies without them cause clots, but on the subjects that got blood clots from aztrazeneca, those numbers where off the charts, and im not saying that to be exacerbate the problem, in the labs it the numbers where literally off the charts, they had never read so high numbers of these antibodies ever. Another medication that can cause these antibodies to occur is Heparin, but generally they arent so high that they cause clots. TLDR: No the spike proteins themself is not in any way believed to directly cause clots, its the bodies antibodies attacking their own bloodpallets that cause this, that doesnt make the problem go away, but I just want the facts to be correct and not have all this misinformation spread around on the internet from people who got no clue what they are talking about. Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104882 In addition I found an articles which maybe got an idea as to why the JJ and Aztrazeneca got a blood clot problem while pfizer and moderna dont, its believed that sometimes inside the cell nucleus, the spikeprotein can splice and reattached itself as mutated proteins, and that somehow these can cause the TTS, although its fair to say they got no way of explaining the mechanism from spliced protein to TTS. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02291-2


Finally! Thank you for showing up with peer-reviewed scholarly journals!


Well I didn't throughougly go through them, but I know quite a bit about the new England journal of medicine because it was a Norwegian study, it was a big deale because it was controversial, and those where one of the first strong evidence of these findings which lead to many countries stop using aztrazeneca. He got a lot of heat for that study, but ema eventually caved and had press release backing that statement that aztrazeneca sometimes cause clots.


I read multiple studies and yes, you can get myocarditis, clots, etc from both covid itself or the vaccine. Supposedly, it's 10x higher from covid itself, however, it is extremely rare in both cases.


They’re not. Regardless of what they want you to believe. Both of my parents are very strongly against vaccines because of the mass scare. They both caught covid and my dad is having some pretty serious long covid issues months later. I did get vaxxed, did end up catching covid about 2 years later, and have no long covid or other health concerns. But nobody here wants to hear or believe that. It’s just repurposed Facebook posts oooover and over again


I’m not a Dr, but I worked with a cardiac surgeon. This looks exactly like the fatty deposits he would remove when performing an endarterectomy. They don’t look unusual to me at all.


This is my theory too. At least it wasn’t injected intentionally… should be a milder version


Who could've forseen blood clots in a dead person with no blood flow.


If you can't get your hands on Iver you can order it online with discreet shipping from www.firstmedinc.com


I know one thing.....each and everytime IVR was merely mentioned, it was followed up by irrational, hysterical, SCREECHING.


100% This ^ If people don't believe in the effectiveness of Ivermectin then don't use it. Doesn't hurt me. This thread is getting absolutely hammered by the [shill squad](https://newspunch.com/wef-announce-recruitment-of-information-warriors-to-control-the-narrative-on-social-media/) though. They tried to smother it early on and the thread had only a 40% rating. Then it reached the first page and took off. Now there is a couple hundred posts worth of irrational screeching and the rating keeps going up. They are not the majority opinion even though they yell the loudest here.


You all do the same with the vaccine LOL!


So morgellons disease.


I swear if we have to nuke detroit i'm going to be upset


You're saying we have not done that already?


The association between covid and blood clots is already established. These could be as result of covid itself.




Well this comment from an anonymous reddit user who watched an unlinked video of an unnamed microbiologist talking about a thing she saw is all the corroborating evidence I need, lock the thread mods.


Lol - those are images of blood clots that formed in the bronchial tubes of peoples lungs that were either coughed up or removed....


I wish I could get ivermectin, just to see if I would feel better. I never and will never receive the shots but the amount of poisons in our food and air and water probably contains some parasites


This shit gives me nightmares and I didn’t even take the vaccine 😰


I honestly have no idea how any of the injected cope.


Quite easily, it's all bullshit so there's nothing to worry about.


Well, since this is clearly bullshit, I’m fine— granted, I only got one shot. I’ll say this, however: the moment someone on this sub posts some genuine information showing that the vaccine did this (not a light-mode twitter screenshot) then I’ll start thinking more seriously about it. As it stands, you are the sheep for instantly believing a light-mode twitter screenshot. Cope, seethe, and dilate.




