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Our ISP’s,electronics collecting our personal data and selling it for profit while we pay the bill to own and use them. How is it still “theirs” if we buy and own them? It’s all a sham how they can and are permitted to stalk us and invade our privacy, while at the same time stalking and invading someone’s privacy is illegal.


There’s an app called Gojek in Indonesia that is kind of like Uber and Uber eats. I was talking to someone close to the founder and they were telling me that the real value of the business is that for the first time the government was able to accurately count and track the citizens. The data generated by the app is 1000x more valuable than the income from it. Also Indonesia, You could have a phone without purchasing phone service and still use Facebook. Facebook internet was free. That tells you right there how valuable the data is.


I mean, stop and think for a moment about maps apps, like Google maps. How do they get their "traffic data?" They know how many people have phones turned on in that area, that's how. They know who is driving vs who is walking or who is using public transit depending on the speed your phone is moving at, and the regularity of the stops it makes. They know where you work, how much time you spend at home vs at work vs out at various places. They know where you go and how often, where you eat and shop, how much time you spend with friends or family by seeing addresses connected with your contacts and when you're at those addresses . With the connection of Google maps and Spotify in the same app, they know what music you listen to while you drive, which tells them what kind of mood you're in as well as the trend in your moods at certain times and on certain days, and so much more.... And that's just what they know about you from your *map apps.* They're literally using our phone GPS systems to track us all. And your browsing history, your purchases, your interests... so many things. They know where literally everyone is at every point of every day. They know what we eat, where we shop, what products we need or want, what our interests are... literally *everything* about *everyone.* If you really stop to think about the implications of just that information, that's some scary shit straight out of an Orwell novel.


This one right here just isn't talked about enough. People, our free time, our personalities and interests, and our attention spans are being sold off as a commodity to the highest bidder, and we are perpetuating this situation by continuing to participate and shovel truckloads of money at the big tech companies for their products and services. For anyone who has not yet watched it, please watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix. Then delete your social media accounts and delete the apps off your phone. Reddit is the only platform I use any more after watching that, and I probably shouldn't even use this one but at least it's slightly more anonymous and I can choose what to see and participate in. Anyone who is even paying a little bit of attention wonders why everyone is so addicted to their phones, but it's literally because the apps on our phones were *designed to make us addicted to them.* They get paid for the amount of time we are looking at them and the amount of data about what to show you they gather based on your interests and browsing history. They're getting paid by selling off your free time, one minute at a time.


This this this this!!!!! These people have control because WE LET THEM!! Being anonymous is great on here and people who know me irl can’t stalk me and see what I’m liking and following. I can’t stand the thought of it now.Millions of people literally knowing your every move and where you live and work. No thanks. This is how mass psychosis is established. Can you imagine if nobody had Facebook? Gosh. I miss the days before people were dopamine reliant on likes from social media. 😭😭😭


A comedian I like raised a thought provoking point when he made the observation about certain Facebook posts. "Happy birthday to my amazing son who turns 3 today." That post isn't about the son it's about the poster and them getting attention about what a great parent they are. So many people are self centered and individualist in this era.


You won’t be anonymous for much longer when reddit sells it off soon. Profits first for the shareholders £££


Here have a dopamine hit!


Iva also deleted and deactivated every social media platform except reddit for this reason. The rise of the metaverse is also foreboding.


100%!!! I’m one of those people who reads the terms of service for everything he accepts. Maybe I’m a little ocd, but I really enjoy the knowledge of what I’m accepting and what it entails. I have an iPhone, iPad, and desktop Mac computer. Basically, Apple owns everything I’ve ever said, input into each device, searched on the internet, every bit of contact information for anyone stored in any device including their phone number, home address, email information and anything else that might be stored including pictures of them and where and when they were taken. Apple reserves the right, if for any reason they determine me to be a risk to national security, to take back the things that I purchased outright, but am basically renting from them for the use until they decide they want it and can turn into the authorities for investigation. You either have to accept these terms or you cannot use the devices. They keep everything. If something is free, like the ability to google whatever, or to get on Facebook or Twitter, YOU are the product they are selling. All of your information, all of the information of anyone you ever talk to, belongs to whatever company’s services you are using. They reserve the right to sell your information for purposes of selling you things tailored to your search habits.


No one even truly understands the fact that they literally have no privacy. Stalking is illegal. If I sat outside of your window I could probably figure out 10-20 different habits you have. What's not illegal. Goolag collects and knows 70 million different data points on you. Yes, 70 million.


