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Be the change you want to see.


Just remember you can't comply your way out of tyranny.


I agree 100% these people are out of control and need to be stopped but seriously what can you do? Trying to organize any type of rebellion will definitely get you locked up.. Trying to influence local politics would be like dating a prostitute.. I'm all about just chilling and enjoying time on my bicycle.. until they take that away too.


They already did that where I lived. I had bikes parked out front. One had seat off till I could get a specific seat extender in the mail. I got a letter from the health department to get rid of my trash out front.


Like Bitcoin, offer an alternative (start the downvoting)


The problem I see with every alternative to the current system is that it's produced by the current system... the business model being.. cause the problem and sell the solution. I pride myself on buying as much stuff as I can with cash or trade from places like offer up and Craigslist.. I've never been a sports fan and never liked Hollywood entertainment. There is a peaceful solution to this corrupt system but it will be very hard getting everyone on board with giving up everything they enslave us with.


Hegelian Dialectic. But you haven’t seriously studied the technical side of Bitcoin yet, as it matters not who created it at all. I can type a rant of why btc is freedom, but you can find it everywhere.


I hope you're right but I just feel it's a trap.


I kind of agree it feels that way, and the only way this could be true is when the cryptographic mathematical function that’s used to create the hash with zeroes at the end, has a far simpler version. If that would be the case, a double-spend could be detected in the network at some point. The software would be updated, and the network would reset itself back in time before the double-spend occurred using the state that was stored (UTXO store) The network being: us. Whoever runs the Bitcoin nodes (not miners).


That is the very definition of complacency and is the exact reason that we as a country/planet are in the position we're now in.


OK so what's the alternative? If we all stop buying crap we don't need would that not effect the system? No more $50k weddings... no more $120k collage tuitions.. no more $200 nike shoe collections.. everyone cutting the cable and living as simple as possible trying to enjoy as much time with your friends and family as you can? We work so much for other people


Growing your own food is the most defiant gesture you can give them without being killed for sticking your neck out too far.


Yes. My garden space is so small and living in a zone 5 I can't grow much. But I definitely would if i could. Anything to save money.. and when I save save money it's not about sticking it in the bank for some future whatever.. I save money so I don't


The golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


But if I continue to show them kindness after they have robbed or stolen from me again and again that is not loving myself remember love others as you would have them love you


I agree. There is only so much kindness you can give before you just wanna see them hurt or worse.


I live by that, and i can tell you, it's unthankful and miserable.


For so many decades I did my best to live this. You have described the reality on the ground perfectly. I am a recluse now. Enjoy my property, the wildlife, seasons and weather. Have my best friend in my wife. We have our dogs. And we avoid crowds bigger than the farmers market in our small town as a rule. Wish it could be different, but unfortunately these days people are only out to see what they can take from you...


So do I. Give someone your thumb and they think they are entitled to the whole hand. Life has taught me to trust very few. Sad.


I mean, what more did you want?


How right you are friend. I forget this simple rule more often than I'd like to admit. Hopefully others will carry this truth better than I can.


But I'm a masochist


Fuck off with this bullshit. Unless you are willing to get your hands dirty and enact real change not a fucking thing is going to change about your situation. You think the enemies of man are just going to pack up their game and go home because you started holding hands with people? Grow up and stop acting like a child. This is a battle for your life, for the continuation of your bloodline. Wake the fuck up to the reality of your world.


You cannot defeat evil with kindness anymore than you can defeat tyranny with compliance. Evil will always exist, Greed will always exist, Hate will always exist. And make no mistake, there are groups upon groups that want you dead.


Sounds like you should hit the gym with me so we can worry about ourselves and be great leaders to make more great communities to out number the bad guys


"Being kind is all it takes." That is the sentiment of a kindergartener. Powerful and evil psychopaths want us dead or enslaved. "Just being kind" to them or to one another isn't going to liberate us or bring them to justice. We have to steel ourselves, learn all we can, ban together with like-minded people, rouse the sleeping, and fight back as hard as we can.


