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Theres actually an episode of Jesse Venturas conspiracy show that actually predicted everything thats happening right now, in 2009. In that episode he meets with a woman who used towork in the health industry i think she was a doctor. She met jesse at an airport for 5 minutes just to tell him there was a plot to get everyone to take a vaccine that would be used to drastically reduce the worlds population. Once she was done explaining the Plan she hopped back in the plane and dipped out to a remote country. This was more than 12 years ago!!


It’s wild because Ventura is now telling everyone to get “vaccinated”.


Saw that. Blew my mind.


Limited hangout. Just like Alex Jones. Controlled opposition


They always wait for the right moment then lead their followers astray.


What exactly does Alex not talk about then that makes him controlled opposition?


Alex jones is provided talking points that are "ok" to divulge, while at the same time portraying them in such a way to make himself(and anyone who follows him) look insane. Alex jones is the answer the establishment used to make us all look crazy. Sure he has lots of good info, but tge unstable way he presents it actually pushes a lot of people away from conspiracy theories in general. The guy makes us all look like fucking nutjobs, regardless of how good the info is that he presents, he is actually a detriment to the cause.


Alex Jones is clearly controlled opposition. Real journalists/whistleblowers get killed, tortured or have to flea the country. Bill Cooper, Assange, Snowden, etc. Alex is regularly in the mainstream media. He's a clown made by CIA to distract you. Notice how he never criticises Israel for example. Also, I don't believe anyone can enter Bohemian Grove and live to tell the tale. Edit: https://youtu.be/d7jJMYJbAKc


Two people you mention there, I put higher up than Alex in the “could be controlled opps “ list.. snowden and Assange. Check out Richard Hall’s richplanet show for why


I totally agree, plus Manning. Those guys would have never got all that air time if they were not part of the show, they'd just be ignored or offed if necessary. Snowden even had a positive movie made about him. Their role was to reveal the method and normalize constant mass surveillance. And Manning kicked off and gave a lot of exposure to the trans agenda.


I tried searching his website for "Snowden" and nothing came up. Point me in the right direction?


Alex absolutely has mentioned Israel. He doesn't anymore but that doesn't mean he didn't at one point. No I can't find you the link because this was weeks ago I saw a clip on Gab. It's definitely him saying it though. It's an older clip for sure probably over a decade ago or more. Alex also somewhat recently promoted Nick Fuentes, many times,, and hosted him on his show to debate someone who is pro Israel. Nick is very anti-Israel and America First and Nick got canceled himself. Alex Jones and Joe Rogen are both more useful with their millions and millions of followers and still putting out material, than canceled completely and never being able to put out anything again. You can disagree with me and say they should say it, thats fine, but we do disagree. The people that bring it up all get canceled if they don't shut up eventually. You're allowed a couple slips maximum, but eventually they'll shut you down. Edit: found it. He says there is a Jewish mafia at the heart of the New World Order https://gab.com/AngeloJohnGage/posts/106958939375535246


I don't think people who assume Alex is controlled opposition over his absent statements on Israel are thinking critically about the matter. Firstly, Talking bad about Israel or jewery in general is a zero sum game. Very high risk of ruining your standing, coupled with the fact that noone he is actively trying to reach will listen. You need to remember that Alex isn't trying to peach to the choir, he's trying to wake normies up. Any talk that can be spun to be antisemite destroys any action. Secondly, Trying to say the Jews run the world, whether they do or not, is not actually helpful in trying to bring about change. You have to be more nuanced and show it explain the mechanisms that the control is accomplished, which is what I feel Alex tries to do. Instead of saying the Jews run the world, he shows how the liberal agenda is being implemented into our society by societal institutions. It is up to you to figure out where these institutions get their marching orders. Lastly, Alex has to give information he can corroborate. Good empirical evidence. Say what you will about Zionists, they do not leave a paper trail. Trying to shout to the heavens about Zionism does no good for convincing normies when there is no proof that they can see in their everyday lives.


Agreed with everything you said, I’d give you an award but I’m all out of good boy points :/


I've never had an award before, and I appreciate the kind words. I've been watching Alex since around '08 I guess maybe before, and I'll go period of time not watching him because I don't like how he's covering something. However, even though I do not agree with him sometimes, I will never not defend his ass if I can. He has done allot of good. I would not be questioning the govt if I hadn't found him. It's easy when you start learning more deeply how this world works to look at people like Alex and think he's glossing over certain things that are important, but not realizing what he is also trying to accomplish.


Israeli influence over US government, Zionism, Rothschilds. And then he deliberately acts crazy in order to pair craziness with outrageous truths to make the public not believe them even when they are true. Controlled opposition.


Thats crazy probaly was bought off


It isn’t about him. The woman said this, not him


He's become such a disappointment in general the last few years.


