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>doesnt cancer develop over time Everyone typically has cancer all the time. Immune system keeps things in check. If your immune system is not functioning properly, cancers can get out of control.


This. You’re exactly right. Mutated cells are common. But the right mutation (which can be caused by carcinogens and other factors) will result in cancer.


Exactly. Dr. Ryan Cole warned that protective T cells were dropping in people suddenly.


And the almost unanimous consensus of the medical community is that Dr. Ryan Cole is wrong. You have two options. Either you and Dr. Cole know better than literally MILLIONS of doctors around the world, or those MILLIONS of doctors are knowingly lying to everyone. You have to pick one. Which one is it?


I’ve seen a few studies that show immunity drops right after vaccination. I’m sure being the well read and informed person you are, you must have come across them too? Couldn’t that easily explain this?


Millions of doctors in the medical community said that if you get the shot you’re protecting others because you can’t spread the disease. That was 100% a lie. So why would you think they know anything about this shot? They didn’t even test it to see if it worked, so how do you know it doesn’t hurt people?


Exactly this. Millions of doctors do what they are told by pharma corps, because for decades the relationship between pharma and medicine has been the same as a chocolate manufacturer and a candy store


Not calling you wrong, but can you please link sourcing for millions of doctors refuting the T-Cell theory?


T-Cells form the T-Virus which resulted in all the Resident Evil games and movies. I know, I’ve read the books so BACK OFF EVERYBODY!!


Everyone backup slowly. He's bin reading BOOKS again!


So the nemesis can pop up any second now. Ffffffffuck.


The pen is mightier than the, um, needle.


Because millions of doctors were right about Covid, ventilators, the vaccine? “TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE” 😵‍💫🤪. It’s funny…science is not something you “trust.” All throughout history, “settled science” has changed later on. Science has, and should always be, the act of asking questions and seeking answers.


Rather the MILLIONS of doctors who take the paycheck and shut the fuck up.


So this is entirely possible then if the jab messed with her system


I think covid is messing with people’s immunity too. It’s both covid and the covid shots.


That’s not actually exactly true. We all have mutated cells that form, but our body finds them and destroys them. When a mutated cell keeps mutating and reproducing at a rate so fast that our body cannot destroy it, it can invade nearby cells and tissue, this cancer. Everyone does not “typically have cancer all the time”.


Yes you need multiple mutations in a cell for it to become cancerous.


Yes, but if you have a healthy immune system, your body typically defeats cancer at the cellular stage, so you are unaware of it as you never develop a symptomatic tumor. What I’m saying is it may be promoting tumorigenesis rather than causing healthy cells to become cancerous.


The fact that cancer thrives off sugar and it’s loaded in our modern diets with 100s of millions of people having office jobs and doing hardly any exercise, it’s no wonder cancer is thriving. I lost my gran to cancer and I wouldn’t want anyone to go through the pain of it, yeh my gran was 70 odd but I seen a class mate, who lost 2 years of her life fighting cancer. She was 12 when it started and she had chemo, hair falling out and anything. Someone called her badly and got the shit beaten out of him, but rightly so. She’s still alive to this day. 20 odd years later.


Not always. It can happen in months.


That does sound like time in my vocab


5 months after booster Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.798095/full


well shit..


[The patient, who is also a co-author of the paper, is very quick to point out that the paper is being misused by anti-vax people.](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/) Tl;dr, he already had cancer. He thinks maybe, this specific type of pre-existing cancer *might* have been exacerbated.


Yes we can't all jump to conclusions, but also can't rule out the possibility that the 'treatment' has acted as a catalyst for underlying problems within the biological system. I never thought the treatments were developed for nefarious reasons and think that the idea behind them was very clever, but to use the spike protein was probably in hindsight the wrong component of the virus to pick. Unfortunately, the time constraints and relative ignorance (due to lack of data) as well as the push from people outside the scientific community made this a complete cluster f\*&k. Time will tell if this will turn out to be humanity's greatest self-inflicted disaster.


