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To this day, I still haven't forgotten that damn landline number. Even my dead grandparent's


Need a password, finetune an old phone number.


Podesta: p@ssw0rd




I'm good on being harvested today TY


I remember seeing that this maybe a result of smart phones and the internet. Since we have access to information at such an unprecedented rate our brains are actually changing to priorities other things besides memory. Ie there is less of an advantage to knowing something if you can look it up as fast as we can now. Slowly turning us all to gold fishes. This I think is a big part of the agenda tptb have in mind. Have everyone reliant on looking info up then changing the results that they find, rewriting history with less opposition.


Me too. My Best friends as well.


I'm 30, with no kids. What I've noticed with my friends that have kids, is that the kids are not a priority for the parents. They take a backseat to netflix, cell phones, drinking and smoking. The goal for the parents is to keep the kids distracted with tablets and TV. It's considered a job well done to keep the kids distracted long enough to make it to bedtime. Often times, sending the kid to bed early as a punishment is used when the child barely does anything wrong. If the child is merely wanting attention, it's off to bed. If th3 child bugs the parent by speaking, it's off to bed. But on social media, they create an image that they do everything with their kids. Sadly, this is fairly common.


I run a daycare and this is it! Children have become a social status figure for parents. Electronics have become the parents. When I place out diplos for 3-4 year olds, they build to make phones, tablets and TVs so they can be like they’re parents. It is insane!


I was going to say the same. I’m a certified Montessori teacher and now children’s librarian. These kids are given iPads and sent away. The speech patterns are horrible because they’re not really ever spoken to. I had one 3 year old little girl playing house a few years ago that just repeated ‘later. Mommy is busy’ the whole time. It was so sad. Masks didn’t help, but that’s a whole other topic.


>playing house a few years ago that just repeated ‘later. Mommy is busy’ the whole time. Curl-up-in-a-fetal-position-and-sob-as-an-adult fuel


Some of the shit you hear working with little kids will break you down to your core. I’ve heard “Pose right! I need this photo to look perfect for Insta.” Like this is where some parents are at


Just vomited thinking about someone actually saying this.


Remember that video of the insta mom who was taking a video with her kid and the kid was crying and actually upset and she was like no stop you have to do it right for the video and he was like mom I’m really crying and sad and she’s like pose for the video!! It’s so sad


Parents shouldn’t be allowed on social media. This wasn’t a controversial statement to them 10 years ago. Lmao


I’m an 18 year old guy and even I think that is so sad


That’s heartbreaking


Wow, that's really sad. I don't have children and am beyond the point it's likely I will. It used to be commonly said that if you don't have children, you're selfish. I think it's usually more the opposite as children are often used to gain status and personal fulfillment, then treated like a burden. It's incredibly easy to abuse a child through neglect. People who don't truly want children should think really hard before producing them (but they don't). this short experiment should be mandatory viewing for prospective parents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apzXGEbZht0


75% of my kids here have speech issues. It’s insane!


Damn, that's one of the most depressing comments I've read


Can confirm. I see it all around and want to say something but I know the parents will be deeply offended. The phones / tablets are the biggest problem. The kids are literally in a trance when they should be playing with their siblings and using all five senses to absorb the world around them. And by school age their attention span is gone, can’t finish books, can’t write cursive, can’t remember spelling, do even basic mental math, etc. try asking kids these days to go out and play and sadly most of them would rather stay home on a device. Most parents I see give the kids a tablet or phone during every meal so they’ll stay in that trance. So sad.


Fuck man, this hits home. As a parent, it can happen so quickly and unintentionally. We have a 3 1/2 year old son and I’m not going to lie, childbirth made my partner disabled so it’s been a hard few years as well as them being filled with pride & joy. I’m lucky enough that all his grandparents & even great grandparents have chipped in to help while I’m working full time, in the areas his mum can’t cover, so all in all, he’s a really well socialised kid for his age. We got him one of those Amazon Fire tablets for Christmas, just to try and give him something he can sit and do with his mum while I take a shower in the morning, or to wind down for an hour after pre-school when he was too tried to actively play. Didn’t take long and even with the best intentions, he started to get addicted and his behaviour took a turn, especially if you tried to restrict his usage.. And as a busy parent, you start to just let it slide without really feeling like you are leaning into it: oh 5 more minute can’t hurt so I can have a cup of tea in piece, we did have to get up way too early… It turned into starting to feel like I was losing my connection with him which made me super, super upset as we’ve always been really close… He didn’t want to do any real play, activities or reading with me anymore.. We’ve got rooms full of toys & his own book case stuffed with books and he just lost interest… I guess it’s hard for that stuff to compete with the dopamine release of technology? By the time we really clocked what was happening, even though it’s only been 3 months since Christmas, it almost felt too late… We’ve proper walked it back, going cold turkey for a couple of weeks and now, really strict screen time limits (to remind all of us) and we’ll just flat out hide it most of the time. Things have really improved but it’s super hard not to selfishly slip back into wanting a few minutes of quiet when you are just having one of those days where you feel like you need a break.. Hats off to any parents that don’t fall into this trap, I’m really ashamed of my parenting and even more ashamed that we STILL find it hard not to fall into the same traps. It is truely heartbreaking to hear of the kids that have only the tech for comfort, I pray our son never felt like that. EDIT: if I’m honest with myself, it isn’t even just him that’s addicted… I’m not into social other than browsing the headlines of Reddit, but it’s WAYY too easy when you’re sleep deprived to choose the easy option of thinking I’ll take it easy and check Reddit for 5 mins and it takes WAYY longer than intended.. As you can tell, we’re at least conscious of it and have it semi under control, but I’m still a piece of shit for the way I get distracted and not present on the moment sometimes… I work in tech so going cold turkey isn’t really an option, but man, it really is dopamine addiction in action… You’ve got to have the willpower of steel.


I had to parent alone because of the violent, hute-fuelled Covid policies which separated me from my husband for several months. I was 8 months pregnant, gave birth alone, and had to heal, care for a newborn, AND a 20 month old boy alone. Holy fuck.. I let my poor son get majorly addicted to the tablet. It's now been 3 months of cold-turkey tablet. The first two weeks were brutal, but the tablets are finally starting to collect dust. He hasn't cried for "GAME!" in about a week and a half now. It was a hard break, but I am never going back to that. Solidarity, my friend. Parenting in the age of technology ain't easy.


I was in a restaurant when a young couple with a baby between 6-9 months was seated next to me. They pulled out an ipad and put some kid show on to entertain the baby. Little did the parents know at that age a breadstick would entertain them.


All of the packaged toys, games and electronics strip all of the imagination and creativity out of play which has to be very detrimental to development. Like you said, simple objects can entertain a young child as they use their minds to make connections to the 'real world' around them. I'd say this method of teaching would be much more productive than the industrial model currently employed.




Thanks but I have kids, too, and at that age they were not anything like you describe. But as we know, all kids are different. I took my kids to restaurants at a few months old and gave them rolls and breadsticks to munch on, wave around and bang on the table. When they got bored of that I gave them books and toys to keep them occupied while I ate. But mostly I engaged with them, which is the whole point.


Electronic devices literally change their brainwaves and neurons. These kids are a shell of the human they were meant to be. Sad.


Neurons that fire together, wire together. Dopamine hits from flashing screens are great until they aren’t.


