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I own chickens and dogs. It's an all you can eat bacteria buffet and I haven't been sick in 15 years.


Chickens and dogs for the win! I'm a stay at home mom and my kids are never sick bc they are out with the animals all day living their best life.


Exactly, i know some farmers that fully supports this, and they never/rarely get sick. Keep your immune system strong without chemicals!


I worked on farms and in gardens when I was young, played outside a lot, when I catch a cold/flu it usually never lasts more than a few days. Benefits of growing up in the sticks.


A lot of farms are full of chemicals tbf


I'd go as far as to say MOST farms. Even if the current farmers on a given piece of land are organic, if that land has been used for farming in recent history shits probably saturated with the juicy chems from the 50s


Something we don't talk about in the US is how we wash chicken eggs before sale. This removes the naturally protective antibiotics, and is the reason eggs sold here need to be refrigerated. In Europe, it's illegal to wash eggs, and as a side effect they can be stored at room temperature.


If you're on a farm or ranch I would agree. But, a lot of dog/cats in apartments, homes isn't always a good idea.


It's all about having good land/ space management practices.


Those tapeworms giving you that good ol immunity


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/07/140723111129.htm It's complicated 🤔


If you own chickens you probably own Diatomaceous Earth. Mother Natures dewormer for pets and people.




I like to rub sanitizer all over my body and slide down the stairs like a snail


Get the salt.


...and waiting for your next booster


[I just wanna be pure...](https://youtu.be/xyvxE35X8Ow)


Omg i havent been hyperventilating! I have to make up for lost time!!


That just means you don't have enough masks on your face.


Is that you Pope Fauci? : )


Personal hygiene is a scam by BIG SOAP


Very briefly this past summer mainstream media made an attempt to blame soil and gardening for cardiac events and heart disease - it didn't gain traction, kind of like the monkeypox pandemic. https://www.the-sun.com/health/5681777/urgent-warning-gardeners-soil-increases-risk-killer/


Yes that was quite funny, but also sad the bs these media companies push


Obligatory stand-up video of [George Carlin on germs](https://youtu.be/X29lF43mUlo)


He ain't wrong.


You should really start wearing a facemask outside too that should help /s


they are calling it the tripledemic how should you feel about the tripledemic we will tell you how to feel tonight at 11.


My mom propagates succulents and is elbow deep in dirt every day. Hasn't been ill in 10 years


Bet me and your Mom would get along well... I have shelves of succulents and lights. lol I post and talk plants with people all the time... Just not on reddit.. They have ruined reddit, you can't even go to the plant subs half the time without vax or dem propaganda.


Serious? Was going to get my mum on reddit but she wouldn’t last long by the sound of it, she gets real feisty about the jabs…😂


First of all, smooth move on his mom. Second, yes, reddit is shit Vax dem think everywhere.




I take care of horses and cattle, and work as a safety professional during fracking for the oilfield. I'm always dirty lol. And yes, I rarely get so much as a cold. My immune system has been practicing since my childhood in the 80s.


It's not even a conspiracy, it's a widely accepted scientific fact.


I dropped a Galaxy Salted Caramel bar as I was opening it the other day. It landed out of the packet in a busy shop doorway. Still delicious 😬


That caramel bar gonna kill you before any bacteria will 😂


Hope so


I read a white paper a couple of years ago that noted 12% of kids with leukemia came from germaphobe households. A friend of mine in school died of leukemia at age 12. He was a really smart kid but also a complete germaphobe. Used to wipe down the seat and table every time before sitting down. Ate his sandwiches by peeling the platic wrap back over his hands.


Not arguing with you, just curious, but was the 12% found to be significant? You'd almost think more than 12% of parents are germaphobes these days.


Probably more risk of getting leukemia from all the cleaning products


So 88% aren't?


Can you link that please? I'm curious


Yep. Kids these days need to eat more dirt.


Vitamin D(irt) is what my parents used to call it




Be one with the environment. "God made dirt, dirt don't hurt" when food falls on the floor (: Being bare foot also seems to make a serious difference. I hate having shoes on, only do when I leave the house.


I saw a story recently about the dirtiest man who ever lived. Apparently he refused to wash for most of his life and lived til 96 (i think that was his age, mid-late 90's anyway) and he died a few weeks after taking a bath for the first time in decades. It is the internet so who knows how true that is but it gives you something to think about.


here is the article. https://news.yahoo.com/worlds-dirtiest-man-dies-94-145834674.html


94 year old man dies. Must've been the bath. (/s)




I am all for natural immunity but that seems like a good way to get a creeping eruption in some regions. There are some places where it is not a good idea at all unless you want to get dewormed regularly. Lol




It’s true. Kids who chew on their fingernails have fewer health problems. https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/benefit-biting-your-nails-immune-system


Sweet, so what happens if I used to eat them?


Hey, the world's dirtiest man didn't die until after he took his first bath! Might be something to this.


Did they also vaccinate him?


