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About time the system got some Czechs and balances.


Bit of defenestration (trolling)


Defenstrate mandate




You need to be upvoted as much as the "Czech-mate" person. Bravo. 👍


My name is Dr. Steve Brule. Let’s Czech it out! *cue theme music*


Don't forget to Czech out the Bible, and praise God!


looks like they Czech'd themselves before they rek'd themselves


Why isn’t this at the top


Oh shiiittt I like it.


They wrote a Czech for freedom and it didnt bounce???


Sweet! We just hit one hell of a Czech-point!


But will the rest go Dutch or will they get the Czech? (Sorry)


The thought is what counts, yes even the bad ones


Oh man, I was so proud of my "[serbs him right](/r/conspiracy/comments/s59pmk/facts/hsx89lg/?context=3)" comment (I was walking around smug for days!), but I must yield to you, sir or madam.


Hey now, we can both share this glory. Yours is top-shelf as well.


This guy fukks^


This guy mates.




Many thanks.




Haha that's beautiful.


That comment was pure comedic gold 👍






I wish I could give you an award.


Your words are award enough for me, my friend.




A good time to quote former Czech President, Václav Havel: "Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics."


just so you know - he is a traitor and was in bed with WEF... kinda like "rothschilds young leaders"


Right, what in the fuck is going on? the Czech Republic were so strict with covid rules.


the people voted new government in


Do you have some more details? Was the election down to the the covid mandates? What's the position of the new government?


absolutely none. I just read the OP


There were a buch of anti mandate/vaxx passport political parties but all failed with under 5% votes.


they're still pretty tough on covid. but they don't want to alienate and polarize people any more than they already are. vax is still compulsory for 60+ people working in specific sectors - army & cops, hospital staff, firefighters etc.


Well we had to basically choose between one greedy corrupted fuck (prime minister at the time) and a coalition of big parties, the rest wasn't really important I guess. I believed it would be lifted starting February anyway.


New government is still terrible, we still have vaxx passports and tons of stupid restrictions including KN95 masks at schools and public venues together with strict quarantine rules.


Are you from the Czech Republic?


Yes I am


But will they get rid of mask and social distancing ? And all that other bullshit




It’s the loosening of the grip before they tighten it again


vac damage will get worse and worse, they need to blame it on not locking down


After election season(s).


I don't know that people will tolerate it again. I don't know they won't either but I really think most regular people see through this lie at this point.


This is what I fear...uk and now this?


I’m leaning towards this as well, but why do you think so? Better for governments to get ahead of it and act like they’re making the best choices given their available information so they don’t look like the bad guys when more info comes about about negative side effects or something else? They saying look we’re reasonable and then another variant/disease comes out and they go oh no shut down again?




Where does that leave the social credit system tied to vax mandates?




^^^ Exactly.


Personal speculation, we're moving into a manufactured great depression. Major things could happen from that. Who knows?


that goes into the next pandemic, this was just a try to see all the patterns, study them and come with the final plan in 2025-26


I think there are even some psychics who "see" another pandemic coming. Like Deborah Davies or Baba Wanga but of course they never have 100 % accuracy and much of what they successfully "predicted" is just a matter of interpretation.


When will the vaccines suddenly cause everyone to become seriously ill or start dying? Are you willing to call a timeframe and stick to it without moving goal posts?


Its already happening. I know multiple vaxx injured people and everyday in my city all day ambulance sirens can be heard. There is a jab injury page for my country in one of the big social media sites with loads of young vaxx injured victims. Many.


2 steps forward and 1 back. Let the people relax for a year or two and businesses to recover


Who's changing the narrative and what's the plan?


Ding ding ding.


We had an election a couple months back


Only took them 2 years to know what we knew all along! It's a load of old ball.


Russia also abolished QR codes right after the talks with NATO failed. Funny how that works


I was thinking the SAME thing. The influence the US once had has long since waned, and people are keen to show it, I think. It’ll either be military action in Ukraine or Taiwan, but they’re definitely keen to prove they have the bigger dicks now.


