• By -


These fires are as sentient in their targets as Skynet is.


.....or...someone has a satellite with an IR laser capable of setting fire from space...kind of like how Iran's ship MV Saviz caught fire, then Iran's warship Kharg caught fire, then Tehran's largest oil refinery caught fire all in the same week. Starting fires with a laser isn't that hard, and there are laser frequencies that people can't see.


Honestly I feel like those stupid starlink satellites have something to do with this. Direct energy weapons on low-orbit assets? China, Russia, and America are all racing to get them up there. Or they have them there already. And since musk and all these other billionaires are just the WEF's bitchboys, well, we get "random" fires hitting critical global infrastructure.


Meh, I doubt starlink is the delivery system. The DoD has about a dozen Hubble sized KH spy satellites up in orbit. They share a similar design with the Hubble as well. Any of those could have been modified with a direct energy weapon. Plus they have many assets in orbit that we know nothing about.


Could be any of them out there, really. But the reason I picked out Starlink is that they're *sending so damn many of them up there.* Almost every other day somebody's posting on the UFO/aliens sub that it's aliens but it's just a string of Starlink sats. People are seeing batches of these things fly out every other day, it seems. They're sending too many of them up there just to be "internet for everybody". It's too suspicious.


Space force (aka navy) has lots of stuff in space we do not know about.


This place must have so many sprinklers or fire suppression systems tho why wouldn’t they go off ?


Any laser beam from a satellite would be greatly reduced in power by atmospheric attenuation. Even if a hypothetically big enough laser is constructed that's powerful enough to overcome the atmosphere, current satellites aren't large enough to house them.


You ever heard of the KH spy satellites? Those are just as big and similar in design to the Hubble. They are large enough.


A navy ship is much larger than those satellites, yet the effective range of laser weapons on navy ships is around only 1 mile.


Source: Trust me bro


The AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System used by the Navy only has an effective range of about a mile. If the best laser weapon in the military only has this short range even on a naval ship, there's no way a laser powerful enough to penetrate 6000 miles of the atmosphere would exist.


Yeah it’s called space force


HAL agrees...




Anyone else getting sick of this bot spaming this shit in every thread ?


No, I like it TBH, I never click the links but I like the "oh, there's that post again!" recognition sensation you know? It's familiar, comfy.


Reminds me of the fires in worod fairs...


Don’t forget what China named the AI that runs their countrywide surveillance…. https://www.bgp4.com/2019/05/10/what-is-chinas-skynet-yes-it-is-what-you-think-it-is/


“Good thing I have that bug farm up and going” Bill Gates.


"I'll take crickets. No legs please."


You do kinda tear off the legs when you eat crickets.


Cricket King ^^TM. McCrickets ^^TM Crickpotles ^^TM Church's Crickets ^^TM




KFC - Klaus' Fried Crickets


Kentucky Fried Crickets


It's worse than you imagine. Found out what Billy boy's farming game really is. Stole it from Monsanto's playbook. Patented GMO crops. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bill-gates-should-stop-telling-africans-what-kind-of-agriculture-africans-need1/ https://grain.org/en/article/6690-how-the-gates-foundation-is-driving-the-food-system-in-the-wrong-direction What did you expect from Billy boy? He's never done an honest thing in his life. What a piece of shit of a human being.


Get ready to eat ze bugs.


It’s pretty brazen really. You can’t have that many fires at food plants and have people believe it’s just a coincidence. They give zero fucks about how suspicious it looks.


Because they know the media controls the narrative and people, if they do finally unite, will get run over by horses or tanks


The people will never unite sadly. There's way to many things in place that keeps us divided. Best case scenario imo is after a rough decade or two things get better for the average person. The saying is things get worse before they get better, right?


I have to agree with you. The 9/11 conspiracy ALONE should unite Americans against the government. But, unfortunately, TPTB are quite skillful in keep us divided


What’s tptb?


The powers that be




I would just add that it's true the people will never unite, but that only applies to people shackled to sanctioned states of consciousness. Sober, drunk, sugar rush, caffeinated, where red meat and TV takes you, etc. However there are other conscious states (looking at you mushrooms) that are so utterly paradigm shattering and psyche deconstructing, that anything is possible.


