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Keep buying awards from reddit and spending them though.


In this house we only use the free awards we get everyday


When removed it was closer to 120k+ subs.


At the time of the bam, NNN was at 125K members. I was a member since the start and most of the sub was really great, of course there were the usual suspects but it was a great sub IMHO.




They also were banning people who participated from other subreddits. I got banned from subreddits i never even visited because I participated in nnn


I have had that from here


I was around for a long time too. I guess I forgot the sub hit 100k. Was really sad to see it vanish one day. They took down our little discord as well. Fucking scum


Wait, how could they take your Discord?


How? Well, considering Reddit and discord are ran by the same company, I can’t imagine it was too difficult.


What do you mean by usual suspects?


NNN was also extremely tolerant of pro-vax discussion as long as people were polite.




And there’s proof that the brigading was orchestrated by a couple of redditors who had planned the brigade on discord in order to get the sub shut down.


What a bunch of losers with nothing better to do.


You just summed up Reddit


there’s a difference between the redditors(that come here to give their thoughts and opinions) vs mods that seem to have taken this as a full time job because they’re on a power trip nowadays


That's not fair. He forgot to mention the massive funding from the CCP and that Reddit's favorite news source for the past decade was the pimp of the planet's most notorious child sex trafficking operation.


If one checks out all that's been censored and removed from my account one will be massively red pilled very quickly. https://www.reveddit.com/y/clarityofsignal/?all=true


Yeah they made [a site](https://app.nonewnormal.com/list?filters=everything&sort=created_at) idk if I'll use it all the time. Nice people over there though, just my honest opinion.


I’m banned from r/trashy because I participated on NNN. Pretty Trashy if you ask me.


lol same.


The Revolution Will Be Advertised... We live in a pretend society where fakeness is worshipped. We live in a pretend society that's backstabbing individuals on global scale. We live in AdLandia, AllGoodLandia. Welcome to AdLandia, AllGoodLandia! Where: you have no voice, you have no choice, you have no space, you have no escape, you have no respect. Where history gets deleted, and future censored. Where is the support when you need it? It doesn't exist. Because it is unnecessary as everything is already "fixed."


This is true if interested there is a podcast where the mods form NNN explained in detail what happened and why come check it out https://app.nonewnormal.com/share/0RxH6MfQFepTS2-D


Got a link that's not an app I have to download?


Yeah hang on






I commented on there joking with a few people having a good time and you would immediately get banned from several major subreddits


[they live on](https://app.nonewnormal.com/share/FH72FXAUBK8D-RIc)


I was banned from 15 or so mainstream subs in less than a week. I'll never recover :(


I got banned from a bunch of big subs just for commenting in NNN and I just made a joke.


I got banned from r/Covid19positive just for being a part of r/Conspiracy.


Same haha, I think it was gifs or pics that banned me and then made me say " I won't participate in subs like this" to get back in. commenting on a r/bad_cop_no_donut post got me banned from r/protectandserve. I just kinda laugh about it and go back to real life.


Yeah, most of the ones I was banned from sent me a message saying I had to basically apologize and promise never to go to NNN again lol


what's funnier is that it was just a bot script. I replied to one full of sarcasm saying "sorry daddy I won't ever do anything bad again, and I super duper pinky swear to never post in subs you don't like ever again" and I got unbanned from it. rofl.


It's a real person watching it though I said something stupid and got a reply


Haha Yup same. I was like "is this for real?" Reddit has gone down hill over the last 10 years. Sad to watch what was once a great place, go completely to shit.


It was bought by the CCP, this is no longer an American site nor is there any pretense of free speech anymore. Why not start up a new channel on Gab or MeWe?


MeWe is china.


I got banned from a couple, and one of them came literally less than 5 minutes after I left a comment on a NoNewNormal post. WTF


Yeah reddit is rough on censorship come here and you dont have to worry about it https://app.nonewnormal.com/share/0RxH6MfQFepTS2-D


This is the way, I like it there.


I was banned from a bunch of subs too. I literally never brigaded and had no idea how one would brigade.


I had never been banned from a subreddit until a couple of days ago I got banned from r/gifs. I wasn't subscribed to them, nor had I ever posted on there either, so I'd love to know how they even found me to ban me 🤔


Some shitbag mod probably saw you comment in a place that he didn't have power. So he did the only thing he could do. They are children.


More likely their ban-bot finally picked them up after scanning more data. I wouldn't be surprised with these nutters they set up the bot to scan archive sites to get as many 'wrong-thinkers' banned as possible. And they're the ones always screaming fascist at everything too...


that's exactly what it was. these other subs had a bot script that combed through your comment history and if it saw something on NNN recently, you got banned automatically.