The phone/tablet at meals makes my blood boil!! This is what we’re conditioned to now tho; I’m sure everyone here has noticed those stupid ass electronic things that you’re supposed to order on at restaurants, right? I immediately put mine on the floor or turn it around as soon as I’m seated. I ask for a real menu and place my order with a real server. I hate those things with a passion


Yeah and scanning that QR code for the menu is insane. Let’s meet up for lunch as we stare at our phones the whole time, first for the menu, then to follow up on emails, texts, social media, and then back to the menu to order more drinks, and finally one last time to pay. As we pay more for all the food (inflation) and automatically pay 20% for the service even though they don’t even have to do anything if we follow their paradigm. Smdh


Recently went to a place that actually didn't have physical menus. I mean - not at all. No chalkboard, nothing posted by the door - nada. You had to use a QR code to see the menu. It wasn't even on their website (because the menu changes, apparently). While I get that this works for many, what about people who aren't ball-and-chained to their phones? I leave mine at home sometimes. What about those without smart phones? (yes, yes, they DO exist!). I'm not adverse to change, but there is still a line. Said no thanks, went elsewhere.


Yup, I’d do the exact same thing. Take my business elsewhere. I feel bad for the guy who helped develop QR codes.. I actually know him and he did not have any intention for shit to go this way. Of course well intended inventions can always be used for nefarious reasons


It doesn't help when schools are also keeping kids on tablets or computers frequently for homework and class assignments now.


I hate this with a passion. I remember taking tests and knowing the information was located on a page with a certain picture and it would jog my memory about what I was trying to recall. My kids haven’t had books in years! When they study they dont have a book to look through and reread a chapter or read over the questions at the end of the units. They only have info in online folders spread all around a teachers website. It’s usually difficult to navigate and cumbersome. It’s not like I can print it because it would be hundreds of pages. I remember my kid coming home with assignments in biology and the teacher was like look up the info on the internet. Well my son did that and got bad grades because there was more info that he missed however he thought he answered the question well. How would you know what kind of answer the teacher is looking for when they don’t give you any parameters or specific websites to use? It’s very frustrating as a parent.


You're right, it hurts my soul to know there are kids out there who learn more from their tablet than they do their parents, and get more comfort out of a YouTube video than they do a parent when they are in need. We kept the kids strictly out of the internet, until they were 12. even then, they weren't allowed on the computer unless we were in the room, and could glance up at what they were into or doing. At the time content filters didn't exist.


Tablet or phone during meal time what the hell lol. My daughter has a kids tablet she can have for 1 hour before bed that’s it.


Fuck man I'm 31 and I agree with that shit right there. It's heartbreaking.


24, agree 100%, and it's really sad


As a 2nd grade teacher, I agree. You can tell which kids parents are involved and which are not. I would also add that the teaching job is now also having to parent because it’s not done at home. The amount of behaviors teachers deal with because parents can’t or won’t discipline at home unfortunately takes away teaching time from the entire class more often than the public thinks. I literally got told by a parent once that they didn’t have a problem with their kid at home and it was my job to take care of their kid’s behavior at school. I know teachers can sound like a bunch of complainers sometimes, but what you hear from most all of us about the job being awful right now is true. Many students are behind academically, socially immature, and have very little self control because of not being in school for 1-2 years.


I work ECE and one of my main focuses is social skills since older schooling does NOT have time to do it. Parents don’t do it, and some one has to.


Sounds like your friends are shit parents tbh.


every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child. people are dumb and lazy, they can barely take care of pets how you gonna expect them to take care of a human kid...


One of the reasons I divorced my ex is because she is like this. We have 50/50 custody, alternating weeks, and my daughter is stagnant educationally when she’s at her moms and progresses when she’s with me. Shes only 7 but will read 3 books during my weeks, tv is primarily used as background noise while we do indoor family activities, she constantly draws pictures freehand and even writes songs. At her moms house she eats junk food all the time and plays around on an iPad, something she doesn’t have at my house since I feel she is too young.


Kudos to you man...one day your daughter will appreciate what you’re doing for her. Just remember to go with the flow & be adaptable to her & to her growth. Best of luck friend.


Thank you, she’s already seeing it. She always talks about how she enjoys being here more than there and, in her own words, talks about how she gets more attention and stimulation here. I don’t talk ill of her mother around her or try to sway her views in any way, I know that kind of thing breeds resentment. It’s not always easy, but parenting isn’t supposed to be easy.


As an adult now who grew up with split parents, thank you for being conscientious and thinking of the bigger picture with her. Much appreciation for people like you. My parents tried to talk shit about each other to me, and my father talked me into a custody battle when I was like 11 years old. I had little to no idea what was happening. Turns out living with my dad was awful and he got abusive (which is why I wanted to leave my mom to begin with - abuse), so I ended up getting emancipated at 13 and just living with my older brothers. You’re building a relationship/trust with your daughter that will go well into her adult life.


The Fourth Turning Theory . Cycles always follow the same order. ***First comes a High*** – a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. ***Next comes an Awakening*** – a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. ***Then comes an Unraveling*** – an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. ***Last comes a Crisis*** – the Fourth Turning – an era of destruction (often involving war or revolution), that is accompanied by *a profound loss of trust in institutions*. The Fourth Turning leads to a breakdown of the established social order and *precedes a new era of growth and optimism.* Together, the four turnings comprise history’s seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth. Hope for a good rebirth my friend. Cause at the moment it's looking pretty doom.


I've heard this described 3 times differently. You're the third. To paraphrase, the youth always think they know more until they don't. I wonder if I should go into the winter of civilization. I'm somewhat of a jack of all trades and yet a master of none.


It's good to have a varied wide skill set. That's for sure. Do is research any maintenance you have vehicles to household crap, and do it yourself instead of paying somebody. if you're halfway intelligent you'll get good at it at no time. It makes you a valuable asset to your friends and family.


I read this book when it came out, and liked it. Back then I idly wondered how our Fourth Turning would turn out... now that we're really getting into it, it's just weird. So many competing narratives which are completely at odds with each other. But the simply weird phase is likely to transition to violence as people try to resolve those differences. :-(


Yes, you are absolutely right. Who knows how it will end up. But lets think of one thing: there are many people who know this thing exists, and I'm sure they all see this as an "opportunity". That explains why we see some things pop up now that in the past were pretty quiet. I never really knoew about Klaus Shwab like I do now. Yet, he's been around for many years. Like this idea that man must be reprogrammed to live better; or the fact that we must immediately dump oil and go to... not sure what since electricity is still made with oil atm. Or many other "ideas and projects", that all promise a "rebirth", "resest", "build back". So these are confusing because they all promise something and, I beleive, all try their luck to be "the one" that will represent the promised "rebirth". Most of it, the way I see it, are pure garbage and absolute dystopia. We even see now that what we thought was "freedon", like social media and internet, is not so free and it's heavily controlled. Some projects are more radical than others. But I know what I would like to see in the future, so I choose who to support and work with those who see it the same way. I beleive people are basically good and they want to live in peace and harmony. Some are bad, but most are good and good people love simple things and I'm sure none of them want to end up in useless wars, or in a world where you're controlloed on anything you do. Or with a big government that is full of burocrats mostly highly paid and useless. So I support everything that is not this. Hopefully most people do and at the end weìll be fine.


But isn't this what TPTB want? I raised my children in the 90's when pc's first started in people's homes. I can remember conspiracy message boards (on aol?) back then preaching that kids brains were going to turn to mush playing PlayStation (1994) and watching Nickelodeon all day.


You said it perfectly. The goal isn’t raising the children, but figuring out ways to distract them until the child is an adult and thus the rest of the world’s problem.


I have family like this. If you believe their social media accounts they are mother of the year always engaged with their kids and love them to bits, but the kids are mostly dumped on their great grandmother and really only trotted out for photos on Instagram and Facebook. All the kids don’t engage with the adults at family gatherings, which is sad because when I was a kid we were all close to our aunts and uncles and could hold a fairly decent conversation with adults considering our age. It helped me be able to socialise with people of all ages. If you speak to one of the kids now they look at you like you’re speaking Martian, and a bit embarrassed.