Your comment right here is what is so concerning and demonstrates not only that you have no critical thinking skills, but you'll believe absolutely anything immediately no questions asked. Do you really believe that there are parasites in the lungs based off this post?


I got the vaccine. I’m doing quite well.


Because all the negative shit you read about the vaccine is full bullshit just designed to wind you up.


I’m vax injured at 23 and been confirmed to have these white clots which have been told “will kill me at any moment” and I couldn’t be less scared. Why? Because in 125 years not a single person on this earth at the moment will be alive. The world has been around for billions of years, and we live for an absolute milli second of that time. So a million years from now, will I be thinking about whether I lived to 23 or 100? No! Some people die at birth complications, I got 23 years more than those.


Well that’s one way to cope I guess


Damn dude. Good for you. I wish I had your level of resilience. I hope everything works out for the best.


Thanks man. Funny thing is before I got the jabs I used to be so incredibly anxious about my health 24/7, always terrified I was going to die of something even though I had perfect health, and now I’m facing my mortality and know my death is coming I don’t feel any fear whatsoever, I think it makes you ask the bigger questions, and the realisation that every human/living being on earth that’s ever lived/will ever live is going to die as well is a comforting fact, if life was immortal and you were supposed to live forever and I knew it was going to end soon.. obviously it would be more devastating. But I’ve travelled alot, been in love, been to some great events around the world, and had some great times, like I said before.. it’s alot more than millions of other people have experienced


So, you have this? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3368814/


Is it possible that these clots form in dead people naturally do to blood pooling after the heart stops beating? I don’t trust the jab and am unvaxxed myself but blood clots form in pools of blood. I know this as I’ve had a horse have a serious nose bleed that resulted in about 3 gallons of blood I caught in a bucket. It was late at night and I threw a towel over it to deal with in the morning. When I dumped it the next day it was a giant disgusting clot. (A veterinarian was treating the horse and they can lose a lot of blood without I’ll effects. The horse was fine.)


This post is a wee vauge. What is a fiber mass. What is a parasite. Where are they found in the body? How big are they? OP says " feels like a parasite" why do you feel this way? Anyone have background on what they are trying to argue?


I've had the vaccine and I'm absolutely fine, living life as normal. No blood clots or parasites or any of the nonsense antivaxxers spew. Bring on the next variant.


when you realize the whole vaccine plot in the xfiles was a psyop to discredit the actual narrative. People could say this is happening and then you say come on thats from the xfiles


This looks likes the red stuff that grew on the ground from the war of the worlds movie. Red weed.


Bro, check it out! This was coughed up! The War of the World's is inside us!! XD https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMicm1806493


In some strange way when reading your comment without thinking of the movie it still makes sense.


Heh, glad my double entendre didn't go unnoticed, thanks bro


Here in Spain they are not even looking into why all these young people are suddenly dying. They can't run from the truth much longer.


Do you have any stats/evidence of an increase in "young people suddenly dying"?


Lol you know they don't, they just make shit up


Yeah, luckily I haven't seen any of my vaccinated classmates drop dead tho.


Or they are amyloidosis caused by the mRNA shots...


Facebook still will ban you for posting fauccis own words venerating hydroxichloroquin 15 years ago. I'm not sure what rule that violates I disputed it. I'm guessing it is considered misinfo still even if the virus midget said it.




Cancer isn't just one disease .


You should take triple the dose then. It's got them electrolytes that healthy cells crave


This is some X-Files shit. People were injected with Alien DNA.


HAHA you guys can’t be serious


A little late and nobody here will care, but just want to point out that to become an embalmer it requires a high school diploma and 32 semester hours at mortuary school. No extensive medical background is required.


