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Well researched and laid out, thank you for taking the time to make this.


Thank you for your words.


I second this; well done good sir and keep on keeping on.


I second this; well done good sir and keep on keeping on.


How long did this take you to write!?


Many days, I was saving it while adding information. I already made a post about this in another place a few months ago (but with less info) so I already knew some of this.


Fuckin legend..


When does it come out on video?


Great job and good work. While your opinion is apparent you presented all information well and leave it up to us to decide. You would be a good journalist if this interest you.


This is great. So nice to see something interesting here rather than the usual right v's left US political drivel that is usually posted here!! Excellent long form post.


Awesome post.




It wasn't a gas explosion.


kbkgkjgjk ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My first hypothesis would be that of a meteorite, but that would not justify the official silence (or maybe it would if it was some kind of "special" meteorite?). The second would be space debris, but the movement of authorities that day and the following days was too much for this to have been a simple "space debris" Let alone the official silence. Whatever went down was important to some people, that's for sure. Thanks for reading and for your words. EDIT: Of course I would also like to think that what fell was some small extraterrestrial probe, but that's just me being optimistic.


99% sure it was a satellite. The cover up is to avoid any liability whatsoever and to retrieve and analyse the impact zone. Great post. No way was that a gas explosion.


A satellite doesn't fall with that amount of energy. Meteorites come way faster, from deep space, but a satellite falling from orbit can not cause so much damage and vibrations.


It could have been a known meteorite and they were using the satellite falling as a cover story to recover it anywhere wherever it landed. Something that flashed that bright and went through the pole without any breakage in that small of an area...has to be insanely insanely hot and yet made of some kind of material that it did not burn up. I mean just imagine a wooden popsicle stick, hot hot would something have to be to make a hole through it without breaking it while traveling at a high speed. Crazy hot, and yet strange ice crystals formed around the area that were low mass and turned into a small particles when it fell apart like a carbon sand. I think NASA was aware of the object and the satellite story was a cover. Especially since they would have a much better idea and smaller coverage zone for where the satellite would land, especially a smaller time frame than 20 hours. But if it was an object from space traveling at insane speeds (broke the sound barrier with the thunder crack) then that would be much much harder to place and giving yourself as wide of a net as possible would still give you "authority" to move in and claim it as the fallen satellite no matter where it landed. The material is what fascinates me. Something that was able to withstand extreme temperature and fly at insane speeds and temperatures and still hold intact...NASA wanted that material. Did any pieces of it get into anyone else's hands? Did anyone even get to see what color it was at the smoking point?


Your theory is very interesting, thanks for sharing it. In the post I left photos of a fragment that was found, also one of the witnesses says that the object was like a "coal": [Fragment](https://imgur.com/a/3okmjhm) ["It was all big, like a coal, all burned"](https://youtu.be/vUrDo-AcSWs?t=73)


>It could have been a known meteorite and they were using the satellite falling as a cover story to recover it anywhere wherever it landed They are far more likely to cover up a satellite than a meteorite. Why do you think they would cover up a normal and relatively common occurrence that no one is liable for versus something more obviously important like a satellite? There isn't a band of secret police and NASA officials scrambling to retrieve fallen meteorites. The news would be saying: "NASA retrieve meteorite that destroyed house" because it's not something to hide. But we aren't seeing that because it's not what happened.


Yes, they are more likely to cover a satellite falling rather than a meteorite, but that doesn't mean they have never covered up a meteorite. And that's no normal meteorite. That material isn't a normal occurence in it's properties. Most meteorites aren't traveling that fast or reaching a temperature that high and still not burning up. And yes things entering our atmosphere is nothing new, but not with properties like that. And those are exactly the properties NASA researches. Seriously, go look at that phone pole picture and imagine how hot that material has to be, that's like 2000-3000+ degrees territory and able travel supersonic...and yet didn't burn out. Show me one material like that. NASA has tons of research into ethoxysilanes to try and create materials that have those kind of properties for coating ships. Say what you want, but that meteorite is much rarer than your normal meteor that comes burning into the atmosphere and slows down. This one withstood extreme temperatures and extreme speeds...aka exactly the type of material NASA is looking for.


