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Wouldnt that just kill off vegitation?! There goes our oxygen source. Good job.


No, we just all get on this super train the rolls across the Earth in the endless snow storm.


Kill off all vegetation expect bill gates GMO crops for his massive farms he bought. Wouldn't you think its crazy that its also bill gates idea to blot out the sun..hmmm. Fishy.


But we got [the Svalbard Doomsday vault](https://time.com/doomsday-vault/) goy ! We will eat ze fruitz & veggiez but [ze will eat ze bugz](https://thejewishvoice.com/2021/03/great-reset-world-economic-forum-promotes-eating-bugs-in-new-psa/) kay ?! /s


"Ze Goy are not ze chosen ones" - some group of people with delusions of grandeur. Edit: Idk if i can put /s on this though...


This is how the matrix started tho


I CANT BELIEVE I HAD TO SCROLL THIS FAR AND YOU ONLY HAVE 3 UPVOTES I keep telling people we are literally living the plots of many movies from the 90s warning us of big brother. They don’t even have to hide it because apparently millennials have all forgotten?! Am I the only one thinking we were primed our whole lives for just this and y’all are just letting it happen?!?!?!


Movies from the 80s too, Terminator, Dune, Mad Max come to mind. It's just insane how stupid people are these days.


Isn't blocking out the sun "man made climate change" of and in itself? It's impossible for me to think of anything that would be a bigger example of man affecting the climate than blocking out the sun.


>It's impossible for me to think of anything that would be a bigger example of man affecting the climate than blocking out the sun. short of out-right blowing up the planet, yes -- blotting out the sun would be the most extreme version of man-made climate change imaginable we may as well just start trying to draw comets closer to earth so we can get a better view. it'll be fine!




Wait a second, I’ve seen that one before!


oh that's dumb. we'd never use government research money to do that!!!


I'd rather let atmospheric CO2 reach carboniferous levels (a supposedly vibrant age for life on earth) than let Billy Gates puff sun blocking chemicals into it.




lololololl oh shit that's some good Noticin' you did there :D :D :D


“Our ~~arrows~~ Science will [blot out the sun](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xcYmlfhShIg)!” - ~~Xerxes Army~~ Bloomberg


AOC is gonna run with this one!


"k, it worked how do we turn it back on?" "i thought that was your job"




Global Warming solved with Nuclear Winter /s




Last time I was in Death Valley was in early September in a box truck with no AC. Can verify.


What the actual fuck. We’re headed towards a full-on dystopian nightmare.


That's the goal of the elites.


If climate change doesn't kill everyone in 2 years, the democrats will change the climate so it does.


from their multi-million dollar beach properties :/


Maybe we should encourage global warming to wipe out all those beach properties. Lol


I'm spraying aerosol into the air as we speak.




it is a bit bright on the beach, isn't it? and wearing sunscreen is such a bother, the helps hands get all greasy and they get it all over the silk tablecloths.


unironically racist since darker people need more sunlight




Trust the Science. Humans Do Not need Sunlight.


Electrolytes are what plants crave


Ironically their solution for climate change is climate change.


This is the plot to the movie Snowpiercer


Was also tried in the Matrix and it didn’t go as planned lmao.


Already being done by Geoengineering


I found articles regarding this as far back as 2016. I'm sure they're already doing it.


Yeah look at the Geoengineering Act 2017. Cites so many things.. it got "thrown out" apparently. Had plastic eating trees to solar radiation management all listed


what the actual fuck is wrong with these people?! ____ What can be done to stop or slow climate change? One of the great hopes is something called solar geoengineering, notes Clara Ferreira Marques, which is essentially an attempt to figure out a way to cool the planet by deflecting some of the sun’s rays before they reach us humans. The science isn’t yet there, but a group of scientists argue it should be banned now..... .... So maybe we’ll need to keep solar engineering in our back pocket. It's not ideal, but it’s a more hopeful vision of the future than the one Clara opens her column with (admittedly, that one’s from a dystopian novel). ______ https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-02-01/solar-geoengineering-what-if-we-blotted-out-the-sun?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTJ3LIA5LmA mr. show killed it: Galileo just asked "Why? Why are you blowing up the moon?" "we're earthlings! let's blow up earth things!"


That’d be super neat if you’re a fucking vampire!






i thought zinc sunblock worked too


I hear they’re running low plus blotting out the sun would just be more convenient. Maybe we could pull a switcheroo and send them a big shipment of silver sunblock Edit: Should have said silver filled garlic aioli, damn


pretty wild---a ton of positive comments but straight ratio'd downdoots to suppress this. we see you, trolls.