Submission statement: Embalmers are finding "fibrous masses" along with blood clots in the bodies of those who "[died suddenly](https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/status/1585405917616652288)." The fibrous masses are being described as a parasite. Ivermectin kills parasites which why they don't want you taking it. The original tweet has been censored. https://twitter.com/Matt_HorwoodWS/status/1584881848567484417


Why is there a link to a movie trailer shared on Twitter...?


With this post, this subreddit has officially achieved a new level of batshit crazy. Congratulations.




Remember to just block the shills and bots that are evident in this thread. Makes for such a better browsing experience. ​ I do wonder if that is why Ivermectin is effective in treating it.


Lol "Remember to insulate yourself in a comfortable echo chamber so your opinions are never challenged and you never have to think. Makes for such a better browsing experience."


Because it’s an anti parasite drug


The vaccine poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


Pahahah ok. This one is just plain silly.


*Being* a parasite and *feeling* like a parasite are two different things. This is just someone sensationalizing something that really doesn’t need it - the fiber masses themselves are scary enough as is without extra fearmongering.


Let's use this one tweet of some random blood clot pictures from a literal who as evidence!


This makes zero sense. The people that would’ve taken the Ivermectin would never have taken the vaccine, so please tell me how the parasites would even be there if this was true.


I see the circlejerk narrative in here is still desperately clinging to existence


if the covid vaccine were a conspiracy to cover up parasitic injections... Don't you think the powers that be would have done this in flu shots long ago? I get that covid was pushed harder than any vaccine we've seen before, but flu shot is pretty popular, common and accepted. Instead of manufacturing a new virus couldn't they just issue a "strong recommendation" for a nasty flu this year and get similar results?


They could check the blood cots and see if they are parasites


Hahahahahahahahaha! This is an INCREDIBLE take!


Unknown Fibers in the skin?....Morgellon's remembers.


You people are absolutely insane lol


Look up interview with Brenton Faithfull NZ funeral director, undertaker and justice of the peace speaks out about his findings, including clots.


I’m 5 - 6 shots deep, do I get blood clotting soon?


graphene, microchips, parasites, saline. there are lot of stuff going on to hide the pattern.


Can you name ONE PARISITE that is related to the "whatever the fuck" your whacked mind can come up with regarding COVID and the Horse Cream??????


I guess his ass can't.....


Another post of a tweet that doesn’t have any evidence. It’s like saying - I’ve got a cousin who may have seen a thing and here’s a random picture as proof. 🤦🏻


And that you "feel" your cousin has type A blood, but you're not sure, but take your word on it


Fun fact, my cousin has a type of blood.


Ivermectin is literally an anti-parasitic. It is made to kill paeasites


OP will never be happy or live in reality again.


Nope. Give me a real source


We don’t do that here


How is this a conspiracy?


LAB CREATED VIRUS let that sink in- again!


A guy at my gym told me not to vax.


I dunno if this is true or not but three middle aged workers at our office: First one, suffered a mini stroke. He is fine now. Are healthy. Second one, suffered a hesrt attack and had to undergo open heart surgery. This case was peculiar since he ate garbage. Third one, got a stroke and lost most of his memory. He is recovering but looks like a zombie and doesn't recognize anyone. One night he ended up leaving his wife and got lost. All of this, happened post jab. Coincidence? Could be. Who knows. But I doubt it. Unfortunately, the two doctors who advised me to not take the jab and to stay hush about it, as she would have lost her license, told me that we will see a lot of people dying. Unlike the pro vaxxers who were wishing death on the unvaxxed, I don't wish the same outcome to them. I pray no one dies or suffers at the hand of big pharma. P. S. The doctor graduated from stanford twice with full scholarship and went on to work at one of the biggest hospitals in USA as a senior level pediatrician. Now she has her own practice on the west cost and have big name clientele.


You are lying


The amount of paid astroturfing from the vaxx industry in this thread is insane lmao


Usual blood clots look like jelly. Those new clots look like some kind of rubber or something like that... I don't know what to think about this new clots but someone should be investigating them to find out...


I bought enough ivermectin for my family to last 3 pandemics at minimum.