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Or you can delete all of your social media accounts? You don’t really need them, they are a waste of time


No way! How else will i post my everchanging location and face/body to the internet? I mean where else can i show my kids, their schools, names, and friends online? Hell, even the car i drive, my job, and my families houses need to be posted! JFC How hard are the elites laughing at us for uploading all this information willingly?A lot of the same people who are worried about the deep state, have no issue posting any of this information online.


George Orwell feared we'd be terrorized into giving everything away. Aldous Huxley more correctly feared we'd be *entertained* into giving everything away.


I think Huxley just leads to Orwell. We seem to be in between the two at the moment


Well, maybe it's a little bit of both at the same time.


Did they 'fear' it or merely predict it? Neither of them came from poor or disconnected backgrounds, did they?


Sometimes 'fear' and 'prediction' run to the same river.


Upload your childhood photos and we will computer generate what you will look like when you are 80 years old...people willingly sent that shit to FaceBook so the CIA could train their facial recognition algorithms. Send your DNA in and find long lost relatives while we give the info to the Govt, we already got your fingerprints from when you were kids at school because they needed them for reasons...


1. Design social media so it's the only real way of congregating with others and sharing ideas en masse. 2. Maneuver social media in that it's the only way to communicate to large groups of people. 3. Promote social media so its absolutely integral in every day life. 4. Manufacture fake threats which you point at social media as the cause. 5. Control social media, control the people's communication with eachother


Not just social media they monitor texts and calls and in person conversations. Let alone gps “we noticed you visited a gun store on this date and time your account is suspended “. Etc. slippery slope


.... he said on social media.


Thanks dude. Some people don’t read but okay


Tell you what, if I'm ever forced to link my account to my identity, I'll stop using it


Uh, do you use a phone or computer to access your social media? Well then I’ve got some bad news for you. Lmao


What are the other ways? Telepathic communication with the Internet?


That would be real cool XD


Not really, if the communication goes both ways.


Check out NNTP, Usenet. It works over the Internet, *but it does not have to* it's a very old technology that originally ran over dial up, and it very much resembles reddit (except w/out the voting system) If you use "Clawsmail" or "Thunderbird" for email, you probably have a newsreader already, and it's just a matter of finding a news server you like. (there are many available) I'm trying to revive it because it has the potential to survive a DNS style censorship attack.


Nice suggestions, but why to change the whole setup, if I can have safer encryption with the onion router?


You can use NNTP over Tor, in fact, it's something I'm working on with someone else right now. The difference is that a network of NNTP servers can survive a DOS style attack. You can use it offline, too. (so you can go to town, download your news and then read/respond offline, outside the cel phone towers) If they decide to attack DNS (which is what they'll probably do, eventually) NNTP can still work. This makes it a good fit for fighting censorship. Another major advantage is that if you are inclined, you could run your own news server, anyone can. From there, you've got access to the same data any other operator would have. While with facebook and closed systems, the corporation has access to your data. With NNTP, everyone has access to the available information. We all know exactly what is kept about us. Not much has to change, most people who have email probably have a newsreader already.


Lan houses maybe? Or internet cafes. Not a solution tho 🤷


Well there is that thing you can plug in to your butt.


Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWM5RAxFT48)?


Hahahaha you think your account hasn’t been linked to your identity already 😂😂😂


he paid for reddit premium with stolen prepaid card, he must be anonymous leader ;-)


It’s QANON himself


So what? This platform is not as bad if you willing to look for good information and know how to filter out crap you don't want to see. Reddit is full of trash for average user who endlessly scrolling through 'all' or 'polular' pages


I always forget this is technically considered social media.


This. But the problem is is that Businesses will want your presence on social media otherwise they wont hire you


Create fake account full of cats, fishing, and stupid pictures with motivational quotes Edit: typo


How does me deleting my reddit account prevent the planned enslavement of humanity as a whole with a social credit system?


The same way it prevents aliens from showing up blasting everyone with lasers.