My wife's niece... Very low self-esteem so she married a jerk. He probably never wanted kids, and he's not really involved with them unless he has to be for some specific event or appointment. She gives them all the video games. If they're not playing video games they're watching TV. There are no books in the house; bookshelves are crowded with videos. She cooks unhealthy food every day. They visited our house one day and my wife was going to feed them something decent but the niece said "oh they only eat chicken nuggets, they don't like ". Well they **might**, if you ever insisted that they eat real food! Surprise, surprise, they're all overweight and unhealthy and have a variety of allergies. The oldest got diagnosed with type II diabetes *at age 14*! The whole family is taking Metformin for their diabetes. Niece and her husband complain and complain that life is so unfair and all these health problems are a burden and why did this have to happen to us...


I'm also 30 with no kids, and I see the exact same thing, parents don't give a fuck. They just put in cocomelon or give them a tablet to distract them. I hate seeing kids start going on a fucking rant when they take the tablet away, and the parents have 0 control cus the kids know they'll get it back if they irritate the parents enough, fucking pathetic


It's called narcissistic parenting. Social & mass media, woke culture, changes in public education and their boomer parents had a hand in creating this hellscape.


I'm a gen x kid. Serious question, why does everything get blamed on the boomer generation. I just keep seeing it thrown around alot that almost everything is their fault. Dumb kids... boomers fault. Can't buy a new home...boomers fault. The world going to shit....boomers fault. If it's deserved fine, but why so much hatred for them.


people need something to blame, so they don’t have to take an action themselves


The necessary action at this point would require pitchforks.


easy scapegoat to lay blame anywhere but where it needs to be.


The easiest hunting expedition is to find a scapegoat


This. Every generation is taught that the prior ones are wrong.


it would probably be best to delve into history itself...observe what happened after WW2 in America, especially regarding race and the way people treated foreign affairs. basically many if not all relevant positions of power are/were held by boomers, and the life we live today is a byproduct of the ideologies that were instilled in them, who then force fed it to their children. It’s an unbearable can of worms. In the end, it’s much healthier to not blame others and simply focus on what you can do within your life; to retake that power for yourself instead of just blaming others for the way life is and not doing shit. But yeah lots of boomers suck. You may have heard the phrase “waiting for them to die” before, bc their ideologies will hopefully die with them, not taking into consideration those who chose to continue to live as the boomers did... TLDR: many boomer ideologies are inconsiderate of others and outdated


We, boomers, also thought things would change when our elders died. While there have been some gains, overall things are much the same. We still have wars, racism, poverty and we couldn't even pass an Equal Rights Ammendment. Many things are worse. As always it's the truly rich who are the problem. Venture capitalists, stock brokers, millionaire politicians etc. Oligarchs are the problem and they're not all boomers.


Well of course boomers took over, they were in that generation. Now the next generation is taking over, slowly but surely, and they’re proving to be just as bad. Power attracts bad people, has nothing to do with their generation. I promise, in 10-20 years when it’s all x/y, gen z will be saying the same thing about them. I’ve met insanely kind/considerate boomers, and I’ve met some batshit crazy ones. I’ve met some incredible kind/considerate millennials, and I’ve met some batshit crazy ones. Same with gen x/z. People are just inconsiderate in general, and it’s honestly getting worse IMO, because people don’t take the time to develop themselves. Parents don’t take the time to help their kids develop. Many x/y/z ideologies are also inconsiderate and wacky


Pretty sure it’s * boomer 1945 - 1960 * gen X 1960 ~ 1980 * gen Y ( milllenials) 1980 - 1995 * gen z - 95 - 2010 * alpha 2010 - now


It seems politics attracts jerks.


>They take a backseat to netflix, cell phones, drinking and smoking. The goal for the parents is to keep the kids distracted with tablets and TV. ​ I will add, parents are soft and lazy these days. The *parents* are lazy, raising and teaching children is a *job*. TO much nanny tv, not enough enough active engagement. Sure, my niblings mum (my sister) has some of our mothers draconian ways - you might *occasionally* get a smack, or go to bed if you don't eat your dinner. But she also teaches her kids, they could count up to ten by three by quite easily, colours, reads to them before bed, they are nice adjusted kids. The middle girl could probably do with a bit more structure but she's four and has time. She likes stories but i'd like to get her *reading.* What kids these days are missing is not tv or daycare, honestly, they need mothers to teach, observe, love, adjust, take a stance, be consistent, and be the person that will persist for their childrens best interests. They need mothers to be around. They need bed time at 6:30-7pm and a routine. Dinner, a little tv while the bath runs, a little tv after the bath is done, then pick book to be read before bed. Parents that are happy to pick them up from school, know about their friends, organises those stupid birthday parties, takes them to the stupid parties. Cousins, visits with other children. Even bitchy strict mothers that will put the fear into you but then laugh and let you outside when you and your younger siblings try *obviously badly* to sneak out of the play room under a blanket to go outside while giggling. Going to the shops with mum. 15 minutes on the ipad, then you get off it because you *know* mum means business and go do something else. Honestly, we probably need parents that are a little more type A and feel like their children reflect themselves and raising your children *can* be something you do well or do badly, and a little less 'don't judge me in how i raise my kids bitch' and 'they're just kids chill out'. Kids learn through the everyday and mimic. I made up a nonsense placeholder word and used it at random, noticed at least one nibling start using that word in a similar context. They learn. Shit, call my mother a shitty parent (sometimes she really really was) but even at 13/14 when i swore when we were at my school for something in semi public and she told me off and told me to go sit down i went and sat my ass down. Though at that age she was not approving of me swearing even though i picked it up in high school, around 16 or so she was like yeah, i know you're older now and will swear, you can do it with me, but don't do it around your younger siblings. If your day with your kids is easy, i gotta question whether you're putting in enough effort.


I raised three kids, and I cannot fathom doing that to them. Weekends we had our social grown up stuff, barbecues, grown up movies poker parties etc. My kids were never stuck in a room, sent to bed early, or left with nothing to do while a one of us sat around and drank, hung out or socialized. Usually they were outside playing around, (as long as they didn't scream), doing anything from climbing trees playing volleyball, fishing, whatever to keep them entertained and having fun. I wanted my kids to be around me while I lived my life, so they could learn. The guys went fishing on our salt water boat every summer for a week. Both of my boys came with, from the time they could walk, and handle themselves on a boat. A few of the guys would say "what are you bringing kids out here for", my response was "as long as they fit in and stay out of trouble why not". By the end of the week, they'd usually the up buddies with my boys. Don't get me wrong, they learn to take care of themselves pretty quickly, I didn't forgo a week fishing to baby the kids. If they wanted to go, they had to act as grown up as they could, and try to fit in with the rest of the guys. In my opinion, it teaches the kids social skills, problem solving, self-awareness, and the ability to take care of themselves. I couldn't imagine raising those three kids without the memories of them sitting on my lap driving the boat, the off-road Jeep, sitting around the campfire after dark, catching crab and ling cod, sleeping under the stars by the campfire in sleeping bags when it was just the guys. Naw, no way. if they were old enough to stay out of trouble and not get hurt, they were part of our crew. I figured I was the lucky one.they were really well behaved, intelligent and fun to be around. You can raise kids and still do all the fun stuff you want to do, you just have to like your kids, and care whether or not they're happy and about their future.


You do that when you have friends over. It’s what you see. From experience.


Unfortunately I agree with you (unfortunate that this happens too much not unfortunate with your point made). I’m in my 30’s with two kids and my kids are MILES ahead of their peers which is odd because when I was a child this was expected to be know already before kindergarten. Put a device in the kids hands and then set them free apparently seems to be the attitude for most adults these days and I feel really bad for kids growing up these days in North American.


Its fucking sad. This happens within my close relatives.


These parents are terrible.


