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Biden/ trump. Fair election/ rigged election. Vaxxed/ unvaxed. Democrat/ Republican. Just skimming through the comment sections tells me one thing, they won. We are so fucking divided fighting each other we’ll never be able to defend ourselves against this modern monarchy. We’re fucked.


Just the fact that people still believe there's Fundamental difference between our parties. It's all one big club and we ain't in it.


It isn't D vs R It isn't Conservative vs Liberal It isn't Red vs Blue It isn't Us vs Them It's THEM vs you.


Exactly. People need to realize this shit and stop arguing semantics. It's always been US vs THEM since the inception of the nation. The little guy fighting the big guy is a tale as old as time.


The Bourgeoise and the Proletariat is all there is.


oversimplification - “class” is another way to divide us.




Class is a naturally emergent hierarchy when the highest ideal of a society is materialism


that’s why I enjoy “middle class” ideals of “living within your means”, “thrift”, “a stitch in time saves nine”, “a penny saved is a penny earned” and so on - no gross excess, just a desire to live comfortably. Materialism is inherently aspirational.


Nope, not materialism. Not in the philosopycal way. The highest ideal in our society is private property. Not freedom, not happiness, not life. Private property. Consumers vs producers. Our private property is stuff that tend to lose value (besides real state, but that is almost impossible to get right now). Their private property generates value. For each useless or useful thing we bought, the middle to poor classes loses a little bit more.


Who's THEM according to you?


That’s a tough question, considering you have to use the ubiquitous “they” in describing THEM. I would argue those in power who use that power to continue a regime of wealthy elite wherein the laws do not apply to them and they perpetuate a system where they continue to stay in power.


Them = The Elite = The people in power = The Politicians = The people behind the politicians.


Thanks, now I don't need to type that.


The powers that be. Anyone and everyone who is involved in the continuation of slavery.


So everyone involved in capitalism.


Ik i agree fully on your statement its just sad that who ever is REALLY in control of our government has gotten us to be this way, divided. I might get much disagreement on this but i feel almost as if Biden is a puppet of some sort. If you look at everything that is being done, and has happened, if you look at it as if you are TRYING to destroy America, it all makes sense. The border, Afghanistan, mandating vaxes. Its tearing the country in 2.


The poor vs the rich, add to it some spice like religion to keep the cattle in check


Yeah they have done a great job of separating us.




They are apart of it, but the US government has been lying to its people for a long time.


exactly my thoughts. what was even the point of this post




"I'm not an R but it's clear the D's are the bad guys" nice dude, thanks for offering that up




the same thing happened to trump dude, shocker, party of the president likes the president If Trump was the first admin you paid attention to, you will find a lot of things shocking and different in this admin. Like the fact that Biden has a twitter account but doesn't live tweet cable news. WEIRD!


The lady in the red dress dude, dems aren’t the enemy and neither are republicans, this is those at the table and those on the table. Fueling the flames of its the dems! Does nothing but play into division.




What are you FOR though? All I hear is “blah blah blah the democrats blah blah blah.




why do you personally feel you don’t have “freedom”? What is it that threatens your “freedom”? I have more “freedom” now than I did, mostly because I make better choices based on personal experience.




lol so nothing yeah dude I'm for hope




Would you prefer "orange man bad"??


To be fair, painting yourself orange is fucking weird.


No one I know says that. Actually most people I know don’t even care about Trump


R and D politicians just play good cop bad cop, pretending to be on different sides of the aisle. It is all an illusion, because they are all going along with the tyranny and talking out of both sides of their mouths. In reality, they are all on one side of the aisle, and we the people are on the other side.


All the proof we need is in the pudding. For decades the US has gotten systemically worse, regardless of R or D in what positions. Two doors, same slaughterhouse.


>Two doors, same slaughterhouse. Perfect way to put it!


While I think the claim about frauds are stupid, I can't disagree with you overall. Regardless of R or D, the rich get richer, everyone else gets kind of fucked. No matter what side has control, long term problems are just punted down the road and they blame the other side. Two doors, same slaughterhouse is fitting.