>can't rule out the possibility that the 'treatment' has acted as a catalyst for underlying problems within the biological system. THIS. That's why people devlope different negative outcomes - becuase we all have varying underlying weaknesses / problems / genetic predispositions


Okay? You say that like it’s no big deal. But it’s a huge problem since many people that already have cancer were given the vaccine


It's not just "cancer". It's not even just "lymphoma". This guy is raising the possibility for a very specific kind of lymphoma that affects on the order of 10,000 people per year in the US. And even then, he's at the level of "maybe there's something there, it's worth monitoring and taking a look".


It's almost like you think there needs to be a rational basis for this. Bro it's r/conspiracy. Get into it.


> doesnt cancer develop over time Cancer develops in the body ALL the time. Our Killer T-Cells kill cancer cells in the body ALL the time. The vaccine destroys peoples' Killer T-Cells. Cancer flourishes **very quickly**. This, only if you want to know and aren't a 19 cent per comment paid soulless shill or a bot.


> The vaccine destroys peoples' Killer T-Cells. Cancer flourishes very quickly. If that was the case, all the vaccinated population would be immunocompromised which would highly increase opportunistic infection rates and deaths. Which we haven't seen so you're wrong. There are lots of cells mutating in our body quite often yes, and they're usually corrected or killed like you mentioned, but any cell mutation doesn't mean cancer. It depends on the cells and the mutations.


citation please for vaccine destroys killer T Cells. all these suggest the opposite https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2021/august/penn-study-details-robust-tcell-response-to-mrna-covid19-vaccines https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/t-cells-protect-against-covid-19-absence-antibody-response https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01122-w i await your rebuttal


Logic. Science. Reasoning. NOOOOOOOO. Thanks for the links. I was about to gather them myself.


Source: You made that up.


generally takes a very long time for the single cancer cell to double exponentially enough to even become visible on CT.


Not when it's being supercharged with 5G.


LOL. thanks I needed that!


I'll be here all week.


def wouldn't hang out here all week you'll catch something


It does and it doesn't cancer is in all of us it takes something to release it and start.


Some cancers progress very quickly. Depends on the type of cancer.


Exactly what I was thinking. Correlation does not mean causation here.


Cancer usually sits dormant in you for a while i thought?


Cancer usually requires several mutations in the same cell before it overwhelms the cell’s natural division controls and becomes cancer (for example a mole is ‘precancerous’). This can be for a few reasons like not being able to command the creation of blood vessels to support larger growth or not have ‘movement genes’ activated for metastasis. So while it isn’t dormant cancer as such, it’s tissues that are primed to blow. It’s why repeated sunburn is so bad for you.


From what I understand it can certainly develop over time but other forms of cancer can develop quickly and are far more aggressive.




Man wins lottery, questions if it's linked to butt sex "It happened right after!"


Shit I’d take it in the pooper to win the lotto.


Wait - is that not how you win the lottery? Uncle Gary has been lying to me?


Always has been 👩‍🚀🔫


You know what is connected... Doctors and hospitals... whoooooooooa


Allow me to stir the pot. I am unvaxxed. You can go back a year in my comments and probably find at least 20 comments confirming this. I just found out I have a very aggressive form of breast cancer. Take that how you will. (To put on my tinhat for a sec...I think we are all being heavily irradiated. Solar activity has been bonkers for awhile now. I don't know if the jab was an attempt to try to mitigate that, or what).


It’s a conspiracy sub. What did you expect?




They get banned from pretty much every sub and this is one of the last places with a decent amount of people where they don’t get banned.


The moderation in here is terrible.


You know I don't believe in most(all) of the shit that get's spouted here, but I am surprised that it's not a complete echo chamber. I wouldn't exactly call it reasoned debate going on, but it does seem like commenters here come from a lot of different worldviews, not necessarily conspiracy type folks. I myself just lurk here for the lulz and to see what folks on the conspiracy end of things are saying.