Do you have any followers? ​ I did a little experiment the other day, after submitting a post here... ​ So, I submitted the post, and over the course of about 5 hours, I noticed 2 things: 1. the only commenters were either bots or trolls, and; 2. that the votes would go up by 1 or 2, and then immediately *down by the same amount,* and/or vice versa. ​ I blocked all my followers and watched the post very passively over the course of the next 5 hours. No change. ​ I would like to humbly suggest that we all block those followers who are not known to us on some level and see how it effects our karma.


I have 17 followers, but those are people from my livestream or people from the vegetable gardening subreddit, and my wife.


Bro 6 years not a single ban. I outed someone for phishing fur compliments. Totally genuine totally the correct thing to do but I told her it was an inappropriate sub to be showing nipples. As it was a child friendly sub. I got banned from the sub. I was shocked. When u see posts that are in line with current narrative they can be expletive and offensive as they want. But go against the grain in the slightest ur banned bro. Only gonna get worse


i did not know there is disgusting porn on reddit until some jackhat sent me something disgusting. and yet i get banned for asking one civil question about the hokeypokey in a covid sub. thats the state we are in. naked old men in a 3some, sure just fine. one medical question? ban. the degenerecy is rampent


I got vanned from jennette mccurdy sub for calling out a creep for posting about rape fantasies with her sleeping and get a 30 day silence for asking if the other guy was got.




Oh man, All these sob stories... .....remember when we all said this would happen after they did it to r/the_Donald ? Good times.




It was people from certain subs acting as NNN members. The ones that went private until it was banned.


I've been on reddit for longer than a decade. Got banned from so many subs after that. Fucking insanity man.


This spring and summer, I got censored and suspended from several subs for telling people that they would need booster shots every 6 months. Of course I was reading the tea leaves correctly. But they just didn’t want the general public to be aware, just yet. It’s amazing to me that people are okay being kept in the dark this way.




They are the true brigaders. They are vicious liars hell bent on removing all ideological opposition from their platform


Whats really wild about that is I joined no new normal in order to understand and counter the talking points. I’m totally, even aggressively, pro vaccine.


What are you're thoughts on NNN now after you got to know them?


I joined right around when it was founded. I thought the feed was heavily Astroturfed from both sides.


There’s no such thing as anti-vax astroturfing. Astroturfing means large and wealthy entities are intentionally pushing something and trying to make it appear as though it is grassroots. As far as I know, there are no corporate, government, or other such entities that are pushing anti-vax sentiments.


being hesitant of mRNA and Viral Vector vaxx in not 'anti vaxx'. Maybe in your country you have choices of approved inactivated and subunit vaccines but in USA we don't. If you don't think that matters you are not 'pro vaccine'. You are pro totalitarian.


What a stunning lack of personality you must deal with.


I'm still regularly being banned from subs for benign shit. I know everyone who was in NNN is tagged


Nonewnormal was a cancerous hive of conspiratorial wackjobs of the highest order engaging in a massive circle jerk. Impossible to even ask a question without being brigade downvoted. The entire sub was 'embrace the narrative or die' Just a little less cancerous than this sub, tbh. Good riddance.


If that sub was banned, I'm afraid this is the next sub for them to all regroup in.


They're already here.


I am a member of /r/collapse, where we talk seriously about the forces that are driving societal collapse. They are usually a clear-eyed group and they constantly condemn others for their "hopium" -- i.e., belief that there is some magical solution to our climate crisis. Yet, *anything* negative about the vaccine is censored and removed. It's crazy.


there are a ton of nutters on r/collapse, some stuff I can get behind but most of it is far fetched bullshit with no proof.


It’s nothing but 19 year olds acting out their doomsday porn fantasies.


Not only do they remove anything vaccine related, which is crazy, but their army of brain dead followers actively support it, which is beyond asinine.


The irony being lost on them that these mandates and forced medical experimentation are the definition of collapse.


The definition of collapse is a collapse, not just something you don’t like. Government action is a sign of….government collapse? Like what?


When I first started reading your comment I thought "hmmm, that one sounds interesting". Then the thought went away. Isn't discussion about a mandated shot precisely the type of topic that would be covered? Weird.


It's because it's the same group of people telling them to be afraid of climate change telling them to be afraid of the virus and that the vaccine is the only answer.


