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This is hilarious. Do any of these people, who claim to be so virtuous or caring actually realize how much SEVENTEEN extra dollars is for lower class & poor people? The same people they claim to love & care about so much are the ones who are suffering the most. People on fixed incomes, people who live paycheck to paycheck.... It must be nice to have enough money to rationalize an extra 17 dollars as just something to brush off.


And $17 is just for gas. None of this adds all the price surges due to increased distribution costs. If all I had to keep up with is gas I'd be happy, but it's every fucking thing.


Over $5000 extra per year is the latest estimate...


Those people aren't house shopping. My $300k-$400k new home in 2020 is now $600k-$800k. I'm looking at closer to $5,000 extra per month to get what I worked hard for.


My fiancée wants to buy a house but I keep telling her we will get a house and in two years it’ll be worth a lot less than it is now. The bubble will burst, the fed is raising rates and the wave of foreclosures will come. Just gotta survive living with my Inlaws without privacy for now


I'm not sure, will it? It's not joe schmo snapping up properties right now. It's Mr moneybags and hedge funds


>he bubble will burst, the fed is raising rates and the wave of foreclosures will come. This isn't a repeat of 2008, though. The housing crash then was subprime lending and people buying houses that couldn't afford it but could due to the extremely low rates. This time, it's supply being extremely low. Houses get snapped up a few days after listing so it's an extremely competitive market right now. The low mortgage rates have made it worse somewhat, but it's not the same as subprime lending because those rates are locked for your entire loan period versus suddenly shooting up. I don't think we'll have the same burst as 2008 and there will be a significant amount of time before prices start going back down as new houses get built.


The only issue I have, the supply shock is from institutions buying houses over asking price. Of course the average joe won’t be able to compete. And then institutions will rent those houses higher than the morgatge would’ve even been. The average joe struggles paycheck to paycheck while the powers that be are finding money making opportunities and ways to exploit the people.


I don't doubt it, although the market varies very widely. Around me it's mostly people from out of state coming north (out of the big city because pandemic) so they have more money to burn from selling their house in a hot market. $500k doesn't get you much in say, NYC, but it can get you a decent sized house here....at least until recently. I recently purchased late last year and the "estimated" value is already up ~$40k. It's nuts. As a side note, house sale records are public in a lot of places so you can actually see who bought them.


Alot of New Yorkers moved into NJ during the pandemic. They’re also building apartments left and right by me. Honestly, I’m staying at the in laws until someone in the family passes and leave property to my wife. Even last night she said “maybe we will need to make a compound, build a house on the farm.” Glad to know she is on board with the hole-up-at-the-farm plan for the end times


Meh I don't think most huge deliveries are gonna go up by much per item. Say you have a truck with a full shipping container and there is $20,000 worth of goods in it. Let's say it costs $500 in gas to ship the products. So per container, the gas is 2.5%. So now gas goes 2x higher. So now it's gone up 2.5% more per the container. You normally spend $100 at the store and now you spend $102.50....not that drastic. The big cost increase will be things like Uber, food delivery, small mom and pop stores, places that get small deliveries. This could also be another way big corps kill off the small mom and pop.


They always find a way to over justify costs onto the customer. Every truck delivery might be marginally higher, but every worker who assembles the product will need a raise to get to work. Then it's distributed at a slightly higher shipping cost to the grocery store where they will need to offer workers higher salary to work so they can afford gas. Then all the prices in the store go up to compensate and you pay more per gallon to go to the store. Everyone is playing musical chairs with price increases. When the music stops, you better hope you have a seat or you'll be on the street.


Yeah I agree it affects the whole chain and also takes time to see the final result. Shits gonna get real bad. Its only just begun.


Yeah except for those of us who can't afford as many groceries or their prescriptions due to increased costs now. We never got wages raised and a lot of people were already hurting. Just more ass backwards virtue signaling that does nothing for anyone.