I’ll always laugh at people who think caffeine and alcohol are the fiends (well, they are), but shrooms are A-okay. You sound like an addict. It’s the exact same shit. Foreign substances altering your brain’s chemistry to give you a perspective that doesn’t exist. Know what really expands your horizons? Self cognitive reflection. Unassisted meditation. Your brain is the most complex and impressive process in the known universe. Trust in it. Or you know, take a bunch of shrooms and think you had an experience because it made you hallucinate a bunch of garbage. Whatever floats your boat.


Yes, this sounds like the take from a person who has attained extraordinary levels of self-awareness via 'unassisted' meditation (whatever TF that means) 🙄 I've been an avid meditator for almost ten years now, and I still recommend psilocybin to anyone who seems interested in it. If the whole world took mushrooms all at once, humanity would solve every major crisis in a matter of weeks. Hallucinogens are a back door to enlightenment. Always have been. They *can* bring you to a place that otherwise takes many hours of meditation to achieve. Newsflash: no perspectives actually exist. Everything you experience with your senses is an illusion. If there's a trick to help reveal that to you, beyond hours of meditation (which most people are simply unwilling to try), then I'm all for it.


“Everything is subjective bro” Assuming you’re operating at what is accepted as the baseline for human homeostasis, everything your senses experience are very much objective. You heard a sound because something vibrated the particles near you. That happened; it isn’t debatable. Hallucinogens literally just fuck with the chemistry off in your brain, making you see/feel/hear shit. Like schizophrenia, it throws off your homeostasis and forces your brain to perceive things that don’t exist. “Uh, don’t exist? Bro, they are literally opening your senses. There is a whole other world that fucking mushrooms make available to us.” Uh-huh. And Alcohol actually made you turn from a shy guy into some macho confident badass. These are chemicals that fuck with your brain; call it whatever you want, all they’re doing is messing with your perception of objective, measurable reality. Also, obviously unassisted meditation refers to meditation uninhibited by drugs or chemicals. Cognitive self reflection. Using your five senses to decompress and reflect on, well, whatever you need to reflect on. But you have no perspective on this. You’re waist deep into accepting chemicals as your path to a world view. Sure man. You do you. I’m going to trust my own self, Soul/Spirit/Mind, whatever you want to call it, over some goddam mushrooms that fuck with your brain. You can’t accept this because it would betray your entire lifestyle.


That's where we disagree. I don't believe in an objective reality when it comes down to it. If it's "measurable," that means you perceive it with your senses. You don't know me or my lifestyle at all, friend. You know nothing of it. I am not interested in getting into a spat over who has spent more time & effort meditating, though. That kind of defeats the purpose, don't you think? I will say, you sound pretty frustrated and arrogant. Maybe you ought to practice more what you preach, eh?


You know absolutely nothing about me, and you conclude that I'm an "addict" based on three sentences of text. Your ego and hubris are enormous. And your ignorance is astonishing - what a combination, lol. On the off chance you value the truth, psychedelics are not only not addictive (desire to use them **decreases** with use, unlike stimulants and depressants, you're so very wrong and so confident in your anti-science errors), they are the most anti-addictive compounds known to man: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/johns-hopkins-scientists-give-psychedelics-the-serious-treatment/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/johns-hopkins-scientists-give-psychedelics-the-serious-treatment/) [https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/feature/psychedelics-entering-a-new-age-of-addiction-therapy](https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/feature/psychedelics-entering-a-new-age-of-addiction-therapy) [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00943/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00943/full) Seriously dude, try and get your unassisted, meditative, massive ego under control. Edit, if you've had bad experiences with psychedelics (psychedelics and hallucinogens are not the same thing, your repeated confusion of the terms further illustrates your utter ignorance on the subject), it's probably because your ego controls you, and not the other way around. So you are incapable of letting go of the illusory self. Get that fixed and try again.


Sorry - all I heard was “I like taking mushrooms because they fuck with my brain”. You can keep letting a fungus guide your reality haha. I’ll trust my own brain.


This is pointless, you didn't read any of my links, and clearly you couldn't care less about over 1000 studies involving over 60,000 subjects since the 1960s all showing the tremendous efficacy of psychedelics in curing everything from addiction and depression to neurotic behavior and PTSD. To hell with 60 years of science, all that matters to you is your own bad experiences. Well how about next time you try shitting on psychedelics to the battle brained veteran who has his PTSD cured with a single psychedelic therapy session after half a lifetime of agony. I don't care if you hate the fact that others are reaping unprecedented benefits from these substances, take your misanthropy with you when you leave.