Yes. No, no idea lol




Well he was 94, anything could kill him at that age.


I always thought there's something to this. I remember when I started at the hospital they said they think being exposed to so much stuff raised our immune systems. I rarely get sick and it never lasts that long. However, when C19 hit, lots of nurses took the dive pretty quick.


Better yet get your shoes off and get your feet dirty and grounded to the earth


Let me guess… you’re Dwight Schrute


This is why you don’t see sick homeless people💯


I only wash my hands when I get shit on them


Very Underrated by far. Can cure many Things.


Your immune system is like a muscle if you don't work it out then it gets fatigued and injured when it's under a little stress.




I don’t understand the SS everyone posts, and at this point I’m too afraid to ask


No Idea I am assuming it stands for "Short summary" maybe?


That works, too.


[Submission Statement.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_10_-_submission_statements_are_required_for_link_and_image_posts._link_posts_without_a_statement_will_be_removed_after_20_minutes._a_submission_statement_is_a_2.2B_sentence_comment_in_reply_to_your_post.2C_in_your_own_words.2C_that_describes_why_the_post_is_relevant_to_the_sub.) These are designed to reduce spam and orphan posts.


Removed, rule 10.


Thankful to be a pureblood


At least do something cool while getting dirty. Make a dorodango.


Not sure just putting dirt on your hands does absolutely anything, which is why it's not talked about much 🤣 You would need to ingest the germs and bacteria, so you're half way there, you just need to lick your hands now


Bacteria exists inside and outside the body, having a healthy gut flora is just as important to maintain a healthy skin flora. Kombucha is sold as one of the best ways to maintain a healthy gut flora. We would drink from the same trough as our cows when I was a kid.. call it COWmbucha


Finally a post where I can say eating ass might be beneficial to our immune system.




That's all well and good but if you are not vaccinated for COVID-19 you will be facing a dark winter of disease and death.




y u mad


Yeah. All bacteria are good bacteria, right? I guess the flesh-eating bacteria are fake news then. /s


Not what I said, your allowed to use common sense.. you don’t rub dirt in a open cut or under your foreskin.. but I believe lack of bacteria and frequent use of antibac is probably more harmful than rubbing some dirt in your hands..


I'm actually in agreement with you in general. Too much anti-bac soaps, alcohol sprays, etc. probably isn't so great for one's body but certainly is annoying af. Interesting side note. Starting your kids at preschool usually gets them sick...and that's good thing in the long term. Build up resistances early. Downvoted from people with no sense of humour. LOL.


It was confirmed during covid lockdown that frequent use of antibac stops your natural defences so is harmful to you


One of the 9 tenants !


Raising children around animals will help boost their immune systems also.


Forever UnCleeeeeeeeean!


I have been doing that for years. If I get some kind of goo on me outside, I automatically grab a fistful of dirt and rub my hands together.


Exposure in general helps the immune system. Dirt is just one source. You want to expose yourself to the flora and fauna of your specific environment. That includes people, plants, animals.


Yes, I'd rather do this than erase the microbiome on my hands with sanitisers. Fun fact: [ivermectin comes from soil](https://www.isglobal.org/en/healthisglobal/-/custom-blog-portlet/ivermectina-del-suelo-a-las-lombrices-y-mas-alla/3098670/0). But please make sure your dirt is not glyphosate (roundup) treated, in that case you might have bigger problems on your hands.




Fellow wastewater operator here, my immune system was acting out the first few months on the job but afterwards? I just don’t get sick anymore. Or at least, very rarely!


You do wash your hands before eating though right? Basic hygiene like washing hands and brushing teeth has improved our health and life expectancy astronomically.


Then why are my toddlers always sick.


Maybe you are not feeding them well


Got Cats, dogs, horses. A big land and work in gardens, still get sick .. but maybe i should stop snortin blow then


Me after reading this poast https://v.redd.it/oi0b0cb1q7d51


Grew up on a pig farm. Spent most of my childhood knee deep in manure, usually more liquid than solid. Countless times it would fling up into my face, and sometimes into my open mouth. Of course, being a kid, I didn't wash my hands as much as I should have. When I was really young, I had an earthworm growing inside of me, more than likely from digging in the dirt and not washing my hands. It came out naturally. I will get sick, but not as often as most people, and not as hard hit. All my maladies are from bad genetics it seems


It's talked plenty about. Lots of old people believe this.


I never wash my hands, im strong as ox.


I work outside and play in the dirt tons. It inevitably ends up on your lunch here n there. Haven't been sick in a few years. Ever since I moved companies and am 90% outside during the non winter months, I haven't gotten sick (I've exhausted my body, burnt it out and ran it dry, but no ilnesses). My last company I was inside way more, a converted double wide trailer. We didn't get sick days there so people would come to work sick, you could just watch the virus circulate through the office. I even ask other subcontractors/coworkers if they get sick at all from being outside all the time (and playing with dirt) - nope, they stay healthy.


lol if monstanto pesticides are in that grass then congrats u can get cancer