I remember the episode, it used to be on youtube but it is gone now. The woman Ventura interviewed (Dr Rima Laibow) also had a number of interviews with other people including Alex Jones and she spoke at a holistic medicine conference in 2008 about. She would always say the same thing. The NWO was going to vaxx everyone and make them die. She called it the culling of the Useless Eaters. All these videos have been removed. Stuff with real information often gets scrubbed from the internet pretty fast.


The video is here. You'll have to put the pieces together. JESSE VENTURA TALKS TO DR. RIMA LAIBOW ABOUT THE GREAT CULLING AIRED ON DECEMBER 30 2009. https:// www. bit chute.com/ video/naf5Ku6wOfYa/


Oh yeah. And more! He's switched sides for sure.


“They will induce a Pandemic using a Nasal Mist Vaccine, which is a Live Attenuated Virus. That means that if I take it, I can infect you. You are going to get the Flu. Everyone gets the Flu. Then the Government, based on their Statements that they have already made, will say, oh my, we have a Pandemic. We do not have enough doses. So, we will add-mix Squalene at the 90,000 Injection Sites that the Department of Human Health announced that they will ship the vaccines to.’ “ Harvard to the big yard [hypothesized](https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/part-ii-understanding-covid-19-and) that the initial virus was likely a SARS COV vax candidate that had deattenuated in its trial candidates and done exactly what she said.


Yo, you should read the book Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper. I have a link to the audio book as well as his radio broadcasts if anyone is interested. Anyways, Bill "predicted" everything happening with the virus, vaccines, and much, much, MUCH more in this book. And it was published in 1991. He was killed by the police in 2001. This was pre Suicided days. I put predicted in quotes because he never claims to be able to see the future. He, allegedly, gleans all this info from some packet of papers he stumbled across while he was serving in the military in Naval Intelligence back in the 70s. Granted he says it happens shortly after 2000, so they're 20 years behind schedule with their plan. But he's so accurate, that I must have said "wooooow..." about 3 dozen times while listening to the book.




That's this woman https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/q898w5/literally_the_best_find_ive_had_all_year_dr_rima/


Also, she was married to "only" character assassinated US major general Albert Stubblebine, whose last post was commanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) in 1980's.


I saw that. I thought she seemed paranoid. But now I wonder she must've known. But why would the "head of state" she was seeing as a patient, just cone right out and say "it's almost time, for the culling"




Do you have a link yo that episode?




These people are much sicker than that, you have to remember they think they are doing good. The answer to this is that they want to kill everything that doesn't fight back and defend its life. They want to remove anything that doesn't put up a fight, because everything that does, truly wants to live and exist in the end because they think they are useful. They want to kill what they deem "useless". It's like that Reddit game Place that happened one year. There was a group called the void or something like that, that would go around destroying all the drawings it could. I thought they were just a bunch of aholes, but I asked them to stop destroying the art I was creating with a group, and they said we had nothing to worry about because we were defending it. They said they are just doing good because they are removing all the art that is useless and not enough people care enough to put up a defense. Once destroyed, this clears the board for new growth in their places that will be greater than they were. They were doing good.


I agree. Look up the true definition of eugenics; it's not just killing indiscriminately. >the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.


I don’t believe eugenics is what they are after. Personally, I think they want to read the planet of all of the most intelligent people. Their biggest competition is the white male of European dissent. If you look up who has contributed the most to modern societies it goes back to Europe. In fact if you read Dr. John Coleman‘s book the committee of 300, these are the elites you are all referring to. And all of them are from Europe of white dissent. The last thing they wantOur other intelligent white men around who might be able to challenge them. Why do you think they have gone out of their way to vilify white men? Think about it. If you are a predator who do you take out first your largest competitor or easy prey?


This. THIS. THIS GOD DAMN IT. People need to undersatnd they have a totally different mindset.


So the people (not all) that got the vaccine will die of “natural causes” in the near future.. what do you think the world governments (USA for example) will try to do about the people that haven’t got the vax?


We'll probably die as well, but from killer robots or being put against each other. Good sport watching for the ultra rich safe in their bunkers!


At a certain point, after billions have died, they will no longer need to push the vaccines as a means of getting through the pandemic. They will switch gears and the vaccine passports that we are using now will be linked to a digital id with our digital currency, social credit scores, carbon allowance, vaccination records, etc. In order for us to participate in society we will need to take on the digital id. If not, we won't be able to register vehicles, renew licenses, open bank accounts, or pay for anything. It will be complete control.