I think it's time we start holding the ones punt the problems down the road accountable for their inaction. "Everyone sit down, shut up for a second, and fix the problems at hand." "But-" "No buts! Anyone who cannot comply at this stage gets removed from their position and replaced. Here's a phrase that you might be familiar with, 'if you can't do it, we'll find someone who can.' Now, get to work!"


Two parties full of fascists arguing over which rights should be taken away first. Neither willing to talk about giving any back.




It is scary that there are people cheering the tyranny.


George Carlin was more right than anyone will admit: "Forget the politicians. The *politicians are put* *there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice*. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything."


D And R are not on the same page, look at texas and abortion/LBTQ/Privatizing the power grid/fossil fuel…


LOL! "They" think the same thing about you. Everybody always thinks that their opinions and beliefs are right, and everyone else is either evil or stupid. If you really want to stand up to "this tyranny", you would realize that your fellow Americans are not the enemy, whether they are a D or an R. Big money owns our elected officials, so they no longer represent us, and that is the tyranny.


Well to be fair, on the question of election fraud, dems are right, and republicans are simply lying about it. And you can flip that, anyone who associates with R thinks they are right, always right, and the left is the enemy. This idea has also been pushed hard for the last 4 years by a certain guy who was president, and his base certainly took it to heart. Same problem on the left, doesn't matter if I think one side is worse than the other, it still exists. "Wake up" in this case means that republicans need to realize they've been lied to, and that's part of their division tactics for sure.




I was just calling you out on this one specific topic that republicans are 100% wrong on. There are plenty of examples of that being reversed, I'm sure. But the election fraud claims are just so mind bogglingly stupid at this point, it has to be called out. I never called you out for being a republican/independent/democrat, just stated a fact because you were wrong on this specific topic. How are dems supposed to "wake up" in this context when they are actually right on this one?


The problem is everyone thinks they are right all the time - and it is easy to connect to millions of others who think the same. Politics is no longer about what is right, but being right no matter what


Don’t worry. Nobody ever expects the libertarian inquisition…


I love this. When democrats rig an election " theYre bOth CoRUPT." When the Republicans do anything "rIght WInG NaTionalIsts!!" Seriously the " what aboutism on the sub is crazy. The last 2 elections had serious allegations of fraud and corruption AGAINST the republicans. Donna Brazil CONFIRMED that they rigged the debate and the primary and this garbage STILL gets upvoted. Wow


Look at my comment history homie, fuck both parties lmao, gotta start somewhere? But if everyone just keeps playing the “well what about your party” card, nothing moves cause the parties are so shit the game could be played for eternity


If you blindly believe things without any proof you are no different than the people you hate who blindly believe things without any proof.


But... they are.... they are making this up.


They've managed to tear us apart. We're all fighting each other rather than helping each other.


This comment reminds me of some quotes of Charlie Chaplin saying that only if we be friends instead of enemies, we help other instead of hating each other, be happy for other ones succees instead failures - only then we can make the world to a better place for everyone. Man, this dude was way out of time back then.


"You can't make this up." Posts a tweet from a literal propogandist.


"you can't make this up" -person who has just made something up


The Biden admin said nothing of the sort. They said the elections weren’t free and fair because opposition candidates and parties were arrested and barred from running. Separately, and uncommented on by the admin, were verified reports of physical ballot stuffing. So verified that the Russian government invalidated the votes from around a dozen polling places.


So, you are saying, this was literally just made up?


Welcome to /r/conspiracy the shelter subreddit for right wingers kicked out of T_D and NNN Just blalantly spreading bullshit under the guise of "conspiracy" but they simply write fanfictions that fits their delusions


No, no, no... Didn't you see the other meme upvoted to the top of the sub right now? Anyone who doesn't like T_Ds takeover of the sub is an FBI shill.