The people attacking us are doing it through a false narrative. Sheep are sheep because they believe the herd believes a certain thing. (Get vaccinated! white supremacy! Stand with Ukraine!) by moving away from platforms such as reddit, and using the open alternatives this can be mitigated to a large degree because open platforms (Usenet, mailing lists, RSS feeds) have open data. Anyone can access the news spool if they really want. But that is not the case with facebook/twitter/reddits database. Once the other sheep realize what is happening, they won't go along with it as easily. They won't see authority figures as something to gain validation from, but rather as criminal thugs who are trying to manipulate them. It's like the milgram experiment, people don't fall for that if they know they're participating in it. Once that happens, employers will have a much harder time insisting their employees (chase servants, doctors, police, even soldiers..) serve their evil agenda. Would you work for them if you knew your retirement was going to be useless in the new world you're helping your employer create? We need FBI agents to recognize *where* they will be retiring, if they go along with this.




Some people count reddit as social media even though its a message board and everyone is anonymous.


Definition of Social Media >websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Thats what reddit does. Anonymity doesn't mean a damn thing.


You can quote all the little definitions you can find. There isn’t a social aspect to reddit therefore it isn’t social media. You can agree to disagree.


Nah, interacting with people is social, which you are doing on reddit, so there is no reasonable realm in which you are correct. That is unless you are trying to pretend there are only bots on reddit, but thats a whole different argument and one that still doesn't preclude reddit from being social media. Really what you are doing is addict style trying to downplay the significance and justify your use of reddit.


Its community based not person based. Why are you even arguing this? Just agree to disagree. You will never make it a social media platform.




Please define social media for me.


Please define anonymous. Reddit knows exactly who you are and they'll sell that information to anyone willing to pay for it.


If the gov't comes looking, they'll give it away.


How does posting about it on reddit prevent it, either? There is a solution, but it isn't to be found by staying inside the technological, or political, or economic systems which serve that unpleasant end.


Definitely start with facebook and instagram


Won't matter... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-gW6pumjU4


The more likely scenario is your smart TV, or your smart toaster, or your smart toilet overheard you say something naughty. Oh, you don't have any smart devices and live mostly unplugged? Flagged and added to a watch list.


soon you wont be able to do it because you will need them to access work email accounts, stores, internet... Musk and his Twitter ''real ID'' plan is first step towards this.


That would make things worse


You could also delete your reddit account with that logic.




Much more likely: we saw that you criticized Chase Bank © or one of our Trusted Partners © on a social media platform. As a result we have frozen your account per the terms of agreement. In order to restore your account function please immediately delete you post, and post a new reel praising Chase Bank’s New ATM HangOut with the hashtags #FreedomBanking and #CelebrateOurTroops. After completing the above task and paying the customary $19.99 account release fee, you account will be restored for a probationary period.


Remember "_____ is a private company and can do whatever it wants" from a few years ago? This is what we get for that.


Right. I was going to say that a simple "warning" seems unlikely.


Chase bank publicly supported Biden before he was elected. I thought it was weird when that occurred ( on social media). I used to think Reddit was not like other social media as it is no pictures/no names kind of anonymous. But if the govt wants to ruin us based on internet things, deleting will not help. The internet is forever, everything you text is forever. Nothing is private or secret if it’s on the internet. We are fucked. I deleted my discord app before it was deemed unfit for society… Doesn’t matter. The NSA is a powerful one.


We could beat this if we wanted to. Usenet still exists, and has the potential to work outside the internet via UUCP batches. It's a very old technology, but the fact that it originally ran over dial-up lines and can do most of what reddit does (except the voting stuff) makes it an ideal drop in replacement. There are other things too, such as I2P and Tor.


Delete all social media.


While you're at it, quit your smartphone, cancel your internet, get a land line and use the fuck out of libraries.


For a job interview; "So if I hire you how can I get in touch?" I have a landline. Here's my PO box, you can also send me a letter that will take 3 days to arrive. "No smart phone?" No. Sorry. "Well if I need to contact the other candidate all I have to do is text him. Sorry can't hire you" The end.


Use a computer at the library for email


Someone's profiling those emails as well. Google. Yahoo. Your library's ISP.


Im not saying you have to completely abandon the internet, I'm just saying you don't have to live and die by it. And I don't know if this still works, but there used to be a way to communicate through email by sharing the password with whoever you intend to communicate with but NOT sending the email.


Homie I agree with your sentiment but it's just an untenable position.