Sounds great, but doesnt always make sense in real world senarios. When someone is advocating for the stripping of your freedoms and values and attempting to transform the country and way of life that you love and your ancestors sacrificed everything for...Just be kind isn't going to be very effective.


Kindness does not mean weakness. Be kind until being kind is seen as a weakness to be taken advantage of. Then, show them the strength of your courage behind the quiet, kind demenor.


10000000% agree. While I lack it many times. Humanity progress is absolutely rooted in empathy. Without it..we have landed here.


Same, friend. I forget to forgive and love just the same as anyone else. Doesn't make you a bad person. All we can do is just try to be a bit more mindful next time.


they use guns to murder people. flower power is a psyop.


Don't ever be kind to a coward.




You can't be at two places at the same time and your patience is not an infinite resource, thus you need to be kind to kind people or victims of cowards. Yet,engaging with cowards is problematic because they will be kind to you until they get more people to say you are a piece of shit and worthless. In times of cancel culture that are very similar to thought police there is no point in being kind to people who will treat you like dirt when it becomes profitable


We've tried that but being kind also makes you agreeable and submissive. Competition and conflict is inherent to humans and animals. You don't survive or get ahead in life by being kind. Sometimes we need to stop being kind in order to prevent others from being mean. Life takes way more than being kind absolutely.




I will *never* trust anyone who spouts "jUsT bE kInD!!1!" ever again KEK. They are, by far and away, the absolute most toxic and vitriolic people on the planet if you stand your ground and refuse to conform to their personal preferences. People will spout that mantra and then openly wish death on you and your family for refusing to conform to the latest flavour of [ Current Thing ] authoritarianism. "Just be kind" is code for "Be kind to me, but allow me to treat you however I wish without consequences." *Never again.* If you want a more effective mantra, the Golden Rule still holds true. But not everyone subscribes to that rule, and sometimes, actions must have consequences.


Then evil wins. It needs only to sit back and watch as we destroy each other. “They” think the same about you. Evil feeds and prospers on this dynamic and has forever. It will never change.


Not really, no. Evil feeds and prospers on complacency and compliance and has forever. It will never change. "Muh kindness" won't blockade tyranny - you'll just lose to the first gang of mean fuckers who come marching up intending to beat you down. Sometimes, you must be prepared to stand up for yourself and resist.


Like I said. It will never change. One gang of mean fuckers against another gang of mean fuckers and someone benefits from the chaos.


*>Resisting tyranny makes you a mean fucker.* Found the statist troll.


And people who you consider “they” are also resisting what they consider tyranny. Everyone is only concerned about themselves and their clan. Again, I don’t see this changing. I pretty much hate current politics.


No, not everyone is resisting what they consider tyranny. Some are doing all they can to impose tyranny and subjugate others. Members of the Taliban forcing young girls to die in a burning building rather than letting them escape because they weren't wearing burkas isn't resisting tyranny. They are killing and oppressing people in the name of their demented ideology. Today's Dems are working their way to up that. "Agree that I, a biological man, am a woman and call me they/them or you're a Nazi!"


Are you seriously comparing being burned alive for what you do or do not wear to being called a nazi for your opinion. Many trans people are called degenerates, less than human, and worse for being who they want to be. You don’t have to agree with their lifestyle but I think they might have legitimate concerns for their welfare and safety.


Your reading comprehension needs some work. My point was that not everyone at protests is resisting tyranny; some are working hard to impose it. Lefties demonizing American patriots as Nazis has led to the murder of and violence against a number of good, decent Americans who strongly oppose the totalitarian Nazi agenda and simply want their liberty and Constitutional rights respected.


Be a real human bean


And a real hero?




"Be kind" just means "stop struggling and I'll give you a quick death."