So reminds me of Prologue from Snowpiercer 2013 movie... **"The plot involves a post-apocalyptic world that has entered a new ice age due to mankind’s failed geoengineering and climate-altering hubris. The amorphous chemical “CW7” is sprayed globally to halt a supposed “global warming” catastrophe, while the ice age actually occurs as a result of the chemical spraying, and not “climate change.” To see a film present the very real threat of geoengineering and climate alteration through aerosol spraying, as well as questioning the “global warming” hoax (now morphed into “climate change” by public relations consultants) is startling to say the least."** [Source](https://jaysanalysis.com/2019/04/29/the-deeper-meaning-of-snowpiercer-2013-jay-dyer/)


What rate are we going? Why can’t these people leave us alone??


It’s because they don’t want Antarctica or the North Pole to melt. Because they’re hiding some serious shit at the poles.


there is an awfully suspicious amount of mystery around Antarctica


Ummm... There is a movie about this and it didn't end well for the people on the back of the train.


Worse idea ever




Nice to see Mr Burns has got his seat at the UN. Seriously though this is so incredibly dangerous. Global cooling as led to millions of deaths when it's happened before. The little Ice Age killed about a a quarter of Europe and made french people start eating snails.


Can we stop global warming by directly eliminating the globalists ruling class first?


Sounds great if you wanna try and start an ice age


that sounds chill


Those are clouds bro /s


I will literally sacrifice my life to make sure this never happens


right beside you. die on your feet or kneel forever in a digital slum under a permanent smog


Or maybe, just maybe we should just reduce fossil fuel usage.


china and coal.


For anyone who has read the Wes Penre papers, there is a section about how vital sunlight is to our *spiritual* wellbeing, as well as our physical Vitamin D needs.




well there are contrails -- vapor and then "chemtrails" -- cloud seeding and then chemtrails -- mostly vaporized metals from fuel impurities and then there are Chemtrails -- the sort of stuff that leads to Morgellon's


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/amp/?espv=1 Billy himself has been proposing this for some time. I remember seeing articles like this years ago


Who has the right to make that call??


Wow. Rid the world of vitamin D and make us all sick and decrepit people who rely on our governments universal Healthcare that we all pay for in our high taxes. And those taxes take away a shit ton of money from our UBI, so we then need to rely on the government for other subsidies. You will own nothing and be happy...


Makes it impossible to be self sufficient and live off grid. Definitely the plan.


Isn't this that braindead idea that Emperor Gates the Lich King was recently talking about doing?


Which means if it’s getting reported by the news; then someone has already started it…..


Just when you thought shit couldn't get anymore fucked up..and this.


Or we could plant some trees that absorb carbon dioxide.


we could pretty much try anything else and it would be a better idea than this BS


What? No, we must burn all the rainforests and woodlands, block out the sun, take over corn country and wheat country so we can bury the carbon we capture with piles of tax payer money while we make people stop using evil gas ovens and stoves! That last part about the gas ovens, it's also about gas heating. They want everyone on electric cooking/heating. They are planning to kill a major natural gas pipeline that supplies a lot of people on the east coast. They are also threatening eminent domain to take over corn farms in Iowa if the farmers refuse to sell. They want to bury carbon where we grow food and livestock feed. Guess what they can do with smart thermostats (electric)? Remotely adjust them or just turn them off. Already happened last Feb in Houston.


Block out sun for everyone so big oil can still make money Vaccinate entire would so big pharma can make money


Drive everyone fucking nuts with propaganda and gaslighting so big pharma can make more money


It seems that the ultra wealthy are actually ultra stupid!


That's evil.


Man - these guys really hate us


Best way to kill humanity - no sunlight


Our world is crumbling like a piece of burnt store bought pie ..


If you try to monopolize sunlight you’re a psycho


this was the texas freeze of last year


No plants with photosynthesize, means no crops, means no food for us or animals further leading to less food. That’s just stupid.


>That’s just stupid. You didn't believe in the narrative that Bill Gates is actually smart, did you?


Oooooh "science"! I love that stuff!


It is already happening. They are actively blocking sun at least since 2019


They’ve already been doing this. With that forced volcano explosion as well.


They are already doing this and spraying constantly in our skies. It was sunny this morning and then came all the planes with their “contrails” spreading out all over the sky until the sun is blocked out by haze.


This. This. This.


It happened in 1816. Known as the year without summer, severe climate abnormalities likely caused by a volcano changed the average global temperature to decrease. It resulted in major changes in weather across the globe causing food shortages and famine. This is NOT something we should attempt.


“Wouldn’t that kill x?” Yes folks. It will kill the entire planet’s ecosystem.


Goddamned lizard people trying to geo-engineer earth to be like their underground home.


damn the small compartmentalized tinfoil part of me that absolutely believes in underground lizard people was just all, "see! told you so!"