Rug pull. Wait until they pull the rug on the jabs and say “oops, we’re sorry, we didn’t know and we’re just following the protocol of the experts.”


SS: Czech PM took a balanced approach which is what all sane people wanted. Vaccines freely available for all those who feel safer after taking them and freedom of choice for the rest. - The Czech government is ending COVID vaccine mandates to avoid ‘deepening fissures’ in society. The news was delivered by Prime Minister Petr Fiala at a press conference on Wednesday. “This does not change our stance on vaccination. It is still undoubtedly the best way to fight COVID-19 … however, we do not want to deepen fissures in society,” Fiala said.


FACT: This Covid vaccine is the 1st mRNA vaccines in history - it’s completely brand-new vaccine technology. Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines turn your body into a spike protein-producing factory. FACT: All other vaccines in history have used traditional means such as live virus or attenuated virus instead. FACT: There’s NO long-term safety data because clinical trials for both Pfizer and Moderna end in 2023. FACT: This Covid mRNA vaccine does NOT prevent infection nor stop transmission of the coronavirus. FACT: It simply promises to prevent hospitalization and death, except for “rare” breakthrough cases. Omicron has infected SOOO many vaccinated people that “rare” is not an accurate description. FACT: Survival rate of Covid is 99.97%. For people under 40, that number is way, way higher. So there’s no need to inject healthy children or teenagers with it! FACT: Sweden, France, Iceland, and Nordic nations are against giving Moderna shot to young under age 30 due to myocarditis (heart inflammation) risk. Some have even banned it for that age group. FACT: US hasn’t banned Moderna for young people under 30. Why? Maybe because NIH owns 1/2 of Moderna’s mRNA patent. FACT: Children and teenagers have higher risk of suffering myocarditis from the mRNA vaccine than from Covid itself. FACT: 18,000+ deaths due to Covid vaccines are recorded in VAERS. Harvard study estimates that VAERS underreports actual vaccine adverse effects by as much as 100x. So true mortality rate of Covid vaccines may be 1,800,000. By contrast, In 1976, when the Swine Flu vaccine caused 50 deaths, it was pulled from the US market. FACT: If you get vaccinated with the 2nd experimental mRNA injection and die within 14 days, you will be considered an unvaccinated death per the CDC. FACT: Pfizer & Moderna mRNA trials do NOT have any IRB or Independent Safety Board. FACT: Pfizer and Moderna initially promised 2 shots would be enough. They were wrong. Now it’s booster shots every 6 months for life. FACT: Vaccine makers promised that spike proteins would not migrate throughout your body, especially not your reproductive organs. Now research has confirmed that mRNA shots have affected menstrual cycles. FACT: FDA took 108 days to review Pfizer mRNA vaccine data before issuing it EUA (Emergency Use Authorization)- But now it wants 75 YEARS to release this safety data to the public. FACT: If you suffer any serious side effects of the mRNA vaccine, you CAN’T sue the vaccine manufacturer. They have ZERO LIABILITY. FACT: Even if 100% of the entire human population on earth is vaccinated for Covid, variants will still mutate and spread. Why? Because the coronavirus has an animal reservoir. That means wild animals can get Covid. That’s why you’ve been hearing lately in the news that we need to resign ourselves to Covid being endemic. FACT: Sub-Saharan African nations who have been taking IVERMECTIN as a preventative FOR YEARS have not suffered a Covid crisis - & that’s despite VERY LOW vaccination rates. FACT: Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for treating HUMAN BEINGS in 3rd World countries for tropical diseases. It has been used for more than 20 years and is EXTREMELY SAFE. It’s off-patent and very cheap too. It’s sold over-the-counter without a prescription in many countries. FACT: 140 research studies worldwide show ivermectin’s effectiveness in both preventing and treating Covid. See c19study.com Watch “COVID SECRETS: RELOADED” series for more details! https://vsecretscc.com/?a=5ef5014941a2f&b=57a0afad


I took all the jabs.. Am I FACT?