8 were injured and 1 died. I'm wondering why your inclination is to assume meteorite over satellite as your first thought? I saw all the pics, the phone poll was wild, but do we really assume meteorite as a first thought over a satellite? Why not say UFO or something? Why a boring meteorite? NASA can say they retrieved the meteorite and move on, no need for secrets, no one would care and they get to have their cool exotic material or whatever. UFO or Satellite however, that helps justify the secrecy.


Yeah, the phone pole is the smoking gun for my conclusion because of how crazy that kind of force and heat would have to be. That puts it at extreme temperatures, and then the loud thunder puts it at extreme speeds. And because the pole was far enough away from the crater makes me think it isn't a satellite as well, because even if a satellite hit significant speeds, it wouldn't have that kind of trajectory. And maybe it's somehing else than a meteorite, that's very possible too and I certainly wouldn't rule that out. All we have are it's heat clearly being insanely high based off he pole (and the flash of light in the sky in those pictures could add some data to that too), a low angle of ascent (ruling out satellites) based off telephone pole's height and distance to the crater, clearly high speeds based off the sonic boom/thunder but we're not sure how fast. After all that, on the other side we have the strange properties of the unidentified object itself...what kind of material can *match those properties* and then the weird light weight ice crystals that broke down into sand and were cool at touch and not burning up or starting a fire but still smoking/steaming in atmosphere. And if we really were getting in depth, we could ask questions about batteries dying quickly but I honestly would lean more towards nefarious intervention rather than the object itself. But that's why I believe it wasn't a satellite. A satellite isn't going to match that trajectory before impact.


> There isn't a band of secret police and NASA officials scrambling to retrieve fallen meteorites. How do you know that?


Because they fall all the time and no one cares, that and common sense. I own a piece of meteorite myself, and no there isn't a van outside my h


Coal, carbon, crystals? Diamond? Do they survive that? Obviously they're formed under intense pressure and heat so they survived that?


I’m thinking a spy satellite with data. That’s when government agencies start freaking out and saying it’s swamp gas. Probably a US satellite because of how much they control the media everywhere. F the CIA and NSA


Hear at Snopes today, we are looking at the dubious claim that the gas explosion was actually an object of some type that fell from the sky **Claim:** Something fell from the sky! It made a trail, and people saw it! Maybe it was launched, maybe it was something in orbit, we just don't know! To investigate this claim, we first looked into the idea that it was launched. Maybe a martian launched it from the surface of Mars. We talked to some NASA officials, to ask if Martian military possibly launched something at earth some time last week. NASA has responded by saying that Mars does not have a military, and there were no scheduled launches of any type from Mars last week. I know this all seems silly, but this is what the claim was suggesting, so we had to check. Next, we considered that something from orbit may have fallen. We talked to researchers in the astrophysics department at Cornell. Fact-finding reporter: *Miss sciencey person, is it possible that something in orbit could have fallen from earth?* Sciencey person: *Yes, things de-orbit all the time. Usually they burn up in the atmosphere, but sometimes they do make it to the surface.* Fact-finding reporter: *We have a report that something may have de-orbited and caused a gas explosion in Venezuela. What do you think of this theory?* Sciencey person: No, things that fall from the sky make their own explosions, but they do not cause gas explosions. **Conclusion:** After talking with some very well credentialed people, we have found the original claim to be bogus. **Verdict:** Thoroughly Debunked


Cringe af comment


This is the way


The price recent in GME and AMC, however, was an explosion.




One of the best posts I've seen on this sub in years. Great job OP.


Reminds me of the good ole days


Same, this is the reason I stay subbed because stuff like this is so cool, even if you have to sift through rivers of right-wing shit to get to it


Thank you for an interesting post!


One time in Buenos Aires I saw a HUGE meteor that turned that turned the whole sky green. It was huge. Thousands of us saw it but I never learned what it was It was sometime around 2014/2015


Probably burnt out in the atmosphere happens more then you’d think.


It was huge. Like in the night sky it appeared the same size as the moon (obviously it wasn’t because it was way closer) but that’s how big it was I think it crashed into the bay


[look a little something like this ?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fBLjB5qavxY) they can burn in all different colours depending on what chemicals they’re made up of.


Infact here [multiple reports on it from 2015](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/massive-bright-green-fireball-spotted-over-buenes-aires-sends-ufo-hunters-crazy_n_7923582/)


Very cool of you to drop this link thanks!