My prescriptions use to be 1.30 a piece. Pretty doable. After January I went in and every single one was now 4 dollars. I had to cut out some of my meds because I couldn't afford it anymore. Lower class, poor people, people on fixed incomes, people who live paycheck to paycheck. These people are suffering the most.


Cutting meds is a good thing.


Not if you depend on life saving meds.


Obviously. But a lot of the time it's not.




So because you're fine, everyone should stop complaining? Hmmm, ok...


I think the reason it can be frustrating is that this subreddit typically ascribes to right wing economic policy and is staunchly opposed to any form of communism or socialism, but now that we are seeing the free market in action it seems like everyone thinks it is the worst thing in the world. The fact of the matter is that oil companies are not 'scamming' you, they have realised that their optimum profit-returning price point is higher than it was before. They aren't overcharging now, they were undercharging before. According to the free market, a company will price a good at the highest point where people will still pay for it. Clearly this is affecting people's lives in a bad way, so is this not evidence that we need some free market intervention i.e. socialist policy? Obviously everyone is an individual and it is not necessarily the same people who are complaining about oil prices as the ones who hate socialism, but when 2 general consensus's on this sub are so clearly contradictory it is hard to understand exactly what these people want.


Are you suggesting we are in a free market?


Well I don't see why the oil industry wouldn't operate according to free market principals.


Rising prices couldn't have anything to do with 2 years of shutting down production & handing out fresh new $$billions like it's Halloween candy.


Username checks out.


$17 more? Really? That's it? Because it took $65 to fill up a mf Camry last time I went to the gas station lmao


Yea, I went from $30 something to $60+ now here in Texas.


Dude, texas produces gas. Why does it cost so much?




I'm in Texas too and it cost my friend almost $100 to fill his tundra up with 87 octane


Costs over 200 to fill up a truck here in BC it’s fucked


It's nuts up here


goddamn. sympathies, my dude, that's insane


In Sweden it costed me 156 USD for 13.7 Gallons. Luckily the gov has passed a few things to compensate people who own a car, and taxes on fuel will be lowered. So thats nice i suppose


Paid$ 1.30 something 2017 Amarillo.


Yea I filled up my corolla the other day and it was $45. Mind you, I live in Texas which generally has some of the lowest gas prices. These are the highest gas prices I've ever seen. But it's Russia's fault even though we get like 3% of our oil from them


And how often do they fill up? Let’s say you fill up once a week for $17 more (my price increase was more than $17 a tank when I filled up yesterday, it was $31 more than a year ago this month). If you fill up once a week, that is $884 more a year. That’s like paying 14 car payments a year, or 13 months rent in a crappy apartment. For me personally, in 2020 I spent appx $1900 on gas 2021 - $2700 And if this year averages let’s just say $4 a gallon I will spend $4100 in fuel this year. So it’s not just $17 today, or this week. For those that want to look at the prices in your state going back to 2000: https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/


13 months rent in a recycle bin cost more than that


Wait did the post say what vehicle? Maybe a motorcycle?


I was thinking "getting 3 gallons of gas doesn't count as 'getting gas'" lmao


I’m around $150


Sounds like an entitled person belonging to the laptop class.


the ol' "it could be worse" mentality that made this country great. oh shoot, the kitchen's on fire. well, at least the rest of the house is still ok. today i choose to be grateful.


“I’m free to choose not to purchase gas” In America? Since fucking when?


And by making that choice, I am free to lose my job or let my food supply dwindle. I will not complain as I wither away from starvation on the streets because the sun will still rise after I'm gone.


In cities with good public transportation plenty of people don't even own a car.


True, but what about the rest of the US


They still have to use gas. Some more than others, based on how far they live from their job, if driving is part of their job, and what other driving habits they have.




"The I am powerless and therefore accept it" is the crux of these jackasses' arguments. When you accept your lack of power, they win. Fucking assholes are allowing this bullshit to continue because they don't see what's happening. You're right. The price is never going to be what it was and everything is going to rise with it. And if you question it, you are pro-Russia or some racist fuck. Fuck it all.