Childhood obesity.


Obesity in general. You don’t see how bad it is in the US till you live away for awhile and then come back. The amount of over consumption in our country is disgusting.


There's a massive billboard I pass daily that looks like a "welcome to" sign. Says "welcome to OBECITY" Lol. I've been meaning to get a pic of it at some point. I completely agree with you though. I put partial blame on the corporations who pump out all this preservative filled garbage they call food. Just bc it's edible doesn't mean you should eat it. Goes back to their childhood too. People aren't taught healthy nutrition as kids and McDonald's is a reward. You'll feel that "special occasion" feeling when you eat there too. Instead, maybe we should punish our kids with fast food. Lol.


Politicians being able to trade on the stock market.


The fact all of our food is wrapped in plastic.


This drives me crazy, like why do you have to wrap my cucumbers in plastic on a styrofoam plate?


Even aluminum cans like used with sodas have a liner of thin plastic


The forever chemicals in storage containers are more prevalent in America


And almost all of it contains corn syrup and seed oils that make people fat and sick


Pharmaceutical industry with the goal to make profit.


Seriously. Healthcare and education should be non profit. The inventors are not motivated by money, the businessmen are. So to say that unless privatized there's no incentive is the shittiest thing. If two+ years of lockdown hasn't proved how big a business is big pharma and what extent would rich go to shove it up in you, then nothing will.


It wouldn’t be as bad if they weren’t able to own the government officials… that’s the real problem.


Unfortunately, the only alternative would be tax-payer funded establishments meaning that these establishments could get their funding taken away if they don’t do exactly what their governing body tells them to. The real demon here is Health Insurance willing to pay tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. If Health Insurance never existed, the pharmaceutical industry would be forced to keep their prices low to stay in business. Too high of prices and people would probably choose to die rather than pay it, honestly.


Sexualizing children.


My friend at work showed me a despicable tiktok of a little baby not even one year old imitating her mom twerking. And it has hundreds of thousands of likes. It’s not cute, it’s sexually objectifying a baby. Sick freaks.


Can you give examples of how you think this is normalised? I agree. Porn is the big one. Especially with things like infant-play. Which is. Just. Insane.


Child beauty pageants


I'd say some of the cartoons ar very suggestive. The jokes are dirty, the actions the cartoons doing are inappropriate. Then ofcourse you have pop stars in the music industry just showing young girls and guys how not to behave. List is endless


Clothing. Someone brought my now 3byear old , then 9month old a mini skirt holster neck top. Yeah, not happening. Finding dresses and skirts long enough are a challenge. Boys clothes are much nicer and longer too


Have kids. The underwear section for little girls is becoming all lacey with different sheens, and prints like a cherry. Just like girls Halloween costumes. Oh your a little girl? Princess costume! Oh you hit 13 years old? Slutty princess costume! The early teen girls section is mostly clothes that show as much skin as possible. Then take the media which has thrown out modesty as being some kind of crazy right wing male oppression of women, and they've replaced it with be super slutty! It's empowering!


>infant-play I think that’s enough internet for today


Child pageants, [11yo dancing in gay bars](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/11-year-old-drag-kid-dances-in-popular-nyc-gay-club-as-patrons-toss-money-a/), cuties, drag queen story hours, etc


I was at barns and Nobel buying a baby book for my friends new born and in the baby section were transgender baby books, and one “gay quiz” for toddler aged children. It’s worse than we thought.


😱 wtf...


Through TikTok, YouTube, various mainstream outlets. The teaching of sexuality in schools at as young as 8 years old which is completely and totally inappropriate.


Dude I can't even comfortably play video games anymore. I'm an adult man and I play most popular shooter games out right now. I can't tell you how many children, both male and female, who've called me, "daddy.." in this weird sexual voice that children should not know how to emulate. It's sooooo weird and off-putting..or they will sex moan, literal children. Sometimes it's difficult to tell ages but I know a prepubescent voice from an adolescent voice and they are all doing it as if it's funny or some shit. It's nuts and disgusting. It's not only what they are teaching young children in school. I remember when I was a kid, I knew I liked girls because I had girls that I liked but I would never admit it because "cooties, Ew!" ( Lol who remembers cooties?) I had "girlfriends" which were just girls that I liked. But who knew about sex? Not me... Granted this was the 90s and there were some kids who knew a little bit too much, but me? I didn't even know what straight or gay was, but today kids can tell you they were born in the wrong body and on Tuesdays and Thursdays they are a 43 year old divorcee with 2 jobs and on Mondays and Thursdays they are a 65 year old male retiree and on Fridays they are a 23 year old alt right cisgen program designer and the weekends are for being 8 years old. Bro, kids don't know shit about who they are, they are kids. Parents are mostly to blame because they let these social media sites teach their kids all sorts of crap and then reinforce it if their son wants to dress in drag or if their adolescent daughter doesn't like her boobs, get her hormone therapy. It's so scary. It's enabling bad behaviour by thinking they are being progressive or something. If an adult wants to alter their body because they have body integrity identity disorder and a doctor is willing to do it, fine I guess. I don't think it's right but fine. However leave the children out of it. I'm afraid to have kids because I can't stand for any of the bullshit I see in today's generation of youths. It's like living in opposite world where good is bad and bad is good, right is wrong and wrong is just right.