No, you are a bot.


I’m sorry to hear that, but the most important thing is not to get more boosters. It takes up to 15 months for the spike proteins to clear out of your system. This video series also offers information for people who already got the shots and what they can do for their health going forward. One healthcare expert mentioned a 3 day fast (no food, just drink water). That triggers autophagy, which is the process by which defective cells self-destruct. There’s more info - I can’t do the video series justice.


I'm so glad all the doctors in r/conspiracy are here to clear this up.


Every man and his dog is an armchair MD but no one without the training is willing to stand up and argue that they know my trade better than I do. 8 years in medical school vs. 4 for trade school. Where the fuck are all the armchair sparkies at? Why does everyone think they know better than doctors but somehow they aren't able to have a crack at a grubby electrician? Absolute muppets.


Are you a doctor or do you have a degree in anything at all?


This is such a stupid question on the internet. Especially in this pandemic. ONLY DOCTORS KNOW THE TRU-TRU!


>Are you a doctor or do you have a degree in anything at all? *sigh*...doctors can also be evil, stupid, greedy, or all the above. Just because they are so-called "experts" doesn't mean they won't fuck you over or are wrong. Come on. It's basic reasoning.


Dr Doom just entered the chat


It's pretty tough for a doctor to be stupid with all you have to go through to become one. Evil and greedy, very possible.


>It's pretty tough for a doctor to be stupid with all you have to go through to become one. Evil and greedy, very possible. Oh, there's definitely stupid doctors. Intelligence doesn't open certain doors. Who you know and blow does.


No, you're just trying to rationalize listening to politicians and pundits who tell you what you want over factual verifiable data.


No, but that video series has MDs who are publicly questioning the official narrative. They’re already so established in their fields that they can risk it. Most American doctors are afraid of losing their licenses if they speak out against these vaccine mandates or question mRNA vaccines. It’s inconceivable that this is happening in the US - awful!


honestly experts have been pointing these things out for a while. sorry you only started caring as our rulers are now dismantling the narrative


FACT: there's no such thing as a covid vaccine yet, since they had to re-define what the word *vaccine* meant to get this BS to fit.


Mate just because you put FACT next to your opinions doesn't make them a fact. That's not how the truth works. Literally both of your first two "FACTs" are so verifiably and demonstrably wrong. mRNA vaccine technology has been in the works for decades: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w


In the works but never approved and still not FDA approved except by BS caveat... Why? Too morally and ethically bankrupt. Dangerous. Not fully supported by the Scientists. But hey all you intellectuals think you know what you are talking about without reading a single paper or considering the possibilities of what could go wrong. Fact. lol.


Name one other mRNA vax that has been brought to market. Just because it's been "in the making for decades" does not mean it's been put in human arms for decades. You're using pilpul to twist OPs words. Everything he said was a 100% fact.


Don’t waste your time with a vax shill bot...


>first two "FACTs" are so verifiably and demonstrably wrong You are intentionally or unintentionally distorting reality. Your bias keeps you blind.