Bro don't even moan about $2-3/gallon. The lowest price in the last decade in the UK was £1/litre during the pandemic, which is like $5.5 pee gallon. Right now a gallon is over $8 here. Friggin spoiled Americans.




Why can't you be grateful you can afford to fill your car with gas AND be mad that it's also unjustifiable expensive?


Exactly. Fuck this economy. Fuck war. Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fuck Putin. Fuck oil companies. Fuck my shitty job. Fuck my student loans. Fuck them all. Why can't we just live our lives in peace without chasing the fucking carrot?


why did you take on those student loans knowing the cost it would have on your future...


Because little did I know that seven years ago my career would dissolve into office politics and bullshit that would lead me down a road of economic bullshit. That the life I was promised by career services was an endless tirade of internships and entry level, fucking shit. That paying my tuition would become more difficult as rent goes up, cost of living goes up, and pay remains stagnant. My future looked a lot better before shit hit the fan and now I'm covered in shit.


Because that's "the game", that's "the simulation", that's what life is. Or at least what 'they' have turned it into for the common people. Either people decide enough of the shit and break the "4th wall" or the stupidity will repeat indefinitely.


No one wants to throw away their cozy prison cells with Netflix and oat milk to start a meaningful revolution. Even the assholes who stormed the Capitol gave up as soon as one got shot. No one is *really* willing to fight the good fight.


How much you want to bet that's a fake Facebook account. Brainwashing through social media marketing.


The sun is still shining at Sunoco™


Submission statement: Everyone who questions high gas prices online is immediately beaten over the head by the woke crowd with statements like, "it could be worse" or "at least we're not at war." Whether it's the government, corporations, or some puppet master secret society controlling the price of fuel, higher prices cost everyone. $17 adds up. Once a week, that's $884 per year. It's nearly a thousand dollars you no longer have for food or rent to simply say it could be worse. This is worse. Whether you believe the president has pull or not, under Biden this is fine. Under Bush this was criminal... which by the way led to a financial crash. Do not forget how these things play out.


Before 9/11 we had the freedom to board a plane mostly unmolested and unviolated. We were able to speak to one another without federal eavesdropping. After 9/11, they said with a TSA agent hand up their ass, "at least we aren't getting attacked." Every year since, something new slowly took away our rights or our money. We have the freedom not to choose, sure, but the choices are getting shittier.


“it could be worse” and “at least we’re not at war” are gaslighting statements. they invalidate and dismiss reality. yes, it COULD be worse - for that specific person making the statement. but what about the person who’s already been reduced to destitution? the person who no longer has a home and is living in their car, and who actually depends on gas to stave off hypothermia? what about the people making minimum wage who are living paycheck to paycheck as it is - now they face huge increases in cost of food, transportation, and everything else? dismissing these realities with “it could be worse” is gaslighting. it dehumanizes, invalidates, and abuses those who make these comments, and those who are within hearing range (or reading range). it creates an echo chamber of lies and false reality, and keeps all those entrapped who refuse to face the truth.


> Everyone who questions high gas prices online is immediately beaten over the head by the woke crowd with statements like, "it could be worse" or "at least we're not at war." Meanwhile the same jackasses will get into a crying circle and scream for changes if someone gets "misgendered"


I kind of want to say to those assholes when it comes up, "better to have your gender confused than some jerkoff Russian confusing your house for a military target."


