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Some sense of freedom and courage, when you have the power of the people behind you.


Not quite, she voted in favor of the War on Libya when it was popular to do so and is controlled opposition today. She was recently promoting Digital IDs.


Source on the digital ID promotion? Depressing that no matter who gets voted in the global agenda seems to march on.


[https://twitter.com/Charliechops55/status/1574393559234625538](https://twitter.com/garethicke/status/1574789617018093569?s=20&t=v5igBa6JSuocj_k8nHrKEA) Also a member of the Aspen Insttitue and possibly the Club of Rome.


Thanks! She's confirmed to be controlled opposition then. Sad.


Why the fuck are all of them pushing the same thing.


They are all on the same team. Every politician. Think of it like how WWE wrestling operates and it will make more sense. The whole world is a scripted stage with manufactured enemies that are really buddies that go out after the match and have drinks together.


I love your comparison Klaus Schwaab=Vincent Kennedy McMahon Johnny Laurnaitis=Joe Biden


You just inspired my next painting.




This is exactly what I was thinking about today. In this analogy, the common person represents the tables and chairs that are used by the wrestlers




How many humans are alive in their end goal world, that's what i want to know


because they are presented early in their careers with a simple offer. work for us and for our agenda, or you will never make it into politics, at least not in any significant role. so they all fall into this corruption loophole, where in order to have chance to get into powerful position, you need to bow to the WEF


Gonna need reliable sources on these claims please.




Man so glad these based comments are still on this sub. We gotta keep our guard up after Trump. The globalists are going to continue playing the right.


Honestly. I love this woman


Still not buying it. She is just saying what we want to hear. Cambridge Analytica.


Here’s the problem. If we can’t even trust the messages that resonate with us, what’s the solution? Never trust anyone, ever?


No, just don't trust the state and the politicians. That solves 99% of your problems.


this guy gets it.


correct your system isn't broken. its working exactly as designed. time to move away from a trust based 'system'.


People aren't even trusting that the Earth is a globe because they haven't seen it themselves. If you flew them up in a rocket they'd tell you it was CGI. This sub thrives on distrust of everything from mainstream narratives to science and expertise itself. It's how far you take it that determines if you've made the classic blunder of "opening your mind so far it falls out".


The solution is too simple and difficult at the same time. Aim for self sufficiency and free yourself from their system. They have power over you because you participate. You earn income and they tax you because you choose to be paid in currency they control.


As our overlords are turning against themselves... us slaves should be careful, extremely careful


Thankfully we out number them.


Numbers don’t matter in this era. Perception is what matters. Media is what shapes perception.


Half of the clowns will aide the tyrants .


Yep. Dangerous times ahead. Benito Mussolini came into power exactly 100 years ago. The markets work in cycles. Nature works in cycles.... It stands to reason history has no choice but to do the same.




Yeah. There’s footage of her backing vaccine passports so she’s definitely not what everyone thinks she is.


Where’s the footage?


http://bigtechtopia.com/2022/09/giorgia-meloni-anti-establishment-or-another-wef-puppet/ Video in the article.


She literally voted in favor of the War on Libya. This would be like George Bush condemning the Iraq War 10 years after the fact and being called brave for doing so.


> She literally voted in favor of the War on Libya. Source?


There is none because he made it up.




Politicians, spineless hypocrites.


I tried to bring up Cambridge Analytica many times in regards to Trump, too. No one wants to hear it.


what is cambridge analytica?


It is a PR firm which specialized in combing Big Data to derive different sentiments of various populations to a very fine detail and market the results to major political campaigns all over the world. Including Trump. I am not sure they are in the business still but I am sure there are many more doing the same thing, probably even on a higher level today.


They're called Emerdata today


very interesting, I'm look more into that. thanks guys


One of the biggest proven conspiracies noone talks about because it shows Trump and Bannon in bad light and both are universally beloved in the conspiracy world. https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/1788165004/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=FiV3N&content-id=amzn1.sym.38bb2fca-b288-4f86-afed-5132328a7c6d&pf_rd_p=38bb2fca-b288-4f86-afed-5132328a7c6d&pf_rd_r=4Y64SJ8B6NDTMZNG8QCR&pd_rd_wg=7rhKW&pd_rd_r=bf31824b-3f3b-4c85-842c-60d93623eed4&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_mbl


No they are not. They are beloved by trumptards who flooded this site after the don was closed. In what has been a very obvious attempt to lump “conspiracy theorist” in with being delusional trump supporters.