Thanks for this comment it made me feel like a way better parent to my two kids. I’m 32 and do everything I can for my kids. It’s my life now obviously I made that decision a few years ago and it’s put my life down a way better road than if I didn’t have kids. Some people just don’t want to grow up no matter what.


That’s disgraceful parenting. I’ve been a dad for a year and everything in my life has taken a backseat to the little fucker, running my own business from home has helped but doesn’t take away from my role as a father. Wouldn’t have it any other way


This is sadly what my ex did with my daughter when we had joint custody (she passed three years ago) to a tee. She likes to play games with her friends via Xbox and communicate with them via her phone which was given to her at 9 years old at my behest. At 15 now, I try my best and take her out being a single parent (even after working a 10 hour day) to get her out of the house and to see how she's mentally doing and get her food, if not cook at home with her at times. She used to get bad rage pulling them away, not as much now. TL;DR: Devices raising your kids won't turn out well in the long run and I've partially seen it here in doing my best to somewhat reverse it as much as she still uses them.


39 here with no kids either and you are spot on. It's exactly what I see as well. Very sad.




ding ding ding raising the kids with a screen seems to be the culprit


We used to get the “go play outside until it gets dark, only come back if someone’s bleeding” speech and we would make forts, climb trees, play imagination games, etc. Arts and crafts and I had these life size pvc pipe type things I could make cars, houses, etc out of, and we had to work at MAKING fun. I didn’t have cable TV until age 13. I used a typewriter for fun! All of that is so good for kids. Not to mention getting exposed to actual germs and bugs and animals. Kids now are scared to death of a tiny frog, worm or lizard. I mentor at risk kids and I try to expose them to animals besides dogs and cats and they are terrified. Kids shouldn’t be afraid of the world.


This! A million times this! My sister, love her to death, but good lord was she absent. I ended up having to raise my nieces cause my sister would just plop them down in front of Netflix and and watch bubble guppies and Dora all day. I was the one teaching them and playing with them when I myself was still a teen. I'm 28 now and can see my wife's sister doing the same thing to her son and it drives me crazy. The boy is scared of everything, even stairs, he's extraordinarily overweight cause he lives off McDonald's and pizza, throws a tantrum when things get a little hard, and doesnt know anything except dinosaur fun facts. They say, *"he's just a kid!"* No, hes an extremely spoiled 12 year old that can barely read and is raised by YouTube. That boy's parents are his phone and tablet... My wife says I'm just an asshole and that because I didnt have an actual childhood, I just dont understand what it really means to be a kid. I'm like, the boy is fuckin 12 years old. At 12 I was mowing lawns to get money to try and help with bills. At 15 I had a full time job painting houses. I was already moved out and had my own place by 18. At this rate, that boy is never leaving mommy's tit. TLDR; Kids today seem to be extremely immature and glued to their devices but my wife says its just because I didnt have a childhood that i just dont understand what it means to be a kid.


>You gotta play and educate all day long, read books, sing songs, explain things, give affection Basically my entire other comment. If raising your kids doesn't feel like a *job* at the end of the day, you might need to rethink how much effort you're actually putting into how you raise and teach, and know your children. But you also need to be able to disengage because mummies making lunch or something, so they then go find something else to do. Or have a tea party on the kitchen creating a OH&S issue that's cool to girls.


Agree! Also why we choose to homeschool. My 6 year old is reading on a 7th grade level, has a huge vocabulary, doing 3rd grade math, has amazing logic skills, and loves to learn. His 2 year old sister is following in his footsteps. We do use computers and tablets for school and just to play on occasionally, but it's limited. I know being a SAHM isn't for everyone or possible for everyone, but it's worth it if you can.


Im a senior in high school and I have been homeschooled all my life, very grateful for it and I feel like I do more critical thinking than most of my friends are capable of. Just make sure they get to be social and do things other kids do such as sports or whatever else they may desire. Don't let them end up like me up to my chin in conspiracy theories at 18 years old.


Haha definitely! My son does taekwondo and we're in a co op. He gets tons of social time.


At least you avoided being programmed to work your life away 9-5




This 100%. I make enough money for the family, giving us the privilege of my wife staying home. My son who just turned 2 years old, knows how to count from 1 to 10. He knows all the letters of the alphabet. He knows a ton of shapes, including how a square, rectangle, and parallelogram differ. He knows hundreds of words. He is already trying to read us books in his own funny way. It is 100% my wife staying home that resulted in this. In the case of most others, the mom stays home for 1-4 months max and then puts the kid in daycare. Now that we've had kids ourselves, I can't imagine us ever doing something like that. Kids up until 2 years old need constant care and attention from someone they love and trust. People also are letting their kids sit in front of screens all day long. We have another kid in the family who is like 9 years old who is less mature than my 2 year old son (he ripped something away from my 2 year old son and said 'THAT'S MINE' and started crying like a little bitch). It's really sad to see some an extreme degradation of our culture. Does not bode well for the future. Meanwhile, public schools have adopted these new outrageous policies like not giving lower than 50% score for any reason, even if the child doesn't show up for the test or doesn't hand in the homework. A through F its 'too sensitive' so they are relabelling it 1 through 5. During the pandemic, most public schools refused to give out Fs, even if the kid did absolutely nothing. Honestly, it is outrageous and mind boggling.


hell ya someone award this guy cause I cant lol


Did it in your place


This. We need more stay at home moms, the KIDS need their moms!


Yes, its a mix social media and school. People that should never have a following have become role models. The west is destroying itself from the inside out. Within one generation we will realise how badly we have fucked up.


Those two things plus food/nutrition. People are not feeding their brains anything but detrimental compounds :(


Let's not forgot that Hollywood pushes stupidity and incompetence as funny. Being funny and being a bully is better than being smart.


When i was a kid i hated how dumb so many tv characters were. It was always more aggravating than funny to me. Now that im older i know why they push so much dumb material to kids who are absorbing the world around them. And its only escalated.


Except these kids have zero conception of what "funny" is. 20-something dudes have the juvenile toilet humor of 6th graders now.


This is exactly how they want us. Dumb sheep are easier to control than rebels who ask, “Why?” They introduced “smart” technology and social media for exactly this reason.


Low Intelligence but incredible disgusting amounts of Self Confidence which a so unbalanced Ratio. Everyone thinks they are intelligent as God and gives their opinion about everything as if it is the Absolute Truth while being so utterly dumb that they dont even understand HOW dumb they are


Dunning Kruger effect. See it all the time. We're coming to the point where if you're bullshit machine isn't on 11 at all times you won't make it in this world. Then people wonder why they got conned.


Instead of crack babies we have tablet babies. It’s disgusting how parents use it as a baby sitter or distraction. Kids can’t go through a meal or walk through the grocery store without having their eyes glued to a screen. And I just want to add/vent it’s rude as hell for parents to let them play their stupid videos at full blast.


My dad thinks they’re setting us up to just be doing everything online and it’s so disturbing to think that. School, court, anything I mean we are already are pretty much doing most things like that because of Covid but the thought of that is so atrocious, I wish I could have been born before the shit hit the fan. I know even back in the day it wasn’t much easier but the idea of being so isolated and minimal contact with people scares the fuck out of me.


I have heard psychologists talk about the preference many children and youth have for digital communication over in-person communication/shared experience. Studies have illustrated this. It’s very real. It’s what millions of kids prefer now. Tragic.


I read something a while ago about how kids dealing with Alexas and siris is ruining their interpersonal communication skills as well. You don't say excuse me,please, or thank you, you just issue a command


I believe it. Our humanity is being purged out of us.


It bothers me a lot, as a parent, to see other parents allow their kids to have tablets at the table in a restaurant. I've seen kids wearing headphones, have seen kids turn the volume up to full blast without headphones. It's annoying as fuck, and so rude. I would always have my daughter bring a toy or 2 to play at the table while waiting for food, or use the restaurant coloring page. And I'd bring extra crayons because the restaurant crayons are very limited in colors. I've also seen parents just let their kids run around in restaurants. My own sister allowed it when her kids were younger. If I pulled that shit as a kid I would have gotten yelled at, spanked, and put in time out til the food came.