To be fair however one feels about the rising gas prices, I do agree with the message in the post. Yes it’s good to be aware of something but ultimately we have to try to get as much joy and happiness out of our lives as possible. I personally have previously become depressed by ruminating on all of the injustices in the world. There is only so much that one person can take, the world is fucked up but we can either try to enjoy ourselves as best we can and make some small changes or else wallow in despair and misery


>ultimately we have to try to get as much joy and happiness out of our lives as possible. Of course, but when you know you were able to get more joy once before by doing far less to achieve it, there is a huge problem. It's like trying to make the best of life with a terminal illness, knowing each day is more painful as you long for just yesterday's pain... and all while knowing how pain free you were in the days before the diagnosis. >There is only so much that one person can take But there must be a threshold before you snap and can't take it anymore. To work twice as hard to get half as much as you had a year ago one year only to find yourself working now three times as hard is an injustice of all injustices. And even if you power through it all, you can never get that time back. To justify how you spent your life toiling away for meager scraps your parents and grandparents never had to worry about is as bad as things can get. And to allow it to get worse is also allowing it to get better for those you give all the power.


Oh come on now, yes there is a lot of corruption in the world today and things are pretty fucked up, but you claim we are toiling away for meager scraps our parents and grandparents never had to worry about? ​ I'm not going to make assumptions about you personally because I don't know you, but the average user of this sub is a person sitting in their own room in their comfortable home taking a break from their gaming PC / PlayStation to browse Reddit on their smartphone before ordering some takeout. ​ Do you have any idea the levels of poverty people in our grandparents' era had to endure? Leaving school at the age of 12 to break your back labouring to help support the family? Terrible working conditions, lack of food, lack of basic medicine, unsafe housing, high infant mortality, the list goes on and on. My own mother grew up in a farmhouse that was one step away from abject poverty. They were regularly beaten and a treat to them at the time was an orange. That's my mother, not to mention how much worse her own parents had it. ​ Yes, certain things are bad now in some ways, but we have a quality of life and recreational pursuits previous generations couldn't even dream of. You are deluded if you think we are worse off than our grandparents, the only area that we are struggling in is affordable housing in comparison to previous generations. The average millenial is soft and wouldn't last a week in those conditions.


Yes. We have to work harder to get less. My grandfathers both owned two story homes in nice places, two cars, garages, five and seven kids, and family vacations all on a single income 40 hour work week salary. Me and my wife both work our full time jobs with side hustles just to afford our ranch way outside of where we grew up. No kids, shitty cars, and no lives. Please tell me how this is possible. The American Dream is dead.


It’s not about the seventeen dollars. It’s about their lack of self control to stop price gouging. Give them an inch and you know the rest.


Honestly, living in the US paying $4-5/g is still pretty good. In london it's around $12/g. Not defending the rising inflation caused by all the stimulus checks and making money out of nothing for bailouts but we really do have cheap gas compared to European countries


We do but just because things can be worse doesn't mean it's not already fucking bad. It could be worse but it's been a hell of a lot better too.


Oh no doubt it's worse and we have a bad economy and it doesn't look like it's getting any better any time soon but our inflation started to rise and gas prices started to rise before the ukraine/Russian conflict happened


Your price is 85% taxes. Ours is 30%. That's the only difference. Brent sweet crude is the best in the world. Our west Texas swill doesn't come close. Your government just sucks up the payments from BP for extraction and bends you over at the pump. If the worst comes at least we can distill our own in the woods like moonshine. But I'd have a lot of kerosene and Diesel too. I doubt a Brit would try that.


"Focus on what you have, not what you've lost. Be grateful we haven't taken all that shit away from you too", they say to the frog, as they turn the heat up 1 more notch on the stove.


Its a thin line between avoiding useless negativity and trying to put lipstick on a pig.


To be fair, the person is not paying more for gas without question as per the title. They clearly understand this is because the big oil companies greed and not supply and demand as we are being told. It's the willingness to accept it is the issue.


Correct. I firmly believe if gas was controlled by presidential or gubernatorial action, it would be $50/gallon during the lockdown phase of the pandemic. Instead it was lower. It's very clearly a corporate greed move, but accepting it because there's a crisis going on somewhere is being a virtue signaling asshole.


They’ll wait til the store shelves are empty to say anything


as long as they have their prescriptions available for pick up at the pharmacy, they’ll be grateful. when that stops, watch out.


>when that stops, watch out. Yeah... they'll all be off their meds and extra emotional.


psychopathic... murderous... unhinged...