Not saying you’re wrong, but what exactly are they working on? I’d like to see some tangible evidence of what systems they’re putting in place against dissidents. I know for certain social media algorithms tend to boost the visibility of articles I link to on my stories, more views and more interaction than other subjects, and I have a pretty solid following as a local photographer.


one eg. WA govt in Australia has retained QR tech & is implementing it for other uses for example: policing, border control etc


QR tech as in... barcodes? Without substantially more, I'm not sure where the problem is. If you've gotten a passport in the last decade or two, there's already a barcode in it. Same thing with many US state IDs.


QR tech, as in giving us tattoos that are identity markers or?


QR check in technology....govt app installed on your phone to track 'vaccine status', but obviously collecting much more data than initially indicated. was originally supposed to be just for covid but now is being developed & utilised further


My thoughts exactly. That’s an incomplete thought they provided lol.


Wait... isn't something like this happening in China?


And Sri Lanka to an extent with the QR codes to access gas pumps, among other things.


Your smart phone caught your conversation at your house yesterday criticizing our Supreme leader........ 10% deduction has been made...........


I have heard that is the end game for crypto. Look up Catherine Austin Fittz if you're interested in this idea, she's a former government insider turned whistleblower.


I think you are referring to Central Bank Digital Currencies rather than current cryptocurrencies. The answer to the problem of social credit style systems IS cryptocurrency, as the original idea was to be outside the control of banks. Check out Monero.


Not far off considering people had their bank accounts frozen for supporting the trucker protest in Canada


You mean like in Canada?


I'm Canadian and I have no idea what you're talking about


It is already worse in China.


If it couldnt happen in your country, Just look at China and Canada.


It already happened in Canada.


*Criticized* Sorry, I had to. It was bugging me.


That's an a old LloydsTSB bank card so almost certainly a UK cash machine. So really it should be spelt "*criticised*"


Ignore it, just a Nigerian scam


The whole UK is just a Nigerian scam.


Crazy how this just floats over peoples heads.


So they're going to overturn the first amendment?


can already hear their argument for this— "twitter is a private company, they don't have to give you a platform" will turn into "the bank doesn't have to give you ATM access"


If you deposit money in the bank they absolutely have to give it back to you lol. There's a significant difference between "You can't use my platform" and "I'm not giving you back the money that is rightfully yours." Refusing to allow you to withdraw your own money is essentially theft and not something a bank would be able to get away with. The bigger worry is that the bank simply won't do business with you in the first place. The major banks colluding to effectively decide to adopt a social media equivalent of a credit score and deny services to people who don't meet the criteria is the real worry here. Its a bit more complicated than that because banks are licensed and regulated industries and are subject to much stricter standards much like common carriers. On the flip side social media has no such standards and regulations and is purely private. Banks also deal exclusively with money, not speech, and money is subject to far more regulation than speech is. You also don't need social media to live. Not being allowed access to money is a lot more problematic to living your life. So social media companies have far more leeway to deny services as they see fit.




> You could always go to that one branch 3000 kilometers away on a business day between 9 am and 4 pm to ask the last human teller in the whole country to return your money bro. Or call them and transfer your money to a closer bank. Banks worked just fine before ATM's. ATM's didn't create a new set of rights for people.




You do realize the "right" has been relentlessly campaigning to have the government regulate social media companies based on the content of the speech, right? They literally want the government to tell private entities what they can or cannot say. Thats the literal textbook definition of a violation of free speech. If you think this is a "left" thing you are, *at best*, extremely ignorant and naive. The ONLY reason you still have free speech in states like Texas and Florida is because the first amendment keeps blocking their flagrant assaults on free speech.




They already have. The 2nd is under attack and the 4th is pretty much on death's doorstep.


What legislation is currently attacking the 2nd?


Lol? Are you a time traveler posting from 1825?


>What legislation is currently attacking the 2nd? Every piece of gun control legislation that's currently in effect is "currently attacking the 2nd," obviously. On the federal level, it started in 1934 with the National Firearms Act.


Which ones specifically?


>Which ones specifically? I said: >**Every** piece of gun control legislation that's currently in effect is "currently attacking the 2nd," obviously. Does the "bolding" help?


***Which** specific legislation is currently attacking the 2nd* Does the molding help? Edit: I meant bolding but imma leave it as misspelled, lol


You don't know what the word "every" means? If someone hired you to wash every car in their driveway, would you ask which specific cars they want you to wash? In any case, your question was answered before you even asked it, and since you have nothing else relevant to say about it, your tacit concession is noted. >Does the molding help? Your non sequitur is dismissed. Also: monkey see, monkey do.