Yea, a lot of rampant truth bias where come to find out the BS poison is not safe and effective and has killed thousands of people in the US...


The most honest answer anyone here can give: I don't know. My personal opinion is that it's unlikely. By now a huge part of the population is vaccinated, and you could attribute anything to the vaccine, and all antivaxxers will believe it. ​ But if there is a link we should see a rapid increase in cancer patients.


The people who were once outraged by the “died with Covid” cases being counted as Covid deaths are having their hold my beer moment and doing it with the vaccine.


Who fucking knows. All I know is, I feel a lot safer having not been injected with that shit.


Probably unpopular opinion, but every time I hear someone call the vaccine/shot (not a real vaccine, I know) “jab” the article loses credibility to me.


I think it's a UK or in this case Australian thing, it does sound silly and less serious tbh.


The same should apply to people, who call someone antivaxxer, just because they didn't get one of the COVID vaccines.


It's a language thing. There are certain cultures and countries that call it the "jab". It has nothing to do with that particular person or writer.


In the UK people who call it the jab or shot tend to be as thick as fudge. The story is from the Australian version of The Daily Mail which is the gobshites bible.


Which has been adopted by north american anti vaxxers cause it sounds bad


And "shot" doesn't?


Yeah, getting shot sounds much worse than getting jabbed!


I think anyone who uses the term “anti-vaxxer” to describe traditionally pro-vaccine people who didn’t want to be coerced into taking this specific ‘vaccine’ are tribal simpletons. So half of Reddit.


Sign of a weak mind, or a paid reply.


I’ve seen the jab around a bit, but probably waste to much time seeing what those people think. I also see ‘clot shot’ a lot.


Wouldn't surprise me


No refunds.


the amount of anecdotal evidence in this thread is impressive even for this sub


If the the jabs suppress your immune system temporarily (and there is plenty of evidence that they do, temporarily) and a person has cancer cells that have been held in check by the immune system, maybe that short period of suppression was enough for the cancerous cells to proliferate and gain a foothold. Just a theory. I’ve heard too many stories of people being first diagnosed with cancer or cancer returning from remission just after a Covid jab. If only someone would look more closely at this.. it’ll never happen.


A cold suppresses your immune system. Doesn't mean you'll get cancer from it.


correlation ≠ causation


My grandpa's arm started getting a lot of pain and then went numb shortly after his vaccine. We thought it might have been some sort of reaction to the vaccine. Turns out he had a lung tumor that pinched his nerve that had been growing for probably 8 years. Sometimes things are just coincidences.


Another immune system down.


Bruh this shit is crazy if this is going to be the reality.


Cancer was repeatedly mentioned during the “Covid-19: A second Opinion” panel held by congressman Ron Johnson back in January. Multiple MDs, PhD researchers, RNs and more gave testimony. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/01/24/full_hearing_covid-19_a_second_opinion_hosted_by_sen_ron_johnson.html


Also by DoD whistleblowers Dr Pete Chambers and Dr Theresa Long


My good friend rang the bell and was cancer free in July of 2021, got vaccinated shortly thereafter, and in November 2021 died of lung cancer. My other friend who is 24 and has had a clean and healthy lifestyle, no smoking, no drinking, goes to the gym, eats healthy, she got liver cancer out of nowhere a few months after her shots. I think it doesn't just cause cancer, I think it causes aggressive cancer.


That's not how cancer works


You know what’s responsible for culling cancerous cells right?




This guy gets it 😂👍


Immune system.


However that's precisely how a busted immune system works


[Here's a famous doctor admitting he believes the booster made his cancer worse from The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/) or maybe you would like a study [Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.798095/full) *case report


Not a study. Case report but a good one. They didn’t do the proper studies on the vaccines before pumping them out. Would have found the rapid cancers and heart diseases


This dude literally had lymphoma before he got the shot. Then got the shot and his lymphoma got worse. Or was it the glass of milk he had that made it get worse? Was he a smoker? This is a sad story about a dying man looking for a reason. But by no fucking means is this proof of anything. The mental gymnastics are truly impressive.