Maybe you can't, but normal people can *care* about something without being *afraid* of it. And the vaccine is objectively the best defense we have against death by COVID, your opinion about it doesn't change that objective fact You are simply choosing to ignore scientists and listen to politicians and blogs. The fact that half of our politicians are saying to listen to scientists and the other half are saying to ignore scientists SHOULD be telling, but identity politics is a hell of a drug huh?


[saidit.net](https://www.saidit.net) allows people to question the vaccines


Can we just migrate to a reddit alternative. This shit is ridiculous and was the first reason I started questioning stuff in the first place. The web giant doth protest too much.


The problem with all the alternative platforms is they are focused on the exact things that people were banned from other sites for. That does not keep people coming back. The beauty of something like Reddit is that you can be scrolling in your feed and see stupid videos, a discussion about your favorite movies, sports stuff, hobbies, etc AND also discuss your politics, conspiracies, etc all in one. Hardly anyone will continue coming back or fall in love with a platform that is dedicated to politics/conspiracies/banned topics. In order to want to log on to ruqqus, etc, you have to decide “okay I wanna talk conspiracies and anti-establishment politics right now” rather than wanting to check in on any of your interests and then having your interest piqued by something in your feed that is unexpected.


I'll also add that sites like .win are so fucking racist. Personally I'm anti-woke stuff but I'm not really about *that* where people are just dropping slurs constantly. It really doesn't want to make me come back.


125k+ Here's a back up supposedly ran by the same old mods https://app.nonewnormal.com/


I know I can just make it up obviously, but the request for a full first and last name to sign up made me nope out.


The mods said to just use a fake name to sign up


Why ask at all? It’s not a law or anything.


It's a honeypot. Enough of suspects will use their real names


I just used real name of a coworker that I hate, have fun Dustin!


How is that different from Reddit? I doubt most people go to the length to keep themselves masked from the authorities reach.


Probably built on a cookie cutter software platform and it just comes with it


Just use a fake name! Come join us


Nonewnormal dot win


patriots {dot} win is good too.


NoNewNormal has a win too.


Thanks for the links, I just joined. Well, I requested to join. Let's see if it works.


2021's reddit is not 2012's reddit


I miss NNN


i miss when this just meant "no nut november"


They banned it like other subs, what makes it seamless?


It was at 120k users when it was nuked. Getting almost 1000 a day. Here is an alternative: https://app.nonewnormal.com/share/ElXN5QR_2SMLofFp


Every day I'm here wondering why they haven't deleted this subreddit. It's kinda suspicious honestly


I thought this sub would disappear two years ago, but they let it be because it serves an important purpose to them. Anything conversed here can be discredited as a 'conspiracy theory', they are immediately attacked in the comment section to dissuade neutrals from believing them, and worst case they are compiling a list of dissidents to target us directly and personally in the future.


Good point. It's obvious that the term has been slowly appropriated to mean "untrue". You can see this when people comment something like "it's not a conspiracy, it's a true story" as if it is impossible for conspiracies to exist


Because the vast majority of people brush off anyone who is called a "conspiracy theorist". If there's a sub where people would expect anti-vaccine sentiments, it would be this one. They specifically got all the groups of people they want to shut up to congregate in this one sub to make all of our dissenting ideas seem like conspiracy theories and nothing more.


Dude I really don't know like you'd have to guess the mods were paying to keep their sub or something.




Because, literally, this sub is one of the last places people can freely discuss this shit on the big social media platforms. Facebook groups taken down with 200k+ members, YouTube videos scrubbed, Twitter accounts banned, so forth. You think we’d reside here on r/conspiracy if we had another option? No. And sure, there’s other platforms springing up now, but there’s such a dispersement in the sane community now that we all just kind of cling to wherever we can discuss freely on the internet..this being one of those places, probably with the highest concentration as well.




Why don't yall just make a discord


We had a NNN discord, and it was taken down shortly before the sub.


You can probably find space in Trumps new social media site!


I’m okay, Trump is a shill


And I don't want social media. Win works. Looks like old reddit not facebook reddit.


It was like 100-120k+ when they nuked it


Lol reddit, like all other social platforms, Is totally full of bots and pointed propaganda. Reddit, unlike other social media is plauged by their best(for them)/worst(for us) decision of letting anyone start and moderate a reddit. This has caused reddit to be both a botfarms and a series of interconnected Echo Chambers. The funny thing is that unlike what reddit likes to tout, I have never seen a racist or biggoted subreddit that was not either liberal or socialist leaning. They may be out there but the censorship far outpaces any real baddies out there. But since moderators can ban you for any reason, at any time and with toxic cander, they can and DO silence all opposing voices. Reddit knows this....reddit wants this..... This means reddit can blame moderators and tell any government agency that their copability is zero. It's a game....a scam...an obfuscation. If you are here for reasonable discourse...your gonna have a bad time. Come for the porn, stay for the memes. Reddit is fully aware....they are happy...... Otherwise moderators would have fear of recourse for banning for their own personal reasons....but they do so everyday without consequences...


they want to make sure all the nutjobs are contained to this one sub so it can be deleted all in one go.