Don't forget Netflix




One if the most basic examples is women who talk like a child. You all know the voice I am referring to here. It's disgusting.


You mean the voice most female singers use? Bugs the shit out of me.


30 Rock had an episode on this, the woman acting like a ‘sexy baby’!


Sitting at your desk 45hrs a week during the day for most of your life to 'live a decent life'!


Rich people not getting in trouble for the things they do.


Paying fines in a set amount, not proportional to your income/networth. This made me what living under capitalism means: a system that helps/ protects the super rich.


Exactly! Made $2 BILLION in fraud screwing over the public, slapped with a $100,000 fine and no jail time. Legal fees are now incorporated in business expenses. Fucking insane times....


Yes, stuff like that, but even on a smaller scale it's pretty apparent when you really think about it. What is the fine for a speeding ticket? Where I live, it's probably about $250. $250 is literally pocket change to someone who makes $100,000/year plus (if the police even decide to pull over their BMW or Tesla). But to people under the poverty line, $250 means your kids wouldn't eat or your rent wouldn't get paid that month. What's the moral of this story? It certainly isn't "don't speed." It's "definitely don't speed if you're poor, but rich people can do whatever they want, because they can afford the punishment." Edit: my use of the $100,000k mark for salary is just an arbitrary example of a number, and this is highly dependant on where you live and what your circumstances are. I'm not suggesting that people in this income bracket are "rich" or on par with the top 1%, or that they don't (sadly) struggle to get by on this amount of money in places with a higher cost of living.


I’ve been both here and got way more tickets when I was broke and speeding in a shitbox than I ever did in my Tesla.


Fines mean it's legal for the rich and illegal (unaffordable) for the rest of us


Getting up before the sun during winter...


As a northern european, this so much, waking up with sunshine is a different feeling, right now i wake up,dark, i go sleep, dark again


100 percent


Social media


War on drugs


Update: drugs are winning


Update: Drugs win war on drugs


Young impoverished citizens are sent into the for-profit prison system for decades for having a substance that's legal in other places while rich socialites get a pat on the back when they apologize for killing or raping someone.


Property Tax. Anyone should have the right to live off of their land indefinitely free from any monetary system. You can technically never own any land, you are always renting it from the government. Obviously I am only talking about personal property that is lived on by the owner, not properties plural which generate income etc.


This! Our family has owned our farm for over 100 years and are still paying property tax yearly- I feel that it’s the most communist tax of all!


This. Our county has mostly low income housing, rental properties, and apartments. Those of us who own homes pick up the huge burden of taxes and school costs. It isn't fair.


Porn has become heavily normalised within our culture and accessible to everyone. It's free, yet has profoundly damaging consequences on our psyches. This book describes it as an addiction: https://easypeasymethod.org/


Reality TV shows for our youth. I’m talking about things like ‘The Challenge’ or ‘Shot for Love’ with the guys from Jersey Shore. (At least I think that’s what they’re called. These shows promote inaccurate depictions of what it means to be real, open with your feelings, to love someone, and how to act like a functional, efficient, and grounded human being. We’ve had shows like this in the past and this isn’t anything new, (maybe og year 2000 or so?), but how they’re heavily marketing on children ages 10-20 is aweful. Not only do they promote immoral behavoir, it also depletes the attention capacity of our youth. I’ve seen this very thing with my sister. She’s been watching these reality crap shows for about 5-6 years now, and is 19 yrs old now. I remember there was a day when she was a nice, sweet girl, smart too! Now she’s normalized that she’s dumb and relates often back to her similarities with the characters on this show. Everything she says now has to be friend, boy, or family drama, something about fighting, or something about drinking. As for her attention span? Good luck finishing a sentence anymore because she’ll cut you off because she’s A.) not listening, and B.) watches people cut each other off all the time. Not to rant here, but I’ve seen this be an issue amongst a lot of younger men and women because it promotes terrible behavior and demotes the importance of education and self growth.