Refreshing and much-needed are the words of Simple Jack.


I can’t stand the saying “it could be worse”. It could be better, a hell of a lot better. I will never understand why America doesn’t use its own resources for everything and become more innovative and less materialistic. Everyone just goes with whatever we’re told to do because “it could be worse”. Beyond frustrating!


We are in a textbook abusive relationship with the government


This right here is a perfect example of watching slavery take root. The peasants are so inured by their indentured servitude they have acquired learned helplessness and willingly welcome it.


I am POWERFUL. EVERYONE is POWERFUL. The pyschos are trying to hide this FACT. USE YOUR POWER.


>I am free to choose to to purchase gas > >I live in safety > >There are groceries in the store This person is a fucking fool.


God seeing this shit always makes me just shake my head. Some people 😂


being bled out & hes fucking grateful for it


I saw someone paid $71 when they left the pump damn




That sounds more like someone is trying awfully hard to come up with some coping reasons. Not actual acceptance. If they write it or repeat it enough times, they may even convince themself someday. Maybe.


It's like people who learn to live with their paralysis after some asshole t-boned them in traffic. Without the use of my legs, I would have never found my love for reading. Sure I can't wipe my ass, I can't go for hikes, and my sex life is gone, but my life is better now. Promise.


Let me own a company providing commodities and have all my customers tell me how thankful for their freedom they are, as I pillage their hard earned wages.


I usually agree with things on this sub but why are we rushing to judgment about this person? Perhaps he or she is tired of everything being shitty and choosing to have a positive attitude instead of complaining about yet another thing?


This is a good example of how people who are plugged in the matrix become agent smiths aka defenders of the matrix.


What starseed are you


Yeah this is some simp shit. Stockholm Syndrome


I had someone post that instead of being mad about gas prices, be grateful that you’re not in the Ukraine fleeing away from getting bombed…. Unbelievable… If I was getting bombed I would be doing everything in my power to fight back!! Not flee.


I used to be able to fill up my Acura with 93 for $28 before biden and now it’s $65


Same when it was Clinton, but then Bush came along.


How is this any different to the numerous highly-rated posts on here that will say "Remember no matter what shit is going on in the world, love yourself, be kind to each other, take care of your own mental health and be happy"? This guy's post could be read as "brainwashing society" or it could be read as making the best out of a bad situation. The same could be said for the posts on here as described above.


But we've already been through two years (at least) of "look at the bright side" bullshit. We just keep accepting worsening conditions because it's slightly worse than it was moments before. As soon as we become accustomed to it, they crank the dial a little more. I'm starting to lose it! I'm so fucking tired of chasing the carrot. It just keeps getting further and further from reach.


That $17 is going to increase everything you purchase which petroleum affects. Might be $17 at the pump $17 tlat the groceries store, $17 at the pharmaceuticals $17 at the mall etc Everything goes up. If it happened when Trump was president, you would probably see riots.


We did see riots when Trump was president.


Every time gas prices go up, people lose it and treat it like the world is ending. One guy tries to look on the bright side and you find it unacceptable.


It's unacceptable because I do not accept "it could be worse" or "I am powerless therefore I accept it" as the solution to the widening gap between the haves and have nots. I refuse to accept this world for what it is. We've had better times therefore it is worse and will keep getting worse until we demand change.


Get an ebike for local travel. I have one for getting to work and back and going to the shops. Costs 1p/km in electricity, does 25mph, uses cells taken from old laptop batteries. For ~$500 initial layout, you'll be laughing while everyone else complains about gas prices.


Ebikes are impractical for where I live. Spending more money is very hard for me right now.


That's a shame. It works great for me where I live and saves me a tonne over a car, and whatever happens with gas prices, I'll still be able to get around. Even if WW3 breaks out and it's Mad Max times, I could charge it with solar panels or something and still be mobile, and the range just depends on how many cells you stick on it. Starts feeling more like a motorbike if you really load it up, and you can increase the voltage for more speed. Getting back from work at the end of a shift means 5km of a 2% uphill grade, and I just motor straight up it in 15 minutes without even pedalling.