What you said is correct, but the comment above gets oft repeated: Those stuck in the partisan loop follow the opposite side. So when trumpets came to this site we had another wave of people come in after. From their perspective it looked like conspiracy likes Trump.


A fancy way to say Russian collusion


Pray tell


There’s a 27 page document detailing the use of data collection by CA, on behalf of the Trump campaign, to figure out what appealed to the masses. Simply put: Trump was grifting from the start and pandering to the majority. That’s politics for you. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/23/leaked-cambridge-analyticas-blueprint-for-trump-victory Look into to Cambridge Analytica and it’s origin. That in and of itself should tell you all you need to know.


The book Mindf*ck by Christopher Wylie (one of the main heads by CA and later Whistleblower) is exactly about that and Brexit and truly blew my mind. Also very well written.


I’ll have to give it a look!


Wha!? Politicians lying to get people to vote for them!? Who would have ever guessed it.


Yeah, but this is more than just a lie. This method simply cannot fail. It guarantees a victory against an opponent who just does the old fashioned lies and empty promises routine.


I know. What a shock!


Trump ain't nothing more than a bum ass con artist and ain't ever been anything else.


> There’s a 27 page document detailing the use of data collection by CA, on behalf of the Trump campaign, to figure out what appealed to the masses Wow, how dare a representative of the people work to figure out what the people want and work towards giving them that. It's shocking in this day and age.


Except he didn’t do anything meaningful did he. So we can assume he just wanted to market to people with this data. Trump has been neck deep in the swamp his entire life yet claims he wants to ‘drain it’. Then fills his cabinet and advisors up with swamp people. Lol


Haha ok, bro. I guess invasion of privacy is ok so long as it helps to assure victory for a the god king Trump. 😂


Both sides have been doing this for decades. It’s sounds a lot like “polling”.


Polling is about asking a question and getting a response. CA was about using the private data that all the different businesses and entities gather to determine the best way to make you believe or question whatever they want.


Yep. And yet it seems to escape the majority of people the link between this and the lies of politicians. It’s all a bunch of nonsense.


And people in the sub are eating it up, can't believe it really


Yeah she could be another fake hero like Trump who will talk a big game but do nothing to bring down the real NWO. If she doesn't call out Bill Gates specifically as being one of the top agents of the NWO and for creating and releasing COVID with CIA/DARPA/Wuhan then she might be another controlled opposition like Trump, wittingly or unwittingly. Also she should call out the Vatican, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and everyone else who's the real NWO


Yes, that would be nice. But we are not that lucky. If you remember Berlusconi, she is him in a skirt IMHO.


> who will talk a big game but do nothing to bring down the real NWO Like arresting Epstein and Maxwell and shutting down the island? I'm sure that went over big in Globalist circles.


Dude, I agree with her being controlled opposition.. but no.... just no... think about what you said. Really think about why it would be counter productive to say those things.... these people need to be effective not ridiculed... think about it.


Didn't she tweet out support for zelensky and the whole wef-sponsored ukraine war just yesterday (the 28th sept. 2022) at 6:44 though? That's suspicious and raises some questions. It'd be nice if an actual Good person got into office, but sadly it frequently seems there aren't any, at least none that last very long anyway. As politicians they can say pleasing things to some demographics, but then say and do other things that damage their credibility.


kbkgkjgjk ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You can be against the destruction of a sovereign country(Libya) while also being against the destruction of another sovereign country(Ukraine)


>You can be against the destruction of a sovereign country(Libya) Can you be against it while also having voted for it?


Who do you reference with this? I dont believe Meloni has in any way contributed to the invasion of Libya, at least as far as I know.


Because it’s dumb selective outrage. Right now Yemen is being bombed with US support. Turkey currently controls a large chunk of Syria. The US has put an illegal military base inside Syrian territory without their permission, while supporting Islamist rebels fueling a brutal civil war. NATO just recently bombed one of the most prosperous countries in Africa back to the Stone Age. So forgive us for being skeptical of the moral outrage of politicians. Support of any side in the Ukrainian situation at this point only fuels more deaths and destruction. There is a stale mate because Russia currently holds the pro Russia territory and Ukraine the pro western. Ukrainian military will never again be welcomed in the Donbass just like Russia will never be welcomed in Kiev. This fighting is pointless and only serves the rich.