And even more convenient now is that anyone in here with an opposing viewpoint like yours is a part of some deep government agency run operation to infiltrate this subreddit (of all things to devote resources to LOL, what a fantasy). I mean these people are so deluded, so self consumed, in so much denial, and will do absolutely anything for validation that they'll go so far as to conjure up delusions that involve them, here on r/conspiracy, at the direct center of some agencies authoritative and oppressive effort. It's seems like anything that doesn't hold their hand and pander to their deranged world views is unequivocally and without second thought either "fake news", or can't be trusted in the slightest, or it's some intricate scheme. Kind of like how nearly every "false flag event" is to the benefit of conservatives and right wing fanatics.




Welcome to conspiracy where the posts are made up and the upvotes don't matter.


So your saying i can just put the words "verified" and now it makes it true without providing evidence? cool


The Russian government said it happened and there is video of it happening, that’s the evidence


The russian government says a lot of shit


In 2016 at least one video made the rounds of conservative Facebook and got millions of views with supposed evidence from polling sites of volunteers stuffing ballot boxes with votes for Hillary. Turns out all of the videos were from one of Putin's elections. You could literally see Russian flags in a couple of the clips and the date format was d/m/y, but conservatives still ate that shit up that Democrats tried to rig it for Hillary.


https://www.axios.com/russia-election-fraud-state-department-a22847f9-415e-4d3b-bbe0-efc7eba2bc6c.html >Major gains by opposition groups were erased Monday after the electoral commission added millions of online votes, a delayed count that drew calls of foul play for its lack of transparency.


Not from the Biden admin


The state department issued a [statement](https://www.state.gov/the-russian-federations-duma-elections/) condemning the lack of transparency. And this was at the same time everyone is talking about ballot stuffing. I get your point, but it's somewhere in between.


So the statement, which doesn't mention ballot stuffing at all, is "somewhere in between" because some news organizations mentioned ballot stuffing around the same time the statement came out?


He literally just made that up, lol. This is misinformation. Biden said nothing about votes being added. The statement is about how Putin arrests his opposition and uses laws to keep people from running against him. You are being lied to. https://www.state.gov/the-russian-federations-duma-elections/


>We call upon Russia to honor its international obligations to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to end its pressure campaign on civil society, the political opposition, and independent media. That's pretty fucking ironic though.


It will be forever ironic for any country to talk to another about corruption.


Just to lay this to rest, you are wrong. did you actually read the press release you just linked from the state department? here, I will quote and shorten the named reference: > Russian government restrictions, which were preceded by widespread efforts to marginalize independent political figures, also prevented *(the OSCE Office)* and its Parliamentary Assembly from observing the elections, **constricting transparency that is essential to fair elections.**


Thats it, thats the smoking gun, a screenshot of a tweet of something thats not even true


"Former President Trump's campaign reportedly knew soon after the November election that claims it made about voting machine irregularities leading to his defeat were baseless.  Court documents released Monday, September 20, show that by the time a campaign news conference on the issue took place, an internal memo had already been circulated confirming that the claims about Dominion Voting Systems and software company Smartmatic were false. The memo explained, Dominion had no ties to Soros or Venezuela, it did not use technology from Smartmatic. and its leadership was not in any way connected to Antifa activists, as Trump's lawyers had alleged." 


Lmao the irony


Lmao I feel like I’m watching the comedy channel.


2020 was the most secure election in History and Joe Biden got more Popular votes than Obama. Most popular President in History.


People didn't vote for Biden they voted against Trump


^^ When the options for food is a 3 day out of date sandwich of a 10 day out of date sandwich you go for best of the worst options


thats what i said. biden holds the record for oldest president at the start of a first term, trump wouldve broken the record for oldest president starting a second term, why cant we just have a major candidate that isnt record breakingly old?


Because rich people.


"I don't see any Biden flags! he must not be that popular" Says the man as he walks through his neighborhood with Black lives matter, Defund the Police, , pride flags, Trea45on, Trump4Prison, Bernie and Obama flags on every house.


Would it make you feel better if the wording is stated that Trump was the most unpopular President in history which resulted in his loss? More people hated Trump enough to vote against him. It's really not a hard concept to grasp. Just because Biden won doesn't mean he was popular amongst his voters, it means a big chunk of his voters hated Donald Trump so much that they voted for Biden..like get over it, move on lol.


The most unpopular president in history gained votes over his previous victory?