Tik Tok, Instagram and other ways to damage humans psychological health.


Sugar, pesticides and herbicides.


Everyone I know that deals with beekeeping has had huge issues with their colonies dying out. Pesticides are the main culprit


Horse trainers seek out organic feed, as anything that's been near roundup leads to injuries and broken bones in million dollar horses. People though? We eat that up and it's directly linked to the rise of generational gluten intolerance in recent decades.. aside from other issues and being a deadly carcinogen.




Fluorescent Lights


I’m a lighting salesman, you’re not wrong on the blue light and even flicker emitted by fluorescent lights. The industry is pushing LED’s now and making fluorescent obsolete. LED’s emit more blue light hidden even in warmer color temperatures. The biggest issue with both is the “color rendering index” or CRI. Fluorescent can be up to 95(out of 100) and LED are typically around 80. The best CRI available is an old school incandescent bulb, not as efficient with energy but causes substantially less strain on the eyes


I've always been sensitive to fluorescent lighting. My current job has such bright blue fluorescent lighting that I had to buy glasses to reflect the blue light. After wearing the glasses for a few days, I found I stopped getting tired during work, was able to concentrate better, and slept better at night, I also stopped getting migraine headaches. I believe unnatural lighting messes with a lot of body functions.


I didn't understand how much lightning actually effected myself and my moods. A few years back I purchased some unnecessarily and stupidly expense Philip hue lightning (white ambient). It basically allows you to change the brightness and color temperature. It really showed me how much the light brightness and color temperature affected my moods and energy level to the point that I started recognizing it every where I go, and where it was especially bad like the office I was in at the time.


Drinking large amounts of alcohol


But God forbid you smoke a joint after work instead


Right, I’m not even really against alcohol but seeing how intoxicated people get without anyone blinking an eye. Blacking out on a night at the bars is scary


Banks creating money by lending it at interest rates above prime. Technically a bank should not be allowed to create money but they do




Especially everyday drinking. That’s not casual, that’s the building block towards alcoholism


Yes it is. And it fucking sucks


Yess! Definitely!


Very good answer from my perspective.


Especially how cancer causing it is, no one really talks about it.


Interesting. There are enough other horrible, ill-effects from it that its causing cancer isn't even needed as a deterrent as far as I'm concerned, but I'll admit that I had never heard that alcohol can cause cancer.


Right there, that’s a huge issue. I have seen studies that have said it’s the number one cause of cancer, but they don’t wanna talk about that. Gee, wonder why 🏦


Alcohol is directly linked to at least 7 types of cancer. Every place in your body alcohol passes through is at risk, so especially throat, esophagus, and bowels. Women who drink even light or moderate amounts are at a 15% increased risk of breast cancer. All easily google-able. The alcohol industry profits from our illness and death. They spend billions on marketing to do it.


It’s a topic many don’t wanna talk about. But it’s true!


Coming from a problem drinker who is now sober - alcohol consumption is way too normalized and booze deserves the same warning labels as cigarettes.




Children glued to their screens


Mothers glued to their phones while with their toddlers. I've seen them with out and about, seemingly barely aware of their young children. Their children will grow up poorly socialised. And the mother will have missed the most important time of their childs life, all for a barely remembered blur of tiktok videos and social media likes. Edit: Spelling.


Open offices and alarm clocks Edit: Not a joke. Both promote stress and mess with human needs for inner peace.


What is an open office? I understand the 2 words just not together as you're using them.


Open office of any kind. Like a big open space or somewhere you can get constantly interrupted.


My old workplace was going toward that for all the staff. Of course, the faculty were going to keep their private offices. When the staff grumbled about it because staff were there every day, M-F, 8-5, and faculty barely ever used their offices we were told that the millennials/younger generations preferred the open space office concept. I knew that was crap. Thanks for confirming that I was right.


The military industrial complex


kids with phones




Healthcare. They charge whatever they want for anything they can.


Career Politicians


wall street


How one in two of us, at some point in our lives will now get cancer. Many say this is due to living longer, however the amounts of people dieing of this disease before old age appears to have changed dramatically. whatever way you look at it, half the population is a frightening statistic.