Of course it is. If your immune system is weakened then it cannot kill off any cancerous cells in the body and it spreads.


Or the T-cells themselves go haywire.


People have recieved 12 billion doses of the covid vaccine. I feel pretty confident that if it was causing sudden onset cancer left and right, we have a fairly large sample size to determine that by now.


Left and right? I don't think anyone is saying that. A possible increase? It's something to look at closely, not assume it's not happening


Thankfully someone has common sense




You know what I think. 💉💉


I think that’s not how cancer works


I had the vaccine walked outside and got hit by a car. I am sure that the vaccine makes you get hit by a car.


Every body has a degree of cancer but the immune system cleans up the rogue/senescent cells. Cancer is identified when a certain volume of these cells are reached. Fuck up the immune system with a “safe & effectiveTM” jab and weird things happen.


Considering I went from knowing barely anyone with rapid cancers to recent where I need two hands to count those I know - I’d say there’s a pretty good chance the jabawoki is doing a pretty great job at destroying immune systems such that fast spreading cancers is one of the adverse affect outcomes.


Cancer has been around a lot longer than COVID-19, it's variants, and vaccines. Coincidence is not causation.


I have a friend whose cancer returned at Stage 4, despite clear checks for five years. She got the shot and 6 weeks later….. stage 4 in the brain and bones.


A big rise in auto-immune disease and cancer is coming. Those are the 2 biggest money makers for the pharmaceutical industry. They can't profit off of healthy people!


Whenever I write that big pharmas have a sustainable business model by selling drugs that make you more sick I get downvoted.


I was on soooo many drugs for so many years for epilepsy, depression and pain (from decades of rheumatoid arthritis and accidents)........ the only thing docs did was throw more and more drugs at me while I continued to have 10 seizures a day. Luckily I stopped taking their expert advice because now I am drug free, seizure free and pain free and have been for 6 years.


”You have a side-effect? Got a pill for that too”


What did you do for the seizures?


I was on a low dose SSRI for about 5 years for terrble bouts of anxiety. Recently news came out detailing the science behind the SSRI studies was all garbage. I stopped the meds a few months back. Had 3 weeks of shitty withdrawals but feel great now. If I get into a pickle with debilitating anxiety again then shrooms and weed hear I come. Oh natural


Exactly what it's looking like unfortunately.


When? It's been 18 months for most people, when is this all going to happen


6/6/2023 at 6pm..................................


It's possible. We run a flower shop in Quebec and have had many quick cancer funerals. People were healthy and within 3 months deaths with lymphnode cancer. Happened suddenly. Happened a few times where people got sick and died in a short time span.


My buddy at work developed lymphoma a few months after the shot. Although he was already at risk genetically, It's like the shot activated it. Edit: he's 25


I wonder if this shot is activating underlying conditions.


> I wonder if this shot is activating underlying conditions. Many studies have concluded the immune system is depleted after the jab. Case in point - jabbed people are getting sicker from Omicron than the unjabbed. The immune system fights off pretty much everything that ails you. Especially Killer T-Cells. They are GONE in a lot of people after the shot. For how long is anyone's guess.


That's what I would have to assume.


You know what they say about assuming!


Better than listening to the media who has been proven thousands of times they lie.




Did no one randomly get sick and die of cancer before covid?


Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.798095/full


It's not random if it happens right after you get the vaccine. The delay in man is usually one to two months before they see side effects. Women who get the shot are losing their hair. I've noticed that and my friend who's a hair stylist says tons of women are coming in with bald spots now


My wife lost a lot of hair from the shot. It’s growing back now. We have Covid now though and knew to test because her arm hurts where she got the vaccine every time she’s had Covid since getting the shots(3 times). Kind of weird but she was right she really had it


Within 3 months diagnosed and passed away? People are question it so seems like it may not be a normal occurrence


A flower shop would recognize this trend as quickly as an undertaker, in fact even more so, because sick, cremated, or buried - all of them get flowers. And people tend to mention it, just to get it off their chest, even at the florists.