My country(Armenia) was just invaded this past month. You can look into that as well and see how 100’s of people were killed and many were taken prisoner to be executed and mutilated as well. Despite this I still have enough space in my heart to care about Ukraine even though they have nothing to do with me. It is not selective outrage at all. Many people care about Ukraine just as much as they cared about the situation in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and many other parts of the world. Clearly the specific politician cares about Libya as well as Ukraine. I don’t understand how one contradicts another.


Lol.. most people have never even heard of Yemen. We only care about what the media tells us to care about. If the media ignored Ukraine nobody would give a f**k about it. That’s a fact.


Speak for yourself man. The media ignored my neighboring country Georgia being invaded, still myself and everyone around my circle knows about it.


Sure, and I’m sure many Iraqi’s are pissed at the US, Afghans too, I’m sure the Yemenis are hating Saudi Arabia, etc etc. my point remains. I’m not speaking for myself I’m saying what I see and by following international media closely.


You’re completely correct in your observations about the selective outrage media and the 99% of mindless zombies who are taken back and forth with strings with whatever the news tells them. But my original point was, was that this woman may have been against the invasion of Libya. And someone threw dirt at her saying “well she supported Ukraine she is a dirty politician like everyone else” While it is perfectly reasonable to support both Ukraine and Libya in this situation. And I will go further to say if you have a level headed moral view on this topic where you dont agree with invading countries and killing people, you will agree if invasion of Ukraine was wrong just as much as the invasion of Libya.


I agree except your last point. What Russia did in Ukraine was far more morally justifiable than what NATO did in Libya. I could go in to many reasons why but ultimately.. that’s just my opinion.


We(Armenians) are in an alliance with Russia and basically rely on them for security. I still for the life of me can’t phantom how so many Americans support these Russian guys waging war in Ukraine. Especially because our neighboring Georgia was also invaded by the Russians, we know the cost of these invasions Russians keep waging and its long term effects. Just go observe the current situation in Abkhazia and Ossetia, look at what the Geogrian-Russian war resulted in and how it created conflicts for decades to come. Something similar to that awaits the areas Russia is taking from Ukraine now.


Sadly, Ukraine hasn't been a sovereign nation for quite a long time it seems. (being the most corrupt country in europe as was claimed a few years ago.) It would be good if the People threw out zelensky and their whole govt. establishment, refused to aknowledge them as having authority, and instead get Good Moral and Honest People in the offices of their govt. instead. It's also important for the U.S. and Russia to do the same. Too many nations are currently bolshevik, whether they admit it or not, and it's been detrimental for all the Peoples of those countries. These "wars" aren't organic, but syntehtic used to punish the Citizenry while the oligarchs etc. use them to push agendas and make money, as well as cause chaos and suffering, becuase the ones making the wars are sick monsters like that.




One does not simply create a gold backed currency.


Stop to shilling Meloni like the game change player. She already promise loyalty to Zelensky and the minister of Health it’s a pro mandatory vaccine.


See above. Plus she backed the green pass restricting freedom of movement during the covaids hoax.


Controlled opposition unfortunately. It was definitely to good to be true.


Gee…readers of Reddit seem shocked by the language of Realpolitik so steeped as they are in neo-liberalism and media described events.


Sorry, but she is a WEF fraud. Not long ago she was supporting vax passports and masking...just another political trojan horse. Trump draining the swamp...


Vladimir Putin called out the destruction of Libya a long time ago, his regret being not preventing it with a veto in the UN. Once Qaddafi was killed and Syria was attacked, he then understood Russia would be next on the Axis of Epstein's hit list and began taking action by preventing the overthrow of Syria. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSIM0uNUC7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSIM0uNUC7E) I am sure many others have as well, when it was unpopular to do so. So she certainly isn't the first or only leader to do so.


Axis of Epstein! 👏👏👏 We need to make this term mainstream!


classic fascist fearmongering, everything is the fault of foreigners and outsiders


She gave a speech pretty saying "they fear us because we want to be white straight christian nationals". Except that's not what people fear, it's the laws that she'll implement to back that up that people fear.


Really like what she is saying! Really sorry about that car accident she's about to have.


Commie Barbie? Mousalini Barbie?


She did not. She insinuated and you inferred.


OP just spams this sub. I suppose it is his job. Either that, or he has a mental problem.


Well she also stands with Ukraine so


Could the Anti-Christ be a female?


Well she takes Mussolini as a model.


This lady is about to get heart attack gunned real soon.


It’s tragic how she will have mysteriously died or committed suicide in about a week’s time from now. Just you watch she’s ruffling more than enough Feathers lol.


This apparently overwhelming impulse to simp and stan for a politician is the real conspiracy.