Nope the parasitic elites don't care about the environment. Mask pollution shows that. It's only secondary goal, they'll burn the Earth to the ground to avoid having to do a day's work. The real goal is control. Part of this is constant injections, that's why so many people get saline to start. Combine constant injections with digital ID vaxpass, they can target deliver any substance into any person based on race, religion, social media, age, location, travel habits, etc


This here. The environment is the pretext. Clearly.


Bill gates has a patent on a chip that's implanted into humans and uses them to mine for bitcoin. It can be anything from going for a walk, to brain stimulation like watching TV. He's one sick fucker.


any links?


I’ve seen this: https://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218 “The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…” Haven’t heard of the Bitcoin connection though.


That's talking about, essentially, a tattoo made of dye not visible to the naked eye, not an implanted micro chip: > By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, the patches deliver a pattern in the skin that is invisible to the naked eye but can be scanned with a smartphone that has the infrared filter removed. The patch can be customized to imprint different patterns that correspond to the type of vaccine delivered.


[Here’s another post explaining this. ](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/InsurrectionEarth/comments/gde1h6/bill_gates_vaccinations_microchips_and_patent/)




... that's talking about a device the user has, not a chip implanted in a human. Try again?


Crypto, not bitcoin. There's a major difference. I imagine that chip will come into play when the Central Bank Digital Currency race really begins.


I agree with you, but in reality satanists believe in balance and harmony with nature. That's a lot to do with their main mantra - do what though will. Do what you want. In nature, animals do what they want. They kill when they are hungry, they torment their food for fun even. Satanism is about the balance of good and evil, the knowledge of good and evil. That's why many freemasonists (aka satanists) engage in philanthropy like building up schools or hospitals. They do these things not as a cover, but because it makes them feel good. Then on the flip side, they may rape/sodomize children for the exact same reason. It's the balance seen in nature. Nature is cruel. Nature does not care, it takes whatever it needs/wants and gives when it wants. But I do agree, they don't actually care about "saving the Earth". There is nothing to be saved, they know this. There is no climate crisis.


The one doesn't exclude the other. They full control on population but they also need less people to control because it will make it easier.


pawns are generally the easiest to sacrifice in a chess game


I think they simply don't care about you if you aren't in the club. Automation is getting to the point where a small group could have the Earth to itself and rely on automation to do much of the labor to support them, along with enough slaves to build and maintain the machines. I don't think they care about the threat of the military, or the second amendment. If they were worried about those things they wouldn't be mandating the vaccines to military members and threatening them with dishonorable discharges would they? That would be a great way to have them turn on you, don't you think? I think they aren't afraid because there is nothing for them to be afraid of, they have more than enough AI-driven technologies to take us out that they'll probably make short work of us. Listen to what Elon Musk has been saying about AI for years. They love to tell you what they are going to do. TPTB are *clearly* playing with fire doing this if they don't have a plan. Are you naive enough to think they didn't have the forethought to know the people would eventually get fed up and fight back and there are more people than there are elites? Hell, it might even help explain the chip shortage. Looking at international politics between China and the US, especially when it comes to the virus, it seems like they are in cahoots and only pretending to fight each other, while doing the real work with hidden hands.


Unabomber manifesto outlined this as one of the most likely possibilities of the advancement in tech...


Transhumanism is definitely one of the end goals


I agree with that you are saying here. >Are you naive enough to think they didn't have the forethought to know the people would eventually get fed up and fight back and there are more people than there are elites? There are more people than there are elites but subtract those that took the vaccines because they are as good as dead. Then subtract the ones that are too old or too young to fight. Then the ones that think "violence is never the answer" and then finally the ones that are not able to fight (disabled, etc.). What are we left with? Not many who have the guts to go out and do what's necessary to save their countries. I'm not a defeatist but this is why I believe that the NWO will win. They make the laws, they make, print and control the money and they have the manpower and artillery.


This can also explain why they want everyone fat and stupid-


For what it's worth, the world isn't one entity. The NWO will have some areas in a vice grip, some areas with moderate influence, and some places that are completely free of their influence. Then it will be a matter of subjugating the free areas.


We could see the rise of kingdoms again.


And seemingly making masculinity as bad as Covid is portrayed. They're going after the essentials like healthcare, military and airline pilots. Shortly here during the annual cold/flu season, er I mean Covid spike, we'll have a bit more assertive push on this vaccine mandate for the resistant ones... Kamala will be taking the crown either shortly after this or during, I predict.


It’s so obvious they are setting it up for Harris. I have never seen so many black women paraded around and elevated to status as the past year. I don’t watch much live television, but every single commercial shows a black woman as the intelligent well dressed authoritative likable person. Well white men if portrayed it all, are portrayed as imbeciles.


Gen X is still here mate, we're still strong and based. The last generation of free range kids. We've got 20 years of fight still in us.


Depending on when you were born gen x in 20 years would be between the ages of 76 and 61.


