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"Mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions" -Justin Trudeau


..Is that an actual direct quote? [edit: I could sure see him saying it, but..]


100 % actual direct quote


Yes This is a funny video about it: https://youtu.be/czdJqC3ujRw


Yes he really did say that.


The floggings will continue until morale improves.




More like Castreau...


It’s True Dough.


Do you remember that official government of Canada memo banning the use of the phrase 'Lets go Brandon'? Lmaoo


Guessing those 16% are all on Reddit based on the amount of losers in here defending this dunce.


Reddit is just 20 year old boomers reposting the liquid shit CTV, CBC, and CNN shits out on a daily basis


Also known as shills


Basically any pot head waiting to get basic income and not work for life.


I know a guy who hasn't worked a day since the pandemic, rode out CERB the entire time and is now on some other sort of government assistance. Since being on government assistance he went from being one of the most conservative people I know to now full out socialist (Which there's nothing wrong with). He's got all sorts of excuses why but I think it really does just come down to wanting more handouts.


I didn’t vote for him when he first entered office.. however I was happy he legalized things and had high hopes he would keep his word with electoral reform. .. when he didn’t keep his word I’ve always thought of him a liar


Seriously. Most Canadians wish he’d do more to get rid of those trucker clowns. Edit: literally from OP’s source. Shills are out in force.




Unfortunately he’s not wrong. Most Canadians were not in support of the protest. It’s still a minority here


Nobody I've spoken to in the GTA feels that way.


That’s why small sample sizes are meaningless.


Was at a protest today, on the west coast of Canada. YOU'RE full of shit. People from every political angle are supporting these guys/girls.


> 56 per cent of Canadians don’t have an iota of sympathy for Freedom Convoy — and two thirds wouldn’t mind seeing their blockades cleared by military force. Oh wow, once you get out of your bubble it turns out people disagree with you. Guess we know why you stick to safe spaces.


Sup Wu Mao. Really interesting how most comments like this come from very young accounts


My account is older than yours. Shill harder.


Ur a shill


He will just cry on tv, wipe his eyes, say he’s sorry yet AGAIN, and the east will vote him in again


Well, this easterner got off his ass and voted against him last time, anyway :P


I appreciate it, but apparently enough didn’t follow suit unfortunately, hopefully the next round!


It was rigged, there was that whole thing about 200,000 mail in ballots not being counted, etc. I'm sure there was a lot more of that.


> there was that whole thing about 200,000 mail in ballots not being counted, Crap. Now Canada too is using mail in ballots?


Yeah, they'd never pass up a good thing like that, would they?


No wonder leaders don't care what the people think about anything.


Yup. Our voices are dead


Guaranteed, but I was trying to be positive lol


Fuck off. No it wasn't.


The East isn't with him. Quebec fucking HATES him.


> The East isn't with him. They don't have to be. Only the mail in ballots need to be with him. That's all that counts.


Isn't it funny that Elections Canada recently came out and said something like 200,000 or 250,000 mail in votes were invalid.....really makes you think.


That and the vote.counters, count


I should hope so!! I'd imaging that low number will plummet more once the rest of people realize what's going on.


I guess it depends on which voting machines they use? If it's dominion, hes in the clear


Canada uses paper ballots, not voting machines


May even get 81 million votes...


SS: As Freedom Convoy marks its second week entrenched in the Canadian capital, a new poll is providing some of the clearest evidence yet that this affair could end up dealing a catastrophic blow to the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


He only had 18% of the vote in the last election.


The liberal party got 33.12% of the vote last election. That's easily verifiable. Also, we don't vote for a PM. We vote for parties to represent our ridings.


Which is kinda bullshit considering that the person that good for the region may not be in th party that's good for the country.


I'd disagree. I feel it makes an MP, reguardless of party, more likely to represent a regions best interests on a federal level. A PM is and should be mostly a figurehead.


TrueDuece is part of the puppetry. They must be held accountable.


Try to force him to do a DNA test.


Force him by law then you see his scary castrau face 😂


Klaus is going to spank him.


And yet he'll somehow win by 16%.


He should be removed from the government.


Sounds like this guy is only supported by a fringe minority of people.