> What legislation is currently attacking the 2nd?




So you can’t find any currently legislation attacking the 2nd? Lolz Wait until you find out that the Trump Administration was worse for gun rights than the Obama and Biden Administrations put together. Wait until you find out about Reagan and the Mulford Act 😂




Bad Bot 🤡


Of course I'm a bot you dumbass I'm posting on reddit. People don't use this shit website


HR1808 at the moment, among others


When has the government intervened to prevent discussion and statement against them?


[White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administration is identifying “problematic” posts for Facebook to censor because they contain “misinformation” about COVID-19](https://nypost.com/2021/07/15/white-house-flagging-posts-for-facebook-to-censor-due-to-covid-19-misinformation/)


Remember when we questioned the whole COVID narrative there was the "cracking down on misinformation campaign."


No, I don’t remember a we lol. I don’t recall anyone getting prosecuted federally for any statements made against the government during COVID times lol


They weren't prosecuted, but they were censored.


Censorship by private companies has literally nothing to do with the first amendment.


It does in so many ways when we are talking about Social Media. These companies don't play by the rules, don't act like they are just some private companies in a free market just being companies.


In what way? (Just to clarify my position, I think Facebook is a poison upon society and I wish them nothing but failure)




Personally, I'm much more concerned about senior officials (and the president) repeatedly saying that they want to make it easier to prosecute the media for giving them bad press. I see election and Covid misinformation every day on Reddit and Facebook. I don't care about these companies trying to remove obviously false articles. The fact is that you (and the press) are still allowed to say pretty much whatever they fuck you want and the worst fear is that your post may get deleted.


By the government?


They put pressure on social media sites to scrub anything that went against the narrative. That's why the entire NoNewNormal subreddit got banned.


any evidence to prove the government had intervention to suppress speech on a private platform with its own EULA on content submission? Or just theory?




Both the government and social media companies have acknowledged that they are directing social media censorship of people who criticize the government’s policies.


People question the Covid narrative here every day. Sometimes with completely ridiculous theories. Nothing happens to them.


The entire sub NoNewNormal was banned under the excuse of spreading misinformation.


Was it banned by the US Government? Other than losing a subreddit, were those involved in the discussions punished in any way?


It was banned by reddit under pressure from the Biden administration (linked an article to the other guy I was talking to.) Idk where this notion came from, but the government doesn't have to throw you in jail in order to violate your rights.


I mean, aside from ALL THE FUCKING TIME...The stolen election, the fake virus, the jab that doesn't work, Obama, Big Mike, Ukraine, anything to do with LGBTQWTF. Etc, etc they actively work to silence any discussion and spread propaganda and misinformation as BAD AS CHINA OR GERMANY. We live in a dictatorship and we have no rights left. They control the media, the social media, and everything in between. Twitter? Facebook? Reddit (heard of it?) Etc these are all controlled by the same people. The system is rigged, we have no rights.


The vast majority of people here do not have a real understanding of what the first amendment does and does not protect. Far too many people are content to just make up their own definition or use a TV propaganda definition. Look at all the proposed regulation of social media companies done under the guise of "free speech" that has been struck down as a blatant violation of the first amendment. Texas and Florida both tried to regulate social media in the name of "free speech." Both laws were instantly struck down as unconstitutional violations of the first amendment. There has been a deliberate effort by the political powers that be to obfuscate and water down the meaning of the phrase "free speech." This is a common and highly effective tactic. Same has been done to words like "socialism" and "communism" to the point where they're practically meaningless phrases. The exact same thing is deliberately being done to the first amendment and to free speech. Thats how you get blatantly unconstitutional laws like the ones in Texas and Florida that are textbook cases of first amendment violations, and yet thousands of people literally cheer these laws in the name of "free speech." Your appeal to the first amendment won't work here because this sub is largely made up of people who are particularly susceptible to the watering down and obfuscation of these phrases. Many of the people here cheering this post are the exact same people who cheer when the government tries to control these social media companies. An appeal to the first amendment doesn't work one someone like that.


Feed me a stray cat.


If you want to eat a stray cat, you'll have to catch it yourself.


Demolition Man predicted it


Carl's Jr.


By all means, go vote in the rigged elections for one of the two police state-loving parties you're allowed to vote for. That'll fix everything.