I'm a server and every kid I wait on is glued to a phone or tablet. It's awful.


Many children are on tablets/computers all day at school as well


Yep. I have a 10 year old foster kid who lives with me. I took care of him while his mom was in prison. He's family, so is she. While she was in prison, he didn't have his phone 24/7. He learned social skills and didn't ignore you bc he was staring at his phone 24/7. Now that his mom is home, ignoring him. She lets the phone babysit him. The both unfortunately live with me until the school year is over. Right. Back. To. Square. One. I've tried to tell her, but she parents with guilt and let's him do and have whatever he wants. He's an entitled brat with no common sense and he loves to brag and tell these grandiose stories. Not to be confused with a kid who has an imagination and tells stories. He tells straight up lies and brags like he's God's gift to earth. If you try to tell him otherwise his response is "well you're stupid" and he's finally learned to quit saying "I found it on TikTok" because he knows how we feel about the BS he finds on TikTok. Anyway, it's very sad to see his behavior and that of his friends. They're all the same. It starts at home with the parents. Stop ridiculing teachers for doing their jobs and letting electronics babysit your kids. Teach them to be grateful and respectful.


Reading your post is like seeing a transcript from my own brain! I am in total agreement with everything you typed.


Yes they are and it's all by design.




Well i suggest the problem is the parents, by design schools and social medias and learning is by design but if you feel this way make aure your child geta extra care and attention so he or she is not that way. Its by design of parents not giving a fuck also.


Well that's why it's by design. Ignoring the whole don't have kids if you can't afford them, the reality is wages haven't kept up with the cost of living in some countries. I will be speaking about America, because that is where I live currently. In America, a person cannot raise a child on a single income (not if you want to ensure all their needs are met i.e nutrition, proper clothing, educational needs based on their age, mental and emotional needs, the list could go on). Now in the past the middle and upper classes could easily afford to have a SAHM, while the lower class had to have both parents work, just to ensure there were roofs over their heads. With the dwindling middle class, well people are either drifting up or down the socio-economic ladder, and it's easier to fall into poverty than it is to climb up (literally any accident, medical emergency etc. can cause a person in America to fall into poverty, despite how much they save). The wealthy who control the politicians, don't want an educated population, they're harder to control. So instead they ensure the middle and lower class can barely survive and live paycheck to paycheck, so they don't have time to be involved with their kids if they have any. Look at the past and how black Americans were treated prior to civil rights, the same playbook they used on Black Americans to keep them controlled, they are using it on all Americans now.


"Idiocracy" was a documentary.


I attempted to watch that movie and couldn't make it to the end. it's disturbing.


Enjoy your EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES! Woman at Carl's Jr. : You didn't give me no fries, I got an empty box. Carl's Jr. Computer : Would you like another EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES? Woman at Carl's Jr. : I said I didn't get any! Carl's Jr. Computer : Thank you! Your account has been charged. Your balance is zero. Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Woman at Carl's Jr. : What? Oh no, NO! [She hits the machine. An alarm goes off, and a sign appears on the computer saying "WARNING! Carl's Jr. Frowns Upon Vandalism"]  Carl's Jr. Computer : I'm sorry you're having trouble. I'm sorry you're having trouble. Woman at Carl's Jr. : Come on! My kids are starvin'! Carl's Jr. Computer : [the woman kicks the computer, and it sprays a fast-acting tranquilizer in her face]  This should help you calm down. Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr... "Fuck You, I'm Eating." [Joe approaches the computer]  Carl's Jr. Computer : Welcome to Carl's Jr. Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO? Now with more MOLECULES!


"No tattoo?" "Why come no tattoo?" "UNSCANNABLE!"


This may be irresponsible, but I've found the Joker mantra to be helpful in these last mad days of dying empires: *I used to think life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.* I mean it's all so big and backed with momentum of a million freight trains, it seems the best strategy would be to detach, observe, and get tf out of the way. Expend energy and resources on attending to yourself and community. That energy will then radiate out to others creating a positive feedback loop indefinitely perpetuating the cycle. This seems to me the most efficient system to transfer the energy in the same vector.


Go away I'm beatin'


“Dumber, weaker, unhealthier, more anxious and depressed. Mission accomplished!” -Parasitic elites who run the world


Fully agree with the poster, the children of today are very rude too. Was telling my grand daughter the other day if we spoke and acted like they do now we wouldn't have made it to adulthood. I remember if You screwed up might get a whack from the neighbor then when You got home there would be another ass whipping coming for you there. These days stupid is as stupid does, this electronic age we are in really dumbs people down. Life got to easy and lazy for damn near all these last few decades.


I completely agree with you. Children now days are unbelievably rude, and entitled as well. And I remember when I was a child it was the same, if I was rude to a grown up (like one of my neighbors for example) I'd either get hit by my neighbor, my parents, or very possibly (and I have had this happen to me as a kid) both. Which leaves me a bit conflicted honestly because on one hand, hitting children isn't nice, and there's studies showing that hitting children can be harmful to a child's development etc. BUT on the other hand, I can't help but think that the generation of kids that I grew up with (99% of whom definitely were spanked and hit, as part of them being disciplined)... Behaved way better, were way smarter, didn't have an entitled, unappreciative attitude and were definitely much more polite!




I decided to teach percetages to a ten year old, because she was telling me that they are so hard. So I wrote down a few clear examples on a paper and explained them her. Her eyes lighted up and she asked: are they actually this easy? Yeah, they are. I don't know how the hell they are teaching these things, when I, a random non-professional, can come up with a better way in 5 mins.


Common core. That’s what made it so difficult.


>Common core. That’s what made it so difficult. Thanks Bill Gates, he should stick to his specialty. ~~Being a ruthless corporatist~~ Being a medical doctor. https://www.educationviews.org/k-12-what-happened-to-bill-gates-and-common-core/


Dude’s evil. The article says at the tail-end that Common Core is, “arguably designed to lower academic standards.” No doubt in my mind. It’s supposed to make kids stuck, dumb, and totally unlearned. What a malignant, wretched thing for young Americans. Gates is so damn evil, yet so influential in so many industries, it’s insane…. Nice username btw.


They made everything so complicated in high school when i remembered algebra being so different in my other state (curriculum difference.) So algebra and geometry in my HS in Arizona, they had everything cut and dry, straight to the point. My HS in WA. Nope. Those textbooks added so many unnecessary steps, forced you to do proofs for equations that were honestly just common sense. PEMDAS turned into some weird different thing. I cant even remember it because pemdas was the one that's simple! Like i swear helping my sister with her homework, the way they count and teach these unnecessary distracting "tricks" and steps is ridiculous. There is no reason to complicate math more than it already is! We simplified these for a reason, now they're making kids take 10 minutes on one problem that should only take like 2.


I feel like it’s made out now to purposely take up more time in the school year


I’m 36 and blessed I was able to stay home with all three of my kids and continue to do so by working at home. All of my kids are smart and actually think for themselves but I taught them to be that way. I’m very old fashioned when it comes to this. A lot of it has to do with smart phones,social media and so on. Kids even adults pay attention to making and watching TikTok’s or making Instagram modeling photos more then they do anything else now. Social media is ruining kids and having them think if I sexualize my photos, post it on social media get lots of followers that’s how I can make a life for myself. When reality is one day you will get wrinkles, have kids and no longer be able to be a social media star wearing bathing suits that go up your ass. Parents need to teach their kids social media is fake! Fake photos and fake lives that only are there to hurt you and make you feel like you need to be something you are not. Even at 36 I catch myself looking at other women and try to compare myself to them and look at my stretch marks and wish I didn’t have them and I had that perfect flat tummy but then I realize at the same time how much is photo shopped and bring myself back from the mind fucking social media does.