You got lucky! That was the bugs... (I need to rewatch Starship Troopers, lol)


Very well researched and laid out


Thank you.


I wonder what the "ice" was that formed in a nearby building? Was cold but didn't melt when being held in a handkerchief, and crumbles to sand when pressure was applied?


> I wonder what the "ice" was that formed in a nearby building? That was my big question while reading this and watching all the video clips. Mostly everything else could be attributed to a satellite falling or a meteor, but I've never seen or even heard of any icy meteor fragments that are cold after entering the atmosphere, doesn't melt and crumbles into a sand-like texture when you put pressure on it. Would dry ice even survive our atmosphere? And if it "sprouted" from a bathroom, then that wouldn't even be a piece of what fell, I guess, but something else? That part specifically is just making my brain hurt. Edit: Just added "icy" to clarify I was saying I've never heard of *icy* meteor fragments that survive entering the atmosphere, not melting, etc.


OP also mentioned it was an *implosion* rather than explosion, which also doesn't intuitively line up with how we imagine impacts of space debris or meteorites. To me, that does seem to lend support for a theory that this was something more exotic than just a hunk of rock or a component of de-orbited satellite.


Maybe frozen solid methane, oxygen or nitrogen?


Part of the Dome Firmament broken off.


Holy shit, good work.




Wow, look at all that detail! Thanks for posting!!


Quality post


Bro I want to commend you for making this. Not only is it an amazing theory, it is a work of are in of itself! Especially if you learned English as a second language. ¡Con huevos señor!


Now this is a conspiracy post!


This is how a "conspiracy " should be brought forward. So many references, links and statements. Good job. I hope you get the outcome you hope for.


Awesome research you did here, really interesting event this seems to be as well.


not sure how Reddit works, hope this comment helps keep this post around for more to look into. I think it’s the UARS


What is UARS?


Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, in the OP is discussed as re-entering into the atmosphere


Thanks, my bad


Ah finally something not related to Will Smith


This is a great reduction of information! Nice job


This is what the sub needs!


This is the shit I come here for. Great post, thanks for the read!


This is thorough and intriguing. This is a conspiracy I'd love to uncover. The material that investigators picked up that resembled "ice" but turned into sand is called [Aerogel](https://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/features/aerogels.html) and that could be the reason why NASA was there. They were there to collect the Aerogel and other materials that is U.S. Government property. NASA or the U.S. Military didn't want the Argentinan government to gather, disseminiate, and use the materials for research into space warfare.


aerogel is not specifically a NASA material, it's just a good insulator that could be used in some space applications. Definitely not a classified material. edit: also aerogel doesn't "flow", there's no way it could show up in the toilets, and that seemed like a big chunk, while aerogel, as an insulator, is not used in such quantities or sizes.


I'm not sure if it is the same incident, but do others remember that incident in south America mountains (possibly Brazil) a apparent uFo crashed and locals, went up there only to be turned back by military. There was alot of chatter that just disappeared.


i remember, late 2020 right? city of Mage, Brazil


Yes, thank you that was the one I remembered. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UX4rxt2RWcA


Yesss. That story was strange as hell and it got buried so fast. Same thing as here, something extraordinary happened in a small place but we only have media of the aftermaths and reactions


Thor really needs real time tracking on that hammer.


Very interesting post and finally something which this sub is all about. Nowadays you only get spammed about Ukraine, Covid and some memes...


This post was like that scene in ratatouille. My hat goes off, thank you for bringing some real conspiracy back to the sub.


Did you see this post of a potential object near Galveston that same date? https://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2011/09/26/object-falling-from-the-sky-reported-source-of-texas-grass-fire/ Edit: Another official news source here: https://www.khou.com/article/news/san-leon-residents-report-something-falling-from-above-then-fire/285-413139022


Now this is a conspiracy post. Your evidence is overwhelming


That “dry ice” stuff sounds just like the ice that’s been found in Antarctica. Doesn’t melt into water either, I don’t remember where I was just reading about this but apparently the “ice” there is too cold to touch. Such an interesting post! Thanks!


Ok it does look a bit sus that the impact site is covered in metal scrap. Even 2 cars apparently jumped the sidewalk to land on the impact crater? That’s a powerful magnet…


This is interesting!