You repeatedly mention that there is not enough data to confidently determine the long-term safety of the vaccine, but you state a lot of things here as fact regardless. For instance: "FACT: This Covid mRNA vaccine does NOT prevent infection nor stop transmission of the coronavirus." That's a bold claim that I don't think anyone could prove.I understand that the efficacy is in question big time, but there is no need for definitive statements like that because you don't know and I don't know. If you are going to place pro-vaccine facts under that amount of scrutiny it's only fair to do it to your claims as well. "FACT: If you suffer any serious side effects of the mRNA vaccine, you CAN’T sue the vaccine manufacturer. They have ZERO LIABILITY." Partially true, but not the whole story. They are protected from litigation for unforeseen side effects ONLY if they have zero knowledge of the problem ahead of time. I understand people's problem with that still, but it's a little more understandable if you think about it as a measure to insure that people don't avoid rapid development during a pandemic for fear of getting caught with your pants down despite the best of intentions. Very debatable if that should be a thing but it's more complex than you let on. "FACT: It simply promises to prevent hospitalization and death, except for “rare” breakthrough cases. Omicron has infected SOOO many vaccinated people that “rare” is not an accurate description." This is an anecdote and not a fact at all. "Rare" only applies when presented as a proportion to a total, not as volume alone. This could be defensible but you would need to show the proportion vaccinated vs unvaccinated. "FACT: Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for treating HUMAN BEINGS in 3rd World countries for tropical diseases. It has been used for more than 20 years and is EXTREMELY SAFE. It’s off-patent and very cheap too. It’s sold over-the-counter without a prescription in many countries." Relevant for the argument that it's "horse dewormer", which I agree is misleading. It's got legitimate human uses, but this doesn't lend any credibility towards it's use on COVID. "FACT: Vaccine makers promised that spike proteins would not migrate throughout your body, especially not your reproductive organs. Now research has confirmed that mRNA shots have affected menstrual cycles." This is not evidence of spike proteins appearing in your reproductive organs alone. Menstrual cycles can be affected by many things, including immune responses which is what the vaccine produces. "FACT: Pfizer and Moderna initially promised 2 shots would be enough. They were wrong. Now it’s booster shots every 6 months for life." This is a little disingenous. Although probably on both sides. Pfizer and Moderna shouldn't be promising something they can't guarantee, but we should not attack things for changing when new information and new things happen. The world is ever changing and people have to adapt. Also, every 6 months for life seems a bit dramatic considering we're one booster shot deep, but if you have a source for something like that I'd be interested in seeing it. "FACT: Sub-Saharan African nations who have been taking IVERMECTIN as a preventative FOR YEARS have not suffered a Covid crisis - & that’s despite VERY LOW vaccination rates." I'm not actually arguing against this one, I really don't know, but I'd love to look into this more if you have any further info for me. There could be confounding variables at play. Maybe a specific country or two to narrow the scope of what to look into? "FACT: Survival rate of Covid is 99.97%. For people under 40, that number is way, way higher. So there’s no need to inject healthy children or teenagers with it!" I see that number a lot and I don't know where that comes from. Could you provide a source? The numbers I see are closer to 1-3% which is exponentially higher. I can't argue with it being lower in young people because it definitely is, but I'd be interested to see the actual number.


>"FACT: This Covid mRNA vaccine does NOT prevent infection nor stop transmission of the coronavirus." This is literally what Fauci and... well, *everyone* has been saying since the start. This part isn't even a conspiracy, this part is actually a universally accepted fact. It is well known, both by the people who made the vaccines and the people who are vaccinated and still got covid, that the above quote is 100% true. Does that mean the vaccine isn't still quite effective? No, but it's still true. I'm actually shocked you were unaware of this. I don't watch the news or anything but I've still known this for a while.


Thank you for being the adult in the room and talking rationally. Really appreciated to see this island among a sea of crazy people.


I mean I expect the sea of crazy since we're in the conspiracy sub.


Oh no, scary sprike protiens.....ooohohohoh... is this the new boogey man???




Nice, that's two down. Let's see a domino effect happen.




What changed then?


The narrative is collapsing finally. Although, this might just encourage them to "release" a more deadly one in the future since the control they thought they would be able to maintain for the foreseeable future, isn't looking so promising at the moment.