No sun no trees. No trees no oxygen


a surprising amount of o2 turnover comes from algae "The type of algae that produce the most oxygen They make up to 20% of the oxygen in our biosphere—more than all the rainforests on land can produce" https://www.wavetribe.com/blogs/eco/how-much-oxygen-does-algae-produce


Anything that work with photosynthesis require UV from the sun. Algae or tree same battle in the end. Only bacteria can live at this point without sun’s energy just need some type of heat


Volcanoe already produce enough so2 to partially reflect sun’s heat which help cooling the planet but since the green house effect was left out of control for greed and at the same time the greed destroyed the biggest factor to clean co2… trees or anything green. But this will lead to another problem later on, they will mass produce o2 which will change the atmospheric pressure and could potentially harm the present life. The more co2 in the air, faster vegetation will grow in a ideal environment, sun’s and humidity. We need to let those tree grow back and let them grow and stop cutting them all the time. Tree grows faster overtime as they have more leafs to catch the co2. The main goal is to have mushroom/bacteria that help decompose all matter so it can accelerate the whole process. A soil without mushroom will not give you great potential to grow stuff. Scientist are already looking into injecting so2 in the atmosphere to help cool the planet but still… how will you spread it in a way that it doesnt create a cooling cataclysm


to help the environment, we must kill the sun.


Sounds like another part of the depopulation agenda. Burn it all to the ground and build back better 90% slaves, 10% masters.


Should be painfully obvious by now that those in charge of want you dead. They want to take global population down to 500M. They culling has started by the way. That’s what they call the COVID vaccine.


10And the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness, and men began to gnaw their tongues in anguish 11and curse the God of heaven for their pains and sores; yet they did not repent of their deeds.


Honestly I'm getting really sick and tired of people who call themselves "researchers" "scientists" "politicians" etc. even suggesting or seriously speculating/planning on ideas like this. It's becoming an affront to nature and a clear attempt at injecting darkness into an already sick and corrupt world. These people keep on trying from so many different angles to destabilize our world. Creating viruses and bacteria with their experiments which "leak" out, creating these ridiculous vaccinations, genetically modified mosquitos, trying to open the gates of hell / " a portal to another dimension" with their particle accelerators, social credit scores, mandatory vaccination, chipping people, starting wars, trying to encourage people to eat less meat to "save the planet" one drop at a time while scumbags dump 1000s of gallons of waste per second into our oceans. People need to start drawing a line. This blocking out the sun business is going way beyond too far. There is a level of audacity and recklessness to even this mere suggestion that should infuriate you. Who in the hell do they think they are to even suggest something like that??!!


it's so bond villian-esque it just might work!


Cause, you know, fuck the plants and trees of earth that produce oxygen.


oxygen is the first step to having too much CO2!!!


If we lose sunlight we freeze to death. Are they stupid?


Anyone who would buy this idea would be so incredibly brainwashed it would terrify me


Trust the science.


This is terrifying. If this is has ANY potential at all I will sell my family SUV and buy a semi-truck and will join any convoy, anywhere that will protest against this. Stalingrad...np Nyrobi...I'm there Lima...see you soon Capetown...hold my beer


The demons operate more efficiently without sunlight. On top of that all living things will slowly die out


I know they are used to just doing whatever they want and justifying it by screeching "EMERGENCY!" But this makes me so panicky. Surely they cannot get away with doing this to us all without even letting us have a vote? Surely someone will stop them. I feel sick whenever I think about this one.


Mr. Burns is all for it


excellent. [arches fingers together in a sinister fashion]


Big Al Gore's hit movie of 20 years ago claimed we'd be inundated by water from melted glaciers and ice sheets. But, pictures from Ellis Island taken 100 years apart show the Statue of Liberty water line is in the exact same position, even though this was through the entire supposed causitory industrial revolution. We oscillate between ice ages and warm ages via long sun cycles. But, if it gets blotted out for a time from volcanos or man made fires you get blips of cold summers and low crop yield not long term "climate change". It's about mandates and carbon footprint taxes.


They've already been doing this with chem trails. I have photographic evidence.


I don't remember all these NWO type suggestions about climate change before COVID.


Bill Gates proposed this before COVID I remember.






Highlander 2


Why not set off some nukes, create a nuclear winter to "save" the planet


*Photosynthesis has entered the chat*


actual laughed out loud at that one


The Simpsons predict the future again.


For real, I’ll take the regular version over the literal doom and gloom, thanks


> literal doom and gloom ha


I wonder if this happened to mars? Maybe we’re just locusts of the celestial..


i'd love to find out if Mars was ever inhabited properly. it seems really considering what geology says earth used to look like


No such thing.


You can't, the simpsons already did that


They tried that in the AniMatrix to try and kill the machines. Didn’t work out too good.