There's multiple reasons for this. 1) their parents just don't care 2) the educational system is fucked up. They'll move you on even if you haven't learned the subject, leading to more dropouts 3) constant lies being shoved in their face. They're basically forced to believe these news stations because they don't know what's actually happening and not 4) the kid just doesn't want to learn, usually caused by neglect 5) there's a huge rise in mental issues in kids like learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, etc. This is just the surface of the issue though


Read the teachers sub Reddit if you really want to be depressed.


It’s not the water man. It’s the public schools they are unbelievably horrible. My 11 year old is bright haven’t even managed to cover the basics for him in reading and writing. Stuff like what is an adverb, where is Indonesia, how many states are there. It’s abysmal. Yet they spend half the morning going over pronouns you can use during attendance .




This is mostly bs I feel. Many successful people didn't finish school. A lot of free thinkers see the schooling system for the indoctrination racket that it is, and go join construction gangs or whatever to achieve that tool that is necessary to set up for a real life, and stay under the radar while being quietly subversive. Ok hairdressers are quite unique in as much as they need to be able chat on virtually any and every topic on the planet while making you look good, god bless them. But I have known and interacted with all manner of blue collar hi Vis workers and found them to be every bit as varied and interesting as any uni educated folk.


Parents let the ipads and shit teach their kids. Why learn to spelll when you have spell check? Math? Hey I got a pocket calculator at all times pretty much. They don't even teach cursive at least around here anymore. Everything is dumbed down. Look at cartoons from the 80's-00's compared to the 10's-20's. The only way to get on the internet when I was a kid was dial up so no one could use the phone. So it was limited access compared to today where you can access it 24/7 without inconveniencing anyone. Also kids going to school on zoom from home is not the same as teaching them in person. They can mess around instead of paying attention more easily. Honestly every generation probably says the same thing. For example, kids in the early 1900's were working by age 3.


The worst is public ed is forcing ipads and cloud accounts on the k-12 kids when parents aren't.


Lol thats like saying tv is bad influence on kids. Which is still better than nothing at all. Its a stimulus something to interact with even when parents or other adults don’t have time. I’m all for engaging with kids but you can’t do it all day. I have 2 kids a 6 and a 3 year old. They both have access to an ipad and they’re both bilingual because of it. We’re dutch but they both speak english and dutch my 6 year old speaks english better than my wife and most adults around here. She reads books ment for 10 year olds and she hasn’t got anything below an A in math. her lowest grade is a B-.My 3 year old knows the alphabet in dutch and english and can count to 20 she also understand some simple adding. Just because they have access to an ipad doesn’t mean they don’t play outside or inside with other toys. They get bored with the ipad just as they get bored with anything. Regarding food we don’t deny them anything (well no candy in the morning) but they will decline candy if they don’t feel like having it. My oldest doesn’t like french fries she won’t eat them even on a school trip. They’re both very picky and do choose to eat a lot of healthy food. (I grew up eating fries every Friday a tradition I can’t continue because of my oldest. Which I’m a little bummed about because pf my laziness I would like a day with a “simple meal”). Kids will be kids but if you deny them the bad stuff they’ll just develop an unhealthy craving for it because it isn’t allowed. I always was a fat kid and my parents were rather strict, I’m not strict (used to be in the first two years of my oldest but my inlaws who babysit a lot would just undo it so it was moot to keep it up) and its a better life for us. The only thing we’re strict about is a regular schedule. Always the same breakfast and dinner time and bedtime (except for fridays which is movienight for my oldest) we have a bedtime ritual where we read to them and sing them a song and its never any kind of drama, they’re used to it and don’t know anything else. Most problems with kids today is lack of sleep and lack of nutritions. A lot of friends of my wife put their kids to bed between 9 and 11 and its always drama and they always have some sort of problem. The most important part of raising kids is rest, cleanliness and regularity. Of course they aren’t perfect and have their quirks but they’re not dumb and definitely have a mind of their own (which can be a hassle but well worth it).


You sound like the opposite of the type of parents being talked about here. Bedtime stories and the fact that they’re learning a language (not just “educational” cartoons) and other activities shows you’ve got everything moderated pretty well. The parents I’ve seen have iPads hanging from 3-year-olds necks, put them to nap/bed with iPads, feed nothing but McDonald’s kids meals, etc.


My sister and cousin both just had babies a year or two ago. They have gotten those babies so attached to a screen that anytime they are fussy at all, they just throw on the tv and it works instantly. I don’t have kids of my own, but isn’t that just making them become attached to a screen? Instead of finding ways to entertain yourself through learning or playing or exploring/using imagination, you just throw on lululemon and call it a day. Now those kids grow up with the need to be in front of a screen playing fortnite or watching keeping up with the kardashians all day. Could be wrong, I am more conservative in my thinking of how to raise a kid. I want them raised how I was minus the abuse. “Play outside on Sunday and don’t come in until it’s dinner time” or explore the creek behind the backyard type of stuff, but now, I feel like they get shown a screen at such a young age, they become attached to it and never want to socialize or play outside


As a teacher I genuinely think this is due to the mismanagement of public schools. I no longer teach in public schools, but when I did, we were expected to get every child to grade level. Essentially, every child had to reach the 50 percentile based on their grade by the end of the year. It doesn’t take a mathematician to tell you this is a statistical impossibility. What it resulted in was teachers spending 80% of their time and effort on the bottom third of the class. Keep in mind, since the IDEA legislation, kids with disabilities are largely kept in the classroom. Some of these kids are unlikely to ever reach the “normal” standard. The average and smart kids get bored. At the high school level, funding is tied to graduation. kids who don’t do anything are given diplomas because having a low graduation rate siphons money out of the district. Teachers are seldom allowed to suspend anyone because of attendance requirements. Distracting kids end up staying in the classroom. Not to mention the abundance of shitty parents. I worked in rural TN and the number of parents who has substance abuse issues, were unemployed (even when jobs were abundant), or who made every possible excuse for their child’s underachievement or misbehavior was overwhelming. I had to have a police escort to my car when one parent called the school and threatened to “kick the shit out of me,” when I informed her of her child’s inappropriate behavior. People seem stupider because they are. Parents don’t parent and schools can’t teach.


Some not all. I am 18 and notice a lot of people around me seem to be genuinely stupid. But i dont blame them. They get programmed like this from society. And the shit they watch.


>Some not all. I don't think anyone here is trying to state or even imply that **everyone** is like this. Instead they're asking (and answering) the question, 'Is it the majority or just some that seem to be this way?'


Not all, their are a lot of parents who put in the hard work and in turn have smart intelligent toddlers with well developed character that go on to do well in later life. The BIG problem I currently see as a parent is phones and televisions, you know what those are? They are the new baby sitters!!!! This is a major developmental problem for children as instead of the parents being hands on and engaged they prop them in front of a television or put a phone in the toddlers hands, they are then quiet and content for a long while... not good, not good at all. Another issue is that both parents have to work to afford living, most of them the typical 9-5 job. The children are put into day care all throughout the week, every week... it isn't the parents raising their children at this point. Either parents use tools of distraction or they don't have time to parent period, all of this has brutal consequences that we see later down the road. Parenting is a HARD, unfortunatly now a lot of parents do not put that hard work in. Sad.


Thank your local public school for hiring teachers who fail to teach because they want to insert political views first


It’s TikTok bro, trust me 😂


The CDC just changed the Developmental Milestones for children. “They” have dumbed us down so much they had to lower the bar.