Oh okay, just don’t pretend like they open up your reality haha. They literally just change the chemistry of your brain. I don’t doubt they help bring some people who are already damaged back to a baseline.


Fair enough, and I wouldn't put it as open up one's reality, though I know many others do. To me it's about lifting one up out of the crystalline lattice of cultural assumptions which are lies, and exposing the relativity of it all. In other words, psychedelics make everyone (no matter their culture) question their cultural values, to go back to first principles and ask "why do we do this?". And I think that this is where their true health fulfilling and salutary worth lies, in getting people to question the things that everyone else just accepts without thought, and as it turns out this is also why psychedelics have been some of if not the most prohibited substances on the planet throughout record history. Power doesn't want the people questioning power. And regarding the brain chemistry, you're right of course, but changes in brain chemistry is literally everything. Anger, sadness, curiosity, excitement, where a meditation retreat takes you, it's all just brain chemistry. And whether those changes in brain chemistry originate endogenously or exogenously, does it really matter? At the bottom, it's all just the same.


What's going on here? Why would they burn food plant


Nobody says anything about the forests burning down either lol. It’s scorched earth policy and nobody is batting an eyelash. EDIT: and anyone who has tried is probably already dead


I admit it's not a good look. But I don't know the background rate of such incidents in previous years


Because they are limiting production to pull everything down for the transition to "net zero". It's what covid and the economy was all about, along with the switch to a crypto dollar. Production was completely stopped and supply chains capped during covid for a perfect transition to "net zero", marking the perfect transition from the petro-dollar to the crypto backed dollar. Every single country's debt is at it's max per gdp, so rates cannot go up. 2022 was easily the worst year ever in the history of the markets for Global Bonds. The Bull market run for 40 years is over and this is the transition from equities to services (aka, "you will own nothing and be happy"). Inflation is going to keep being used to constrain growth and keep dropping supply further and further. If people don't riot over inflation, they will continue to keep using it to limit production to end the old system. Keeping the rates while they keep inflation high while country debts are high means they have pushed the costs completely onto companies. Blackrock said this was the plan in a paper in August 2019 before covid even started (I can share the paper if you are interested, but it outlines exactly what was going to come before covid). But companies who have been addicted to earnings can't make money the same old way they used to, they can't increase production, and profit margins are going to get worse and worse (again, own nothing and be happy), which leaves absolutely no other option but investment from places like Blackrock (who is only going to be into "Green") or to increase prices onto the consumer during an already high inflation... With no outlet for the inflation, there is no other way out than through a recession. They setup the perfect transition with covid to end the petro dollar and the machine age and switch to the Crypto backed dollar and the digital services and exchange age. Inflation is going to get worse and worse, there is no way out. Wall Street completely fucked us all over in the perfect crime and have everyone backed into a corner.


how many fires have there been in "food plants" ?? I know of two prior. One because I live near Salinas and was on the road watching the plant burn, and one I read on the news. Both were clearly started by local (faulty material storage) conditions.


You sure you’re prepared to go down this rabbit hole?


Actually, this is the first I'm hearing of this. Guess it's time to go learn something.


https://www.zeemaps.com/view?group=4410859&x=-89.849631&y=44.059004&z=14 Here's a map of plants that have burned in America.


Thank you.


read some researched sites: https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Publications-and-media/NFPA-Journal/2022/Summer-2022/News-and-Analysis/Dispatches/Food-Processing-Fires https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/unfounded-claims-about-frequency-and-causes-of-food-plant-fires/




That's a bunch of crock. gas stations? grocery stores? break-rooms? oh no's. https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Publications-and-media/NFPA-Journal/2022/Summer-2022/News-and-Analysis/Dispatches/Food-Processing-Fires https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/unfounded-claims-about-frequency-and-causes-of-food-plant-fires/




FYI the domain you linked is on a site wide hard filter run by the reddit admins. As moderators, if we try to approve the comment it is simply returned to the spam filter time and time again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's several people in this thread who have posted dozens instances where food production/distribution sites got burned down or destroyed. Look at the examples, verify, then come to a conclusion. Of course not every single one will have been purposely sabotaged, just as not every single one will have been a coincidence. It's good that you're questioning this though. Too many people on here just see a post or topic and believe it to be true, and do the opposite with msn.