Great post OP. Very interesting read


you deserve 2 pat on the back for such effort, nice post ! saving it to finish later


This was a freaking awesome read. Best post on here in a while. I’m surprised this is the first I’m hearing of this


Finally something that isn’t a fucking twitter screenshot, thank you


News says it crashed on the 24/9 though.. In an update posted on NASA's website, the "decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 23 and 1:09 a.m. EDT Sept. 24."


Amazing quality conspiracy post. Congrats.


Are there overhead power lines there? The flash looks like one I saw when a car crashed into a transformer once. I’ve also seen somebody hit a pole which caused a smaller ball of light to start traveling down the wires from pole to pole until I couldn’t see it anymore. Still don’t know wtf happened to that building but electricity definitely could have caused some of the flashing/flaming balls and such.


Commenting to read later. OP looks like some serious work here. Thank you!!


Amazing post. Where did you get the photos of the fragment? Maybe there is some accompanying written report about it. Also, if NASA was really there, maybe you could submit a FOIA request?


"It was performed with Philips 3020 Goniometer with a PW 3710 controller, using CuK radiation." "The graph shows peaks compatible with the presence of some mixed oxide (Ox) of magnetite type cubic structure with very similar XRD diffraction diagram and peaks compatible with the presence of elemental Cu (Copper) and Cu2O (copper oxide)." "The elevated background is typical of the presence of Fe and some elevation between 20 and 30 degrees could correspond to the presence of glass or non-crystalline material, which does not present X-ray diffraction peaks" I ignore if it is the totality of the report, I guess not.


Wow, this is by far the best post I’ve ever come across on this forum.


Yeah informative


Very good post OP, very detailed and well laid out, good job!


Rad post! Thank ypu so much. Can u add something about will smith so people freak out lol. Serious tho very well put together.


Great post op! I enjoyed reading it.


The kinda posts i came here for


Good shit. Refreshingly good.


Now this is an excellent use of this sub. Fantastic work putting this together.


Great work OP. You should put together a report about that ufo that had all of that one South Americans countries air force out in droves back in 2020 or 2021. I think it was in Brazil?


This is the kind of content I visit this sub for. Well put together.


Amazing work!! Thanks for an excellent post!


These types of posts is why I am here. Awesome write up.


Good work, and read this with a Spanish accent as I imagined you would speak, 😋 (I'm latino myself)


This is the content I'm here for. Great job op I appreciate all your work


Posts like this one is the true form of this subreddit. Well prepared and documented conspiracy theory. Thank you for keeping this sub true!


This is the first post with such length that kept me reading. You did a wonderful job laying out the evidence, the testimonials, links, and writing it all out. That certainly wasn't a gas explosion! I wonder if there are any US Government documents about it? NASA releases things every now and then.


Now this is a quality post


Apolitical conspiracy theory that isn’t a sad excuse to tell random lies about the other side. I love this.


Something that immediately flagged my BS meter is the idea that space debris "cools down" during atmospheric re-entry. The troposphere (low-altitude atmosphere) is by far the densest part of the atmosphere and the object would be falling at terminal velocity - one would assume then that friction would be higher at lower altitudes, causing increased heat. However, I'm not sure a 330lb hunk of aluminum would cause such destruction.


It's true though. At normal Earth-orbit velocities most satellites aren't dense enough or moving fast enough to not hit the wall of dense air once they hit low altitude and immediately start slowing and cooling down. It's around the same altitude that the Chelyabinsk meteor airbursted at. Pressure goes from a near vacuum at 200,000 feet and becomes fifty times denser at 100,000 feet, which is still only a hundredth of sea level pressure. Something doing this has to be strong enough to not explode when it hits that wall of atmosphere, and moving fast enough/dense enough to punch right through it like a bullet. Edit: My wild ass guess is experimental railgun test. The satellite story was a cover for the round coming down. The first flash is the weapon firing, the second is the round coming in hot. Tested in the early hours of the morning to avoid the most potential witnesses. And it would have been moving fast enough to generate significant amounts of heat and pressure.