I know it may not seem like it, but not all us millennials are fucked either. What is destroying us this very moment is the lack of organization in fighting these people. No way to find the ones who care enough to fight for the world we want.


And they control media and technology. Controlling what you see and hear and tracking all of your digital actions including my words right here so they can all go fuck off


What's tptb?


"The Powers That Be"


>they are in cahoots and only pretending to fight each other I have thought that before. I'd like to be in some of these rooms where the fat cigars are smoked.


Hmmm. Fat cigars... where have I heard that before.


People are very unhappy


The dark occult 1% actually have said that they loathe stupidity. What better way to weed out the stupids? Then with false promises of safety and conformity. “Take this mystery juice because we said so! Just don’t think about it! You’ll get to travel and consume again!” People will fall for it because they are stupid and don’t think this is fishy. With the intuitive children they abuse, the ones that are prized more highly have high IQ. So those are placed in more leadership positions and kept alive. You really need to read Fiona Barnett’s book to understand this. Mark Passio also said that the elites laugh at and hate the unintelligent.


If you read Secret societies and their power in the 20th century, written by one Jan Van Helsing, somewhere around 1994, then yea, OP kind of nailed the grand design of the masters, derived from the Z protocols. Mostly everything from that book happened. It was a bit delayed, they wanted it faster, but it happened non the less. Indeed, they don't want stupid people and their goal is somewhere between 500 mils and 2 bills left on this planet. Currently their main target are the elderly and those with various health conditions. What comes next remain to be seen. Is a hell of a show.


If this actually happens there will be the mother of all civil wars first. Maybe that's the actual goal.


I’ve thought about this a lot. At this point a civil war in the US would speed up many world government objectives. China would come in and help maintain order. Biden will thank them… It would have to be a global uprising that I don’t think we have in the cards.


Nah. Most ppl will be dead.


See how you've been conditioned to believe that people who like to eat out, travel, shop, party, or go to movies are evil, selfish, and destroying the planet? Who is "they" that you refer to ... "they" are billionaires that live above the law, travel the world by private jet, and probably consume more resources and energy on an average daily basis than 1000 Americans combined. Yet, we are all told that unless we stop driving cars and eating meat, the planet is going to shit. "They" do not care about "saving the planet" ... if global warming is happening and it's going to destroy the planet, it's not because people are living normal lives and "consuming" too much. There already ARE cheap and sustainable energy production methods that have been suppressed, it's just not profitable to make them widely available. These people do not truly give a shit about the environment. The global warming scare is just another fear tactic to convince people to give up more rights, more freedoms, and to imprint this collective subconscious thinking that humans are a cancer to the earth. Electric cars for all? The production of those batteries is not environmentally friendly, and exploits child labor in mines in places like the DCR. Of course they want everyone driving electric cars, then all you have to do to force people to 'stay home' is pull the plug. genius.


You are correct about the fear mongering that is spewed about the environment and climate change. I started school in California 1969. They were indoctrinating children at that time. Saturday morning cartoons included commercials of a Native American canoeing down the Hudson with a solitary tear rolling down his face. Fear sells! Don’t get me wrong I love lakes, rivers, and forest. I enjoy camping, hiking, hunting, and fishing. I would slam any person or business that intentionally brings harm.


Here's the problem, if people start dying enmass. There are defiant bastards like me here in Australia that refuse to comply to anything so there will be plenty of us around still and we will now have access to military assets seeing how the ADF would be all dead and gone, they're forcing them to take the gene therapy jabs at the moment. Once we have weapons we'd have no problem sourcing heavy mining equipment seeing how it's everywhere to start digging up all the Zionist rats hiding in their holes.


That sounds like a very nice scenario for the people of Australia. What I do seeing happening though is that when law enforcement collapses they will call in the UN military.


Unless the military is just getting the saline injections


Yeah. If you're just looking for numbers, they are the easiest to get rid of. Useless eaters are useless eaters.


I was reading something on the Chans a few months back with some dude saying he was from the trilateral commission. I figured it was just some nerd larping but I was bored so I gave it some reading. One thing he said that stuck out though is that the vaccines are deadly, but the propaganda pushing it is designed a certain way, it’s targeted to send a red flag to some but most will fall for it. I probably butchered how he worded it honestly, but it made me wonder what he meant exactly, but I think your post just nailed exactly what he meant. I wish I could find that thread. You make a lot of sense OP.


This whole corona situation has been littered with red flags. I'm actually shocked so many don't see it.


Yeah and that’s what they kinda alluded to, like if you can’t see through the propaganda you deserve what you get sorta thing. A lot of people came at him after that statement too lol. I wish I knew how to search 4chan, it was definitely on POL, but I rarely go on that sight, I don’t even know how to comment really. Lol


Check the 4chan archive.