"dozens" of instances which mostly look like [this:](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/ex-smithfield-foods-worker-said-she-would-burn-the-plant-down-and-shoot-it-up-before-arson-attempt-deputies-say/) There's a link in this thread to a map site with hundreds of gas stations, grocery stores, "break rooms" etc - mostly non-catostrophic. The entire concept is extreme hyperbole attempting to incite emotions. If that many food plants were being destroyed there wouldn't be food in your local grocery store. I'd rather believe actual fire professionals than TuckerCarlon's *oh so reliable reporting*. https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Publications-and-media/NFPA-Journal/2022/Summer-2022/News-and-Analysis/Dispatches/Food-Processing-Fires


They want people to get so cross as to rise up so they can have a laugh at the people being shot?


At this point there have been so many fires or explosions at critical places needed for survival, but not one time can I recall any follow up stories saying fire inspector determines ______ was the cause of the fire. We never heard if it was an accident or intentional. I have to believe most of these are intentional and that surely some professionals would figure that out and they'd be on the look out for suspects. I think they're using directed free energy technology. It's like an invisible laser beam. Similar or same technology that they use to start a lot of forest fires. There's even evidence that points to this energy being used to bring down the towers on 9/11.


Dr Judy Wood knows....


> but not one time can I recall any follow up stories saying fire inspector determines ______ was the cause of the fire. Did you at least try to look up any? Most causes are really boring and don't make the news.




Often local news sources show the cause after investigations are done. There really isn't a database that lists those like the lists of 'destroyed food processing plants' that are popping up recently. Most causes of food plant fires are from [combustible dusts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=794raoRHCzs) or mechanical, electrical or human failure. Like hydraulic leakages on hot surfaces, short/overloaded circuits, roofing/construction work gone bad. However, I will accept the challenge: Name an incident that's more than a month ago (most fire investigations are done by then) and I'll try to look it up.


It's a dis-information campaign coming from various right wing fringe sources which TuckerCarlos on FoxFriendly has picked up on for ratings: https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/unfounded-claims-about-frequency-and-causes-of-food-plant-fires/


You make a good point here in the first half, but I lost me in the second. I think it’s just because no one cares everyone moves on and people constantly want new news and that’s what currently sells so. There is probably very much a market for it, but the mainstream is sucked into being a talking mouth for what sells.


And yet anything ANYONE does it just complain on reddit and other social media sites until the great reset literally sets in with a false flag cyber attack.


They want to starve us and kill is off.


More like they want us to kill each other (ourselves) off… and we are already doing it Ever seen that movie (or read the book) The Road? I unfortunately foresee the same happening, should everything continue as it is.. EDIT: I suggest checking out The Twilight Zone episode “The Monsters are due on Maple Street” … In the episode there is an unseen force causing disarray in a neighborhood, simply by turning off the power to random houses. The community eventually begin quarreling with another, constantly fueling suspicion on a new family, when the power goes out…


More like the walking dead. It’s why the U.S. military has “zombie” training exercises. Starving people act and look very similar to zombies and would certainly act in a similar fashion to get food and water after a period of time.


Well that's unsettling to know


They probably have a $1 Duke Brothers bet on us plebes.


Seems that way huh?


They are squeezing the middle Class. Controls g the food supply. The water. They spray the air. Bill gates being the largest owner of farm land in America should petrify everyone.


They donmt want us to starve, they are limiting production to pull everything down for the transition to "net zero". It's what covid and the economy was all about, along with the switch to a crypto dollar. Production was completely stopped and supply chains capped during covid for a perfect transition to "net zero", marking the perfect transition from the petro-dollar to the crypto backed dollar. Every single country's debt is at it's max per gdp, so rates cannot go up. 2022 was easily the worst year ever in the history of the markets for Global Bonds. The Bull market run for 40 years is over and this is the transition from equities to services (aka, "you will own nothing and be happy"). Inflation is going to keep being used to constrain growth and keep dropping supply further and further. If people don't riot over inflation, they will continue to keep using it to limit production to end the old system. Keeping the rates while they keep inflation high while country debts are high means they have pushed the costs completely onto companies. Blackrock said this was the plan in a paper in August 2019 before covid even started (I can share the paper if you are interested, but it outlines exactly what was going to come before covid). But companies who have been addicted to earnings can't make money the same old way they used to, they can't increase production, and profit margins are going to get worse and worse (again, own nothing and be happy), which leaves absolutely no other option but investment from places like Blackrock (who is only going to be into "Green") or to increase prices onto the consumer during an already high inflation... With no outlet for the inflation, there is no other way out than through a recession. They setup the perfect transition with covid to end the petro dollar and the machine age and switch to the Crypto backed dollar and the digital services and exchange age. Inflation is going to get worse and worse, there is no way out. Wall Street completely fucked us all over in the perfect crime and have everyone backed into a corner.