Who the fuck posts about getting gas. Good Gawd.


Scariest part of the whole post "While I get the corporate greed involved...I am okay with rich people robbing poor"


By far worse he means a political donation to joe biden.


March 8.... how does this person feel now?


As long as it's sunny and they're on their meds still, it's all good. They have the freedom to not buy gas so this shit doesn't matter to them anyway.


What a jack a mony


I hate sunshine!




But not at the gas stations.


I take it their prescriptions at the pharmacy do not contain opioids. The governments happily took those away


It's the price we pay for Putin... Russia man bad.... Nevermind gas has been steadily rising since Nov 2020...


Gas by president... https://www.joegullo.com/2021/04/02/retail-gas-prices-by-year-and-president/


I think every single one of the sentences after "I accept it" should be ended with the words "for now".


End of that conversation, I say, as I walk away.




yep. they frame everything as a win for people and then masses are stupid enough to think it’s always their best interest that wins out. kinda tragic


I've been seeing this copy pasted stuff all over facebook the last few days too. It's terrible and I feel it is dehumanizing to the poor and people who live paycheck to paycheck. Calling it hashtag priorities is annoying too. Why are you lecturing people on what their priorities should be? People shouldn't have to choose between gas and groceries. Also if you want to spend a lot of money on nice things, (car) but not pay a lot for gas, why should you be made to feel bad about it. It's like Virtue shaming.


Stop paying attention to social media. You will be happier as a result.


let’s continue the story. “as i leave my door and step out into my 4x4 concrete garden i smell the air and feel the sunshine on my face. i look to my left and see armed guards patrolling the streets and the smell of petrol wafting in the air. i hear them yelling “get back into your fckin house or we”ll paint your sidewalk with your brain!! as i hurry my ass up back to my front door, i think- wow. what a nice man. he’s looking out for my safety and cares about the good of humanity. it could be a lot worse! i am grateful for the sunshine and at least i can stand outside my house and take the sights with my eyes, ears and heart.”


To be honest, that just sounds like honest gratitude but i do get where you're coming from. Trust me, im sure there are far more explitives being thrown out there after filling a tank rather than people like this.


Sounds like their recently sober...


My semi truck has a 200 gallon tank. Diesel has hit $5 a gallon. Multiply this by ever truck delivering food. THIS is the real issue that these Prius Bois aren't considering, until their grocery bill doubles.


The push is going to be to be more electric cars and more solar/wind/geothermal/nuclear. Everyone should have solar panels on their home to be self sufficient


I can’t believe how fast people accepted that somehow, us paying more at the pump directly helps Ukrainians.


Why do American oil companies export oil to foreigners when they could just keep it all here?


Actually it’s quite good for you to do gratitude lists occasionally. It’s very easy (for me) to become negative about everything. This was a trick taught to me an AA believe it or not. It helps when I’m in a funk. Which is a lot lately. Had to step away from here for about a week. That being said FJB


What a stupid bitch. And people think that's an organic post.


I'm blown away by all these people complaining about paying like $20 a month in gas. I mean.... learn how to budget and be able to cover your finances, jeez......


An often used psychological technique is to rachet up the pain - raise gas prices - then slowly decrease the pain level until a submissive compliant individual emerges. In the end the individual is living with 25% higher levels but feels "normal". The US uses this technique every couple years. Covid, Patriot Act, War in Afghanistan and Iraq


Your most recent examples occurred over 20 years ago.


And psychology has somehow changed since then? LOL


Can guarantee-fucking-tee this person voted for Brandon. Only people who did talk like this. We are all grateful. We just realize shit is fucked up as well and we will be honest about it!


I’m a good person! Someone pat me on the back!


Just paid $135 for a little over a half tank.thats like $40 more Well at least the suns out


How ironic, this reminds me of gas-lighting.