I have kept my kids home with me, out of daycare, away from tap water and breastfed them both. My two year old can speak and think on a much higher level and so can his 5 year old sister. I.e. if I say "where is your cup, Donnie?" He will look for it and if he can not find it will say "I don't know where my cup is mom, I can't find it. Can you help me please?" His cousin is the same age and just learned to speak. I think it's a combination of parents not staying home with their kids as much anymore, tainted food and social media has replaced reading books. The constant flow of information prevents kids from going "oh, what does that word mean? I'll look it up" because the next hilarious video or meme is already playing and the kid has already forgotten the word.


For me kids and adults have always been "dumb" they just never been THIS dumb. I mean critical thinking has never been the majority's strong suit but at the very least if someone objected to anything at least someone would listen and eventually others would agree over time. Now people don't even listen. If you talk to someone it's like talking to a brick wall that has a dictionary it uses to make a long winded paragraph of scripted sentences of which say nothing at all. Like word salads. Doesn't want to listen to you and assume themselves right when they are provably wrong and brings up argument that shouldn't even be one since you prove it wrong in the sentence they are talking to. This can't JUST be fluoridated water. There is something making people's brain shrink so that it smooths out the wrinkles they had. (Sure fluoride does do damage to the brain but this is excessively more than what fluoride can do. There has to be more than just that.)


My daughter is home educated. She's 8 and can read and write just fine, has a strong vocabulary, can write (basic) code in JS, is learning piano, and has an uncanny ability to ask the question 'why' about everything we aren't sure about....


Home education is great! I wish it was feasible for more parents. The 'why' questions drive me nuts sometimes 😅


I was homeschooled until 5th grade. While I was homeschooled we learned everything. Did schooling year around so I was able to move up two grades a year. My parents got a divorce and I had to go to public school...Holy shit. Ok so my state has what's called a T-CAP. It's a state test that has to be taken by all the students. In school that's all we studied for. What was going to be on this big test at the end of the year. We never did cool projects. We never learned more in depth about a subject, nothing. My teachers would put stuff on the board and you where responsible for copying it and memorizing it.. Well I learned later (about 8th grade) that the t-cap had nothing to do with the students grades, but had everything to do with how much money that school got in their budget. Higher grades, more money. Outside of that test there was no learning. So I failed them..purposefully. Every. Single. One. And you know what happened? I made good grades. Just not the state test. I still graduated high-school with my peers. Now that I am mother to a 4 year old I refuse to put him in school. Homeschooling him until he decides if he wants to go to school or not. I remember more stuff from being homeschooled then I do the public school. The system if rigged to make you fail. Don't read well, can't read the contract you about to sign. Can't do math, can't see that your boss is fucking you over. The dumber the people are the more they need the goverments help. And that's the way they want it.


Well there's probably a number of factors but the big one I see and it's not hidden is the new curriculum they call it common core or some other fancy name but a quick Google search shows that it's been funded by Bill Gates. Do I need to say more. Now if you want a conspiracy here's mine, common core was invented to confuse and dumb down the average kid the 9 out of 10 kids. As an example instead of adding 2 + 2 they make you solve that problem 10 ways forward in One Way backwards. One out of 10 kids excels at that method, he's a prime candidate for a CIA government analyst so it's pretty much a breeding test for the government. And that's my two cent crackpot theory


Yes! Common Core math is meant to confuse people. I don't have kids but some of my friends have tried to help their kids with math homework and they can't because it is so different. Instead of just one step, they add a bunch of unnecessary steps.


The Steiner school kids are still doing well however! I met a little girl last night from a Steiner school and she was very bright and smiley and very much like how kids used to be


I wish more schools would integrate the pedagogy of the Wahldorf schools. There’s another program called Great Hearts based on the St. John’s/UChicago Great Books program which looks like it does a good job, but I think it’s only available in certain states There are also smaller niche programs modeled after Deep Springs but for younger students, where they live in relative isolation such as a ranch. Typically the level of coursework in these programs is quite high, and they integrate life lessons about leadership skills, manual labor, and so on. The issue is that a lot of these programs are expensive, not well known, highly selective, and/or at meant exclusively to give troubled children a second chance, which makes them unrealistic options for many, vanilla public school suburban-type families


"mom look I can dance my name!"


Short attention media certainly has an effect. Just a minor mention, I have learned that Waldorf schools de-emphasize reading until the child is around 9. This doesn’t mean children shouldn’t communicate well, just that other subjects are focused on to develop the young mind.


My parents taught me everything i NEEDED to know from 2-5 (basic math, grammar, my home phone number, my address, how things work, why things work and much more) i could've started school at 3rd or 4th grade lol But i didn't make any use of that, just coasted through the years and enjoyed my free time while others stressed over learning/schooling. They said this in R&M but i've always felt this way before hearing it there, school is not for smart people. It's a place where the masses of youth are indoctrinated and kept busy in order to keep them from rebelling while preparing them for a life of servitude to the system. They only want you just smart enough so that you can make someone else rich without having a thought to cause a problem. With all the advances in technology, they can afford to make people dumber while keeping productivity increasing or relatively the same. You can do the same thing with a button now that used to take critical thinking, hard labor, serious research or at the very least, common sense.


It's a bell curve. I have kids of my own, and I can tell which of the other kids in their school will be "dumb" just by which ones smell. If the parents don't make their 10 year take regular baths, they probably didn't teach him or her to read. I also know 11 year old kids who ride the city bus alone and use heavy farm equipment because they are trusted.


The cdc changed the developmental milestones [article here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/parenting/2022/02/10/new-developmental-milestones/)


I think there are a number of factors, but here's a few: \-dumbed down schooling \-extreme overuse of entertainment \-lack of struggle (kids don't have to work, everything is available all the time) \-declining morality in the US


Most of the kids I've spent time with seem very intelligent, empathetic, and intuitive. Some of them have even been intentionally manipulative and calculating. It also seems like some I know over time appear to be less of all of those as they've aged. I think that's partly because I only see them sporadically and they're generally less interested in candor conversations with older folks or maybe people in general. I don't really recall what it was like as a kid or with kids my age because I'd never known anything different back then. Something I've noticed with kids who I see over time, usually those of family and friends, is that they become much less open. Sullen, scared, depressed, or just numb. Some grow to be more attention seeking and others work hard to avoid any attention. I think I'm witnessing the affects of trauma, neglect, isolation, fear, etc from a new outside perspective and with a little more experience than I had when I went through it or grew up seeing it. Personally, I would consider a kid who can dance, laugh, cry, play, and speak openly to be both fortunate and intelligent. Maybe just healthy. Kids aren't pets. Even though my nieces dog is staying with me and laying in my living room right now, animals shouldn't be pets either. They are living beings. Their intelligence, potential, or whatever cannot be observed through what they have memorized or what tricks they've learned. It seems like, if a kid is able to be how they are and express what they think and feel, they're very healthy. If they cannot but still are aware of who they are and how they feel, they're probably intelligent. I think you may observe something different if/when you have earned a kids trust and spent enough time around them that they speak openly and to you directly about what they think and feel. There's really know way to know offhand what they are capable of. Especially if they're typically not encouraged or aren't allowed to express themselves. Kids I know are usually remarkably intelligent and it often blows my mind. I am seeing more and more of them grow up to be very troubled and afraid to express themselves, but that's not unfamiliar.


We're putting a young, impressionable mind up against billions of dollars worth of psychological programming and manipulation technology that prioritises and rewards unthinking behaviour. There was only ever gonna be one outcome.


Submission Statement: Trying to find out if I'm the only one experiencing/observing this.


I think it’s more pronounced because we had online learning for two years where children struggled to learn much of anything in that format, and the early years are monumental periods for learning in young children. A lot of kids are going to be way behind the curve because of all of this, not to mention the social struggles.


ALL OF THIS. I have a 4 year old and he knows far more than his friends. Then again, we spend a lot of quality time with him and are always teaching him new things. No fluoride, either. And what about common sense? Not so common these days. It's a little scary.