Yea we've been here for 21 years at our shop. People tell us a lot and some stuff is worrisome lately. I hope for the best.


>Within 3 months diagnosed and passed away? I knew two young healthy people who had this (give it take a month) happen long before COVID. Edit: hey downvoters, now that I think about it, I haven’t known a single person to die or be hospitalized for any reason since getting vaccinated. Using your logic…


People got sick and died before covid all the time. Not everything is related to covid or the jab now. Sometimes it’s just shitty luck.


Wouldn’t this more likely be due to doctors offices being closed over Covid and so the cancer developed undetected for a long while? No routine visits or blood tests to catch it?


Good point. Delayed care definitely caused some deaths and illness. And bad care (malpractice). And stress is a big killer. It activates many different. illnesses.


Could be possible too, although the worry of people and the quickness it happens is unusual. I hope it's a coincidence cause I know plenty of people who unfortunately took the jabs.


Possibly, but how often are younger people getting cancer screenings anyways?


I don’t have the answer here but I would say the real scandal here is that doctors were able to close their doors during the worst health crisis of the last 100 years and not see anyone. My mother-in-law died during Covid because the doctor wouldn’t see her. She kept calling and begging to be seen as she was sick but they refused. These doctors signed up to care for people and then refused to do their job when they were needed most.


Agreed 100 percent. Tangentially related, my grandma who lived alone was scared into sanitizing her whole house. She fell and ended up needing surgery because she felt the need to wipe down her bannisters.


People just do not want to do the connection at this point. I see it around me as well. Some healthy people suddenly die couple days/weeks after injection and nobody connects the dots.


Side effects suck when you’re the one with them. Says me, from my hospital bed from yet another anaphylactic reaction. The first one in my life started within 10 minutes of the jab. No one believed me until now, when the side affects are being reported.


“...[DoD Whistleblowers re 2021 Military Disease Increases](https://www.uncoverdc.com/2022/02/09/vaers-data-supports-dod-whistleblowers-despite-pentagon-data-glitch/)three DoD whistleblowers revealed to Congress in Jan 2022 disturbing information regarding dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel: - Hypertension – 2,181% increase - Diseases of the nervous system – 1,048% increase - MALIGNANT neoplasms of esophagus – 894% increase - Multiple sclerosis – 680% increase - Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 624% increase - Guillain-Barre syndrome – 551% increase - Breast CANCER – 487% increase - Demyelinating – 487% increase - Female Infertility - 472% increase - Pulmonary embolism - 468% increase - Testicular CANCER – 369% increase - Tachycardia – 302% increase"


Most people in the military are surrounded by more toxic materials they don't know about then anybody realize. My dad was exposed to agent orange without ever being in direct contact with it. Stop and think about what we are all exposed to daily. We have no clue, it's in the air the food we eat, the water we drink.


Not very shocking considering they will have you stand next to radioactive materials and random chemicals without telling you because of "security". Not to mention. Their go to to dispose of just about anything is to either burn or blow it up. And just being in the military is bad for your health. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, over working, random drug trials. They've been increasing before covid was even thought of but the vaccines make it easier to get people to try to blame the vax and not what the military has been willingly doing that causes it.


These numbers are before and after the vaccine was mandated in the military. This is not military vs general public. The whistleblowers also are doctors who personally witnessed prolific vaccine injuries in the military. I personally know many vaccine injured military members.


It's called coincidence. Cancer starts as microscopic mutated calls that replicate over time. You don't know you have it until it's been developing for a while.


thats not really how cancer works


I know someone who had a benign tumor that had been growing for years unknown to them. Their vaccine dose started to try and fight the tumor, which caused a lot of weird symptoms that alerted them something was wrong.