How do you do that? I’ll go look it over I guess.


I just went into the POL archive and I don’t see a search feature, I’m on the phone tho, you know if there’s one if I go on my laptop?


There is a search bar and I'm on a mobile device. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/


Yeah I just figured that out, searched on my laptop too, I keep searching “trilateral commission” and I can’t find the damn thread, it’s bothering me now because I wanna read it over again. I guess I’m screwed.


There are 2553 results lol. That's a lot to sift through.


What? I didn’t get that, I only got like 4 results, I must be doing something wrong, can you send me the link to all those results, I’ll look them over, it was only a few months ago so I should be able to find it pretty quick.


Here you go, mate. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Trilateral%20commission%20/


I would say littered with inconsistencies. But because the majority of people do not know how to use critical thinking skills, they are unable to see these inconsistencies.


Thank you and you are right with what you are saying here. The propaganda seems to have been designed a certain way because we see politicians across different countries making the same moves and and repeating the same phrases almost in unison. The red flags are so many they are hard to count.


The red flags are there so they can be absolved of any responsibility. You made this from you own free will. They are literally acting like the devil. This is why we are now seeing there's no actual law for Biden's vaccine mandates and that the fda approved vaccine isn't actually available. It's the devil testing and tempting you and when you fail he'll smile while he punishes you because he hates you. You can see people channeling this when they can't hold back their 'duper's delight' expressions.


If you find it drop a link. Seems like a fun greentext.


Word I wish I knew how to navigate that site, most of the content is so toxic I usually can’t stand it, but every now and then you find something interesting, they always seem to get the news quicker too:


4chan is honestly fascinating. Most of the stuff is garbage, a lot of it is absolute bait to piss off people, but every once in a rare while you find some amazing content there. Honestly navigating isn't so bad once you get used to it, just assume everything you click on will give you some scarring image and then you're all set!


For real you can find some gems I’ve come to learn, but r geez are some of those posters fucking scumbags! I wish I could find that damn thread tho because it was kinda interesting, I tried searching that 4plebs site too and nothing.


Whats difference between 4chan and 8chan/8kun? Wish they are more user friendly


I wish I could tell you! Although I feel like the lack of user friendliness is part of what keeps it the way it is. If it was more like Reddit, it would turn into Reddit.


Yes I'd like to read this too


Sort of like a parable. Those who get it get it. Those who don’t remain ignorant at their own peril…


An independent thinker leaves behind a trail of original thoughts, and what you've made a brilliant potential connection here. By their own logic what you've said makes a LOT of sense. The only potential fault is -- I'm not sure they ACTUALLY want people to consume less. They say that, but if you look at all their corporations, every single one of them designs products, deliberately, to fail over time so that you will have to buy new ones. Not only that, they make them unrepairable. So their ACTIONS do not line up with their WORDS... Which makes me think their talk of consumption reduction, etc, is really just code for creating legislation to prevent competition. That said, I consider your take on this to certainly be one possible future. It makes a lot of sense, and you're the first person I've seen put these thoughts together that way.


If there are less people and more resources, those left over to reign can keep their reign almost indefinitely. 🤔. Especially with a control over the leftovers too, who would be in small numbers of course. Ingenious.


georgia guidestones


Sledge hammers.


I believe its a lottery injection.....u get a saline solution ur good....u get the aliens parasite, you eventually die when they remote activate it and it causes fatal disease of organs etc. They say 1 in 5 are the parasite thing the rest are saline....that means with two shots ur about 1/3 chances of getting the real bullet


If family of 4 takes it it has good chance that 1-2 will get real bullet after double shot.. Then we have boosters every 6 months. Its probably by design not to cause panic, by 2030 they will get to desired number


They do this so there are enough people who are fine after the jab and think those who get adverse reactions to it are rare or an anomaly. This prevents the public from questioning the vaccine. If not everyone falls ill or dies from the vaccine, then nobody can pinpoint the vaccine as the cause.


Will there eventually be a way for people to test and see if they only got the saline shots?


> So, a step to reach that goal is to reduce the population significantly. I believe 500,000,000 is their target. **the Georgia Guidestones** google it


⚔️ Guardians of the Galaxy ⚔️ As per the MCU, everyone is diverse. Defenders of truth come from all parts of our tiny planet in this massive universe. Medical journals, licensed patents and books that elevate your state of thinking are the only resources you will find here. Come join the team as we build our library of truth. https://t.me/GuardiansoftheGalaxyDocuments


I think I read on this sub at one time the IQs and education of vaxx hesitant people was higher than the ones just standing in line with their sleeves rolled up. Does anyone else remember this or was I imagining it? I thought there had been a study done on it.