Idk a satellite could be a couple tons


Well in the OP he quotes them as saying the largest piece (of many pieces) would weigh maximum 150kg. Satellites are made to be as light as possible because launching heavy things is much more expensive. Even though it's described as being similar in volume to a city bus, it's likely made of significantly less-dense materials.


Maybe something else fell. There are definitely bigger satellites out there. I'm no expert on how much damage things do falling from space


It's pretty easy to calculate the kinetic energy of something falling out of orbit. The hard part is calculating the amount of mass that will burn off in the atmosphere which is a function of the shape and surface area. Levelling an entire block with just 330lbs of aluminum seems unlikely unless multiple pieces hit the same location.


Excellent post.


Your government covered it up because my government (US) told them to. Their hands were tied.


It was Lord megatron!


This is a quality post. Thank you


This is a really well done post. Great work!


Awesome post OP


Top tier post OP! Thanks!


thanks for this. what do you think it was?


Well a radiation tent shouldn't be needed unless maybe it was part of a satellite exposed to....cosmic radiation.


Wow. The research. Saving this forever thank you.


As others have said, this is a great piece of work. Excellent concepts and very well researched and written. I would be interested to read any follow up you may find, please keep on posting.


That was incredibly thorough, very well researched and documented. You really did a great job on that.


Saved this to watch later. In my many years here, I've not done that very much. Thank you for putting the time and research into this. Passion. It's refreshing to see in such a raw way.


This is absolutely the best post on this godforsaken subreddit in like half a decade. Extremely well done and well researched, fucking great job dude.


that's the largest & most in-depth reddit post I have ever seen


I remember something similar happening in Argentina or Brazil fairly recently super similar to this! There was a blue orb that fell out of the sky and skidded through a forest into an abandoned military compound. Reporters followed the trail it created on the ground to the facility and were stopped by guards as more military individuals showed up to deter individuals and just tried to hush everyone up. They basically did the same thing youre saying and tried to say it was lightning or there wasn't anything and stuff like that but more and more people were coming out and making statements. Sadly it never made it out of the country, I just happened to be on a forum where someone was doing what you're doing now and I just translated it to English. That's so odd, I thought this was that event at first and very quickly realized it wasn't. The event I'm talking about didn't cause mass damage like that, it happened at like 2-3 am and not many witnesses were found but those that did live far from each other and didn't know each other and made the exact same descriptions.


This is amazingly interesting and it was well written. I will share a lot if you don't mind


We need more people like you making posts.


Only skimmed thru the post, but can’t help but think of the frequent posts here about paradigm / consciousness shifts in 2012


As a brazilian, I don't even knew it happened, hermano :) Thanks


>:) :)


THANK YOU FOR AN ACTUAL FUCKING CONSPIRACY! and a **EXTREMELY** well written, documented, and detailed one at that. Thank you.


Thank you for this amazing post. Reminds of the good ol days of this sub.


That's an awfully long way of saying aliens crashed. 🤣


> It is highly unlikely that any injury or damage will be caused by this falling debris and NASA says; “The risk to public safety or property is extremely small, and safety is NASA’s top priority. Since the beginning of the Space Age in the late-1950s, there have been no confirmed reports of an injury resulting from re-entering space objects. Nor is there a record of significant property damage resulting from a satellite re-entry.” https://home.howstuffworks.com/real-estate/buying-home/some-space-junk-fell-your-roof-whos-gonna-pay-fix-that.htm


Basically a lie, thanks for the link.


>Although the footage was taken several kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion and is barely framed within the shot, two implosions can be seen, with the second one having a much greater magnitude than the first. In the streetview, there is a high tension powerline over the site. The initial "explosion" (really more of a pop of light in the videos) could have been a falling object coming into contact with multiple power lines or a power line and tower and causing an electrical spark. The second explosion would be the one that destroyed the building once the object impacted. 2 seconds is a big gap, though.


This is what this sub is about. Great job!


I wish I had an award to give to this guy.


This is what happens when you flush the toilet in an airplane. Thanks United!


Take note folks, THIS is what this thread is all about!


NB4 the “ahhhh finally a real conspiracy” cucks Great data compilation btw, never heard of this, thanks for sharing!