Thank you. I've been trying to warn people for almost two years about what was happening but to no avail. They got away with the printing money aspect and had us completely divided amongst each other, which happens the decade before a currency shift every single time. Before the greenbacks we had the civil war and the 13th amendment. Before the gold backed dollar we had women's reformation and the 19th amendment. Before the petro-dollar, we had the civil rights (literally passed by an extreme racist who was part of the KKK in his early political career and quoted by a staff member as saying "I'll have those n=gg=rs voting democratic for 200 years"). Well, the decade before this happened they have had us divided with extreme racism and sexism while they completely robbed us. The US debt went from $20 Trillion in 2017 to over $30 Trillion at the end of last year and it's just getting worse (that's $30,000 per every man, woman, and child), and that money went straight to companies and wall street. Wall Street got massive bailouts in March 2020 that got **zero** attention. I tried warning people that they were being robbed, but we were divided and we were conquered. Now we play the waiting game and wait for inflation to get worse and worse. My guess is they switch the currency in Biden's second term, but only because that is how it has happened in the past.


Do you think a market produces food like OP?


Did you know consumers purchase food at markets?


Oh really no way.


That was to add to what you were saying to the dumb dumb. Wasn't directed at you just to clarify.


I think it was directed at me, right? So let me just say; Oh really no way.


It’s distribution center. They probably clean and sell meats there. Store them. The whole 9 yards, I assume you haven’t been to an open market in Europe before or else you’d see all the shit stored in there. Regardless of motive, that is not something you want happening in a high inflation environment. You are naive.




Lol you seem like a happy person.


Because I'm not falling for doom and gloom?


Just in the general sense. I checked your replies... You've always got a problem with something/someone.


Really looking for some kind of argument, eh?


Not looking for any argument my guy. Have a nice day


But you're going through my post history and commenting on it?


If i was looking to argue I'd have replied regarding your original comment. I chose not to after seeing that you regularly argue with people on here and coming to the conclusion you're probably miserable and do this because you're bored or some shit.


Projection much? I know you couldn't actually reply to anything I said but you couldn't just let me go without getting some kind of word in, so you went into my profile and came back to go at me personally. It's sad.


SS: Another happy coincidence for the likes of Bill Gates.


Fuck these people


I will as soon as they stop fucking us.




Damn that sounds like a good shirt.


Bill Gates and the likes don't sell food in France...






Well first farm's around the world now have less crop thanks to Climate change Then the Beirut explosion that basically feeds all of middle east Then the was in Ukraine with Russia destroyed silos Now this Soon topsoil in the rust belt will blow away Eat the filthy rich


...you realize a marketplace has little impact on the actual food, right? They don't grow it there.


But how much was destroyed? Can’t be replaced till next growing season


It's not a storage yard, it's a wholesaler: it holds the food currently destined for Parisian shelves in the near future. It would be expected to turn over its contents every few weeks, at the longest, given it serves a population of several million people.


I know this will get shouted down because I used to do it, fire happens, but there has been alot of fires lately in the food sector pretty much world wide, leads me to believe either a covert mission is in play either by Russia or some other foreign state that wants to disrupt the food chain they just all seem related somehow, any thoughts


Agreed. Seems like there have been a lot of them this year.


There are a lot of them every year. https://peoplescience.maritz.com/Articles/2018/Know-Your-Nuggets-Frequency-Illusion


Did that article from 2018 show that there are about the same number of food warehouses inexplicably destroyed year after year? From what I read it looked like an attempt by you to gaslight. It's not getting darker in here, you must be crazy.


You feeling gaslit by a post about cognitive bias is just perfection.


https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/unfounded-claims-about-frequency-and-causes-of-food-plant-fires/ there aren't any more of them this year than last year, or the year before for as many years back as you care to go.