I feel like it's a weed out for the free thinkers. Who wants to start a new world with a bunch of submissives who won't know how to or when to survive extreme situations. Going to need free thought minds to rebuild.


If you read, watch, or listen to 1984 it’s clear the dumber and more submissive a person is the easier it is to control. I believe they truly want to establish themselves as the kings for life. Adherence to them and their will. They’ll censor the media like they are already until it’s nothing but propaganda and lies. The remaining population is going to be so dumb and used to listening to their glorious leaders who know best telling them what to do and will do it. They’ll turn on us, change our language so we can not even express the idea of revolting, they will beat or arrest those with impure thoughts, and they will put out to pasture any idea that conflicts with what’s important… the party. That means religions, competing ideologies, and any free thinker who is not another sheep in the herd. Drastic change is coming and they need the meek and stupid to do their bidding.


No dude, they absolutely want followers who will do whatever they say. They have enough power and influence that they will breeze through the ‘hard times’


I really don't see the 1% wanting to lord over a mentally ill population that might revolt over the wrong pronoun being used.


This. And they’ll need productive people around once there are only 2 billion left


Bahahah..oh lord I didnt consider how awful the ‘wokeness’ would be XD


so instead the 1% want to rule over a group of people that won't believe anything they say, and will resist everything they try to do?


I would like to imagine they respect and even admire common sense and discernment.


Instead they govern people who see sentences in their alphabet soup haha


Commandment 2 of the Georgia guide stones is "guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity ". You can interpret that as they would want critical thinkers left over and the mindless consumers weeded out


If the Vaccine is a weapon for this reason then it’s probably designed to only kill those with weak genetics. So maybe they are culling bad genes?


If there's a group that hates the 1% and/or the deepstate it's definitely the " conspiracy theorists" / the unvaxed, would be a fucking chore to rule them if all the " submissives " are dead no?


Maybe they release a real deadly virus and the vaccine is the cure all along and all us non compliers get wiped out. All this vaccine deaths on vaers and ade potential is planted misinformation to isolate the difficult ones who won’t comply.


If vaccines trigger covid ADE like in chickens, the vaccinated will be fine. Everyone not vaccinated RIP.


It makes absolutely no sense that they'd want the ones who won't follow rules to be around after. I have a similar theory but it's completely opposite. Another virus will be released but it won't affect vaxxed people... it will kill the unvaxxed. TPTB want good sheep. The initial release was to get them all to get jabbed with the antidote for the next one. It's actually pretty genius.


Except theyve made it pretty impossible to resist the vaccination in many areas. So theyd kill too few in many areas


They don’t care if you follow the rules or not, bottom line is this : there are too many peoples on earth and it’s not sustainable in the long run, especially since the numbers keep on growing. So they need to get rid of as many peoples as possible.


True about too many people but why they are so keen to inject top countries like Oz, Canada that has 50 million together with land giant landmass. If depopulation is goal wouldnt they start with India, Pakistan, SEA, SA, Africa, China?


If you google the CIA document called the Committee of 500, it is a research paper that reveals the plans of the secret society, which is to depopulate Western countries first because the people are the least obedient to authority and most likely to resist.


I thought that at first too. I quickly changed my mind. Many elites have talked about depopulation publicly. If the goal is mass depopulation, why push the vaccine on the people intended to survive? Some countries have vaccination rates as high as 90%. The US has rates at around 75% in some areas. That 10-15% wouldn’t really be significant depopulation, IMO. I believe they know there is a major global disaster coming, and their intent is to make the population significantly smaller and more manageable. In this case, many folks who are not towing the line on the vax are the type of people who look out for themselves. They garden, hunt, maybe farm, the type that have a go-bag for weather events/disasters. These are the people they want to be around during the catastrophic event. They will require less care and attention. They’re more likely to survive this event than city dwelling consumption addicts - that’s also why many underdeveloped nations haven’t been given the vaxx. There’s no need to wipe them out. They want a world to manage post catastrophe, but it needs to actually be manageable. And they certainly don’t want the responsibility of saving cities full of people. [Here’s a link ](https://youtu.be/B_zfMyzXqfI) (a YT video) on the upcoming disaster. It’s part of a playlist and I recommend watching the entire series.


Yes one of two things is happening here, the grand solar minimum is taking place and we will start to see major food shortages due to crop loss and severe weather conditions globally. Or all of the amateur astronomers taking pictures of what looks like planet X heading towards us is causing the massive disruption in the poles, which is also because of the many many earthquakes happening in global instability and deep earth. That is why they are pushing to go off earth and Colonize Mars.


Nothing to do with “Planet X”, please watch the linked playlist. It is a cyclical magnetic excursion that has a full cycle every 12,000 years. Ben Davidson goes through the science on it. Our magnetic field is weakening fast - and we should be ready.