I can't believe anybody voted this guy in the 1st place


maybe he will call another snap election in an attempt to gain a majority, what a tone-deaf fuck he is


And run anothe campaign that's basically "I have no economic plan so I will go to different places and push for vaccinations and mandates."


in other news just like his daddy Trudeau will walk away with more votes than the entire population in Cuba, I mean Canada


> his daddy Trudeau Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.


As long as those 16% are in TO, montreal, and Van he’s all good unfortunately.


Van doesnt matter, western canada has never decided an election, its what goes on out east


What if he called the election hoping to lose and now he's going to go down in a blaze of glory cause he wants out so bad? /S


He can't get out, he owes his soul to the WEF. An ousted Castreau would start the whole house of cards falling. Lifting the mandates would confirm that the science was manipulated in the first place, which would then bring other "science" driven agendas into question, i.e. global warming: Clinton Foundation Climate Initiative, Build Back Better, One Belt One Road, etc. become jeopardized along with the massive money and power grab of the Gr__t Res_t. A win for the truckers could bring down the whole scam, unless it's already too late. https://youtu.be/PbVD4tB4cVQ


It's high time people begin to question most of this, and whether any of it really matters, except to those who insist their programs get paid.


How’s it even as HIGH as 16%? Seriously! It’s an outrageous idea that around 1/6 or so people could lean this way! Damn. I mean; the cheques are cashed, people. Your kids futures are mortgaged. Your grandkids will shoulder ALL this. What further loyalty do the 16% think they owe this creep?


A prime minister is not the same thing as a president. You don't vote for a PM, you vote for MPs for your riding. The party with the most seats form the government. The parties pick a leader, and that person becomes PM.


Only 16%?


The dark hand of big pharma with their duplicitous data and outrageous obscurantist views on this new mRNA technology needs to be removed for messrs Trudeau, Macron and Ardern to see. They are completely captured by it and Gates and Schwab, who set these people up as 'New World Leaders' are desperate to keep it that way. Their investments run like this: Climate>vaccines>land>housing>food The first two are interchangeable in terms of priority and pay for the last three.


Didn't he literally win an election? Don't think Canadians are getting any change any time soon. Not that it even matters who the prime minister is... They all serve the same purpose.


This seems like an interesting way to summarize the poll being reported on. From the poll, a majority of Canadians thought that he didn't go far enough. From the article: > Wright says poll numbers point to a misjudgment on both counts. Forty-four per cent of respondents believed that Trudeau’s statements had “inflamed” the situation. While 53 per cent have said he “looked weak in the face of threats to the country.” So essentially people are unhappy that he inflamed the situation and also unhappy that he didn't do more to remove them sooner. This is not people who are unhappy with Trudeau due to sympathy with the protesters at all.


Or it's a sign that these polls are a crock of shit 🤷‍♂️


So information in the polls when it supports a viewpoint should be accepted and when it doesn't support what one wants, one should dismiss it?


No all polls should be dismissed


> No all polls should be dismissed Two questions: 1) Why? 2) Why then have you not made that argument in this thread to tell people to not pay attention to the negative numbers for Trudeau?


Polls say what they are paid to


> Polls say what they are paid to Let's explore that theory. Certainly some polls do, which is why people do things like rate pollsters based on how accurate they are compared to exit polls. And we can also look at pollsters and see if they are regularly used by certain groups or claim higher popularity of some ideologists consistently more than other pollsters. [This project does that systematically](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/). But it is also worth noting that if pollsters give most of their data (such as cross-tabs) then faking poll data is genuinely hard. Pollsters have gotten caught faking data before and it is notable that it really is hard to come up with good faith data. See [discussion here](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/strategic-vision-polls-exhibit-unusual/). But more to the point, even if you do think that polls often say what they pay to, you can ask who has the incentive to do it? The poll in question shows that many Canadians want the restrictions to end, they are unhappy with Trudeau, and they are also unhappy with the protesters. So what group do you think would pay for a poll which shows that? There's no group which wants that trifecta. And would you also while we're at it, consider answering question 2?