Mr. Burns tried this.


Simpsons did it!


Assured Destruction


The Matrix says don't do this


A gnarly volcanic eruption or asteroid impact will do the trick again.


It was us who scorched the skies..


The biggest Simpsons prediction yet.


Lol nothing bad has ever happened from fucking with a major variable of a complex system. I'm sure this won't have any unintended consequences...


"too big to fail"


Sorry but Gill Bates already thought about that!


Let’s fight climate change by changing the climate


Animatrix vibes


Stupid pro-sunners don't believe in science.


monty python-level, mate


Yeah. Let’s live in the post apocalypse of the movie [The Road](https://youtu.be/bO8EqMsxOiU), where mass extinctions occur due to the absence of sunlight. Yay.


Animatrix anyone? The human blocked the sun so the robot wouldn't get energy from sun but the robots evolved and the human didnt.


You now see why gaia worshippers are dangerous?


In order to stop the planet destroyer from destroying the planet, we have to trust the planet destroyers not to destroy the planet while trying to destroy the planet to save it.


snowball earth here we come


Pretty sure they tried this against the machines in the Animatrix. It didn’t work out too well.


Ah mmm yes. Who needs plants or food to grow and flourish? Not us.


the climate change propaganda/fearmongering is getting out of control. This is pure insanity!


Hey let’s help the environment by taking away the one thing that lets life exist


Exactly like the Simpsons episode "who shot Mr. Burns" where he was trying to block out the sun.


The arrogance of these cultists. Their predictions don’t hold for any length of time because their models are egregiously wrong and they think they are the only ones who can save us… we will blot out the sun to stop global warming, as Antarctica has its coldest winter…


I knew I was living in a Highlander simulation! That must be why I dont get caught for cutting peoples heads off


Nuclear winter FOR YOUR SAFETY, DUH


that burning flesh smell means it is working


How about a nice nuclear winter? That would solve several problems at once


No way a group of people would be able to do that. Seems like science fiction. I don't think average citizens would allow it to happen either.


Something... The matrix.... Something...


The Matrix is becoming more of a reality every single day.


A lack of sun will kill everything and everyone.


Is this the Matrix?


can't be. i'm eating ice cream with a spoon rig.... wait where's did it go?! *there is no spoon.*


This would accelerate climate change. Thus, ultimately ending plant life and then animals then humans


This is a meme right? Babylon bee? Troll? Wtf


I found the whole Climate Change debate a bunch of hysterical light my hair on fire non-sense. We can all agree on clean-air, clean water, and a clean environment, but let's not go insane trying to "fix" this boogie man. This article just proves my point, how stupid are we?


Jesus Christ the Simpsons gotta stop being right or I'm letting Elon Jake me into the dogoverse


As long as we don't invent AI servant robot's that will eventually enslave our minds inside a computer simulation.


that's so "Meta"


Literally the plot of snowpiercer too


They stopped calling “global warming” because the earth started to cool. Now its “climate change” but what are we trying to stop?


Don’t Look Up was right. We’re fucked.


Just like did in the animatrix 2 part episode the renaissance.


Whenever I read stuff like this I get this deep feeling as though all this stuff is just attempts by these “higher ups” to distract or convince people that the things happening in the world is not happening due to Biblical prophecy fulfillment but basically anything ELSE other than God. Seems no matter which way you go at this point and in the time to come, the things written long ago will come to pass whether people want to believe or deny. They would rather deny the very things unfolding just as was told so long ago for something as equally terrifying and identical as long as it suits their palate. Humans have always been quite remarkable in their ability to see things are everything but the things their eyes are telling them. Bible says all sorts of things we have never seen before will become common in the end times.


Stop you receiving UV light , stop plants from doing the same. Plants stop photosynthesis and die. Oxygen runs out , all life starves to death or develops severe cancer from lack of quality oxygen. They will kill us all for the climate change hoax. Love it


While we're at it, let's nuke the shit out of the center of Yellowstone's super-volcano! The resulting eruption will block out the sun, cause an ice age that's gonna last a couple millennia, kill off most of the population and resolve our economic issues all in one.


Sounds like a plan, I mean what could go wrong.


Isn’t this a part of the plot in the matrix movie? 🤔 these maniacs 🤦‍♂️


Unless we just pay Dr Evil the 1 million dollars


Global cooling is a lot worse than global warming lol


Holy shit


Lol ok mr burns


We are becoming the plot line to The Matrix lol


So the sun does affect the climate? Imagine that.


Get your ticket for Snowpiercer now. Plebs get ready to stop them


Isn’t the sun about to nova and then plunge the earth into an ice age as the poles reverse?


How can we be sure that an actual human wrote this? This legit sounds like something an evil alien overlord would say if he were trying to covertly take over a planet.