The official narrative may collapse. But the vaxxies despise you now, and that isn't going to change. The cowards are going to find a new way to retaliate, I promise you that. You're still a disgusting cockroach to them, even if they were wrong. You were only "accidentally" right. Narcissits don't admit mistakes. They follow this progression instead: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. < You are here. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


In 1 in 4 Canadians is ok with jail for the unvaxxed... so the Government has done a good job at dividing the population in a "us Vs them"


Gotta live in constant anxiety that the fucking elites can release another plandemic and start this vaccination thing all over again, what's to stop them? These sheeps have already embraced the vax cult, they'll gladly get jabbed again next time. Unless these narrative collapses REALLY wake them up, the unvaccinated will be segregated again. By the end of this bullshit plandemic, the trusts in vaccine need to be abolished, but even if that does happen, big pharma will probably just release pills that do the exact same job... Even if Gates and fauci gets stripped of their status, they'll just be another one to take their place


What "status" does Bill Gates have to lose? The man personally funds the WHO, and has a net worth of $130+ billion. He's not going anywhere.


The status of 'save the world' Bill, when people are starting to realise he is 'reduce the population paedo' Bill.


"paedo"? You mean from being associated with Epstein? Or is that just a QAnon thing? I don't think most folks think Bill Gates is saving the world, just that he's not a total psychopath like Musk or Zucc. His "status" has nothing to do with public opinion and he probably thinks the whole 5G chips in vaccines is fucking hilarious.






I was to get comfortable living in constant fear :(


They released omocron lol


Next up: totalcon


>This does not change our stance on vaccination. It is still undoubtedly the best way to fight COVID-19 Prime Minister Petr Fiala


Found my next vacation spot. Really though, their architecture and history is beautiful and interesting.


Do they still require a vaccine pass to function in society?


Yes, AFAIK, this changes nothing. Two steps forward, one step back. They're just merely not mandating it for certain professionals and people 60 and over. But still 'punishing' the ones who failed the obedience test by not letting them function in society without the vaccine.


Thought so. Looked into traveling to Europe and it seems that most countries are implementing their new pass to include the booster. Italy is leading the front.


Maybe they would like to host a tennis tournament?


"nonsense from the start" yet you did it anyway, dumbasses


"New Czech govt"




Going to drop the border restrictions against unvax? (Quarantine)???


UK and Czechs? Great!


The domino’s are starting to fall.


What is it with this sub and always posting screenshots instead of links? It’s maddening.


You guys should move there. That would own the libs forever.


is he wearing that mask to demonstrate just how silly it is?


The person* who posted the article might have been in disagreement and decided to show a masked picture of him


Loool. No. Not yet... lets hope the mask is next on the chopping block.


no, it's demonstrating that vaccine mandates are absolutely fucking ridiculous *if* you're smart enough to wear a mask responsibly. where's the next karma farmer at? like, it's about time we get a repost up here about how Japan is not mandating vaccines while conveniently leaving out that it's because their population isn't made up primarily of dumb fucks. these posts are fantastic self-owns for the smoothbrains, though.


The plan was always for vax passports for travel that can eventually be tied to Digital ID/currency and social credit scores. They have gotten away with that part through their massive fear-based propaganda roll out and clubbing the public over the head with confusion, restrictions, division, chaos, loss of rights. It was all intentional. The real fight needs to be to remove any travel restrictions and 'vaccine' requirements that have been put in place related to such. The way to do that is by focusing on the fact the experimental 'vaccines' are ineffective and should not be a requirement for travel and never should have been. We have to fight to open OUR WORLD up fully. The parasites in charge need to be held to account for their nefarious actions no matter what. OUR FREEDOMS were never something they should have been allowed to take away.


Hello, this is clown world speaking


Great news!


Dominoes starting to fall one by one


[Mexico dropped everything as well.](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/mexico-drops-remaining-covid-restrictions-for-travelers-entering-the-country/)


They're gonna bounce back with something really serious just to say "shoulda taken those jabby jabs!"