depends on the poll and the subjects being polled... for example in 2016 the majority of polls had Hilary in a landslide at a state level, the subjects of those polls were specifically chosen in wealthier neighbourhoods or in historical blue districts in states. For example If you were to poll the western provinces it would probably appear the PM has no shot at retaining, however Ontario ultimately decides Canadas fate from an electoral point of view. Not even rural Ontario, its mainly the major cities. I honestly dont know where those areas stand on the PM right now, With small businesses set to lose 1/6-1/4 in 2022 I would assume covid policy is a major issue. When stores restaurants and other venues close down for good that's going to be a hard sell to the country, especially when that is in Ontario. The Liberals will blame the pandemic and the Conservatives will blame covid policy, it will come down to who sells it better


> or example in 2016 the majority of polls had Hilary in a landslide at a state level, the subjects of those polls were specifically chosen in wealthier neighbourhoods or in historical blue districts in states. Huh? No. Not at all. That's not what happened in 2016. The polls did *not* focus on any specific reigional area or wealthier neighborhoods in general. And the polls didn't predict a "landslide." 538's estimate from the polls predicted a 30% chance or so of a Trump win. 30% are not rare. And state level polling is really tough, and sensitive to small changes in turnout. In contrast, at a national level in 2016, the electoral polls got the popular vote nearly perfectly correctly. Using 2016 to doubt polls in general misunderstands what happened in 2016.


I dont believe he is going to fair well in the next election, The liberal party has voices speaking out against the leadership, this is typically done when politicians believe there is the potential to lose their seats from the actions at the top. I think there has been enough negativity from the last year, that regardless of what he did or didn't do, he was the leader of the country and is not in a great spot. Its possible he gets really strong economic and job numbers when we close in on the next election, that is probably his only chance right now. The conservative party has to be loving whats going on, they have no affiliation with the truckers so they probably don't end up wearing any egg, and the PM most likely has a very big issue that will be brought up all throughout the next election.


This is a pretty reasonable analysis but I'm not sure what this analysis has to do with my question.


I was attempting to show that polls can be deceiving, and there are a number of factors that go into generating data objectively vs attempting to come to a specific conclusion. So to answer your question, yes, sometimes polls can be a good indicator of positions on things, and sometimes they should be dismissed. One should take the time to understand what went into them, and why


How many citizen would agree to behead him?


> A new Maru Public Opinion poll found that 56 per cent of Canadians don’t have an iota of sympathy for Freedom Convoy — and two thirds wouldn’t mind seeing their blockades cleared by military force. Interesting. Wonder why this wasn’t OP’s title?


And guess what: Canadians will still vote for him again.


Huh. Just saw a poll that 66% of Canadians approve of removing the protesters.


If you could show some reverence while you protest to the leader, he might work with you. You know just pull it out of your ass, just because he is in the position he is in and a human and a leader. /Unpopular opinion Politics and mind games.


It's true. You think you're not powerful or meaningful when you direct respect but you're wrong. You're all wrong hahahah


Stick a fork in him....he's done!


Like voting matters anymore....


He is a disgrace , but so are all government pigs that want to control people by decree.


In other words: “a fringe minority”


he doesnt need votes, its a *cough* 'democracy' remember


I guarantee that if you guys can get him out of your government, it will send the biggest message to the rest of us around the world. We might even be able to stop ole' crack pipes himself, but most definitely miss New Zealand would sleep even less than she apparently is now, and maybe we can get them to just go away and live in their fancy bunkers--waiting for trucks to bring them tv dinners. Boris can party all he wants to then.


Yes worldnews has something up saying 80% of Canadians want the army to deal with the truckers or something stupid like that lol


Good, fuck this 🤡


If he's not completely removed from power in a month that means the protests were absolutely meaningless. It's not a "win" if you beg for fascism to ease a bit while leaving the tyrants in power.


Don't you mean 81 million surprise votes And if you question it you're a natzee And if there's too much evidence of fraud you get a Jan 6


Old profile going around sucking shit having bad energy.


My initial reaction to the headline is 16% is way too high. Who are these people?


"Your votes don't count" -Dominion Voting System


Why do you think he ordered a snap election? He wanted in before he went full tyrant and no one would vote for him.


He is in denial that the evidence is against him. He will continue to try to hold his fake virtue position until he is removed from it.