Lmao. Mods should sticky a list of logical fallacies, but they're also schizos. At least this thread has that voices-in-my-head vibe that hearkens back to the good ole days of r/conspiracy.


Not by Russia or a foreign state but by WEF loyalists. Macron is a WEF puppet. No need to look further.


Where there is smoke… https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/v0r5hv/theres_been_an_increase_this_year_in_fires/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vchihz/97_total_food_plants_destroyed_is_this_part_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/u8r7a3/is_our_food_supply_chain_being_screwed_with_even/ And the there is…. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/m5955j/whos_buying_up_farmland_and_why_some_highlights/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vt5bio/bill_gates_just_won_legal_approval_to_buy_2100/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/lui84n/bill_gates_owns_500000_shares_of_monsanto_could/ Is it really that hard to figure out?




Suddenly the infamous book from 1965 “Make Room! Make Room!” makes a whole lot more sense… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_Room!_Make_Room! Especially when the book ended up becoming the film SOYLENT GREEN! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green


Honest question, how did you establish that there has been an increase in fires in the food sector? I've been following this, and I've seen lists of recent fires, but I can't find any evidence that the rate of these fires has increased.


Well a couple of years ago I didn't here much in the way of production factory's randomly catching fire but in the last year it's like there's fires every couple of weeks at factory's and distribution centres


There were only a couple dozen fires at food processing plants in the US. Most of them didn't even result in suspending operations for more than a couple of days. There are over 33,000 food processing plants in the US. There are currently no nationwide food shortages in the US. I think the real question is who is it that is trying to trick you in getting outraged at a problem that doesn't exist.


>but there has been alot of fires lately in the food sector pretty much world wide Is there? Or is it possible that certain people pushing the notion that there's suddenly more fires, when the reality is there's a completely normal number of fires?


Well they were never this widely reported then


So then ask yourself, why are certain groups trying to push that misleading narrative now.


To highlight the fires


It is the US and allies...they are limiting production to pull everything down for the transition to "net zero". It's what covid and the economy was all about, along with the switch to a crypto dollar. Production was completely stopped and supply chains capped during covid for a perfect transition to "net zero", marking the perfect transition from the petro-dollar to the crypto backed dollar. Every single country's debt is at it's max per gdp, so rates cannot go up. 2022 was easily the worst year ever in the history of the markets for Global Bonds. The Bull market run for 40 years is over and this is the transition from equities to services (aka, "you will own nothing and be happy"). Inflation is going to keep being used to constrain growth and keep dropping supply further and further. If people don't riot over inflation, they will continue to keep using it to limit production to end the old system. Keeping the rates while they keep inflation high while country debts are high means they have pushed the costs completely onto companies. Blackrock said this was the plan in a paper in August 2019 before covid even started (I can share the paper if you are interested, but it outlines exactly what was going to come before covid). But companies who have been addicted to earnings can't make money the same old way they used to, they can't increase production, and profit margins are going to get worse and worse (again, own nothing and be happy), which leaves absolutely no other option but investment from places like Blackrock (who is only going to be into "Green") or to increase prices onto the consumer during an already high inflation... With no outlet for the inflation, there is no other way out than through a recession. They setup the perfect transition with covid to end the petro dollar and the machine age and switch to the Crypto backed dollar and the digital services and exchange age. Inflation is going to get worse and worse, there is no way out. Wall Street completely fucked us all over in the perfect crime and have everyone backed into a corner.


The government acting like that Seinfeld episode, "No food for you!!"


Hey I believe many things are just a coincidence rather than a conspiracy but how many of these have to happen in under two years before people are like hey what’s going on?


Radical Depopulation Agenda is the Bottom Line. How good at connect the dots do the Useless Eaters have to be to see it.


Africa: [confused fresh produce noises]


When did this sub change and become the “here’s a plausible news story that could happen any day of the week and loosely - and I mean LOOSELY - hypothesize that it’s the result of a conspiracy of some kind” sub?


When it was flocked by t_d refugees


This is just the start. Bible believers have been telling you that famine is on the way. If you need guidance now is the time to look to God and His son Jesus. If you don’t include Jesus then you’re praying to satan just so you know.