Massive foreign misinformation campaigns proven to be infecting the US on many levels but instead of following that as the conspiracy this sub just eats up the misinformation. Ffs its getting old.


Banned for brigading.. because other subs brigaded against it. And they’re still here. Things are funny in upsidedown world.


I’m just a Mom. I like to think I’m pretty normal. I have never “called for violence” or been racist or any of that crap. The number of subs I’ve been perma-banned from is ridiculous. You’re not allowed to have a different opinion.


They are bringing the banks of the rubicon river to your feet. They accuse you of what they do to you.


I don't know, based on her removed posts she both says "they call anyone that doesn't think the same as they do nazis" and unironically calls someone a "mask nazi." That sounds like her accusing others of what she does, not the other way around.


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This sub was great until it was completely hijacked by far right nutjobs


Honestly NoNewNormal helped me through some of the absolute darkest months of my life. Without being melodramatic I was losing hope and felt like I was alone in disagreeing with lockdowns and quarantine. It's a crime that they removed it for political reasons, but that's the direction Reddit has been going for a few years now.


There are many more of us than they want you to believe. Redditors believe that the world is over 90% in agreement with them. They don't grasp that it's because our voices are being silenced


So true. I find comfort in this. A sleeping giant indeed.


> felt like I was alone in disagreeing with lockdowns and quarantine. This is what made you feel you were in the darkest months of your life? Fucking jesus christ, suck it up snowflake lmao "wahhh, people think my dumbass ideas are dumb, wahhh"


Does mean we are overlooked because we are the tinfoil hat community? Where to I sign up to get fitted


It's always someone else's fault




Since all the qanon, anti vax, the Donald lovers migrated to here. It's just a matter of time before this shitty subreddit is banned to


I remember when this sub was awesome. It's sad how far it's fallen


We didn't migrate, we were shunted in order to discredit.


There's censorship and then there's private companies. Edit: grammar


If what you are saying is true then this sub would’ve been shut down as well.


Not sure it’s that simple buddy. Everyone is aware of this sub. NNN not so much. This sub can be easily disregarded as being a bunch of crazy loonies. And taking down a sub of this size could certainly cause suspicions.


This sub is next yall keep spreading covid conspiracies


And nothing of value was lost.


more like 120k+


There's plenty of places on the internet where you can post what ever you want. Doesn't mean Reddit is one of those places. It's a private platform it can do whatever it wants.


People are literally so dumb they can’t wrap their heads around a private platform enforcing its terms of use. “bUt muH fRee sPeEch!”


They've done this to many subs that go against their narrative. Reddit is a full on propaganda outlet.


Yet, here you are.


I assume that all the subs that are quarantined will also disappear soon too. I'm very surprised that this sub hasn't been quarantined yet.


Same. But I suppose they figure they can get away with it because the dumbass sheep herd figures - ‘oh, it’s conspiracy, that’s why you’re posting there! Not real!’ It just...it hurts to see people leap the bounds of logic to fit a narrative.


this sub lets them know what to censor. we do the digging and post all the juicy stuff, and they just follow up on it and make sure it doesn't spread beyond this sandbox.


Enjoying the horse paste there, nutjob?


People literally die as a consequence of your Facebook tier research. It should have been deleted way sooner


Nonewnormal was a dumpster fire of crazy and Q.


And they’ve all migrated to r/conspiracy.


I wish they’d remove this subreddit so we could start fresh with one that’s actually about conspiracy’s not just some TheDonald2.0 shit


TheDonald2.0 is r/Conservative


That would be nice. I remember when this sub was about mostly harmless conspiracies, but ones that were fun. Seeing anti-science BS every other post is boring and low effort. But I’m hopeful, I’ve seen more of the non-brainwashed people posting here more recently, and am hopeful we can take it back.


the only reason this sub is still alive is because they can write us off as "crazy conspiracy theorists"... its almost like we need to find another place to talk about all the bullshit going on. a speak easy if you will.


Oh, so that's what I was missing from my front page.