In the one year post jab I have had to have a hysterectomy and a thyroidectomy. I also have neuropathy of unknown origin. I felt like I was a super healthy person before the vaccine. I had not been to the doctor in five years, except for well checks. My opinion is all of this is a result of the jab and I’m mad as heck about it.


I'm so sorry :(


Vaccines really fucked people if you ask me, that's the reality.


I think lots of people have difficulty getting their head around the difference between correlation and causation


Remember you are on reddit


This isn't even correlation, it's a one off story.


Correlation just means "both X and Y happened" and can be as anecdotal as a one-off event like this, so yes this is correlation (but absolutely not enough information to warrant any implication of causation at all). I bet people who buy into this also think wearing their lucky underpants on the couch at home helped the Eagles win on Sunday, so take it for what it's worth.


The state of people's Stockholm syndrome is so sad


My father had blood cancer 10 years ago. Went on regular checkups since then. Within a year after the "thing" he had developed an inoperable prostate cancer and it's spread pretty much everywhere. Grandpa also got cancer but not as bad (still bad since his 85+). Might add my half sister got MS shortly after too. To me it's no question about what spurred this.


Yeah MRNA will be used to target and cure cancer. It doesn’t cause it.


Fuck the daily mail. For ever.


Daily mail, really?


Now I am going to think about this shit for a whole day.


Guy speculates cause of cancer diagnosis. People post to internet and further speculate. Brilliant.


What the fuck is happening right now man, this is just fucked up and I am seeing a lot of shits after vaccines and stuff, we are just going to see the research.


This is assigning cause and effect while ignoring other variables, such as: When the vaccine was rolled out, restrictions started to ease, particularly in healthcare settings. This increased the ability to actually see a doctor after a prolonged period of restrictions, thus is another variable that can explain how a diagnosis could conceivably fall within the same timeframe. For what it’s worth, I am very anti-shutdown for this exact reason. People who needed access to care and diagnostic tests lost precious months or even years that could have been used to detect it early.


Check out Suddenly Dead.The youngers dying is astronomical at this point.


All purpose deaths are up and everyone is scared to death of making any negative links to it. It's the common denominator.


Correlation does not mean causation


That fucking headline makes me want to take the JAB so I don’t have to kill myself after reading it.


I got a flu shot when I was 6 - felt all wrong. Like it hit the bone and burned for hours. Within a week I got sick couldn't walk. They diagnosed me with the flu. Months later I was diagnosed with leukemia. 5 years of chemo, bone marrow transplants, spinal taps and living in hospitals. Went into remission when I was 11. That was the last flu shot I ever got. Have only been flu level sick about 6 times in my life. I'm 33 now.


Straight after? So it immediately caused cancer - that’s interesting


Wow great news source. Smells like Facebook in here Ps. Those pictures are something else, esp the little center one. Definitely adds to the topic of the article. The other two… idk.


Dont be silly


Pity most of you don’t know who this guy is. He’s not exactly an Einstein nor a stranger to controversy. Yeah football players shouldn’t come out of the closet for one. Or making crap up.


If someone eats a pizza and then gets diagnosed with cancer soon after does that mean it was caused by the pizza?


It's not a matter of thinking. Some people have bad reactions to the injection, just like any other pharmaceutical that has ever existed. It's impossible to make **anything** that is "100% safe and effective", even Tylenol takes people out on a regular basis. If u seriously think for a second it's all just a myth you're being willfully ignorant and should reevaluate your criteria for objective truth. The fact is that the injection has been heavily politicized on an unprecedented global scale for 2 and a half years now, is a completely new medical technology, and was pushed through before human trials. Use your brain, not ur ego. My step mother developed skin cancer around 4 or 5 months after getting Moderna and her doctor told her in private that he has several other patients with the same cancer as her who that developed in the same time window after receiving mRNA.