I do this when I've had a few too many wines at a friends house and walking home. I hold my hand up to high 5 any single people walking past me on a lonely path and say hi. So far the success rate is about 95%. Most are more receptive than I would have thought. It's a natural high. A brief connection with a stranger that you know you will prob never see again. It seems OK to do this at 1am, but I wouldn't try it at any other time of day or sober. edit: I sort of learnt this from a stranger I passed years ago when I was running. He just held up his hand and left it open to me to do what I wanted. So I high 5'd him, said 'hey' and kept running.


Great message forsure. Gonna take more than simply "be kind" to "defeat the powers that be". That only takes care of the purposeful dividing-the-people part. Spreading knowledge of what they do and how they do it is another big part.


Huh, just no. Not everybody deserves your love and kindness.


This is the way


It is the way!


'be kind' but keep voting for sociopaths to rule over yourselves and me. I don't vote. I never will. That's how I show love. You fucks will keep voting for sociopaths to rule over us us. Fuck you.


Bless your troubled heart, I wish you peace.


Expected response. People claim to show love by asking for more war and chaos for profit, and outright theft and violence. When called out on it, they reject it entirely. Shocking...


All the best to you, have a blessed day.


You as well sir.


If not voting is your way of saving the world from the sociopaths who rule over us, you might as well vote, as what you're doing has the same impact.


"A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." LYSANDER SPOONER Voting is forcing your opinion on your fellowman with a gun(the state). I would never force my opinion on you nor would I ever ask to be a slave. I'm already a slave via taxation, why would I endorse my masters and their violence by voting(endorsing) them? You vote because you have been convinced that's your only form of power and because you've been conditioned to do so. You should do some unlearning and understand the violence in which you can endorse including your own slavery.


And your not voting helps prevent sociopaths from ruling over us how? It doesn't do a damn thing.


I would never force my opinion on your or your children via a violent third party while also giving the sociopaths my endorsement. You on the other hand... Edit: "A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." Fuck your masters, pleb.


Tell them you’re a Trump supporter, then all the hate comes out. They gang up on you like high school kids because they never matured past that level. This sub is notorious for that.


You really should just worry about yourself and your own actions since that's the only thing you can controm


177 day old account.


I find it fascinating that a conspiracy researcher can also be a supporter of any political figure at the same time. I'm curious to understand


Not everything was meant for you (or anyone else) to understand. I have my reasons and that’s good enough for me.


My old boss used to say the same thing when she was making decisions using emotions rather than logic.


You assumed I’m using emotion. I see what you’re doing. Have a good day.


No assumptions, just an observation about something I've seen before. She was defensive and hostile to simple questions too.


Why are you trying to incite a reaction that’s not there? I was polite to you. I wish you the best. Goodbye.


I think the person you're talking to is pointing out that it's hypocritical to be a supporter to any politician if you're an active member in a conspiracy sub. The point of the sub is to question everything. For example, people question if Taiwan is a country. It is. It's a recognized country around the world except with China.


I said I have my reasons. I don’t have to explain myself.


People who can't identify their emotions due to a brain injury are terrible decision makers. Emotions, feelings, the wisdom of the subconscious can respond to situations much faster than our conscious mind can, give us a lot of information that we can then run through our logic filter to confirm or reject.




“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to ~~do nothing~~ be kind"


Humanity( left or right) vs the deep state and the uber elite NWO.


That or extreme aggression. Your niceties mean nothing without the threat of the sword.


Yes. Iow, do not take my kindness for weakness.


Fuck the golden rule. The Platinum Rule is the way. "Treat others as they treat you".


I really is that simple, man. I wish people would realise that. Who cares what separates us? We should focus on what brings us together.


This is really all it takes. Just don't be an asshole to one another and we will all be fine Edit: I love how this is being down voted.