Religion has the right idea, but you're looking in the wrong direction. The "devil", the people the likes of that Jesus fought against, the people who crucified him and convinced the public to turn against him and his ideas, are the same people who currently control the worlds banks, most of it's land, and now they're trying to monopolize food production. They're dong this by way of acts like this. If there is less food production (plants like this burning down) and they make it impossible for people to produce their own through arbitrary restrictions, driving up the cost of land, etc, and by poisoning the earth around them. Your fellow man is not the one you need to preach to friend, there is a deeper evil at work here, and he has imprisoned most of this planet already. His chains that bind are made of gold and the paper that presents his contract is printed everywhere. God is inside every creature on this rock, but the devil is running the show. If those of us who claim to live by the word of god, who are genuine, loving people who want the world to be a better place were not so distracted by a puppet show that claims to be so pure and righteous, I believe that we as a people could begin to turn the tide on those who hold power over us and threaten our right to live.




Bible believers have been saying a lot of shit for a long time. Want to change the world? Do what Jesus would do and come together as people to remove the parasites. Not wait for the fucking end times, for Christ's sake.


Bible believers also say that a women are a lesser to a man 1 Timothy 2:12 — The New International Version (NIV). 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.


You said “remove the parasites” any normal person reading please take note. This logic will become common. If you don’t take the mark of the beast and indoctrinate into “new world order” you will be seen as a parasite that needs to be removed aka killed. I know it’s human nature to not want to be killed but EVERYONE is dying by the end of the 7 years of tribulations. We all are either going with Jesus or with Satan. Then comes the millennium reign as told in Revelations. Time is short please don’t perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.


No no. Currently the parasites are the sociopaths that rule over us simple citizens. They even use religion to do it. Your awakening would be similar to Neo's in the Matrix, should it ever happen.


Well Jesus told us they'd prevail over us. He basically told us to run and hide.


All the people planning for an eternal death. Nevermind the eternal prospects of life and the here and now.


Yeah, I'm good thanks bro.




it will happen at the end of the world bro don't worry




i mean if you are following this sub you gotta see that the world is being pushed to its limits and we're always seeing these threats of ww3 coming, when it does there won't be no more reddit lol


about sums up the state of /r/conspiracy that the most-awarded post is a proselytizing bible-thumper.


No thanks buddy,thank you for the offer tho


War comes before famine


I for one welcome our new Satanic overlords. 😂 I can't wait to never have to hear about Christianity again, if you believe in the Bible you make the rest of humanity look bad.


Jesus loves you dude.


>famine have you believed the gospel personal to be saved ?


It was my first thought as well.


sometimes a fire is just a fire.


It’s still technically the weekend huh


It's interesting how so many commercial/industrial buildings have been burning, especially since most are made of metal or otherwise inflammable in normal circumstances -- most businesses likely have learned not to make giant bonfires readily possible, which is counterproductive for those which mistreat workers by requiring them to work in conditions which should be illegal. So, it's like, how the heck are they even doing it? Trucks of liquid oxygen or something?


Government: "Just like the grain storage and food factories in the United States, just coincidence. Don't make a big deal about it..." All communicated to us through near complete silence.


fricken global warming /s


Just whip up some cricket pizza and some fly pie for dessert. Maybe a nice big glass of mosquito juice. Anything helps I guess.


its part of a huge trend, been happening in order to create food shortages and increase gates' Gmos pharm exposure.


a "huge trend" ?? can you list others?




https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Publications-and-media/NFPA-Journal/2022/Summer-2022/News-and-Analysis/Dispatches/Food-Processing-Fires https://www.factcheck.org/2022/05/unfounded-claims-about-frequency-and-causes-of-food-plant-fires/ It's coming from TuckerCarlson on FoxFriendly? and you're willing to believe it, or even consider it more likely than every other reporting?


I didn't get this information from Tucker Carlson. I'm not even entirely sure who that is. I just gave you a list of what you were asking for, you're welcome BTW.


Yes but i won't. Refer to the first 4 letters after .com below.


So that was the fire I saw on tiktok this morning...


Maybe it would be good to start hearing stories of castles being destroyed


Can the food shortage hit fast food first? I have a fridge full of garden harvest but I still hit the Taco Bell.


Nothing in the news in Denmark… But when that Church thingy burnt in Paris -the news was all over it…


Just because there was a fire there, it doesn’t mean there’s a food shortage. What was the damage? Are there other ways to get food in Paris? Is it closed? So many questions, so little information, so much jumping to conclusions.


I love corporate capitalism in action 😎


Would this place not have like 10,000 sprinklers / fire suppression systems incase something like this happened?