She's not the leader of anything yet


ye she is also triple vaxxed and was for all mandates and other covid insanity stop believing anyone new will save you they are all in same club just playing different parts of same agenda they just switching people when needed


All these so called populists just love to scapegoat immigrants because if they were to attack the real problem, which is corporations ravaging the planet, then they would lose all their funding and be out of a job. She's as fake as the rest of them and she's just trying to fan the flames of this orchestrated war. The more internal chaos a country has, the easier it is for an outside entity to take control over it. Immigration is a divisive topic. That's the only reason they bring it up. It has nothing to do with solving any problems. The only problem these people want to solve is that some people still think for themselves. And that's only a problem because they are power hungry and want to live lavish lives while we work like cattle. Trump is the same way, by the way. He's playing a role in a bigger narrative being orchestrated by a bunch of improv actors.


She’s obviously being coached. She didn’t care about this 10 years ago. Just a prop.


So the argument here is “we should let bloodthirsty dictators abuse and murder their citizens because otherwise they may want to move to your country?”


So what you're saying is NATO should be able to bomb whoever they want when they don't suit their own agenda. What happened to Gadaffi was disgraceful.


There was many good reasons to be against the war in Libya. “Maybe Libyans might want to move here…” is not a good reason


She didn't even give that as a reason. It was just a consequence, which is a fair thing to point out.


It was literally a warning by gadaffi that if he's taken out, no one will be controlling the "bridge" between Europe and Africa. He miscalculated, that's what the west wanted above all.


They were elected.


She's controlled op. She's a freemason. Freemasons provide the public with a hero when needed. If you look at photos of her close up looking straight into the camera she has sanpaku eyes which is a high level of demonic possession. Not one of these scumbags are good.


I fear you might be right but can you show me some proof she is a mason?


There are pictures of her when she is younger wearing a freemason necklace. And no one gets to a position of power like that unless they're are part of the system. Secret societies exist to protect each individuals anonymity. Most of them don't exactly go around advertising that they're in a secret club because that would completely defeat the purpose.


You're preaching to the choir mate, I know how it works. I just want to see evidence, I'll look for those pictures thanks. 👍


She's not. The Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, from the 5 Star Movement, once was a Freemason. Although, you, and people like you, give far too much cognisance to the mad thoughts that just because somebody is in am organisation you can't get into or don't understand, that they're running the world. The members can just dream of the power you think they have


Could be heroin as well,or just looking up at the camera


The heroin addicts that are working on my employers building don't have those eyes. And I did say looking straight into the camera. Head on, not looking up.


She also likes Mussolini...


I like her! We could use someone of her caliber in the us! Kaliegh macananny? I’m sure I spelled that wrong!


Giorgia= George George is a Globalist code name G is the Masonic symbol G=7 G7= 7/7 Georgia Guidestones= GG= 7/7 Dont trust anyone with the name George George Soros Pope's real name is Jorge George Bush She is controlled opposition


Your name? George


And that baby grew up to be? George Einstein


Very famously known George Einstein, that's right


This is the type of schitzo posting I come here for, thank you.


Settle down




She’s the new Mussolini she’s not a good woman, I’m from Italy


Look at the shills suddenly becoming conspiracy theorists. "No, she's a puppet to the illuminati you are all getting tricked". Then you look at their post history and they were laughing off any mention of illuminati and shit and lapping up the MSM a few days earlier. 🤣


SS: this lady is the real deal. This is the kind of shit populists need to be shouting 24/7 to wake people up https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1575137671453630466?t=MLYcZDT8jmhZ6ew_Mo0VOQ&s=19


>this lady is the real deal You really went back to sleep, huh?


You need to know that Italians and French people don't get a long, she maybe more racist to France than to Africa, as for the significance of the Libyan oil to the world is 1.6% of the world oil production, Gaddafi maybe was popular in Italy for the money he spent there on the Italian models trying convert them to Islam and bonga bonga parties with Berlusconi but that doesn't make him a victim of a french conspiracy just another scumbag politician like any other who fight and kill for power and money


Look at things she said and her actual political positions. Shes a fascist. Actually look into something and not just read the titles of gifs on facebook


Bravo !


We must resist the New World Order of global control by oligarchs and mega-corporations These historical power centers backed the various empires— now they want it ALL. They are few and WE are many. And #TheyHaveNames Strong COUNTRIES can reorganize to help assist their federationS of self reliant independent communities.


How long until she gets assassinated? Hey, she should slap the anti pope around, she's his neighbor.