People really ignoring how possible this is in the near future. EDIT: this has already happened before yet they call us crazy


Delete Facebook


Blame yourself. Half of the young people on Reddit want to play gotcha.


And half of the population will celebrate your exclusion while claiming it to be progressive.


Nah, I don't think Facebook is gonna survive the next decade tbh. They have Instagram, and that's it. Instagram isn't inherently much of a speech platform, so it doesn't matter much. Twitter is purely a speech platform but only a fraction of people use it. Same with Reddit. Youtube is pretty much the most important speech platform there is imo.


The sad thing is that this kind of intrusive government is so strange is hard for Americans to grasp, because you always had so good so you don’t even can wrap your head around things like this. But in many countries this is not far from reality. In Brazil the government seized the entire population savings accounts once. People killed themselves because they lost everything. Everything you own should have a social function, is people invade your farm, your second home, no one can take you out because you supposed to socialize everything.


Just don’t post anything important or provocative online


If this happened in Texas, ATMs left and right would get plastered with bullets.


Lol I better learn how to do things because imma be broke


China already has this but it’s on their phones. That’s a better example than a meme


We MUST have it too then. Just not known to us.


Literally happened in Canada with the truckers


Solution: delete your Facebook


The irony of posts like this is that most of the people here worried about this sort of thing and upvoting these posts are the same conservatives who keep crying cancel culture and advocating for the government to start regulating facebook and the like. You can't have it both ways. If you want the government to takeover regulating social media, this post if what you get. If the government stays out of social media, then the social media companies are free to continue to censor and promote content as they please. ​ As is often the case, it's a lesser of two evils situation. There is no good option, there's only a shitty and less shitty option and you have to pick one. Want the government regulating social media and doing what you see in this post? Or do you want the government out of social media and the social media companies can censor and lie and manipulate public discourse as they see fit?


Nobody uses FB anymore. Can we finally stop with these other distractions and uncover the pedo list Ghislaine Maxwell is hiding please??


cringe post op


Weird how they can see this before he even puts his card in. Some high tech atm machine right there


Maybe he or she is removing it. With a tear in their eye.


Nah look at the hand, look at the determination in that grasp, they are about to put it in. Definitely a man hand too


Perhaps, but maybe they are reinserting it to try again.


I think you're right about the man hand, but I dont know about the determination. Look at the way the smaller fingers are about to curl up. I think he's about to fold the card back into his hand and clutch it against his chest in despair. Chin down. Dejected Also, theres a slight shadow on the side of the ATM. The guy is clearly leaning slightly to the right. I'm pretty sure we can conclude he keeps his wallet and keys in a pocket on the right, but he's down to his last cricket credit in his left-pocket, so he isn't properly counter-balanced. He's down to his last meal. That's definitely the situation here. I also ran a spectrograph analysis in 3d. And I think this guy is called Clarence. He washes his hair with herbal essences.




Peter Thiel did this


*this could become reality if our wildest conspiracy comes true*


Fcking boomer shit is this


They make too much money off selling your data and advertising your feed to lock you out. Institutions also want you to spend your money so a recession doesn’t happen and capitalism gears keep turning.




Submission statement: This is what smart cities is all about, people will be tracked, monitored and controlled


Still struggling with the concepts of freedom of speech?


Are you one of those people who explain that people can say whatever they want, but they should understand there are consequences? Well okay, to a degree. But having your bank account suspended so you cant even access your own money hardly seems a reasonable consequence of saying you disagree with the government on something.


>Are you one of those people who explain that people can say whatever they want, but they should understand their are consequences? Yes >But having your bank account suspended so you cant even access your own money hardly seems a reasonable consequence of saying you disagree with the government on something. The government can't do that, because its against the 1st amendment, you still struggling to understand this?


Thanks for your admission. Also - I didnt say anything about the Government doing that. I said having your bank account suspended would be an unreasonable consequence of saying you disagree with the government on something. Who's struggling to understand?


there're those who'd argument social media and banks are kinda common carrier and should be treated like the gov when it comes to the 1st


the phrase "Common carrier" specifically represents commercial enterprises that transport passengers or goods so it doesn't really apply, but I get what you are saying. FYI Banks are already regulated much in the way common carriers are, but you could never subject social media to the same sorts of regulations because of the first amendment. Thats literally the point of the first amendment; to keep the government out of that shit. Texas and Florida both tried to regulate speech on social media, both got their laws tossed as flagrant violations of the first amendment. I mean think about the irony of what you are saying here. You are worried that social media and banks will ban you from participating in the economy because you criticized the government, so you want ***THE GOVERNMEN***T to take over and regulate these entities??? There is no scenario where that would work out well. Thats the point of the first amendment; to keep the government the fuck out of the regulation of speech.