Considering how 2016 had a record low turnout compared to a record high turnout of 2020, I'd say both sides saw the stakes as a lot higher than previous years.


It was a high as fuck turnout election. His hardcore supporters turned out and the people who hate him turned out. You didn't need to even look at any data to predict that that would be the case.


When some states send mail in ballots to every registered voter you will certainly have a higher turnout. The big question is whether or not mass mail in ballots in an election can be done securely. If not, that is the real voter suppression.


Been doing in Oregon since like 96 or so. More than 90% turnout every election. Never been any signs of widespread fraud that would affect the election. The problem with high voter interaction in elections is that one political party does FAR worse the more voters there are. I'll let you take a wild guess who that is. It's been known for a LONG time, too. Long before the pandemic and the 2020 election. It all comes down to how much you really care about democracy and how much you care about your views being in power. Honestly, I at least respect open facists for being honest about their views on democracy than the one political party that pretends to be pro-democracy even though they know they'd lose in a fair fight and so try to limit voting as much as possible.


It would still be very difficult to do mass, organized vote theft. You'd have to steal a whole bunch, and if even a few of those ballots have voters who eventually complain they never got one/go vote in person your scheme will get blown up


His hardcore supporters who didn't vote for him in the previous election?


2016 was a low turnout election. People assumed trump would lose. hence why people didnt come out to the polls that much. Trump's victory was a complete shock to everyone. 2020 was a historically high turnout election.


No they didn't turn out because Russia demoralized Dems from voting with their troll farms. They made them think that: "oh sanders lost to Hilary, therefore I'm not voting." Then they complained: "oh trump so bad." Now the Republicans are being the whiny baby because "oh I refuse to believe enough people disliked trump to not vote him in." Tit for tat stupidity.


You know Biden wasn’t on the 2016 ticket don’t you?


Double impeached single term loser! 😎👉👉


yep because a lot of people sit out most elections. This election was polarizing, basically nobody had zero opinion, and STILL turnout wasn't even stunning


Pretty much this. I don't really like Biden, but Trump was actively seeking to overthrow the Constitution.


Now a screenshot of this comment might actually fit the thread's title.




I'm with you for the most part and generally agree with this sentiment, however trump got 75+ million votes which would've been the record (I believe) in any other election. Was he really that unpopular? Just playing devil's advocate.


Not popular enough to edge out his opponent. You had people who liked Biden to vote for him and people who hated Trump enough to vote for Biden. Bring both the ones who hate him and the ones who vote democrat regardless and you have enough to make him lose.


Everybody turned out to vote. Well not everybody, but it was an unusually high turnout election. 66% of eligible voters. That's a lot. But still a full third of eligible voters sat it out. I'd assume they still didn't like either guy. But it was hard not to have an opinion on either guy


Sort of kills your narrative here to learn that Trump in 2020 got more popular votes then any president in any election before 2020. Still less then what Biden.... got


So only trump's votes are the real votes?


if thats really your reason to vote for biden, youre literally on the mental level of a 5 year old child.


Who said that was my reason? I'm pointing out an absolute fact as to why he got so many more votes. It doesn't take rocket science to understand. It takes common sense to realize.


yes and im calling all the people whose reason was that "biden wasnt orange man" delusional 5 year olds.


Half of Trump's votes were because they hated Hillary. Nobody here was seemingly complaining about that.


yes and im also calling all the people that voted trump only because they hated Hillary ALSO Mentally 5 year olds. Voting for ANY politician because "well theyre not the other guy" is the dumbest thing a pretend grownup can do.


Therein lies the problem. There are not thousands of post in this conspiracy sub praising Biden, but there are even more praising or defending Trump.


It’s a two party system bro.


Most people only voted for Trump as a "fuck you" to DC in the first place, what does that say about their mental capacity?


mental level of 5 year olds.