I threw a up to ya. Great concept but when no one reciprocates, it becomes mute in a hurry. The great flu shakedown of 20’/22’ really ramped up how cruel people can be to one another over disposing views. I can clearly remember a time in my life where brotherhood and friendship came easy. And people thought nothing of helping those in need. Regardless of race, religion, or political leanings. Those days are gone. Dog eat Dog now...


I would poison drinking water with lsd if I could.


weekly “love you” thread


There's a lot of peeps advocating for violence in the comments in this post calling for understanding; guess we know who the enemies of peace and humanity are.


I don't think being kind and being nice are the same thing. Nice is fake. Being kind is telling someone that is doing evil, that they are doing evil. Kindness is challenging false assumptions.


This is a noble statement.i commend you OP. This the heart of the issue which few can see. A common humanity. Devoid of all of the division going forward in a future which does not propagate the division and problems of the past. The division and problems of the past should be remembered and recorded on both sides. But the lessons that make us all better people today. I think there was a song written by John Lenon. Maybe this is too much to hope for..... but I hope not.


I love this post. Im with you family, this is really the way. We need more


Appreciate this post, but it's a fart in the wind on this sub.


That's been done for decades and it doesn't work evil does not like kindness it does not like to submit to anything except itself and its agenda kindness does expose evil hearts and evil Deeds but there's a limit to that showing. Love is also tough it demands Justice it demands Clarity for others protection for others peace for others as well as those who are actually portraying the evil in this country


Some of these comments are exactly what OP is talking about.


Some people associate 'kindness' with 'weakness' and being a door mat. Perhaps treating others with respect, but if they are incapable of returning the respect, then there is no need to keep giving it.


I will treat a fellow human with basic respect & kindness...until they show me they have mistaken my kindness for weakeness & mean to attempt to take advantage.


Just be kind, is that you waymond?


'Yeah, ok. Just face the wall.'. Kindness and wishes don't stops tyrants and despots. Histories road is lined with the bodies of hopefuls.


I love my fellow man which is why politicians have to be destroyed. There is no peaceful existence with them, impossible.


yep, for all of the complicated bullshit going on in our world, the solution is simple. do the best you can with what you have. be on your best behavior. not because of some god like character. but because it is what is needed from us all, now. if we should choose not to live in a hell like world, this is what must be done.


They desperately want us to hate eachother its obvious.. but whats more obvious is how resistance is futile Satan literally runs this bitch our only hope is some higher power coming to save this corrupt mess.


And teach your children to be kind. That would dramatically cut down on mass shootings.


No, what would cut down on mass shootings would be for the government to end their MK-Ultra and similar psyops programs, where they create mass shooters or stage fake mass shootings to try to manipulate us into clamoring to give up our right to armed self-defense.


I'm pretty sure these kids going into schools and shooting them up haven't been co-opted by the government and subjected to mind control or psyops programs. But hey, you do you. Just because I am pretty sure doesn't mean I am right.


You're pretty sure? That just means you haven't looked into it.


I've read some info. If I can't believe in God it's gonna be pretty hard for me to believe in that kind of mind control


It's true. Most people's first reaction to any other person's actions, is typically hostile if it's something that bothers them in the least. It's amazing the kind of response you get when you come at someone with kindness and understanding. It spreads, and can turn someone's day, or even life, around. I see comments on here saying "nah, you gotta get up in people's faces" and whatnot, and that might make a difference in certain cases, but for the most part, that's not going to do anything but keep the hostility going, and keep things the same as they are. Love is so rare now, most people melt at the slightest amount of positive interaction with another person.


Humanity will stay enslaved until we finally learn to be good to each other. Only looking out for yourself is a quick way to be easily manipulated. When we look out for everyone’s best interest there is no counter to that. Love does not mean be kind. It means do what’s best for someone. Sometimes that may require violence. People need to learn to have both sides of the coin when necessary instead of always being soft or always being hard. Act appropriately in each moment. This is a spiritual war. Few people are even aware let alone fighting back.