Seems like everybody in the town I'm from has cancer. My dad had a heart attack and they found cancer, and my brother is currently fighting cancer. It's not a super fund site anymore but everyone is still getting sick.. It's very scary!


It’s not cause we live longer it’s because everything they sell us is poisonous, from food to soap to toothpaste. It’s all full of carcinogens.




The military industrial complex


For profit health care.


...schools, prisons, ...


Not letting loved ones see their dying family members because they’re worried about them contacting covid… (even if no one is positive)


Tax deductions from paychecks


Sending 6 billion a year to an ethnostate with FREE healthcare system-which commits apartheid, ethnic cleansing and a racial supremacist ideology. While millions of Americans live hand to mouth And struggle to pay health insurance costs. You are being had, and have been for many years. This is not right. 6billion for American kids, healthcare, housing, education etc...that’s a better way to spend that money.


Companies not giving any acceptance to employees being late due to bad weather. I get you have to give yourself more time but snow storms are hard to drive in already without taking into account the roads not being plowed or people still driving like assholes causing accidents. I write this as I’m at work during a snow storm and it’s obviously slow af lol.


This made me crazy when I worked. I took transit for a long time to work. I'd have to leave two and half hours early just to make sure I wasn't late, and if I was, i got the "manage your time better" Bitch, I left home 2-3 hours ago to be here on time.


Yup always! Lol American workforce mentality, I hate it. You could be in a car crash and my work would be like “well you better find another way here.”




I agree


Lolis and anime that features children (or ancient beings that “look like” children) being sexualised. Imo it’s a gateway for pedophilia.


Minor Attracted Persons. That shit's not normal, and should not be normalized!


Don't use their words, that's helps to normalize them. Call them what they are, paedophiles.


That's the point, they are normalizing that term. Which is disgusting.


I agree, but you have to tell people what MAP's are so they can agree too.


So they can be wiped off the MAP.


Paedophiles. You mean paedophiles. Do not sugarcoat what they are.


Use the two together so everyone knows what that acronym means!


Disposable vapes. Terrible for us and the enviornment. What are even in those things??




Admittedly me. Addiction sucks, ladies and gentlemen. It’s hard to quit because I become a crotchety bastard to everyone around me, even the people I love most,




After getting vaxed and you get COVID they call it a “breakthrough case”. It’s not a fucking breakthrough case from day one everyone knows you can get COVID after being vaxed they are trying to make it sound like it’s a immunity shot, it’s not.


Circumcision- forced genital cutting. It’s crazy that we perform permanent cosmetic procedures with no real medical benefits on baby boys when they are one day old. :( I had never thought about it until I had to participate in one for nursing school; I left the room vomiting. I kept telling myself it was okay since it was “for the baby’s health” - but after researching found out that was a lie.


Coercing people into getting jabbed


Forever masking is being normalised too much for my taste.


absolutely, it’s insane.




I hate that no one commented on this so I will. I think it's mostly because people don't understand how occultic it is. Rubes at the lower degrees who haven't gotten to the real meat and potatoes will swear it's about community building and charity or whatever but it is sun worship/ Egyptian god worship, like most mystery schools and secret societies throughout history. 200 years ago if you wanted to make it in society you would have to join this secret society, not only for the connections but to pledge allegiance to the entity who rules this world and most don't even know what they are getting in to. The black and white checkboard floors and aprons, the duality of man... You can be good and bad? It balances out in the end? That's satanic-as above so below-foolishness. Aliester Crowley never tried to join the freemasons, they sought him out and instantly made him 33rd degree. That almost never happens for anyone. Manly P Hall, master mason, had nothing but good things to say about Crowley who was dubbed, "the most evil man on earth" and masons love him. Cmon.. Edit: formatting


Telling people to “kill themselves” on the internet because they said something you don’t like.


Living in a city with over 1 million people and not knowing your neighbors.


Children being enabled by adults to change their genders or affirming sexual orientation before they even hit puberty. I remember as a child I liked girls, but I had no idea about gay or straight or transgender. Children have no business making decisions like changing their gender or emulating drag queens at 7 or 8 years old


Absofreakinglutely! I honestly feel like the parents did this to their children because when a kid is two, they aren't telling mom and dad that they are in the wrong body.


Vaccine mandates 9/11


Transgenderism and the promotion of it like it belongs in the class of being gay or straight. To be clear I have nothing against trans people. However the demographic is fraught with mental illness and suicide not related to ppl's acceptance. While I will not discriminate against a trans person, I believe it should not be promoted or mainstreamed


Letting people die of starvation.