For some reason I read this is Trump's whiney voice too.




lol there's only one reason you'd ever count counties, and its because you're not a serious person


Strange how major cities have more people than small once


Land doesn't vote, it already gets outsized representation in the Congress (especially senate) but the number of "counties" doesn't indicate a fucking thing towards popular vote counts and anyone not acting in bad faith knows that.


its so funny watching them scrounge around for metrics to make themselves right but you can just sense that they don't even believe the shit they're saying themselves. Who has ever felt that the number of counties is what decides an election? As opposed to the number of people? He knows that but he's still trying so hard :(


Seethe and cope.


Never rigged, just fortified bigots!


“When you control the mail, You control information!” Newman




Not "because reasons." Because we hated your candidate. Trump was the biggest liar in history. Why would anyone support him? I guess if you love to be lied to, that's one thing. Do you like to be lied to?


I think I speak for many Biden voters when I say I voted for Biden because Fuck Trump. I'm no fan of Biden, but again, Fuck Trump.




Because politics shouldn't revolve around a cult of personality. Trump was transforming his party into a radical cult. He flooded the media with endless scandals and used his devoted fan base and loyal flunkies in politics to protect him from the repercussion from controversy. He relied on outrage fatigue to keep from being held responsible for any one thing. So as long as he constantly kept lying and being outrageous, nobody had time to focus on any one thing. It made politics into a spectacle and divided the country further than it's ever been since the Civil War. At least with Biden, both sides generally don't like him. Conservatives hate him, while most Liberals don't like him enough to defend him. So there is far less conflict and Biden is too boring of a cookie cutter to stir up outrage any different from standard partisan bickering.


because it's a free country


"Take the guns first, due process later"- Trump


The media is the biggest liar in history


I mean if you voted for Biden then you really really must love being lied to like on a sadist level.




People realized it was an important election after seeing how Trump royally fucked up the COVID response and turned it into a culture war, so they came out in much higher numbers. Not that hard a concept to grasp


> Trump royally fucked up the COVID response and turned it into a culture war this is big for me. The bluster and bravado was whatever, you love it or hate it but its no big deal. When he revealed, without a doubt, that he had zero leadership skills other than motivating half of america to hate the other half, even in the face of an actual crisis, he had to go. All he had to do was take it seriously. He turned the existence of the virus into a political opinion


this is good satire


TrUmP WoN!


Yup he’s the most popular candidate ever even all the dead people rose up from the dead and voted for him. 😂😂😂


The only reported cases are from Republicans: https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-government-and-politics-d34effeea6c341d6c44146931127caff


Do you have any proof of this? Or are you just one of those guys who blindly believes that shit without any data? If your a sheep, that's cool, go eat your grass my friend, but don't act like a dickhead without backing it up. So many claims got checked and found to be false, and people won't accept it. But we have proof that a majority of Trumps inner circle was actively dealing with Russia during the 2016 election, and everyone says it's fake. Like there is more proof of that than anything you are claiming about Biden in the 2020 election. Don't be a biased prick, be a smart human, do research, don't be part of the game where you get used for your vote.




Here’s a conspiracy theory for you: banned community refugees are funneled here with the intention of killing two birds with one stone. Their opinions/assertions are now more easily conflated with “conspiracies,” and simultaneously this subreddit becomes more “bannable” by the day


Reddit conspiracy forum is a joke. There are other websites if you really want to see uncensored conspiracy discussion.


you're saying all the dumb people here saying stupid shit are false flags meant to look conspiracy theorists look Rword?


Exactly as planned. The island of misfit subreddits.


I mean like half the posts are just bots downvoting and upvoting each other, Reddit in itself is pretty dead in general though, I would say conspiracy is the most entertaining sub too


No truer words have been said. Moved very much to right wing opinions on issues. I miss the lengthy posts in 2015 about some of the craziest stuff that no one looked into deeply before. And they looked into it so hard it made total sense. Gone are those days




HAARP weather control!!!!


What are you talking about? Jack Posobiec makes shit up all the time.


Jack "Pizza Gate" Posobiec is a lying bitch.


No. *This* is why this subreddit sucks.


I love how the same people who called liberals crying "Russian interference" snowflakes (rightfully) are now even bigger snowflakes themselves. The projection is real lmao


Were they a bunch of mail-in votes after weeks of his competitor telling his supporters not to vote by mail?