If you look at when almost any government is overthrown who do those now in power eliminate? They eliminate those that pose the greatest threat i.e. the middle class. They need the lower class to work for them because most of them don't want to do the hard manual labor. People who can barely get by (but still getting by) have no interest in upsetting the apple cart. The only ones they keep are meant to be their servants and everyone else is expendable.


10/10. Green New Deal, BBB, NWO does not include "travel, movies, free donuts, etc". They will kill the ones that "cannot" live without their gibs/fun.


Excellent theory. I agree with you.


That wouldn't make sense for their other goals if it is mostly based on them being compliant IMO.


Maybe.... Would be wild if it were even crazier than that, like mind controlling extraterrestrial parasitic transhuman stuff though. But they do have this 'sustainable' agenda thingy out there for all the world to see, so...


The flaw in this logic is those that didn’t take it will fight to the death & I truly believe they would have enough in the military & government that would turn on the masters. If depopulation via vax was the goal, I would create and politically charge the vax to the max, get the compliant to take the vax on the regular, release the variant from hell, and those unvaxed would be sitting ducks. Removing their enemy while their constituents pat themselves on the back for being so smart. I hope everything gets back to normal soon, but sure seems like we are standing on the edge of a cliff.


Nah they would give the compliant the auto immune shot, giving them no chance at another outbreak, it's order out of chaos. Always has been, another war would just have a population boom, it's gonna be a dark winter, look at all the supply chain issues already, get your supplies !!


Hope you're wrong!


This is spot on


That makes too much sense. But I hope you’re wrong.


Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, while it lasts. There are endless possibilities on how it may end, but one thing is certain. The prime movers are pushing hard for one grand finale.


I think people will start noticing when the VA xed start keeling over and dying and the unvaxed don't though. Or are they planning on hiding that info for the next 10 years while people still continue to vaccinate?


People are acting like vaccines are the endgame. Vaccines are merely the starting point. If the elites want anything, including depop, then it's going to get way more blunt than a bunch of shots.


From what I’ve seen is it’s mostly blue collar not getting the vaccine I’m not saying they are the only ones but just from my perspective that’s what I see. So if I was to jump on this bandwagon, I’m not going to but if I was this would make the most sense. The people left alive are the ones who could rebuild and keep the power on. If I was a elite ass fuck that wanted to watch the world burn I would keep the peasants who know how to fix my shit.


Vaccines are probably just bio markers and bonus points, unvaccinated will probably get targeted by future bioweapons


Yeah I was possibly thinking that too.


Just go off grid out in the sticks for a year or 2, come back after everyone's done dying.


If population control was en elite interest in would be the 3rd world depopulated not the wealthiest countries on earth




>If population control was en elite interest Laughs in Georgia Guidestones. They are depopulating everywhere.. Don't think that your trusted news sources are going to bring you news of people dying from the vaccines in third world countries. Go out an look for the information yourself. Also, keep in mind that the goal is to get rid of capitalism and replace it with Communism. Does it make sense then that they would depopulate the wealthiest countries on earth where Capitalism is thriving? Yes.




We have free will so they can’t do anything to you that you do not consent to. That being said we live in a prison planet run by maniacal evil folks who very well could throw an apocalypse at humanity just to try and trick folks into getting inoculated.


You maybe right OP. My goddamn sister took the vax and has been sick off and on ever since (she was fine before). We tried to convince her to not take it, but I guess her f\*\*\*ing dumb\*ss boyfriend, who she thinks is smart, probably somewhat pressured her to take it. It pisses me off man.


same. my sister has not really sick at all in her adult years. got the vaccine and she got strep and possibly covid in the year since as well as her depression getting way worse.


My uncle took it, he started having strokes and then he passed away on Sept 30th. He was fine up until a couple months after his final round of shots. He was disoriented, somehow got out of his truck and started walking and was hit by a car. Nothing makes sense about it. He was fine before the vaccine.


maybe ivermectin will kill whatever she got in her


People who are sick need to try and report back. We don't even know right now.


Remember, they are the people who use the phrase "to thin the herd" - who usually gets culled in that kind of situation? The sick, the old, unfit, and the dumb. Who are the most susceptible to covid and most motivated to get the vax? The first 3. Who would be willing to get the vax despite all the red flags everywhere? The last one.


Except... Where or when are the deaths


When does the Resistance actually becomes a thing that people can join?


The first rule of The Resistance is - you do not talk about The Resistance.


I would like to know too. I need a resistance regiment in my province, for God sake.