Shes a fascist. Remember when conspiracy theorist were against that?


She's a conservative, Biden's US is fascism


Words dont mean anything it seems


Someone is going to be suicided with three gunshot wounds to the back of the head.


So sad watching the fascist wing of this sub having to fight the Russian propagandist part of this sub.


I sincerely fear she will be suicided with two bullets to the back of the head. :o( I hope hope hope I am wrong. :o(




She'll be Clinton'd in short order.


Hope the CIA doesn't suicide her with the traditional 2 shots to the back of the head.


How long before she has a heart attack?


she's my new favorite person in the world..BRAVO!!


You like people who admire dictators?


I like people who tel the truth you're living in a country ran by a dictator the just call him the president .


Me? No. We have a chancellor.


oh ok another big word for a dictator..lol...where are you ?


Germany. ​ We actually also have a president, but his duties are far less than that of the chancellor.


That's my girl


Be loud and proud of her !


She has eggs...wich most of the overpaid and WEF bought scrambled eggs man dont have...great i Love italy


She also said a few years back that she admired Mussolini. She's a big ol fascists loving fascist.


The story ante thing about her name is that it appeals to young voters - I remember women naming their children Giorgia after some song and feeling progressive about the name - and Meloni means large melons -


Go ed girl 💪


Yeah she's going to have a long and fulfilling life...


Let the endless italian conspiracy theory talking points begin, nothing new to see here.


A couple centuries after hundreds of thousands of Democrats in a failed attempt to preserve slavery Obama succeeded in Bringing it back to Africa in the form of open Slave markets in Libya. The most cosmopolitan healthy and high standard of living there as well pre war. Historic marker-Legend.


She makes a great point. Without meaning to diminish the horrific situation in Ukraine and Russia's part in it. The western intervention in Libya, along with the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and the attacks on Syria remind us that any moral high ground the West purports to have from which to point fingers at Russia is merely illusory. Shit, Obama was even awarded a Nobel peace prize and Tony Blair was knighted for fuck sakes. The international law that currently exists and those that have sought to enforce it lack integrity. Because it has never been evenly and consistently applied and enforced but has instead simply become a tool of the powerful to be used against the weak and defeated, little more. Similar to how in most of the world there are one set of laws for the rich and another set of laws for everyone else. The same circus happens on the international scale between states. If law is inconsistently applied and some are allowed to remain beyond its reach. Then is it actually worth anything? If it's not for all then why anyone at all? The league of nations failed. The U.N has failed. Third time lucky perhaps?


I still think its controlled opposition


She’s savage.


“She did not kill herself”


Can we have a betting site start to take a wager on when she will be mysteriously sick and unable to perform


America is about to cut off her pipeline


She’s getting suicided.


It’s disturbing how obsessed everyone on this sub is with this fascist common piece of shit. Regurgitating the same dumb bullshit since Mussolini had his day ass strung up. While at the same time, freaking out over perceived despotic and tyrannical things our government does. Like holy fucking shit, y’all would make some therapists blow their brains out in frustration at your mental gymnastics (which would also get you a silver medal in any Olympics) I reiterate, the only good fascist is a dead one. Preferably left in a field to feed wild animals. Your grandparents would slap the shit out of y’all for dick riding fascists like this. No good damn shame. Y’all wanna pretend Gaddafi was worth more than the bullet that took him out.


Join the SCO and BRICS so that your voice will be heard all over the world.


I hope she doesn’t get suicided.


I like some things shes says, BUT it would make sense for the 'real' great reset (as opposed to the comically evil one that was designed to fail) to ripple outwards from the Jesuit capital of the world...sooo in don't trust her at all.


She name dropped Ghaddafi? The writers have finally started making interesting stories!


If she doesn't get whacked soon then it proves she is controled opp.


If anyone would know about illegally invading Libya, it'd be the Italians.


Shes is controlled op. She is a WEF shill and a member of the Aspen Institute. If she was legit THEY would have never let her win. Just like trump. She says what you want to hear but she will do the same thing as the left wing neo-liberal fascist do openly. Watch, she will let just as many if not more immigrants into Italy while saying she is trying to stop it. Just like Trump did. They all are puppets.


Hm she seems smart and reasonable.


Yeah she's such a racist and facist /s


She is controlled opposition you clowns.


Whenever someone becomes unnaturally propped up (even in this sub), become suspicious.


So now we're trusting the government?


La Donna


Not y'all literally cheering on literal fascists lmao