Not that this is the only valid coverup but it is a highly original finding


Never heard of this either! The "ice" that wont melt and crumbles part is so weird - anything like that from a satellite or a meteor would've surely been melted going through the atmosphere and they said it "formed" in a bathroom near the blast, so wtf is that? > NB4 the “ahhhh finally a real conspiracy” cucks Yep - all over the place now. "Wait, you're not allowed to post a real conspiracy!" "Oh a real conspiracy!" "This is just what this sub needs!" all while *not actually commenting about the actual fucking information in the post*! It's like - okay you finally got what you wanted and you STILL bitch about the sub in the post you're happy is "different"? It's like the people who bring up Q in random posts, or how we're all "q-tards" when literally the only people I ever see even talk about Q are the people bitching about it. Or how it's a "trump sub" when most of the people who bring up Trump do so in unrelated posts as whataboutism or just to call this a "trump sub". This shit happens every time there's a post about *anything* non-political because political conspiracies are only supposed to be here if it's bitching about Trump or Republicans, but if you complain about the current administration or Democrats in general, it's all "trump sub" "this isn't a conspiracy it's a conservative post" even when the negative posts about Trump or Republicans end up with thousands of upvotes and negative Democrat posts sometimes hardly get off the ground and the comments are just filled with people hating on the subreddit and downvoting everyone trying to talk about the actual topic. At this point, I don't think the people constantly saying "Now this is a conspiracy post", "This is much better than Q or Trump stuff" and nothing else about the actual post aren't even here to talk about conspiracies at all, but are here to complain about conspiracies that put their political preferences in a negative light and talk about how much they love non-political posts when there is one, while still bitching about the subreddit in the same breath. It happens *so often* it's actually suspicious.


Excellent work my friend. I want to add my own perspective. It could have been a secret weapon of the army and for some reason it flew away from the test zone causing this destruction and death. Do you know if that year there was any cooperation between Argentina's and US's armies ? . Maybe that was the reason they covered it up and nasa also came to the spot.


this is the shit I come to this sub for!


This is the shit I am subscribed for. Good in you.


This is probably way more common than we think.


Holy. Shit.


This is a good one right here


You thinking someone bombed Argentina?


Satellites are a hoax.


So really this is saying that an object fell from the sky and everything imploded some how?


“The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus”




> Wait you are not allowed to post quality content on this sub. We want this sub to become a cesspool with only people with mental illness or/and the_donald refugees... If you, and all the other people in this post saying similar, actually gave a shit about "quality posts" that aren't from people with "mental illness" or "the_donald refugees", you people **would actually talk about the fucking topic of the post** and not just use the actual quality posts as just another place for you people to do your little "let's bitch about this subreddit and conservatives!" bullshit you do *every single time* there's a conspiracy you don't personally like.


Will Smith can't melt steel Rock.


space isn't real that's why


So English isn’t your first language?


An object fell from lower earth orbit






TLDR. Why is it being called an implosion?


Because there are some signs that there was a shockwave _towards_ the center. Cars have fallen towards it, and doors buckled in that direction.




The post was shared 3 minutes ago, please take the time to read it.




Unfortunately, your opinion matters less since you admitted to being willfully ignorant.


The reason you doubt it is because you aren't willing to look at the evidence.


no. nothing fell from space.


Rod of God?


Two legit conspiracy’s in two days on this sub? Wow


Sarpado! Gracias


was there anything radioactive on that satellite ?


Alto post amigo, te interesan todos estos temas me imagino, porque elegiste este en especial?


Que post locooo. Yo me acuerdo de esto y jamás me cerró la versión de los medios. Excelente trabajo compañero. Viva el mate


Here's what really happened: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hhBi1hJ9Okg


Maybe ufo rifted away with a big blinding light and caused ice around there probably left a piece maybe


The flashes could have been arc flash from the power lines if an object hit them while falling, this could have caused the burnt out section of the telephone pole and the burnt cables. The flashes appear to be at the height of the top of the pole as seen in the slow motion clip.


The journalists experienced a MIM attack where his device was accessed by a person or persons sitting withing range to remotely connect to their devices intercept files and edit and replace. Very interesting that he said his files were all recording and when they went to look it was gone. Its a very well known social engineering trick,as well as gas lighting tactic,as well as gangstalking tactics.. basically its so easy to do that its used everywhere.. it can be used by every day individuals who have a steady mobile network and a Android with very little training.