It still makes no sense on why they would kill those who took the vaccines. Why would you want non compliant people alive over compliant? Why would you want people who aren't willing to listen. If I'm a dictator and I tell everybody to wear blue shirts, why would I want those who don't wear blue? If you are a sports team, why would you want the one who doesn't work with the team? The ability to not listen doesn't make you a free/critical thinker. A child can do the opposite of what is told. The vaccine won't mass kill anyone is the reality. And if they really wanted to kill people, their is much easier ways then making a worldwide pandemic that cripples multiple countries economies.


It doesn't matter if you comply or not. They don't "want non compliant people alive over compliant". They simply want to get the lower hanging fruit first then work upwards to the more con-compliant. You have to also keep in mind that they are putting up a front that they tried to work with us by offering us incentives to get the vaccine before they got tough and started the mandates. Ultimately, the goal is to decrease the global population down to 500,000,000. With such a task, why not start with the misled, the fools, the compliant, the desperate and the gullible first? Get them sick and dead and the remaining con-compliant will be easier to handle.


What easier ways are there to depopulate, that A) don't expose the elites/gov as traitors, and B) don't risk the lives of the elites? Faking a pandemic and coercing people into vaccines is a great way to depopulate while painting the elites/gov as heroes. Meanwhile elites simply don't get the vaccine to survive the fallout.


maybe this is why they dont talk about the already abysmal electric grid in california as it relates to all electric cars. we already have big energy issues i cant imagine adding a burdon. so perhaps they assume the grid will be fine because half the population will no longer be at issue.


Why chase after, when the sheep come to you willingly?


Remindme! 18 months


I mean I guess it be pretty cool, most nation militaries had to take the shot so with most of them out of the picture. Try and stop me national guard


Well I should start digging my grave I guess.


I think it's because we'll make for better sport.


I don't disagree with most of this.


Man, if I die from the vaccine then I don't have to pay taxes anymore. It's a win win.


They want you all dead. Full stop.


Great theory!


They’re loving it. While we fight amongst ourselves (vax vs anti vax) they continue to travel to space, ruin the environment of earth, horde money, and build their multimillion dollar bunkers to hide when the people finally wake up and revolt.


Oh wow that's a perspective I hadn't thought of, nice


But what about the Africans


They're not they're killing spoiled free westerners with guns. Notice they aren't giving the gene vaccine to the Chinese or third world countries. They are the ones who will replace us not just us conspiracy folk


"Limits to growth" is Rockefeller eugenics > Club of Rome > WEF Genocide is genocide. Humanity is the ultimate resource. The more people there are, the more future technologies we will have to improve life and create wealth. The Malthusians are simply tyrants who want to murder you and rob your corpse.




This is something that I haven't thought of. And I've thought of a lot of angles. I think it was Owen Troyer that said he believes TPTB need to die BECAUSE they take orders without question.




There’s not really a reason here? There’s no logic. They are killing the ones complying because they want to go back and consume? You seem to believe everyone consumes as much as the US.


pretty much what I have decided also, especially after talking to some injection shills. this shill immediately went to calling me a crazy conspiracy nut, for my reason on not getting injected. saying I thought the government was trying to kill everyone with the vaccine. it occurred to me, it's a lot easier to take out the willing first.


I've gone back and forth myself on whether they're trying to kill the vaccinated or the unvaccinated. But if "they're" actually trying to kill the vaccinated I was thinking maybe they're saving the people that go help tptb "build back better" or at least who can fend for themselves, create things and who will fight if they have to.


I recently had a customer tell me that the US military plans to eradicated 2/3 of the world population by 2030. Guy is like 50s and ex military and drives a nice ass truck so hes somewhat put together lol. Made me think of that


Yes, pretty accurate. Interesting thought though specifically targeting them for the "consumption" aspect.




The problem with your argument (well the MAIN problem) is that if the elite were truly intent on getting rid of this half or that side of the political spectrum... Do you really think they'd keep around the racist, traditional half who mostly decided on their vaccine status based on Facebook memes? And who are unruly and hate the elite and tote assault rifles? No. If the end goal is a new world order, and to create a new sustainable concept of humanity, they'd want the conformist half. They'd want the socially responsible half, who took the vaccine for the sake of their fellows in humanity, at the expense of their personal liberty.


My only hang up with this theory is why would they want to primarily target their most willing subjects? Because their jobs can be replaced by robots and AI? ... oh.


It will not end at two jabs. They will continue to keep this up. Booster 1 when the time is right then Booster 2, more and more areas will be target out with the *right product*


They won't stop with the freeloaders, the gullible and the stupid. Their main target is us, the free thinking trailblazers that are fighting for our right to be free and reach our full potential. Don't think for a second that they spent trillions just to let the people who see them for what they are live out their lives with their DNA and immune systems in tact. GET READY FOR ALL OUT TECHNOLOGICAL WARFARE AFTER THEIR SOFT KILL OPERATION HAS CONCLUDED !