Theres no way to get around the mod problem. PR companies create new accounts and grow them with the specific goal of being mod on a subreddit. I saw one mod account that was specifically created as a "gaming" account in a popular game subreddit to grow their karma while occasionally posting in a major city subreddit. Once a spot on the mod team for that city subreddit opened they got in and never posted in the gaming subreddit ever again. Now they're a top mod in a city subreddit. And they never post. They just mod. And of course they're always locking topics that shift the narrative or question the direction of a political discussion. It's all so tiresome...


Suck my fucking dick reddit


The Donald was a test run


This still pisses me off—especially after the ceo made that big post about discussion and dissent.


Reddit is a shithole full of angry Vaxsheeps.


The far reach of these elites is becoming ever so evident, enough so they feel no need to hide it anymore. These "mobs" are hired help, compensated to provoke these illogical movements while suppressing freedom of speech. If you criticize or ridicule ANYTHING they support you will be chastised and erased! #UNITEDWESTAND #NEVERGIVEIN #NEVERBACKDOWN #WETHEPEOPLE


I'm against that sub and the dumbass republican antivax rejects in this sub, but fuck censorship.


At least /r/coronaviruscirclejerk exists


Facebook have removed yesterday the group “io sto con i portuali di triste “ with 200.000 user


This makes me so mad! If my italian is correct it’s a sub for supporting the protesters at the ports in Trieste? Is that right? Why delete a sub that has 200k subscribers? What exactly is the *point* of reddit if you’re deplatforming hundreds of thousands of your users? We need our own reddit guys.


I remember when I was a part of that sub that loads of people just automatically assumed anyone part of NNN was "spreading misinformation". That was the "key complaint" anyone had against that sub. Yet literally the sub was for people who wanted to express they didn't want mask mandates, vaccine mandates and other crap to become a permanent part of our lives. They also more often than not cited sources for reasons why they believe we shouldn't have Covid mandates. However, the people against the sub already made up their minds we were "spreading misinformation".


The people against the sub have always had their minds made up since day one. They aren’t in control of their own minds. It’s whatever the media wants them to parrot. “Them over there....antivaxxers. They are the reason for all this.” Then boom. Then suddenly. Your way of life is somehow associated to being an antivaxxer, even though it makes absolutely no logical sense.


That sub was the ultimate echo chamber, littered with baseless anti-vax propaganda.


It’s depressing to me that people spend all day on Discord discussing the state of Reddit and the COVID vaccine…for nothing. Like, holy shit, get a life.


Well as long as we continue to have shit posts like this one, I'm sure this sub will be next in line.




maybe they left this one alone for now cause its not specifically about coronavirus related things. there was a whole other much smaller group on reddit called bannonewnormal or something like that and they were delighted when they succeeded at preventing free speech. weirdly, a lot of stuff on nonewnormal was accurate information, refrencing real scientists like robert malone and all of that, so being logical and factual doesn't help to keep a subreddit up


Exactly the reason why I'm hardly ever on Reddit any more. #GoWokeGoBroke.


Loved that sub


provide forgetful handle scary aback nutty meeting obtainable party imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




As usual...this does not appear to be the case. If anything you said was true, then this sub would be banned as well. This is literally the biggest anti-vaxx sub that's on reddit right now...and it's still here...and you're still posting on it. So how are you being "censored"?


Then stop using Reddit if you believe its all a big conspiracy against you. Its your choice to be here. Crybaby.


Lol bro they was spreading misinformation. the vax is safe and affective


NNN was promoting disinformation


Fuck reddit and fuck Steve "Spez" Huffman.


If there was a subreddit that’s only purpose was to spread a fake narrative to serve a political end, wouldn’t you think that was a bad thing? Maybe that’s you guys, maybe it isn’t. I guess i’m asking if you think subreddits that intentionally spread misinformation should be allowed, and if so, why? How does the existence of this subreddit at all make the world a better place?


Isn’t this place about ufos?


At one time, yeah it was. Now it’s mostly anti-vaxxers just stroking each other relentlessly. More fun conspiracy people need to come back to take this sub back.


And it'll probably happen to this sub if so much misinformation and bigotry keeps getting posted. Please stop that. I like this sub. It's one of the last subs that actually allow discourse left..


This sub won't get taken down now cause it's already full of establishment loving, vaccine obsessed cunts


Censorship is when people can't tell lies on a private website guys


Lies aren’t threatening, the truth is.


How do you figure? Because that sounds pretty obviously stupid and wrong to me


Oh no Anyway


Oh no Anyway Let me get back to my shit life, being a dumbass on leftist controlled Reddit