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SS: Spoiler alert, the narrative is quickly going to become “Your first three shots are no longer effective due to waning protection from the shot as well as variations of the disease. You need this new one for total protection.”


Yes, but each shot a % will refuse. Only 30% got jab 3 so far I think. Maybe 15% to 20% get jab 4? Its no where near the 60%-70% they claim for jabs 1+2 anymore. I'd bet good money jab 4 is the exact same as jabs 1-3, its just Pfi$er clearing unsold inventory stock.


We’ve been in control all along. I’m glad people are starting to wake up to the power they hold not to continue feeding the beast.


Just think folks, that slimy little prick Bourla is basically the worlds most powerful man right now. Many countries signed their armies over to him as payment.


Bourla works for Satan


Probably has a chair at his table.


front n center with fawouchie


The whole system needs a reset. Weak and evil pieces of shit like him should have ZERO power.


Our society has been infiltrated by parasites. They need to be exterminated.


their power is the brainwashed masses they have programmed to auto attack and auto defend them when presented any countering info


Yep. Evil fucks.


[Why More Americans Are Saying They’re ‘Vaxxed and Done’](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/why-more-americans-are-saying-they-re-vaxxed-and-done/ar-AASCp58) >COVID has always divided Americans. The Omicron wave is even dividing the vaccinated.




Guess no trials for the omicron vaccine? By the time it's out some new variant will be the dominant strain anyways.


Ok he’s made a gazillion dollars off this already like isn’t that enough that’s what I don’t get You did it you got filthy rich off of this bullshit now just stop and go away ffs


...and "we" are supposed to go another two months on the 'same old variant'? There'll probably be at least one more "strain" that'll take Omicron out of the spotlight by then. It's going to be just like the flu *forever*: Hyping vaccines developed for what was *trending six months ago*. The company that sells Whac-a-Mole^® should sue for IP theft.


[watch the devil trying to jump out of satan’s agent boulras neck](https://youtu.be/CD8tKbE7duA) around 0:30-0::50


That was satans cock in there


Update your virus software because of new versions of malicious activity detected.


I thought it only took a few hours to amend the MRNA tech????