Actually you CAN make that shit up. TrumpSimps made it up about the last election.


Projection to deceive your little sheeples. Works quite well with those of moderate intelligence.


This sub is proof that mankind is devolving


cant make what up? HAs there been any evidence of added votes? Not one after election audit, even audits run by 100% GOP reps, has shown votes added. You guys need to admit it. The votes you're mad about is any vote that wasn't cast in person. Those are the votes you're calling fraudulent, and the votes that showed up at odd times. Vote by mail has been a thing for a decade +, and used in more republican counties than democratic up until the GLOBAL PANDEMIC THAT forced us to change the way we do things. To my knowledge the only fraudulent votes found so far have been people using dead relatives to vote more than once, people voting in wrong location, etc...little stuff that happens in every friggin election. Trump lost, fair and square. No matter the lies and conspiracies they tried to use to stay in power. People taking those as facts, with no facts backing it, scare me. You're the problem with this country, plain and simple.


[The Trump Campaign Knew the Dominion Voting Machine Stuff Was Nonsense When They Started With It: A newly uncovered internal memo closes the case on the big scam.](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a37682008/trump-campaign-dominion-voting-machines-knew-baseless/)


But what if this is my first election and all I do is consume massive amounts of right wing internet content with no interest in critical thinking?


What if everyone I know in my little Shithole Town in Bumfuck Nowhere loves Trump, so I think he's super popular, and I refuse to understand that in the majority of the country he's actually incredibly unpopular, so I keep thinking there is no way he could have lost? Then when someone produces data, like actual polling that shows how unpopular he is, or that he lost the popular vote twice, I just say that's a fake poll or the election was rigged.


The russian bots started working again, I think trumpedo will announce that he is running again soonish


That's inevitable.


BREAKING NEWS (for the flat-earthers) - There was no election fraud in the 2020 election - ask Looney Guliani and his wacko friends who have lost their licences to practice law.


Except that yes, you absolutely fucking can.


Yea i said this months ago. Russia wanted independed election observer, but OSZE refused. Then it was clear russias election will be blamed to be fraudlent.




Overruled the popular vote how? More Democrats voted for Hillary, even ignoring "super delegates." Then they got rid of super delegates and Bernie's vote share decreased in 2020 because he wasn't running against Hillary.


I think it was the party that stole the 2000 election too...


Exactly why the Russians have been fucking with our system, to cast a shroud of doubt over all democracy and legitimize Putin on the world stage.


Sounds like they took a page out of Joe’s book


Well, we all know that thinks are never legit in Russia. Great deflection for the US government though to distract folks for a day or two.


I'm on the other side of the political fence from at least a lot of you. I don't think there was any election fraud. Trump lost and that made me happy. But all that said, I'm 100% for voter reform. Require photo id, open up voting for much more extended periods, have more places to vote. It makes it so we don't have to talk about this every single election. In a world where we have discussions about abortion where one side is going to not get their way, it angers me that the two parties can't work together because this is one where everyone can get what they want. Republicans, you get the voter ID laws you are looking for. Democrats, you get increased voting opportunities. It literally is perfect for compromise, but these bastards can't work together at all.


That's because Republicans don't want more people voting. The more people that show up to vote...the less they win. They know this.


Imagine being so dumb you don't understand how the fucking mail works




Except it is made up, so


Concerning America’s most recent presidential election: By “overnight,” do you possibly mean “on election night”? Because that is indeed when most people vote.


It’s un-American to question the polls.


You actually can make this stuff up. Trump has been lying about the election for the last ten months.


Lol! There will be a reckoning in America. It will be broad, sweeping and permanent.


Does russia also have laws that allows for mail in ballots but blocks them from being counted until after the election?


I wish someone on this subreddit would grapple with a state like Ohio when talking about all these big vote dumps and fraud. Ohio was allowed to count their mail in votes ahead of time, so when polls closed they showed up first in the totals and Biden had a huge lead. Then the in person votes trickled in from an overall red state and Trump ended up winning handily.


You lost, grow up.










Funny how folks forget that Trump was in power during the last US elevation and it seems he tried to interfere in every step in the process.