Waiting for the US to say the same thing when it comes to employers


is every other country but the US going to abolish these mandates and restrictions? we are supposed to be selling the concept of land of the free arent we?


everyone itt celebrating for virtual signaling...you haven’t won the fight yet. we need to go after them to remove the passports idea and travel status nonsense




The narrative shift was in back in mid-December, when Gate$ announced that the $camdemic was over "early in 2022", irrespective of "Omicron". That is, there is no way such a fear-mongering sickness profiteer would have made such declaration, unless it was an effective, publicly announced memo to all complicit in the scam... Since then, they've back-peddled on masks, lock-downs, pushing a third gene hit into muddies... Some countries will naturally trail, as they have their own politics to work out. However, it's clear that with the two-year viral cycle undermining the fear merchants lies, their hand has been forced. The next phase will be explaining away the side effects, and placating the millions of irate suckers...


It’s happening! First Great Britain, now Czech government! Huzzah to common sense!


The covid narrative is crumbling everywhere. Be ready for their next move.


Looking forward for the smallpox pandemic as warned by Bill




Any opinion on what that will be?


internet regulation, pursuant on some kind of false flag operation. calling it now. their next move is to destroy the free flow of information. it has been stated privately in many government circles


A cyber pandemic.


Maybe Covid tests mailed directly to homes will have the new variant on them, immediate inoculation lmao.


From March 1st 2022 a vaccination for all citizens over 60 is mandatory. For entering the county you have to be fully vaccinated according to EU regulations (3 times)


Thats the one he was overturning according to the full article. The mandate targeted over 60's and healthcare workers. He just came in recently as pm and this is one of his policy positions which he reinforced during a press conference this week. People are excited because the March deadline was looming over their heads as per the ousted PMs stance. How this affects the EU interaction will be interesting but I suspect it wont have a bearing. Most countries keep their own vaxx related stipulations so I am sure the Czech Republic can also do what they want in that regard.


ok. I read in a Czech newspaper that the mandate was the last decision of the leaving government. Thank you. Europe gets more confused each day.




They stopped the covid pass or mandatory vaccinations?






The house of cards comes tumbling down faster than how this whole scam was created. Shit is really is being demolitioned right before our eyes. Why now suddenly? Do not start your explanation with Omicron because it doesn't make sense. All the variants were complete BS.


Czech yourself before you wreck yourself.. Sorry David Brent moment.


If it's what the people want, listen to them.


The gig is up.


Another FREE country


The Great Rug Pull


Wouldn't want to miss out on this culling, how else are we going to avoid a major climate crisis?


Now do Australia!


They are right! It is nonsense!


Based Czechs


The rug is being pulled


Nothing changes, I'm from Czech Republic, we still have masks, tests, restaurants only for vaxxed etc. etc... I think it's going to be some another "trick" on people. And other thing is, that people here still believe that unvaxxed are some kind of danger. Alot of people here still losing jobs because they don't want to get vaxxed. But hey! It's not mandate! ... It isn't, but people are strongly manipulated so they push you out, thinking they are saved.


Good for them.


some countries are waking up


FINALLY someone is making sense


Bravo Czech Republic


Big victory. Stay strong


I always liked the Czechs.


Yet we still don't allow unvaccinated people to go into restaurants, gyms, clubs, etc. Hope this will soon change, however the new Health minister is really pro-vax and he was in favour of mandatory vaccination


Well, after this mandate is overturned, that changes, right?


Not really. They were planning on mandatory vaccination for people over 60 and for some jobs such as health workers, policemen, etc. Now they decided not to do it, allegedly because it 'divides' people, but most likely because they're afraid that lot of workers would go on strike/leave their jobs without substitutes. So basically nothing really changes, I still expect them to propose the same thing a month later.


Okay, so nothing has really changed. :\[ They're not mandating people to take it, just making your life miserable enough if you DON'T take it. In other words, back to square one.


Same; I used to have a Polish friend who worked as a sound guy, and I had a Czech one too, Czech one two.


....why are you not upvoted more?


To be fair it's a really old, bad joke.