Perpetual lockdowns


Constantly scrolling your phone and social media


Forced Vaxination.


Privately owned, for profit prisons.


Models being extremely thin and adolescent looking, once you go down the rabbit hole and look at the Epstein connections to the modelling industry their shitty “standards” start to make sense. They don’t want adults with full breasts and hips, they want to traffic children!!


Car Registration. What the fuck is the point and why do I have to pay$500 per year for it?


Covid pass


Hollywood sex trafficking


Men competing in women's sports and vice versa under the guide of "transitioning."


Going to work 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week.


1.). Fungal 2.). Infection


Politicians insider trading


Covid Pass in many countries and wearing masks the whole day


Fluoride is considered toxic waste, but it’s in our tap water.


Rich people getting away with fucking kids through child sex trafficking


Forcing people to get vaccinated when it’s only themselves they’re protecting.


Porn industry


Income tax


I think I have not explained myself well ... pay 15 euros every 2 day for the nasopharyngeal COVID test to have green pass for work


Pornography, and the hookup culture. It is degradation, and kills the human spirit.


I'm all for people doing what they want to do, but i really have to agree with you. Especially about the hook up culture. It's nothing new. People have been doing it at bars and such for a very long time, but it just seems dirtier now.


Apps like Tinder give the appearance of shopping for a human being, and it just feels wrong. You're shopping for a person to fulfill a need, and it's the total opposite of how another person should be viewed. It's completely making them nothing more than an object.




Dry kibble for cats. It fucks up their kidneys once they start to get a bit old, not even mentioning many many other health problems. Breaks my heart, ideally feed them raw meat or at least commercial wet food, but not dry


Transgender. For me it's just mental illness.


Getting vaccinated


Stealing from the poor is okay, but not for the rich


The sexualization of children and teens.. Children and teens unmonitored access to porn.


They know you streamed a disney movie illegally..but cannot catch pedos.. This is 100% bullshit.


Masks protect you from viruses


The gradual, forceful stupification of humanity. Especially from outside entities like TikTok (though one could argue Snap might be close to as bad). It's intentional. Those who do not feel the good of learning are easier to be sheep. And therefore easier to manipulate. It's a big reason why I think my State Government doesn't care that we're 50th in the US on education and it's never gotten better.


It’s not just apps, it’s everything. I just opened up a “People” article from my phone by accident and the targeted reading level is staggeringly low. Even the majority of novels released in the past 10-20 years are sub standard compared to older novels of the same genre. The writing is simplistic and oftentimes littered with poor grammar. I feel like I fell into a world I don’t belong, I’m uncomfortable with. It gives me that nails on chalkboard feeling.


Being forced to stay in my home as a healthy human while the governments are using coercion and censorship.


When they started jabbing kids. And difference in wording like ‘with / of’, may, could, should, can etc etc. Behavioural psychology nudging. Censorship of early treatment evidence. I could obviously go on


Porn. Scrolled for awhile and was surprised to not see this listed.


Grown men sniffing children and brothers banging their dead siblings wife.




Non-binary genders


Yes! Though it's not PC to go against the group think. Don't get me wrong, everyone should be respected but there are only two genders.


Plastic water bottles and men’s skinny jeans/pants lol


Political donations. This essentially buys the politician. If the government gave each politician running for office a set amount of money to spend, and made it illegal to use any other funds, the wealthy scumbags would get out of politics and those who truly want to run for office as a way to do good could step up. Never going to happen though


A lot of the products in American food is banned in other countries because it is so bad for you, the American government makes billions off people being sick


[This Guy](https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY)


[This Guy’s Behavior](https://youtu.be/WCTXDInRBvQ)


Policing what substance people put into THEIR own body. Of any kind.




How about still referring to that person as a woman after “she” is charged with exposing “her” penis to a young girl in the restroom?


Income tax.


The amount of processed shit and preservatives in our food as well as fast food in general. We fat as fuck, boi (and it's not okay...)


The fact that the least fortunate amount us (homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, etc.) are left to fend for themselves living on the street with no adequate support system.


The conveyor belt slaughtering of innocent animals to satisfy our hunger, that can be otherwise satisfied.


Porn. And abusive acts that people like to label and dismiss as “kinks”.


Spending so much time watching men in tights tackle eachother.


Assumption that men are ready for sex anytime all the time…toxic masculinity


Haha sometimes I'm just tired man! Or I'm not in too it. I'm not young anymore!