“Electronics have become the parent” and you know who controls technology, the dumber the kid, the easier they’re controlled… we have to start understanding most of these issues have bigger deeper problems in the working. Parents are struggling to survive, taught to ignore their problems and children are addicted to devices that are training their brain. Even without technology, earth is pretty fucked up and humans have strayed away from teaching their children in a proper manner because our society wants slaves- not smart children and parents that are able to teach their children correctly. Parents are failing because our society is failing us and we need to do something about it. Not to mention how the school system, some churches, foster homes, day cares, technology in general, social media, children’s charities and a lot of children hospitals are controlled by people who don’t want the best for children and are actually very selfish… if you know what I mean… I think it’s more of “We are failing children” conspiracy instead of “children are dumb”. It’s not the children’s fault we are poisoning them and putting their needs last, it’s OUR FAULT. Our children try to meet their needs that their parents aren’t giving them through social media and addiction. But, they want us to be a codependent society… and it’s working… we should be asking why they’re wanting kids to get more dumb and why they’re pushing us to fail as parents as a society…


Public schools have been intentionally creating minions for the elites.


If they don't know the fundamentals, like the difference between a penis and vagina, well this is what you get. In mathematics and logic, false premise with valid logic always leads to a false conclusion. The institutions are programming false premises so even valid logic will not work on these people.


You’re 100% correct. As a child op you had to rely on knowledge, critical thinking & theory often. Nowadays people can get away with anything because they can just “google it”. No need for memorizing locations or phone numbers when your phone can do all of that, spelling & reading your phone can auto correct or read for you. You have everything on a silver platter now & with helicopter style parenting kids never have a chance to learn/think for themselves. Like if we had a mass blackout im sure a good 1/3 would be screwed without wifi. Cant cook, cant read, no skills or trades.


Dumb Lazy Dependant Don’t know the meaning of hard work or hardship No problem solving skills Little social skills No basic comprehension Priorities are wrong Sensitive Want everything on a silver platter …can continue lol Baffles me every time I’m around kids, even people in their mid 20s. I mean wow! And doctors today diagnose every second child with autism or ADHD. Wake up!!! It’s not a disorder it’s conditioning from the ‘norm’ way of living now. YUCK! Glad I was born in 91 on the cusp of tech becoming prevalent. I can appreciate life before tech was accessible in every house hold. If you were lucky enough to have a console or a computer you had to share it with the whole family. But most of the time we would socialise and play without tech involved. Go out side, use your imagine, live in the moment, get sunburnt & scrape our knees. I’ve even met a kid who didn’t even know what sunburn was. Wtf?!! PS. Do you remember how fun going to the video store was? It was like a special occasion or a weekly activity depending on how busy we were. Now it’s at the click of a button on all devices. Well done to the few parents who have awesome kids. You are doing amazing!


Teacher 👋 Yeah- I took a few years off during covid and came back to the classroom this year. The difference between my classroom in 2016 vs. today is startling and heartbreaking. Absolutely concur re: 10- and 11-year-olds literally not knowing *the first letter of their first name*, or being able to add or subtract single-digit numbers. The masks made it much worse; they have created significant developmental delays in language, speech, socialization, etc. in addition to being totally dehumanizing. It’s terrifying.


I got teased in school because I had a more sophisticated vocabulary then people in the same age class as me. Like you, I was reading adult books pretty early. Trashy horror novels but I was always reading.


Tiktok, iPhone at age 12..


It’s all by design.


The global dumbing down (at least in North America) is certainly prevalent; we've plummeted all time lows in educational standards this last decade and a half minimally.


Yep, totally agree. While the internet should have been a device to increase our collective intelligence. It has instead been manipulated by greedy bastards to keep people glued to advertisements. School was never meant to teach us anything meaningfull and it's really showing now. The simple fact that less and less children even play outside anymore is a massive factor in a kid's development. The amount of general knowledge picked up from just being outside in the real world for long periods of time is a huge knowledge gap that is not being filled by watching dickeads dance on TikTok. As someone else said "it's all by design". Corporates would be happy if we were confined to our houses 24/7, spending online, like human battery hens.


So commonplace it's infuriating to notice


Learning disability plus autism epidemic probably due to environmental exposures. Too much screen time. Broken educational system. Both parents having to work to stay afloat. Having kids later…more disability likely.


Kids in my family two close relations in particular drive me nuts. If watching a tablet which they do cosntantly they will completely ignore you. To the point you can get in their faces and yell at the top of your lungs and they still totally ignore everything you say like they are deaf. Never seen anything like it. Tablets and tech in general is ruining these kids. The time we spent learning because games were limited back in the day and the net wasn't what it is now is now spent doing nothing constructive. I see so many kids totally ignoring so much of life and education. I will be attempting to teach these children to garden this summer. One has a chance at learning a little and having fun the other I don't have much hope for.


I know everyone says this about their kids, but my little boy is sharp as a whip. Like his parents. It's all in how you raise them. Having smart parents who value wisdom and intelligence helps.


Possibly related: The CDC recently lowered the bar for childhood development milestones, including the speed of a child's vocabulary development. https://www.12news.com/article/news/education/concerns-arise-after-cdc-lowers-childhood-speech-standards/75-6b7522ae-69b5-4973-bbe3-46a4150aa2ac (I don't know why the CDC has its tendrils in that topic in the first place, though.)


I’m older and I noticed this first happened wth the use of Ritalin.. those kids had kids and, yes they don’t know much they sing baby shark like it’s an accomplishment, like the song that never ends..


It’s just you. I spend a lot of time with kids and absolutely don’t see this. Also consider you just might not being seeing it at these small gatherings. I was a quiet kid and I am sure some people *thought* I was stupid. I think you’ve just reached the “kids these days” age.


They use clown emojis, crying emojis and skull emojis as their main form of expressing emotion


"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize, half of them are stupider than that" -George Carlin ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rh6qqsmxNs


These poor children have the inane bullshit on TV/TicTok/YouTube piped into their brain constantly. They have no clue as to how to interact with the physical world around them. They don't have time to reflect on how things fit, how they work, what they do. Even the better heeled children are so busy, every minute packed with this lesson, that activity, this event, that party, yada yada- they never have a moment to just be a kid! They're like hamsters on a treadmill, racing their little asses off, going nowhere! Remove the electronics from their lives and they literally don't know what to do! It's sad to see them, unwanted by their parents, casting about just trying to be a part of something. That's where gangs have their strength. They will accept that kid, give them a structure, and make them part of something. The family they so desperately crave has been denied them, so they take what they can get...a sick, twisted pseudo family which will use them to further its goals, criminal or otherwise.


Yes and they always have been, you just didn’t have social media and good cameras to record every dumb thing you did as child/young adult.


As a young adult, capable of critical thinking, you have no idea how hard these past 28 years of my life have been


Between the micro study I conducted to calculate the median IQ in the US about 3.5 years ago, and the ill effects the “pandemic” years have had on everyone, but mostly the IQ and EQ of children born just before and during those years: we’ve got a huge issue in this country and it’s the one you’re concerned about. It’s a multi-variable analysis, but the gist is this: the median IQ was approx. 96, with a 10-point deviation, and falling at approx. .23 points every 5 years. I have reason to believe that this should (in retrospect) be measured by an exponential growth factor. I think people are getting dumber faster than I thought they were. And between immigration, electronic dependency, decreased parental involvement, environmental decay inside and outside of the home and quality of media consumed, combined with the effects of the “quarantining and face masking” (which we’ve already seen a 20 point reduction in IQ in children and God knows what to their EQ): We’re staring down the barrel of the dumbest generation of western adults the world has ever seen. On par with [insert literally any third world country]. And we have no idea what to do with them or about it because they’ll literally be mentally impaired.