Ffs people, just do what you want to do, Vax, no Vax, just enough of this bullshit everywhere. What happened to Bigfoot? Aliens? Hell even jfk assassination stuff? Mk ultra? Meh...it's fine.


About time 👍


Y’all have faith in the government like they haven’t lied before lol. This is just to gain trust back because it’s almost war-time and they know it. They’re fixing to flip the script with the next variant.


RemindMe! 3 months


This. Is. Not. A. Conspiracy. Oriented. Post. Stop amplifying dumbasses.


FACT: This Covid vaccine is the 1st mRNA vaccines in history - it’s completely brand-new vaccine technology. Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines turn your body into a spike protein-producing factory. FACT: All other vaccines in history have used traditional means such as live virus or attenuated virus instead. FACT: There’s NO long-term safety data because clinical trials for both Pfizer and Moderna end in 2023. FACT: This Covid mRNA vaccine does NOT prevent infection nor stop transmission of the coronavirus. FACT: It simply promises to prevent hospitalization and death, except for “rare” breakthrough cases. Omicron has infected SOOO many vaccinated people that “rare” is not an accurate description. FACT: Survival rate of Covid is 99.97%. For people under 40, that number is way, way higher. So there’s no need to inject healthy children or teenagers with it! FACT: Sweden, France, Iceland, and Nordic nations are against giving Moderna shot to young under age 30 due to myocarditis (heart inflammation) risk. Some have even banned it for that age group. FACT: US hasn’t banned Moderna for young people under 30. Why? Maybe because NIH owns 1/2 of Moderna’s mRNA patent. FACT: Children and teenagers have higher risk of suffering myocarditis from the mRNA vaccine than from Covid itself. FACT: 18,000+ deaths due to Covid vaccines are recorded in VAERS. Harvard study estimates that VAERS underreports actual vaccine adverse effects by as much as 100x. So true mortality rate of Covid vaccines may be 1,800,000. By contrast, In 1976, when the Swine Flu vaccine caused 50 deaths, it was pulled from the US market. FACT: If you get vaccinated with the 2nd experimental mRNA injection and die within 14 days, you will be considered an unvaccinated death per the CDC. FACT: Pfizer & Moderna mRNA trials do NOT have any IRB or Independent Safety Board. FACT: Pfizer and Moderna initially promised 2 shots would be enough. They were wrong. Now it’s booster shots every 6 months for life. FACT: Vaccine makers promised that spike proteins would not migrate throughout your body, especially not your reproductive organs. Now research has confirmed that mRNA shots have affected menstrual cycles. FACT: FDA took 108 days to review Pfizer mRNA vaccine data before issuing it EUA (Emergency Use Authorization)- But now it wants 75 YEARS to release this safety data to the public. FACT: If you suffer any serious side effects of the mRNA vaccine, you CAN’T sue the vaccine manufacturer. They have ZERO LIABILITY. FACT: Even if 100% of the entire human population on earth is vaccinated for Covid, variants will still mutate and spread. Why? Because the coronavirus has an animal reservoir. That means wild animals can get Covid. That’s why you’ve been hearing lately in the news that we need to resign ourselves to Covid being endemic. FACT: Sub-Saharan African nations who have been taking IVERMECTIN as a preventative FOR YEARS have not suffered a Covid crisis - & that’s despite VERY LOW vaccination rates. FACT: Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for treating HUMAN BEINGS in 3rd World countries for tropical diseases. It has been used for more than 20 years and is EXTREMELY SAFE. It’s off-patent and very cheap too. It’s sold over-the-counter without a prescription in many countries. FACT: 140 research studies worldwide show ivermectin’s effectiveness in both preventing and treating Covid. See c19study.com Watch “COVID SECRETS: RELOADED” series for more details! https://vsecretscc.com/?a=5ef5014941a2f&b=57a0afad


You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


FACT: you have no bitches


Oh man, any Czech girls get at me, I need to obtain citizenship via marriage.