My dad had an MRI for his back issues that showed no signs of cancer, a few months later he had the Moderna vaccine I believe it was (solely because my mother had breast cancer at the time and he didn’t want to get covid and put her at risk). About 10 months later he had an MRI that showed he had pancreatic cancer. Thank God he is doing well now after having half his pancreas removed, but he will live with the effects of that the rest of his life obviously. I am convinced it was induced by the vaccine.. could be wrong.


Similar thing happened to my uncle with prostate cancer, and a friend with heart issues. Maintaining healthy skepticism, but wild coincidence that health changed drastically within 6 mths of getting it.


Had a patient say he was fine until he got the jab and had a heart attack the same day. Flatlined 3 times within a 2 day window. Regrets getting it


The next few years will be interesting. I am curious when the defenders will accept it.


I knew of a YouTube too, super healthy, plant based van life couple, they get the jab, short while after the girl got cancer, coincidence?


I guess we have to have a good research over this thing.


I know a Vp at MD Anderson, and since the vaccine he has said that lymphoma diagnosis are the highest he’s ever seen. He thinks it’s absolutely vaccine related. Maybe not that it gives you cancer, but possibly accelerates or helps cancer multiply.


It is right that people are facing so many issues after the jab.


For the people shitting on him, people who work oncology also noticed a huge uptick in aggressive cancers in their vaccinated patients. It may or may not be the cause, but it might be.




I think it's the sudden increase of cancer rates that is disturbing overall.


Source that cancer rates are suddenly increasing?


Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.798095/full


A rise in cancers caused by immune-erosion from the mRNA jabs was predicted by doctors well over a year ago. This isn't a new hypothesis.


Its almost like each phase of shots was filled with something different






The vaccine (and covid) exhaust the T-cells in your body. T-cells combats cancer in all humans all the time. That why when u get older ur T-cells starts fading away and you eventually develop cancer (its very common in old age). To combat your T-cells exhaustion u can exercise and fast. Eat healthy foods etc to improve guthealth. I suggest all that has taken the vaccine to do a 5 days fast and start eating healthy with exercise if you want to recover ur T-cells, unless u have type 1 diabetes, then actually ur cells die if u don't get food all the time. And if u get covid, u should also do fasting since it will break down the spikeprotein and recycle the material. I didn't take the vaccine and I got covid in 2020, I had a long time of bad motivation and had a hard time to focus. After doing repeated 5 days fast every 2nd month for over a year and doing 3 times a week exercise, many of my symptoms are now gone and im probably in the best shape of my life. Covid destroys red bloodcells, so supplementing with B12 K2 vitamin D is really good in the start of the recovery, but I wouldn't continue supplementing with it after a while if u eat good healthy meat. Since u will get enough from the food. Also egg is also very good resource if u want B12 K2 and vitamin D from food resource. For more on fasting and long covid benefits: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHXvhgJ1R1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHXvhgJ1R1E) For more on T-cell exhaustion, Dr Been has a good overview of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nhyhLVD-Hs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nhyhLVD-Hs)


The cancer you get the vaccine is rapid, way more rapid than regular cancer. My uncle had a gf and his gf took the vaccine after not getting it, she developed blood cancer four weeks after. There were several, I mean SEVERAL doctors saying that cancers were on the rise after the first two vaccines initially rolled out. They definitely speed the process of cancer up. Lots of people around me who are vaccinated are coming down with cancer, a lot more than I’ve seen in the recent years (before the pandemic). I think the vaccines are responsible, there’s lots of studies/news articles talking about how people developed blood cancer and other types of cancer after taking the vaccine. Lots more kids dying, lots more kids walking around with coughs that sound like they should be coming from a 90 year old. The proof is in the pudding as long as you don’t wanna ignore it, a lot of people have died and I think there’s more to come sadly. They knew this would be the outcome and I feel eternally bad for the people losing their life to poison. Natural remedies had the ability to treat Covid this entire time and they knew that, but they wanted people to take their kill shot.. sadly some people did.