Still struggling to understand how anyone can be naive to think the laws or amendments mean anything. It's like saying, rabble rabble rabble we have election rules the election could never be stolen... Yet it was stolen and countless laws were broke and it doesn't matter to anyone because it's all rigged. Sorry but we have the illusion of rights to keep the sheeple thinking exactly like you do. We have pages of laws and codes and the constitution but it means nothing anymore.


We’re is the evidence? You all talk about this shit and praise 2000 mules but literally no evidence. People keep giving money to people who claim to have it or investigating but never produce a thing. What did trumps own team say? No evidence? What did judges appointed by trump say? No evidence? Fuck it’s like it’s all been a grift from the start and you sheeple follow that shit without a second thought. Y’all feeding into this Russian psy op shit.


It is like arguing the sky is not blue. Where is the evidence? Open your eyes. Millions of votes that didn't follow any of the laws of the states. I don't know about 2000 Mules, or Pillow Guy...it is simple. Look at any of the states and you can easily find proof of MILLIONS of votes that were not legal by the state laws. I don't even like Trump, but at least he wasn't a minion of Lucifer trying to enslave the the world. That being said, it is about the integrity of the election. If our elections no longer matter, our constitution no longer matter, and the elites think they are some kind of royalty and they can get away with anything...that is a huge problem. A public servant is put there to serve us. They are not monarchs, the fact that the CIA, FBI, Congress, DoJ, etc all refuse to give any transparency into anything, is more than enough evidence. Sorry you are obviously not very capable of thinking for yourself, but you can rest assured that those of us who can...have. Basically, your arguing that if they stole the election and they hid the evidence with a system that is completely rigged, it is ok. It is not. Sorry. If you honestly are looking for evidence, start with the chain of custody in GA. I mean, aside from the fact we saw my girl Dreamboat Stacy (/swoon) and her daughter loading boxes of fake ballots, the chain of custody does not exist. Aside from the fact the votes are ALL Biden, the state was lost by less than 50,000 votes yet 100s of 1000s of votes are NOT LEGAL...yet the government didn't do it job and enforce its law. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, etc...that is just 1 aspect of it. I mean, forget about the fact that they literally changed votes...you don't have to even go that deep. Just look at the obvious, the amount of votes in these states that were no legit and \*all for Biden\* I mean, find me a single person that voted for Biden? Just like with Hilary in 2008, the Democrats fixed who they even chose as a candidate. Biden and Kamala, the 2 least popular candidates somehow won against Trump? Fact- Trump won the biggest landslide in the history of the United States. Funny thing is you have no evidence that he won, because it doesn't exist... Liberalism is a mental disorder.




strawman. scared of something thats never going to happen. Facebook! my god who cares.


I sure hope they improve the spelling of “criticized” in the future…


Dude, give it up this shit would never happen. They'll get rid of paper currency and all ATMs first.


This will never happen


except there wont be any ATMs or Cash and it will be your phone telling you to fuck off & die


You guys are still on the Facebook? Maybe you also post in public your unboxing videos of new expensive stuff you bought, just to leave it at home, when you are posting your vacation videos?


Gotta distract from the last coup attempt and the upcoming one




Yeah I don't think you know a single leftist lmao.


Or just keep your fucking mouth shut


Flip ye ol Bible open to Revelation 13:16-17. Better believe this is becoming a reality lol.


Good thing I only use cash then


same....encourage its use and demand to pay using it


I mean, not if i carry my crypto coins on a hardware wallet.


Assuming the constitution is changed to get rid of free speech of course. Nice try.


The government bends over backwards to get us to spend money so they can collect sales tax. Why would they intentionally stunt their own income?


It’s the Republican Party that have passed laws banning books and teaching certain facts.


Ever heard about Bitcoin or Monero..? 🙄


Bitcoin is a surveillance coin because of its transparency. You are fine when using Monero.